8- l)c tmts, Ntu) Bloomficlii, 3a. Thirty Miles of Fire. The Wilmington (North Carolina) Utar, of April It, says We learn from parties who arrived here yesterday on the Wil mington Columbia and Augusta Railroad that tires are raging nearly all along the line of railway from three miles beyond Fair Bluff to Flemington. Forests bare been swept, fences and wood destroyed, and in some Instances, it is reported, houses have been burned. Many of the poorer olnsses, who were getting ready for their crops, have suffered severely and will be thrown back materially in this respect. One widow lady is instanced who had just got a new fence around her house Bnd was getting rendy to plant, when the flames came and consumed her fence, and her house narrowly escaped the same fate. Great destruction is reported among the turpentine farmland the loss to this branch of industry will no doubt be very heavy. The Are is said to extend for twenty miles back in the country in some places, and is reported to be rapidly approaching the line of the Charlotte Road. The cause assigned for this destructive conflagration is that Monday's passenger locomotive lost its smoke stack, and ran all the wayfrom Grier's station t Flem ington in that condition, belching forth showers of sparks and cinders. - It being dry and windy these sparks and cinders communicated with the woods, and the work of devastation commenced. We learn that the sufferers by the fire are very ' indignant and "many of them, some of whom are among the most prominent citizens along the line of the road, are talk ing very seriously of bring suit against the railroad company to recover damages for heavy loss they have sustained. The fire is still raging with unabated fury, and now covers an area along tho line of the road of about twenty-five or thirty miles, with now and then a narrow strip of woodland which has thus far escaped the devastating element. A Sad Case. The Milwaukee Sentinel says : Wednes day morning the inhabitants of the quiet village of Hartford were startled with the leport that Mr. Martin McIIugo and his wife had been drowned in a cistern. Mr. McIIngo and his wife resided about one mile from the village on a small farm, and were quito alone, their youngest child, a young miss of sixteen, being in this city at school. As the house stands several rods from the road, the fact that tho passing neighbors did not observe either of them for a day or two was not thought strange. But a friend having occasion to call on Wednesday morning suspected that all was not right, and upon examination of tho premises discovered to his horror tho dead bodies of tho two unfortunate persons in the cistern. As neither the man and his wife had been seen since Monday forenoon, the theory of the casuality is that they must have fallen in on that day, and per ished by the alow agony of a living burial. The woman is supposed to have ccidently fallen in, and her screams for help brought her husband to her rescue, who dropped her a rope which she fastened under her arms. Then in his attempt to draw her out, the curbing -and planks gave way, precipitating him also into the cistern. The water was only four feet deep, but without the ability to rescue themselves from the terrible situation, or to have their cry of distress heard by mortal ear, they perished almost in sight and hearing of their own neighbors dying together, but as thoroughly isolated from all other help and sympathy as jf locked in a foundering ship that goes down into the depths of the sea. ' A Swindler. ' A fellow calling himself Rev. J. Hale Barney, was arrested last week at Wash ington, for fraud. lie was engaged in sending circulars tq the officials throughout the country bearing the forged signature of the President's private secretary. This has been sent to a large