6 Silje tme0, New Bloomftcft, flla. laamfielb huts. Tuesday, April 8, 1873. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS FTe fnte commtmicnMonsrojn nil jwronuio are (nferenffd in matter properly belonging to thlt department. A Young Lady Farmer. The Prairie Farmer says : We lately had the pleasure of " interviewing" a Miss A., of Illinois, who for some years past has been engaged in farming a farm of 120 acres ; and, deeming her example worthy of imitation in these days of unhealthful and lackadaisical womanhood, we have made a few notes for the benefit of our readers. Miss A. was a teacher, but at the time of her commencing farming was a student in a leading young ladies' seminary of the country. Her father died,leaving a widow, and, we believe, two daughters, of whom Miss A. was the eldest, and the boy a lad of ten or a dozen years of age. The farm was, we believe, encumbered with a considerable amount of debt. Sho found the health of her mother who was endeav oring to manage the farm with hired help, failing, and concluding, as she expressed it, that she would rather keep her mother than get an education, she left the seminary in 1808 and commenced farming. Tho farm at the time consisted of eighty acres of tho home farm, about half of which was in cultivation, and most of which was bottom land, rich, but was more or less subject to overflow, and at a little distanco were forty acres more, all in cultivation. The home farm hud a protty good house, but the barn had recently been buraed,and the fences wore not good. Twelve acres had been planted to apples of good variety. She had one horse, and got the loan of an other from a friend, who also aids and is aided in turn by lending implements, &c. filio has now a good team of her own rais ing, besides a horse that does duty in the market-wagon. Bo she went to work with the aid of bcr then little brother, and to some extent of her mothor and sister, who also took charge of the housekeeping. They hired but little labor, and as far as possible did their own work. She learned to do nearly all kinds of work. She does not plow much, but she can do it. Sho took out CO to 100 stumps one year with spado aud axe, at the same time assisted her brother, who was drilling wheat. Sho bound and shocked wheat, and can drive team well. She can use the axe pretty well ; formerly she could chop better than her brother, but now he chops as well as sho can herself, and sho does loss of it. Sho wears a gymnastic suit while at home, at work, a broad brimmed hat, gloves, and boots mado to order. She wishes to look as well as other girls, and thus protects herself from the exposure re sulting from out-door labor. She likos tho open air life and the out-door work, and is healthy and stroncr quito a miracle of vigor from the modern young lady's stand point. Most of the home farm is cultivated in corn, though she has 8 acres in grass and 13 in orchard. She raised 23 acres of winter wheat in 1872. It was a fine crop, but she lost from 3 to S acres from the failure of the man she had engaged to cut it in time. Even then, with scarce and inefficient labor by that feeble class of men who are always willing to take advantage of those who cannot help thomsolves, it cost her $80 to harvest and thresh the wheat Yet she got 450 bushels of wheat, weighing 63 pounds to the bushel. The young orehard bore a good doal of fruit in 1833, and she sold 100 barrels of summer apple, and has 150 bushel of apples now in the cellar. She took most of the apples to maiket berslf, soiling some of them as low as 75 cents per barrel, and some as high as $1. Interesting Facts. A bell rung under