The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, December 10, 1872, Page 8, Image 8

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For (lie nioomflclil Times.
Rbnova, Deo. 8d, 1872.
Mr. Editor. As I see some letters in
your valuable paper in regard to improve
ments Id the) far west, I think it is
. proper to inform the readers of your paper,
of the improvements in this section of our
own state. The Philadelphia & Erie It. R.
Co.( have a largo number of men at work
completing their second track from Sun
bury to Erie. The Buffalo, New York and
Philadelphia roads which connect with the
P. & E. H. R., at Emporium, is completed.
The Bennetts, branch which connects this
road with the Alleghany Valley road is
being completed very fast, which when
completed will throw quite an amount of
trade over this road. .This place is still
improving very fast, there has upwards of
two hundred buildings been erected within
the last year. Some of them are line biick
buildings. Although tlio weather is pretty
cold with about two inches of snow on the
ground, they are building almost as brisk
as ever. Wages for house carpenters are
quite good, f2.75 per day of ton hours
being about the standard for outside car
penters: Laborers on the grading get 3.00
per day and are boarded by the contractors
for 18,00 per month.
It is rumored that the Cattawissa o., in
tend extending their road on the opposite
nido of the river to connect with the At
lantic & Great Western road, aud it is an
ticipated thore will bo quite an amount of
improvement here neat Bummer. I under
stand the company is going to enlarge their
nhops. Tho borough had an act passed by
the lust Legislature authorizing thorn to
.borrow $20,000 to erect waterworks for the
use of the borough, which I understand is
to be commenced next summer.
We have here a co-operative store owned
aud conducted by the workmen alone,
which sold goods to tho amount of $ 15,000
.since tho first of January hist. Tho
butchers do a fine business, of which there
are three ; ono of them said he sold two
tons of meat per month. "
There is some kind of an cpidomio among
the deer in this section of the country.
Some huntors found five dead ones (it one
place, and others found one or two at an
other. Powder and lead in also killing
quite a number. B.
Earthquake Explained.
Tho Baltimore American says : The
mystery attending tho late explosion and
rumbling sounds heard some two weeks
toinco by persons residing in Baltimore
tttreets, between Pearl and Pino Btreets,has
at last been cleared up. About sixteen
mouths since Mr. Thomas Winans made
an extunsivo addition to his mansion on
West Baltimore street, and in making the
necessary excavations the workmen came
upon an old well which was partly filled
with water, but for reasons best ftnowu to
Mr. Winans, the well was never filled up.
Iu course of timo it was found that the
water in the well roso aud fell several feet
each day, and in order that the water
.should not rise abovethe top of the well,
Mr. Winans obtained permission from the
City Council to lay an iron pipe from the
well to the tunnel under the bed of the
Arch street, the line of the pipe being laid
along Baltimore street. The well in ques
tion is near a furnace in the mansion of
Mr. Winans, and over the well is an iron
grating. .. .
On Suuday uight, November 10th, Mr.
O'Noil, employed by , Mr. Winaus, was iu
the act of raking the lire in said furnace
when several coals fell through tho grat
ing, and at the same instant Mr. O'Neil
was astonished to see the grating lifted
from its place and hear a terriflo explosion
in tho well. The explosion was followed
by a dull roar under the ground for a few
i-econds, and the next day reports of the
supposed earthquake were circulated along
tho line of pipe meutioned above.
An investigation of the well has disclosed
the fact, that for . the past year a vast
amount of gag has been generated there and
tho fulling of the coals on the night of the
lfltb, explains the mystery of the supposed
earthquake. btnee the - explosion more
than two-thirds of the dwellings on Balti
more street, between Arch and Pine streets,
and so filled with gas as to cause them to
be almost uninhabited, and it is supposed
the explosion hich originated at Mi. Wi
uuutt purled tho joinU ot the city gas
mains along the route, and if such is the
case considerable expense will bo incurred
in repairing said pipes.
Raising Beecber's Salary.