number of postmasters and iuternal revenue officers in the south. It opens with the announce ment that the "annexed conversations are sent by the President, in confidence," and adds that the Rev. J. Hale Barney has been selected to receive contributions, which the givers are requested secretly to forward to liia address. The objects of the contri bution are explained in what purports to be two interviews between the President and his secretary. An investigation of the swindle led to . the discovery that the owner of boarding house No. 420 Sixth street, Washington. had received a trunk from Baltimore, pre ceded with a dispatch to the effect that the owner would arrive in a few days and di- , rccting that all letters to him arriving in the meantime should be dropped in the ' trunk. A lame unmber of letters inclos ing money were received. It is said three persons are engaged in this swindle, ono being a well known, influential Washing toulan. All will be arrested and brought 10 u iai. laTDuring the Train lunacy investiga tiou last week, Judge Daly requested the women present to retire, as the evideuee about to be given would be unfit for them to hear. Mrs. Brooker, sister of Vie. Woodhull, refused to leave, saying that the evidence would not hurt her morals. Judge Daly ordered to clear the Court, and both male and female auditors were obliged to depart. New Advertisements. The Mormon Wife I AGENTS WANTED For tills fearless book. It comprises the Adventures mid Experience of a woman written by herself for years the wue oi a mormon rropnet disclosing nil mat is mysterious, wicked and Btartllng. Full of thrill ing adventure, humorous and pathetic scenes the most fascinating book extant. Port in 1 1 of the authoress, and of lending Mormons, men and women, Life and Scenes in Utah, etc. For cir culars address Hartford Publishing Co., Hart ford, Ct. Hdlw Pfarren First Premium IB.IHSI.1871 Double Elevated Oven, Warming Closet, Drolling Door, Fender Guard, Dumping and Shaking Grate, Direct Draft. . FULLER, WAEKEN & CO., 14 d 4w 236 Water Street, N. V. A MECHANICAL CURIOSITY. Every mouse caught resets the ti ap for an other 1 Six sent by express forSl. Sample by mail prepaid, 73 cents. For sale by the trade. It. E. Dibtk, 14d4w Patentee, 64 and 66 Fulton St., N. Y. 'atal Pain I CAMPHOMNEI The great discovery for the relief of rain and a sure ami Immediate cure for Kheumatlsin Chron ic and Acute, Sprains. It has a pleasant and re reshing odor and will not urease or stain the most delicate fabric, which makes it a Luxury in every family, rrlce 25 cents per Bottle. For Sale by all druggists. J lit' BEN HOYT. Proprietor new hoik. 14d4w $10 A DAY! Easily made by an Agency of "OUR OWN FAMILY DOCTOR." Best medical work extant. Everybody buys that sees It. Unusual inducements to Agents. Send for circulars and terms to HURST & CO., 740 Broadway, N. Y. -Aneasy and sure way to make money, 11(14 W We Want- an Agent In this township to canvass for the new, valuable ann iasi selling nook oy vr. juiijn uovvAiN, The Science of a New Life. Recommended and endorsed by prominent min isters, physicians, religious and secular papers. No other book like it published. WD ner week guaranteed. Address, COWAN (t CO., 14d 4w USD Eighth St.. N. Y. 19 SAMPLES sent by mail for 50c. that retail (llllek for S10. It. L. WOLCOTT. 181 Chatham Square, N. Y. 14 d4w WANT ED IM M EDI ATELY.-50.0O0 addresses, to which specimen copies of Smith's Maga zine will lie sent free, Agents wanted. Write Pliny F. Smith, 51 Liberty St., N. Y. 14d4w BLIl.DEltS Send for our Illustrated Catalogue of new books on building. A. J. BlClvNELL & CO., 14d4w 27 Warren St.. N. Y. AGENTS ! A RARE CHANCE ! AGENTS, we will nav vnu fin mpi wcaIt tn nnal, if you will engage with us at once. Everything furnished and expenses paid. Address, 14d 4w A. COULTER a CO., Charlotte, Mich. HENRY WARD BEECHER'S PAPER with the the largest circulation in the world, grows wonderfully liecause it is the B EST I'APKK.olves subscribers the Most Beautiful Premiums, and oilers Canvassers the most LIBERAL TERMS. Rend tor circular. J. o. FORD & go., New York, Boston, Chicago, orSan Francisco. 