6 Tuesday, May 20, 1873. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS We invite commwrn'ofon from aft pertonnmhoare i'w tww . wwwm i'lviniiiy fzivnyuiy to wis Hoot. (.'nips. Mr. Wall, in a recont address to tlio far. mersof New Jersey, in winch lie contrasted the American with the English system of farming, saya : It is certainly true that the culture of root crops has been the sal vation of English agriculture. The cultt vation of these crops may us truly be the means of improving tho soil in our Eastern States. We had ouce hoped that the man ufacture of beet sugar would euablo West ern farmers to avail thomsolves of this root as a fallow crop, but wo fear this will prove not to bo tho case just yot, porhaps time may give us a cheaper labor by which it may bo done. Fortunately, we havo Indian corn, which cuablcs our farmers to clean their land In an admirable manner if properly attended to. Still, it can nover take the place of tap rooted plants. The turnip crop will prob ably never be available in the West, even if we could nffordto mako it take the place of corn as a feeding crop, for tho reason that our hot cummers are not suited to the -plant. If beet sugar, however, could be made to .pay the cost of cultivation and manufac ture, the enhanced production of the wheat and barley with which it would be rotated, would insure profits. AVe shall still; look with interest to the future of beet sugar in the West. The great difllculty with our farmers is, that thoy havo neglected the breeding and feeding of stock to eat up the coarse grains in which our prairie soils are ho fertile. Thus we might establish a rotation in which clover would play an important part and which its deep searching tap roots liring up the hidden fertility of tho soil for the useof wheat and barloy. We reitorate that it is in diversified agriculture that our farmers must find the true solution of many of their troubles. It takes time, however, to work out agricultural prob lems, and as soon as we know just what classes of plants are suited to our climate and condition we shall have solved ono of tho most important 'questions of the day'. Most Batter from Shallow Pans. .( I havo been reading reports of factory men for a considerable time, and have heard it asserted frequently that as much butter can be obtained from a stated quan tity of milk set deep as shallow, Ibut I did not accept their cvidonce as conclusive. In the early part of last winter, I set 2 J inches one week, and 5 the next, and made a pound of butter from 17 to 18 pounds of milk with the shallow setting, and from 10 to 20 pounds of milk from the deep setting. I did not, however, consider these trials a conclusive tost, so during the winter just ended I took a single milking of 124 pounds, put it all in a can together and mixed thoroughly; set 62 pounds 2 Inches deep, and 02 pounds S inches deep, skimmed af ter 86 hours, churned each lot separate, and tho result was, I got 3 pounds and S ounces from the 2 inches setting, and 2 pounds and 1 ounce from the 5 inches set ting, which would make one pound in favor of shallow setting each day while I had that amount of milk. The milk was kept at. the sa.me altitude, setting side by side, so that each had the same usage from tho time it was drawn from the cow until tho butter was weighod. ' This ex periment I consider as near a fair tost as any I could make, ancf it satisfied me that there is an advantage in shallow setting. . Finger Cakes. Two eggs, two toaspoonfuls of soda dis solved In a little hot water ; ' beat this well together with tho eggs, then