Tho c(1'cct of the slanders of the harp;
sisters upon Uuury Wnrd lSeecher is illus
trated by a movement among bis congre- 1
gatiuu to advance his salary lrom 25,000
his present compensation to t!J,000 per
annum. ThiB met with general favor, I
understand, and would have been executed
but for Mr. Beecheer's resolute opposition.
He is reported to have said: "My dear
friends, I don't see why, because I have
been unfortunate enough to be assailed by
a nameless animal in its own peculiar way,
that you should seek to protect me from
future uttacks by covering me with bank
uotes. Innocence aud rectitude are man's
best security. I would rather havo your
confidence than all the money iu Wall
street. Uive me your faith aud love, and
bestow your extra $10,000 on tho poor and
New Advertisements.
' Agents Wanted for Cobbin's
Child' s Commentator
ON THE BIBLE, for the HOME CIRCLE, 1.200
pages, 250 Engravings, The nest enterprise ot uie
retir itr agents. r.;ij lunnij iu" ...,..
ng like It now published. Kor circulars address
11. O. UW'l'ni w y-,7.,
49 r 4w 37 Park ltow, New York.
AOKNTS WANTED For Harriet Heeoher
Htowe's campaign book, with lives of the
candidates and leading men of all parties. 20
Steel Port rails. ' to $20 a day rapidly and easily
made. Write and see. Particulars free.
WUKIlunu ION, 1UM1 IN s uu
4!) r 4w Hartford, Coun .
K rt On per dayl Agents wanted! All
W 9ut classes of working people, of either
sex, young or old, make more money at work for
us In their spare moments or all the time than at
anything else, particulars free. Address U.
8rlNSONCO., Portland, Maine. 49r4w
Insure In the TltAVELEllS of Hartford, Ct.
T TAltll. Wholesale to the trade. Single
cans sent, post-paid, on receipt of II.
4Urw llt 1. 1'imiS.AVtt, Reading, Pa.
BOOKKEEPING Mvle Xasii. Every clerk
and merchant can learn at once. Hook mail
ed, 50c. II. (JouLDiNu Mutant, BuHalo, N.Y.49r4w
Doors, Sashes, Blinds, &c.
Bend for Illustrated Catalogue to
BRADLEY &CUKRIER, 54 & SO Dey Street,
49 4 s
New York .
We have decided to dispose of our immense stock
of BILLIARD TAI1LKS at prices a little above
cost. First-class 6xlu New Tables, complete, fun).
8-wond hand Tables made over new, fax); 1226 j
1260, tic. A (treat vailcty to suit all buyers. Send
for Catalogue. KAVANACll & DECKER.
41r4w Cor. Canal and Centre Sts. New York.
Rose of Cashmere Hair Tonic
Is unsurpassed as a Promoter of the C.rowth of the
Hair ami Whiskers. It Is neither s.lckynorgreasy,
yet it softens and smooths the Hair far tielter and
more permanently than any Oil or Pomade. Used
as a Hair Dressing, It produces the most beautiful
and lustrous gloss. Warranted perfectly harm
less, its exiiuisno Pennine is qnne unrivaled,
being distilled from the world-renowned Roses of
Cashmere. Liticc bottles, oulyuO cents. Address
AHCHENBACH & MILLER, 400 N. 3d St., Phila
delphia, Pa. 411 r 4w
'JL'laO Woolilv Mllll.
ONLY 1 A YEAH. 8 l'AQKs.
papes, 50 columns. SI year, or less than 2 cents
a nunioer. muu iui inii.i.nii. jtuuretM
49 r 4w THE HUN. New York City.
Perry County
Mutual Benefit Association,
Chartered by the tefflflattire March 9,' 1872.)
INSURANCE ever ollered to the people.
