Stlje -ffimcs, fa Bloomftclir, Ja. Zueaday, January 21, 1873. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. HUM Jai. Sir. Apr. Baj Join 1 1 ! .V 4 ft h mm :1 ;i i.i i4iMi." 'i '.-.) 3i;aa '. i '- ,. "si"' fct'bi":! ,.t m i if ; f ... . J u m m r i t n n ir i;t 14 'fi tc II ! ISJ -J' '.I Kl i ifl X' -W , :rt i i: i r ! i T! I" 'i 11 19 1? '14 16 iR 17 ll 1 3 51 H t) fl4 tt IT , 9V JO 1 9 10 11 1? ii 14 '." . if if 's '.a "t "il''iil "!"' J i Sept. Oft i a sj o fl ?! 0 1" " 13 i 1.1 14 15 Id IT 1 IS i 21 K 3 ) ifl M I i: so w au ...i. 'H 1H H 1ft 1 IT ti ilO Vft II 51 It 14 Rot. ...t...... i I id 4 ft T I 0 10.11 IS M 14 lb 4 6' Tt ' lf In w i 14 i n m it i i i m ta JPt 34 S6 17 ffl 3 l-sl-, ! Dee. i 10 11 II 13 It ' Tl ' 0 10 II If M , V I1 1 I t I 15 18 17 ;l IP Ho CI K t HiSb m,s; W, : .m, ... I... 1 ... I ... ' ... 14 In IS 17 IK 10 tn 131 25 S-1 M 30 tT W 31 . , . .. tW We call the attention of capitalists to an advertisement headed 10 per cent, in vestments. J. T. R. The lottcr you refer to failed to reach us. Isn't the matter getting a little too stale for further notico now ? The regular annual meeting of the Penn sylvania Editorial Association will be held in llarrisburg, on Wednesday, January 22d, 1873, in the Senate committee rooms of the State Capitol, at 11 o'clock a. m., A New Secretary. "The Perry County Mutual Benefit Association" have clocted Lewis Potter Esq., for Secretary. A better selection could not bo mado as Mr. Potter, besides being an energetic, reliable lawyer, has had considerable experience in the insurance business, which will be of value to the association. Railroad Meeting. There seems to be (l rapidly increasing interest in the project of a railroad from this point to Bailys', and the friends of tho proposed enterprise have determined to hold a meeting for the pur pose of comparing ideas on the subject, and seeing who is willing to aid in the un. dertaking. A meeting is therefore to bo held in this borough on Wednesday evening tfie 29A imt. It is to be hoped all who desire to see the success of the project will bo present. y Cadet Examination. Tho committee, consisting of Messrs. Win. Gricr, of Perry Co., Martin Herman, of Cumberland Co., and Boyd, of York Co., selected to ex amine applicants for the cadetship, at tho West Point Military Academy, assembled in Carlisle, on last Thursday, whon quite a number of candidates appeared beforo them. Tho lads were required first, to go before a medical Board composod of Drs. Keifier, and Dale, who rejected those that wero physically disqualified. Tho throe successtul ones, returned by the com mittee as having sfood the best examina tion are, Win. Galbraith, of Cumberland Co., Silas Wolf, of York Co., and Jacob L. Market, of Perry Co. The work of the committee was very thorough and conduc ted with tho utmost fairness and credi bility. It now remains for the Hon. It. J. Ilalde man, to select one out of theso for the position. Freshets. The fog and rain of Wed nesday and Thursday last, broke up tho ice and raised the streams to an alarming ex tent. From various places come reports of damage to bridges, though so far we have heard of no loss to property in this county. The ice on the Juniuta, broke up on Saturday, and the river raised so as to cause some fears of damago by thequantity of ice that was coming down. A bridge at Tyrone, was washed away, and it is re ported that one some distance below that point had been damaged. We are informed by eye witnesses that tho breaking np of the ice on the Juniata Iiiver, was one of tho grandest, most thrill ing scenes they ever saw. At about 10 o'clock on Saturday, the ice oommenced to move, and in a short period the wholo body of ice from shore to shore was a seething mass of ice and debris, from the shores and from a bridge that had been Swept away. Ice floes that would cover a quarter of an acre, came rushing along with lightniug ltko rapidity crushing any thing, and everything, out of existence that offered any resistance. At one time it was feared the Newport bridge would bo washed away, but the fears subsided and so did the water, to a certain extent about noon of that day, Whether any damage Was done down the river farther we