the water returns a tone as distinct as if rung iu the air. Btop one ear witn the linger and press the other to the end of a long stick, and if a watch be held at the other end of the wood, ticking will be heard, be the wood or slick ever so long. Tie a poker in the middle of a strip of flannel two or three feet long, and press your thumbs or fingers into your ears, while you swing your poker against an iron fender, and you will hear a souud like that of a heavy church bell. These experiments prove that water, wood, and Hansels are good conductors of sound, fur tho sound of the bell, the watch and the fender passes through the water and along tho deal and llanncl to the ear, und excite in us the sense of sound. Sound of all kinds, it is ascertained, travols at tho rate of fifteen miles iu a minuto. The softest whisper travels as fust as the most tremendous thunder. The knowledge of this fact has been applied to the measure of distance. Suppose a ship in distress fires a gun,the light of which Is seen ou shore, or by an other vessel, twenty second before a repor is heard, it Is known to bo at a distance of 20 times 1,143 feet, or a little more than four and a half miles. THE NEW DISCOVERY XnGhtmioal and Medisal Solano. Dr. JS. JP, GARVIN'S SOLUTION & COMPOUND ELIXIR or "3L7 FIRST ANT) ONLY BOU'TION m made In ono mixture of ALI, TIIK TWH.VR valuable active principal of tha well kaowst ourativa ageDt, iunh thee taii, CNEQUALED In Courtis, .Colds, Catarrh, Aithina, Bronchitis, and oontumptioa. cunEH AvrrnoTjT paix. A rewnt cold In three to nix hours; and ln, by iu V1TALI81NU, PURIFYING and BTI MULATINIi effect! upon tlie general Km, is remarkably eftloartnui in all iim:ahi:s or the m.oon. Including Bcroiula and Eruptions of the akin. Dyspepsia, DiKaar of the I.iver and Kidlwya, iUuart luseaae, and General Debility. ONE TRIAL CONVINCES I ALIO, A Volatile Solution of Tar For INHALATION, without application of HEAT. A reroarkahly VALUABLE direoveTy, aa thewhole apparatus fan becarried in the Teak pocket, readv nt any time fur the most elTectual and poeitirely curative uao-in All Diseases of h NOSE, THROAT ud MINUS. THE COMPOUND Tar and Mandrake Pill. for tin In connection with th ELIXIR TAR, It a combination of the TWO most valuable ALTERATIVE MwlicinM known in the Pro. fnMion, nod renders thia Pill without exception the very best ever offered. The HOUJTION and COMPOTTNT ET.TXIR of in without doubt the Ueat remedy known in cases of CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER. It it t 8pec.Ro for uch disensea, and ehould b kept in thehotiMtholdof every family, especially during those mouths in which CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER are liable to pTOTail. A email quantity taken daily will prevent contracting tlieao terrible tliaeaaes. Solution and Compound Elixir, (1.00 per Bottle Volatile Solution for Inhalation, 03.00 per Box Tar and Mandrake Filla, SOcU per box. Bend for Circular of POSITIVE CURES to your Uruggiat, or to L. F. HYDE & CO., BOLEl fBOPBIETOBA. 19!i-7th Avenue, New Stork ' Mr Bold by aU Druggists, DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR! Ton Vrnmt r it mnbllo linn nrovrd Dr.C'rook'a W Incof 1'ttr to have more merit limn any Rlmllnr tr?pnratlon everofl'eredto (he public It Is rich In the medicinal quallticsof Tnr, Hiid unerrinlei lor llHcnm of tlio Throat fc "iWWaU . B . I,r jt i-'. V. most reinnrki "fQvSvA ellcctiiullycu ef.iii andlolds. It Troil1! i ninny cnsen I.uiicva. pprtorminic uis remtirutiDiecurea. cures all vougns Uinta cured so Ll!fwt ninny cnsen of Aatbma bus beu J)l roriounceti mot n n fni these com- lints. Foriolnin n lirpRKi, Nino