The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, May 06, 1873, Page 4, Image 4

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t fJloomfitlfc. imts.
Tuesday, May 6, 1873.
liriffwrnE. P. TlnwmnnftOo., Nrt. BO North fith
tiwt.nreoiirdiilr nutliorlzi'tl ailvertisluit un-nU for
Plilludolplila. A(lvriiiHi can umke contract with
theui at our lowent rule.
Tub Contract Ollce of tlie Postoflice De
partment awarded tlio contract for mail
ruessonccr service in New York city for
four years frofti first of July next to Atnzie
S. Dodd, the present contractor, at $53,380
per aunum. This service consists of car
rying tljo mails between the various depots
and landings and the city postoflice.
Tin Indian War.
Another fight has taken place between
our troops and the Modocs. There ap
pears to have been a perfect surprise to
the offiern in command and they led the
men Into a trap where 49 out of C9 making
the attack w re either killed or wounded
There is a probability that there will be a
general Indian war, as many of the tribes
are getting troublesome
General Garfield has put this ' poser'
to tlio Republican Convention of Wan-en
ouuty, Ohio, which by a resolution, called
on him to resign, for bis vote on the Salary
grab. Ho asks thein : " If the delegates
boliove the retroactive salary clause is so
infamous that I ought to resign for voting
for the Appropriation bill to which it was
attached, will thoy follow out their logic
and insist that the President ought to re
sign for signing it ? My vote did not make
it a law. His signature did."
It was with much pleasure that ' we no
ticed when last in Philadelphia, that the
increase of Messrs. Collins & McLeester,
business had compelled them to add largely
to their facilities, for casting type.
We know of no firm who is belter enti
tled to success, as they are not only prompt
and obliging in their dealings, but they
furnish their customers with a quality of
type wh ich is sure to give satisfaction.
We recommend those who have not already
dealt with them, to visit 705 Jayne .street
and give Messrs. Collins & McLeester
It is well known to very intelligent voter,
that there is something wrong in the man
ner in which candidates are nominated and
elected to oflico, by the political parties of
the day.
This knowledge has induced many to
throw aside party proclivities and make an
effort to bring about a reformation of the
body politic. The whole catalogue of cor
ruption in whatever shape, is to be discard
ed, and give those persons elected, to oflico
to understand that they are merely the
tertants or agent of the people and nothing
more. But in order to accomplish this re
sult it is necessary to commence at the
right place and in the right way. If the
source of a stream is muddy it cannot be
expected to send forth clear water : so if
voters allow themselves to be bought and
sold at the polls for money or any other
valuable consideration, they have no right
to complain of the bad conduct of those
elected to office by dishonest means. If
man must buy his nomination and election,
as a general rule, he expects to receive bis
salary and make bis election expenses
besides. If this reformation be accom
plished however, the old standard will be
revived. Is he honest, is be capable? Now
it is, "has ho money, is bo available?"
The timo was when the terms politician
and statesman meant the same ; but now
the former signifies a successful wire puller,
one who will resort to any means, honest
or dislioncbt, to obtuiu bis election, and
afterwards reimburse biinsolf and friends
out of the publio treasury. The latter
torm is so seldom seen in the publio prints
and so seldom applied to men in office at
present, Unit it has almost become obsolete
Why is it, that it is almost impogsiblo to
obtain a verdict against some of the most
notorious political scoundrels in tlifa United
States? simply because it is almost impos
sible to select a jury without finding out
afterwards, that, some of them were
tarred with tho same stick, though prob
ably in a less degree The question
naturally arises, how can those things be
remedied ? We answer educate the masses
of the people up to a higher standard of
intelligence and morality. We mean that
'morality taught in the Bible, so that men
will do right because it it right.
t3T Fears of another riot at Platten
burgh, N. J., are entertained. A Jargi
number of Swedes and Italians have been
, put to work upon the railroad who have
incurred the animosity of the workmen
formerly employed. Murmurings were
beard on both sides, and both parties are
said to be beuvily armed.
