6 Ijc tries, - fa Bloomficlir, )au v foe fjJIaamfieltr Stmts. Tuesday, January 7, 1S73. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS We invite communlcationsfrom all personswho are interested in matten properly belonging to this department. The Market Talue of Short Horn Cattle. The Irih Farmer' ' Gazette, of recent date gives an account of a sale of sixty-one bead of cattle, which averaged 253 each. " A bull brought the asUunding sum of 1,733 10; a calf nine days old, 202 10 ; another, two months old, fetched 525; and a cow, 045. These are facts which the croakers who go about, shaking thoir heads and declaring that short-horn breeding is on the decline, will do well to ' mark, learn and inwardly digest.'" The price of the bull in gold would bo over eight thousand dollari, or in currency, about nine thousand five hundred dollars! Animals of rare blood, bred On this side, have recently been exported to Great Brit ain, where they brought enormous prices on account of the strains of blood to which they belonged boing greatly sought for. Burning Out Chimneys. 'Chimneys should be attended to every autumn, If we would avoid their taking lire. Many a valuablo homestead has been destroyed from negligonco in this matter. Soot accumulates very rapidly, and much sooner with somo kinds of coal than others, and there is also a difference in the wood. If a chimney takes fire, the readiest means to stop it is to apply a wet table cloth, hearth-rug or blanket to the whole front of tho grato or Are-place, and either hold or pin it closo into tho jamb, then lift up tho bottom far enough to throw a pail of water on the Are. If a pistol is fired up a chimney It will bring down quantities of soot, and it is an easy way to clean out a small chimney. Long Furrow Economical. A German agricultural journal prints a ploa for long furrows. Tho turning of the plow and tho commencing of a new furrow require mora exertion in the plowman and the team than continued work on a straight line ; and how great may really be the loss of time, from frequent interruptions iu short turns, may be shown by tho follow ing calculations: In a field of 225 feet long five and a-half acres out of ten aro used in redirecting the plow ; with a length of 575 feet, four hours aro suflicient for the pur pose; and when the plow can proceed with out interruption for 800 feet, only one and a-lmlf hours of the daily working time aro consumed. Don't Rest. There is no such thing as rest for tho farmer who would attain to full success. Admissible lulls in his physical labors may occur, but there are S-equired mental la bors enough to fill these up. Plans must be laid, and these " rests," as they are called, are tho seasons iu which to lay them. Thoroughly matured and well-digested i plans are over half the battle. No man should 'strike a blow until he knows ex actly what he expects to do. The indus trious farmer who has au object full in view at the beginning of the year will be sure to have au object to view when the year closes. How to get Clean Seed Wheat. ' For separating light wheat from good, we fiud the following method recommended: Take lye from wood ashes, strong enough to bear up a potato, and having poured the grain into it, skim off all that fioats, and pour off tho lye. The grain may then be rinsed, and spread out so that it will dry xulckly, when it will be hi At condition for sowing. Not only lathe light weight thus removed, but insects or their eggs which maybe mixed with the grain are destroy ed, and no Injury is caused to