The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, March 11, 1873, Page 5, Image 5

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    ljc Giimcs, New BloomficUr, pa.
Jucsday, March 11, 1873.
LOCAL D 121' Alt T M E N T,
Sales. We call attention to tlio follow
ing sales, bills for which have been ordered
at this oflice :
March 12th Samuel Brlncr.of Tyrone twp.,
will Bell live stock, wngons and a great variety
of farming Implements.
March 13th John Freeman on the farm of
Peter Freeman in Savllle twp-, will sell horses,
cattle, wagons and a variety of farming tools.
March 13th Jacob Billow, of Carroll twp,,
will sell horses, cows, young cattle, wagons
and various farming implements.
On March 13 Andrew Mlnlch, on the farm
of Oliver Kice, in Centre tonwnslilp. will sell
Horses, Cattle, and a general variety of farm
ing Implements.
On March 14 H. T.Kcpnor, at lilt residence
one mile west of Sandy Hill, will Bell Horses,
Cattle, and farming implements, household
and kitchen furniture.
March 17th, George Bruncr will sell Three
Horses, 2 set brcechbands, 2 set lead gears and
a 2 horse wagon. Sale to be held on the farm
of Saml. Brown Center twp.
On March 20 J. McAllsterA J. O. Albright
at their residence one quarter of a mile west of
Grier's Point, will sell Horses, Cattle, and
farming implements, and Household Furniture.
March 20th Jesse Powell Sr., will sell, at
residence in Center twp., Live 8tock, Farming
implements and Furniture.
March 22 Wm. II. Bruner will sell on the
old Bothwell farm In Penn twp., near Duncan
non, Horses, Cows and young Cattlo, 1 Colt, I
Wagon, PIowb, Harrows, &c. ,
Monday, March 24th Henry C. Charles will
sell on the farm Henry P. Gmhb, In Liverpool
twp., horsed, cows, young cattlo, wngons,furm
Ing Implements and household furniture.
Qrhe Kccord is the name of a new paper
started at Duncannon, by N. T. Ilauck.
The first number was issued last week and
presents a clear and handsome appearance.
We wish Mr. H. entire success iu his new
Alpaecas. A splendid line of Black
Alpaccas ranging from 30 cents to $1. per
yard, has just been opened by F. Mortimer.
Ladies wanting dress goods of that kind
will find it to their advantage to examine
his assortment.
The Holcton House the advertisement of
which will be found in another column is a
quiet comfortable Temperance Hotel, which
we can recommend to any one who can
appreciate a good stopping place. The
prices are moderate and the location of tho
house is central.
Subscribers desiring to change their Post
Office address, should give the name of the
office to which the paper has been sent, as
well as the new address. And don't send
notice of the change until tho week you
wish it made. 4w
Arm Broken. The baggage master on
the way passenger train west, had an arm
broken on Tuesday morning, at Perdix sta
tion. IIo was throwing out a letter when
his hand struck a water tank, cutting it,
and knocking his arm back against the
car with sufficient force to break the bone.
lie came on as far as Newport, where the
bone was set and lift returned borne on the
next train.
The Stolen Vouchers. Robert J. Hot
rick, the Court House Janitor, was arrested
on Saturday a week, on the charge of liav.
inc destroyed the vouchers and other im
portant papers in the Commissioners' office,
last summer. The arrest was made on in
formation of David Go m mil, and it is
thought by many of our citizens, that the
charge cannot be sustained. Mr. Hetrick
has beretofoie sustained a good character
for honesty, and has the reputation of hav
ing performed the duties of his appoint
ment in a satisfactory manner. York l'ren.
Whiskey. A short local option
ment may be summed up as follows:
Dennis gets drunk and beats Mrs. Donnis
who also gets drunk. Death ensues either
from the beating or from erysipelas which
sets in after the wounds are given. In the
Great Ledger above, whiskey, is accredited
with another murder. Society is to bear
the expense of a coroner's jury, a pauper
burial, a trial for murder, and perhaps
gallows to carry another life to the innu
merable list of alcohol's victims. And yet
the trade goes on; uovernment licenses it,
the county authorizes it, and society and
taxpayers endure It. And the question
now is shall we continue to countenance
this evil ?