or lutrit, (Ui-HVel or Uidnoy ilia rue,ll!"iHeaol the Urlia. mry Ormitim JimiiHs or uny Liver Couiplalnt it 1ms iiiiudUiU. . It la alao superior Tonic. Ntrrnethraa the Wyjtem. Reatorea ilie Weak and lpbiiitard. CnnHfi the Food to !, ItemoTea Irepepal and IndlKNtlon, I;.;euta Nnlarioua t'va, OUca tone to jour KjbUjuv. liEEV Tllli. BLOOD PUllF, And tha health of tlierayatem will follow, 'ihero in ik preiinrit tlon of Iron anil I'olie Hoot more eilectual thnn nll otliurH, which will remove from your ryatem the Impure and vl tinted blood which ciiuHcsrilHcaHc, und atthesnmetime build up your benl lb and strength 1 1 never faila to rnro. If yon have Kerofuln,rrolrilnua lneia e of tho Kyra or ICitra, or Nrrofnli lu any form, Trim trr, tl,lle Hwellintr. ld More. I leer, or Nnroluloua lulluiiiiiitiniv you cuu rely ik curou witn turn nrona. ration known aa Dr. I'rnok'i KM Compound etyrtip of I'oke Itoot. Jtlieiniiiutiam, I'm In lia l.inibaor Eon, t'onatitit. lioua lirekenduejru by Mercu rial or othur imiInoiih. nr., nil cured by It- For Hypllilla, or Syphilitic taiut.tlii roU iinth- nut equui wiu trial Will prove it. Beautify your Complexion. Do not use pnlntorpowdor, but rtet a more permanent beauty by uurllyinu your IiIoihI. This propuratiun of Irou ami I'uke Itoot miiltea uroimh and scaly akin aoft uud xmoolli: changes tiiut nuliow compluxlon to one tit fnmhiiessand health, anil reinovo any Kriip tt n IHMPHaea ol Ilie Kklil. Ilinilea, fun. tu , lllotlie l.riiIioil. ll you wi.ili rony efit.ekaHiMl a lieititliy coinitiexion uhu Itr. Ciuola'a Comiiouud ttyrup of 1'oao itoot- ORGANS I ORGANS I ORGANS 1 For the Parlor. Sunday School and Chinch. 6 Octaves t 2 sets of Heeds throiinhoiit i B slops. Only $1S, The beat OiKiin In the world for the world for the money. We can supply Oihhiih runfthiKlii prioe from tiio to tiUOU, and oiler the most liberal Inducements to the trade. Teachers, Clergymen, and others, what will act as agents for the sale of our Instruments. The " Parlor Com" Piano, 7 Octaves, full lion frame, ovemlrunii scale. round corners, earved lens; the llnest low-priced Piano uiaiiuhictured. l'ully warranted. Violin Mrlng. We Import direct from Italy, del many and France, the very choicest Ntrlutis that are made, and ran siipiiort the Ira it lowest market prices. Sample set of choice Vlellnor Ciiltarhti'luipiniull ed free for II. Baud li itruuieiits. Slieet Mimic, Music Books, and Mimical Merchandise oj every description. , , WM. A. J'ONIl lfc JO., 547 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Branoh Store, 30 Union Bquara. 3in T A DIES - AND CHILDREN will And a J splendid assortment of tlioei at tha one price store of F. Mortimer. rhotoffraphs ) COBLE, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, PENN'A. THE subscriber would respectfully call tlie at tention of the citizens of this county to the fact that he Is prepared to take PHOTOGJIA PH8 in the best style olthe art. His ions emerience enables him to produce PICTURES WHICH CANNOT BE EX- CELLED. All persons are requested to call athls rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and ureat care will be taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children, Framing material and a good assortment of frames always on hand, and for sale at low prices. JACOB COBLE, Artht, Newport, Perry Co., Pa SSlIULBU. 8. M. SlIOLBB S. SIIULER & SON, LIVERPOOL, Perry County, Pa., Dealers In all kinds of Hardware, trroceries, &c. All coods In our line sold at the lowest nrlre . Give us a trial. 