llll I II L II HL' ' "T
". SCHOOL BOOKS.-' - '
Every person who has children to send
to school is preparod to certify that the
frequent changes lu school books is becom
ing an intolerable nuisance. : Persons who
can not afford the expense, are often re
quired to purchase a series of books for
their children, while the ones they are us
ing are searoely soiled, just to satisfy the
peculiar notions of some one in authority,
or to help some one make a little commis
sion. In reference to this subjoct the
Philadelphia evening tllar makes the fol
lowing sensible remarks :
It is now charged that the merit of a
school book has nothing to do with its in
troduction. New books of this character
are forced upon the public precisely as is a
great amount of special and monopolizing
legislation by the aid of the almighty dol
lar. Those familiar with the tactics of
large school book publishing bouses were
long since aware of this discreditable fact.
It is said there have been thousands and
tens of thousands of standard school books
thrown aside in this city in order to make
way for newer ones published by houses
who understand the secret of manipulating
educational boards.
Outraged and Murdered. -Pittsburg,
April 29. A girl named Liz
zie Ness was brutally outraged and mur
dered yesterday afternoon in a grove near
Saltsburg, fourteen miles from bore. Her
Bkull was fractured in two places, and hair
matted with blood. Two tramping painters
named Pahle and Ilyndman, who claimed
to have worked recently in Cumberland,
Maryland, were arrested here to-day,
charged with committing the murder. The
girl was fourteen years old and an adopted
daughter of Mrs. Christian Kline, residing
near Galtsburg, and said to have a father
living in Ohio. The prisoners will have a
hearing on Friday.
Indian Justice.
A Desmoines, la., dispatch says an Indian
of a roving tribe of Musquako, and which
infested this state a few weeks ago, mur
dered one of bis tribe. ' The tribe were
then and are now encamped oil Skunk riv
er, near Colfax, in Jasper county. The
murderer was put ou trial and it was deci
ded that he be puuisbed by being starved
to death, and the sentence was carried out
to the cruel letter.' The Indian was tied
to a log in the woods aud several Indians
were detailed to carry the sentence into
effect, which took eight days. Other cru
elties familiar only to Indians themselves
were added to the torture of starvtuion.
Death of Hon. James Brooks.
Hon. James Brooks, representative in
congress from New York, died at bis res
idence in Washington, on the 30th ult.
He recognized those around him to the
very last moment. He bad long been in
feeble health from, as he himself frequent
ly said, tho effects of fever which be con
tracted in Asia. The deceased was in his
sixty-third year.
Miscellaneous News Items.
i2T" Charles S. Brown committed suicide
at FishkilL New York, because his wife
thwarted bis wishes as to the removal of
hen's nest. ,
tW At Boston last week, Edward Mo-
Gloone, was convicted of manslaughter for
causing the death of Charles Mahon, by
violently pushing him down stairs.
tMT The case of Miss Helena Frazer vs
Thrift, for breach of promise of marriage,
on trial at San 1 Francisco, was concluded
by a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for
tW A farmer residing in Germantown,
near Dayton Ohio, named Ileaney, his son
John aud daughter Catharine, were poison
ed at supper on the 23d. It is supposed
that arsenio was put In the coffee.
fU Andrew J. Crow, well known in Bal-
timoresporting circles, was instantly killed
at Henry Crey's restaurant, in that city,
by the accidental and careless discharge of
a gun by John Bell, the bur-tender.
tW The carriage works of the Lanca
shire R. R. co., (Eng.,) were destroyed by
fire last week. Fifty locomotives and 120
coaches, which were in course of building,
were burned. Loss $1,000,000.
t2T William White, one of the publishers
of the Boston Banner of Light dropped
dead in a Horse, car in rtoxbury, of apo
plexy. Deceased was about 50 years of
Albany, April 80. Two men, Damon
and Leonard Schermerhorn, while iutoxi
cated, were run over by the cars near here
to-day and killed. They belonged to Co-
tW A drunken passenger bound to Buf
falo on the express train leaving New
York last week, drew a large knife and
ferociously attacked several passengers.