Snows of this Winter. A correspond
ent from Duncannon sends us the follow
iug, which will be of interest, showing as
it does, the date and depth of each snow
up to the 1st of March. By this, it will be
seen that the number of snows has been
twenty-seven up to that time :
November 16. 1873, of an inch ; Nov,
22, 1 J Inches ; Nov. 28, J of an inch ; Nov,
sw, i men.
December 2d, 1 inch ; 6th, ? inch : Kitl
1 inch ; 18th, 8 inches ; 19th, 5 lutheH; 22u
t inch ; 20th, 23 inches ; BUtu, 2 inches.
January S, 1873, inch : 8th, J inch
15th, I inch : 18th, 1 inch t 20th, 9 inches
21st, inoh ; 23rd, 4 Inches ; 24th, 4 inches
Zulu, 1 inches j 27tn, 0 inches.
February 8rd, 3 inches ; 18th, 6 inobos ;
16th, 7 inches ; 21st, 6 inches ; 27t'j, 3
inches. ; , ; ;
' Whole amount, 88 J inches.
SmalTrox ia nrevallnir to auite An extent
around Perry Furnace, in Carroll township.
The rapid spread of the pestllonce in that
neighborhood was caused by the death of
Airs. Duncan, from that disease before it
had properly developed itself, and conse
quently no pains was taken to proven con
tagion. It was noticed by the persons that
prepared her corpse for burial that purple
spots had broken out on the skin, and yet
no suspicion of that disease was aroused
until it made its appearance among those
exposed at that funeral. Great care should
be taken by persons living in that vicinity,
not to come into othor neighborhoods, and
persons who are not compelled to visit that
locality, will be apt to keep away, now their
attention is called to the danger they may
be exposed to.
A Horse Drops Dead. A valuahlo young
horse, belonging to Mr. Thomas Graham,
of Cumberland county, died suddenly in
the stable attached to tho Moltcr House in
Blackberry alley, about noon, yesterday.
The animal had just been fed, and dropped
u its sUUl, immediately after, dead. This
the second or third occurrence of the
kind, in this city, within a few months, we
wore informed. The horso was removed
covered up, on a dray, last evening. Slate
The Supreme Court on Local Option.
A mistake is made by many who now
suppose that the decision of the Supreme
Court, on the Local uption Law, oi tne
14tli Ward Philadelphia, ' (Uermantown)
will affect the law to be voted vipon on 8d
Friday of March. By legal advice the'
central committee of this county now an
nounce plainly that whatever the decision
may be, it iu no way will affect the Gen
eral Local Option Law, of the State which
the county votes upon, this March. Ihe
two are entirely dill'oront, the case before
the supreme court prescribing penalties,
may be decided unconstitutional, but the
general law does not prescribe penalties,
but throws tne transgression on tne state
act of 1860 for selling without license. No
question affecting the March law is bclore
the Supreme Court This is published by
order of Central Committee.
B. McIntirk, Chairman.
For the Bloomfleld Times.
Local Option Meeting.
Grieu's Point, March 3, 1873.
Conformably to previous announcement,
a number of the citizens of Iiye township,
assembled in the Salem Church at Grier's
Point, to discuss the question of Local
Option. The mooting was called to order
by Mr. John Dice, and organized uy elect
Benjamin Lackey, Esq., Chairman and
Emanuel Keller and Henry Kochor, Vice
Presidents, and J. A. Ensminger, Secreta
ry. The President then stated the object of
the mooting, and entertained the audience
for some time illustrating incidents show
ing intemperance a wide-spread evil.
llonry D oulk was then caned, who pro
ceeded to demonstrate with certainty, that
if the license system be abolished, the
amount of money saved, on account of tho
decrease of criminal cases and the poor to
be supported, caused by intemperance,
would greatly overbalance the revenue from
license. He was followed by others.
On motion the meeting adjourned to
meet at Salem Church, in liye township, on
Friday oveuing, March 7th, 1873.
13. LAUKUX, Uliairman.
J. A. Ekbmikgku, Secretary.
For tho Bloomfleld Times.
Local Option Meeting In Rye Township.
Marysville, Feb. 28, 1873.
According to previous announcement the
citizens in the vicinity of School House No.