the grain if it is not allowed to remain in the lye. For lighter grains than wheat, lye of less strength is used. Farmer (Should Visit. One of the most important duties of the farmer is to visit his neighbor. Be neigh borly ; be social ; let out those good social feeling ; make them grow ; go see your neighbor, and learn of his success ; ex change ideas, confer with one another. If our farmers would do this, if one farmer would only visit around his whole neigh borhood once every three months, a world of good would be accomplished. Tho so cial virtues would be promoted, and useful knowledge gained. How to Save Clover Seed. A Canada farmer put a wire bottom In a trough In which he fed his stock the wire boing two or three inches . above the close bottom of the trough. The stock, in pulling the clover bay from the rack, would scatter the seed, almost pure, through the wire into the receptacle below. In this way be saved seed enough for bis own sow ing, and t pay for all the dry goods used In bis family and racelved 23 In cash besides. R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Cl'BKf TUB WORST PAIN In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after reading thin mlvrrt Isemviit hoim, any one HUKKKH WITH FAIN. RADWAY'S KKADY KKMKF ti A (THE FOIi KVF.WY I'AIX. It wu the flrnt luiti (4 Tho Only J'ulit 1 1 em eel y that inittanlty stop the nmst exvnivlBtliijr pain, lilliivt InlUmirmtlnnii, and curca CofitfMloiiA, wheihrr of the Lni)(i, Htoinnch, Bowel, or other Klattda " urtaua, by oue aim) Initio... IN KKOSl ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, tin matter Imw violent or excruciating the pit) ri the UHKU MATH!, TlM-rM.len. infirm, Crlpplnl, Ktrvoiii, Ntniritlgio, or iritritttl wttfi iltariuw may aufTer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT KASK. INFLAMMATION OF TI1K MONEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THK BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OK THK 110WKLS, OONOK.RTION OF THK I.UNOS. sons THROAT, DIKFK I LT BKEA'illlNO. PALPITATION OF TUB HKART. HYSTERICS, CUOL'P, UIPIITHKHIA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA. IIKADACIIE, TOOniArilK. NEPRALOIA, RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS, AOUK CHILLS. Tin- amtlliMllun of tlia Heady Itnlirf tothepartor pnrt. wlifrft tit pain or lUflluuIty eaiau will aJTunt oune uinl comfort. Twenty drop. In half a lnniMir of water wilt In a ffw moment, cure CRAMPS, M'ASMS, 80UK STOMACH, HEARTIU KN, KICK 11KAOAC11K, DIAKUIIKA, DYSKNTKHY, COLIC, W1NO IN THK BUWKI.S, lid all INTKKNAL PAINS. Travlvr flinuld alwayn carry a bottle of Rnrlway'e Rrady Relief with them. A few drop. In water will IrrVL'tit mckiim or palii. from change of water, it la e;ter than French Brandy or Hitters a. a Htlmulutit, FEVF.lt AND AKCF. FEVER AND AtlUR cured for fifty cent.. There ll not a remedial Uiivnl In till, world tout will cure Fever and Akuc, and all other Malarlona, Ullloun, Scarlet, Tv. iihnld, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by ttAl'W'AY'S 111,1.8) an quick aa RADWAY'S HEADY REL1KF. Fifty ceuta pur bottle. Bold by DruggUte. HEALTH fBEAUTY ! I BTRONO AND PURE RICH BLOOD INCREASE OF FLESH AND WEIOHT CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADfC THE MOST ASTONISHING CUKFS ; HO QUICK. 