7 Philadelphia Adferllsements. Philadelphia Advertisements. Philadelphia Advertisements. No Pen on can take Miea Bitter accord- !bi to direction, and cmain lonf unwell, provided A..;. Uu. r nnt rinstroved hv mineral DOison or other . nenf,and the vital organs wasted beyond Ilia pointy Uyipnpala or Indlseition. Headache. Pain In 111 Shoulders, Couchs, lightness of the Cheat, Die , siness. Sour Eructation of the Stomach, Bad Tast in the Mouth, Bilioua Attacka, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs Pain in 'he region of alia Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, . are the offsprings of Dynpi. In ,neM complaint it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a Letter guar antee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement, , For Female Complaint, in young of old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so deeded an Influence liut marked improvement (s aoon percep- , ' For Inflammatory and Cfironlo Ilrieti w.,i,M anA f:mit. Hilimis. Kemittent and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneya 1 I UI-.I.1..- ltin liavA nn .null. Such DlS- eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally , omduced by derangement ot tne uigesiiv, vrzan-. They are a Oentle Purftattve well a Tonic, possessing also the peculiar men! of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflam mation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and In Bihou Diseases. For Skin Dlee Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Snota, Pimples, Pustules, Boila, Car buncles, Ring-worme, Scald-Head, Sore Eye. Ery sipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorationsof the Skin, Humor and Disease of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of th aystem in a short time by the use of these Bitter . Orateful Thousands proclaim Viniga. Bit Teas the most wonderful Invigorant that ver sustained ALiLVCKSVr. B. II. McnON AID CO., " Druggists and Gen. Agta., Sa Franciaco, Cel.. " and cor. of Washington and Charlton St.. New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. LOOK OUT! "f would resiwctlvely Inform my friends that 1 In- 1 iciul calling upon lilt'in Willi a sujipiy ui gouu Of my . ::" i .' 'i i " ' OWN MANUFACTURE. Cunslsting Of CASSIMERS, . ; ' ' CASSINET8, FLANNELS, (rialn anil bar'd) CA-ltl'lCTHi, Ate.,' , , to exchange for wool or sell for cash. ' ' " J. M. BIXLEll. Centiie Woolen Factokt. 6,17,4m, . , , -y K K T A B U K ' GRAPE VINES, (30 Varieties.) l'EACIt. APn.E, TEAK, FBU1T TUEE8, &C, CSi'eon IIohho Wtoc'lf, FOB THE SPItlNO OF 1872. A largo vavli'lv of Hmleenml Perfi-otly Itolliilile stock offered at fair prlws. Need and plants, by mall. i 'lumlAr iiiaili'il. iireiuilrl ns fnllnwi : Nn. 1. Vegetable I'lniils utnl livnds. Flower rSeeds. &(!. . . No. 2. (i!'i)in Hoilo. Heddlng and Flowering riants. tii iiai'ieniiti i ioh v nui ihw. itiwen. xe. No. X Grape Vinos, l'tnlr Tiir. Small Fruits, &c..&. ;ICO. F. Mi l-KIM. i i , i Ulverniil'-' Niirxrvlr. t IStf . Harrlsbui g. Fa. SlOO' Reward f ir a eaic of tfeuralitfu'or Rlifiimntt-iiii of nn v form wliiiti-ver. (ciinildHied .iiml.lel Hint ). FITLHttft VKliKlAHl.K IHIKi;MATlC SVItl'r will nut cure wsrrunled uninjui'liius, and a jiii)(i:;;n' . rKrrilinii used iituurillv from BKWAR1 olTiTed to (lie l'ruprletnrs of any Medlcinetor HI mutism nil, I Neuralgia able to Hih1ik' oiip-foiirlli at man V coiimIiim IIvIiik imu'hs iiiiMle withtn the Mnine lenutli il tlltieasl'i hitler's ViuaIlIi1u ltllellll'.allc ItelltlMlv.. tJMKJ HHWAHUiilluieil Ui liny IVi-miii provhm .los. 1", Kitler. M. 1'.. to he other tlmii a (.'ludnnte of the celebrate,! Vnivi'is'ly of Pennsylvania In 18M. and rmfessur of f'liiMnlstry tiearut i:neu inatloin specially for 1)0 vesrs. SKxHl KKWAI(l) to anv i'lieinlit. l'hvsicinn. or otlieis able ti ilUcover liHlide of ToUts!!, ('nb'lil. mim, Mercury. or uiiytbinn injuriinm to llui system ill l)r. I'liier s itnruiuanc Mrup. )HHA Ortllicutes or teitbiiiiiiiiilx of cure. in. eludhiK Itev. C. II. Ewlnit, Media. Pennsylvania Itev. .Imeliil isi i:fs. rails en N'lmviklil. 