The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, December 10, 1872, Image 5

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Tuesday, December 10, 1872.
Mo. Tu. ; We.; Tli.; ft. 8.
1 2 " 8 " 4i 6" i 7
8 8 10 11 l'J1 J 3 14
15 16 17 18 ltf! 20 21
22 23 24 25 20,27 28
29 30 31
4 Observer." Your communication Is
rather too personal.
Df llvlllo lias a debating society winch
has been in successful operation for three
weeks. It meets every Friday evening,
the attendance being good.
In Darkness. The gas manufacturing
establishment at Sunbury was burned al
most to the ground abuot 0 o'clock on
Wednesday evening last, which left Bun
bury in darkness. Loss about $5,000.
Dnncannou has a new post master. Mr.
John M. Toland, has been appointed to
that office, tie J. Bmith who was elected
-Our Thanks aro due Mr. Jacob M. Stam
baugh, for the conveyance of our mail bags
to Newport on Tuesday last. This is the
fourth time we have had to depend on pri
vate conveyance within five weeks, but we
hope hereafter the stage will be able to
make its regular trips.
An Interesting Lecture will be delivered
in the Court House, in this borough on
Wednesday evening of this wcek,by Prof. J.
Dcckor,of Germany. Mr. Decker is a grad
uate of the University of Goettingou, and
will no doubt deliver a very interesting dis
course. We trust our citizens will see that
he has a good audience. Admittance free.
"X Drowned in the Canal. We learn that
John M. Funk, aged about fifty-five years,
lock tender at llockvillo, was drowned in
the canal at that place about six o'clock
on the 2nd inst. It seems, in attempting
to cross the foot bridge he missed bis foot
ing and fell in, with the result above stated.
On 6unday evening after services in
the Presbytoiian church, at Acidemia, and
the congregation had nearly all dispersed,
the soxton in attempting, to put out the
coal oil lamps in the large chandelier,
turned the burners the wrong way causing
the chandelier to fall to tlio floor, and the
lamps to explode. The carpet in the
church and four pews wero burned before
the fire was extinguished. Loss $100.
ThiCTes Around. On Wednesday eve
ning last, some person entered the store of
Samuel Ligget, near Ickesburg, and stolo
about $73 worth of goods. This is the
second time the same premises have been
entered within a few weeks.
Un Iliursiiay night last, gome person
entered the premises of Mr. Win. Lupfer,
near this borough and carried on a quan
tity of apples and some canned fruit. A
few nights previous the same promises had
been entered and a roll of butter, and a lot
of apples were stolen.
ylbo Bloomlield Literary Society will
clock, in the lecture room of tlio Prosby.
terian church. 1 he following is the pro
gram for the evening:
Subject for debate. Reiolted, that Chris
tianity has increased in proportion to civil
zation. '
Pebatcrs'on the affirmative side, Isaac
ti. Black and W. II. u. ftlcunntock.
Debaters on the negative sido, Kev. John
-hidinir and Ualvm -Nelson, .sri.
Oration by Alfred M. Markle. " Stand
out of my sunshine."
Headiug of the paper by the- Editress.
Jacob Baily, Sec.
Cadet Appointment. lion. I!. J. Halde
man, who has the appointment of the next
West Point cadet from this Congressional
district, is making arrangements to have
a competitive examination of thoso who
are candidates. The following regulations
will be adopted in the appointment:
1st. M. C. Herman, Esq., of Carlisle,
William Giier, of the Bloomfield Acade
my, and Hon. H. J. Fisher, Prest. Judge
of York and Adams counties, as a Hoard
of Examiners, will meet at Education Hall,
in Carlisle, en tlie lutli day or J as nary,
i a, at 12 o oiock, j.
2nd. The Board will sit three days, and
examine th candidates who may present
themselves, in general accordance with the
requirements of the Department, as in the
memorando contained, which are hereto
8d. The Board will report the three can-
' didutes best qualified for the appointment,
to me, when 1 will immediately have the
Secretary of War notify one thereof that
lie has been selected, and of tlie proper
steps which he must take to prepare nim
elf for entering upon bis career.
It. J. Halpkman
Carlisle, Nov. 27, 1872.
The rules under which Cadets are admit
ted are very etrlct, and those wishing to
try for the appointment, should obtain
tbera and read carefully. All candidates
must be letween the ajes of 17 and 22
'. It. R Accident, A very serious accident
happened, about 1 mile west of Mifilin on
Thursday night about 11 o'clock. The
Cincinnati Express east was In two sections
the 2d section leaving Altoonu, nearly an
hour later than the first. This train not
being able to make schedule timo fell bo
hind, and the second section did not see
the red light until rounding a curve the en
gineer found his train close upon the first.
