6 flje flloomfifto iimts. Tuesday, March 4, 1873. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS We invite communication from all versonswhoare interented in matters properly belonging to this department. Spoiling Mirrors. It is a fact worth knowing, but which docs not seem generally undorBtood, that the amalgam of tinfoil with mercury which is spread on glass plates to make looking glasses, is very readily crystal! zed by action of solar rays. A mirror bung where the sun can shine on it is usually spoiled ; it takes a granulated appearance familiar to housekeepers, though they may not be ac quainted with its cause. Id such a state the article is nearly worthloss ; the con tinuityof its surface is destroyed, and it will not roflcct outlines with any approach to precision. Care should therefore be ex ercised in hanging. If any of our readers have mirrors which appear to be spoiling, it would be well to ascertain whether the direct sun-ligbt strikes tho'tn. If thus ex posed, they can probably bo saved from farther injury by simply changing their position. The back as well as the front must be protected. A small glass hung in a window, wliere the rays strike it behind, is peculiarly exposed. The back should always be covered where the beams are likely to touch it. The greatest danger to looking-glasses, however, is in transporting them. Very ex pensive ones have been seriously injured by careless handling when merely earned across a street. The men who move fur niture are seldom fully aware of those pos sibilities, and need to be cautioned and watched. Frequently a man or boy may be seen in the streot carrying a mirror in such a way that the full glare of a noon day sun strikes and injures it. Owners of such articles would, as a rule, be able to loep and use them much longer if they To resilver a pier-glass often costs as much as one-fifth of the original price of the ar ticle ; while the common glass is seldom worth re-silvering. It is also well to avoid hanging a mirror near a stove or fire-place, where the beat radiated can reach it. If this precaution is neglected, granulation is likoly to occur, oven in a comparatively dark room, by the influence of warmth instead of light. A lamp or gas jet, if placed too close while burning, though it may not crack the glass, will also often bring about the same in jurious crystalization, and will even some times cause the amalgam to melt and run off. N. T. Mercantile Journal. Sice Dishes Farmers Can Have. The question, what Bhall we do for a change? is one which often vexes the house-wife, and many times is not so easily answered, especially among a cortain class of farmers (and a pretty large class, too,) who feel that they must make the products of their own farm furnish variety for the table. Among this class, apples are the " stand by" for fruit, and in nine families out of ten they seldom, if ever, come, to the table but in two ways, viz: between two lard crusts, and stewed. I give a few re ceipts for preparing this esteemed fruit, says a correspondent of an agricultural paper, which, when once tried, will not, I think, be willingly abandoned. Take easy cooking, tart apples J pare, 'and with a narrow bladed knife remove the core ; after they are all served in this way, place on a tin plato, the stem or blossom end down, and fill the hole, left by removing tho core, with sugar ; drop three or four drops of water (flavored with lemon, if you choose) on the sngar in each applo, and set in the oven aud bake until done, which will be in about throe-fourths of an hour, if your oven is right. Remove to an earthen plate as soon as done, which should be fifteen or twenty minutes before serving. These are excellent with meat dinners, or eaten aloue with cream and sugar, thoy make a very nice desert. Borne persons consider sweet apples of little use in the kitchen, but when properly prepared I thint thoy are nearly as good as peaches. Faro, quarter and core nice sweet apples, put them in an earthen or new tin dish and sot