Philadelphia Advertisements. Iloletoi Honse, ON THE EUROPEAN FLAN, - No. 23, South Tenth Street, ; PHILADELPHIA. J. W. HOLETON, . . Proprietor. TUTS Hotel han connected With It a Tumps st ance Dining Room for ladles and gentlemen, where meals are served at all hours, at reasonable prices. 7 10" - A Private Dlnlnit Room for ladles and hildren has also been added to the accommoda tions of the house. ST. ELMO HOTEL, (FOHMEItLY "THE UNION,") . JOS. M. FEW EH, Proprietor, 81? & 819 ARCH STREET, 1 : PHILADELPHIA. Terms, $2.60 Per Day. THE ST. ELMO Is centrally located and has been re-Mted and refurnished, so that It will be found as comfortable and pleasant a stopping place as there is In Philadelphia. 6 29 DAVY & HUNT'S GREAT WESTERN BAZAR FOB CARRIAGES it HARNESS. 1311, 1313,1310 & 1317 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA. . Superior work of our own, and other good Manufacturers at very low prices. Top Buggies, $80.upwards. Dearborn or Market Wagons 63 to 3125. Family Wagons, 80 to t'M, Harness from 18 to $50 per set Blankets, Sheets, Halters, Whins, Fly Nets tie., at equally Low Trices. ANTONIO RoTc" IMPORTER OF Havana and Key West Cigars. THE only Manufacturer of Cigars from the very best VUELTA AI1AJO TOBACCO. Salesroom No. 422 WALNUT STREET, Iv Philadelphia. 7 10 ly L. J. FERNANDEZ, Sole Agent, A. H. FRANCISCUS & CO., No. 513 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, Have opened for the FALL TRADE, the largest and best assorted Stock of PHILADELPHIA CARPETS, Table. Stair, and Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shades and Var, Carpet Chain. Cotton, Yarn, Batting, Wadding, Twines. Wicks Clocks, Looking Glasses, Fancy Baskets, Brooms, Baskets, Buckets, Brushes, Clot lies Wringers, Wooden and Willow Ware, IN THE UNITED STATES. Our larce Increase In business enables us to sel at low prices, and furnish the best quality of Ooods. SOLE AGENTS FOHTIIB Celebrated American Washer, Irl-e ..50. THE MOST PERFECT AND SUCCESSFUL WASUEU EVER MADE. -AGENTS WANTED KOlt TnK AMERI CAN WASHER In all parts of the Slate. 37 lit Blue Horse Powder IS THE MOST RELIABLE NOW IN USE, pre pared for Colds, Coughs, Dlstomper, Loss of AniH-lite. Hide Bound. Heaves. Yellow Water, or any general disease of HORSES, COWS, HOa.S, SHEEP, or POULTRY, Has proven itself satisfactory wherever it haslieen used. Price 25 and 40 Cents per package. . H'AoIesoie Agent: JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY CO., tktt Arch Street, Philadelphia. VALENTINE n. SMITn & CO., Corner of 2d andUreen Sts., Philadelphia. -For Hale by F, MORTIMER, Now Bloom Maid, Pa. Also sold by Druggists and Country Merchants everywhere. Prepared bt J. II. CASSUilA, 128 Richmond Street, 1 11 8m , PHILADELPHIA, W2SA. Iv- "5trOXJ2SXC3-, MANUFACTURER OF Fishing Taclle, Fishing Nets, AMD 1IORHK FI.Y NI2TN, And Importer and Dealer In all kinds of Fishing TacJcle Goods AND CHAMOIS, No. 904 SOUTH THIRD STREET. ,llfco PHILADELPHIA. rjMlE ATTENTION OF Country Merchants Is respectfully called toour large and well selected stock of , , CAIIPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WOODEN WARE, &c, which we will sell AT LOW PRICES! TH'IXIXO Ac J IIF.TZ, . ' 310 MARKET STREET, 7 7 6m PHILADELPHIA. m Philadelphia Advertisements. ZIEGLER & SWEARINGEN, Successors to - , BHAFFNER, ZIEGLER ft CO., , Importers and Dealers In Howlery, GlovcNj lllbboiift, - , - Suspenders, THREA D S, C 0 MB S, "", ' and every variety of ' TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS,! No. S6, North Fourt Street, v . PHILADELPHIA, PA. Agent for Lancaster Combs. BAKCROFT & CO., ImtioritiB and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DllY GOODS, Cloths, - ' Cassimeres, . Blankets, Li nena, White Goods, Hosiery, &c, ' Nos. 405 and 407 MARKET 8TREET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) Philadelphia. . OllAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Dealers In ' Carpets, Oil Cloths, , - Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Batting, Wadding, Twines, &c, And a fine assortment ot Wood and Willow Ware, No. 420 Market street, above 4th, Philadelphia, Fa. January 1, 18S9, A. B. Cunningham. J, II. Lewars. J. 8. Glelm. Cunningham, Gleim & Co., Wholesale Deai.ehb in Tobacco, Segars, &c, NO. 4, NORTH FIFTH STREET, riin,Aii:iiiiiA. 