He was taken off the train at Hudson, and
locked up.
UT At New York, on last Tuesday fore
noon Paymaster McDonnell, of tho6ccond
Avenue Railroad, while standing at the
corner of Thirty-eighth street anil Second
avenue, was assaulted by three unknown
men, who knocked him down, and tried to
rob him of (2,800 be bad about bis person.
The thieves threw cayenne pepper into the
man's eyes. The robbers made thoir es
cape without obtaining the money.
' t Miss Diana Levitt, milliner, Wauk
esha, Wis., bas just, by the aid of a jury,
taken $4,000 out of Morris Cutler,
wealthy widower of sixty-three years of
age, the chaste Dianna being thirty-four.
Miss Levitt tried for $50,00 damages, but
the unsentimental jury failed to see it in
that light, although there was read to them
a letter sent by her to the defendant in
which she avowed that be bad "caused
her to shed tears enough to run a small
sized grist-mill."
Halifax, May 1. The steamer Lacka
wanna arrived to-day at noon from the
scene of the wreck of tho, Atlantic. The
wreck has been almost blown to pieces
with gunpowder. A large quantity of
goods was recovered yesterday. Fourteen
bodios were brought up on Tuesday and
twenty-seven yesterday, mostly women,
being frightfully mutilated. They were
immediately buried. The total number of
bodies thus far recovered is 849.
tSTAt Boston on the first Inst., in the case
of Timothy Horgan a striking borse shoer,
on trial lor assaulting 1'oter mkincton, a
non-society man, thejury rendered a ver
dict of guilty. His counsel asked that he
might be loniontly dealt with, but Judge
Dewey said that he proposed to teach such
persons that they could not iuterfere with
the employment of others with impunity,
and sentenced Horgan to six months im
prisonment. 1 ' ; !
t2TAt Kingston, New York, on the
30th ult., the wife of Louis Heydegger,
wbilo laboring under a fit of temporary
insanity, produced by un attack of puer
peral fever, took ber infant, nine days old,
and went to a cistern in the yard, into
which, with the infant, she forced her way
through an narrow openiug. Her hus
band, missing his wife, instituted search
and soon found her body with life extinct,
The Infant was found shortly afterwards
tlf A singular explosion occurred in
Chicago in a clothes cleaning and dyeing
establishment. A room in which garments
were cleaned with benzine became so filled
with gas that it caught fire from a stove and
exploited, filling the room with flame. A
little child of the proprietor, L. Harding,
received severe injuries, as did Robert Sim
son, an employee.
tW la Philadelphia, last week a sad
affair occurred at the residence of Wm.
Gilmore. His two sons William, fifteen
years old, aud George, seven years old
were-playing; the first named having a riflo
While pointing it at the head of George
the load was discharged and passed into
tlio brain at the forehead between the eyes.
Death was instantaneous.
t-At Albany N. Y. John F. Payne and
wife colored, complained of Aaron Richard
son, proprietor of the Opera House, for
ejecting thein from that place of amuse
ment a few evenings since, and a warrant
was issued for the arrest of Richardson.
This is the first case under the Civil Rights
bill passed by the present Legislature.
CSTTho Rev. Kennoth II. Campbell,
formerly pastor of the Baptist Society at
East Dedham, Massachusetts,' is on trial in
the Norfolk County Superior Court on a
charge of immorality. Miss Sarah J. Ho
well, a young woman of twenty years of
age, is the plaintiff. Campbell is a married
man and about thirty years of age.
ISTAt Bremen, Ohio, on the 1st inst.,
Mrs. K.cllcuberger was shot and instantly
killed by her brother-in-law, John Scheme!-
zer. while attempting to rolease some of
her cattle, which the latter bad impounded.