in the steamer and steam until done, which can be told by trying with a fork. Serve, when cold, with cream and sugar. Do not for get to steam and can some before they are all gone, so that you can have thorn next spring when other fruit is scarce. Boiled Chicken. Plain artless boiling is apt to produce a yellow, slimy-looking chicken. Before cooking, the bird should always be well washed in tepid water aud lemon juice, and to insure whiteness, delicacy and succu lence, should be boiled in a paste made of Hour and water, and after being put in the boiling water, should be allowed to simmer slowly. This method is very effectual in 1 preserving all juices of the fowl, and the result is a far more toothsome and nourish' ing morsel than the luckless bird which has I been "galloped to death" in plain boiling water. Mutton is also much better for being boiled in paste. RADWAY'S. BEADY "RELIEF CURES THE WOUBT PAINM In from One to Twenty Minute. NOT ONE HOUB aftor reading th) ailvortHpment thmhi any one HUHFKR WITH FAIN. RADWAT'B KEApY RKL1KF 18 A CURB FOB EVKUY VAIN. Tt. was thf first mid t The Only XtUn ltemody that in t an ttjr it ops the most ex erne latins alhiri lntUnitiinLlont, and caret (.'(mrr Attaint, wWther of the Lutifm, Stomach, liowelt, or ctlicr gland or organa, by one Hpullcntion, IS FROM ONJC TO TWENTY MINUTER, no mutter uw violent or excruciating the pnln tha RHKUMATKJ, Bcd-rUlilcn, Infirm, Crl.-ploil, Nervous, 2itmrutgic or pructrnted with dtaeaM may Hitter, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT F.ASK. INFLAMMATION OF TIIK KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF TUB HOWKLS. rONOKSTION OF TIIK LUNGS. SORB THROAT. HIFFIOI'LT P.ltKA'1'HINIf. PALPITATION OF T11K HEART. HYSTERICS, CKUUT, DII'UTHKItlA. 'ATA1UUI, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTTtAr llF., NKURAf.OIA, RIIEUMATISM. COLD r HILLS, AOUK CHILD. Tlio nmillcnilon of tho Ready Kellpf tnthopartor pnrls where the pain or difficulty txlala will afford ease ami comfort. Twenty drops In tinlf a frtmrilrr of wfttpr will In a fr mnmcuKcure CHAMPS, M'ASMM, floUIt STOMACH, HKAItTllITIIN, SICK IIF.AHACIIE, DIARRHEA, HVMENTKHY, COLIC, WIND IN TUB BOWELS, und nil INTERNAL PAINS. TruveliTs should always carry a hottle of lllidwav'a Ready Relief with them. A few drops In wiitor will prevent tlclimw or pubis from chniiKe of water. It la Ueltur than French Brandy or Hitters ns a stimulant. FEVKH AND Afil'K. FEVER. AND AUUE cured for Dlty cents. There la not a remedial agent In this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, lllllous. BcarleL Ty phoid, Yellow, and oilier Fevers (aided by RAI1WAY S l'll.LH) so quick ns RADWAY'S HEADY RELIEF. Filly cents per boltlo. Bold by Druggist. HEALTH fBEAUTY ! ! BTHONU AND PURE RICH IILOOD-INCRKASF. OF FLESH AND W Ell HIT CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT ' HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES; AO QUICK, HO RAPID ARE THK CHANGES THE l.ODY UNDERGOES. UNDER THE IN FLUENCE OF Tllia TRULY W0ND1.RFUL MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an Increase In Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the BARS A PA RTLL1AN RE.SlLV ENT con.iimnlu.tca tiirmiKii the Wood, Bwcut, Urine, and other fluirlH mid .Intern ofllie nyeti'm the vltrur of life, for It repair the wuhU-a of the body with now uml sou nil rnntcrliu. Hcrnfnln, Syphilid, Cormuniptlrm, Glandular (llAeaxe, TTlcera In tho Throat, Mouth, '1 union, Nodes In t tie Glands mid other imrU cf the Hystoni, Wore Eyes, Wrumoiift Dlnclmwa From the liars, und the worn fnnns of Skin dlm-nacs, F.iuptlons, Fever Son1, Scald Heud, Ring Worm, fvtlt Rheum, EryMpoliin, Acne, Black btmln. Worms in the Flesh, Tumor, Cancers In the Womb, siid nil weakening and pninful dtacliuriit'S, Night Fwi-ntH, ,i!n of Sperm, nnd nil wnntes of tlio file princi ple, tre within tho curative range of tills wonder of Mod-t-ru Chemistry, and a few (lays' line will prove to nny person iHiir It for either of these forms of disease Us potent