ljc unco, Ntuj'BIoomfiel 3a lit flo0mfUIb ftmts. Tuesday, August 19, 1873. LOCAL D E PA 11 TMENT. t tr Nutlet nf Mnrrlnveit snd Deaths not cxf po'ltiw four linos, will he inserted free, nncl frlfii'lH throuKliuut the county arts rcqurHU-U to sewl nucli notices lu. tW Tributes nf Itiwrwt, Poetry, Ac, will Invariably be cutirKccl for at the rate of fivk cents ier Hue. Piincannon, Uloomflrid & LoysTlHo It. B. THIS Company now being duly organized Is prepared to rcculve .subscript Ions to the Cap iliil Mock. Subscription blanks can be had at the lVrry County Hank, or of either of thoolllcers o the Company at BlooinhVM, or of W. K. Swartz, at Duncunnon. Mr. James Mclllienny has also been appointed an Agent for receiving Subscrlp. tlons. The Directors of the Company urgo upon the citizens or the County, the Importance of prompt action so that the work of grading the load call be commenced this season. F. MoRTiMEit, President, J. T. MrlNTIKE, WM. A. SrONSLKH, Kecrclarv. Treasurer. Moomflcld, May Si, 1973. Don't do it. Some of our subscribers complain that postmasters are demanding 20 cents, or ono year's postage in advance. They have no right to make any such de mand. Subscribers can pay quarterly, iu advance if thoy prefer bo to do, and we adviso them not to pay for more than six months (ten cents,) until it is scon if some chango will riot be mado in tho law. Postmasters who demand a year's postage in advance exceed their authority. The Rain of Wednesday and Thursday, extended over a great portion of the country, doing considerable damage to property. In New York, New Jersey, Maryland and Ohio, the railroads suffered, tracks being washed away in many places, preventing the running of the trains. Iu Philadelphia the streets in some portions of the city were three feet under water. .Corn Whisky. On Saturday evening Mr. Ed. Miller arrived in town with a keg con taining twelve gallons of whisky, which he concluded to leave in his wagon until after he got his supper. By that time however, some one had removed it for him, and he felt bad about it, as he said he had bought it to give his friends. On Sunday the peculiar movements of some young fellows attracted tho attention of Mr. Henry Rice and the consequence was he found where tho keg was hid in his corn field. Three gallons of tho stuff was missing at the time. Towards evening tho buzzing around of certain chaps, when they learned that tho keg had been moved, was very nmusing. As Mr. Millor bought the whisky, he says for the purpose of giving to his guests and friends, (it is as tonishing how liberal somo people are,) be ought to feel grateful to them for taking it without giving him the troublo of dealing it out. HcaTJ Rain. B. M. Mclntiro, Esq., who keeps a complete weather record makes the following report about the rain of last week : Last week we had the greatest fall of water, that has occurred at any one time iu this section of Pennsylvania, for twonty five years. On Tuesday the 12th, at seven o'clock P. M., the rain commenced, and at eight o'clock A. M., 'Wednesday, had ceas ed during which time there had fallen, two inches and three tenths. At nine o'clock P. M., same day rain again began falling, and continued to eight o'clock A. M., Thursday, in which there fell three inches and seven tenths. At 9 o'clock A. M., same day, rain again commenced and continued to three P. M. when it ceased, there fell one inch and eight tenths. Whole time raining, thirty hours, quanti ty of rain that fell, sevon inchos and eight tenths, consequently there full on each acre of the earth over eleven hundred and sixty two and two-tenths tons of water, allowing an inch of rain water to weigh fifty seven hundredths of an ounce. Camp Meeting Incidents. At the Sandy Hill camp on Sunday a horse belonging to Geo. Hall, in Carroll twp., dropped dead while the rider was on him, The horse had been rode around just previously but at the time ho full, the young man who was riding him had stopped to talk to some friend. While two parties from the neighborhood of Sherman's Creek were racing their horses home from camp tho spindle of one of the buggies broke, dumping the young men suddenly into the road, but fortu nately hurting none of tho parties. A young man from this place accom panied by two young ladies had the mis fortune to smash