6 41 14t. LEBANOIST Mutual Fire Insurance Company, OF .ToiichIowii, Pcnn'n. X Mi'iim risks taken. This Ik one of the best conducted and most reliable Companies In the Btate. Country pioiierty Insured Perpetually at $4 00 per thousand, aud Town property ut to 00 per thousand. LEWIS POTTER, NEW BLOOMFIKLD, PA., 4 16 Agent for Perry County. UNITED STATES HOTEL, Cor. JVfon, Water and J-earl St., N. Y. THIS well Uown favorite hotel has recently been renovated, remodeled and furnished new and elegantly throglioiit. It Is kept on tlie European plan, and has ample accommodations fur four hundred guests. ine location is more accessible to auparxsoi New York and Brooklyn than any other house In the city. The Broadway ritages puss the hotel every three minutes, besides various Hues of Street uars, one oi winch intersects every outer route in new iora. It being but two blocks from Fulton Ferry. makes It convenient for those wishing to visit the " city oi Churches," as irom this terry uiverge ail tiiepniicip.ti uanroan routes in ine city oi iiiouk. lyu. (O.lKlp) GEO. N. TERRY, Proprietor. JOBINSON IIOU8E, (Formerly kepj by Woodruff and Turbctt,) Kia Bloomflehl, rrry County, ra. AM08 ROBINSON, Proprietor. This well known and pleasantly located I hotel has been leased for a number ( years by the pres- eut uronrletor.aiid he wtll snare no i.ain: letor.anu lie wyi spare no Mill- to arcom is ituests. The rooms are comfortable monale Ills guests. The rooms are comfortable, the table well furnished with the best In the mar ket, and the bar slocked with choice Illinoi s. A careful aud attentive hostler will be In attendance. A good livery stable will be kept by the proprietor, April ts, loi i. ti OLENA. rjlHE Best Oil In the World for Machinery. It will not chill. It will not Kn. It Is equal to the best Lard Oil. If you have any kind of machinery, ask for OLENA, and If you cannot buy It at home, send tor a circular and price list to PAINE, ABLETT & TRIPP, Oil Manufacturers and Dealers, No. 800 l'ciin Avenue, 0 49 ntttiburah, Fa. 1?. MORTlMEirCi 1 Oil UAllUAlNk5. His Stock will be found tho mot coniiilete in tho county, and coiikikIs or DKY OOOliH pi,OTlllN VfJHtlCKlilKS UQHOK JiNDINdH Oqadleiis iiaudwark OunM.owiVAltK e "WAI.Ii I'AI'KK It Bit run Ki4 nil styles TJOOTS dt hllOKS TJATS V V.A HTniTF.-tll W jjoTlON NS Ac. OIL, :l.OTIT VTA 1 1. H At HPIKKH E 1MJK TIMlLNerl! PAINTS. OIIjS DAIslKs dtwPTCK IVrltON At. KTKK.I in a ill ipAKItlAOK IIAUDWARK ui PX VKl.Ol'Kbdk l'APEIl GOODB OF EVERY STYLE CHEAP FOR CASH, ALL AM) SEE. Daily Express and Freight Line ' BETWEEN BLOOMFIELP& NEWPORT Til R subscriber wishes to notify the eltlzentof Bloomlleld and ewport that he Is running a Dally Line between these two places, aud will haul Freight of any kind, or r rompily deliver packages or luessttseseutrusUid U his care. .Order tnuy 1 leli for hint at the stores of V. Mortimer & Co., New Bloomlleld, or atiliiKanA vusser, newnoi t, ra. .1. B. WUITMORK. Bloomlleld, January 26, IbJU. - Photographs ! JACOB A Pnper for the Mattel I Worth Ut Weight in GoUlt Nothing like U in the World lit c" "mT "0!,,t 10 timet Its Eiery Intelligent rltlien, prnfeanlnnal or nnn-proftw. Innal, mechanic or laborer in the whole country ihoald iiliwiile f..r the AnTiaos. W hererer ihown or teen It in mire to take a firm hold on the eommnultr. aa ita lulrluaic ralue aa a ' Bualneea and Family Paper haa made, and la making, for It a circulation and rena" . tatiou unparalleled in the hlatory of Journalliin. . I 1 i BiADxiroL ie-rAoi, M-coi,tim, IuoaraiTia W.ixlt. Itgiteayoaali' "I"T1 - tOUR LEGAL ADVICE FREE. Original Peahrnt for Cottagea, Dwelling, Biihorhan and Uuuntry Kealdencea, and a raat fund or Information en niattera of apecial and general Intereat, found iu no other Journal iu the country. 