powTto euro them. If the patient, dally becoming reduced by tho wantes and decomposition that Is conUnuidly twereBriiiifr, mic cuuiIb in iirrentiiiK theiw wastes, and repairs the naine with new material in:ilu from lie:tltliy hlood uud this the te A USA PA KILL! AN will ami does secure. Not only does the Sati.hai'ahili.ian JIrsovrnt excel nil known remedliil agents In the cure of Chronic, Scrofu lous, Co nut k-itlouul, und ftkln UUuiitww j but u Is Uie ouiy ponittvu cure for Kidney & Bladder Complaint, TTrinary, and Womb diseases. Grave!, Diabetes, Drnnsy, Stopp'uie of Water, Iticontiiietice of Urine. Itrlght's Dis ease, AlliUtnlnuria. and in nil cases where t lie re are brlek diHt depoitlts, or the water Is thick, cloudy, mixed with substance like tho white of mi effi. or tiireads ilko whlto silk, or there Is a mort-ld, dark, bilious appearance, and whlto bouo-dunt depoHlta, and when there is a pi Irk lug, hiirnlnx sen nation whuu piusinK water, nd pnin In the Small of the Hack and uloiij; thu Loins. Price, li.oo. WORMS. The only known and euro Remedy for MvrmsWtn. TupA, etc. Tumor of 12 YcniV OroAVtli Cured wy Itadwny's Keiiolveiit. Hivfhlv, Mim., July 18, 1SS9, TR. It AltWAT : T hhf hsd Ovarlin Tunmr In th ovsrlei smt boweli. All ths Doctor Mid " Ibcre wu no help for II." I triwl Vfry IhlnK thiit wu rec"miinjni)i but nothiiig hrld m. I nw your RmI rant, snd thjulit I would try It : but litul no fslth In U, tMH-aut. I hsd utTntd for twelve yrn. I took ilz b)UlM of iht) Ktttolvtnt. anil on box of Rrtwji Pllli, tyid two boi 11m of your KaMuiy Kvllttf t wid then U not a tlftn of tumor to bs Mttn or flt, and I f-l U-ttr, tnmrter, and b'ilr tUma I btv for twelve yewru The woril tumor wu tn tli Uft ild of ths bow.lt, ov.r ths fnja. I wHu tliU to you lur tbs buoeUt of ollivrs. Vou con publtib It If you cbooi. , HANNAH P. KNAPP, DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet ramt juirtte, roRuhiie, purify, c'e:um nn I stri-ncltien. lud , ivtiv's Pills, for tlie cure of nli disorders nf the Utomarh, I.lver, Howuls, Kidneys, Rlndder, Nervous Dtsesses, HeadKoliu, C'oiiHtlpation, Conllveness, Indigestion, Dysj.e 'iiia, Ullloutiieit, Hillou Fever, Inflnmumtlon of the fiowels, I'lles.undnll Deraiffremeutsofthe Internal Vls cera. Wnrranted to eft'ect a positive cure. Purely Vegeta ble, enntnlnlng no mercurv, mliiernln, or deleterious drugs, IT Observe the foltowlug symptom resulting tiviA Disorders of the Digestive Organs. rotutlpstla, Inwr1 Hilai, FuIIvmi of the Blood In the ITesd, Arlftiiy of th Hlnmtv h, Nkiims, IlMrlbtirn, llirnit nf Food, Fnlhirt or Wttli(ht In ihs 8unmi-h. Botir CrucUtiona, Sinking or Kluturlngst tl Tit of th Btouiawb, Bwlmmtng of tb JImu,, Hurried ikiid Dffti.-ult Hraathlng, Muttering st the Hvert, Clioklnc or buil'orfttlntr Hnstlon whn In s Lvlng Pmtara, DlinnsMof Vitlou, IoU or V'nU twtor the, Sfffbt," trvn and J'ull I'niu In ths Head, Deficiency nf IVraplrittion, Yellowneai of tha flkln and Kvet, Pnln In ths Hide, C'IimI, LJhiU, siul tutliiin t'liuhtM of Jlest, llartilng In tb Kletli. A few doses of RAD WAT'S TILLS nrlH free the try, tern from nil the aliove-im'. ed dl -on lent. Prion. 35 ceutl lierhui. SOLD RV MtCOdlSTS, READ "KA1.SK AND TRUK.'1 Pond one letter stamp lu RADWAY & CO., No. b? Maiden I.atio. Kw Xorlc, Information worth tliousuuda will be aeut you. 2STEW YORK CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OF NEW YORK, BTRICTL Y MUTUAL I XSHUES all the new forms of Policies, and pre 1 sent as favorable terms as any company in the Thirty days' grace allowed on ciich payment, and iue puuuy uutu yuou uunug mai lime. Policies Issued by this Company are non-forfeit ura. fNo extra charges are made for traveling permits. Policy-holders share In the annual prontsof the Company, and have a volue lu the elections aud mauugemeui 01 me uonipauy. No policy or medical fee charged. Justus La wsaiioE, Pres't. M. It. WiMUAir, Vice Pres't. J. P.Booim, Beo'y. XT. BATON, r Ueueral Agent. No. 6 North Third Street, tftyll CoUuge block, parrlaburg, Pa. rhotographs ! rhotographs ! JACOB COBLE, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, VENN' A. THE subscriber would respectfully call the at tention of the citizens of this comity to the fact that he Is orenarerl to take PHrtTdun A vu.i In the best style of the art. Ills long experience enables him to produce PICTURES W1ITCH CAXNOT SB EX CELLED. All persons are requested to call at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and great care will be taken 10 lurnisn Good Pictures of Children. 