a wheel while driving around the camp. Another horse while being fed out of the 'vehicle to which she was tied, became frightened and pulled the carriage over on to her, making things look lively for a minute or so. Forunately the young men who bad driven the animal succeded in cutting the halter before tho carriage was dragged any distance. Church Notices. Preaching in the Reformed Church next Sabbath at 2 o'clock P. M. Catochotlcal instruction on Thursday at 2J o'clock, ulso in the evening. Preaching in the Lutheran Church next Sunday at 9 o'clock P. M. Prayerineetiug on Wednesday evening. To The Citizens of Pennsylvania. Your attention is specially invited to tho fact that the National Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the Centennial Board of Finance. The funds realized from this source are to be employed iu tho erection of the buildings for the International Exhibition, and' tho expenses connected with tho same. It is confidently believe that tlie Keystone State will be represented by the name of every citizon alive to patriotic commemoration of tho ono hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares of stock are offered for $10 each, and subscribers will receive 'a Jiandsomo steel cngravod Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Iutorcst nt tho rate of six per cont per annum will be paid on all paymonts of Contcnnial Stock from date of payment to January 1st, 1S7C. Subscribers who are not near a National Bank can remit a check or post-ottico order to tho uudorsigncd. FHEDK. FRALEY, Treasurer, 901 Walnut St., Philadelphia. A Cow iu a Fix. A cow belonging to Ananias Ilorting, of Granville township, got horsolf iu a fix a short time since. She failed to come home with the other cow ono night, and search being mado in tho woods, ho was found standing by a sap ling, around which her tail was tied fast. It is supposed that in switching after flies, the tail wound around tho tree, and ' the long hairs tied thomselves. At any ratu tho cow was fast and must have died of starvation, had sho not been found and re leased. Lcwutoirn Democrat. Land Slide. A heavy landslide occurred on Tuesday night about two miles west of Black Log, in the Lewistown Narrows, filling tho track with tho debris of trees, rock, soil, etc., causing considerable deten tion to tho diffurout passenger trains. The Cincinnati express, Philadelphia express and fast lino cast, and southern express and Pacific express west, wore compelled to pass around by way of Lowistown and Sunbury. By evening the track was again clear. A I! ill). Tho editor of the Sclinsgrove Timet talks about Perry county justice as follows : "John 8. Burd and Wm. Berrier of Perry county were mulcted in 8.00 dam ages for depositing sawdust in a stream so as to render the water unfit for uso and de stroying tho fish in the stream. In the samo court John Strouso and Irvin Nailor of Millerstown were each lined $20.00 and costs for driving a horse to death. About $25,00 fine we presume would bo the pen alty in Perry county for deliberate mur der. . Road Proceedings had at August Term. Duncan's island bridge. Josiah R. Dunbar vs. tho Commissioners of Perry and Dauphin counties. Rule to show causo why the said Commissioners and Christian llcikcl should not be re strained from beginning or conducting the erection of a bridge across tho Juuiata' river from Duncan's Island, in Dauphin county, to a point in Perry county, on land late tho estate of Cornelius Raskins, de ceased. This bridge is to be erected at a cost not exceeding $18,000, as per act of Assembly of 24th March, 1873. August 7, 1873, tho defendants having filed their answer to bill in equity, denying many of tho allegations of facts therein contained, the Court hereby appoint Calvin Neilson, Esq., examiner to report tho evidence on 24 hours notico ; and furthor, that ho re port to this Court by 10 o'clock A. M., of Thursday, the 14th of August, 1873. KOAD PUOCEKDINGS. Robert Neilson, John Dum and William Shoibley, Sr., appointed to view and vacate old road from Markloville to Middlo Ridge road iu Juniata township. John Ilagor, Jacob Sheibly and Z. Rico, Esqs., appointed to view and change road at Lackey's run in Carroll township, to ob tain bettor site for a proposed township bridge. George II. Ilench, George II. Martin and