1CA I'll ARK THK C1IANUKH THE IH)IY UNlUCIUiOrs. UNUKH THE IN FUJENCE OF THIS Tltl'LY WONDKllFt U MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an Increase In Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the RA USA I'A KII.M A N HESl LV 1'NT c'-iiimuiilciiti-H tliroiiffh the Hloml, fiwprtt, L'rlno, mid otlwr (IiiIiIm and jnicia of t lie avatviii the vigor of litV. for It repair the want- of tlie body with iivw ami noun J nuitor'.al. Scrofula, Syiihlllii, CotiMnniitloii, Gbmlnlur tliiH-Hst. Cicero In tho Tliront, Mouth, '1 uinurs, Nod'-n In t ic J kind ami other lartM of the ny strut. Sore Kyci, SttutiH.uii HchMrti' from tlia k.r, and the wort forum of Skin riltH-u ts, Kiuptlorm, KfViT Kori-a, Scald 1 1 eft. I, Klntf Worm, Stilt Itlieiuii. Krynlpelua, Acne, Hlucic SutiitL Worm in tiis i lcih, Tuiiiorn, Cinccra In tht A iiino, mid nil werikt'iilnx and Infill diMclmiui-H, Xllit Swf;il, IiOmh if SptTin, mid nil wnnica of thr lift' jirincl pip. --ri' within the curative runifc of this wonder ot Mod. rn Chi'iolctry, nmi a few days use will prnvft tn any n'iHnti ti-iii 'lt for r'.thvr vt iliLrw fonua of diteuae Ui y(itvtit jmwpr to cum them. If t!ic pittloit, dully li'-comlnn roduccd hy tli? wastPt and (li-c'iiuio-(ni that Ih I'ontliiiiiilly nroKrviwliitf, tuc cflwh In arrt-rilhiti tln-so wnrics, mid rctiairii tin curve wlllt ii-w tiiatcrlx.1 iiiiidti from Itfiiltliy I.i.mmI und this tlia SAItSAl'AHll.l.lAN wdl und itoi-a trur. Not unlv (lot'H tlin SA)tHAPAltlLf,iAN li WWI.VBNT e(rl all known rinclhil hccmIb In Hit1 curv ;f rin tnlc, Scrofu l'ni!. Count ("itioiiitl, and ilu dbuartu j but i- la Uieonly f oitlv cur j for filOney & 733u1(U'r ConiIIni, t'r.nnrA. i,d Worih dlr-:r', Jrnvcl, l;thtc!i, Driip-iv, .H'(-irim of Writer, liK-oiitlitt-huv of I'rlm-. Itrlxht'l Uls-i-1. Al'tunilnuna, nnd In .ill tu when- tltvre lire hrlck dciHislrn, or Cm wntt-r in tli it-It, clotidy, mixed with p'ilitiui':"ii IUt the whit" of mi cgtr, or tliri'iuls like white eilk, or lli'.'r.- Is tv liioi'l'ld. dnrk, tdlloun HMn-iinince, and wltltf hoiu'-iliiHt (lepnHlti, nnd wlifli thi'ru lit a pricking, iMirnlnj MiiMitloti whun i;iitin( wntur, nnd pain In tlia M:nj'l o,l!i9 H ick nnd nlun tliu Loin. I'rlco, i.oo. WORMS. The or.ly known and mre Remedy for ilv'o. J'tn, Tape, etc. Tumor of 13 Ycnrs' Crowth Cured by BlutHvity's RcNolveiit. ItivRHl.r, M., July lit, tH, Pa. Rinwv I hr hit Ovnrlan Tun.frr In tlie ovurln n-l b-.lt. All tlia Doctor Mid " thr. km no hlp tor It." I trlxi tvrj tiling tlmt u r"iiuindd j Iml iillihi(t IifirxKl m. I '. your ItMolvint, nl llioii(til I would try It : but bad n fUh tn II,' h'f-ftuit had inlfrd for twelve yRn. I Uxk li bntllw ot lK ReWe)Uut, and on. Un of lUdwuy'a rill, and two Ijoi lt of '"nr K.ly Kallvf i and thr U nit a lrn of tntiwr in ba r ft It, and I fl billr, martur, and hmii.r tliu I hva for ttvtlv. yviiri. Tha waiti Iuiiht m In tlia lrft ild of tha lntwl,nr lh frohi. I wrlU thU to you fur btuatit ol 0tJir. Von can publlik It if you eli'i'n. HANNAH P. KNAPP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, prf.'ctl)f tanrlMM, flpurtiilly coM-d itlfh awfet gum, i'irK", r-'H'ilatv, urlfv, r t iman, an I Wv nifThi'ii. llad Wiiv'a IM la. fur the t-iires of nil d!rlf ra of the Stomncli, Uvjr, llowi'la, KldufV", ltlnddrr. Nervous Illwinv, llunUcli'f, f oiiatlnatk'ju, (,'oMlvenciis, lndlnuution, Iiytie i:i, BHloiurii'M. Hdlona Fever, inflnnniiutlon of the Bowt'la, I'llttn.fuid nil Dvratigpniontiof thr Internal Vis cera. arranted lo clTeut u puattlvecure. Pur-If Vcgata hle, (-orttaluloic no mercury, mineral, or deh'Lerious dnigs. JJT" (hrrva the following ymptouis resulting fruiu iJlujrderaof Uie tJigestlva Orgam: Cnnitl pal Inn, Inward Pllaa. Fidlnaaa of tha HI rod In tha Haad. AHdliv of lha Hlnniah, NauMi. Itatrllurm, IHtjrutl