did not learn. Killed. On Tuesday evening last, a man named Oliver Wilson, an employe of the Peun'a railroad while walking on the track about one mile east of Newton Hamilton, in company with another man, was struck by the Ciuciunatl Express east, aud in sUntly killed. The other man escaped by throwing himself between the tracks. Wilson's remains were brought to Patter son aud au inquest held by Joseph Mid' dagh, Esq., and a verdict rendered in ac cordance with the'ubove facts. Wilson was formerly a resident of Spring Run, Frank lin county, No License Convention. In accordance with notice, a large meet ing of the citizens of Pol ry oounty, was held in the Court House in Bloom field, on Thursday, Jan. 10th, at t o'clock, p. m. Ou motion, Bknj. McIntihe, Esq., of Bloomflold, was chosen President ; Geo. Hoobaugh, of Tyrono, and Dr. Wm. Hays, of Spring, Vice Presidents ; Samp. 8. King of Duncannon and John D. Baker of 8a ville, Secretaries. The mooting was open ed with prayer by Rev. John Edgar. Revs. A. W. Decker and John Edgar then addressed tho Convention, setting forth tho object for which tho Convention had assembled. The list of townships was called, and it was found that Marysville, Rye, Ponn, Dun- cannon, Wheatflold, Miller, Oliver, New port, Bloomflold, Centre, Carroll, Spring, Tyrone and Saville were represented. On motion of J. B. Habocker of Oliver, Dr. Wm. Hays of Spring and Geo. Hoo baugh of Tyrono, wore appointed a com mittee on finance. On motion Botvj. Mclutire, Rev. A. W. Decker, David Mickey, Wm. Burn ond Wm. Willis, nil of Bloomflold, wero ap pointed a "Central Executive Cmmittee." On motion the following Township Com mittees were appointed, and the Central Committee authorized to appoint for thoso townships and boroughs not represented. MorysvUlo Chas. M. Dickinson, Leonard Hwurtz and Levi Dice, Jr. Rye John Dice, Henry Kramer and 3. B. FHckingcr. Peun Geo. Bruuerr Jan. Vandcrwarker and E. II. Brauyau. 1 Dnncannon Rev. Wm. Thomson, Hamp. S. King and C. H. Highlander. Wheatfleld--Moses Hera. Mlllrr-Wm. Vancamp, Jan. T. Toland and Harry Cumbler. Oliver J. B. Hubeckcr, Jan. Evcrhart and Amos Over holser. NewKrt ltev. A. H. Autrue, Rev. J. Crawford and J. C. Hctrick. Havillo Hauiuul Lixxi'tt, Bolomun Ilotli and John Ir vine. Toboyne E. A. MoKlaiurhlin, Bamucl Htump aud J. W. CollilM. Jackunn Oard. G. l'.llm, G'H. H. Martin and Daniel Blieaffer. Madiaou Jacob Biiler, Robert C. Clark and William Hall. Tyrone Wm. W. MeClure, Anthony Fubnnan aud John Htewart. HpriUtf Dr. Wm. Hays, John Hatfer and Geo. A War ner, Laniliabinv Dr. D. B. MiUiken, Jas. L. Divan and Geo. Tnrbett. Carroll David Hair, John McCord and Jacob Billow. Center Robert Neilaon, Richard L. Miitfee and Win. Lupfer. Bloomneld Harauol Dunbar, Samuel Smith aud Rev, John EiUrur. On motion the Executive Committee was authorized to assess the expenses of the campaign on the townships and boroughs according to population. On motion Heiolved, 1st That tho Exec utive Committee uso the county press as far as possible to push tho work. 2d That they have printed an address to tho citizens of tho county, urging a full vote in March next against license, to be circulated through the schools of the county. 3d That they secure speakers and co operate with tho township committees in holding meetings throughout tho county. Adjourned until OJ P. M. EVENING SESSION. Convention met at OJ o'clock, President in tho chair and was opened with prayer by Rev. J. Edgar. Tho Executive Committee roportod that all of the editors in Bloomfleld had oftbred the free use of their columns for a reason able space each week for the advocacy of tho cause of " No License," and on motion a vote of thanks was tendered them for their generous action. On motion Wm. W. MeClure, Samp. S. King and Rev. A. W. Decker were appoint ed a committee to visit llarrisburg, if ne cessary, and urge tho Legislature not to re peal tho " Local Option" law. The convention and a large audience was then addressed by Rev. A. W. Decker, Samp. S. King and Jacob Billow, against License System. Adjourned to meet at the call of tho Executive Committee. A Freak of Kuture. Mr. John Worley, constable of the First Ward, has from time to time furnished