Mrs. Kellenbergor was a widow and the
head of a largo family. Schmelzer, is in
HTOu the 28th ult, the station-bouse
at the crossiug of the Louisville, New Al
bany and Chicago, and Lake Shore Rail
ways was burned to the ground and a
man aged 70, named Klees, bis daughter
and five childien, living in the station
house, perished in the flames.
(W A. J. Donahue, bung for murder at
Rod Bluff, California, onthel8tb, delivered
himself of this jest In his last moments.
When tho Sheriff adjusted tho rope about
bis neck he said, " I say Slectb, can't you
put that under my arms ? I was always
ticklish about my neck."
t3TOn the 28th ult., a colored farm
laborer, named George Burke, of Collius
villo, Illinois, while drunk chopped off the
bead and ono arm of Maria Bowman.'and
threw tho body into a ravino. Jealousy
prompted the deed.
tJTAt N. Y., on Friday afternoon a load
of furniture, worth $0,000, was stolen by
robbers, who knocked the driver off the
team, and threw a boy into the street.
The owner caught one, but while awaiting
tho arrival of a policeman tlio-other robber
drove the team away.
Brussels, Out., May 2. Mrs. Ridley, re
siding in township of Gray, yesterday
drowned her three children iu the river,
while laboring under a fit of temporary in
sanity. She subsequently attempted to
drown herself, "but was rescued.
WilUarosport, Pa., April 80. The boiler
at Blonaker, Howard & Co.'s saw mill, in
the upper part of this city, exploded at
half-past four tbU morning. The engineer,
Ezra E. Faucher, was killed instantly, tho
watchman, William Muncy, was dangor
ously injured and two othors slightly.
Harrisburg, May 1. The Republican
State Central Committee met at the Loch
iol House this afternoon, with a full attend
ance. It was decided to. bold the State
Convention on August 13, in Harrisburg.
Louisville, May 1. About 11 P.M. a
severe wind storm passed over this city,
accompanied by hail, which covered the
ground to the depth of ' several inches.
No sorious damage has been done.
San Francisco, May 2. The Grand Jury
ignored the bill against Samuels, the man
who shot E. A. Marchand for alleged se
dcution of Samuel's daughters.
Safety InCoul Oil.
The Legislature at the recent session
passed an important law regarding the sale
of coal oil. It is important that people
know the law and enforce it. Tho follow
ing extracts show the provisions of the
law :
It forbids the salo of auy product of pe
troleum to be used in lamps for burning,
of a lower fire test than 110 degrees. This
completely shuts out all the patent fluids,
mado from benzine or gasoline, except so
far as they are used in the manufacture of
gas, and burned through pipes like ordi
nary gas. -
It provides that all oil sold for use in
this State shall be inspected by a regularly
appointed inspector, and that every barrel
or pack ago shall be branded as follows:
" State of Pennsylvania, Fire Test, One
Hundred and ten Degrees," with the name
of the inspector. If however, the oil is
better than 110, it shall be so marked.
All barrels which have contained oil,
ruuBt have the inspector's brand removed.
before they are sold or refilled.
Any oil found in the bands of a retail
dealer, which bas been fraudulently brand
ed, or bas been adulterated, or not coming
up to the test of 110, is liable to seizure.
Any violation of this law is followed by a
fine of not less than two hundred and fifty
dollars, or impolsonment not less than one
year, or both. And any person sustaining
damage to property or person by reason of
the use of oil not up to the legal test, can
collect damage of tho party who sold the
It will be seen that the provisions of this
Act are very strict and its penalties very
severe. It is to be hoped that every dealer
will use bis best endeavor to have the law
fully enforced.
New Advertisements.
m 4-, OA nerdav. A cent
s wanted every.
1U LU &U where. Particulars free.
BLAIR Si CO., St. Louis, Mo.