4 assembled on Saturday evening Fed. 22d,
1873. Tho meeting was called to ordor by
Mr. J. B. Flickinger, and organized by
electing Mr. Henry Ramer, President, and
Messrs Emanuel Keisinger and V. a. W iso,
V. President, and J. A. Ensminger, Sec.
The meeting was then opened by singing a
a piece entitled "The Temperance Army,"
and by prayer by Mr. IL Foulk. Mr. . S.
Lesh of Marysvillo, was then called who
addressed the audience in a very impres
sive manner, and in a clear and convincing
way answered questions presented by some
of the friends of whisky who were present,
and who had the face to dance to the mu
sic, which mode the meoting one of an
amusing kind and gave tho speakers amplo
ground to base their remarks. Mr. I. Dick
of Rye twp., was next called followed by
Mr. Win. Adams and others. The meet
ing was well attended and good order pre
vailed while the gentlemen were speaking.
A vote was then taken which resulted
almost unanimous against license. Those
who having danced to the musio had also
the cheek to vote for the drink devil, but
their number being doubled would lack
two of being two-thirds of a dozen.
On motion to adjourn a piece was sung,
entitled " In peace dismiss us." Adjourn
ed to meet at Bethel church, Grier's Point
on Saturday evening March 1st.
J. A. Enbminoer, Sec.
Cumberland County.
The house of Francis Dlller, about one
mile north of Plainfield, was totally de
stroyed by lire on Monday afternoon. The
tire is supposed to have caught from a stove
pipe. Very little was saved. Mr. D. had
about $200 in notes in the bouse, which
were burned. Also a lot of gold aud silver
in the clock, no traces of which have been
yet discovered. The outhouses very close
to the house were saved. Insured for about
$800. Carlitle Herald.
A few weeks ago Lyman Lewis, Esq., of
New Cumberland, acoidently ran a copper
wire into the thumb of his right hand,
The wound gave him but little annoyance
at first, but alter a few days the band and
arm became much swollen and very pain
ful, aud although many remedies were ap-
tilled, notl dug gave relief. On Monday
last it was the opinion of Mr. Lewis' phy
siuiau that mortification had taken ' place
in the hand and that amputation would be
necessary to save tne lite or the aunerer,
since that time we have not heard from
him. Independent and Journal.
Urlef Items.
An act has passed the Legislature au
thorizing and requiring the county com
missioners of the county of Perry to make
an appropriation out of the county treasury
for the erection of a bridge over Buffalo
creek, in Savillo township, in said county,
and providing for the erection of the same.
A little son of Mr. Christian Cramer, of
Bedford, was drowned in the Juniata at
Mullon's ford. The father and son were
crossing the river, when the sled struck a
stone and was overturned, throwing both
into tho water. Mr. Cramer, made every
effort to save his boy, but being unable to
swim, he could not do so. The boy was
recovered soon after the accident occurred.
XThoro are three young men now in town
who part their hair in the middle-. The
girls ought to put a stop to this encroach
ment on their rights.
k Ex-Sheriff' John T. Miller, died at Dun
KcXnuon on Friday morning. Sheriff Miller
was a man well ur.d iavorable known
throughout the county, and his death will
be regretted by a largo circle of friends.
The funeral took place on Sunday, and was
very largely attended by the different so
cieties of which the deceased was a member.
In contributing enigmas, bo careful
about spelling. One received last week
was spoiled by a mistake in spelling Ne
braska. We suggest that the lad try
again, on a geographical enigma.
The Continental Life or New York.
The Lewistown Sentinel, says : The
Agent of this live Life Insurance Com
pany, on Monday, paid Mrs. Ann Weber,
widow of the late Win. II.' Wobor, 1023,
the proceeds of a policy taken in that com
pany on tho life of the deceased, the $23
representing an extra dividend declared
last year.