us with queer specimens, or freaks of nature, which wero in every instanco genuine curiosities. Mr. W. yes terday placed upon our tablo an object which Ib evidently an egg, about the size of a fully developed goose egg, and which would weigh easily a pound. The outside was covered witn a coating or skiu ot a soft-shelled egg : insido of which was a yellow mass, perfectly fresh, of the con sistency of tho yolk of an egg when poach ed, and in the very centre a fully develop ed natural hen egg, of a clever size. Tho mass was taken from a fat chicken killed yesterday. Ilarriiburg Journal. Sudden Death. On Friday morning last, Mr. Thomas M. Thompson, a patent light agent, was found dead in the outhouse of the Franklin House of this place. During the previous day he had been complaining of neuralgia in the head, and it Is supposed that the disease had gone to his heart, causing his death. Intelligence of his death was sent to his partner, Mr. Yan Wee, at Bloody Run, but no word being received from biro, the remain were buried lit our cometery on Saturday afternoon last. Mr. Thompson was a civil, aober aud in dustrious gentleman, and has been in town for several weeks selling'tcrritory for the use of a patent hub. His relatives reside in Ohio. He was a widower and leaves one child. Huntingdon Globe. A Diincniuien Dutchman. Dunoannon, Jan. 1873. Mr. Editor. You must dink dor beobles in Dungannon, is all gone ded or some dings, for you put noddings in 'The Times,' from dig place : veil I must dell you ven you dink so you is mishtaken, for ve are shurst so live as nover vos. Dor rolling mill and nail factory vos stop dis couple dree or four weeks, he shtart up dis week und I dink dor broshpects are pright for a good shtart. The plast fur nace, is still in full plast und shust as good as any odder furnace ; dey find one ore mino pooty close ou dcr Schormaus Crock prldge vot last a leetle vile. De little poys und gals, pig poys und gals und some old mens, dey sehlido down dcr Dungannon hill like plixen, some faH off dcr schlcds und roll in der schnow like a tog, but dcr schnow is nearly all melt mit rain und varm vedder und dey cant schlide some more, no poty vas hurt. I must doll you about Pill Bannol's pig hog. Ho put do hog up at a radio und Pill Shires und Yim Mutze, von him. Pell Banncl den pought dcr hog und putcher him ; der mens pet vos vot dcr hog vill veigh, some pet twenty tollars, some ton tollar, Bomo five tollar und some pet der schnops, some put money in a box, about ten or twelve tollar : now den I must dell you vat der hog veigh, he veigh (502) five hundred und soxty two bounds, vat you dink from dis pig. Mr. Yahoucs Yoncs, has his Bonnsylva nia house (vat was purned last summer) pooty near finish, und it ish a splcntit house. Mr. Yoncs knows vat he ish about Mr.Yohu Shibley (vot vas der sherifT vonst) ho vill soon keep somo pully good schnops, if der Peebles does not go on der elexion und sock nein. Yocore Schi'ragi.e. Juniuta County. From the Independent wo cony tho followinc: A young child of Mr. James Williams, who resides on tho piko about ii miles north of this place, was found dead in its bed on Friday morning last. Tho child was put in bed by its mother tho previous evening apparently in its usual health, but during the night its pure spirit took its everlasting flight, and the next morning it was found in the colu embrace of death. . On Saturday evening last Scpherius, a son of t). A. Dougliman, .Lsci., ot Patter son, aged about 17 years was seriously injured whilo skating on tho river. It seems he came in contact with another boy, who was also skatinir, with such force as to throw him violently from his feet upon tho ice. Tho fall rendered him un conscious, in which stato he was taken to the residence of his father and medical aid summoned, lie is, we learn, in a critical condition. - Tho County Commissioners nt their meeting last week, nppointed Josenh Bull Esq., of Lack township, Mercantile Ap praiser for tho present year. Church Notices. Presbyterian Church Preaching hereaf ter in the new audience room every sab bath, at 11 a.m., and (1J p. in. Prayer- moetinc on Wednesday eveninir at (sit P.M. Bcformcd Church Preaching in tho