6 l)c mes, New Bloomftcti), )cu m Sl00mfitItr fetus. Tuesday, April 15, 1873. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS fTe f ntf ( commtmfcaMonsrom nl! jwrsonswio are fntcrestwf n matters properly belonging to this department. Measuring tho Height of Trees. In his talo of '''Monsieur Violent," Cap tain. Marryatt tolls us, as an instance of the great aptitude for applying simple rules possessed by the Shoshone Indians, that when they desired to measure the height of a tree at any time when its shadow was cast on the ground, they used to place a stick of a given length into the ground, and then calculating the difference be tween the length of its shadow and its act ual height, nnd applying tho same to the shadow of the tree, they ascertained its correct height, thus unknowingly working out a sum in the rule of three. Any person however ill-informed, might easily get a the exact height of a tree when the sun shines, or' during bright moon-light,by marking two lines on the ground throe feet apart, and then placing Jin tho ground on the line nearest to the sun a stick that shall stand exactly three feotjout of ftlie soil. When the end of the shadow of the stick exactly touches the further line then also the shadow of the tree will be exactly in length tho same measurement as its height. Of course in such a case the sun will be at an exact angle of 45. Measure ments of this kind would best be effected in the summer, whon the sunj is powciful has reached to a good hoight into the heavens, and whon the trees are clothed with living grcccn so as to cast a Jdonse shadow. To many to whom this idea might not have occurred, it might be mado annually a matter of interest, thus on warm summer days to take the height of prominent trees, and so tocompare notes of growth from year to year. Water for Hoses. A writer in the Agriculturist says : This bummer my horses got badly run down. We fed them liberally, but they did not eat well. They had no appetite, no digestion, and no strength and spirit. They camo home at noon and at night fagged out, and their night's rest did not refresh them. I sawed a barrel in two and placed the onds on tho platform of tho pump. Those are for watering the horses. Into ono of thorn we put a pailful of com meal and mix ed it with the water. Tho horses at first did not like it, and would only drink a little when very thirsty. After they had drank what they would they woro allowed pure water. In a very few days, however, they drank this corn moal Boup with a relish, and in less than a week there was a decided change for tho better in tho appearance of all the horses. We do not let them eat the meal, but merely lot them drink tho meally water. I have no doubt it is as good for them as a plate of good soup is for a tired and hungry man before dinner. It seems to stimulate the appetite and aid digestion. Orange Tree. The orange, though most generous of trees, is the most jealous of Its treasures. Great pointed spears of an inch or two in length, protect tho access to tho branches. It would bo the work of time and skill to rob an orange troo, and an offender trying it in tho dark might find himself punished in tho act. The orange as taken from the tree is hard and heavy, the skin brittle and crisp, breaking if one tries to press it. A fresh orange cannot bo sucked its rind is too brittle. That capability of the orange is wholly tho result of the balf-wilted state in which it generally comes into market. Could wo possibly get them into New York market as we take them from the trees, they would forever