The Continental is but seven years
"of age," and yet so great is the confi
dence in its managemcntand responsibility,
that no less than 12,010 new policies wore
issued in 1872, covering $22,715,923 of new
insurance. This is unprecedented, and
whon we state that $5,5011,278 are set aside
as a re-insurance fund, and that a surplus
of $340,223.85 is a surplus fund over all li
abilities, including capital, the reader will
appreciate the ample security this organi
zation affords to those wishing to make
provision for families and friends beyond
the accidents and misadventures of life.
t3T J. F. Eaton, General Agent, Har-
risburg, Pa., aud to him we relor all in
Seeds, Plants, Trees, Prepaid by Mall
My new priced descriptive Catalogue of
Choice Flower and Garden Seeds, 25 sorts
of either for $1 ; now and choice varieties
of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs,
Evergreens, Roses, Grapes, Lillies, Small
Fruits, House and Border Plants and Bulbs;
one year grafted Fruit Trees for mailing;
Fruit Stocks ot all kinds ; Hedge Plants,
&c.; the most complete assortment in. the
country, will be sout gratis to any plain ad
dress, with P. O. box. True Cape Cod
Cranberry for upland or lowland, $8 per
1000 : $1 per 100 : prepaid by mail. Trade
List to dealers. Seeds on Commission.
Agents Wanted.
tW B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur
series and Seed Warehonso, Plymouth,
Mass. Established 1843. 10
Church Notices.
Reformed Church Preaching next Sab
bath at 10 o'clock A. M. Prayer mooting
on Thursday evening.
iiMlnoM4 Notices.
Is plain talk about the body ad Its physical an d social
needa. Dr. E. B. Foote, author of " Medical Common
House," of No. 120 Lexington Ave., N. Y who entertains
everybody with hla pen, and cures everybody by hla
kill, la lu author. In lta thousand pages It auawera
a thousand questions you don't want to go to your phy
alclan about. It la, aa la stamped upon lta cover,
book for pr Irate aud considerate reading." Prioe $3.26,
aud postage pre-paid, everywhere. Contenta table mail
ed free. Agents wanted. A beautiful original chromo,
mounted, "Throw Physic to ih Doom," worth lo,
roes with the book. No cbromo without the book. No
book without the chromo. Address " M U It HAY HILL
PUBLISH! NU COMPANY," Na lWKaat 9Sth Street,
New York. 10 Ut
Four Splendid Chromes for Every Sub
Arrangements have been made by which
we can otter a year's subscription to l lie
New York Chrietian at Work and Eclectic
Weekly, with their four magnificent Chro-
mos: "Good Morning," "Carlo iu Mis
chief." "Spring Flowers," and "Summer
Flowers," togetner witu "tne cioomueia
Times" for 14.
As the Chromos alone are worth from
$10.00 to $15.00, and as the New York
Dubllcation is every way first-class, it pre.
sents an unusual opportunity to our sub
scribers. Tho Chromos are made by Piang
and other celebrated artists, and will be
forwarded promptly by mail prepaid.
Should any subscriber desire only the
two first-named Chromos, they will be sent
with the two publications for f A.
Remit to the publisher of this paper.
Blaln Photograph Gallery. The sub
scriber has in Blain, Perry Co., the best
built ground floor Photograph gallory
in the state. It was established five years
ira and is devoted exclusively to picture
making, and producing every style aud size
of pioture from " gem" to a life size pho
tograph 18 by 23 inches. Every facility
for putting up pictures in lockets, cases,
A-c Also albums and pioture frames con.
stantly on hand. Call and see specimens,
tf WM. S EG All, Prof. Photographer
A Pretty Picture Free The chromo
issued by the American Land & Law Ad
visor, is a beauty. Subscribers to that
paper receive the chromo without extra
charge. Those who wish, can have that
Doner and Tub Times, Chromo included
for $3.85. Those who have already paid
their subscription for The Timet can by re
milling us $3.00 obtain the chromo, and
the " Land & Law Advisor" for a year,
For further particulars regarding the paper
see advertisement iu another column. tf.
The Tide of Emigration Turned !
Seekers for new homes are nouilnir into
Southwest Missouri, attracted by the cheap
Lands or the A 1 LAIS nu & PACIFIC
This Company offers 1,200,000 Acres of
the finest land in the world, at from $2 to
$12 per acre, on seven years' time, and with
free trasportation to all purchasers.
SNOW, is destined to become the national
ichway between NEW YORK, and SAN
FRANCISCO ; and to the industrious farm
ers of older States we earnestly recommond
this land of chosp homes, sure that no
where can the poor man find a more grate
ful climate, a better soil, or greater pro
ductiveness. For full information, with Mans and
Pamphlets, address: AMOS TUCK, Land
Commissioner, 23 South Fourth Street, St.
