8 lje rncfl, New JHootitftclir, f)a. A Tcrrlflc Explosion. The Oil City Derrick says : The nitro glycerine works of tho Roberts Torpedo Co., some ten yards from the track of the Alle gheny Valley railroad, about one-half mile above Scrubgrass, exploded at half-past 9 o'olock on Saturday morning. The place was unfrequented, and located with a view to the safety of the neighbor hood should an explosion occur. At the time of the Accident it containod eight, thirty-five pound cans of the explosive agent, an amount sufficient to sweop Oil City out of existence should it explode in one of the business streets. The shock was like that of an earthquake, accompanied by a sharp peal of thunder. The Oil City accommodation, duo at Scrubgrass at 0:20, pulled out at 0:30, and had advanced about one hundred yards on its way when the terrifio explosion occurred, shaking the sol id ground on all sides. The concussion soomed to strike the wheels of tho loco motive and cars, and for a moment to check its headway. The glass in the windows was shattered to fragments, and tho frightened passengers were impressed with tho belief that the boiler of the locomotive was blown up. It seemed as if old earth had conclud ed to go on a spree for a brief period, and ' chaos would resume- its way. The concus sion seemed to go diagonally across the liver, and evidently followed tho course of the same for some distance The inmates of a houso nearly opposite wero badly aliaken up. Tho houso rocked as though iu tho grasp of a fearful hurricane, the clock was thrown from tho stand, tho crock fry from the shelves, and the inmates ran out in great terror to find tho causo of the unwonted phenomenon. It was distinct ly fult at Parker's Landing, and by a gentleman on horseback at the Martin l';nn, six miles from tho point. An Oil City gentleman, who was at tho Haud wells at the time, hoard tho explosion distinctly. He states that it was so loud that the workmen thought that a boiler had exploded near at hand. A little boy standing near called out that it was thunder. This point is fully twenty miles from the scene of disaster, and how terrific the explosion can readily ho imagined. The ground where tho magazine had stood was toru up as by some convulsion of nature. Tho trees and bushes around were shattered and divested of their limbs, and tho tops of largo old trees were twisted o(T as if they had been more twigs. The bite looked as though a whirlwind had en veloped it and exhausted its power for harm . As soon as the explosion occurred, men Jrotn Scrubgrass and the neighborhood l ushed for the magazine. A terrihlo scene met their view, but without waiting to ex amine the site, they proceed to search for the bodies of . Wright and Noble. , They were literally blown to fragments, and only occasionally could a bit of flesh, bone or clothing be found. Up to one o'clock in tho afternoon the only remains found would ' ssnrcoly fill a cigar box. Bits of clothing were found on tho trees and bushes sur rounding the cave on the river bank used for the magazine. So complete was the work of the destroyer it is supposed the bodies wore blown into atom which fell in the river, - The horse driven by Wright and Noble was hitched to a bush about 20 feet distant ' from the magazine Blngular as it may seem, it escaped with the loss of one eye. The eye was torn from its socket, and the bit broken in the animal's mouth. It was found standing ueur where it had been hitch ed, with two dogs lying dead at its feet. in Inhuman-Little KubcdI. Patsy Gavin,-a lad of the tender age of eight years was arrested yesterday, at the