James Woods, Esq., were appointed com missioners tq ascertain whether Samuel M. Evcrill and Elkhanna Fuller should be changed from a school district in Savillu, to a school district in Madison township. Solomon Bower, Gcorgo Wentz, Jr., and David Gutshall, appointed ro-viowers on petition to vacate portion of a publio road near Centre Church, iu Madison towuship. API'KOVKD NISI. Report of viewers granting a road from Eschol, in Savillo, to Bixlur's Mill, in Ju niata township, awarding $55 damages to Samuel lieulor, $20 to Samuel Lupfur and $5 to James Blain. Report granting road from near John Bixlur's in Madison, to lino between said Bixler and Daniel Freeman. Report of reviewers refusing to grant privato road petitioned for by James II. Dovor, Esq., of Tuscarora township. confirmed. Report granting a road from Anderson burg to Stony Point school house, Madison township. Report granting road from near Hiram Jackson's to red barn of Isaac Whitmer, in Liverpool township, 07 rods long. VIEWERS AI'J'OINTED. D. M. Korr, Wm. A. Mcmingcr and Abraham Fry, appointed to review road from Bixler's mill, in Juniata township, to north end of now road from point of rocks to near Ferguson's blacksmith shop, iu Centre township. E. Owen, Moses Stono and Joseph Lep pard appointed to view privato road peti tioned for by Jacob Kinert, in Rye town ship. D. Kistlor, Honry ICopnor and Michael Ickos, appointed to vacate road from Hen ry's Valley to top of Blue Mountain, iu Jackson and Toboyue. George Swartz, O. Roth and John With row, appointed Commissioners to deter mine quality and value of land of David Bixler, taken by school directors of Juniata township.for school purposes, and day de signated tor their meeting. Special Term. Tho Court convened on Thursday last to take into consideration the matter, of grant in an injunction to restrain the county Com missioners and contractor from proceeding with the erection of tho Bridge over the Juniata River nt Duncan's Island. The complainant in this action was Josiah It. Dunbar, of Newport, who alleged that fraud and improper motives had iulluenced the Commissioners in the awarding of the contract. After taking the testimony in the caso before a Commissioner appointed for that purpose ; the counsel for complain ant announced in open Court, that ho did not consider that the allegations of the Bill are sustained by tho evidence, and thorcfore did not feel it his duty to press the case. Whoroupon the Court rofuso to issue an injunction, and dismiss the bill at the costs of tho complainant. Juniata County. From the Mifllintowu papers of last week we copy tho following: Two of tho hotel keepers wero prosecu ted last week for alleged violation of tho " Local Option law." They both waived a hearing and entered bail for their appear ance nt the September Torm of Court. Tho Juuiata County Agricultural 8o cioty,will hold their anual fair, on Tucsd.iy, Wednesday and Thursday, October 7th, 8th and 0th, 1873. G. M. Giiauam, Cor. See. The contract for building the court house was awarded on Monday last, to Messrs. Hotrick & Floishor, of Newport, Perry county, for tho sum of $48,000 thoy furnish all the material including tho brick. On Monday morning as Dr. Thomas A. Elder, accompanied by his sister, Miss Annie, was driving through the country, visiting his patients, and descending a hill near Locust Grovo, in Milford township, the hoi-BO took fright at somo men who wore at work on tho road, and, turning suddenly around, the buggy careened, throwing out its occupants. The buggy being right side up the horse started for homo at a rapid rato of speed, but mooting a wagon at tho hill beyond Patterson, tho horsa turned out of the way and in so doing upsot tho buggy over an embank ment, demolishing it and dotaching him self therefrom. Tho Dr. and Miss Annie escaped uninjured. A correspondent from Juniata county also sends tho following : On Thursday au old man named Tobias Kreider, of Greenwood twp., was drowned in Homing's Run. The water was very high and carried off the bridge on which ho was standing at the time, though warned that it was not a safe place. Up to this timo tho body has not been recovered. On the samo day as the above Samuel Wilson was drowned while trying to swim a creek near Waterford. He was remon strated with but persisted in tho