drivo out all fruits that now bear the name. But very few can reach the North in this condition, and those generally aro special orders or presents to friends. Funning In Louisiana, An occasional correspondent, writing from Morehouse Parish, represents that in that section, the present 'generation of la borers will not realize that the land . now needs different and more thorough culti vation than whon new ; and so are likoly to go on, to the cud of life, " making corn and cotton, just as old masters did when they were young." Last season on a place which he superintended, ho mado, from 150 acres planted in cotton, 175 bales; but other places worked by him, to which he could not give personal supervision, did not yield half so well. Cliniiglng Seed Potatoes. In answer to a correspondent, tho Cot tage Gardener says t Kvery fourth or fifth year wo consider it desirable to have a change of seed potatoes j but if you quango Hie ground repeatedly, and that very con siderably, you will gain little, if anything, by a change of seed, for you obtain the ben flit of it annually, though not to such an extent Hi if you wore to have frenh seed from a distance. THE NEW DISCOVERY In Ghsmioal and Kadloal Solano. Dr. B. F. GARVIN'S SOLUTION & COMPOUND ELIXIR FIRST AND ONLY SOMTTION vor tnnrj In one mixture of AM. 'f ill: I WI LVK valuable active principal of the well kuowu. curative agent, PINH TUTSI! TAR, TJNEQUALED in ; Cough, CoMi, Catarrh, Asthma, lironohittg, and oonramption. CUREH WITHOUT PAIL A recent cold in three to ix hour; and also, l-T ite VITALISING, VUKIFYINU and STI MULATING effect upon tho general ayetem, ie remarkably efticarinue in all Of1 THE BIOOD, Including Hcrotula and Eruption of the skin, lTepewia, Diieaeoe of the Liver and Kidueye, Jdeart Xtieease, and General Debility. ONE TRIAL CONVINCES! a Leo, A Volatile Solution of Tar For INHALATION, without application of HEAT. A remarkably VALUABLE discovery, at the whulo spparutiia can bcarriud in the Test pocket, readv at any time fur the iuoat effectual aud positively curative use iu All Diseases of Hie NOSE. THROAT id I.I TnE COMPOUND Tar and Mandrake Pill. for uie In connection with the ELIXIR TAR, Is a rombination of the TWO mnnt valuablo ALTERATIVE Medifiinea known in the Pro fcuion, and renders tliie till without exception the very beit ever offered. The HOMJTIQM and COMPOUND ELIXIR of TAR ii without doubt tho ltoat remedy known in caiee of CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER. It it a Specific for such disease, and ehould ho kept in the bouMhold of every family, especially during1 those months iu which CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER nre liable to prevail. A amnll quantity taken daily will prevent contracting thoso terriblo diseases. Solution and Compound Elixir, (1.00 per Boltlo Volatile Solution for Inhalation, fJ.OOpor Box Tar and Mandrake Fills, SOcts per box. Bend for Circular of POSITIVE CLUES to your Druggist, or to L. P. HYDE & CO., BOLB PBOPKIETOES, 19!i-7th Avenue, New Fork. sola by all Druggists. DR.CE00K'S WINE OF TAB! Ton Tennofaiinblle tout lias proved Iir.Crook'a Wlneof rr to have more merit than any Hlmilar hnitinmllftn AVnrnfTnUNl tft rfsL tho puhlln. It 18 rloh In Wiv"?- 1 ho medicinal quftlltlcaof ffVZS Jar, Bni uneniiftieu ior ;'(TXf dlseasesof the Throat : ' u "" performing tho rifcX. nioKtretmii-kubloourea.lt ST?3 ell'ectuiilly cures all Cough JV'il anil Cold. Itliaa cured so many cases of Astlimat ljMV3vsy ana Rrouchltla, that It has beeu pronounced been, pronoulicea a speeltlo fur these com- piiUnln. 