ut Kood, KollrtMi or Walchl In tha Skonavh, ttour KrurUll'im, HinkhtK or Flult-rfiiK t Hit Pit of lh SUitiinrh. Swluiinlnir of tha It tad, llurrlvd and DlrtVull BraalbliiK, KluturlnR mt tba Hwrt, Choklnjt r Kulfratlnt Hanullons whan In a Lying I'oatnrc, Klin hum of VliUm, iKiUnr Waba bafora ike 8ibt, Far and Dull Pain la tha Hrait, IWrtrltncy of l'ar.lrlT..n, Yvlluwnaia of tha Skin aod Kvaa, Pala In the RM, CIm.1, Uutt, and auddau l'lnabaif Haat, burning In tha KUih. A fewdowanf UADWAT'S PIM-S wilt ftro Hie ava terti fnimatl the ahow-mi'i fd d'-orotra. Price, as tcnta mIkii, 8DI,I HY IMU'iidlSTS. READ -FAI.SK ANH TIUIK." Bend one fitf atamptu HADWAY A CO., No. to Maiden Lane. New Vuik, li.foruiaiiivu worth tiiuuaunua will buatii.1 yuu. Professional Cards. IIIAKLES II. SMILEY. Attorney at Law. J New Iiloomlleld, Perry Co. Pa. rt. Office with C. A. BarnetL Esu.. next door to Mortimer's store August 20, 1872 JAMES H. FEROURON. Attorney-at-I.aw, New Iiloomlleld, Perry county. Pa. rumce witn lion. j. J. 1. Mcintire. 36 6 1TTM. A. 8PONHLER. A ttorney-at-Law, TT t)fllee adjoining Ills residence, on East Main street, New Uloonilleld, Terry co., Pa. 3 2 ly CHA8. A. BAUNETT, Attorney-aM-aw, New Blooiimeld, Perry CO., Pa. B.umce Bojoiuing iion.aicr' more. a i ly B P. McINTIRR Attorney at Law. and Dis trict Attorney of Perry count v. Olllee with J. X. Molnure, New Iiloomlleld, Peuu a. LKWIH rOTTKlt, Attoknkt-at-Law & Notary Public, Aew HloomtU'la. Ivrrv Uuuntu. lvnti a. la Hneeial atleiillon uiven to Collectious of all kl.i.lu ... u.ltl..n.u.,f ..P nu...t..d ... ..II .nun. .w miiviuuioiiii 11. cflmiun, u.., nnu nil other legal business prosecuted with fidelity and uin'BM:n. Aim., nn.sihlulls, Jtllluieviia M11U AU knowledmiients tuken. -omce nvedoors west oi Hutch's hotel. 3Ziy. T BAILY. Attorney at Law. fl . New DhHiintleld, PerryCo., Pa. ar ume.e opuosiut me uouri uouse, aim two doors east of the ferry ijouhty Hunk. Refers to B. Mcintire, Esq. June 27, 1871. JOHN O. BHATTO, Burgeon Dentist. New BlooiullHld. l'eirveo.. Pa. tfstry All kinds of Mechunieal and Hui nk al Den Drlcei.donein the best iiianuer, and at reasonable vvllilue at his remileuce, opposite the Keloriu eu i;uurcu, on iiign niruei. a x iv WM. M. BUTCH, ATTOMNEY AT LAW. New Blooinlteld. Perry oo.. Pa. aarOfrlce Two doors West of K. Mortimer Btore 8 7 ljr OLEE HVUBAY. . A ttorney-at-Law, Centre Hiuare, New Hloointleld. Perry CO.. Pa MW All business entrusted to his oar will re ceive prompt alteuuoUjeard it u AH. J. T. McINTIRR. Attornev-at-Law. .. ... n (t .. I . l Au i- r All professional busiuest promptly aud!ltb luiiy aiieuueu vo. a i v. New IiloouiUeld, Perry oo., Pa. iuuemneio, h i j. Photographs I Photographg I JACOB COBLE, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, PENN'A. THEmibscrlber would respectfully call tlie at tention of thA cltiznna nf thla nnimtv tn tliA fact that he I prepared to tak PHOTOGRAPHS in me oesi styie or tne art. ills long experience enables him to produce PICTURES WHICH CAXNOT BB EX CKLLKV. All persons are requested to call at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses ot deceased persons, and great care will be taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children. Framing material and a good assortment of frames always on hand, and for sale at low prices. i JACOB COBLE, Artist, Newport, Perry Co., Pa LEB -A. 3NT O DsT Mutual Fire Insurance Company, or JoncHtoM'ii, Pcnn'a. TOLICIES PERPETUAL at Low Kates No JL nteiini risks taken This is one of the best inducted and