add one-half pound of white sugar, stir in gradually a pint of flour, knead it well, roll the dough thin, sprinkle sugar upon the board, cut the cakes into strips about two and one half inches long and one Inch broad ; do not lot them touch In the pan ; bake them tuiok. Lemon for a Cough. Uoast the lemon very oarefully without burning it ; when it is hot, out and squeeze into a cup upon three ounces of sugar, finely powdered. Take a spoonful when ever your cough troubles you. It is good and agreeable to the taste. Iiarely has it been known to fail of giving relief. Tea Cake. . . Break one ogg into a teacup, nil the cup with sweet milk, add oue cup of white nugar, two cups of flour, one teaspoonful of cream tartar, one-half teaspoonful of Hoda, and a little salt ; flavor as you please, . To be eaten when new. tW Pennsylvania, which used to be highest in the production of wheat, is now s vth on the list ; Illinois, with SO millions, Iwa with 20, Ohio and Iudiaaa with 27 ench, and Wisconsin with 25, all coming Ifl'tnc its 19 million of bushels. THE NEW DISCOVERY laChemiotl and Medical golem. . A4A yXfc tHab, nX- Dr. JE. F. GARVIN'S SOLUTION & COMPOUND ELIXIR or FIH8T AND ONLY BOM'TIUN pvr mud In one mixture of AM, ' III: 'I'WIOI.VIi valuahlo active principal tif tho well known, curative agtmt, riivn thee TAn, TWKQUAI.KD In Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronobitis, and consumption. CUIIE8 WITHOUT FAIL. A recent, cold In three to six honrs ! and aim. by i VITALISING, I'TJHIFVINU and STI MULATING effects upon tlia general system, is reranrkably cflinarlous in all uiseabi: 'jim m.ooD. including; Bcrntula and Eruptions of the skin, lyapepsla, Diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, Moul t Disease, and tiuneral Debility. ONE TRIAL CONVINCES! ALSO, A Volatile Solution of Tar For INHALATION, without application ol HUAT. A remarkably VALUABLE discovery, as the whole apparatus ran becarried in the vest pocket, readv at any time for tho most ettcctual and positively curaiivo use iu All Diseases) of the NOSE, THROAT and 1.1 IV;. THE COMPOUND Tar and Mandrake Pill. for uu in connection with the ELIXIR TAR, is a combination of the TWO mont valuable ALTERATIVE Medicines known in the Pro ffAsion, and render thia Fill without exception the Terr bt ever offurei.. The HUMJTIOW and COMPOUND ELIXIR of in without doubt the licit remedy known in catci of CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER. It is a Sparine for such diseases, and should ba kept in the household of every family, especially during those months in which CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER nre liable to prevail. A small quantity taken daily will prevent contracting these terrible diseases. Solution and Compound Elllr, 1.00 per Bottle . Volatile Solution for Inhalation, JJ.OOper Box Tar and Mandrake Pills, SOcts per box. Bend for Circular of POSITIVE CURDS to your Druggist, or to L. F. HYDE fc CO. ' 801B iaOPHII!TOHS, 19fi-7th Avenue, New lrork. ' W Bold by all Druggist DR. CROOK'S WOE OF TAR I Ten Teaia of a pnMIe tnt has proved Dr.L'rook's M IneorTnr to have more merit tlinn any similar preparation everofTered to the public. It Is rich In the medidnnl qualltiesof Tnr, and uneriunled for diseases of the Tliroa ate Lsuel, performing the SS'iffif" eftectuiillycurcsalloaghs ZffljW&r and Colds. It has cured so VJP.fWfc tnn mania A m A'sr Broucliltla. that It 1 haa been pronounced sped no for these com plaints. For Fains in tho ' llreaat, HMr or stack, travel or aaidnry Iis ease.dtwiuWBortlie llriis. arjr Organs, Judlcs or any Uvtr