1 or I'oiiidin me ItreHHf, Niun or Itnrk, Uravel or Kidney alia. fuae, u iHouHea o 1' the TTrlu. I y ary urvniiitdMuiin, WS or any Uver Complain '" It bus no equal. It ! alaa a annerlor Tonic. llratorea the Appetttte, Mtrpnrthrna iberiyilem, Restores the Weak nnd Itvbllltat eil, Canaea I lie Food to Oltcest, BemoTM Iyiepla nnd IndiKention, Prevent Malarious I'evera. Olvea tone o your fey atem. KEEP TIIEISLOOIIIJltE will follow, 'llieio In u pri'imra tion of Iron anil I'olie lloot more effectual thao all olliera, which will remove from your nyatom tho Impure nnd vitiated blood which cause il laeOHe, and atthoBuinetlme build up your health and Htrangth It never "alia to euro. If yon liiws Nero tula, Nerolalou lliei ea of the Kyea or Kara, or Nrrofnln In any rorm. Tel. IMP. Ul.lm ttH.III 9 C . Korea, I Irera. or Neroluloua Inllamuintioiia, you cua rely on beiiiK cured with thlH prepo- tompouiid Ayrnp of I'olte 7 . . avail. . I.I I In l.linbaorMonea.t'onalltn. Jliona brokeudomn by Alurcu- lul or oilier imiIhouii, are all Syphilitic tulnt-fiieriilaiiotli slit Annul tf it A iia nrai'A la. JJcautliy your Complexion. Co not uo paint orpowdnr, but get a mora Permanant beauty by purifying your blood. Hi la preparutlon of Iron and I'olie lioot inuken u rouKh and scaly akin HoftuinlHiiiootli; f 1 1 r i ; i it h that Hallow complexion to omi of fii i.litn--aiid health, and reinovo any l:i nix tl e Iklxraaeaol llieNhlu, I'ltuolea, I'ua. !)', Illolxliea A K.ruullona. li'you wl.-ili m-.v i ekHHiid aheallhy couiidexlon tmelir, l'roiiii'4 CouiimuadUyrupof l uito ltooU ORGANS I ORGANS I ORGANS 1 For the 1'arlor, Sunday Scheul nnd Clnirrb. 6 Ocliives; t sel of Heeds tliroiiKlioiit : 6 sloiw. Only $125. Hie best Oi'Kuu In the world (or I lie world for the nmiiey. We eau supply Organs laimhiKln price from to f.uoo, and oiler Hie must liberal Inducement), to the U ncle, Tcachcri, ('ln'K.vnicu. uud others, w ho will act us UKents for the Hale of our Instruments. The " 1'arlor C.tm" I'iaiio, 7 Octaves, full Iron frame, overslrnnn sivile, round corner, curved lc k; the finest low prked l'luno iiinuuluclui'ed. Kully wuirunted. Violin String. We Imliort direct from lluly, Germany and France, the very choicest strlnus that uie made, and can supiHirt the tnnle it lowest market prices, .sample set of choice Vic 1 1 ri or (iuitui'St l ilies mail ed free for II. Hand lit Hi iniicnls, Hlieel Music, Music Hooks, and 1UubIc.i1 iMerciuiudlse ol every description. WM. A. l'ONl) & CO., B47 BIJOADWAY, NKW YORK, ' Branch Store, 39 Union Square. 3m X A DIES AND CHILDREN will find a 1 J iplendld assortment of shoes at the oue price atore of V. Mortimer. e.ra e 0 tew Ml jy ' Photographs ! JACOB COBLE, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, VENN'A. THE subscriber would respectfully call the at tentlon of the citizens of this county to the fact that he Is prepared to take rilOTOURAPm In the best style of the art. Ills long experience enables him to produce PICTURES wmcrr oaxnot bb CELLED. EX- All persons are requested to call at Ills rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention Blvcn to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and Kreat care will be taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children. Framing material and a good assortment of frames always on hand, and for saje at low prices. JACOB iOSLE, Arttst, Newport, .ferry Co., Pa SSiiulek. 8 . M. Sutler S. SHULER & SON, LIVERPOOL, Perry County, Pa., Dealers In all kinds of Hardware, Groceries, &c. All goods In our Hue sold at the lowest price. Give us a trial. 