Ho promptly applied the air-brake and ar
rested the motion of his train. The sudden
check, however, parted the coupling be
tween the express and baggage car, tho
engine and express car dashed ahead, con
trolled by the break of tho engine alono.
The accident was the immediate result of
tho coupling breaking between tho tender
of the second engine and the express car.
Had the coupling not broken, no accident
would have occurred. As it was, when the
coupling parted, the rear train came easily
and gently to a stand still, tho passengers
not knowing why they stopped. But when
the engine became detached, it lost con
trol of tlie breaks, and flew with lightning
like rapidity into the first train, which was
running at the time it was stritck,at a speed
of full fifteen miles per hour. The result
of the crash was that the two rear Pullman
cars of the first train, wore violently driven
into each other. It Is a strange fact that the
porter of the rear car, who occupied tho end
apartment, was uninjured, while five per
sona were instantly crushed to death, and
several injured.
The persons killed were Matthew Know-
lea and J. W. Bacon, of Chicago ; W. W.
Dortz, wife and one child. Mr. Dortz was
an employeo in the House of Represent
atives at Washington, and was on his way
there. The cngino which did the damage,
did not leave the track, and was so littlo
injured that it took tho train on to Ilar
risburg. Marysville News. Our correspondent at
Marysville sends the following:
On the evening of Doc. 5th, a melancholy
accident befell a young man of this place,
by the name of Eml. Kunkle, which caused
his death instantly.
Young Kunkle was employed by tho P.
R. R. Co., with a gang of men under the
supervision of W. G. Hoke, on tho track a
short distanco above Newport.
These men were taken to and from their
work from this place by the Ballast Train,
and on returning on Thursday evening
about one mile east of Newport, tho train
uncoupled from the engine while running
at the rate of 25 miles por hour, throwing
tho young man, (who with some others had
been setting on tho dead wood of the en
gino, with their foot braced on the end of
the first car,) on the track, the wholo train
passing over hiin,raangling his body almost
beyond recognition.
This, it will be remembered is the same
Mr. Kunlclo, who was thrown and almost
dragged to death by a hoise in Rye twp.,
last summer. The shock to his mother,
(who has been an invalid for somo time)
was so great that she is not expected to
Wood Templars Convention.
The District Convention of East Juniata
District composed of the counties of Porrv.
Juniata and Milllin, opened in tho Lodge
room at Duncannon, on Dec. bth at 2 P. M.
and continued in session until the evening
of the Oth, S. S. Kino, of Duncannon, ac
ting as W. C. T., Mrs. 8. W. McElwee, of
Cocalamus as W. V. T., and Chas. Gra
ham, of Milroy, as Secretary. The Lodges
at Marysville, Duncannon, New Buflalo,
Cocalamus, McAUisterville, East Water
ford, Milroy and Yeogerstown being rep.
Local option was strongly and enthusias
tically endorsed, and the temperance people
or the three counties were urged to organ
ize at once for a vigorous campaign to pre
pare for the contest at the polls in March
next, on tlie license question. I lie con veil
tion also adopted a resolution urging that
the Constitutional Convention be petitioned
to submit to the people separately a clause
prohibiting the saleol liquor.
1 lie reports from all the lodgos repro
sen ted wero favorable, showing general
prosperity and an increase iu membership,
A large and, enthusiastic publie meeting
was held in the M. E. church, on Thursday
evening Jas. Vanderwarker, presiding
whicli was very ably addressed by Marriott
B. Brosius, Esq., of Lancaster, at the close
of which a resolution, which was seconded
in a few excellent remarks by Rev. W.
Thomson, was adopted, appointing S. S.
King, C. II. Hochlandur, Win. It. Bwartz,
Daniel Rife and Jos. II, Stoelo, a commit
tee to act with other friends of Temperance
throughout Perry county, in calling a
county meeting at Bloomlield, at an early
day for the purpose of organizing the
county for a campaign against License.
Friends of the cause are requested to sond
their names at once to the chairman at
Duncannon, in ordei that the call may be
issued and is requested that they suggest
a time for the meeting. Lot us have the
names of a host of the good people of Per
ry, Co., especially including the ministers
of the gospel, and lot our campaign be
inaugurated by a very laige moetiug at our
county seat.