82310 ISAAC W. 11ANCK & CO., Commission Mcrrlimitsi, AND Wholesale Dealers In all kinds of Pickled and Salt 1. I H IX , N o. 210 North Wharves, above Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. LLOYD, SMTLEE, & WALTON, WHOLESALE . HARDWARE HOUSE. No. 625 Market Street, Philadelphia. v UlATClILKY'S & Improved CUCUMBER WOOD 2 flclent'and Cheap. Tho'best pi Pump for the least money. At tention is especially invited tu Blatehley's Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn without removing the I'uiup or disturbing the Joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and w ill outlast any other. For sale by Dealers everywhere. Send for Catalogue and Price-List. CH AS. O. HLATCHLKY, Manufacturer. 506 Commerce St., Philadelphia, Pa. 871y DAVID J. IIOAB & CO., Successors to HOAR, MoOONKEY k CO., WBOLIBAL1 BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 623 Market Bt. land 614 Commerce Street, Philadelphia, Term's. Have spoken their own r raise for upwards of hree-quarters of a Cen tury. - The attention of Mm kct (iardeners ts par ticularly reiuesld- Ijindreth's Rural Reg ister and Almanae will be mailed without char ge to all who apply. ' LANDRETHS' SEEDS. DAVID LANDKKTHft SON, 21 and 2.')Houlh Sixth Htreet, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. 7 14 000 WHOLESALE I January 1, 1809 Philadelphia Advertisements. John Lucas & Co., Bole ana . . . . - THE OXLY MANUFACTURERS Or TBI IMPERIAL TRENCH, , AND ' PURE SWISSGREEN , Also, Pure S, ..'' . . . . ' White'; Ial and Color MANUFACTURERS, ' Nos, 141 and 143 North Fourth Bt., 1 Philadelphia. WRICHT fit SIDDALL, Wholesale Druggists, ' AND DEALERS IN I tit out 3Xoclicii&cs 119 MARKET STREET, N EAR FRONT, . ' Philadelphia, Pa. ) ' . A. FULL SOCK OF EVERYTHING CONNECTED WITi! THE BUSINESS, OF THE BEST. QUALITY, AND AT VEIIY LOW PKICE9. A Good location for business, enables us to offer Inducements to buyers, and makes It worth their while to give us a trial. , ; ' 3 8tf D AVID D. ELDER & CO., successors to MILLER & ELDER, Booksellers and Stationers, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, And Dealers In WINDOW CURTAINS AND WALL PAPER. No. 430 Market Street, 31 PHILADELPHIA, PA. SOWER, POTTS & CO., ISooksellera fc Sa loners, And Dealers in CURTAIN AND WALL-PAPERS, Nos. 830 Market and 523 Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1iilil!aliAia if Hntiilnra' V. Ri.nilnra mill Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's History of the United States, Feltou's Outline Maps, &e. BLAXK ItOOKS Always on band, and made to Order. Sit A. L. Kaub J. E. Frbtmiek KAVB A FIIYJIIIIE, , Importeks and Jobbehs of C ll i 11 II , 3r 1 IX N H AND QUEENSWAllE, 801 and 308, Cherry St., between Arch & Race, PHILADELPHIA. ID" Constantly on band, Original Assorted Packages. 3. 9. ly 10 PATTERSON t NEWLIN, Wholesale CjroeerN, No. 120 ARCH STREET, V II 1 1 Al Kli P II I A . jTABTKBS, DBXWILEU & CO., Manufacturers ot and Wholesale Dealers In CLOTHING, Cloths, Cassimeres, Cottonades,&c. 328 MARKET STREET,, PHILADELPHIA. 7Mf S. S -s. - Stop Ttat Cough I IU. M It It IK' SWIOP OF Tar, Wild Cherry & Horehound, BE1NO manufactured by "a new process and WITHOUT HEAT, contains all the valua able properties of Tar unimpaired, and ts mewt pleasantly combined with compatible herbs. It Is strongly recommended lor all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. L A ll( Ut ATOIt Y, IKsar of 113 North Hecoud Bt. , v Philadelphia. 'FOR BADE BY ' ' - 1 Dr. Sweeney New Dloemrtcld, Pa: TV M. Pby, Newport, J"a. ; T. Moruan ilaldwln, MlllersUiwn, and stores generally. 