'ramlng material and a eood assortment nf f ramna always on hand, and for sale at low prices. JACOB COBLE, Artist, Newport, Perry Co., Pa LEB J 3ST O 1ST Mutual Fire Insurance Company, OP JoiieNt own, Fcnn'a. POLICIES PERPETUAL at Low Bates. No Steam rinks taken. Thla In one nf the heat conducted and most reliable Companies in the State. Country property Insured Perpetually at (4 00 per thousand, and Town property at 85 00 ytsi wiuusuiiu. LEWIS POTTER, NEW BL00MF1ELD, PA., 4 16 Agent for Perry County. UNITED STATES HOTEL, Cor. Fulton, Water and Pearl St)., JV. Y. THIS well known favorite hotel has recently been renovated, remodeled and furnished new and elegantly throghout. It Is kept on the European plan, and has ample accommodations for four hundred guests. The location Is more accessible to all parts of New York and Drooklyn than any other house in the city. The Broadway Stages pass the hotel every three minutes, besides various Hues of Street Cars, one of which Intersects every other route in New York. it being but two blocks from Fulton Ferry, makes it convenient for those wishing to visit the " Cltv of Churches." as from this fei-rv diverge all theprlnclpal Itullroad routes in the city of Brook- iju. io.uii) uw. n. iwiu, rropnetor. S 81IULEH. 8. M. SiIULER S. SHTJLER & SON, LIVERPOOL, Perry County, Pa., Dealers In all kinds of Hardware, Groceries, &c. All goods In our line sold at the lowest nrlea . Give us a trial. 5 44 14t. Writing llnid ! THIS FLUID Is warranted EQUAL to Arnold's and Is sold at much less price. The money will be refunded to those buying it, If it does not prove entirely satisfactory. ruraaie uy r. juorinner, new iiioomneiu. MILLER & ELDER, , Sole Agents, 430 Market Street.' 23031 . Philadelphia. JOBINSON HOUSE, (Formerly kept by Woodruff aud Turbett,) Aw BloomJUld, Ttrry County, Pa. AM08 ROBINSON, Proprietor. This well known 'and pleasantly located hotel has been leased for a number of years bv the urea- entproprietor.and be will spare no paius to accom modate his guests. The rooms ate couifortuble, the table well furnished with the best In the mar ket, and the bar stocked with choice liquors. A careful and attentive hostler will be in attendance. A good livery stable wlU be kept by the proprietor) Alll a, 1911. bl O lu IE IV V. . rJIIIE Best Oil In the World for Machinery. It will not chill. It will not gum. It is equal to the best Lard Oil. ' ' If you have any kind of machinery, ask for ULENA, and If you cannot buy it at home, send for a circular and price list to PAINE, ABLETT & TRIPP, Oil Manufacturers and Dealers, No. 8G0 Pent. Avenue, 0 49 rittahurgh, Fa. THE " Silver Toni gue ORGANS, Manufactured by E. P. NEEDHAM & SON, 143, 145 & 147 East 28rd St., Now York, ESTABLISHED IN 1846. Responsible parties amilvlnir for airenclea in sections still unsupplled will receive prompt atten tion ami 11 Imntl inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our authorized agents may order from our factory. - Send for illustrated price 1. U. OIHVIN. i, H. GIBVIN J M. GIltVIN & SON, OominlMiai'on Mcrchantat, No. t, SPEAR'S WHABF, Italtliuore, M d . VLWs will nav strict attention to the sale of all kinds of couutiy produce, aud remit the amounts piuuipuy. imi; Book Agents Great Industries OP THE UNITED STATES ) An Historical Summary of the Origin, Growth and Perfection of the Chief Industrial Arts of this Country. 