most reliable Companies In the State. Country nroiMTty Insured Perpetually at (4 00 per thousand, and Town property utSo 00 per iiiousniKi. LEWIS POTTER, NEW BLOOMF1ELU, PA., 4 16 Agent for Perry County. UNITED STATES HOTEL, Cbr. Fulton, Water and Pearl tits., iV. J'. THIS well known favorite hotel lias recently been renovated, remodeled und furnished new and elegaiuly throKlnml. It is kept on tlie European phtn, und has ample accommodations for four hundred guests. i ne locauon is more accessible to an parts oi ew York und Brooklyn than anv other house iu the city. Tlie llrondwiiy wages pass thu hotol every three minutes, besides various lines of Street Cars, one of which Intersects every other route In New York. It being but two blocks from Fulton Ferry, akes it convenient for those wishing to visit tlie City ot Churches." as from this ferry diverge all thepriucipal Huilroad routes In the city of Brook lyn. t6.adp) OEO. N. TKKKY, Proprietor. HlIL'l.Eil. 8. M. SlIULEK S. SHULER & SON, IVEltPOOL, Terry County, Pa., Dealers In all kinds ot Hardware, Groceries, &c. All goods tn our line sold at the lowest price Give us a trial. 6 44 HI. NSUHE IN THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. F. S. Winston, President. The oldest and strongest Company Iu the United Btates. Assets over 115,000,000 lu cash. 8. M. SHULER, Agent. Liverpool, Pa. 5 44 Ut. TTS333 THERE IS 1CTHIG LIKE IT FOI Pains, Sores, Wounds and Lameness. BUY IT! TRY IT! Foiheumatisnj, . .' Use Pain CutOil. For leuralgia, For Ftr Sore, . Use Pain Ca Oil. m Use Pair) ire Oil. , Use PaiCure Oil. . Use FM) Cure Oil: , Use Cure Oil. For Choka Morbus, ror sprain; For Headachi For Bruises, useyrain cure un, Uj Pain Cure Oil. For Corns and Bui r.. ... o... fit Pain Cure Oil. rur Jsijr uuiv, . For JJnj Laojeness, Knar Botrr And wa challeuca tti'j Use Pair Cure Oil. AftMHTID, orldV produce iU quu. Uaed KitenViljr and lil rnftiiy lor Ask for PilNCUKE OIL. Tain oth" ,M wo SriEBAHT IX TO CI It is not a lTntertng preparation, but aiXrL, made truin piB VegeUbla Oils. Uerba, ana MracU, Xauu la clean ana eaie w um. all Druggieu and Dealers in Medlcli PBI4 E, BO CEHTS. MsCLURI CAT0N, Psorainost, kadlnc e Daily Expresu and Freight Line BETWEEN BLOOMFIELD & NEWPORT HE subscriber wishes to notify the citizens ol Itlmimtleld and Newnort that he Is runnliiK a llv I.Iilm botwevn these two places.and will haul VrelKhtof any kind, or promptly deliver packages or lUHHsages entrusted to his cure. tSuOrders may be left for lilin at the stores ot F. Mortimer i ( o., new mouinneia,or jniuigan Muer, Newport, Fa. j. 8 WHITM0UEi Bloomtleld, January 25, 1S70. A BHOKTM ENfT! t JL 0 HY. GOOD CI IIY-GOODO Suited to the Season, Aro Now Offered for Bale by F. MORTIMER. New Bloomfleld Book A gent 8 FOR THB Great Industries OF THE UNITED BTATES An Historical Summary of the Origin, Growth and Perfection of the Chief Industrial Arts of this Country. 1300 Pages and 500 Engravings. Written by 30 Eminent Authors, including John B. Cough, Leon Case, Edward Howland, Jos. B. Lyman, Rot. E. Edwin Uall, Hor ace Greeley, Philip Ripley, Albert Brls Bane, F. B. Perkins, Etc., Etc. This work Is a complete history of all branch es of Industry, process of manufacture, etc., in all ages. It la a completo encyclopedia of arts and manufactures, and the most entertain ing and valuable work of Information on sub subjects of genoraMnterest ever offered to the public. It Is adapted to the wants of the Merchant, Manufacturer, Mechanic, Farmer, Student and Inventor, and sells to both old