It Is a Mutual enterprise for the protection of
Widows and Orphans In the county. Members
pay FIVE DOLLAItS for a certificate of
membershti). and annual dues on auea between 20
aud 85. $1.00; between ,V and GO, 1.50 between 60
anil on. t-'.oti; lor the term oi three years, com
mencing January. 1H73: and the sum of SI. 10 on
the dentil of a member. The membership not to
exeeea one tnousana . a niemoer (lying, to re
celve as many dollars as there are Paving certilt.
cate holders. This plan Is adopted In order that
persons who have been exc uded from benelitslii
other Life Insurance Companies by reason of their
expensive Likb-Rates may obtain some benefit on
a small investment. It commends Itself to the
public for the reason that It prevents the country
irom Deiug arameu oi our money uy loreigu com.
panics. . , ,. . t '
CIIAS. L. MURRAY, J'renMenf.
. , CONRAD KOTH. Treasurer.
' ' .10HN K. SHPLElt, (secretary.
ral Agents. . 6 16
X would respectively Inform my friends that I In
X tend calling upon them with a supply oi goods
of my
1 Consisting of
FLANNELS, Plalu aud bar d)
to exchange for wool or sell for cash.
J. M. JtlXLER.
Centre Wooi.em Kactort. 6,17,4m,
J. u. oiavm
j m. ainvis sos,
ComiitiMMion SIovelmntM,
' It 1 1 1 in o r e - 91 1 .
-We will pay strict attention to the sale of all
kinds of country produce, aud remit the amounts
promptly. . b B4 ly
Pensions, Bounties, &o.
WIDOWS, Minor Children, Mothers Fathers.
lie., of Soldiers who were killed or died of
disease contracted In the Service of the Lulled
States, can now make application for Pension.
Also Soldiers who contracted disease or were
wounded, ruptured, or In any way disabled in the
war of lSfil.
Wheii widows die or re-marry, the child or
children under six Wen years of age are entitled to
a reusiou.
The time for filing claims for additional bounty
bas been extended six munthsr
Particular attention irlven to old suspended case
In the different departments at Washington. 1). 0
If you have, or think you have a claim aualnstthe
uoveriimeni, can on or sourest tu uimorsigueo.
no cuaige tor inioiuiauoii.
Attorney for Claimants,
WILL give FIVE DOLLARS per barrel for
Cider cured according to my patent improv
nrocesH. Anv Dersou wlshlnu to obtain a
firlnted copy of this process can do so, by enrlos.
ngll 00 to I he undersigned at " Mii-LKKSrown,
T. F. DRVOR, M. D.
Aigut27, 1872 3in
Oil Cloths. We are offering some beau
tiful styles of Oil Cloths iu various widths
at low prices ; call aud see them.
: J
Jfe Jirctut ciU fity Ty-fa&L CJifif
Ml fi.a $ acre, P6aJ fa&
f' ti M Qrt fad &Uk
$100 Reward for a case of Neuralgia or
Rheumatism of any form whatever, (considered
curable) that DR. FlTLEll'8 V'EOETABLE
RHEUMATIC SVRCP will not cure warranted
unlnjiirlous, and a physician's prescription used
S50UO REWARD offered to the Proprietors of
any Medicine for Rheumatism and Neuralgia able
to produce one fourth as many genuine living
cures made within the same length of time as Dr.
ruler's Vegetable Rheumatic Remedy.
taxK) REWARD ollered to any Person proving
Jos. P. Kltler. M. 1.. to be other than a graduate
of the celebrated University of Pennsylvania Iu
143,1, and Professor of Chemistry treating Rheu
matism sneclallv for 39 vears.
tlOOO REWARD to any Chemist, riiysician, or
mners aoie 10 discover jooiue oi 1'oiassa, i.'oieiii
cum, Mercury, or any thing Injurious to the system
In Dr. Fitter's Rheumatic Hvruit.