Ke- formed Chinch noxt Sabbath at 2 o'clock M. Prayer mctting on Thursday even ing. Lccturc. A course of lectures under the auspices of the young men of Bloomfleld, is to be commenced on Saturday night of this week. The first lecture, entitled " Off Hand Sketches along the Union Pacific Rail Road," will be delivered by Isaac Q Black, Esq. Admittance 15 cents. The proceeds are to bo devoted to local benevo lent purposes. Ilrler It emu. XAmong the patents recently granted is a patent for a dome to a lime kiln, issued to I). IVentzel. of New Bloomtield. Xo., Saturday morning a man crossing tho river on tho ice near Viewport made a nar row escape from drowning. Teams have boen crossing the Juniata River at Newport, during tho past week on the ice much to the disgust of the stock holders of tho bridge company at that poiut. X Ex-Sheriir Riuehnrt, has given up the hotel he was keeping at Millerstown, on account of the health of his wuo. 11 new landlord is to be a man named Mo- Clintock. The Cumberland County pnpers. aro having a lively discussion an to which of fice docs the best printing, jjo bucu uis cussions pay ? James Brenneman, a resident of Hurris burg, employed ns a llngman on the Penn sylvania railroad while attempting to cou ple oars at A I toon a, on Thursday last, made a narrow escape from death by being caught between the bumpers of two cars. His right shoulder was severely injured. A negro in Kentucky by burying people who had died of small pox, for $10 apiece, accumulated enough to pay his own fu neral expenses. Tho corps of engineers employed In sur veying tho Juniata and Stato Line Rail road, utter a several weeks' survey in Ful ton county, have returned to 81iipHMibburg. The snow has interrupted their work, but their Intentions is to commence operations again as soon as the weather is favorable. 1 We want a law passed which will pro hibit any person from practicing on a brass horn during business hours, unless such persons shall go one mile from any place of business. Of course we have no ref erence to the chap who is tooting just abovo us as we write this article At McCounelsburg In the homicide case of George Kerper, for killing R. H. Welch, on the night of last Presidential election, the jury, utter being out twenty-four bonis, failed to agree, and was discharged. This is regarded as equivalent to an acquittal. t if Ths Pcrkst and Swiktbst CoD-Iiivitn Oil Is Hazard A Caswell's made on the sea shore, from fresh, selected livers, by Caswell, hazard bi;o.. JNew x orR. ii it absolutely purt and next. Patients who have once taken preter It to an others, rnyaiciana nave de cided It superior to any of the other oils In market. . 46 d 12w t&" Chapped Hands, Face, rough skin, pimples, ringworm, salt-rheum, and other cu taneous affections cured, and the skin made soft and smooth, by using the Juniper Tar coap, made by Caswell, Hazard s i;o., new York. Be certain to tret the tm(r Tar Bonp, as there are many worthless Imitations made with common tar. 40 a nw TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, liavlnc been permanently cured of that dread disease, consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to mane Known to ins ienow sulterers the means of cure. To all who desire It, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charce,) with the directions for preparing and usIiik the Rame. which they will Hnn a sure cure lor consilium on. asi una. nrnncniiis. ei c, Parties wishing the prescription will please address ay jtev. r.imAitii a. wiiuii, 1M rcim St., Williamsburg, N. Y. County Price Current. 'Bloompibld. January 21. 1873. Flax-Seed 1 W Potatoes, 60 Butter V pound 20 '20 cents. Eggs V dozen " Dried Apples V pound 3 cts " Dried Peaehe 8 8 10 cts. Vft. Pealed Peaches 12 18 cts. ' Cherries ft cts. " Pitted 15 18 cts. " Blackberrle 6 6 cts. " Unions f) bushel, "5 " NEWPORT MARKETS. Corrected Weekly bu Hough, Snyder t Co. DEALERS IN GRAIN Ac .PRODUCE. Newport, January 20, 1873. Flour, Extra ti DO ' Siqier 4 no White Wheat V bu 1 75 lted Wheat 1 70 0 1 70 llye 7o Corn Oats W 32 pounds 37 Barley 75 Clover Seed 43 00 Timothy Seed - 2 50 Flax Seed 1 60 Potatoes 60 Ground Alumn Salt 2 00 Lhneburner'a Coal, 2 40 Htovo Coal 4503650 Pea Coal 3 00 Smith Coal,... . 