A. 11.
17 62
io T7i V. Trr.,,!, Audits wanted every-
XiOiLU W cOAi where. Business strict
ly legit Imate. Particulars l-ree. Address,,),
WORTH 61 CO., St. .LOUIS, MO. li itf
Valuable Heal Estate
THE underpinned will sell at private salo. a de
sirable farm situate In Soring township. Perry
county, 1 adjoiutng lanus or c. inuaiuin, jonu
uoyer ana outers, containing
SO A. O R K H ,
more or less, about (50 acres cleared, and the bal
ance well set with timber, such as Oak and Chest
nut. The Improvements consist oi a
Dwelling; I Ionise,
And a Good Bank Barn,
in a manner new. There Is a never-falling well of
good water near the door. There are also two ex
cellent ORCHARDS on this farm, with a variety
of other fruit trees.
This farm lien nneand a Quarter miles East of
Oak Grove, on the Long's Gap Road, known as
the farm of John Adams, dec d.
- For further Information, address the Exec-
Utor, JOHN,
Meehaulcsburg, Cumberland Co., Pa.
April 22, lH73.4m
o o o o oo Another oo o
o o
o AT o
o o o o o o Call sud iee them, o o o
At Private Sale. x
The undersigned will sell at private sale his val
uable farm situate In Juniata township, 1'en y co.,
1'., adjolniiiK lands of George Tizoll, George
lckes and others, containing .
of Red Slate land, about 75 Acres are cleared, and
In a high state of cultivation. The balance Is
well sot with timber.
The Improvements are a good two story Log
and Weatherboai'ded
There Is also a Well of good witter near the
There are also TWO GOOD APPLE OROH
AHDSon tills farm, with a variety of oilmr fruit
trees. This properly Is near the village of Idurkle.
ville in a good neighborhood.
Anv person desirina to ourchase a home, should
see this property before making a final Invest
Price $5,000 1 payments, 2,000 on the 1st of
April, 1H74, at which time a deed will be delivered,
and possession given. The balance to be paid in
three equal annual payments, wllu Interest, tube
aecureu uy juugllieilb uouus.
- Calf tu or address
' Marklevtlle, Perry eora.,
12tf New Bloomllf Id, Perry co., Pa.
Kew Advertisements. ' '
Agents wanted tor the new and startling book,
ha llntril in History, by the author of "God
ah t a ,n "'"tonr'1 Illustrated by Pore
and Endorsed hv eminent divined.
E. B.
TREAT, Publisher, 805 Broadway, N. Y.
17 dU
male. 60 a week guaranteed. Respectable
employment at home, day or evening : no capital
required! full Instruction!! and valuable package
of gorWs to start with, sent free by mall. Address
WllU D UCUfc return ntnilin.
17d4w 173 Greenwich St., New York.
Agents AN.Winted foi
Address & McCtjrdt, Philadelphia,?. 17
AGENTS WANTED. Send for Circular. Ad-
.New York.
We make a Sneclaltv of Countv. Cltv. and School
District Bonds. Guarantee Lenalitv of all bonds
sold, collect the coupons without charge, or take
same as so much cash on sales. Send for price
The Law of Municipal Bonds,
Just published by our senior, should be In the
hands of all Interested in this class of securities.
two volumes, price SHI.
17dtw 17 Nassau street, New York.
'"IX KVEli
NEGLECT A COUGH. Nothing Is more certain
to lay the foundation for future evil consequences.
Wells' Carbolic Tablets
Are a sure cure for all diseases of the Roinlratorv
Organs, Sore Throat, Colds, Croup, Dlptheria,
Asinma, imarrii. Hoarseness, Dryness oi the
Throat. Wlndpliie, or Bronchial Tubes, and all
Diseases of the Lungs.
In all cases of sudden cold, however taken.those
TABLETS should be promptly and freely used.
They equalize tlio circulation of the blood, miti
gate the severity of the attack, and will, in a very
short time, restore healthy action to the affected.
wells' CARnoLio tablets are nut iiDoniv In
blue boxes. Take no substitutes. If they can t be
found at your druggist's send atonce to the agents
in iv ew lorn, wno win forward mem uy return
nail. Don't be deceived by imitations.