1300 Pages and 500 Engravings. Written by 20 Eminent Authors, including John B. Cough, Leon Case, Edward Howland, Jos. B. Lyman, Rev. E. Edwin Hall, Hor ace GreolcV, Philip Ripley, Albert Brls Bano, . B. Perkins, Etc., Etc. This work Is a complete history of all branch es of Industry, process of manufacture, etc., In all ages. It la a complete encyclopedia of arts and manufactures, and the most entertain ing and valuable work of information on sub subjects of general interest ever offered to tho public. It Is adapted to tho wants of the Merchant, Manufacturer, Mechanic, Farmer, Student and Inventor, and soils to both old and young of all classes. The book is sold by agentB, who are making large sales in all parts of the country. It Is offered at low price of 83 50, and is the cheapest book ever sold by subscription. No family should be without a eopy. We want Agents in every town in the United States, and no Agent can fall to do well with this book. Our terms are liberal. We give our agents the exclusive right of territory. One of our agents sold 133 copies in eight days, another sold 808 in two weeks. Our agent In Hartford sold 887 in one week. Specimens of the work sent to agcuts on receipt of stamp. For circulars and terms to agents address tho publishers. J. B. BURR & HYDE, nartford, Conn., Chicago, 111., or Cincinnati, Ohio. 0 41 ly BLiATniT.KY'a g S Improved CUCUMBER WOOD rr I i) 1,1 1. iLNii'ieNM. minium, f.i. llcient and Cheap. The best Pump for the least money. At-, tention Is especially Invited to lilatohley's Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Cheek Valve, which can be withdrawn without removing the Pump or disturbing tiie joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracksor scales, and will outlast any other. For sale bv Dealers everywhere. Send for Catalogue and Price-List. CHA8. O. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, ly 600 Commerce St., Philadelphia, Pa. 637 Drugs! Drugs! THE Subscriber has on hand and for sale, at low prices, a complete assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, Of all kinds. Also, a full stock of Concentrated Remedies, PATENT MEDICINES, ESSENTIAL OILS, PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS. BRUSHES, AND FANCY ARTICLES.' Pure Wines AND LIQUORS, Always on hand, for Medicinal and Sacramen tai purposes. VsBPlLyieian' Orders carefully and promptly filled. , , B, M. EBY, NEWPORT, PERRY COUNTY, PA. Boots I Boots I A. Fill Assortment of THE CELEBRATED YORK BOOTS, Hand or Machine Sided, Whole Stock Double Hole and Warranted to Give Entire .Satisfaction, Manufactured and For Sale to the Trade by M. B. SPAHS, - YORK, PA. A full Assortment of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Constantly on Hand. n-flmcial Attention Paid to Ordert.'M. 6 23 26. To SlioeiwLfxlcorN, rpiIE subscribers keen constantly on hand, a FRENCH OALF SKINS, PINK LININGS, R OANS, MOROCCOS, SHOE THREAD, PEGS, AWLS, and a generul assortment of articles used by Shoe uiuaeia. F. MORTIMER, PERRY HOUSE, New Bloomfleld, Pa. THE subscriber having purchased the property ou the corner n( Malue and Carlisle streets, opposite the Court House, invites all his friends ana lormeroustomersio give mm a call as he is aelermmea co luruisu nisi class accommodations. THOMAS HUTCH, ltt. Proprietor. AUCTION KKIlVO.-0. Z. FINK will at tend to crying sales at all times. Having had considerable experleuoe, he nation hlmselfthat be can give satisfaction to all. Call at the Uulon Miiuuer Alius, in itye twp., or anmess, O, Z. KINK, 1 tSlypd , Duucannon, Pa. MM ml' Professional Cards. J-EWIS POTTF.lt, NEW BI.OOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA. f Claims promptly secured and collected. Writincs aud all legal business carefully attain!. edto. 82 yl CHARLES U. SMILE Y, Attorney at Law. New Bloomlleld, Perry Co. Pa. TOfflee with C. A. Barnett. Ksn... next door to Mortimer's store August 20, 1872 "TTM. A. SPONHf.KK, Attorney-at-Law, Vf Olllee adjoining his residence, on East Main street, New Uloomlleld, Perry co., Pa. 8 ly CHAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New Illomiilleld, Perry co.. Pa. s-umce adjoining Mortimer' csiore. axiy B P. McINTIRE Attorney at Law. and DIs. trlct Attornev of I'errv countv. Olllee with J. T. Mulntire, New Uloomlleld.'Penu'a. JBAILY, Attorney at Law, New UloomHeM, TerryCo., Pa. at-Omce opposite the Court House, aud two doors east of t fie Perry County Hank. Avuiurs lu 13. luciuiiro, ii.sq. ounez, loll. JOHN (i. SHATTO, Hurgeon Dentist. New Bloomlleld, Perry co.. Pa. tistry All kinds of Mechanical and Hurgleal Den orices.done In the best manner, and at reasonable M)lllce at his renlileiice, opposite the Reform, ed Church, on High Ktreet. 