1'lillailei. phia: Hid wile ol iiev. j. n. Davis., iniriitsiown, Vi.iv .Ihi-mpv, Hev. Tilouiiu Muniliv. Ki-iinkfnril. I'lilluili'luhU: lxiclor ilennluuH ami Doctor Wal ton, I'liliadelplilat Hon. .J. V. t;ineluy. im-iuber of Ouum'chs ii'oiii j'liiiiiueipiiiis: iron. .iuii;e j.ee, I'liiiiilrii. New Jnrsev: ex-Senator Htewart. of llal- tlniore! ex Governor Powell, of Kentucky, and fiiiw:iii,Ui,r others. If annce nenultted. lA Hr.w A lit lor tne name 01 any wiirrnniea preiiiuiilion for KlieimmtlHiii and NeuralKla sold iniilpr u similar leual tfiiuianlee. settlnu fmtlillie prei! undi exact imnibur of tmllles to cine or return the iimount paid for the same to the patient, In case of failure to cure. A full description of cases re- numnu mmrantees nuisi m lorwarneo ny leiier w Plilladi lplila. '1 111" guarantee, aluued anil (latlnir Hie iiuaiittty to um, will be reiiirned by mall, .t.iii, ...luii.M unit (iisii'iirtiiins. wltlmut anv charae. arAildrms all loiters to lilt. m l. Kit, No. 48 Soulii l'luii tli Hlreet, Philadelphia. Noollier Item. dy 1 olteri'd on such terms, iiet a circular on the various forms of ltlieuiiiatisiu, also Blank ap plications for guarantee, gratis of the special .....Ml tr Or. T. n. SWEENEY. Unurglst. 'Now Bloomlleld, Pa,. Assent fur tills couuty.(8 3 ly A SIt,F.MIT A HHOttTMESm ," . ' OF ' " ' ' Duy. GOODQ Suited to tlio Season, Are Now Offered for Bale by mil ffs mH IX vi I jSsi: i if Hit S I L-- tTiTi MTrii A V. MORTIMER. New Bloomfleld. John Bhsflner, Jr. El 8. Ilegler. Theo. Rum SHAFFNER,4 ZIEGLER & C0M- , V Sucoessorg to, . v - " BHAFFNER, ZIEOLEK & CO., V Importer and Dealer In Hosiery, (lover, . Ribbon, , N v THREADS, COMBS' and every variety of TRIMMINGS FANCY. GOODS.S No. 36, North Fouri Street, . V. PHILADELPHIA, PA. (.- Agents for panoatler Cow 6 s. J BARCROET & CO., IuiporU.il and Jobber v. , Ol Staple and Fancy - J)ltY,-;GOOJ)S, Cloths, Cassimres, t v : ; ;v r-IJlarikets; Linens, White Goods,1 Hosiery,, &o.M Nos. 405 an 40T MARKET STREET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) Fhtlatlelplila OIULYKILIi & CO., Wholesale Dealers In Carpets, "Oil Cloths, ' ; Shades, ; ; Brooms, ': , , ' , , Carpet Chain, Batting, Wadding, ,Twines, - &c, And a flne assortment of Wood and Willow ware, " No. 420 Market street, above 4th, - . Philadelphia, Pa. January 1, 1869. ' ' , : A A. B. Cunningham. J. U.Lewars. J.B.Ulelm. Cunningham, Gleim & Co., i - Wnot-KSiXS Dbaxibs lit Tobacco, Segars, Vic, NO. 4, NORTH FIFTH 8TREET,a PIIIIaADFXPIIIA.. 82810 W. A. Atwood. Isaac W. Bancs ISAAC W. RANCK & CO., ; C'oinmiHfslon , Merchants, Wholesale Dealers In all kinds of Pickled and Salt No. 210 North Wharves, above Eace Street, . -;" PHILADELPHIA, PA. , WM. H. KENNEDY, a. W. Hickman. . Gea Wain.' ; A. L. Whlteman, Hickman, Wain & "Whlteman, Tobacco, . Segars, &c, No. 222 MARKET STBEET, , I'lIILADEH'UIA, PA. tar A full Stock of the Celebrated Monitor Na. vr, always ouhaud. 4 82 tf 10 , . LLOYD, SUTPLEE, k WALTO!, WHOLESALE '. " HARDWARE HOUSE, No. 625 Market Street, ,: Philadelphia. s. k7tayiok, WAINWBIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND . 4TEA DEALERS, ,, v. North East Corner ot 2nd aud Arch Klrtett, Philadelphia Pa j DAVID J. H0A11 & CO., ' Successors to - ' ' HOAR, MoCONKEY k CO., WOOLISALK , , , ( ' BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 623 Market Bt. and 014 Commerce Btreet, Philadelphia, Penn'a. WHOLESALE ' GROCERS January I, 1800 ohn LucaS ' & C6., ' ' -Ml. , , Sole ana v. v tv '.V IMPERIAL '.FRENCH; ', .. J t htf.r AHD t ... PURE VS W 1 S S G R E E N , Also, Pure V , " White Iacad v and Color MANUFA CTURERS, ( Nos, 141 and 143 North Fourth St. Philadelphia. WRICHT & SIDDALL, Wholesale Druggists, ' AND DEALEBB IH ; ' " 119 MARKET 8TBEET, NEAB FIIONT, v V- V nf, Iln.l a! nlita VJ J. SBSSSBVSSFW, A'jFULta STOCK ) OF EVEEYTHINO CONNECTED WITH THE BUSINESS, OF THE BEST QUALITY, V .'AND AT VERY LOW PIUCEp. A Good location for business, enables us to otfer Inducement! to buyers, aud makes It worth their while to give us a trial. 88tf AVID D. ELDER & CO., ' Successor to H li MILLER ' & ELDER,' Boolisellerr , and .Stationers, BLArJK BOOK MANUFACTUBEBS. t is ; ' .t , , Ami Dealers In "- ' WINDOW CUBTAINS 1 ' AND WAtt PAPER, "No, 430 Market Street, ' '- 31 PHILADELPHIA, PA, S0WEB,, POTTS & CO.; Rooksellers & Stationers, ... - , And Dealers in . , C U.R T AIN- AND t - - i, WALL-PAPERS, Nos. 5S0 Market and 523 Minor Street s, PHILADELPHIA, PA. - Publishers ol Sanders' New Readers, and. Brook' Arithmetics. Also. Kobert's iusiory ol the United Stales, t eiion vuvuue mayo, f BLMK BOOKS Alwavs on hand, and made to Order. 31t A. L. Kaub ' J. E. Fkethibi. ICAUS1 K FIIYMIRE, IMPORTEUS AMD JOBDEKS 01 ' o li i n , .O- 1 n, s AND QUEEN SWA11E, 801 and 803,'Ch.erry St., between Arcli & Race, , PHILADELPHIA. 1 " ET Constantly on hand, Original Assorted Packages. , , ,, . , . , , , l " -t -4 I I k r -rr-r-l n. 'l''" PATTERSON & NEWLIN, P ?lTlioleale ; Cirocers, 'j - -; NO. 120 ABCH STREET,- ,' v 1 II I L AI) i: la ! II I A 17, mortimeh'q : oit bakgainO, His Stock will be found tlie most oomplete in the county, and consists oi DUX GOODS nl.OTIUNO ' VfllUMiKRIKf ' UfJHOK FINDINOK ' , ' - ' OQADI.ERH HAHnWATtE, o-irnJMw WAitK ato ... WllUI.Ii J'Al'tlt VY-nitirsHKHall styles , i AJptiOTH dCs M1IOKH Ctia'I'h m caph , . , iliTrlll'I K-0M)I8 W JOTIONI &o. nil CI.OTII UvTAII.H H MPIKKH Elk; k toolh t; TJA1NTH. OILS ATT) AISINH&BI'ICK It lit ON A KTliKI. irtAKKIAOK HAHDWARE V jjN ViStiOl'Eijdk l'Al'EIl GOODS OP EVERY STYLE pHEAP FOR CASH, VJXLL and bee. T A DIES AND CHILDREN will da J j splendid asaortmeut of shoes at th oae price store of F. Mortimer. 4 DAVY & HUNT, ....... i. Great Western ' Carriage, and Harness ;. ', ' . BAZAAlt, 1311,1313,1318 A 1317 MARKET ST. ; : ' ! I w PHILADELPHIA, PA. Fulling and Shifting top Bungles from ISO to rm ' (lermautown (Shifting Seats) from 70 to 1160. Kockaways (Leather 1 rimmed 1 irom iso to iiw. Dearborns, No Top pngiiiis, uagger anu ousi nnsa Wairnna from 10 to al'in. Hlnale Harness Irom us to J7S per set. 15 to 7S 01 Double Harness from t25 to K6 per set. Blankets. Whips. Halters, Sheets, Afghansand everything appertaining to the business at equal ly low prlcea. Our motto Is "Cheaper than the Cheapest." Utve us a call before purchasing else where. 