25 cts. 1R bus. Cross Tles,8Vj feet long, 45 45 cents Dressed Hogs 4 cents per lb. TISII, SALT, LIME AND COAL. Of all kinds alwavs on hand and for sale at the Lowest Market Kutes. CAItLISI.E PRODUCE MARKET. COKHECTED WEEKLT. Carlisle, January 18, 1873. Family Flour S8 M Superllne Flour , 5 50 Superfine fiye Flour 4 .50 White Wheat , 1.75 Ked Wheat 1 H" Kye 70 Corn SO Oats 40 Clovcrseed 5.00 Tlmothysccd 3.00 Flaxseed 1.70 Philadelphia Price Current. Corrected Weekly by Junney t Andrew, No. 123 Market Street. 1'UILADELFIIIA. Jailllill'V 18. 1A73 White Wheat, 1 92 2 00 Whea 1 8U 0 1 83 Kye 05i Cum &"i66 Oats, 4590 Clover Seed (Wiper lb. Timothy Seed 2 50:) 75 Flaxseed 1056205 Country Lard 0 10 Eggs 3.r.!7 Butter, dull salo 11 22 Washed Wool 00 70cents per lb itxvnrnvoEisi. Fhey FttKY At the Lutheran Puroauaife, lllaiu, Jan. letli Inst., by theltuv. II. H. Clare, Mr. Jauu M. Froy of lilueball, tu Mltta MolUu K.Frey of Tuboyue twp., Perry oounty. Hulome In Madison twp., Annie Halome, ilauKhtar of Daniel M. and Kllzabeth (larlauil, died Jan. Sill, lust. Aired 0 yearn, 4 mouth aud U days. Gintzkb Ida Viola, only daughter of Lewla V. and Amelia O. Olnt.t r, died .Ian. loth, lust Atrtd 7 jtm. 6 mo. 13 days. MuCmktock. In Center township on the lsth lust., Mlaa Martha McCllntock, aired 76 yean and i month. 10 rev Cent. Investments SECURED BY MORTGAGE ON HEAL ESTAT.E WOUTII THREE TIMES THE BUM LOANED. Interest Payable Seinl-Anniiully at the Hanking House of ALLEN, STEPHENS & CO., IN NEW YORK CITY, Or at any Bank designated by the lender. 17"E ARE INVESTING FOR EASTERN W parlies many thousands of dollars per month in Hrst mortgages on Improved nnqierty In Illinois, and such has beeu the demand for these desirable securities, that we have, during: the last lllteen montlis, placed in them nearly One Million of Dollars, the semiannual lutejest oil which has, In each and every case, ne-n promptly imiu. These inortgaKes arc In the form of ' i nisi j it Deeds, aim can ue failure to i and can lie closed in twenty days, should there be pay interest or u iav interest or (axes when due. Wa Invest an; any sum, be It large or small, and collect -and remit Interest and principal as It ma- tures, all wituouiexpeuse to me lenuer. t an ru ler to parties for whom we have loaned large amounts, and who have never lost a dollar either of principal or Interest lu this Chios of securities during the last Mtren yenrt. Send for our pamphlet, "JllinoU as a place of JmrMmnt," mailed tree. UENUTC.WI1.SON. WllMOll GEO HOB W. TOHS. Tuiuh. Dealers In Heal Estate Ten Per Cent. Securities and School Bonds, BLOOMINCTON, ILLINtlS JAMES H. FERGUSON, Attorney atl-aw, NEWPORT, PA. -Omee Market Street, near the Square. 36 1873. AGE." A Leading Dally and Weekly Newspaper. The Firm Advocate of Democratic Principles. No Expendltnre and Energy Spared to- Main tain it In the First Bank of Journalism. For the past ten years Tn Aon has been the firm and earnest defender of the great principles enumerated by the founders of tho Kepulillc and Incorporated In Its Institutions. Seeking no alliance with cllqncs or "Kings," It has been subject to no corrupt influence, but has always labored without fear or favor for tne general good. Kecclvlnir no aid from official patronage, Tuk Aoe relics on the subscriptions and sup port of Democrats, aud of fair and Intelligent citizens who desire to sue men and measures freely canvassed, knowing that free and fear less discussion by the press is now the best de fence of all private rights and public Interests. In th varyinc fortunes ot parties, the intel ligent and patriotic will rally to sustain free, pure, civil goverumeut for the people and by tne people, to oppose corruption ana usurpa tion, and to preserve and purify the American institutions that made our couutry tne -Aioaei Republic" of the world. THE DAILY AGE. CONTAINS i 1. The latest Intelligence from all parts of the world. 3. Articles on Government Politics, Trade, Finance, aud all the current questions of the day. 8. Local Intelligence, Market Kcports, i-ricc Current, Stock Quotations, Marine and Com mercial Intelligence. 4. Reports of Public Oatherlncrs, f oreiirn and Dotflcstlc Correspondence, Legal Reports and Book Notices. 