'ZK.Sou Certlllcates or testimonials of cure, In-
emuinii khv. ;. 11. iiwniK, .sieuia, rennsvivania;
Dev. Joseph Iteggs, Falls of Schuylkill. Philadel
phia; the wife of Rev. J. I). Davis, lllghtstown,
New Jersey; Rev. Thomas Murphy, Kiaiikford,
Philadelphia: Doctor Jennlnas ami Doctor Wal
ton, Philadelphia: Hon. J. V. Creeley. member of
CoiiRiess from Philadelphia; Hon. Judge Ie,
Camden, New Jersey ; ex Senator Stewart, of Ilal-
timore; ex-i.oveinor roweu, oi KeuiucKy, aim
thousandsof others. If space ermltted.
fiW REWARD for the name of any warranted
preparation for Rheumatism and Neuralula sold
under a similar legal guarantee, setting forth the
exact numlier of bottles to cure or return the
amount paid for the same to the patient, In caseot
failure 10 cure, a iuii uescripiion oi cases re
quiring guarantees must lie forwarded by letter to
Philadelphia. The guarantee, signed and stating
the ouanllly to cure, will be returned by mall.
with advice and Instructions, without nnv charge.
- Address all letters to DR. FJTLEK, No. 45
South Fourth Street. Philadelphia. . Noother Item
ed)' Is ottered on sueh terms, (iota circular on
the various forms of Rheumatism, also Illank ap
plications for guarantee, gratis of the special
-Dr. D. II. SWEENEY. Druggist. New
LloointleUI, Pa., Sola Agent for this couuty.0 OH ly
Is now treating successfully
' Consumption, Bronchitis;
and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, with his
Durlnnthe nast ten vears Dr. Carnentor has
treated aud cured thousandsof cases of the above
named d iseases, aud has now In his possession
cei'tllleatc of cures from everv part of the coun
trv. THE INHALATION tsbroathed directly In
to the luniis. soothliiK and heallimoveral! lullained
surfaces, entering Into the blood, It Imparts vitali
ty as It permeateitUi every part of the system. The
sensation Is not unpleasant, and Hie llrst Inhala
tion oflcu nlves very decided relief, particularly
when I here is much dillleiilty In breathing. Under
the Influence of my remedies Hiccough soon grows
easier, the nluht sweats cease, the hectic flush van
Ishes.aud with Improving digestion the uttlcut
rapidly gains strength, and health Is again within
'' tUc'coNCENTRATED FOOD rapldlybullds tip
the most debilitated patlest. presenting to the
stomach food already to be assimilated aud made
Into ir,Mwl rich. ItHHllliv IiIiuuI.
TlfECOUOH M Y It It 1' Is to be taken at night to
allevate the cough and enable the patient to ob
tain slee. Full directions accompany each box of
my reineuics, which consists oi . ,
One Inhaler; One Dottle of Alterative Inhalant
(Ine lloltle of Hoiillilug Febrifuge Inhalant;
One Hotlle ot Ami llu'iuorrhagle Inhal
ants One Uotlle Concentrated l'ood;
OneUoltleot Cough Syrup.
Trice of Containing remedies to last one month,
lid; two months, 1H ; three months, i.
Bent to anv address C. O. D. Pamphlets con
talnlnc larire llstof patients cured, sent free, let
ters ot luunlry must coutalu one dollar to insure
answer. Address.
A. 1L CARPENTER, M. D Newark, N. J
Dr. Carpenter's CATARRH REMEDY will uive
immediate relief, and will effect a permanent cure
Iu from one to three mouths. Price of remedy to
last one mouth, $"; two months, S; s mouths, fit).
CANCER lu all Its forms successfully treated.
Delia lor list oi paucuis cureu. to
A. 11. CARPENTER, M. I).,
6 31 62 ia5rkii- '
Hack Flannels. A lot of new and aretty
styles of Hack Flannels, have just been re
ceived by F. MortimKk. Tlieio are cheap
n ' r
CUrr -
Ten Yrsn of it mnMIe
tpml has proved Dr.