Church Notice ,
Presbyterian Church Preaching hereaf
ter in the new audience room every Sab
bath, at 11 a. m., and 0) p. in. Prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening at 64 P.M.
On next Sabbath evening a Church Sab
bath School service will bo held, entitled
Little Samuel's."
Prayer meeting In the Reformed Church
on Thursday evening, l'reaehlng on Jfrt
day evening, preparatory services on Satur
day aiternoon at 'lk o'clock, and commuu
Ion service ou Sabbath morning at 10
ly For the Bloomfield Times, t
A ' Montgomery's Ferry, Deo. 0, 1872.
Mr. Editor I take the privilege of giv
ing you a few notes of the times and do
ings in our quiet place. Boating is played
out for this season and the animals are not
sorry as the greater portion of them have
the Epizootic. Numbers of them have died
and been pitched over to the care of Davy's
Locker. Farmers are very busy slaughter
ing their Porkers the heaviest one that
I have heard tell of, was one killed by
Frederick Buck, which weighed 880 pounds.
Thanksgiving passed over very quietly,
generally observed by our citizens.' '
A robbery whs committed in the borough
of New BulTiilo, oil the evening of the 4th
inst. The parties have not been apprehend
ed at the date of this writing, but warrants
havo been iHsuetl lor tlieir arrest. .
A hunting nai ty started out last nieht
for OpposHiuns they reported this morn
ing, one 'Possum, and the party all greased
with "lie." I think it was not 'Possum
oil, but tho extract of Rye. Game is very
iilenty this fall such as Wild Turkeys,
tnbbits, Squirrels, &c. Rabbits havo been
killed in somo cases that show a disease
similar to the Epizootic. The weather is
fine. More anon. Mabtauon.
Cninberland County. From the Cumber
land county papers we copy the following:
The post-office at Lisburn, this county,
was burglariously entered on Sunday night
of last week. The burglar succeeded in
carrying oil' tho letters that wero in the
Tho store room adjoining tho post-office,
occupied by Hon men & Co., was broken
into tho same night, and robbed of eighty
dollars and an overcoat.
On Wednesday evening last, Edward
Low, son of Mr. John Low, of Carlisle,
while playing iu the Court House, acci-
dently slipped from one of the steps and
fell, breaking his iclt arm immediately
below tho elbow,and severely spraining tlie
right arm. Ono of his legs was also con
siderably bruised. Medical aid was imme
diately summoned, when the broken arm
was placed in its proper position and tho
lad otherwise cared for. We are glad to
learn that he is recovering rapidly.
Ou Friday night last an attempt was
made to rob tlio post-office iu Carlisle. The
burglar mistook tho Herald printing office
for tlio post-office, and gained access to it
through a window in the rear of the build
ing. He soon, however, discovered his
mistake, and vacated the printing office.
Whether he hoped to get into tho post-
office from the printing office no person
but himself knows as the rooms join each
other, and a printing office is a poor place
to seek plunder but nevertheless his plans
wore frustrated. After leaving tlie print
ing office, he proceeded to the rear window
of tho post-oflice which is one or two be
low tho window in which he entered tlie
printing office and wliilo endeavoring to
t'orco tho shutter open, the noise awoke
Mr. Harry Brenneman, who was asleep in
tho office at tho time. Mr. B. immediately
procured his revolver and llred, when the
villian beat a retreat down Liberty alley,
and escaped. Had the burglar gained ad
mittance to the office, Mr. Brenneman,
would, in all probability havo been mur
dered, and the office rilled of its contents.
A teamster in ShippeiiHburg was arrested
in that borough on luesday evening,
charged with cruelty to a horse.' Ho was
invited to pay tlio usual lino and costs
amounting to $12.84, and after a fow hours
reflection in tlie lock-up accepted the in
Juniata County. The following wo copy
from tho Miffiintown Independent:
On Saturday last Rev. Solomon Soiber,
of Delaware township, near Thorn psontown
full and in falling broke his left Wrist.