5. Theatrical Criticisms, Reviews of Litera ture, Art aud Music. o. Agricultural Matters, and Discussions on all Subjects of General Interest aud Impor tance. 7. Special Telegrams, and alt. tah dis patches OP THE ASSOCIATEO PRESS PROM Every Part op the World. tif The Aob is the only Democratic morn ing paper in Puilndclphia in the EugliBh lan guage, and is therefore one of the best mediums' lor Advertising. THE WEEKLY AGE is a newspaper for those outside of tho great cities who nre without regular daily mall fa cilities, but destre to be kept Informed of what is transpiring around them, combining home duties with domestic instruction and recrea tion. ITS COLUMNS ARE DEVOTED TO r Stories, original and selected by the best au thors; Poetic Gems, Choice Miscellany, Selen Amuslng and instructive; a column of Sun day Reading and Religions Intelligence; an AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT, conducted by a practical Agriculturalist, Mr. Thomas J. Edgo, now earning a living upon a rented farm in Chester county ; In which all questions are considered which have an Inter est for the tillers of the soil ; Weekly Contri butions for the Children ; Editorial Brevities ; NeWB Items, &c; Able Editorials, and a care fully picpared compendium of Foreign and Domestic Nows, Washington, New York and Miscellaneous Correspondence : Financial and Commercial Stutlsllcs ; Full Markets ; Select Advertisements; to which a very limited space is appropriated, ifcc., &c. With all these advantages, the WEEKLY AGE Is acknowledged to be the best Family Journul printed in Philadelphia. BEGIN WITH THE NEW YEAR. TERMS OF THE DAILY AGE : One Year, by mail, $8 (HI Six Months, 4 25 Three Months 2 35 For any period less than threo mouths, at the rate of One Dollar per month. Payment required Invariably lu advance. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY AGE : One Copy, one year $1 50 Ten Copies, .j..... 13 00 Twenty Copies, 23.00 The following reduced rutes will be charged when all the papers ordered are sent to One I'erton, aud not addressed severally to the members ef the club: Twenty Copies, ,. $20 00 Fifty Copies, 50 00 One copy will be furnished gratis for getting up a club of twenty or more for one year. Rf" We have no Traveling Agents author ized to receipt for us. 1-47" Specimen Copies sent Free on Applica tion. Addiess ' UOBB & RIDDLE, Nos. 14 and 10 South Seventh Street, PHILADELPHIA. "llfANTKU A reliable and Intelligent man TV ' good address, to engage In a dosii alile ami lucrative business, producing from (1,50(1 to $..,0110 ficr year. Address .1. B. FORD ei CO., New York; Boston; Ohleago; or San Franelsuo. Id4w lO.OOl AOKNTS WANTK.D. LAliHK WAGES made by honest. Industrious men nnd women. Mil Handsome Litliogruplm H'liKK to each agent. Address 1 d 4w HOW LN ti CO., Marlon, Ohio. To Hook CaiivuKKerf. A NEW WAY of running a book. Can sell thousands per week. Address MURRAY HILL PUBLISHING CO., 12U East 2Sth street. New York C'lly. I U 4W ItpSYCIIOMANCY. or SOUL CHARMING. " .allow either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any person they choose. In stantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, free, by mall, for '." cents, together with a. marriage guide, Egyptian Orauie, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, ale. A queer, exciting hook, lo.WXi sold. Address T. WILLIAM tt CO., Publishers, Phila delphia 1 d 4w 300 Agents Wanted ! For the best selling Pictures, Maps, and Charts. Also, for our Hewing HI Ik and Linen Thread. lou to f-tiO cleared per month by good, active Agents. at once to i-i. 1 uutiiiisLi, oucoru. 1 d4w S. S Stop That S. Cpagh ! 1U. 91 O 11 II I 8 ' SYRUP OK Tar, Wild Cherry & Horehound, 1EING manufactured by a new process and J WITHOUT H EAT, contains ail the valua ulile properties of Tar unimpaired, and Is most pleasantly combined with compatible herbs. It Is strongly recommended for all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. LABORATORY, Rear of IIS North Second St., Philadelphia. FOR BALE BY Dr. flweeney,New Bloomfleld, Pa; T4. M. Eby, Newport, Pa. ; T. Morgan uaiuwiu, Aiiuurnuiwn, ra. , aim stores generally, 2 6iu