instigation of one of the officers of the Hu mane Society, on the charge of cruelty to animals. The spqeial charge made at the trial in tho afternoon before Justice Haines was that on one day last week the inhuman little wretch had enticed a little black-ami tan dog away from his owner, and thon 4-ruclly dug its eyes out with a jack-knife, after which a string was tied about the an imal's neck and it was thrown into a sink and then hauled out and dragged through the sticets in a most inhumane manner uutil it died. All those facts wero clearly proven in court, several persons residing in the neighborhood testifying to tho facts, and asserting tlint Ihe youug wretch was constantly in tho habit of amusing himself in that way. Being too young to send to the house of correct ion, ho was left oft' with a $3 fine. Chicago Timet. A Daughter Accidentally KhoolH her Mother. On Saturday night, a week Mary ; Short, maiding iu James alley, between Third and j;idor streets llarrisburg, accidentally shot lier mother in the back part of her head, wounding her severely. In, the presence of a neiKhbpr, who was In the. house at the ; time of the affair, the daughter picked up a t half-cocked pistol lying on the table and ' playfully .pointed It ot f ho elder Mrs, Short, .. jocularly remarking, ,i' I will shoot you, i mother!"' While holding' out the'pisto ' the coWnis was discharged, with the' re ' ..'suit already staf4.' The wounded woman , -wm living at last accounts. , .!. I -i-r, I ' - 1 .-I '. .'' tW Fill your coal oil lamps in tho mom. - ing, always, aiid it may save the expense of a funeral. ' New Advertisements, Agents 'Wanted for Cobbtn's Child's Commentator ON THE BIBLE, for the HOME CIRCLE, 1.200 pages. 250 Engravings, The bent enterprise ot the year for agents. Every family will have it. Noth ing like It uow published. For circulars address II. 8. UOODSPEKD 4k CO., 49 r 4w 37 Park ltow, New York. A GENTS WANTED For Harriet Heerher X. Htowe's campaign book, with mh Uvea of the candidates and leading men of all parties. 20 Steel Portraits. r, to 820 a day rapidly and easily made. Write and see. Particulars free. WOKTHINGTON, DU8TIN A CO., 49r4w Hartford, Conn. Jf tft 120 V daTJ A?""1' wanted! All i lA "iv classes of working people, of either sex. young or old, make more money at work for us In their spare moments or all the time than at anymiug eise. larucuiars nee. Address a. 811NSON It CO., Portland, Maine. 49r4w ACCIDENTS! Insure In the TRAVELERS of Hartford, Ct. GLITNCHS IMPERIAL RUSSIAN M Un TA It D. Wholesale to the trade. Single cans setitjjnost-paid, on receipt of fL W. HKIl- MAN T. FkUKAUFF, Heading, Pa. 4vrw BOOKKEEPINC mde Kami- Every elerk and merchant can learn at once. Hook mail ed, 50c. II. tioui.DINu till V ANT, Bultalo, N.Y.49r4w Doors, Sashes, Blinds, &c. Bend for Illustrated Catalogue to BRADLEY & CURRIER, 64 & 56 Dey Street, 49 4 w New York. A GREAT EVENT. We have decided to dispose of our Immense stock of BILLIARD TAHLKSat prices a little above cost. First-class 5xlu New Tables, complete, UK). Second hand Tables made over new, S2tW; S225; J250, A great variety to suit all buyers. Send for Catalogue. KAVANAGH & DECKER, 49r4w Cor. Canal and Centre Sts. New York. Rose of Cashmere Hair Tonic Is unsurpassed as a Promoter of the fi rowth of Die Hair and Whiskers. It is neither s.lckynorgreasy. yet It softens and smooths the Hair far better aiid more permanently than anv Oil or Pomade. L'sed as a Hair Dressing, It produces the most beautiful and lustrous gloss. Warranted perfectly harm less. Its exuiilsllo perfume Is quite unrivaled, being distilled from II