14 d4w FIRE 1 FIRE I I FIRE ! I 1 FIGHTING FIRE! AGENTS WANTED for the grandest book of the year, now selling with astonishing rapid ity. Tells of the causes of Fire ; Safes ; Fire-proof iuiiuiiig; vomiuei nig xwre wiiu water, nteain and Gas; Insurance Is It Safet Its-History, uasis. management, now to insure. &a. vivio Accounts of the Great Fires of History. Agents send for circulars. You will not regret It. Sent Free. Address Dustlu, Oilman & Co., Hartford, Conn. Hd4w First Mortgage Sinking Fund Secured by mortgage on 6,000 acres of very valu able Coal and Iron Lands. bomdsoi WOOD CO., Wis., due from 11 to 20 years. jiAisBAS iui.uiMTJ-.utD uounty and School Bonus. lO PER CENT. NEBRASKA SCHOOL BONDS. All naval! e 111 N. V. I ll.v. RHrt fnr iii nnt nrli.Aa that will nav over 12 oer cent, on the Investment. i an or senu lor pamphlets with maps and lull particulars uiat win suusiy me most cautious in. vestors. THOS. P. ELLIS & CO., Bankers, 14d4w 14 Pine St., N. Y, City, WEST'S IMPROVED PUMPS. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Alwavs the Dremlum Pumos: wldelv known and highly appreciated. A pump and a tire engine in one. Auti-freezinu. atronir and durable, uonri fir wens or ciHiHi us, ami lor raising aim throwing water for all imrnoses. kAlso West's souarA tube copper LIGHTNING RODS the neatest, best and cheapest. Circulars with cuts and price lists free . J. D. West & Co., 40 Cortland t St. liialm The Great Lightning Ink Eraser For Instantly removing Ink from paper, cotton, linen. &c. without Inlurlnir or sol 11 ml- the fabric. Itdoesaway with all scratching where mistakes are made, and removes blots and stains Instanta neously. It should be on the desk of every law yer, book-keeper and teacher, and as It not only removes ink sjiots but also fruit stains and iron rust, every family needs It. It Is put up hand somely, and sold for 60 cents per case. AGENTS wanted to introduce it everywhere. K. G. Hutch inson, Stationer, 44 Maiden Lane, N. Y. lGalm ELIXIR de LONQUE1 VIE. Or Frknoh Long-lived Bitters, have been nsed In France for more thau lixl years, and are now belli in troduced inu this country. They aJO coniiwaiKl of Vi-KBttthle extract and are dcaiKiied for the purlm-Atiou of til blood, than iireventlitK as well m curinu- nearly all diaesaBa to whieli the human ayatem la liable. Ah hlood.miritter and aaa nrtiinoUir of lonir Iff., th,iv .re believed to be uuetiialed. Price 60 cent per bottle. Wa wipu w imi oiiiitu uinu luM.mui amnion, nun ucwire an eueiyetie akiii, w wnoui iiiral lenna will ue ottered, A. W. DKHPAltt) k CO.. bole AiinuUl. No. ti Cedar Ht. New York. lSalui ASK YOUR GROCER FOR AMERICAN BONELESS SARDINES. They have received Diploma for their merit wherever exhibited. Piouoiinced by all, the cheapest luxury of the age, valuable, and almost necessary to the table, to travelers i or at Pic nics, Packed In the best Olive oil of our owu Importa tion, In lln. boxes finished same as Imported i and mnu at inns inuu nan tne cost oi f rencli Har dines. Their delicious llavor. anil niitHtiniiannui Hies recommend them to all classes. Sold by all urn. .hub aut11a. miioicaaio uy THE AMERICAN SARDINE CO., W a 3m si Broad Street, N. Y. Why nothava a Beautiful Complexion WHY ANNOIKD WITH CHAPPED HANDS oh ROUCH SKIN when such an agreeable and effectual B B MB D Y CAN BE OB TAINED . AT SO SUAM. A COST. BY USING WRIGHT'S " ALCONATCD GLYCERINE TABLET." Sold by Itrugglsts & Dealers In Toilet Articles. 