The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, May 13, 1873, Page 4, Image 4

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Tuesday, May 13, 1873.
'V : -
rw-MoMm. K. P. BowmimkOn., Nn. 80 North 8th
street, srenur duly aithiirii.-d advertisliw iwiitu for
I'lulmle.phliv. Advertisers can make contracts with
theni at unr loweHt rateB.
Affairs in Louisiana are In a sad con
dition. Two parties of armed men each
claiming to be acting under the proper au
thority, are liable to come into conflict at
any moment. Tlio Governor recognized by
the U. 8. authorities, as the legally elected
officer, lias telegraphed for troops to sus
tain him, and in the absence of the Presi
dent, nono could bo sent him. Evidently
the end of this trouble is not yet.
Importing Gewgaws.
The foreign goods imported into New
York for the woek ending March 31st were
estimated at fourteen million dollars. Over
three and a half million were dry goods
and less than ten and a-half were goncral
merchandise. Merchants appear to believe
that Americans can consume- and pay for
an unlimited amount of foreign manufac
tures; but they will probably find the idea
unsound, Bud that a day of severe reckon
ing is not far in the future. Since the
first of January we have exported $ 13,
847,318 in gold and silver. This is at the
rate of $53,889,272 a year. Besides this
there are indefinite thousands of prosper
ous citizens of the United States in Europe
spending American gold. There are no
statistics showing the amount of this drain
on our precious metals ; but it is higher in
millions than even a well-informed man
would be likely to believe.
Death's Doings.
Chief Justice Chase died in New York at
the residence of his son-in-law, on last
Wednesday morning. In his death the
nation suffers a heavy loss. A be was a
man of marked ability, unspotted purity of
fifo, and in all things a Christian gentle
man, he won for himself the respect and
confidence of his countrymen. His death
was caused by a paralytic stroke. He was
65 years of age.
Hon. Oaks Ames, member of Congress
from Mass., was also struck with paralysis
on Tuesday last and died on Thursday.
Mr. Amos was but little known to the pub
lic until brought prominently forward in
connection with the " Credit Mobllier" in
vestigation during the late session of Con
gress. Hon. Jab. L. Oiin, U. S. Minister to
Russia, died very suddonly at St. Peters
burg on the 5th hint. His death was en
tirely unexpected, though be had been ill
for several days.
A Disgusted Legislature.
' The Ohio Legislature is disgusted with
the action of the members of Congress
from that State, and goes for them in the
following resolutions, wjiich passed the
House by 00 to 20 :
Whereas, The action of the last Con
gress in increasing the compensation of
members thereof, the President of the U.
States and other officers, was unnecessary,
uncalled for and distasteful to the people
of Ohio, and it is believed of the whole
nation, and its repeal is earnestly demand
ed by the people thereof.
Resolved, That our Senators and Rep
resentatives be requested to zealously use
all honorable efloiu to procure the repeal
of said law, or so much of it as relates to
ucb compensation at the earliest practical
period. .
Tho senate adopted a joint resolution
ratifying the second of the twelve amend
ments to the United States Constitution
submitted by the first Congress in 1789,
providing that no law varying. tho compen
sation of members of Congress shall take
affect until an election for representatives
shall have Intervened. The vote stood 25
to 4.
. Crime In Kansas.
A despatch from Pursous Ivans., dated
the 8th inst says :
Eight dead bodies, including a child
eighteen months old, have been found un
der the house of the Bender family, thir
teen miles west of here, in Sabett county,
and near which the body of Senator York's
brother was recently found. The Bonder
family left the country about two weeks
ago. No effort will be spared to bring the
guilty parties to justice
The following are the names of the
bodies found under Bender's bouse and
thus far identified : B. F. McKensie, II.
Louehor and child (eight months old),
W. P. T. Carthy, P. Brown, John Geary,
of Howard county, and Wm. A. York.
All were killed by blows on the back of
the head with a hammer and bad their
throats cut. The ground will be ploughed
to-morrow for other bodies. The suspect
ed parties wilt be arrested to-night.
The Modoc War Description of the Lava
Capt. Hendley, of Washington, has re
ceived a letter dated Lava Beds, April 20,
in which the writer says : I have just
come in from Jack's strong hold, where I
have been in the tight for the last three
days ; went as a volunteer and was attach
ed to Major Thomas' battery of four Co
horn mortars, and - it was the mortars
which drove the Indians out, 5000 infantry
could not have done it in six months with
out the loss of one-half of the commands.