A young man named Albert Smith, a
flagman on a freight train on tho Penn
sylvania railroad, was injured about tho
head while watching hot boxes on the train,
by coming in contact with the abutment of
a public road bridgo that crosses over the
railroad, at a point betwoen Granville and
Lewistown, on Thursday last. Ho was
knocked oil' the car on which be was stand
ing and when found was unconscious and
remained in that stato about 24 hours after
the accident oocurred. He was brought to
Patterson the same day and medical nid
summoned, and his wounds dressed. He
is getting along as well as could be ex
pected. Four Splendid Chromon for Every Sub
scriber. Arrangements have been mado by which
we can oiler a year's subscription to Tho
New York Chritlian at Work anil Eclectic
Weekly, with their four magnificent Ch ra
mus: "Good Morning," "Carlo iu Mis
chief," "Spring Flowers," and "Summer
Flowers," together with "The Bloomfield
Times" for $ .
As the Ohromos alone are worth from
$10.00 to $1S.00, and as tho New York
publication is every way llrst-olass, it pre
sents an unusual opportunity to our sub
scribers. Tlie Chromos are made by Piang
and other celebrated artists, and will be
forwarded promptly by mail prepaid.
Should any subscriber desire only the
two first-named Chromos, they will be scut
with tho two publications for $;).
Remit to the publisher of this paper.
"Industries vt the United States."
This Is the title of a book which combines a
whole library within its covers. It gives a
short and comprehensive account of every
branch of Industry iu tills country. It tells the
process of manufacture, and if a patent article,
who Invented and who has improved it. 4u
fact it Is a bonk which is of great value to
every person who desires to obtain general In
formation. All Ibis is to arranged und index
ed that a ready reference can be bad to any
subject. It contains 1300 pages and Is well
bound In cloth, and can be had for nothing as
will be seen by relereuce to our oiler to uiuus,
Good Building Urlck. The subscriber
has now on hand at his yard in Tyrone
twp.. near the Poor llouso, over one hun
dred thousand bricks. The bricks are of
superior quality and will bo cold at the
lowest market price, delivered to any point
In the county. JACOB T. KLINQ.
CJ Tbi Plhest ad Swbktikt Cod-Livib
Oil is Haaard A Caswell's made on the sea
shore, from fresh, selected livers, by Caswsll,
HaiabdACo., New York. It Is absolutely
pure and f. PalleuU who bate oncetuken
It prefer It to all others. Physicians have de
cided it superior to any of the other oils in
market. 40 4 12w
lhiMincHM Notice.
The Tide of Emigration Turned !
Seekers for new homes are Doming into
Southwest Missouri, attracted ty the cheap
This Company offers 1,200,000 Acres of
the finest land in the world, at from $3 to
$12 per acre, on seven years' time, and with
free trasportatton to all purchasers. '
SNOW, is destined to become the national
highway botween NEW YORK and SAN
FRANCISCO ; and to the Industrious farm
ers of older States we earnestly recommend
this land of cheap homes, suro that no
where can tho poor man find a more grate
ful climato, a bettor soil, or greater pro
ductiveness. For full information, with Maps and
Pamphlets, address: AMOS TUCK, Land
Commissioner, 25 South Fourth Strcot, 3t.
Louis. if.
Cheap Llfo Insurance. The cheapest
manner in which Life Insuranco can be had
is to take a policy in the United Brotheren
Aid Society. Full details of their way of
insuring will bo found in our advertising
columns. The agent for the society in this
county, is Wm. M. Stitch, Esq., of New
Bloomlield, to whom applications should
bo mado.
This is the company from which tho
family of Mr. R. N. Willis, of this place re
ceived $H80 after having paid only $6 the
account of which appeared in tho Times
of October 8th. tf
t37CnArrBD Hands, Face, rough skin,
pimples, ringworm, salt-rheum, and other cu
taneous affections cured, and the ekln made
soft and smooth, by using the Juniper Tar
Soap, made by Caswell, Huzard fc Co., New
York. Be certain to get the Juniper Tar Soap,
as there are many worthless imitations made
with common tar. 46 d 12w
The advertiser, havlmr been permanently cured
of that dread disease, consumption, hy a simple
reined v. Is anxious to make known to Ills fellow
siillerei s the means of cure. To all who desire It,
he will send a copy of the prescription used (free
of ehai ee,) with the directions for preparing and
using the same, which I hey w ill tlnd a sure cure
for consuini lion, asthma, bronchitis, etc. Parties
wishing the prescription will please address
itev. hifWAitii a. vii.nui
l'J4 l'enn St., Williamsburg, N. Y.
County Price Current.
Bloomfield. December 10, 1872.
Flax-Heed 1
Potatoes 00
Butter V pound 22 4? 22 cents.