000 jjr.OATCHE.VlALIVE -l mousetrap :-!i4 JrVt rfrtds OiUt The U. It. Stutual Aid Society of Pennsylvania, Treseut the following plan for consideration to uch persons who wish to become members : TliA nn.rn.nnr nl DTV Ttl T A 1Q At. nnntlnntlnn FIVE DOLLARS annually for rouit yeahs, and thereafter TWO DOLLARS annually during life, with nro-rata mortality assessment at the death of each member, which for the Fikst CI.AS8 is as follows: j.' i. i Ae niP.nt Aae ,P,it AJe numt ACe mrnt 15 fill 2S 73 41 92 54 1 70 16 HI ttS) 74 41! 4 65 1 17 ' IB 80 75 43 tt 56 1 Hi 18 63 31 77 44 !W 57 2 04. 19 61 32 79 45 1 00 58 2 16 2n 65 a) 81 46 1 06 69 2 28 21 66 84 H 47 1 12 60 2 40 22 67 35 85 48 1 18 61 2 45 23 68 36 86 49 1 24 62 2 60 24 69 37 87 50 1 30 63 2 55 25 70 38 88 61 1 40 64 2 60 26 71 39 89 52 1 60 65 2 65 27 72 40 90 63 1 60 Will entitle a member to a certificate of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, to be paid at his death to his legal heirs or assigns, whenever such death may occur. A member, or his heirs, may name a successor! but if notice of the death of a member to the Sec retary Is not accompanied with the name of a suc cessor, then the Society will put in a successor and fill the vacancy, according to the Constitution of the Society. Should tne meinner uie oeiore nis jour pay ments of fire dollar are made, the remaining un paid wai t will be deducted from the one Thousand Vollari due his heirs; his successor will then pay only tiro dollars annually during his lifetime, and tne mortality assessments. m. Male and Female from fifteen to sixty-live years of age, of good moral habits, in good health, hale, and sound of mind, irrespective of creed, or race, may become members. For further lufoma tlon, address L. W. CRAUMER, (Soc'y U. B. Mutual Aid society,) LEBANON, PA. Wm. M. Si-toh. New Blooirtlield, Pa.. District Agent for Huntingdon, Bedford, Blair and Ful ton counties. Agents Wanted t Address D. 8. EARLY, 7 17 8m pd Uarrlsburg, Pa. Boo U Agents Funny Side of Physic. 800 Pages, 250 EngraYiiiKS. A startling expose of Medical Humbugs of the past and present. It ventilates Quacks, Im postors, Travelling Doctors, Patent Medicine Ven dors, Noted Female Cheats. Fortune Tellers and Mediums, and gives liilerestlngaccounls of Noted Physicians and Narratives of their lives. It re veals startling secrets and Instructs all bow to avoid the Ills which flesh is heir to. We give ex clusive territory and liberal commissions. For circulars and terms address the publishers. J. B. BURR HYDE, Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, 1)1. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE Uncivilized Races IN ALL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD I Being a Comprehensive Account of their Mannors ana i;usioms, ami oi tneir rnysicai, no- -cial, Mental, Moral, and Religious Characteristics. Bv Rev. J. O. WOOD. M. A.. F. I. 8. 600 Engravings, 1,'iUO Super Royal Octavo Pages in two volumes, or two volumes in one. Agents are making over $100 per week In selling tins worn, aii eariy application win secure a choice of territory. For terms address tho pub Ushers, .1. n. BURR Hi HYDE, 6 41 ly Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, 111, NOTICE. The undersigned hereby gives notice that his wife, Esther Meyers, having left his lied and board, that he will from this date, pay no debts of lier contracting, and all persons are cuuiiouea against trusting uer on nisaccoiiiir, DANIEL MEYERS. Bloomtleld. April 1, 1873. 3t A DMINIBTRATOR'B NOTICE. Notice Is here- JV by given, that letters of Admliiistiatlonon the estate of Nancy A. Hornberger, late of Marys vllle, Perrv county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing In live town ship. Perry county. Pa. All persons indebted to saiu estate are reiiiestei to make niimeuiaie pay ment, while those having claims will present tiiem uuiy aiiiueilLicuteu 101 seuicnieut to HENRY SKILEH, April 8,1873- Administrator. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby glv eu that Letters 't estamentary on the last VVII1 and Testament of John Adams, late of Spring township, Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the subscriber residing 111 the same township. All persona Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and uioxe having claims to present them duly authenticated lor seiiieiucui to JOHN RIDER, Mureh 18, lTC 6t , Exeeulur. 11 77U2AVL, t Tytu&L Ccrty-' FwimtItWIIIi n V H. T. HEUIBOLD. J lJbl4RNEy'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. Is the only Known Remedy for Brights, Dis ease, and has cured every case of Diabetes In which It has been given. Irritation of the Neck, of the Bladder and Inflammation of the Kidneys. Ulceration of tho Kidneys and Bladder, Reten tion of Urine, Diseases of the Prostate Gland, Stone In the Bladder, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for En feebled and Delicate Constitutions of both Sexes, attended with the following symptoms : Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breath ing, Weak Nerves, Wakefulness, Pain In the Back, Flushing of the Body, Eruption on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Lassitude of the System, etc. Used by persons In the decline or change of life, after confinement or labor pains, bed-wct-ing in children, etc. In many affections pernllar to ladles, the Ex tract Buchu is uneqiiaied by any other remedy As in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Pain fulness or Suppession of Customary Bvacuationa Ulcerated or Hrhlrrua state of the Uterus, Leu corrhea or Whites, Sterility, and for all com plaints Incident to the sex. It is prescribed extensively by the most eminent Physicians and Midwives for enfeebled and delicate conitlu tlons of both sexes and all ages. KEAEITEY'8 EXTEACT BTTCEU.A Cura JHteatet Arising from Itnprudmca, Habit of Uualmtion, 4tc, in al 1 their singes, at little exponse, little or no change in diet, no In convenience, and no exposure. It causes a fre quent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, Preventing and Caring Strictures of the Uretba, Allaying Pain and Iuflammation, so frequent in tills eloas of dis eases, and expelling all Poisonous matter KXAENEY'8 EXTRACT BUCHU. 11.00 per bottle or six bottles for $8.00, delivered to any address, secure from observation. Sold by druggists everywhere. Prepared by KEARNEY & CO., 104Duane Bt.N. Y. to whom all letters for information should be addressed. Avoid Quacks and Impostors. Jk No Charge for Advlceand Consulatien. Dr. J. H. Vyotl, Graduate Jefferson Altdifal CoUege, Philadelphia, author of several valuable works, can be consulted on all diseases of tbe Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which be has made an especial study) either In male or female, no matter from what cuuae originating or of how long standing. A practice of 80 years enable htm to treat disease with success. Cures guar anteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a dis tance can forward letter describing symptoms and enclosing stamp to prepay postage. Send for the Culdeto Iltallh. Price 10 Cents. i. U, KYOTT, M.D., Physician and Surgeon, lMDuaueSt. New York 7 13 52 AOEIVTS, A Ilaro Chaiico ! Oflfi f-A Qnfl rar m An tli canbemade vmuu.uu vuuu pux Aiiuuuii by fHd re. liable Agents or business men SELLING LOTS, HUNTING COLONISTS or EMIGRANTS for "GlllJaifc CITY," A new town at East I.Iahanoy Junction,'' Schuy kill Comuy, Pa., Where four different Railroads make connection, and there are Fourteen Daily Passenger Trains, and close t the greatest Anthracite Coal Triuie in tne ntate. Purui,.iu Hnvltlrv Iota n n i.,.a OVTV I'llfVIT BAND IiOI.LAIIS within the next ten years, by Investing 1126 Foil A LOT, and can have FIVE Y E A RS'T.1 M E TO RAISE THE MONEY. 