Louis. tf.
tar Tns Purest and Sweetest Cod-Liver
Oil is Hazard & Caswell's made on the sea
shore, from fresh, selected livers, by Caswbll,
Hazard & Co., New York. It is absolutely
pur and ticeet . Patients who havo once taken
It prefer It to all others. Physicians Iinvo de
cided It superior to any of the other oils in
market. Vd4w
tST Chapped Hands, Face, rouirh Bkln.
plmpleB, ringworm, lalt-rhcnm, and other cu
taneous affections cured, and the skin made
sort and smooth, by using the Juniper Tar
Soap, mado by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New
York. Be certain to get tho Juniper Tar Soap,
as I here are many worthless imitations made
with common tar. 0d4w
(Ve have lust received a cony of H. Yonnir's
Catalogue of Roses, Bedding Plants and Flow
er and Garden Seeds. It contains 82 pages of
r lowering mints, and zu pages ot seeds, to
gether with directions for making Hot Beds.
Sowing seeds, Transplanting and special Lists
of Flowers desirable for fragrance, thojo that
are desirable for massing in beds, and those
that give a constant brilliant show, and many
useful hints and directions that nro useful to
persons that are growing plants from seed.
ii. xoung nas also the exclusive sale ot
Purple's Improved Evergreen Corn," which
matures two weeks earlier, and remains Green
longer than any other, making It the very best
evergreen tjorn now in cultivation.
Catalogues sent free on receipt of Stamp
York, Pa.
Two fun loving cousins would like to cor
respond with an unlimited number of
young gentlemen. Object, fun and perhaps
matrimony. Those containing photographs
answered nrst. Address,
Nettie or Nora,
2t Green Park, Pa.
County Price Current.
Bloomfield. March 10. 187.1.
Flax-Seed 1 60
Potatoes 60
Butter V pound 20 22 cents.
Eggs ft dozen, 18
Dried Apples V pound 3 ets "
Dried Peache 8 10cts.fiB,
Pealed Peaches 1218cts. "
Cherries, s cts. "
Pitted 15 18 cts. "
Blackberries fi 8 cts. "
Onions f) bushel 75 "
(Corrected Weekly by Kovgh, Snyder it Ct.
fill ,Y I IV c PHODUCE.
Newpobt, March 8, 1873.
Flour, Extra 17 00
" Super 8 50
White Wheat V bu 1 70
Red Wheat 1W1C3
Rye 70
Corn 4040
Oats V 32 pounds ."-5
Barley 75
Clover Seed 5 00
Timothy Seed 2 50
Flax Seed 1 60
Potatoes, 60
Oround Alumn Salt 2 00
Llineburner's Coal, 2 40
Stove Coal 4 60 d 5 50
Pea Coal 3 00
Smith Coal 25 cts. V bits.
Cross Tles.8 feet long 45 Q 45 cents
Dressed Hogs 4 cents per lb,
Ot all kinds always on hand and for snlet the
j-oweni Maraei nates.
Carlisle, March 8, 1873.
Family Flour t8 AO
Superilne Flour 5 50
Superfine Rye Flour, 4 .50
White Wheat, 1 .80
Red Wheat 1 75
Rye 70
Corn 42
Oats 38
Cloverseed 5.00
Tlmothyseed 3.00
Flaxseed 1.70
Philadelphia Price Current.
Corrected Weekly by JUnney & Andrews,
No. 123 Market street.
Philadelphia, March 8, 1873.
White Wheat II 92 2 00
Wheat 188Q167
Kye 85685
Corn 5se?9
Oat 46O50
CloverUeed 809 per lb.
Timothy Seed, 2 503 75
Flax Seed 1 05 2 10
Country Urd VA QWA
Eggs 24925
Butter, dull sals., 11622
Washed Wool 58 70ceuts per lb
Miller At Duncannon on the 7tb Inst
John T. Miller, sired 80 years 8 mouths and
7 days.
Mann On the 6th Inst., at the residenca of
nor mtDer, rror. it. b. Zimmerman, In Ne
port, Pa., Mrs. C. II. Mann,ge4U5 years.
i mourn ana aays.