if. world-renowned Roses of Cashmere. Larue bottles, only so cents. Address ASCHENHAC11 & MILLER, 400 N. 3d St., Phila delphia, Pa. 49r4w ONLY SI A YEAH. H 1'AfJKS. THE BEST FAMILY PAPER. THE BUST AGKICCLTCHAL PAPER. THE BEST POLITICAL PAPER. THE BEST STORY PAPER. THE BEST FASHION REI'OltTS. BEST CATTLE MARKET REPORTS. THE BEST PAPER EVERY WAY. THE WEEKLY NEW YORK SUN. Eight pages, Art columns. SI a vear, or less than 2 cents a number. SEND YOUR DOLLAR. Address 49 r 4w THE SUN. New York City. INSURE IN THE Perry County Mutual Benefit Association, OF NEW BLOOM FIELD, PERRY CO., PA. Chartered by the LqUUUure March 9, 1872. milKOIIKAPF.HTANn BATTKST LIFE JL INSUKANCE ever ollered to the people. It Is a Mutual enterprise for the protection of Widows and Orphans n the con ut v. Members pay F1VK DO I, LA It for a certificate of membership, and annual dues on ages lietween 20 and Ho. 11.00; between 35 and fin, f 1.60 j between 50 and 65, 112.00; for the term of three years, com mencing January. 187,1; and the sum of SI. 10 on the death of a member. The membership not to exceea one mousaiui. A niemuer dying, to re. celve as many dollars as there are uiivlnir certllt. cate-holders. This plan Is adopled iu order that persons who have been excluded from benefits In other Life Insurance Companies by reason of their expensive Like Kates may obtain some benefit on a small Investment. H commends itself to the public for the reason that It prevents the country irom uemg uraiueu oi our money oy foreign com panics. cnAS. L. M0KRAY, Prenident CONRAD BOTH, Treasurer. J JOHN II. BHULRR, Secretary. ! HOBERT N. WILLIS. WILLIAM McKEK. Gen- rai Agents. u is LOOK OUT ! I would res-ctively Inform mv friends that I In tend calling upon them with a supply of goods of my OWN MANUFACTURE. Consisting uf OASSIMER8. CABBINETS, FLANNELS, (Plain and bar'd) . . C Alt lliTW, &o., , to exchange for wool or sell for cash. i J. M.B1XLER. CentkeWooi.es KactouT; 6,17,4m, J. M. OIHV1N. 1, II. OIRVIN J. M. QIUVIX A SON, CoiumlMMion 3IerelunH, , , No. 8, BPEAR'8 WHARF, It a 1 t I iii o r c , HI d . -W will pay strict attention to the sale of all kinds of country produce, and remit the amounts promptly. 634 ly Pensions, Bounties, &c. WIDOWS, Minor Children, Mothers Fathers. &c, of Soldiers who were killed or died of disease contracted In the Scrvlco of the United Slates, can now make application for Pension. Also Soldiers who contracted disease or were wounded, ruptured, or In any wuy disabled iu the war of 18111. When widows die or re-marry, the child or children under sixteen years of age are entitled to a Pension. The time for tiling claims for additional bounty has been extended six mouth. Particular attention Riven toold suspended ease In tliedltlerentdeiartmeutsat Washtuglon, 1. C If you have, or think you have a claim against the Government, call on or address the uuuui'slgned. No charge for Information. . , , LEWIS rOTTEU, '. . , Attorney for Claimants, 481' NEW BIXX)MFIKLI, PA. ' ' OID '33 It.'!'" I MILL give FIVE HOLLAR" per barrel for Cider cured according to my patent Improv ed process. Any person wishing to obtain a printed copy of this process can do so, by enolos. IngSl OUto the undersigned at " MiUJCMivw, I'KIUil Vountr, P4.M i T. P. DKVOR, M. D. , . August 27, 1872 3iit , , . Oil Cloth", We aro offering some beau tiful stylos of Oil Cloths In various wiclths at low prioes j call and so them. '' ' 11 i ' F. Mortimbu,' Ob ouruhU &il&m& . chit tf&L 9k SffilJ JaJ far Urqxfr ckrUafovv Hhj. fa (2)ul See, 3 Cterejfyfrd $w 6tm : i HUArl 1 1 1 1 r-""'- ""n A STATED r I 1 1 m , . iiihiiij h I $100 