0 f All kinds of labor commands the highest wages and any person can lind employment. Pro duce, Provisions, Goods and all kinds of Wares bring the highest city prices. Lota are for sale and Mans and Drafts can do seen at an me unices oi the principal REAL ESTATE AGENTS. OR , JAMES H. GUI EU, . PotUvlU l, , 7 6 tt ' .- Schuylkill co., la. Alili KINDS OF JOB FltlNTINO Neatly executed at the Bloouiaeld Time tilsMatn Job Oiltve. far. Mftm. 'J'KAJJ IW i RAILROADS. HEADING RAIL-ItOAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, December 2, 1872. Tratnsleave Harrlsburir for New York- aafniinwa At 6.30 and 8.10, A. M and 2.00, p. m., connecting with trains on tbe Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 12:ii5 8.50, and 9:45 p. m., respectively. Returning: Leave New York at 11.00 a. m., 12.! and 6.30 p. in., Philadelphia at 7.30, 8.46 a. in., and 3.30 p.m. Leave Hnrrlsburg for Reading, Pottsvllle, Tama qua, Mlnersvllle, Ashland, Sliamokln, Alienlown ana rniiaueipiua at. ).. anu e.iua. m., z.uu ana 4.05 p. in., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations; the 4.05 p. m . , train connecting for Phil adelphia, Pottsvllle and Columbia only. For Pott- vine, BcniiyiKiu Haven anu Auuurn, via ocnuyi kill and Susquehanna Railroad leave Uarrlsburg at 8.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Head ing for Allentown. Fasten and New York at7.3 and 10.35 a. in., and 4.00 p. in. Returning, leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 12,50 and 6.30p. in., and Allentown at 7.20 a. m., 12.25, 2.10,4.35 and 8.55 p.m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., connecting at Reading with tram on East Penn'a. Railroad, returning leaves Pottsvllle at 4.35 p. m.. stopping at all stations. i.eave i orLsv ar. e no. s l. aim h. id a. m..&nn 2.30 p.m., Herndon at 10.00 a.m., Sliamokln at 6.0 ..w u.ni., nei iiuou at iu.ou a.m., miamoKin at o.uw nd 11.02 a. in., Ashland at 7.18 a. in., and 12. 20p. i., Mahanoy City at 7.53 a in and 12.54 p m., Ta ianua at 8.35 a m and 2.10 p m for Philadelphia, .UK 11. U. 111., 111., manna New York. Read Inn. Harrlshurir. &n. Leave Pottsvllle via SchuylkllTandSusquelian Railroad at 8.06 a in for liarrisburg, and 11.45 a ni-, for Plnegrove and Tromont. Pottsvllle Accommodation Train leaves Potts vllle at 6:00 a in., passes Reading at 7.40 a m., ar riving at Philadelphia at 10:15 am. Returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.45 p m., passes Reading at 7.15 p m; arriving at Pottsvllle at 9.00p in. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts town at 6:45 a in, returning, leaves Philadelphia (Ninth and Green,) at 4.30 p m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Read Ins at 7:31 a in, and 6:15 p in; for Ephrata, Litlz, Lancaster, Columbia, &o. ; returning leave Lancaster at 8.20 a m, and 3.30 p m, and Columbia at 8.15 am, and d,U p 111. Ferkiomen Railroad trains leave Perklomen Junction at 7.35 and 9.00 a m, 2.55 and 6.40 nm; returning, leave Green Lane at 6.15 a m, 12,35and 4.20 u in, connecting with trains on Reading Rail Road. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Phoenix vine at 9.10 a ni, 3:10 and 6:50 p m; returning, leave Byers at 6.35 a ni, 12:45 and 4 :20 p ni, con necting with trains on Reading Railroad. Colebrookdale Railroad tralii3 leave Pottstown at 9:40 a m and 1:20, 6:25 and 7:15 p m, returning leave Mount Pleasant at 6:00, 8:00 and 11:25a in, and 3:00 p m, connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Bridgeport at8:30am, 2:40 and 5:33 p in, returning, leave Downingtown at 6 :55 a m, 12 :30 and 5 :40 p m, con necting with trains on Reading Railroad. On Sundays: leave New Yoik at 6:30 p m Phil delphiaat 8:00 am and 3:15 p in, (the 8:00 a in. train running only to Reading,) leave Potttville at 8:t0 a m, leave liarrisburg at 6:30 u m ami 2:00 p m; leave Allentown at 8:55 p. m. ; leave Reading at 7:15 a in, and 10:15 p m, for liarrisburg, at 7:30 am. for New York, and at 9.40 a. in., and .ioior i iiuaueipuia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Tickets, to and from all points, at re- Baggage checked through ; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger. , J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Sunt. & Eng. Mach'ry. Reading, Fa., December 2, 1872. Pennsylvania It. R. Time Table. NEWPORT STATION. On and after December 22d, 1872, Passenger trams will run as follows : EAST. Uarrlsburg Aceom 12.24 P. M dally " Sunday. Mail 7.30 h. M., daily except SiHraay. WEST. Way Pass. 9.05 A. M., daily. Pacific Express. 6.M) A. M. (Hag), dally. Mail 2.42 r. m. daily except Sunday. Mixed 6.30 P.M., daily except Sunday. J. J. BARCLAY, Agent. P. 8. Mail EastreachesPhiladelphlaatll.lOp.M DUNCANNON STATION. On and after Sunday. December 22, 1872, trains leave Duucaniioii, as follows WESTWARD. Way Passenger. 8.31 A. M., dally except Sunday Mall, 2.08 p. m dalfyexcept Sunday Mixed, 6.58 r. M.. daily except Sunday. Pittsburgh Ex.(!tag) 12.08a. in., dally exept Sunday EASTWARD. Haris'burg Aecom 12.59p.m., dally exceptSuttday Mall 6.62 p. m " " r Cincinnati Express (l!ag)9.52p. m. dally. WM. 0. KING, Agent. Northern Central Railway. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Tlirovgh and Direct Route to and from Washing ton, Daltlmore. A'lmlra, h'rie, fliirtufo, - Jtocttetter aiul Niagara tVUs. QN AND AFTER SUNDAY, Ootober27th, 1872, the trains on the Northern Central Railway win run as follows : M OR Til Y AMD. MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Baltimore, 830 a.m. I Uarrlsburg, l. p 25 Willlamsport 6.20 p. in., and ai r. at Eliulia,10.30in CINCINNATI EXPRESS. Lvs. Bait I more, 8.10p.iii.arv8.Harrisburg,11.20p.m. FAST LINE. Leaves Baltimore 1.15 p.m. I Uarrlsburg 4.60 p.m. Air. at Williumsport 8.35p.m., NORTHERN EXPRESS. Lvs. Baltlniorul0.26n.in. levs.Hkrrisburg 4.25a.m. An Ives at Elinira 1X40 a. in. Lvs.Nlagara 9.56p.m. NIAGARA EXPRESS. Lvs. Baltimore 7.40 a.m., liarrisburg 10.50 a. m Arrives at Caaandalgua at 8.00 p. in. " Niagara, at 1.10 a. ni. SOUfjlWARJ). MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Elmlra 6.30 a. in. I Wllllanisport 9.1S a. m liarrisburg 2.06 p. ni. I Ar.Baltiinore at 6.30p.in PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS. Leaves Caiiaudaigiia 2.46 p. m Elinira 6.30 p.m. Williamspoit 11.06.U in.. Harrisburg at 6.30 a. m. Arrives at Bultlmore at8.4ba.ui. ERIE EXPRESS. Lvs. Erie at 9.05 p. til. Williamspoi t at 9.25 a. m Lvs. Suubury 9.40 a. in., Ar. Hanlsbui g 11.30 a.m PACIFIC EXPRESS. Lvs. Harrisburg 11.60 a.in., Ar.Baltimure 3.00 p. m NIAGARA EXPRESS SOUTH. Lvs Canaiidaguail.3iia.in. I Elmlra 2.20 p. m " Wllllanisjiort 6.10 p.m. I Sunbury 8.00 p. m " Harrisburg 10.luii.iu. ar. Baltlmore,2.15 p.in For further Information apply at the Ticket oltlce, Penusylvuiilu ; ailroad la pot. Al i:l) R. F1HK.K, General Superintendent. Stage l.iue ISctwcen Newport and Kew Germuutowu. STAGES leave New Oermantown dally at four o'clock a. m. Landisbtirgut7. 30 a. in. Green park at 8 a. in. New Bioonitield at 9H a. in. Arriving at Newport to oouuect with the Ac commodation train East. Retiirnlngleave Newport on the arrival of the MaUTralnirom Philadelphia, at2.30 p. in. I. RICE, Proprietor. yiLLIAM M. 8UTCU, JiiHtl4o of Hlo. Peace, AND GENERAL COLLECTOR, New Bliomflold, Perry. County, Penu'a. - Siieclnl attention paid to Collnotlons of all kinds. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages and Ajiieeuieiil. neatly executed. 7 10 tf