Words cannot describe the character of
these beds. Newspaper reporters may try
to do it, but they cannot convey an idea.
Since that fight I have been through a part
of the bed, and that was enough for me. It
is impossible to tell what damage we have
done to the Indians, as they concealed or
burned their dead, and the former is very
easy, as all tbey have to do is merely to
throw the bodies into a crevice, and then
fill it up with rocks. We have, however,
found eleven bodies. The beds are full of
caves, and many undoubtedly are hid
away, as every once and a while a stray
shot comes out, but tho majority have got
out, and there is no telling where they will
turn up. Our cavalry have gone out on
pursuit. We have six dead here, twenty
wounded, and about one balf of the latter
number on crutches from sprained ankles,
from falling over rocks. To give you some
faint idea of the sharp rocks, one half of
our men went in with new shoes and came
out mostly barefoot, with feet bleeding.
Rough on " Three CcnlM Butler.
Rev. James F. Clark of Boston says :
"A little paragraph has been going tho
rounds saying I have proposed Gen. B. F.
Butler as Governor of Massachusetts. I
have onby referred to him once, and that
was in a sermon preached in Boston on
Fast Day, on 'The Humiliation of Mas
sachusetts,' in which I spoke of the dis
grace which had come upon Massachusetts
from her treatment of Charles Sumner, the
connection of her members of Congress
with the Credit Mobilier scandal, and their
complicity with the salary grab. I then
added that it was understood that a mem
ber from Massachusetts, who headed the
foray on the Treasury, had announced bis
intention to be tho next Governor of Mas
sachusetts. If he succeeded in this, I said
I hoped lie would not omit the word humil
iation in his proclamation, for certainly
Massachusetts would never be more humil
iated than by such an event. If Gen. Butler
and bis friends regard this as a nomination,
they are welcome to it."
Six Persons Tolsoncd.
John Gephart, residing in Showers' alley,
between Susquohanna and Nagle streets,
purchased some applo butter at market on
Sunday last, and shortly after commencing
to use U, the family, consisting of Mr.
Gephart, and wife and three children, and
Frederick Ilarwick, a boarder, were seized
with severe pains, the result of gattro en
teric inflamalion. Dr. II. L. Stickel was
summoned, who investigated the matter ;
and from what we can learn, the result
has been from eating apple-butter, that
was purchased by Mr. G., at market.
Ono of Gephart's little girls, who did not
eat any of the apple-butter, manifested no
symptoms of poisoning, and this led to at
tributing their symptoms to poisoning from
the glazing of the crocks in which the apple-butter
had been kept. They are all
pronounced as being out of danger, except
Mr. Ilarwick, whoso symptoms were from
the first of a very aggravated character.
llarritburg Stale Journel.
Miscellaneous News Items.
tW The members of a church in Ray
mond, Racine county, have got into a row
over the sextooship, and last Sunday in
dulged .in a free fight before their sanct
uary. t2T A man on being discharged from
the Stearns county, Minn., jail last week,
cried liko a baby, saying it was the only
place be bad lived in for years where be
was " treated like a man."
Somebody up at St. Cloud, Minn.,
mistook an Easter egg for a cake of fancy
soap and mourns a nice shirt front be
daubed because the egg was not boiled
hard. ,
2f D. P. Nicbols,residing at Hyde Park,
near Boston, was found dead in bis stable
recently, Laving been kicked to death by
bis horse.
W Dispatches from all sections of Vir
ginia represent that . all the streams are
much s wollen by the recent heavy rains,
and ,foars are entertained that the flood
will equal that of October, 1870.
Boston, May 7. Tho trial of Rev. Ken
neth Campbell before the Norfolk county
Superior Court, on the complaint of Miss
Howell, charging bira with being the father
of her illegitimate child, has resulted in a
verdict of guilty.
tVMrs. Babbette Wurfflein, 63 years
old, living at Waverly Heights, Montgom
ery county, while on a visit to Philadelphia
last week, called at the store of Mr. John
Rust, No. 581 Race street, and fell dead
after' being there a few minutes. An in
quest was bold by the Coroner in the after
noon, and a verdict rendered of death from
heart disease.'