attempt with fatal result. The body was not re covered when our informant left the vicin ity. A landslide occurred at the Rock near Perrysvillo, on Friday, which delayed tho trains somewhat. Cumberland Co. The following is the ticket nominated by tho conventions at Caiiislo last week. DEMOCRATIC. Assembly, William B. Butler, of Mount Holly Springs j Sheriff', Joseph Totten, of Mechanicsburg j Treasurer, Leven H. Or ris, of Fiaukford twp.; Commissioner, Jacob Barber, of Lower Allen twp.; Di rector of tho Poor, Wm. F. Swigert, (3 years.) of North Middlotown twp.; F. M. Hutchinson, (2 years.) of Monroe twp.; Auditor, Charles E. Wolf, of South Mid dletowntwp.; Jury Commissioner, Charles W. Hall, of Carlislo ; Coroner, David Smith, of Carlisle. HEFCDLICAN. Assembly, C. P. Humrich, Esq., Car lislo ; Sheriff, Geo. J. Dcitrich, Shiremans town ; Treasurer, II. B. Hoch, of South ampton ; Commissioner, S. Eppley, of North Middletown ; Directors of the Poor, John Maul, Monroe twp., 8 years ; David Foglcsongor, Hopewell twp., 2 years ; Jury Commissioner, Jacob Bashore, Hampton twp. ; B. R. Btoufl'er, of Middlosex twp., was nominated for Auditor by acclamation, and F. C. Kennedy, of Carlisle, for Cor oner. On Friday of last week, whilst a party of men had sought shelter in tho bridge near Newburg, during a thunder Btorm, the bridgo was struck by lightning, and a son of Tims. Skinner of this place, was thrown against the side of the bridge, bo violently as to break his nose. The balance of the party escaped injury. Shippentburg New. The Valley Sentinel says : Mr. John Wilhowur, iu going from Carlisle on Wednesday last where he had been attend ing market, came near losing his life in the Conodoguinit creek which he was attempt ing to cross near the meeting house springs, a few miles above Carlisle, which was greatly swollen from the recent rains. When in the middlo of the creek, lie found that his horses and wagon were being swept down the stream. Mr. W. was sev eral times under water, but fiually succeed ed in reaching the bank saving the horses and wacgon, but lost a number of articles swept from the wagon. Uriel ItciiiM. A The young man who is paid for taking charge of the clock should be "docked ' a portion of his pay every time the clock is pllowed to run down. Better have no clock than to have it stopped a portion of the timo. The cornor stone of the new Lutheran church at Mt. Holly Springs, says the Ncho, will be laid on tho 10th of August. Neighboring ministers are expected to be present, and also one or more from abroad. A most terriflo rain, hall and thunder storm passed over the upper end of the valley ou Tuesday. Hail fell in Hagers town as large as walnuts. The hotel keeper at Boiling Springs has come to grief. All ou account of Local Option. Next. IllnoinhVIil Academy. On Monday next, August 25th, the new torm opens with Rev. John Edgar, and Prof. A. M. Markel, of last term, assisted by the Misses E. M. Green and M. Harmon, of Philadelphia, tho first for Drawing and Painting, the last for Instrumental and Vocal Musio. Special attention will be given to the train ing of teachers in tho usual English branch es, including School Economy, taught both by text book and lecture. 137 Dcmorcst's Monthly Mngav.ine for Sep tember Is rich In literary dovoIUcb, and also (fives a fine display of I ho new Full Fashions. Domorcst seems to outbid all his cotcmporai'cs in the value of Premiums to his subscribers ho announces on astounding offer for 1874, of tho larjje and celebrated chromo, "The Old Oaken Bucket," after Jeromo Thompson, and ecvoral other equally largo and valuable Ciromos, "Tho Captive Child," "Home, Swoct Home," and " After the 8torm," for the ensuing years, worth $15 each. This Is certainly unparallel ed, and we wonder how It can bo done. Send for Cl-cular. Address W. Jennings Demorest, 8U8 Broadway, N. y. Ballou's Maoazinb for September. This Mngazlno, a universal favorite with all classes of society, is Issued for September, is brim full of gonulno matter, such as Interests all readers. It has a whaleman's story, adventures In the Indinn country, and other beautiful stories, In addition to a well-prepared paper on Brazil, a lino selection of Poetry, among which Is a poem by Miss Mosby. All tho back numbers from January supplied by the publishers, Thomcs & Talbot, UG Bromlleld Street, Boston, and for sale at all periodical stores in tho country. FOR LOSS OF APPETITE, Dyspepsia, In digestion, Depression of the Spirits, and Gon eral Debility, in their various forms, Feuro PitospoKATBD Elixir op Calisaya made by Caswell, Hazard fc Co., New York, and sold by all druggists, is the best tonic. As a stim ulant tonic for patients recovering from fever or other sickucss, it has no equul. If taken during tho season it prevents fever and aguo and other Intermittent fevers. 