Reward for a case of Neuralgia or Rheumatism of anv form whatever, (considered curable) that lilt. FITLER'8 VEGETABLE RHEUMATIC HYRUP will not cure warranted uiilnjiirious, and a physician's prescription used Inwardlv. MM) ItEWARB offered to the Pronrletora of any Medicine for Rheumatism and Neuralgia able to produce one fourth as many genuine living cures made within tlie same lcnlhof time as Dr. Killer's Vegetable Rheumatic Remedy. jajoo REWARIl ollered to any Person proving Jos. P. Filler, M. l to be other than a graduate of the celebrated Cniverslty of Pennsylvania iH 1HM. and Professor of Chemistry treating Rheu nuitism speelallv for 39 years. Iimio REWARIl to any Chemist. Physician, or others able to discover Iodide of Potassa, Colehl cum, Mercury, or anything Injurious to the system In Dr. Filler's Rheumatic Hvmp. 2X.500 Certlllcatcs or tes'tlinoulals of cure, In eluding Rev. 0. II. Ewlng, Media, Pennsylvania; Kev. Joseph Heggs, Falls of Hchuylklll, Philadel phia; the wife of Rev. J. II. Davis, llightstown. New Jersey! Her. Thomas Murphy, Frankford, Philadelphia; Doctor Jennings ami Doctor Wal ton, Philadelphia; Hon. J. V. Creeley. member of Congress from Philadelphia: Hon. Judge Lee, Camden, New Jersey j ex Senator Stewart, ot Bal timore; ex tiovernor Powell, of Kentucky, and thousands of others, If space permitted. 8-sj REWARD for the name of any warranted preparation for Rheumatism and Neuralgia sold under a similar legal guarantee, setting forth the exact number of bottles lo cure or return the amount paid for the same to the patient, iu cascot failure to cure. A full description ot cases re quiring guarantees must be forwarded by letter to Philadelphia. The guarantee, signed and stating the iiantity to cure, will be returned by mall, Willi advice and Instructions, without any charge. Address all letters to DR. FITLER. No. 45 Routh Fourth Street. Philadelphia, Noother Rem edy l ollered on such terms. Out a circular on the various forms of Rheumatism, also lllank ap plications for guarantee, gratis of the special Agent. -Pr. T. H. SWEENEY, Druggist. New Dloointlcld, Pa., Hole Agent for this couiity.(G:i81y DR. CARPENTER, No. 136 MULBERRY STREET, XKWAltK, N. J., Is now treating successfully Consumption. Bronchitis, and all disease, of the Throat and Lungs, with Ills COMPOUND MEDICATED INHALATIONS, CONCENTRATED FOOD. AND COUCH KVRCP. During the past ten years Dr. Carpenter has treated and cured thousands of cases of the above named diseases, and has now iu his possession certlllcates of cures from every part of I lie conn, try. TIIH INHALATION' Isbreathed directly in to the lungs, soothing and lieallugoverall inflamed surfaces, entering into the blood, it imparts vitali ty as it permeates to evel y part of the system. The sensation Is not unpleasant, and the tlrst inhala tion often gives very decided relief, particularly when there is much dlltleulty In breathing. Under tile Influence of my remedies the cough soon grows easier, the night sweats cease, the hectic Hush van ishes, and Willi i 1 1 1 1 l u V 1 1 1 K digestion the patient rapidly gains strength, and health is again w ithin his grasp. The CONCENTRATED FOOD rapidly builds up the most debilitated patient, presenting to the stomach food already to be assimilated and made Into good, rich, healthy blood. TIIECOCGH HYia'Plstobe taken at night to alleviate the cough and enable the patient lo ob tain slee. Full directions aceoinsiny each box of my remedies, which consists ot One Inhaler; One Bottle of Alterative Inhalant; One liottle of Soothing Febrifuge Inhalant ; Ui.e Bottle of Anil )la-morrhagiu Inhal