IIP A few days ago an elegantly drecsed
young man entered the West St. Louis
Savings Bank, and presented a letter pur
porting to be from E. D. Randolph & Co.,
bankers, of New York, introducing James
S. Adams, and endorsing a draft for $8,000
certified by the Nassau Bank, of New
York. The regular cashier of the bank
absent, Mr. Harker, a young man, tempo
rarily acting cashier, examined the papers,
and thinking them genuine, gave Adams
$3,500, all ho desired at the time. When
too late the bank discovered that the letter
and draft wore forgeries.
Vienna, May 7. A dispatch from Pesth
brings intelligence of a shocking railway
accident near that city. Twenty-one per
sons are reported to have been killed out
right and forty injured, some of whom are
not expected to recover from their wounds.
Six of the carriages attached to the train
were completely demolished.
X3T Tho aggregate amount paid into the
United States Treasury up to noon of the
6th inst., by twenty-seven members of
Congress, it being their return of extra
compensation is $111,000.97 including a
check received by Secretary Graham, on
the account of Senator Sumner, for $4,
444.60. tW Colonel J. W. Latta, of, tho First
regiment National Guard, Philadelphia,
who has been appointed Adjutant General
of Pennsplvauia by Governor Hartranft,
vice General A. L. Russell, resigned, will
assume the duties of tho office on tho 1st of
June next.
A German in Chicago has been im
portuning the authorities to arrest him for
tho murder of his sister-in-law in Germany.
But no court in this country has jurisdic
tion in tho caso. It will be impossible for
the self-confessed murderer to get justice
here, unless bo hangs himself.
tW George Davis, a resident of Balti
more county, Md., was arrested on Mon
day, by the authorities of Anne Arundel,
county, on the charge of killing Robert
Perry, colored, in 1808. No trace of the
murderer was discovered until recently,
when circumstances pointed to Davis.
The negro, West Tate, who was
recently bung in Georgia, for the murder
of another negro, just as the minister be
gan to pray, said, "Is'posel might as
well get off myself," and stepped off, hang
ing himself,
Women. A women always looks young
er in a light print or cambric of simple pat
tern. Something of girl-hood and spring
are suggested by them, and yet tbey are as
available by the matron as by sweet six
teen. A charming young wife once con
fessed her penchant for these inexpensive
toilets, "for,"he said, in closing, "gen
tlemen like them so well." They show
very good taste in liking them, as the best
of the feminine sex have found out already.
English and French women wear cottons
In summer alternately with silks, and a
most captivating effect does the latter
know how to make, with her marvelously
fresh cambric, milled like a Bpring (lower,
little chip hat, and bioad parasol, with the
nicest and the plainest of boots, and perfect
glovt-s. It is a girlish purity and womanly
grace combined that makes the charm of
such a dress. There are stripes many and
colors many, but the simplest are always
A great variety of these pretty Spring
prints can be found at F. Mortimer's.
t3T" Tbb Purest and Sweetest Cod-Liver
Oil 1 Hazard & Caswell's made on the sea
bore, from fresh, selected Uvore, by Caswell,
Hazard & Co., New York. Il Is absolutely
pun and tuwrt. Patients who have once taken
it prefer it to all others. Physicians have de
cided it superior to any of the other oils in
market. 17d4w
t3T"0h I what pretty paper," is what
all say who look over the spring ' styles of
Wall paper npw tor sale by J) Mortimer.
Wall Paper Border, Picture nails, cord o.,
in great variety.
The Bloointleld Photograph Gallery on
and after Monday, May 12th, 1873, will be
open and conducted by R. II. Wriout,
who will do you good work and do it
promptly. Call on him if you want a good
tSf" Also Agent for the very popular and
world-renowned Grover & Baker SEWING
MACHINE. Sold on good terms.
Call and see the splendid Hue of samples
of coHsiniere from the stock of Wanamaker
& Brown, at F. Mortimer's. From those
samples you can select goods for a suit and
have them made to ordor from your own
measure. A fit is guaranteed, the prices
aro low, and their style of making can't be
beat. It won't cost you a cent to look at
the samples and hear prices. tf
auuavn intuit jiuuiv.