and young f all classes. The book Is sold by agonts, who are making large sales In all parts of the country. It is offered at low price of 93 60, and Is the cheapest book ever sold by subscription. No family should be without a eopy. We want Agents lu every town in the United States, and no Agent can fall to do well with this book. Our terms are liberal. We give our agents the exclusive right of territory. One of our agents sold 133 copies In eight days, another sold 808 In two weeks. Our agent in Hartford sold 887 in one week. Specimens of tne woi k sent to agents on receipt ot stamp. For circulars and terms to agents address tho publishers. J. B. BURR & HYDE. Hartford. Conn.. Chicago, 111., or Cincinnati, Ohio. 6 41 ly II IiATCHLET'S Improved CUCUMBER WOOD I'UMl", Tasteless, Durable, HI tlclpiita. and Cheap. The best rump for tlie least money. At tention Is especially invited to W-v niiuciiiey s J ilieuc llliprovea 1) Itnieket und New Drop Check Valve, which rnn ltn withdrawn without removing the rump or disturbing the Joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will outlast nnv other. lor sale by Dealers everywhere. Send for Catalogue ana 1 rice-Lisi. CHAS. C. lll.ATCHI.EY. Manufacturer, 606 Commerce Mt., l'lilladelpliia, l'a. 37 ly Drugs ! Drugs riHE Subscriber has on hand nnd for sale, at JL low prices, a coinpieiu usriuriiiiuui vi DRUGS, " MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, Of all kinds. Also, a full stock of Concentrated Remedies, PATENT MEDICINES, ESSENTIAL' OILS, PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS, BRUSHES, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Pure Wines AND LIQUORS, Always oil hand, for Medicinal and Sacrainen lai purposes. tieg'I'hysir.iaris' Orders carefully und promptly filled. B. M EBY NEWPORT, TERRY COUNTY, PA. Boots ! Boots I A Kill Assortmeu of THE CELEBRATED YORK BOOTS, Hand or Machine Hided, Whole Stock Double . Hole and Warranted to Give Entire Satisfaction Manufactured and For Sale to the Trade by M. 8. SPAHR, YORK, PA. A full Assortment of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Constantly on Hand. Aar Hpeciat Attention Paid to Orders. "S fi 23 26. To tSllOOIllfllcOI'H. THE subscrlliers keep constantly on hand, a FINE ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH OALF SKINS, FINK LININGS, ROANS, MOROCCOS, SHOE THREAD, PEGS, A WLS, and a general assortment of articles used by Shoe makers. F. MORTIMER. PERRY HOUSE, New Bloomfleld, Pa. TIIE subscriber having purchased the property on the corner of Maine and Carlisle streets, opposite the Court House, Invites all his friends and former customers to give him a call as he Is detenuiued to furnish first class accommodations, THOM AH HUTCH, Hf. Proprietor. AUCTION EK 111 NO. . Z. FINK will at tend to crying sales at all times. Having had considerable exiterlence. he natters lilnmelithat he eau give satisfaction to all. call at liis Union Lumber Mills, lu Hsu twp., or address, O. Z. FINK, 61ypd Duucannon. Pa. I ALL KINDS of Printing neatly PRINTING eiecuted at the " IluxmriKLD executed at tne " iiukimf Tims" Htiam Job Omca. a Si YpRK CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OP NEW YORK, STRICTLY M UTUAL I TSHUESallthenew forms of Policies, and pre JL sents as favorable terms as any company iu tlia United States. Tlllrtv llavs frrnee Allowed nn pnnh invnwnl nA the policy held good during that time. ' Policies Issued by tills Company are nou-forfeit- ure. No extra charges are made for traveling permits. Policy-holders share In the nnnnnt nr.. tils nf tlirf Company, and have a voice lu the elections and management 01 uie company. No policy or medical fee charged. Justus Lawrence, Pres't. M. B. Wymkooi-, Vice Pres't. J. P.Rooeks, Sec'y. J. f. Eaton. General Agent, No. 6 North Third Street. 