Complains It hus noeauoL It Im sUso superior Tonic, lies to re too Appetite), Urracthrna Ihesyslsn, Restores ttie Weak and Isebllltatml, I'siises tbe Faosl to lsla-eat. Removes) Ityaprpata and Indltreotion, Vreveiita Malarious I'evsrSs ClTas tone lo your Kjaleiu. liEEP TIUsBIsOODPURl? And ht health ft will follow, 'i'liere In a pretiura tlon of Iran ami 1oke Itoot more efleetual than ail oliiem, which WIU remove from your system the Impure and vitiated blood which causeadlHeaae, and at the same time build up your henltb and strengUi It never fall to rare. If you have erofula,iorolnloas lilseaa ea or the Kyee or Kara, or VlJ Iterolnlai In any form, trx. SMJ ter. While Hwelllna;. Old & f or" ', or Merolnloua l.flimm.tlii.a ii.lk . . on beluu cured with this nreim. Vutlnn bnnwn ma k J Cnmpon ml Aymp of i'oue Rnn Stl.Mnaam-.iu ...... In Llmbaor atones, t'oaalltn. V,ytVly,,w,," ros uy aieruu j rial or other polaona, are all i jured bylu For Myphllis. or rs Nyphllitie taint, Hi, n. Is nolh rtn Iiik e.ni.U to 1U A trial wUI X hrsvs la. ZlcautlfV TOnr f!omnllan. T)o not pnlnt orpowder, bnt get a more p.Tinanent Ix-auty by purifying your blKd. 1'lils iirepumtion of Iron anil loh Ilwot nmUes urouKb and scaly skin soft und vnioutli: cliunw that sallow coinplexlou to onu ol f!'thM(.Hsnnd health, and minovenny Krm e Itiaenaesoriherikln, IMutplea, l-ii. Ml.,Illf(lieaft Kriiptlons. li you wlli rn . t-iKUiksandaheulthy complexion iisold-, Ci.k'a Compound fcjyrup of Fuaoltoow Fensions, Bounties. &o. "VirinOWS, Minor Children, Mothers Fathers, TV &o., of Soldiers who were killed or died of disease contraeted in the Berviee of the United Btutea, can now make applicutlon for I'euxloii. Also Soldiers who contracted dlwiiso or were wounded, ruptured, or lu any way disubled lu the war of 1U. When whlows die or re-marry, the child or children under sixteen years uf age are entitled to a reunion. The time for filing clnlms for additional bounty has been emended six months. Particular attention riven toold suspended case In the different depart menu at WahWtnn, 1. 0 If you have, or think you have a claim auuiust the Government, call on or address the undersigned. No charite tor information. L.KWI8 POTTKH, ' Attorney for Claimants, 4 ISt NEW BLOOMFIELD, FA LKWIS POTTKK. kotabt POBLio, New Bloom. Held. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds, MorlitiigM and leases oarefnllv prepared ami aekuowledKeiiienls taken. All kinds of Pension and Bounty papers diawn and certified, will also take depositions to be read in any court tu the United Slates. , . 71uly m rhotographs ! . ' Photographs! AyjjSX .JACOB COBLE, Pliotographic Artist, NEWPORT, I'ENN'A. THE subscriber would respectfully oa!l the at , '!",'1"n,of the citizens of this county to the fact that he Is prepared to take PHO TOUHA PH9 In the best style of the art. His long experience enables him to produce 1 . ,, PICTURES WHICH CANNOT BH All persons are requested to call at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and great care will be taken to furnish Good Pictures cf Children. Framing material and a good assortment of frames mays on nana, ana lor sale at low prices. JACOB COBLE. Artist Newport, Perry Co., Pa S SlIUI.KR. 8. M. SUULEB S. SHULER & SON, LIVERPOOL, Perry County, Pa., Dealers In all kinds or Hardware,- Groceries, &c. r-, 1 buiu anne lowest pr ce . Give us a trial. r j1 ... ill vimrfa In 1I..A ...1 .1 i ... - LEB AN ON Mutual Fire Insurance Company, OP JonoHtown, Pcnn'tt. POLICIES PERPETUAL at Low Hates. No nfesuin Pmlra Ifi1iki rtl.j t . . - ... a . .......... ,,na Mtrvcu. mitt