In plain talk about the body aud it physical aud aooial
lieeda. Dr. E. B. Foote, author of " Medical Common
HenMi," of No. litt Lexlmrton Ave., N. V., who eutertalna
everybody with hie pen. aud eurea everybody by hie
kill, t tU author, lu tta thouaaiid payee It auewera
a thoiuaud nueatton you dou'fc want to no to your phy
alolan about It la, aa la tamped uix.u 1U cover, "i
book for private eud count derate readluy." 1'ricti ta.2fi,
aud postage pre-paid, every where. OouteuU table mail
ed free. AgeuU wanted. A beautiful oriKlual ohronio,
mounted, " Throw Physio to thi Dook," worth ftlO,
yoaa with the book. Kochromo without the book. No
hook without the ehroroo. Add re- MUUBAY HIIX
PUliLIHHlNti COMPANY," ha 1 Kwt SbtU Btreet,
New York. 10 m
New Advertiement8.
. Any person, old or young, of either sex. can
make from 110 to fnO per week, at home day or
evening. Wanted by all. Suitable to either City
or Country, and any season of the year, This Is a
rareopportttnlty for those who are out of work,
and out of money, to make an independent living.
Nocapltal belngremilred. Our pamphler, '-HOW
TO MAKE A LI VING," giving lull Instruction"
sent on receiptor 10 cents. Address, A BURTON
& CO., Morrlsania, Westchester Co., N.Y.
AGENTS everYwh.firei K sell our new and
7 "vty' mii nig niiicuiiie,
WANTFH"m1 ,or migrated Circular, to
VV JXTt -L J-ilS the McKee Manufacturing lim.
pany, 309 Broadway New York.
Every lady wants one I
livery Man ought to have one ! t
Kent on receipt of Ten Cents. Address, L. F,
HYDE & CO., 195 Seventh Avenue, New York.
Sent on receipt of 2i cts. Unique Printing and
Publishing Heusc, 30 Vesey Street, New Yoik.
The Beckwith 20 Portable Family
Sewing Machine, ou 80 Days Trial j
many advantages over all. Satisfaction guaran
teed, or 2U refunded. Sent complete wllh full
directions. Beckwith Sewing Machine Co., 802
Bradway, New York.
portant hirentton. It retains the Rupture at all
times, and under the hardest exercise or severest
strain. It Is worn with coin fort, and If kept on
night and day, etlects a permanent cure In a few
weeks. Bold cheap, and sent by Mall when re.
quested, circulars free, when ordered by letter
sent to The Elastic Truss Co., No. 1183 Broadway,
N. Y. City. Nobody uses Melal Spring Trusses :
too painful : they slip oil too frequently. 17eow ly
Always the premium Pumps; widely knownand
highly appreciated. A pump and a lire engine In
one. Anti-freezing, strong and durable, good f r
wells or cisterns, and for raising and throwing
water for all purposes. Also West's square tube
copper LIGHTNING RODS the neatest, best and
elieapesl. Circulars with cuts and price lists free .
J. D. West Si Co., 40 Cortlaudt St. IGalm
The Great Lightning Ink Eraser
For Instantly removing Ink from paper, cotton,
linen, &c, without Injuring or soiling the fabric,
ltdoesaway with all scratching where mistakes
are made, and removes blots and stains Instanta
neously. It should be on the desk of every law
yer, book-keeper and teacher, and as It not only
removes ink spots but also fruit stains and Iron
rust, every family needs it. it Is put up hand
somely, and sold for 50 cents per case. AGENTS
Wanted to Introduce it everywhere. It. G. Hutch
inson, Stationer, 44 Maiden Lane, N. Y. liialin
Or Frknch Lonq-livkd lliTTKits. have been used in
France for mure thtu loo years, aud are now being in
troduced into thin couutry. They aae coni)Maeu of
Vegetable extract and are desifnied for the purification
of the blood, thus prevention aa well aa curhur nearly
all diHeaHes to which the human aytilem is liable. Aa a
blond-purifier aud aa a promoter of lnnx lite thy are
believed to be unennaled. Price 60 cents er brittle. "W
wlHb to Introduce them into tbia aection. and ilt-uire an
eueixetlc Ayent, to whom literal tenufl will he offered,
a. vf . uj'.m-AiiLi s iiir., ouie Atruma, o. 42 ueuar m.,
Mew York. 16alm
They have received Diploma for their merit
wherever exhibited. Pionuuiiced by all, the
cheapest luxury of the age, valuable, and almost
necessary to the table, to travelers ; or at Plc-nics.