4.2ylj College lilock, Harrisburg, Pa. New Carriage Manufactory. On High Street, East of Carlisle St., 'cw Blooiiillild, I eiin.'a. THE subscriber has built a large and commodi ous Whop on High St., East of Carlisle Street, New tiloomlield, Pa., where he is prepared to man ufacture to order On, r r i a $r e Of every description, out of the best material. Sleighs of every Style, built to order, and finished lu the most artistic nnd durable manner. . Having superior workmen, he Is prepared to furnish work that will comntire favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at much more reasonable rates. .WREPAIUINO of allkiuds neatly and prompt ly done A call Is solicited. SAMUEL SMITH: ntf Incorporated hy the Court of Common Pleas, in it)U,- oy me iyiiuuiure,tn mi. The Pennsylvania Central Insnrance Comnanv OF POTTSVILLE, PA. Capital and Assets, $156,000. Premium Notes, flOO.OOO 00 Promissory Notes, 50,000 00 Cash premiums due or col lected for the year 1871, $2,028 00 Cash premiums due or col lected for the first three months of 1872) 1,800 00 Cush from other sources and agents 1,200 00 Judgment Bonds In Com pany's oillec, 1,100 00 Total Cash,' $ 0,128 00 Total cash and note assets, Apr!! 1st, 1872 $150,128 00 JAMES II. GRIER, JOHN D. HADE8TY, Becrotury. President. DIRECTORS i John D. Hadesty, A. P. Helms, Benjamin Tetor, A. Butermeister, James II. (irier, E. F. Jungkurt, Eliue Miller. AGENTS: II. II. Hill, Edward Fox, John A. Kable, Ed ward Wesley, Charles F. Delbcrt, Win. R. Grlflith. E. F. Jungkurt, General Agent. Arrangements have been made with other first-class companscs to re-insure risks takes on the caBh plun In such amounts as desired. Liberal commission allowed agents, and ex clusive territory, if desired. This Company confines Itself to fire insurance exclusively. OFFICEi No. 181 CENTRE ST., POTTSVILLE, PA. a ISOTIC1S. The Home Reserve force of The Peun sylvanla Central Inanrauce Company of Pottsvillo, Pa., will bo in Perry county in considerable force, and act as the Com pany's Agents until a full line of Local Agents cau be appointed when tho resorve force will U' recalled. JAMES II. GRIER, Sec'y of Pa. Central Ins. Co. IuHuranco Notlee. On and after the. tenth day of April, 1872, The Home Reserve foroe of Insur ance Agents belougiiig to "The Pennsylva nia Central Insurance Company" will leave Pottsville In heavy force, and occupy ten different counties of the State, where they will continue to act as the Company's Agents until a full line of Local Agents ' can be appointed, when they will be recalled. As a body of men, I believe they are supe rior Insurance Agents, and most of them speak the English, French, Welsh and Ger man Languages. The City .Insurance Journals, with all their sneers at Mutual r'-..i .... i i .iu a.il nAtln..nl .. f T.' .1 I juiumiuun) Wfllblliuat Ml J VI f I1IUU 1 Fraud t I &o., cannot muster any better In surance material I Why don't the City In surance papers tell the public that no Mu tual Company broke or failed during the last ten years? Why don't they teU the public that more than half the Stock Com panies started within the last ten years Lave? It is a well-known fact that Mutual Companies cannot fail, JAMES II. GRIER, Secretary of Pennsylvania Central Insur ance Company. q 10 3STE"W