Eggs V dozen, 25
Dried Apples fl pound 3cts "
Dried Teaches
Pealed Peaches 12 18 cts. "
Cherries 5 cts. "
" Fitted 15 18 cts. "
Blackberries ' 6 06 cts. "
Onions V bushel, 75 "
CbiTeeled Weekly by Kovgh, Snyder & Oj.J
Newi-out, December 7, 1N'2.
Flour, Extra '. tu oo
" Sillier 5 50
White Wheat V bu 1 70
Ked Wheat 1 00 01 GO
ltye 70
Corn 5040
Oats V 32 pounds 35
Barley 35
Clover Seed 4 60
Timothy Seed 8 00
Flax Seed 1 60
Potatoes 60
Ground Allium Salt, 2 00
Mmeburner's Coal 2 40
Stove Coal 4 50 Q 5 50
Pea Coal 3 00
Smith Coal 25 cts. V bxs,
Cross Tles.BS feet long 45 45 cents
Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the
Lowest Aiaiaei limes.
Carlisle, December 7, 1872.
Family Flour, ...' 18 25
rluperlliie Flour, S 50
Superfine itye Flour, 4.50
White Wheat 1.70
lted Wheat, 1 00
Rye 05
Corn 50
Oata, 35
Cloverseed 5.25
Tlmothyseed 3.011
Flaxseed 1.70
Philadelphia Price Current.
Corrected Weekly by Junney A Andreas,
No. 123 Market Street.
Philadelphia. December 7. 1S72.
White Wheat 85 til 2 10
Wheat 1 75 tt 1 85
ltye 7585
Corn ('&(
Oats 45M
Clover Seed 0!perlb.
Timothy Seed 2 7504 00
Flax Heed 1 (tf tl 2 05
Country Laid - 8 I)
Eggs 37010
Butter, dull sale 11 Q22
Washed Wool, GO TOcenU per lb
Jones Michner At tho residence of the
bride's father, in Duncannon, Noveiubor 28th,
187a, by Rev. P. B. Slier k, Charles J. Jones
to Miss Mary A. Mil liner, both of Duncannnon,
ylSowER Reedbr At New Bloomfield, Pa.,
oa Thursday, December 6th, by Rev. John Ed
gar, Mr. J no. W. Bower of Jackson township,
to Miss Sarah J. Keeder of Centre twp., Parry
county, Pa. Jacobs On the 6th Inst., at the
M. E. Parsonage In Newport, by the Rev. H.
C. Cbcston, Mr. Chas. L. Holley to Miss Ema
retta Jacobs, both of Tutcarora township.
Bkbbl Berkuisel On the 21st nit., at the
upper Tuscarora Parsonage, Mr. Wilbert M.
behel, to Mlis Elisabeth J. Bernhlsel, both of
Perry county, Pa.
Tbouf At Marysvlllo, on November 17th,
Mr. A. G. Tronp, aged 43 years, 10 moothf
and 28 days. He leaves a wife and five chil
dren to mourn hit departure.
Scovil's Shorthand $125. f
Most, legible system extant.
Based upon ordf-
.11 y alphabet, not phonetic ; therefore much more
readily acquired.
uiiv acomrea. tMioorscu nv i
gentlemen of all
W. K.8CO
70 William St., Kew York,
60.000 .
so 1. 1).
Magnetic Time-Keeper, Compass and Indicator.
A perfect G KM for the poeket of every traveler,
trailer, Isiy, larmer, anil for EVERYBODY desir
ing a rellaNe time-keener, and also a superior
compass. Usual watch-slzo, steel works, glass
rysuti. ail In a neat OKOIDK ease. WARRANT-
'f to denote correct timA nml kppn in nrdeiwif
Ilil lV Used for two vpiws. NnlMnrr HUnltl Thf
pei fenl triumph of mechanism will bo sent In a
neat ease, prepaid to any address, for only 111 3
for 42. Circulars sent free. Trvonn. Order from
the manufacturers,
60wll , ; i ., , , , Brattleboro. Vt
(Jrcnt Oilers to Agents
Are made by Tn Ratvrtiat F.vemno Post and
J hk lady s miK.M. A beautiful Ctirumo of tlio
worth ".00, Is Riven with the Paper (subscription
price ti.0i)or with the Maitaiue (price UM). Ho
uoi tan 10 examine into bins oner, u is
Address for particulars, samples, &e., '
60 w II .'119 Walnut St., Philadelphia.