33 8m 1. POUT UEALE, WITH BARNES, BRO. & HERRON, Wholesale Dealers In , ITtits, Caps, lnrs, AND S T 11 W-GOODH, Na 603 MABKET STREET, 6101y . PHILADELPHIA. C. E. JORDAN. J. FOX JORDAN, FOX & CO., Wholesale Dealers In lints, Capn, Furs, AND STRAW GOODS, NO. 85, NORTH THIRD STREET, (Between Market and Arch Streets,) C.18.el PHILADELPHIA. W. F. KOIII.i:it, JOBBER IN Hats, Caps, Furs, Strav - O- o o (1h 153 NORTH THIRD STREET, 8 91J10 .... PHILADELPHIA. Blatchley's Cucumber Wood Pumps MARK. Patented. . , BliATCULET'S Cucumber Wood Pumps, Tasteless, Durable, Efficient, and (1HEAP I JAre already widely known and de . servedly popular. ' RECENT IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENTS, recommend these Pumps stlll.'more stronEly to the dm line and tne crane. Dealers siiii- piled wltn lull uescnpi iic, upon application . ilied with full descriptive Catalogues, Price Llst- TISGLEY'S PATENT HORIZONTAL IC13 CItEAM i lllAIAAl, BAVES ICE, SAVES TIME, SAVES LABOR, And produces the finest quality of Cream known to the Art. Bona ior a Descripuveuaiaiogue. Mr- F. Moktihkk. New Bloomtlcld. Pa., Is Agent for these Pumps. ' CHAS. Q. BLATCHLEY, Manf'r. , , 600 Commerce Street, 5 13tf Philadelphia, Pa. organs i organs i organs i For the Parlor. Sunday School and Church. 5 Octaves : 2 sets of Heeds throughout : 6 stops. Only $125. The best organ in the worm ior me worm fnr tlm innnev. We can suuolv Oruans ranulnKln price from tKB to rJlXX), and otrer me mosinuerai lllllliceilieilis 10 llie liuue, xctivncm, iiciriiiicu. and others, who will act as audita for the sale ot our Instruments. The Parlor 3cm" IMano, 7 Octaves, full Iron frame, overstrung scale, round corners, carved leiss; the finest low-priced Piano manufactured. Fully warranted. Violin Strings. We Import direct Trancw. the very cho from Italy. Germany and France, the ver and can aiinnrir choicest strings that are made, and can support the trade it lowest market prices. Kamnln stt of clinlce Vlclinor UultarHtriiiLtsmall. edfree fur fl. Band Ii itrumenui, Sheet Music, Music Books, aud Musical Merchandise of eyary description. ' WM, A. rOND CO., 547 BUOADWAY, NEW YORK, Branch Store, 80 Union Square. Sin JNSURE IN THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ' OF NEW YORK. k F. 8, Winsto Preldeut. . The oldest and strongest Company lu the United States. Assets over ti6,OUO,000 lu cash. S. M. S1IU EB, A Kent. Liverpool, Pa. S 44 13t. Daily Express and Freight Line BLTWEEN BLOOM FIELD & NEWPORT! rpilE subscriber wlshei to notify the citizens ol X liluoiiiileld and Newport that he is runniiiK a I 'ally Line between these two places, and will haul Freight of uy kind, or r romptly d deliver packages av mH.nuvMi MiitritMlHll V Ilia card. Order may r! leti forhlm at the stores of F. Mortimer) Co., New BlooiuUeld.or MllligauA Mu.,r,Ne-vport.Pa. g WHIXM0RI , Bloiimfleld, January 25, 1870. m L nUMOBOUS ITEMS. ' tS" A little girl at Dubuque amended the Lord's Prayer by asking for her daily gingerbread. . . ? 1 ' ' ; ; ( i tW A henpecked husband thinks that while to be hornet stung is bad, " woman's tongue" Is worse. V1 ' 3T It is said that a lame dog is like art inclined plane because he is a slow pup( while the other is a slope up. t3TWho was the Btraightest man named in the Bible?. : Joseph, for Pharaoh wanted to make a ruler out of him. 