Packed in the best Olive oil of our own importa
tion, in tin-boxes finished same as imported ; and
sold at less than half the cost of French Sar
dines. Their delicious flavor, and nutritious qual
ities recommend them to all classes. Sold by all
first class grocers. Wholesale by
16 a 3m 31 Broad Street, N. Y.
Why not have a Beautiful Complexion?
when such an agreeable aud effectual
Bold by Druggists & Dealers in Toilet Articles. 000
Have spoken their own
fintise for upwards of
hree-quarters of a Cen
tury. if The attention of
I Market Gardeners Is par-
ucuiuriy requesieu-
Landreth's Rural Reg
ister and Almunan will
be mailed without charge
I to all who aiply.
21 and 23 South Sixth Stroet,
714 000
10 Per Cent.
' Iuterest Payable Senii-Annnully
at the Banking House of
Or at any Bank designated by the lender.
TV parties many thousands of dollars per
month In lirst mortgages on improved uroerty In
fllinois, and such has been the demnncl for these
desirable securities, that we have, during the last
fifteen mouths, placed In them nearly One Million
of Dollars, the semi annual Inte.iest on which lias
In each and every case, been promptly paid.
These mortgages are in the form of Trust llecdH,
and can be closed In twenty days, should there be
a failure to pay Interest or taxes wiien duo.
We Invest any sum. be It large or small, and
collect and remit Interest aud principal as It ma
tures, all without exwuse to the lend r. ( an re
fer to parties for whom we have ruined large
amounts, aud who have never lost a dollar either
of principal or Interest in this class of securities
during the last AftmiH years. Hr nil tor our
pamphlet, "JUinuit as a place of Imvntmnl,"
mailed free.
Dealers lu Real Estate Ten Per Cent Securities
aud School llouds,
, . 7r63.
110 in t9( PTday. Agents wanted overy
1U LU 6V where. Particulars free. A. H.
BLAItt & CO., St. Louis, Mo. 1J M
iveu Advertisements.
Agents wanted for the new and startling book,
Tnft TlfiVII !n History, by the author of "God
. Z In History" Illustrated by Dore
ni Naif tTnAnwmnrt ft. I a. ii. i
'."ut Knrsed by eminent divines.
K. H
ai.ujia, i uvububi, ooo nroauway, ji. r.
T THE WORKING CXA8S. male orfe
male. tflOa week guaranteed. Respectable
employment at home, day or evening ; no capital
required! full instructions and valuable package
of goods to start with, sent free by mail. Address
with S cent return stamp.
. M. YOUNG & CO.,
17d4w 173 Greenwich St., New York.
SAgenU pj- Wanted for
aints Sinners
Address Zieolek & McCubdt, Phlladelphla.Pa. 17
AGENTS WANTED. Send for Circular. Ad
0L New VoI'k
We make a Specialty of County. City, and School
District Bonds, Guarantee Legality of all bonds
sold, collect the coupons without charge, or take
same as so much cash on sales. Send for price
The Law of Municipal Bonds,
Just published by our senior, should be In the
hands of all Interested In this class of seourltlcs.
Two volumes, price $10.
W. N. COLER & CO.,
114W 17 Nassau street, New York.
NEGLECT A COUGH. Nothing Is more certain
to lay the foundation for future evil consequences.
Wells' Carbolic Tablets
Are a sure cure for all diseases of the Respiratory
Organs, Sore Throat, Colds, Croup, Dlptheria,
Asthma, Catarrh, Hoarseness, Dryness of the
Throat, Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes, and all
Diseases of the Lungs.
In all eases of sudden eold. however taken.these
TABLETS should be promptly and freely used.
They equalize the circulation of the blood, miti
gate the severity of the attack, and will. In a very
short time, restore healthy action to the atlected
Wells' CAitnowo Tablets are put up only In
blue boxes. Take no substitutes. If they can't be
found at your druggist's send at once to the agents
in New York, who will forward them by return
mail. Don't be deceived by Imitations,
Sold by druggists. Price 20cents a box.
JUlliS W. K r.liLOGO, 18 Piatt St., N. Y.