2 6 AS Philadelphia Advertisements. Batcliclor Bro's., TRADE MAKE. PUNCH CIGARS! NOW Better than any Ever MADE BY THEM. See that the boxes are branded. PECULIAR B. B. PUNCH. WHOLESALE DEPOT, lilW North Irl Htreet, Branch 23 North 2d St., Branch 837 Chestnut St,, (Opposite "CONTINENTAL") 106m PHILADELPHIA.. 1). POUT IIKALE, WITH BARNES, BRO. & IIERRON, Wholesale Dealers In Ilittw, OxipH, IT'urs, AND S T It A. W - GOODS, N6. 803 MARKET STREET, H 6101y PHILADELPHIA. C. E. JORDAN. J. FOX JORDAN, FOX & CO., Wholesale Dealers In , . AND STRAW GOODS, NO. 35, NORTH THIRD STREET, (Jletwceu Market and Arch Streets.) 6.18 el PHILADELPHIA. W. F. IOIIL,K, JOBBER IN Hats, Caps, Furs, JS 1 1" II V - O 1 H 1B3 NORTH THIRD 8TREET, 8 91yl0 PHILADELPHIA. Blatchley's Cucumber Wood Pumps. TRADE (TRII MARK. VTf Patntnil. BLATCni.ET'8 Cucumber Wood Pumps, Tasteless, Durable,. Efficient, and CHEAP 1 Are already widuiy known and de scrvcdly popular. RECENT IM FOUTANT IMPROVEMENTS, recommend these Pumps still more stronRly to the favor of the public and the trade. Dealers sup plied with full descriptive Catalouues, Price List- go., upon application . TINCLEY'S PATENT HORIZONTAL ic i: iti:AM siiki:zi:r, SAVES ICE, SAVES TIME, SAVES LABOR, And produces the finest quality of Cream known to the Art. bend tor a Descripiiveuataiogue. W F. Moktimeb, New IllooinUcld, Pa,, Is Agent for these rumps. - i C11AS. O. DLATCHLEY, Mnnf'r, ... 600 Commerce Htreet, S13tf Philadelphia, Pa. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron. For the Turn nf Wrak Ht on inch. Oenertil Pobilitv. Tn. dltwtiou, DiMuaHe of tliu nervniifl Hj Htfuri, Ooiintiinillou, Acidity of the Htoniach, mini nil ciukw re(iurriu tuulo. The Wine include the tORt Brfrpeable and efflcieut HAltir mm WfiHtKM'HH-; t limwoi MHKiietmuxiue.roiH biurd with tiie uitMt uCKjtio vutfutoble touiu V el low Paruviitu lituk. TheeffiHnmBnvwMof debility, Iom of appetite, 1 trii('1 iiuliutH with uur valuable Ni-rve, in nwmt happi nnT. aiiu-nifiitx the utiMtit, rataott the pultte, takiw uffmus- cuhtr ilubbinmiH, ruuinvua the pallor of debility aud Klvea a uuna vror u toe oouuieuauce. Do you want aonuj thing' to atrenirth you? lo you waut a good appetitoT Do you want to build op your conatituttonf Do yon waut to tret rid of uervouanewf lo you waut eueivyT 'Co you waut to aleep well? Do you waut a brink aud vifroroua feeliuK? If yon do, try Kunkel' Bitter Wine of Iron. Thifl truly valuable tonic haa leen ao thoroujfhly tent ed by all claHHMi of the com ui unity that it ia now dwm ed liidlnieusable aa a Tonic uitHliciuu. Itocwtabutlittlo, purl lit the blood and Kivea tone to the atuuiacn, rvuo- vauw me ayawiu auu yruiuua mo. 1 now ouly aak a trial of thia invaluable touie. , tr Price 91 per bottle. K. V. KHNKEr, Bole Proprietor, No. iUt North Vili biret. twiow Vine. VHll.AIiKLl'iilA. Aak for Kuukei'a Bitter Win of Irou, aud Uke no other. 1 1 if Writing ITliiia! mills FLUID Is warranted EQUAL to ABNOl.n'S X aud is sold at much less price. The money will be refunded to those buyiug It, If it does not prove entirely satisfactory. sV For sale by F. Mortimer, New Bloomtleld. MILLER A ELDER, Bole Agents, 430 Market Street. 28031 Philadelphia. H. II. TAYI,OK, WITH WAINWItlGIIT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS ' AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner ol Snd and Arch Street!, Philadelphia Pa rfi nUMOBOUS. A Foil-Blooded American. Tim Malooncy a jolly looking tar, with tho richest of brogues, applied at the Cus tom House the other day, for a " purte tion" as an American citizen. He was asked for his naturalization papers, " Me natural papers is it yer honor wants ?' said Tim, with an insinuation; grin, "an' me a full-blooded American 1" " Do you mean to say that you were not born in Ireland ?" "Born in Ireland 1" replied Tim, Sure I was. But then yer honor, I kum ' from Cork to New Orleans lost summer, an' there the bloody-minded muskeeters