ant: One Bottle Concentrated Food: One bottle ot Cough Syrup. , Price ot containing remedies lo last one mouth, 110; two months, D1H i three mouths, 2l. Sent to any address C. O. I. Pamphlets con taining large list of patients cured, sent free. Let ters of Inquiry must contain one dollar to insure answer. Address, . , . , , . A. II. CARPENTER, M. !., Newark, N. J. Dr. Cahpentkk'S CATARRH REMEDY-will give Immediate relief, and will eflect a permanent cure in from one to three months. Price of remedy to lust one month, go: two months. H: 8 months. 110. CANCKIt III all Its forms iiiessfully treated. Bend lor list oi patients ciiren, to A. H. CARPENTER, M. D.. I 6 81 61 K. Newark, N.J Sack I'lannelH. A lot of new and pretty styles of. back I'lannols, Lave just been re ouived by F. HoftTjHLn.r' TUtrw are cheap tOO. ' ''I, Carrel (krtsJfrk. 71 Ps- 0XJ $rr . DB. CROOK'S AVINE OF TAK ! Ten Yenrn of it stnblle trt has proved Dr.Crook's M fiieoi'Tnr toliavomoro merit than any elmlliir fir'tparntloueveroD'erod to lie public. It la rich In tho medicinal qunlitleaof Tar, and unequaled for diseases of the Throat A I.onl, perrormliiK the rnostremnrkablocures. It erreetuully cures all Coughs nd Colds. It has cured so BT'' iij-'VaSr " K'oucnlUs, tliatit, ''as been pronounced a Ti" spec! 11 o fur these com plaints. For Pains in the Itreast, tsllle or liack, Ornvel or Kidney lt- p.fllseaResottno urin. K-ilJIeAzW oranvUverCouipIalni BSK4 Ithusnoequol. It Is also a superior Tonic, Kestore tho Appetite, Ntrengrthrns the My stem, Restores tbe Weak and Itphllltafesl, Causes the food to lMtrest, Removes Dyspepsia and In.ligoNMon, Vreventa Malarious levers. CIlToa tone lo your System. And the health of the system will follow. There Inn prepara tion of Iron and Poke Hoot more effectual than nil others, which will remove from your system the Impure end vitiated blood which causes disease, end Rt the same time build up your health aud strength It never falls to cure. If you have Mcrofuln.ftrrolnlons lllaeos es of the Eyes or Kara- or Merofnla In any form. Tel. ter. While Swelling, Old No res. Ulcers, or Nerof iiloun Inflammations, you can rely on belug cured with this prepa ration known as Dr. 4'rook'e fompoand Ayrnp of Poke Hoot. Kheninatism, Pnina In lilmbsor lioniSft'onstltu ruout uroaenuown uy jviorcu- r j iui ur viiwi iuiihiii.j mg wit cured bv it. For Nvunllla. nv ; By plitlitlc talut. there Is until- tug cijuua hiiu a iruu wits prove It. Bcantliy yonr Complexion. Do not use paint or powder, but get a more permanent beauty by purifying your blood. This preparation of Iron and Poke Root makes a rough and scaly skin soft and smooth: changes that sallow complexion fc one of freshness and health, and remove any Ernp. sive Ulsrases of Ihe tikln. Pimples, run. airs, lilotches A Eruptions. If you wish rosy cheeks and a healthy complexion, useilr. Crook's t'omiuulHyrup of Poke Uook Porry County Bank! NpoiiNler, Junkiii St Co, THE undersigned, having formed a Hanking As sociation under the above name and style, are now ready to do a tieneral Hanking business at their new Banking House, on Centre Square, ' OPPOSITE THE COU11T 1IO VMS, NEW, BLOOMFIELD, PA. We receive money on deposit and pay back on demand. Wo discount notes tor a period of not over60 days, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia and New York. . On time Deposits, live per cent for any time over four months; aud for four months four per cent. , We are well provided with all and every facility fordoing Hanking Business; and knowing, and for some years, feeling tlie great Inconvenience un der which the people of this County labored for the want of a Bank of Discount and DeKslt, we have have determined to supply the want tand this being tlie first Bank ever established In Porry county, we hope we will be sustained In our efforts, by all tb business men, farmers and mechanics. This Banking Assoclatlou Is composed qf the fol lowing named partners; ' ' W. A. SpoNi.ER,BloomIleld, Perry county, Pa. H. F. Jl'NKIN, " " " Wm. 11. Miller, Carlisle, OFMbEus: j W. A. BI'ONHI.EH, Pretidenl. William Wiixis, OwAfcr, f , New Bloomllcld. 