oveil Dr.t;rnoK'a
r to have more
merit than any (similar
the public It Is rich In
the medicinal qnnlltlusof
Tar, and uneqiinled for
d Iseases of the Throat
,ODtSi performlnK tho
niostremarkablecurus. It
- ... .. 1 1 .. 1 ,in.,l.a
sirMr and Colds. Itba cured so
many coses or asuidis
nU Ilroucliitle, that It
has been pronounced) v
speclflo fiir theso com
ptnlnta. ForPalnsin the
llreast- Ntcln or
iJrmvt'l or Uldne
irrast, Micln or Bark,
ravel or Kidney dl.
no.fiineii.qeaof thelJrln
case, d Iseases of the I
It la also a anperlor Tonic,
HtrenBhfna tbe(tjtm,
Restores the WwiU snd nebllltatel.
Cause the food to IHgest,
Bemovee Iyprpl and Indla-etlon.
Prevent MalsriausVsren,
Give ton to your bjrsteia.
And the health of the system
will follow. There la a prepara
tion of Iron and 1'oke Boo
more effectual tlian all otliora,
which will remove from your
system the Impure and vitiated
blood which causes disease, and
at the same Urns build up your
health and strength It never
fall to care. If you have
ftcl-nfli lrv,ftcrof Qlous Iklseas
M of tho Kyeo or Kara, or
Heroin In In any form. Tet
ter, wnue swelling, via
Mores, t lcera, or fwrof nlous
Innammationa, you can rely
ju can rt
this prer
on being cured, with this prepa
ration Known as Dr. t'rook's
Compound Syrnp ot Pok
Hoot- tthraiimllam, I'alna
In Llmoaor Bonea, t'onstitn
tioua oroueaaown uy mercu
rial or other nelsons, are all
cured by It. For Hyphllia, or
tJyphllltle taint, there Isuoth
lug equai to Ik A trial will
prove Um
Bcaatliy your Complexion.
Do not nse paint or powder, but Ret a more
permanent beauty by purifying your blood.
This preparation of Iron and Poke Hoot
makes a rough and scaly skin soft and smooth;
changes that sallow complexion to one of
freshness and health, and remove any Ernp.
live Ilaeasea of the Mkln, lJiuilea, Vm.
tulra. Blotches Krnptlona. lfyouwlsh
rosv cheeks
and a healthy complexion, useil
ui'iouud brup of i'oae Itoot, ,
Crook's tuini'iouud
Porry County Bank!
NpoiiNlrr, J link in A Co.
THE undersigned, havlngformed a Banking As
sociation under the above name aud style, are
now ready to do a General Banking business at
their new Banking House, on Centre Square,
We receive money on deposit and pay back on
demand. We discount notes for a period of not
over 90 days, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia ana
New York.
On time Deposits, live percent, for any time over
four mouths : and for four mouths four per cent.
We are well provided with all and every facility
fordoing a Banking Business) and knowing, and
for some years, feeling the great Inconvenience un
der which the people of this County labored for the
want ot a Bank ot Discount and Deposit, we have
have determined to supply the want tand this being
the first Bank ever established lu Perry county, we
hope we will be sustained lu our efforts, by all th
business men, farmers and mechanics.
This Banking Association Is composed of the fol
lowing named partners:
W. A. HpoNBi.xu, Bloomtleld, Perry county, ra.
. V. Junkin, " " "
Wm. 11. M1U.EH, Carlisle,
, W. A. BPON8LKR, Preiident.
William Wiixis, Cathitr.
New Bloomtleld, 3 6 ly
No. 11 Nassau Street,
Issue eireular Notes and elrsular Letters of
credit available In any (art of Mis world.
- Current acoounts received on luoh terms
a may be agrsed upon. U
B- J
..Winter akuangement!
Bloiulay, December a, 1872.