run their bills into every inch of mo, an' sucked out ivery dhrop of my blood, an' now I'm a full-blooded American." There is some philosophy, as well as fun, in this reasoning, but it hod no efleot, and the last that was seen of Tim he was on his way to the City Hall, to look for the man that sells the natural papers. tW A son of the Emerald Isle, says the Woodford Sentinel, whose wife had the day before bought a box of matches of Bam Miller, a prominent grocer in Minonk, came into his store the other day, and pre senting the box to Sam, says: " Mr, Miller, my wife Hays those matches are no account." "How is that?" asks Sam. "I keep the best of everything." " Well," says Pat, " my wife can't light 'em, and she tould me to go back with thim." Sam thereupon takes out match after match, and striking them upon the leg of his pants holds the brightly burning fuses ' before the astonished Colt, exclaiming: " There, don't you see, thoy are good matches; not one has missed." " Do you take me for a d d fool ?" ask ed Pat. " Do you suppose that I'm going to sind my wife down here to scratch matches on your dirty ould pants ivery time she wants to light the fire ?" This brought down tho house and Sam willingly paid the cigars. O, the snor, the beautiful snore, filling bcr chamber from ceiling to floor 1 Over the coverlot, under the sheet, from bet dimpled chin to ber pretty feet! Now rising aloft like a bean in June ; now sunk to the wail of a cracked bassoon' 1 Now, flute-like, subsiding, then rising again, is the beautiful snore of Elizabeth Jane. A French gentleman, learning En glish to some purpose, replied thus to the question: " How do you do, Monsieur ?" " Do vat ?" " How do you And yourself?". "I never loses myself." " How do feel ?" " Smooth, you just feel mo." "Good morning, Monsieur 1" "Good. No, it's a bad one, it's vet and nasty." EST A lady called on a witty friend, who was not at home, and finding tho piano dusty, wrote upon it "slattern." Tho next day they met, and tho lady Baid, " I called on you yesterday." " Yes, I saw your card on tho piano." t3f " I'm striving to obtain a sufficien cy," said a witness in the Court of Com mon Pleas. " And what is a suflicioncy 1' inquired the judgo. "A little more, my Lord," replied the witty barrister, "than what a person has already got." t3$ A young man, who knows all about it, states that his experionce has taught him that a flirt is a fool, who delights in fooling fools, and the fool who is fooled by such a fool Is the foolishest kind of a fool. He's been fooled badly we should judge. tSTAwonian out west informed her doctor that her arm was broken between the pig pen and the chicken coop. He hunted through hiB books two days to find what those terms meant. " tW You can't do too much for" your employer," said a man to a hard shoulder ed laborer. " I don't moan to," was the prompt but rather unsatisfactory answer. 1ST A very wealthy farmer of Titusvilie haa this "notis" posted up in bis field: " If any man or woman's cow or oxen gits in these here oats, his or her tail will be out off, as the case may be." tW A Worcester, Mass., man has found out how to choke off seemingly intermina ble sermons. He shouts " Fire I" just as "seventeentbly" intervenes and thus dis misses the congregation. tST"I am afraid you will oome to want," said an old lady to ber daughter. " I have come to want already," was the reply, " I want a nice young man." HT Reoipe for making a row Walk a long the pavement of a crowded thorough fare with a ladder on your shoulder, and turn round every few minutes to see if any body (s making faces at you. . tW The girls connected with a San Fran cisco grammar school have mutinied a gainst the principal because "We hale him. He don't know anything. lie don't smell good." Hf There is said to be a pair of twins . at Philpott station, Ky., " eonmoU alike that their father doesn't kuow thorn apart." Then ho shouldn't take them apart '