Sole Agent for the United States.
sena ior circular.
WflTltfirl A rronta For 11,6 wat sensation
W ailLBU AgeQlS of hygieiilo literature,
My Jolly Friend's Secret!
Dr. DIO LEWIS' new worR Is an Immense suc
cess. Saves money, worry and precious health,
and shows how to live well and grow fat on $1 a
week. Agents are coining money and doing a
world of good with It. Delay not. but address at
once GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher.
17d4w Philadelphia.
the largest circulation in the world, grows
wonderfully because It Is the BEST
subscribers the Most Beautiful Premiums, and
ollors Canvassers the most LIBERAL TERMS.
Send for Circular. J. B. FOKD CO., New York,
Boston, Chicago, or San Francisco. . 18 d4w
AGENTS, we will pay you (M0 per week In cash.
If you will engage with us at once. Everything
iui iiiniicu uuu wunisri iitiu. Aooiess,
sxnenses nald
A. COULTER - CO., Charlotte, Mich.
J. 1NG." How either sex may fascinate and
gain the love and affections of any person they
choose Instantly. Tills simple mental acquire
ment all can possess, free by mall, for 25 cents.
together witli the marriage guide, Egyptian Ora
cle, ureams, runts to aaics, weuuing-Night
Shirt. &o. A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM
& Co., Publishers, Philadelphia.
Every mouse caught
resets the ti ap for an
other! Sample by
mall prepaid 75 cents.
Patentee, 64 and 66 Fulton St., N. Y.
AGENTS WANTED forthe grandest book of
the year, now selling with astonishing rapid
ity. Tells of the causes (if Fire ; Safes s Fire-proof
Buildings; Conquering Fire with Water, Steam
and Gas: Insurance Is It Safet Its History,
Basis, Management, How to Insure, &o. Vivid
Accounts of the Great Fires of History. Agents
send for circulars. You will not regret it. Sent
Free. Address Dustln, Oilman Ik Co., Hartford,
Coun. 18d4w
Pain! Pain! -CAMPH0RINE!
The great discovery for the relief of pain and a
sure and immediate cure for Rheumatism Chron
ic and Acute, Sprains. It has a pleasant and re
reshiug odor aud will not grease or statu the most
delicate fabric, which makes it a Luxury in every
Family. Price 25 cents per Bottle. For Sale by
nil druggists. REUBEN 110YT, Proprietor
New York. 18d4w
AGENTS WANTED for the New Illustrtcd Book
Wild Life in the Far West.
30 years with Indlaffs, Trappers, In Mexican wars,
c. Scalping Expedition against Apaches. Full
... tni. ........ i if.. iri. H....I.
Ul uiiuicn. uuu ai'iiiiiH miituiv. J im IMJOK ior lllO
nr rntili
year. Address,
ON, Hartford, C't
We Want an Agent
In this township to canvass forthe now, valuable
and fast selling book by Dr. JOHN COWAN,
Tho Science of a New Life.
Recommended and endorsed by prominent min
isters, physicians, religious and secular papers.
No other book like It published, ff-lil tier week
guaranteed. Address, COWAN & CO.,
IHw . latf Eighth St.. N. Y.
Home of God's People.
The grandest and most successful new book out.
Acknowledged to lie the most decided success of
the year now selling with astonishing rapidity.
It contains nearly art) Magnillceut Engravings.
Splendid opportunity for Agents to make money.
Circulars containing full particulars aud terms,
sent tree. Address DUS'flN, G1LMAN ti CO.,
Hartford, Conn. is d 4w
lV(intC(l. e wm gve meH anij W0eu
Business that Will Pay
from $4 to 98 ber day, can be pursued In your own
neighborhoods It is a rare chance fur those out of
employment or having leisure lime: girls and boys
frequently do as well as men. Particulars free.
Address J. LATHAM Hi CO.,
12 "t 2U2 Washington St., Boston, Mass.
S72 Each Week. .!!
...... - - ,ii. .a. jMiniinwn ntnci.
ly legitimate. Partlcu ars Free. Address.!
WOlPiH ti CO.. St. Iiouls, Mo. n
renh Garden Keeds. A fresh lot of gar
den seeds have jwnt been received undfor
ale by F. Mortimer.
,"catcheHai.ive w""
feP MO U SXrAP" ITjj