3 2 ly WM. M. HUTCH, , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, rew llloonineia. Perry co., Pa. at-OI)tee Two lloors Went, nf P. nlnitlmor Store 3 7 ly CHAS. J. T, McTNTIKE, Attornev-at-Law, New Hloonitleld, Perry co., Pa. AaAtl nrnfaa.wtmil t,t,uluuo ncii,...!.. n...lrn i.h I . iru.iiuvaD (I.UIUUMT .IIU1UIIU fully attended to. 3 2 1 v. WM. N. 8E1BEHT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomileld, Perry co.. Pa. iiiooinuem, ssaiy. JAMES IL FERGUSON, Attorney at-Law, ' NEWPORT. PA. woince Market Street, near the Square. 36 6 New Carriage Manufactory, On High Street, East of Cabmslb St., Xew liloomflolii, I'enn'a. THE subscriber has built a large nnd commodi ous Shop on High St., East of Carlisle Htreet, New Bloomileld, Pa., wliere he is prepared to man ufacture to order Ca, x r i a o s Of every description, out of the best material. Sleighs of every Style, built to order, and finished In the most artistic and durable manner. - Having superior workmen, he Is prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at much more reasonable rates. -REPA IKING of all kinds neatly and prompt ly done A call Is solicited. SAMUEL S3IITI1 Sltf Incorporated bu the aurt of Common Pleat in lstitf; by Vie Leglslature.in 1871. The Pennsylvania Central Insurance Company OF POTTSVILLE. PA. Capital and Assets, $156,000. Premium Notes 100,000 00 Promissory Notes . 60,000 00 Cash premiums due or col lected for the year 1871, $2,028 00 Cash premiums due or col- ' lected for the first three months of 1872 1,800 00 ' Cash from other sources and agents 1,300 00 Judgment Bonds In Com pany's oillco, 1,100 00 Total cash and noto assets, April 1st, 1872 $156,128 00 JAMES H. GRIER, JOHN D. HADESTY, Secretary. President. DIRECTORS ; John D. Hadesty, A. P. Helms, Benjamin Teter, A. SutcrmelHter, James H. Grlur, E. F, Jungkurt, Ellas Miller. AGENTS : H. n. Hill, Edward Fox, John A. liable, Ed ward Wesley, Charles F. Delbert, Wm. R. Griffith. E. F. Jungkurt, General Agent. Arrangements have been made with other first-class companses to re-insure risks taken on the cash plan in such amounts as desired. Liberal commission allowed agents, and ex clusive territory, if desired. This Company confines Itself to lire insurance exclusively. OFFICE: No. 191 CENTRE ST., POTTSVILLE, PA. INSURE IN TIIE Perry County Mutual Benefit Association, or t NEW BLOOM FIELD, PERRY CO., PA. CAartered by the Leg Mature March 9, 1872. TIIK CIIEAPKST ANT HAFESsT I.IFK IN.SUHA.NCK ever offered to the people. It Is a Mutual enterprise for the protection of Widows and Orphans in the county. Members pay VIVK DOLLAUS for a certlileate of membership, and annual dues on ages between 21) and 35, 81.001 between 33 and 60, 11. 60; between 60 and 66, I2.00j for the term of three years, com inencliig January, 1K73; and the sum of $1.10 ou the death of a member. The membership not to exceed one thousand. A member dying, to re ceive as many dollars as there are paying oertitl-oate-holdiii'S. This plau Is adopted lu order that persons who have been excluded from benefits In other Life Insurance Companies by reason of their expensive I.iKB-lUTits may obtain some benefit ou a small Investment. It commends Itself to the public for the reason that it prevents the country from being drained of our money by foreign com panies. JOHN A. BAKER, President. CONRAD ROTH, Treasurer. LEWIS POTTER, Secretary. WILLIAM McKEE, General Agent. 6 15