33(14 w Wanted. Local agents are wanted to sell tho Singer Sewing Machino, in each of the following places. Duncannon, New Buffalo, Liverpool, Millerstown & Marys villo. To good men who will give the work proper attention, liberal inducements will be given. Apply to F. Mortimor, New Bloumficld, who is general agent for Perry county. tf. Children often look Pale and Sick from no'otlier cause than having worms In the stomach BKOWN'9 VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without Injury to the child, being perfectly WHITE, and free from all color ing or other Injurious Ingredients usually used In worm preparations. CURTIS BROWN, Proprietors, , t No. 215 Fulton Street, Now York. Sold by Druggists and Chemists, anil dealers in Medicinet at Twentv-Fivb Cents a Box. 27blyr. The Household Panacea, and ' Family Liniment is the best remedy In the world for the following complaints, viz. i Cramps In the Limbs aud Stom ach, Pain In the Stomach, Bowols. or Side, Iiheu matlsm In all Its forms, Bullous Colic, Neuralgia Dysentery, Colds, Fresh Wounds, Burns, Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains and Bruises, Chills and Fever. For Internal and External use. Its operation Is not only to relieve the patient, but entirely removes the cause of the complaint. It penetrates aud pervades the whole system, re storing healthy action to all Its parts, and quick ening the blood. THE HOUSEHOLD panacea 18 PVUKLY Vegetable and All Healing. Prepared by CCRTI3& BROWN, No. 215 Fulton Street, Now York For sale by all druggists. : -27Ulyr. $ $ j ; Time Tests the Merits or all Things ! 1810 FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS, 1872 PI3URY DAYIS PAIN-KILLER Has been tested In every variety of climate, and by almoBt every nation known to Americans. It Is the constant companion and Inestimable friend of the missionary and the travcler,on sea or land, aud no one should travel on our Lakes or River without It. Since the PAIN-KILLER was first intro duced, and met with such extensive sale, many Liniments, Reliefs, Panaceas, and other reme dies have been offered to the public, but not one of them has ever attained the truly envia ble standing of the PAIN-KILLER. WHY IS THIS SO 1 It Is because DAVIS' PAIN-KILLER is what it claims to be a Reliever of Pain. ITS MERITS ARE UNSURPASSED. If you are suffering from INTERNAL PAIN, Twonty or Thirty Drops la a Little Water will almost Instantly core you. There Is nothing to equal It for . COLIC, CRAMP8, SPASMS, HEART-BURN, DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, FLUX, WIND IN THE BOWELS, SOUR STOMACH, DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE. In sections of the country where FEVER AND AGUE prevails, there Is no remedy held in greater esteem. Persons traveling should keep It by tbem. A few drops, lu water, will prevent sick ness or bowel troubles from chango of water. From foreign countries the calls for PAIN KILLER are great. It Is found to CURE CHOLERA WHEN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAIL. WHEN USED EXTERNALLY, AS A LIN IMENT, nothing gives quicker ease In Burns, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Stings from Insects, and Scalds. It removes the Are, and the wound heals like ordinary sores. Those suffering with RHEUMATISM, GOUT, or NEURALGIA, If not a positive cure, they find the Pain-Killer gives them relief when no other romody will. IT GIVES INSTANT RELIEF FROM ACHING TEETH. EVERY HOUSE-KEEPER SHOULD KEEP IT AT HAND, and apply It on the first attaek of any l'ulu. It will give satisfactory relief, and save hours of sullerlng. Do not trills with yourselves by testing un tried remedies. Be sure yon call for and get the genuine FAIN-KILLER, as many worth less nostrums are attempted to be sold on the great reputation of this