5 44 i4t. LEBANON Mutual Fire Insurance Company, OF Joucfcito-vt-ii, Pciin'u, POLICIES PKltl'ETUAI, at Low Kates. No Mteam risks taken. This is one of the best conducted and most reliable Companies In the Htate. Country property Insured Perpetually at 4 00 per thousand, aud Town property at 85 UO per thousand. LEWIS POTTER, NEW BI.OOiMFIELD, PA., 16 gent for Perry County. UNITED STATES HOTEL, Cor. Fttllon, Water and Pearl St., A. Y. THIS well known favorito hotel has recently been renovated, remodeled and furnished new and elegantly throghont. It Is kept on the European plan, and has ample accommodations for four hundred guests. The location is more accessible to all parts of New York and Brooklyn than any other house iu the city. The Broadway Mace puss tho hotel every three minutes, besides various lines of Street Cars, one of which Intersects every other route Iu New York. It being but two blocks from Fulton Ferry, makes it convenient for those wishing to visit the " City of Churches," as from this ferry diverge all thepiinclpal Hallroad routes In the city of Brook lyn. (6.lhlp) CEO. N. TEHKY, Proprietor. R OBINSON HOUSE, (Formerly kept by Swegor nnd Sliuman.) A'io Bloonxfield, Perry County, ia. AMOS ROBINSON, Proprietor. This well known and pleasantly located hotel has been leased for a number of years by tho pres ent proprietor.and he w ill spare no pains to accom modate Ills guests. The rooms are comfortable, the table well furnished with the best In the mar ket, and the bar stocked with choice liquors. A careful and attentive hostler will he In attendance. A good livery stable will be kept by theproprietori April 3. 1871. tf O "IU TV V. . fTIHK Best Oil In the World for Machinery. It will not chill. It will not gum. It Is equal to the best Lard Oil. - - If you have any kind of machinery, ask for OLENA, and if you cannot buy it at home, send for a circular and price list to PAINE, ABLETT & TRIPP, Oil Manufacturers and Dealers, No. 800 IV 11 11 Avenue, 0 40 rittxburvh, l'a. QO TO 17. MOUTIMKR'Ci Jj Oil HAllUAlNk5. . Ilia Stock will bo found the most complete in tlio county, and consists of DltY (JOODS fll.OTHINO vrutotKHiKK WQ1IOK FINDIVtJH JQADLKKS II AKIIWAltE "YlTi UiOW AVAItK, Ac WmAM, I'AI'Flt WpmrsilKMall styles DpoO'l'S As N1IOKS DtTATS A CAM H-ITTIIITPMJOOI,!' W JOTIONS Ac. On. ci.oTir VTAII.SAi S1MK1CH XlUiiKiK TIIDLSivC El DAINTN, OILS IpAlslNijAKIMCK IVtkON fc STK.KL, IpAltHIACK IIAItDWAItK "-"jgN vi;i.oi'i:sai I'Ai'Kit CJOODS OF EVERY STYLE pHEAP FOR CASH, JLL am ske. Dally Express and Freight Line UETWEKN DLOOMFIELD & NEWPORT! TUP. subscriber wishes to notify the cltlzensof Bloomlleld and NewiHiit that he is running a Iiully Line between these two places.and will haul Freight of any kind, or r romptly deliver packages or mesvupeseiit rusted t hiscare. vOrilorsiiiayl-leti. forhlm at the stores of K. Mortimer Co., New Bloomliuld.or MUllgantt Musser, Newport, Pu. ' , , , . H. WIIlTMOltE. Bloomlleld, January 25, lavu. Photographs ! Paprr for the Manet I Worth iu Weight in Gotdlt Xothing like it in the World! tt Imt" W n n nrrt Um Krery IntslMgant cltltra. prnftwlnnal or non-proftw- Bnslncaa and Family Paprr Jim made, and Is maklnir, for It a circulation and rro talion uuimralleled In thg hlatory of Journaligm. Il IS A IJSAOTlrVL 16-PAOI, 64-C0MIf, IUCSTUTCB Wiir. 11 glTei you all YOUR LEGAL ADVICE FREE. Original Dralirna for Cottnget, Dwelllnip., gnbnrban an.l I toontry Koid.ncai, and a vaat fund of information on matlora or apeclal and general lutereit, found lu no other Journal iu the country. A fflagniBeMit $5.00 Oil Chroma, TIIK LOST BABE, .'r.1.1 """nt!l T"u1' ,0 tnmr h Prowntod to every yearly subscriber, BuliKrinilon price, 3.00 per year, In adranc.. Eingle copies ten ceuta. ".. PERMANENT AGENTS WANTED tlnnous annual Income, with Imt little labor. Onr 1 agents are making from .l to $10 per day. Writa at once, stating terrltorv Ueelrtsl. 