lb Ullc OI HI 6 DBHt conducted and most reliable Companies In the nilLf H I .fill t rlV nrnnai! t In. 1 1 . a Bii nn. ' niniiieu 1 el petuaiiy at H 00 per thousand, aud Town property at 15 00 per thousand. .uvv LEWIS POTTER, UISIY BLOOMFIELD, PA, 4 16 Agent for Perry County. : UNITED STATES HOTEL, Cor. Fulton, Water and Pearl Sti.. N". Y. THIS well known favorite hotel has recently .., j lemoiieieu anu iurnisuea newandeleKautly tliroghout. It Is kept on the - ...h Maa.lfio (.WUIIUIlUUailOUS for four hundred guests. Thflvatln I. tvu . ,, . f , i li.-.iw ni:t;ensiuio lu all parts OI New York and Brooklyn than any other house In the city. The Broadway Htaes pass tho hotel every three minutes, besides various Hues of Street Cars, one of which Intersects every other route In New York. Itbe uff but two blocks from Fulton Ferry, makes it convenient for those wishing to visit the i. J. "1"v!,.ra ssnuiu tins lerry uiverire all theprlncijial Kailroad routes in the city of Brook lyn. 111. mini i:Kll K T1,1M)1 l...,. .!.... "II OBINSON HOU8E, .a. ev . . (Formerly kept by Sweger and Shuman.) ' Ntu loonfldd, Tory County, Pa. ' : ' AMOS ROBINSON, Proprietor. Tills wall ".-J -I .... . . .. . . .t n,,v.nll n(( i.tratiiuiy locatea noiei .. . ..,.,. v.. jcin uj bile uirs. ent proprietor.and lie will spare no pains to ucconi :v . v, n . : i wins i is coimoriaoie, the table well furnished with the best In the mar! no, ami .i e oar siocaeu wiin cnoice liquors. A careful and attentive hostler will be Inattendance, A go)d livery stable will be kept by the proprietor OLENA. fJME Best Oil in the World for Machinery. It will not chill. It will not gum. f It Is equal to the best Lard Oil. If yon have any kind of machinery. .k for OLENA, and If you cannot buy It at home, send for a circular and price list to PAINE, ABLETT & TRIPP, Oil Manufacturers and Dealers, No. 8G0 Peon Avenue, 0 40 Pittsburgh, Pa. 17. MORTIMEK'CJ OK BAIIUAINO, llis Stock will be found the most complete in mo county, una consists of 11Y fiOODH 'pl-QTIIINM ' IttH EUIES WQHUK KINT OOADLEIMH AKDWAKK WI7M-J.OVV WA1IK o ' , W'DKimilKHall styles ' HATH te I'Al'H TJHITK-JOSll8 0 MAI l.H di HPIKKM llTriiMiK TOOLNftC ' & PAINTS, OILS i TJAIMINH .Vbl'H K ftTIIOS Ar. MTKKfj tpAKItlAnE HAHDWAItK . , gNVJiL-OI'KSAl'Al'JCll GOODS OF EVERY STYLE ' : pHEAP FOR tASH; VALL AND SEE. Daily Express and Freight Line . 13KTWEEN '. BLOOMFIELD t NEWPORT! THR subscriber wishes to notify the citizens of Wooinlle d and Newiort tliut he is running a Will y Line between these two places, and will haul Freight of any kind, or iTiiinptly deliver Dackuuei or luessaKes entrusted f his vuve. raan"" -irufn"iyt2lt forhlin at the stores of F. Mortimer A Co., New Blooinllold, or alililuanA Musser, Nowpoi t.l'a. . . BloomeIa.J.nuar,M.l?708-WU,OUE- wtasi A Vnprr for the Mattes I N'orH, Ut Weight in Gold! : " 1 ' , Nolhtng lit, it in the World! 1 cm" 7 "MW " "'"tI 10 "m Um- " Krry Intslllsmt cllljun. professional or non-profra. slonsl . mschai. ,1c or Isborsr la lh. whol.eonntry.Jhonla sn ncilbo f,.r the Anvisoa. Wh.rever shown tor! t Is sure to Inks a Arm hold on the commuuU,"a!7ts intrinsic value as a us Bnalneas and Family Paper liss mnds, and Is mnlilnir, for it a circulation and reDU" tnllon unparalleled in tho history of Journalism. It is a DsAonrci 16-ro, m-ooluiih, Ihustiath . Wikklt. It gives you alt YOUR LEGAL ADVICE FREE. Otlulnal I)ep,s for Cottsiree, Dwelllnifs, Fnburban still Country Kealilencos, aud a vast fund of information on maitrra of sprclsl and general Interest, (bund iu u other Journal in the country. A HagniEcent $5.00 Oa Cbroino. IDE LOST BABE, Slue I3xln, monnted ready to frame, Is presented to every yesrly subscriber. r """ f mSi'iJPi"0? pr'",. 