Sold by druggi sra. Price 25 cents a box.
JOHN (J. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St., N. Y.
Sole Asent for the United States.
17d4w - , Send for Circular.
Wnntnrl A rrn-ntci 1 or the Kreat sensation
WttlllBU Ageniaof hygienic literature,
My Jolly Friend's Secret I
Dr. DIO LEWIS' new work Is an Immense suc
cess. Saves money, worry and precious health,
aud shows how to live wen and grow fat on (1 a
week. Agents are coining money and doing a
world of good with It. Delay not, but address at
once GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher.
17dw , Philadelphia.
Alwavs the premium Pumps: widely known and
highly appreciated. A pump and a tire engine in
one. Anti-freezing, strong and durable, good for
wells or cisterns, and for raising and throwing
water for all purposes. Also West's square tube
oopier LIGHTNING RODS the neatest, best and
cheapest. Circulars with cuts and price lUts free .
j. u. wesi a uo., u vorimuui ou maim
The Great Lightning Ink Eraser
For Instantly removing Ink from paper, cotton,
linen, &c, witnout Injuring or soiling the fabric.
Itdoesaway with all (scratching where unmakes
are made, and removes biota and stains Instanta
neously, it should be on the desK oi every law
yer, book-keeper and teacher, and as it not only
removes ink spots but also fruit stains and Iron
rust, every family needs It. It Is put up hand
somely, aud sold for 60 cents per case. AGENTS
wamea lointroauce h everywnere. k. u. hutch
inson, Btatloner, 41 Maiden Lane, N. Y. 16aliu
Or Fbench Lono-lived Bittkrh. hve been lined In
France for more than 100 yeans aud are now being iu
tfutluced into tuia oountry. They aoe oomposed of
Vuwetable extract and are dottitnied for the imritletitkm
ty aie oomposed
of the blood, tinm treveutlnK ua well aa ourinv nearly
all diaeaacH to whiou the human system la liable. As a
blood-pnrinerandaaa promoter of low life thay are
believed to ue uueiiuaiea. irnteouoeuia per oouie.
wiuh t introduce thum Into this aection. and deeire an
eucrtrotfc Amit, to whom liberal tiirma will be ottered,
A. W.'AUU s uu.,
. Hnla AuhiiU. No. 43 (Jedar Ht..
New York.
They have received Diploma for their merit
wherever exhibited. Piouounced by all, the
cheapest luxury of the age, valuable, and almost
necessary to the table, to travelers ; or at I'lc-nlcs.
Packed in the best Olive oil of our own Importa
tion, In tin-boxes finished same as Imported I and
sold at less than half the cost of French Bar
dines. Their delicious flavor, and nutritious qual
ities recommend thein to all classes. Bold by all
first class grocers. Wholesale by
16 a 3m 31 Broad Street, N. Y.
Why not have a Beautiful Complexion?
when suoh an agreeable and ettectual
Bold by Druggists & Dealers in Toilet Articles. 000
Have spoken their own
r raise for upwards of
hrce-quarters of a Cen
tury. - The attention of
I Market Gardeners is par-
iivuiaiiy ictiueaieu-
I.andreth't Rural Reg
ister and Almanac will
he mailed without charge
to all who apply.
11 and 1 Mouth Nixth Hireet,
714 000
If Ult tC(l. ye will give men and women
' Business that Will Pay
from t4 to (8 per day, can be pursued In your own
neighborhood; It U a rare chance for thoe out of
employment, or having leisure time: girls and buys
frequently do as well as men. Particulars free.
Address J. LATHAM & CO..
12 tit 2K2 Washington 8t, Boston, Mass.
Frenli Garden Soeds. A fresh lot of gar
den: seeds have just been received and f or
sale by P. Mortimer.