1 Magnificent $5.00 Oil Chromo, ID! LOST BABB, Slie 13x15, mounted ready to frame, la protected to erery yearlT aubacriber. Bubacrlptlon price, 93.00 per year, Id advance. Single oopiet ten centa. PERMANENT AGENTS WANTED For unoccupied territory In the United States and Ca nada. By our New Plan agent, can bate a con. tlnnont annnal income, with hut little labor. Our af nta are making from t-5 to $40 por day. Write at once, atatlng territory ueaired. Addreae all letter! to Caorr A Philufs, Pnbllahera, Pittaburgh, Pa. Drugs ! Drugs rpHK Subscriber has on hand and for sale, at a low prices, a complete assortment oi DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, Of all kinds. Also, a full stock of Concentrated Remedies, PATENT MEDICINES, ESSENTIAL OILS, PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS, BRUSHES, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Pure Wines AND LIQUORS, Always on hand, for Medicinal and Sacramen tal purposes. SkifPhysiciani Orders carefully and promptly filled. B. M. EBY, NEWPORT, PERRY COUNTY, FA. Boots I Boots I A Fill Assortmoulof THE CELEBRATED YORK . BOOTS, Hand or Machine Bided, Whole Stock Double Sole anu Warranted to Give Entire Satisfaction Manufactured and For Sale to the Trade by M. 3. SPAHR, YORK, PA. A full Assortment of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Constantly on Ilaud. Kfttpeclal Attention Paid to Order:M rJ?o Shoemakers. fTIHE subscribers keen constantly on hand, a X AHSOH IMBA I UC FR EN Oil 0 Alt F S KINS , PINK LINING S, ROANS, MOROCCOS, ,SIIOE THREAD, PEGS, , AWLS, and a general assortment of articles used by Shoe makers. . r. juujctjjuuk. PEItRY HOUSE, New Bloomfleld, Pa. THE subscriber having purchased the property on the corner of Maine and Carlisle streets. opposite the Court House, invlles all his friends and lormer oustomers to K've nun a can as ne is determined to furnish first class accommodations. , iliUMAa NUTV11, ltf. Proprietor. HKMOVAL! Merchant Tailoring Establ ishment THE subscriber respectfully Informs theniihllo that he has removed his MKRCHANT TAIL OKI NO ESTABLISHMENT from "Little Store In the Corner," to room formerly occupied by .I. (i. Shattii, Dentist, where may be found at all limes, a vaneu assortment oi Cloths, Cassimers and Testings, With a complete line of Tuilorm Tftimrilii jj-n Of the best quality. Those deslrltiR to purchase (l(M)l) nooDH. at Reasonable prices, and have them made In the LATEST STYLE, will please give us a call. 8. II. K. Alao, a good assortment of SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS, COLLARS, . NECKTIES, HOSIERY, &o.,ko., On band at low prices. Professional Cards. , EW1S POTTER, ATTORNEY AT I,AW, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA. aTaT-Claims promptly secured and collected. Writings and al U legal business carefully attend- eu to. 32 yl CHARLES II. BMILRY,' Attorney at Law. New Bloomlleld, Perry Co. Ta. ei. Office with 0. A. Barnett Esa.. next dnor to Mortimer's store August 20. 187'J rM. A. SPONBLER. Attornev-at.Tjiw. Ty Ofllce evUnlnlne; his residence, on East Main street, New Ulooiutleld, Perry co., Fa. 3 2 ly CHAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New filoonifleld, Perry co.. Pa. t3.omce aajoimng niorujier' oiore. a . iy P. McINTIRE Attorney at Law, and DIs. e trict Attorney of Perry county. Ofllce with J. T. Mclntlre, New Bloomlleld, Penn'a. JBAILY, Attorney at I.aw, e New Bloomlleld, Perry Co., Pa. er onice opposite the Court House, and two doors east of the Perry County Bank. neiereiori. jviciiuire, sq. june.iou. JOHN G. 8IIATTO, Hurgeon Dentist. New Bloomlleld, Perry co., Pa. tistry All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Den trlces.done In the best manner, and at reasonable a.OI1lce at his residence, opposite the He (or in. ed Church, on High Street. 