3,0 J" mI to lvaDca; Dingle copiea tea ceuts. PERMANENT AGENTS WANTED tlniions annual income, with hut little labor. Our agents are makinr from 1 to tiO perdav. Wrlta at once, stating territory desired. vImJ- nta address all letters to Caorr a Pnaurs, Publishers, Pittsburgh, Pa. Dgs! Drugs! THE Subscriber has on hand and for sale, at low prices, a complete assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, Of all kinds. Also, a full stock of ' Concentrated Remedies, PATENT MEDICINES, ESSENTIAL OILS, PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS. BRUSHES, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Pure Wines AND ' LIQUORS, Always on hand, for Medicinal and Sacramen tal purposes. t&"lliytir.iam' Order carefully and promptly filled. B . M. E B Y . NKWFOKT. PEHIIY COUNTY, PA. Boots I Boots ! K Fill Assortment of THE CELEBRATED YORK BOOTS, Band or Machine Sided, Whole Stock Double sole and Warranted to Give Entire Satisfaction, Manufactured and For Sale to the Trade by . M. B. SPAHI., ' YORK, PA. A full Assortment of . Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Constantly on Hand. nrftpecial Attention Paid to Order. -oi 5 231M. . To JSllfXillllllctil-H. THE subscrlliers keep constantly on hand, a FltiK ASSOllTMKJST OK FRENCH' OALF SKINS,' PINK LINJNQS, ROANS, MO 210 CCO S, SHOE THREAD, PEGS, A WLS, and a general assortment of articles used by Shoe uiaaera. . . F. MORTIMER. PERRY HOUSE, Ken Bloomfleld, Ph. THE subscriber having purchased the property on the corner of Maine and i.'arliHle Hfriwtn. opposite the Court House, Invites all his friends anu lornier customers to givennn a call as ha Is determined to furnish ttrst clans accommodations. . TfiUMAa NUTi if. . ltf. , . . Proprietor. . lfc 13 MO V AL! Merchant Tailoring Establishment. THE subscriber respectfully Informs the publlo that he has removed his MEKC'HANT TAIL OKI NO KSl AItl.ISHMKNTfiom "Little Ktore In the Corner," to room formerly occupied by J, U. hhulto, Dentist, where may be found at all times, a varied assortment of ,, Cloths, Casslmers and Yestingg, With a complete Hue of , . Tnilorw TrlinmlinfH, ' Of the best quality. Those desiring to purchase GOOD flOODH. at Reasonable prices, and have them made In the LA 1 KMX arVl.K, will please give us a call. H. 11. UKCXi. Also, a good assortment of , SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS, " COLLARS, ' " If ECK-TI K8, nOfllEKY, 0.,(to., Oa hand at low prices. Professional Cards. T EW1S POTTEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PEHRY CO., PA. MrClahns promptly secured and enllocled Writings and al Illegal business carefully attend. eu to. 82 yl pIIAKLES H. SMILEY, Attorney at Uw. Kj New Bloomtleld, Perry Co. Pa. m, Office with 0. A.Barnett. Esq., neit drmr to Mortimer's store August 20, 1874 TTM. A. SPONSLEIt, Attorney at taw TT Office adjoining his residence, on East Main street, New Bloomtleld, Perry eo., Pa. 32 ly fMl&B. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloonillelil, Perry co.. Pa A. Office adjoining Morti:ner' Store 8 2 ly' BP. McINTIRE Attorney at Law, and Dls. s trlet Attorney of Perry county. Office with J. T. Mcliitire, New Bloomilcld, Pcnn'a. JBAILY, Attorney at Law, s New Bloomllpld, PorryCo., Pa. sr Office opposite tho Court House, and two doors east of the Perry County Bank. Refers to B. Molutlre, Esq. .". June27,1871. JOHN O. SHATTO, BiirgeonnentTstT"7 . , , . New Bloomtleld, Perryco., Pa. tlstry AH kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Den Di ices.done in the best manner, aud at reasonable .OIllce at his residence, opposite the Id-formed Church, on High Street. 