Suattb In Duncannon, on the 81 st of Jan
nsry, Mr. Samuel It. Bhanb, aged 29 years,
months and 29 days.
Pittsburgh paper please copy.
sj new, Ferry uo., 1'a.
Deeds, bonds, Mortgages and Leases rarefull
nreiittred and acknowledgements taken. Al
kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn aud
eertined, will also take depositions to oe reaa in
any court In the United states. ,7 10 ly
New Advertisement.
Tie Melon House,
Ko. 23, South Tenth Street,.
J. M. HOLETON Proprietor.
THIS Hotel has connected with It a Temper
ANCK DlMNO Hi HIM for IsiilltMl nnri front lemon
where meals are served at all hours, at reasonable
1" " B3. 7 JO
Bloomfleld Academy!
Spring Setston J3egln Monday, April 1th, 1873.
THIS school Is designed to be a classical and
normal Institute of the first grade. Htudonts
are prepared thoroughly for anv college In the
land. Those desiring to be teachers receive a thor
ough normal drill on all studies tiniKlit in Hie nub
ile schools. All others are carried forward In the
higher academio studies and on completion ot
course receive certificate of graduation.
Excellent boarding Is provided In the building
of the institution aud the school is pleasantly lo.
The working force is as follows :
Key. JOHN EDGAR. A. M.. Principal.
Teacher of Classics and Advanced Studies.
A. M. MARKET,, M. 8..
Teacher of English Studies.
Miss 8. LIFE,
Teacher of Music, Painting and Drawing..
Miss E. M. MORROW,
Teacher of Preparatory Department..
Teacher of Penmaushlp.
J For further Information nililmua irini.,i
WM. GRIER, Proprietor,
7 10tf New Bloomtleld. Pnrrv on i
and Key West Cigars.
THE only Manufacturer of
very best
Cigars from the-
- Salesroom
7 10 ly L. J. FERNANDEZ, Sole Agent
Better than any Ever
See that the boxes are branded.
:i:iO Nortli Ctrcl HU-oet,
Branch 23 North 2d St., Branch 837 Chestnut St.,
(Opposite " CONTINENTAL")
Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in
Cloths, Cassimeres, Cottonades,&c,
Country Merchants
Is respectfully called toour large and well selected
stock of
which we will sell
7 7 0m
Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron.
For the Cure of Wek Rtnmscb, GmimhI Debility, In.
dilution, DImmuhi oi tlio urvom H U,lu, OolMliiatinn,.
Aridity of the Htomscli, and all ouus mmlrtiw a tonic.
The Wine Includes the most strreeahle and efficient
fialtof Iron wi'ikm1: Citruteof MaKiietloOxtdr, com
bined with the must euerk-utio VB-)Uble tulliut Vulluw
Peruvian Bark.
The effwt in many cases of debility, loss of appetite,
and treueral urtMtratlmi, of au efficient Halt of Iron.
cmiiMiied wiu our valuable Nerve, ia moat bappy. it
aiiKnieutit the appetite, raiMea the pulae, t&kea otf mnit
ruiar llahbiueeM, reinovea the pallor of debility and
Hive a durid vifor to the couiiteuauoe.
Do yon want something to strength yonf
Do yon want a good appetitef
Do you want to build up your constitutionf
Do yon want U tret rid of uervouaueaaf
Do you want eueivyf
Do you want to sleep wellf
Do you want a brisk and vigorous feeling? '
If yon do, try Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron.
This truly valuable tonic baa been an thoroughly test
ed by all cleHHtw of the community that it In now drain
ed luilutiieiiHuble as a Tonic medicine. It coeU but little,
jmrines the blood and gtvHS tone to the stoinaoh, rew
vales the system and prolongs life.
I now only aak a trial of thla in valuable tonic,
I W Pric 1 v bUe.KimKKI mt rtMar
No. 1W North WJl Btrret, below lue.
Ank for Kunkel's Bitter Wliie of Irou, aud Uke uo
other. 1 ly
Intseot l?-wler.
For the destruction of all kinds ot
Insects, viz i
FLEAS, MOTHS, &C, tc Also,
Insects on Auiumta, Fowls, FlauU.&e
i Warranted Pure.
: T- Prii 26 Gents' per Bottle. For sale by P.
Mortimer, New Bloomlteld, Pa. 7tK'2