1 Address all letters to Caori A Pbiilips, PuMlehers, Pittsburgh, Pa. Drugs ! Drugs ! THE Subscriber has on hand and for sale, at low prices, a complete assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, Of all kinds. Also, a full stock of Concentrated Remedies, PATENT MEDICINES, ESSENTIAL OILS, PERFUMERY, IIAIIt OILS, BRUSHES, . AND, FANCY ARTICLES. Pure Wines AND LIQUORS, Always on hand, for Medicinal and Sacramen tal purposes. SUflVivsiciani' Order carefully and promptly filled. B . M . EBY, NKWPOKT, PERRY COUNTY, FA. Boots ! Boots I A Fill Assortment of THE CELEBRATED YORK BOOTS, Hand or Machine Sided. Whole Stock Double Sole and Warranted to Give Entire Satisfaction, Manufactured and For Sale to the Trade by M. B. SPAHIi, YORK, PA. A full Assortment of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Constantly on Hand. n-Smcial Attention Paid to Order.- 6 23 26. To $lL00111Illf OI'M. THE subscribers keep eonitnntly on hand, a FllsK ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH GALE SKINS, PINK LININGS, ROANS, MOROCCOS, SHOE THREAD, PEGS, A WLS, and a general assortment of articles used by Shoe mukei's. f. MORTIMER. FEIIUY HOUSE, New Blooiuflcld, Pa. THE subscriber having purchased the projierty on t lie corner of Maine ami Carlisle streets, opposite the Court House, Invites all his friends and former customers to give him a call as he is determined to furnish llrst cluss accommodations. TllOMAH HUTCH. ltf. Proprietor. HKMOVAL! Merchant Tailoring Establishment. rnilE subscriber respectfully Informs the public J. tliat he has removed his MERCHANT TA1I, OltlNd ESTABLISHMENT from "Little Htoro 111 the Corner," to room formerly occupied by J. (J. Shatto, Dentist, where may bo found at all times, a varied assortment of Cloths, Casslniers and Testing!, With a complete line of Tallorns T'l-immini;, Of the best quality. Those desiring to purchase (i(Mil) (;Mil)S. at Reasonable prices, and have tnem maun in uie jAlr-bl bl ILK, will please give us a can. . 11. ijj.cjv. Also, a good assortment of SniRTS, BU8PENDER8, COLLARS, NECKTIES, HOSIERY, 6ie.,&0., Ou band at Ujw prices. . Professional Cards. Y EAVIS POTTEIt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA. Writings and aU legal business carefully attend ed to. ........ 82 vl CHARLES II. SMILEY, Attorney at Law. New Bloomlleld, Perry Co. Pa. V, Office with 0. A. Barnett. Esq., next door to Mortimer's store August 20, 1872 tTTM. A. BPONSLER, Attorney-at-Law, V Olllce adjoining his residence, on East Main street, New Bloomlleld, Ferry CO., Pa. i 2 ly CHA8. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlleld, I'erry co.. Pa. .Office adjoining Mortimer' Store. 3 2 ly BP. McINTIRE Attorney at Law, and DIs- trlct Attorney of Perry county. Otllce with J. T. Mclntlre, New Bloomflold, Penn'a. JBAILY, Attorney at Law, New Bloomlleld, TerryCo., Pa. Office opposite tlie Court House, and two doors east of the Perry County Bank. Relers to B. Mclntlre, Esq. June 27, 1871. JOHN O. SHATTO, Surgeon Dentist. ' .... New Bloomlleld, Perry co Pa. tistry All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Den Drices.doneln the best manner, and at roasonable a,OIlloe at his residence, opposite the Reform ed Church, on High Street. S 2 ly ll'M. M. HUTCH, YV ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, JNew Hloomtleld, Perry co., Pa. aTV-OnicA Tun flwbio U'u,l ..I 1.