'f ' tW If a Bpoonfiil of yeast will raise fifty cents' worth of flour, how much will it tako to raise funds to buy another barrel with? , t3fA darkey arrested with chickens in his sack deolared, " De man dat mt 'em dar was no fren of mine." tST A little girl wants to know if fleas are white because her uncle told he. "Mary had a little lamb wth fleas as white 1 as suow." "Lor'-a-massay," exclaimed the old lady in the witness box, " how should I know anything about a thing I duno any thing about ?" rise for information, said a mem ber of a legislative body. I am very glad to hear it, said a bystander, for no man wants it more. t2T I don't think Mr. Dosim takes his physio reg'lar," said a doctor's boy to his. employer, "Why so?" "He's gettin'' well too fast." t A Cincinnati lover has been discard ed by his affianced million heiress for tread ing on her pet cat's tail. He vowed it was an accident, but she insisted it was done on poor-puss. tW SayB a Dutcham explaining why ho kicked his wife down stairs : " She was tronk all te tay Saturday night and all te night Sunday morning, and I von so vild that I kick the stairs right down h - " t3T An editor once wrote : " We have received a basket of strawberries from Mr. Smith, for which he will receive our com pliments, some of which are four inches in circumference." Pretty good sized com pliments those. 1ST A younp; gentleman of Morristown, N. J., was playing at hay making with a rural Maud Mullor, and rather liked it until a Bwarm of yollow-jackets crawled up his nankeen trousers. Maud laughed heartily at the Irish jig he danced until she got "some of itlnher'n." tW " So here I am between two tailors," cried a beau at a publio table 1 where two young tailors were seated who had juiit commenced business for themselves: " True," was the reply, "we are begin ners, and can only afford to keep one goose between us. t3?At Chicago, recently, a lady at church was seen to bow her head as if in pious thought. She suddenly raised it aud leaned against the seat, when an explosion occurred that shook the wholo building. She had pressed too heavy ou an air ciisb- ion bustle. This is no romance but a stern fact. t3S An apothecary boy was lately Kent to leave at one bouse a box of pills, and at another six live fowls. Confused on the way, he left the pills where the fowls should have gone, and the fowls at the pill place. . The folks who received the fowln were astonished at reading the accompany ing direction : " Swallow one every two hours. " ItST A landlord in Paris, who was par ticular about not having children to' musa up bis rooms, asked a proposing tenant if he had any. With a solemn face,he replied: " Yes, six, all in the cemetery." x He got the rooms on a loase which said nothing about children, and in due time, to the hor ror of the landlord, the six youngsters ap peared. They bad been in the cemetery, sure enough, at the time stated, but they bad been sent there to play. tW A correspondent says: "It is niy duty to impress on you the certain fact that one half of our young people lose their senses when they lose their hearts. One of our party has already writen five letters to his lady-love, and he goes around groan ing and sighing In a most pitiable manner. He has no appetite, and sleeps at the top of the house, close to the moon. He can not stand by one of the colums of the piasv za without putting his arm around its waist, and I caught him kissing an applo to-day because It had rod cheeks. tW A Methodist minister, who lived on t a small salary, was greatly troubled at one time to get his quarterly installment. He had called a number of times, but each lime nan oecn pur, on wun some excunu. At length be went to his steward, and told ' him he must have bis money, for his fami ly must have 'ibe peocHsnrios of life. "Money 1". replied' the steward, "you preach for moneyj I thought you preached for the good of souls 1" . ." Souls 1" replied the minister, " I can't eat souls, and if I could it would take a thousand souls like yours to make a decent meal." '. A.