3 21y WM. M. SUT(;iI. ' . " ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, New Bloomlleld, Perryco., Pa. -Otllce-Two doors West of P. Mortimer store d 7 ly CHA8. J. T, McINTIRE, Attorney-at-Law ' . . New Blooinllold, Perry co.. Pa. . Pro'es,lonal business promptly andfalth- fully attended to. 3 2 lv. TTM. N. SElBERTTAttorney-at-LawT ' .T ',.'. New Bloomlleld, Perry co.. Pa. Bloomlleld, 3 S3 ly. -. JAMES II. FERGUSON, Attorney-at-Law, jN K W jVOjBX PA srOfllce Market Street, near the Square. 35 6 Sew Carriage JlaimfacCory, On Hioh Street, East or Cajimsle St., Xew Bloomfleld, ronn'a. THE subscriber has built a large and commodl ous Shop ou High St., East of Carlisle Street, N ew Bloomlleld, Pa., where he Is prepared to man ufacture to order Oa rriasros Of every description, out of the best material. Sleighs of every Style, built tp order, and finished In the most artistic and durable manner. M- Having superior workmen, he Is prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at much more reasonable rates. r REPAIRING of all kinds neatly and prompt lydone A call Is solicited. .''.. SAMUEL SMITH 3 ltf Incorporated by the Court ' of Common Pleat in IStStf; by the Legislature, in 1871. The Pennsylvania ... , 1,. Central Insurance, : Company OF POTTSVILLE, PA. Capital and, Assets, $156,000. Fremlnm Notes, . , f 100,000 00 Promissory Notes ' ' ' 50,000 0 Cash premiums due or coN ' lected for the year 1871, 83,088 00 Cash premiums due or col lected for the first three ' 1 ' months of 1873, i.. 1,800 00 ' Cash from other lources aud agents 1,200 00 Judgment Bonds In Com pany's otUoe, , 1,100 00 Total Cash...... 10,128 00- i Total cash and note assets, April 1st, 1872 $158,138 0 JAMES H.GRIER, JOHN D. HADESTT, Becrctary. President. DIRECTORS i John D. Hadesty, A. P. Helms, Bonjamia Teter, A. Butermeister. James H. Grler. K. F. uungsuii, liihb miner. AfiPNTSi II. II. mil, Edward Fox, John A. Kable, Ed ward Wesley, Charles F. Delbert, Wm. R. . Grittlth. E. F. Jungkart, General Agent. ' Arrangements have been made with other first-class compauses to re-Insure risks takea on the cash plan in such amdiints as desired Liberal commission allowed a cents, ami ex. elusive territory, If desired. This Company confines Itself to fire iuBurance exclusively. OFFICE! No. 191 CENTRE ST., POTT8VILLE, PA. ' INSUltE IN TUB ' Perry County . Mutual Benefit "( Association, . or i... . NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA. CAarler(fi(AySi7f;a(ureJIarcA9, 1872. ' TIIK CIIKAPEST ANT) 8AFK8T LIFE t. . llfWANciK ever ottered to the people. It Is a Mutual enterprise tor the protection of W.la0vi,v1irJT.?i,!Hi,iliiil1? cly- Members p.iy KIVK J)OI,l,Alts for a cortlllcate of uieinlwrslilp, anil anniinl dues on ages between 5!0 ? ' J.i 'f twfu a,'l , 01.5O i between 60 andW, 2.)i for the term of three years, com mencing January, IniSi and the sura of 11.10 on the death of a member. The meiubershlp not to exceed oue thousand. A member dying, to re. eelve asnianydo larsastherearo paying oertitt cate hohlers. This plau Is ailopU'd'lii order that other l.lfe Iin-urnnce Companies by reasouof their T-'man h.vestnien!'1'8 !V'tty "' Tmi i.J V ",,v,B"l"""'t. It comineiii In Useil to the , .'li ,.,,ier.,r"?".t,,Ht 11 Invents the count '? panies? d,ahM1 ot " '"" by foreign com. JOHN A. B A K ER, Prtff. - . i .: CONRAD ROTir, Treasurer I-EWI8 POTTER, Secretary. ' WILLIAM McKEE, General Agent.