valuable medicine. W Directions accompany each bottle. Price iJ5 Ccuts i 60 ceuts and f 1 per Dottle. August 19, 1873 lw Thirty Years' Experience of an old Si urge. , Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Byrup is the ' prescription of one of the best Female Physi cians and Nurse in the United Htatos, and has been used for thirty years with, never falling safe ty and success, by millions of mothers and chil dren, from the feeble Infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, re- lloves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. We believe It to be the Bost and Surest Remedy In the World In all cases of DYSENTEKY and DIAR RHC1SA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from Teething or from any other cause. Full direc tions for using will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the facsimile of CURTIS & PERKINS Is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. 27 b lyr ' Removed. R. H. "Wright has removed his photograph gallery to tho building nearly opposite Mortimer's Store, and has it fitted up so that he is prepared to take pictures of all sizes in the best manner. Sugars. Now is tho time to buy your Sugars for preserving. Prices are lower than they have been for ten years. Call at F. Mortimer's, and examine the quality aud hear the prices. County Trico Current. 1 Bloomtibld. August 18, 1873. Flax-Seed, 1 60 Potatoes, 7i Butter V pound, 15 cents. Eggs V dozen, 1(1 " Dried Apples V pound . 3 cts " Dried Peaches 8 12cts.yB. PealedFeaches , 12 18 cts. " Cherries 5 cts. " " Pitted...... 1518cts. " Blackberries 6 6 cts. " , Onions V bushel, 75" CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLT. Carlisle, August 111. 1373. Family Flour J7.50 Buperllne Flour B 00 ' Superline Rye Flour, 4.00 White Wheat 1.40 Red Wheat, 135 Rye 60 Corn 45 Oats 3. Cloverseed, , 4.75 Timothyseed, 3.50 Flaxseed, 1.80 U. A. Salt 1.80 KEWPOKT MAHKET8. Corrected Weekly by Kaugh, Snyder t Co. DEALERS IN GIIA.IN Ac PKODUCE. NEWPORT, August in, 1373. Flour, Extra 7 00 " Super. 6 00 White Wheat ) bu 1 70 Red Wheat 1 50 1 50 Rye ..: 70 Corn 4545 ' Oats V 32 pounds,. 35 Barley 75 Clover Seed 44 60 Timothy Seed .... 2 50 Flax Seed 1 50 Potatoes,....". 60 Ground Altimn Salt, 2 00 Liuieburner's Coal, 2 40 Stove Coal 4 50 5 50 Pea Coal 3 00 Smith Coal 25 cts. Vbxs. Cross Tles,8H feet long 50 50 cents Bacon, 7 12 . FISH, SALT, LIME AND C'OAl. Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the Lowest Market Kates. a- Five per cent off for Cash. , Philadelphia Price Current. CORRECTED WEEKLY Br J. O. McNauKbton, Joe. Eshclmau, w. D. Eshelmuu J. C. McXauglUoii & Co., (Estsbliihed 1887.) (Successors to Postletbwalte, McNaughtou Si Co.,) ' General Commission Merchants, No. 264 South Front St. CoUBlKUmeuU of Lumlwr, Grain, Fruit, Poultry ,lluttfcr, Ekym, Game, &c., Bjliclted. Philadelphia, August 10, 1873. Flour Superline, t 4 60 5 00 " Extra, . 600 0'TOO i " Fancy ., .10 00 11 00 White Wheat, , 2 00 & 2 00 , Red Wheat, . 1 55 1 Go Kye, '' " 76 75 ' " Cloverseed, 7 (i 8 perl Timothy Seed, - . v 3 00 & 3 50 bush Corn, 65 e . 57 Oats, white, 45 ' 47 Oats, mixed, ' ' ' 89 41 Lard, country, 9 per ft Onions, red and yellow, B OO 7 00perbbl Eggs, , . 20 21 Butter prime roll . 14 18 " common, 10 12 Wool washed, 45 60'perH. " unwashed 25 30perfc Spring Chickens, IS 0 20 " Live " II 8 II " Feathers Live Geese prime, 70 & 75 " " " "Inferior, 25 ' 0 Vi ' ' Leonard Fbt On the evening of the 84th of July, at the residence of James Baker in Tuscarora township, by the Rev. Wm. Qulglcy, Mr. William R. Leonard to Miss Maltlo Fry, both of Perry county, Pa; The Most Attractve Subscription Book Published This Year, IN SEARCH Or THE CASTAWAYS : A Roinantle Narrative of the Loss of Captain Grant of the Brig "Brltanna," and of the Adventures of Ills Children and Friends lu his Discovery aud Rescue. Em bracing the Description of a , Voyuge around the World. . 1 JiY JUJiLS VJSUN1C, Author of " Twenty Thousand Leagues under the KVa," etn. 170 FINE ENGRAVINGS! OUO PAGES. Price Kl.50. AGENTS WANTED. For dlscvlptlve circulars, terms, territory, etc, address J. B. LIPPINCOTT, & CO. 31- 2" Publishers, Philadelphia. WHAT WOMEN" WANT. A book containing Information of great Importance, sent free for two stamps. Address, Mrs. 11. MeUgtar, Hanover, l'a. HI 4 1.