Tralnsleave Harrlsburir for New Vnrk afiin.
i o.ovauu a.iu, a. a-, alio s.uu, r. M., connlln(
with trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and
arriving at New York at ID: .16 8.W), and 9:4Sp.
in., ieseoi.iveiy. -ReturnliiK:
Leave New York at 9.00 a. m..HRo
and 6.30 p. in., Philadelphia at 7.30, 8. a. m., and
3.30 p. in.
iav iiamsnurg ror Keatiing, rottsvtne, Tams
qua, Kllnnrsvllle, Asliland, Khamokiu, Allentowu
and Philadelphia at 6.30 and 8 111a.m.. 12.00 anil
4.05 p. m., stopping at Ltbanon and principal way
niauousi me 4.ik p. m., train connectiua lor I'lill
adelpliia, Pottsvllle and Columbia only. For Potts
vllle, Nchuylkill Haven and Auburn, via (Schuyl
kill and Husquehanna, Railroad leave Ilarrisburg
at 3.40 p. m.
cast, l eiiusyivauia nauroaa irains leave nraa
Ing for Allentowu. Easton and hew York at 7.30
and 10.36 a. in., and 4.00 p. in. Returning, leave
KnurVnrlf alQnilii in 19 A mnA ft -Ml ... n ...1
Allentowu at 7. 'Ala. iu4 li'l!6, and S.&7ip.m.
Way PasseiiKor Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30
connecting at Reading with tra
on Kast
lenn a. uaiiroau, reiurninu
u leav
leaves Pottsvllle at
.36 p. in., stopping at all stations.
Leave Pottsvllle at 8 00. 8.06 and 9.10 a. m .nnrl
2.30 p.m., Herndon at 10.00 a.m., tshamokin at 6.00
and 11.02 a. m.. Ashland at 7.18 a. m , and 12-2up.
in., Mahanoy City at 7.63 a m and 12.64 p in., Ta
maqua at 8.36 a in aud 2.10 p m for Philadelphia,
New York. Reading, Harrisburg, &c.
Leave Pottsvllle via Hehnvlkllfnnd Rnsoueh&n. a
"Railroad at 8.05 a m for Harrisburg, and 11.45 a
in., lor ruiettrove anu licilioill.
Pottsvllle Accommodation Train leaves Potts
vllle at 6:00 a in., passes Reading at 7.40 a m., ar
riving at Philadelphia at 10:16 am. Returning
leaves Philadelphia at 4.45 pm., passes Heading
at 7.15 p in; arriving at Pottsvllle at tf.ixjp in.
Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts
town at 6:46 a m, returning, leaves Philadelphia
(Ninth and Ureen,) at 4.30 p m.
Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7:3
a m, and ti:16 p m; for Ephrata, Lltlz, Lancaster.
Columbia, ic. t returning leave Lancaster at 8.20
a in, and 3.30 p m, and Columbia at 8.15 a U(, aud
3.20 p in.
Perklomen Railroad trains leave Perklomen
Junction at 7 .36 and 9.00 a m, 2.66 and 6.40 pm;
returning, leave Creon Lane at 6.15 a m, 12,35 and
4.20 p m, connecting with trains on Reading Rail
Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave rhsenlx
villeat 9.10 a in, 3:10 and 6:60 p ni; returning,
leave Byers at 6.35 a m, 12:46 and 4:20 pm, con
necting with trains on Reading Railroad.
Coleurookdale Railroad trains leave Pottstown
at 9:40 a in and 1:20, 6:26 aud 7:15 p m, reluming
leave Mount Pleasant at 6:00, 8:00 and ll-.25aiu,
and 3:00 p m, connecting with trains on Reading
Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Bridgeport
at 8:30 a ni, 2:40 arid 6:33 p m, returning, leave
Downiugtown at 6:66a m, 12:30 and 6:40 p m, con
necting with trains on Reading Railroad.
On Mundays: leave New Yoik at 5:30 p m., Phil
delphlaat 8:00 am anil 3:15 p m, (the 8:00 am.
train running only to Reading,) leave Potttville at
8: 0 a in, leave Harrisburg at 6:30 a m and 2:00 p
m: leave Alleiituwn al:.r p. m. ; leave Reading
at 7:15 a in, and 10:15 p in, for Harrisburg, at
7:30 am. for New York, aud at 9.40 a. la., aud
4.15 for I'hlladelplila.