Boston Destruction I
A full, detailed and graphlo account of the orlulu.
progress, siiDerlng-, losses and Incidents of the
great conflagration. A rare chance for agents, an
every person wants to know the full particulars of
this great disaster. Kent bv mail lor 60 cents.
50 w II l'hlladelphia, 1'a., or Cincinnati, O.
Yiek'8 Floral Guide for 1873 !
Tho GUIDE Is now published Quarterly.
TWENTY-FIVE CENTS pays for the year,
tour numbers, wuicn is not nan tno cost.
Thoso who afterwards send money to the
amount of ONE DOLLAR or more for Seeds
may also order Twenty-five Cents worth extra
the prico paid for the Guide.
ThOtlAMUAKl MiMHKKis beantmi, giv
ing plans for making KUKAL HOMES, De
signs for Dining Table Decorations, Window
Gardens, Ac., and containing a mass of infor
mation invaluable to the lover of flowers.
One Hundred and Fifty pages on line tinted
paper, some Five Hundred Engravings and a
COVER. The First Edition of Two Hundred
Thousand just printed iu English and German,
ready to send out.
Rochester, N. Y.
Will nrove It or forfeit S5IK). New art4-
cles Patented July 18th. Samples sent free to nil.
Address W. 11. CHIUIiSTIilt, 267 Broadway, New
York. 4'.nH
rpilE Best Oil In tho World for Machinery.
It will not chill.
It will not gum.
It is equal to the best Lard Oil.
If you have any kind of machinery, ask for ,
OLENA, and If you cannot buy it at home, send
for a circular and price list to
Oil Manufacturers and Dealers,
Xo. 860 Penn Avenue,
0 40 Pittsburgh, Pa.
" Tlio HnrrlNbtirg Patriot.?"
"The Weekly "Patriot" Gratis !
To every new subscriber to THE PATRIOT
for the year 1H73, whose name, accompanied
by Two Dollars, is received after this date and
prior to January next, and we will send the pa
per forthe REMAINDER OF 18'a, GRATIS.
The favorite Weekly, THE HARRIS11URG
contains more Reading Matter than any other
paper published In Pennsylvania.
It furnishes all the Political and General news
of the current week in condensed form.
It gives an accurate report of the MARKETS
f New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pitts
burg and Hurrisburg.
Its Literary Department contains Tales, Es
says, Poetry, etc., by the best American and
European writers.
It will give full and accurate reports of Leg
islative Proceedings and of the doings of tho
Constitutional' Convention. During the session
of these bodies It will be of peculiar interest to
every Penusy Iranian. It will also give a com
plete resume of the proceedings of Congress.
Tho political aim of the PATRIOT will con
tinue to be the elevation of the Laboring Class
es, the protection of tho People against the en
croachments of Rings and Monopolies, Elec
toral Reform, tho establlshmentof a sound sys
tem of finance, the re-eiifrunchlscmcnt of dis
franchised Amerlcun citizens, and hist but not
least, the restoration of Local Self Government.
The following rates, unexampled in cheap
ness, have been fixed for subscription to the
One Copy, one year ('3.00
One Copy, six months, 1.25
Four Copies, one year, each 1.75
Ten Copies, one yenr, eneb 1.25
Fifty copies, and upwards, one year, each 1 00
An extra copy, FREE, is furnished to the
Agent sending in clubs of TEN or more. A
copy of the DAILY PATRIOT will bo sent,
free, to the Agent sending in clubs of fifty or
more. All papers will be separately addressed,
but m ust go to one post office. (Sue directions
Published EVERY MORNING, Sundays ex
cepted, is a first class newspaper, containing
full telegraphlo reports, special Washington
dispatches, the most . complete and accurate
market reports, full accounts of proceedings of '
the Constitutional Convention, Congress and
Legislature, spicy editorials, etc.
One Copy, one year, by mall. $7 Five Cop
ies do., ; Ten Copies, do., 60.
Larger Clubs at the last named rates. Papers
may be separately addressed, but must betaken
In one package. The money must accompany
the order to linnre attention.
DIRECTIONS. Additions to clubs may be
mads at any time in the year at the above Club
rates. Changes In Clnb Lists mad ouly on re
quest of persons receiving packages, stating
date pf subscription, edition, post-office and
State, to which it has been previously sent.
TERMS. Cajh In advance. Bend Post Of
fice Money Order, Bank Draft or Registered
Letter. Kills sent by Mall will be at the risk
of the sender.
tar Send for Prospectus and Specimen Copy.
Address "THE PATRIOT."
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