- Vt..l.....M ,. 1 ' " " " , WOW V i . IMUlillllul Store 3 7 ly CHAS. J. T, McINTIRE, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlleld, Perry co., Pa. -All professional business promptly andfalth fully attended to. 3 2 Iv. WM. N. SE1BERT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlleld, Perry co.. Pa. Bloomlleld, 3 33 ly. JAMES H. FERGUSON, Attorney-at-Law, NEWPORT, PA. a-Ofllce Market Street, near the Square. So 6 Sew Currlagc Manufactory, On Hrou Street, East of Caiii.isi.e St., New Bloomlleld, I'enn'a. THE subscriber has built a large nnd commodi ous Shop on High St., East of Carlisle Street, New Bloomlleld, Fa., where he is prepared to man ufacture to order On 1 i i , g- o s Of every description, out,of the best material. Sleighs of every Style, built, to order nnH finiulmit In tho mnDtAti.ii-..j durable manner. -Having superior workmen, he Is prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably witli the best City Work, and much more durable, and at much more reasonable rates. -REPAIRING of allklndsneatlyandprompt ly done A call Is solicited. SAMUEL SMITH 3 ltf Incorporated by the Court of Common Pleas in lSii'J; by the Lcylalature.tn 1871. The Peiuittylvaiiiu Central Insurance Company OF POTTSVILLE, PA. Capital and Assets, $156,000. Premium Notes 100,000 00 Promissory Notes, 60,000 00 Cash premiums due or col lected for the year 1871, ?3,028 00 Cask premiums due or col lected for the first three months of 1872 1,800 00 Cash from other sources and agents 1,200 00 Judgment Bonds In Com pany's oillco, 1,100 00 Total Cash ?0,128 00 Total cask and note assets, April 1st, 1872 $156,128 00 JAMES II. GRIER, JOHN D. IIADE8TY, Secretary. President. DIRECTORS i John D. ITndesty, A. P. Holms, Benjamin Toter, A. Sutermelster, James II, Qricr, E. F. Jungkurt, Ellas Miller. AGENTS : II. II. Hill, Edward Fox, John A. Kablo, Ed ward Wesley, Charles F. Delbert, Wm. R. Grl tilth. E. F. Jungkurt, Oeueral Agent. Arrangements have been made with other first-class companses to re-insure risks taca ou the cash plan In such amounts as desired. Liberal commission allowed agents, and ex clusive territory, if desired. This Company confines Itself to fire insurance exclusively. OFFICE i No. 191 CENTRE ST., POTTSVILLE, PA. INSUHE IN THE Poi'ry County Mutual Benefit Association, OP NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA. Chartered by the Lcytntature March 9, 1871 THE ('II K A PEST AND SAFKHT LIFE 1NMU IIANCK ever ottered to the people. It Is a Mutual enterprise for the protection of Widows and Orphans in the county. Members pay FIVK DOLLARS for a certltliate of membership, nnd unmml dues on ages between 20 and 6, H.IHJi between gs audi 5(1, 111.50 j between 60 andlW, 2.lKij for tho term of three years, com iiiencliiK January, lh73 and the sum of ll.lu on the death of a member. The membership not to exceed one thousand. A niemlwr dying, to re ceive as many dollars as there are paying certlll cate holders. This plan is adopted lu order that iwrsoiis who have been excluded from benetlts lu other Lire Insurance Companies by reasonof lliolr exiienslve Life Kates may obtain some benellt on a small Investment. It commends Itself to the public for the reason that It prevents tho counlrv from being drained of our money by foreign com- JOHN A. BAKER, President. CONRAD ROTH, Treasurer LEWIS POTTER. Secretary. WILLIAM McKEE, Oeueral Agent.