Commutation. Mileage, Season, School and Ex
cursion Tickets, to and Irom all points, at re
duced rates.
Haguaue checkod through : 100 pounds allowed
eacn rass
Asst. Hunt. & Eng. Madrry.
Reading, Pa., December 2,
Pennsylvania It. R. Time Table.
On and after October 27th,
1872, Passenger
vraiusviii run as toiiows :
Harrisburg Acom 12.24 p. m., dally " Sunday.
Mall, 6.20 p, M., dally except Sunday.
Mixed 6.3ti B.M., dally except (Sunday.
J. J. BARCLAY, Agent.
P. S. Mail East reaches Phlladelphioatil.lOp.M
On and after Sunday. October 27th, 1872, tralus
leave Duuoaunoii, as follows :
Way Passenger, 8.12 A. u., dally except Sunday
Mail, 2.db p. M, dally except Sunday
Mixed. 6.68 P. M.. daily except Sunday.
FlttBbiugh Ex.(flag) 12.08a. in., daily exept Sunday
Harls'bnrg Accoin 12.69p.m., dally exeeptSunday
Mall 6Ji2 P. M., " "
Clnuluaatl Express (Hag) 9.52 p.m. dally.
WM. (J. KINti, Agent.
Northern Central Railway.
27tr(7i anf fXrect Haute to and from Wanhing
ton, lttdtimore, Ktmira, Jirie, Buffalo,
Jtovlietter and Niagara tat Is.
VN AND AFTER SUNDAY, October 27th, 1R72,
J the trains on the Northers Central Railway
will run as follows :
Leaves Baltimore, 8.30 a.m. I Harrisburg, 1.26 p m
Wllliaiuspoi p. ni., and air. at Klmira, 10.30
Lvi. Baltimore, 8.10
Leaves Baltimore 1.16 p. m. Harrisburg 4.50 p.m.,
Lvs. Baltlmorel0.2ru.m. I levs.Harrlsburg4.2Sa.m,
Arilvcs at lilmlra 12.40 a m. Lvs.Niagara 9.66p.m.
Lvs. Baltimore 7.40 a.m., Harrisburg 10.60 a. m
Arrives at Cauanaalgua at 8.110 p. in.
" Niagara, at 1.10 a. 111.
Leaves Klmira 5.30 a. in. I WUllamsport 9.16 a. 111.
Harrisburg 2.06 p. ni.
Leaves Canandalgua 2.45 p. m., Klmira 6.30 p. ni.
Wllllamsport U.(l5.p in., Harrisburg at 6.30 a. ni.
Arrives at Baltimore at
Lvs. Erie at 9.05 p. 111. WUllamsport at 9.26 a. m.
Lvs. bun bury 9.40 a. m., Ar. Harrisburg 11.30 a. in
Lvs. Harrisburg, Ar. Baltimore 3.00 p.m.
Lvs Ca11a11daguall.S0a.1u. 1 Klmlia 2.20 p. m.
" Wllllamsoort 6.1np.m. I Suiihury 8.00 p.m.
" Harrisburg 10.40 p.m. ar. Baltimore,! 16 p. 111
For further Information apply at the Ticket
enusylvauia uatiroaa i'e kh.
General Superintendent.
Stage Line Between Newport and New
STAGES leave New flermantown dally at four
o'clock a. in. Landisburgat?. 30 a. in. Green,
park at 8 a. in. New Bioomlleld atBH a. m.
Arriving at Newport to oouuetst with the Ac
oommiHlallon train East.
Returning leaves Newport on the arrival ot the
Mail Train from Philadelphia, at 2.30 p. ni.
Z. RICH. JYopridfor.
"Why Keep That Cough P
When a bottle of Hearer's Lung Balsam will
eure it. It Is pleasaat to take, and mors effec
tive than any otfasr sough medicine. Try It
For sals by F. Mortimer, New Bioomlleld, ana
most othsr stores la tks ceiatf .