3 2 IV WM. M. SUTCH, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, New Hlooiiineld, Perry co.. Pa. aT Office Two doors West of F. Mortimer Store 3 7 ly CHAS. J.,T, McINTIRE, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlleld, Perry co.. Pa. All nrnfnsslonal hiiHineHA itronintlv aiulfuith. fully attended to. 8 2 lv. "T7"M. N. 8E1BERT, Attorney-at-Law, TV New Bloomlleld, Perry co.. Pa. Bloomlleld, 8 33 ly. JAMES II. FERGUSON, Attorney at Law, NEWPORT, PA. ajjruince Market street, near the Square, sa 6 Sew Carriage manufactory On IIioii Street, East or Cahi.isi.e St., New Bloomfleld, l'eiin'a. THE subscriber has built a larKe and commodi ous Shop on High St., East of Carlisle Street, iew BiooiiuieKi, ra., where lie is prepared to man ufacture to order Osi rriagos Of every description, out of the best material. Sleighs of every Style, built to order, and finished In the most artistic and durable manner. a, Having superior workmen, he Is prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and mucli more durable, and at much more reasonable rates. aTREPA IKING of all kinds neatly and prompt ly done A call Is solicited. SAMUEL SMITH Sltf Incorporated hu tlie Court of Common Pleat in iouv, vy ww xjeiunaiure,m ibu. The Pennsylvania Central Insurance Company OF POTTSVILLE, PA. Capital and Assets, $150,000. Premium Notes (100,000 00 Promissory Notes, 60,000 00 Cash premiums due or col lected for the year 1S71, 3.028 00 Cash premiumi due or col- . lected tor the first throe months of 1873 1,800 00 Cash from other sources and airents 1,800 00 Judgment Bonds in Com pany's olllce 1,100 00 Total Cash 80,128 00 Total cash and note assets, April 1BI, 187a ISU,1H 00 JAMES H. GRIER, JOIIN D. HADESTY, Secretary, i President. DIRECTORS i John D. IladcBty, A. P. Helms, Benjamin Teter, A. Sutermeistcr, James II. Grlcr, E. F. Jungkurt, Ellus Miller. AGENT8 : H. II. mil, Edward Fox, John A. Kable, Ed ward Wesley, Charles F. Dclbort, Win. R. Or 1111 th. E. F. Jungkurt, General Agent. Arrangements have been made with other first-class companses to re-lnsure risks takea on the cash plan in such amounts as desired. Liberal commission allowed agents, and ex clusive territory, If desired. This Compaay confines itself to fire insurance exclusively. OFFICEt No. 101 CENTRE ST., POTTSVILLE, PA. INSURE IN THE l'tsrry County Mutual Benefit Association, OF NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA. Chartered by the Lcglulature March 9, 1872. TH K t'HKAPKST AN D SAFEST I,IPK INMUltANtK everonered to the people. It Is a Mutual enterprise for tlie protection of Widows and Orphans in the eounty. Members pay KIVK DOl.I.AltS for a certlllcate of memlierslilp, anil annual dues on sites between 20 and Hft, f 1.(10: between 'i and fit), tl.Mli between 61) BiideA, 12.00 1 for the term of three years, com nieucliiK January, 1H73; and the sum ol 11.10 on the death of a member. The membership not to exceed one thousand. A member dylntt, to re ceive as many dollars as there are paying certlll cale holders. This plan is adopted In order that persons who have been excluded from benelitsln other l.lfe Insurance Companies by reason of their expensive Lira Kates may obtain some benefit on a. small Investment, It commends itself to the nubile for the reason that It prevents the country from being drained of our money by foreliju com (mules. JOHN A. BAKER, Prtildent. CONRAD ROTH, Treasurer LEWIS POTTER, Beoretary. WILLIAM McKEK, General Agent.