3 5 ly ' j UN CAN SHERMAN CO,, 11 ifrssuu Street, 0, 7 Issue circular Notes and elrc.ulsr'.LetKrs' ft redlt atalUblvln stir part of Mi world. : ; '4-Cureot at ovnt recslvod outuch ttrmi at way bt agreed upon. i r;:, lOlirr, 7X si AitS, RAIL ROADS. . UFA1IX. JtAII-ltOAI. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, December 2, 1872. Trains leave Harrlslium for New York, asfnllnw At 5.30 and 8.10, A. M., and 2.00, p. M., connecting with trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at UM 3.60, and 9:45 p. Miy isi;vn..:ijr. Itcturnina-; Leave New York at fi.flf) a. m.. 12.M and 6.30 p. in., Philadelphia at 7.30, 8.45 a. m., and 3.30 p. m. Iave Harrlsburg for Reading, Pottsvllle, Tams qua, Mlnersvllle, Ashland. Shamokln, Allentown and Philadelphia at 5.30 and 8.10 a.m., 2.00 sad .u,- p. m., stopping at LeDanon sna principal war stations; the 4.05 p. m., train connecting for Phil adelphia, Pottsvllle and Columbia only. For Potts vllle, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuyl kill and Susauehanna Railroad Ipavs llArrlshnrcp at 3. 40 p.m. cast rennsyivania itauroad trains leave Read ing for Allentown. Easton and New York at 7.30 and 10.35 a. in., aud 4.01) p. in. Iteturniiig, leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 12,50 and 8.30 p. in., and Allentown at 7.20 a, m., 12.2.. 2.10,4.35 and 8.55p.m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., connecting at Heading with train on East Penn'a. ltailroad, returning leaves Pottsvllle at 4.35 p. in., stopping at all stations. ' Leave Pottsvllle at 6.00, 8.05 and 9.10 a. m., and 2.30 p.m., Horndon at 10.00 a.m., Shamokln at 6.00 and 11.02 a. m.. Ashland at 7.18 a. m., and 12. 20p. m., Mahanoy City at 7.53 a m and 12.54 p in.,. Ta maiia at 8.35 a m and 2.10 p m for Philadelphia, New York, Heading. Harrlsburg, &e. Iave Pottsvllle via Schiiylkllland Snsquchan a Railroad at 8.05 a ni for Harrlsburg, aud 11.45 a m., for Plncgrove and Tremont. Pottsvllle Accommodation Train leaves Potts vllle at 6:00 a in., passes Heading at 7.40am., ar riving at Philadelphia at 10:15am. Returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.45 pm., passes Heading at 7.15 p in; arriving at Pottsvllle at 9.0(lp m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts town at 6:45 a in, returning, leaves Philadelphia (Ninth and Green,) at 4.30 p m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7:3t a m, and 6:15 p m; for Ephrata, Lltlz, Lancaster, Columbia, &c; returning leave Lancaster at 8.20 a m, and 3.30 p m, and Columbia at 8.15 am, aud 3.20 p ill. l'erkloinen Railroad trains leave Ferklomen Junction at 7.35 and 9.0D a in, 2.55 and 6.40 pm: returning, leave Green Lane at 6.15 a in, 12,35 and 4.20 p m, connecting with trains on Heading Hall Kuad. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Phoenix villeat 9.10 a in, 3:10 and 5:50 p m; returning, leave Hyers at 6.35 a in, 12:45 and 4:20 pin, con necting with trains on Reading Kailroad. Colebrookdale Railroad trains leave Pottstown at 9:40 a in and 1:20, 6:25 and 7:15 p in, returning leave Mount Pleasant at 6 :00, 8 :00 and 11:25am. ami 3:00 p in, connecting with trains on Heading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Bridgeport at 8:30 am, 2:40 and 6:33 p in, returning, leave Downlngtown at 6:55a m, 12:30 and 5:40 p in, con necting with trains on Reading Railroad. On Sundays: leave New York at 6:30 p m., Phil delphlaat 8:00 am and 3:15 p in, (the 8:00 am. train running only to Heading.) leave Potttvllle at 8: 0 a m, leave Harrlsburg at 6:30 a in and 2:00 p in; leave Allentown at 8:55 p. m.: leave Heading at 7:15 a in, and 10:15 n in, for Harrlsburg, at 7:30 am. for New Yolk, aud at 9.40 a. in., and 4.15 for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Reason, School and Ex cursion Tickets, to aud from all points, ut re duced rates. Baggago checked through ; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN. Asst. Sunt. Ut ling. Mach'ry. Reading, Pa., December 2, 1872. Pennsylvania R. R. Time Table. NEWPORT STATION. 27th, 1872, Passenger On and after October trains will run as follows : EAST. Harrlsburg Accom 12.24 p. M., daily " Sunday. Mail, 6.20 dally except Sunday. Pittsburgh Ex., 12.27a.m. (Ilag)dally except Mond'y Thro' Pass. 4.17 A. M. (ilag) daily. Way Pass. 8.46 A. M., daily, except Sunday. Mail, 2.42 p. M. dally except Sunday. Mixed 6.36 p.m., dally except Sunday. J. J. BARCLAY, Agent. F. S. Mail East reaches Philadelphia at 11.10P.M DUNCANNON STATION. On and after Sunday. October 27tb, 1872, trains leave Duucaunou, ax follows : WESTWARD. Way Passenger, 8.12 A. M., dally except Sunday Mall, 2.08 p. M, dully except Sunday Mixed, 6.58 P. M., dBlly except Sunday. Pittsburgh Ex.(flag)12.0Ka. in., dally exept Sunday EASTWARD. Harls'burg Accom 12.59 p. dally exceptSunday Mall 6.62 p. M " ' Cincinnati Express (Hag) 9.52 p. m. dally. ' ...... WM. C. KINO, Agent. . Northern Central Railway. ' WINTER ARRANGEMENT. I7kronfft and Direct Haute to and from Washing ton, Jlaltiniore, Mmira, Erie, JhiJJtUo, liouheater and A'iugara FaUt, fS AND AFTER SUNDAY, October 27th, 1872, J the trains on the Northern Central Hallway will run as follows : XOIiTUWAXD. MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Baltimore, 8.30 a.m. I Harrlsburg, 1.25 p ni WilUaiusport 6.20 p. in., and ai r. at Eliuira, 10.30 CINCINNATI EXPRESS. Lvs.Ealtlniore, 8.1op.m.arvs.Uarrisburg,11.20p.m. FAST LINE. Leaves Baltimore l.lo p. m. Harrlsburg 4.00 p.m. Arr.at Willlamspoit 8.35p.m., NORTHERN EXPRESS. Lvb. Ra!tlmorelu.25u.iu. levs.Harrlsburg 4.25a.m. Ariives at KI111I1 a 12. 4u a. 111. Lvs.Niagaia U.55p.m. NIAOARA EX TRESS. Lvs. Baltimore 7.40 a.m.. Harrlsburg 10.50 a. m Arrives at Canaudalgua at 8.00 p. 111. " " Niagara, at 1.10 a, iu. . SOUrMVARD. MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Kim Ira 6.30 a. 111. 1 Wllliainsport 9.15 a. m. llarrisburg 2.05 p. in. ( Ar. Baltimore at 6.30 p.in PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS, leaves Canaudalgua 2.45 p. 111., Eliulra 6.30 p. fit. WilUaiusport 11.05.P 111.. llarrisburg at 6.30 a. ni. Arrives at Baltimore at 8.46 a.m. ERIE EXPRESS. ' Lvs. Erie at 9.05 p. ui. Williamspnrt at 0.25 a. ni. Lvs. Suubury 9.40 a. 111., Ar. liariisbui g 11.30 a. in - ' ' PACIFIC EXPRESS. ' Lvs. Harrlsburg 11.60 a.m., Ar.Haltimore 3.00p.m. NIAOARA EXPRESS SOUTH. Lvs ranandagiiall.S0a.nl. I Klmlra 2.20 p. m. " WllllamsK)it 6 lop.m. 1 Sunhury 8.00 p.m. " Harrlsburg 10.40 p.m. ar. Baltlmoro,2.16 p.m . For further Information apply at the Ticket ofUce, Pennsylvania ltullroad Depot. ALi-'KIOD H. F1SKK. General Superintendent. Stage Line IMwepiv Newport and New . . Uermautowu. , STAGES leave Now Rnrmantown dally at four o'clock a. in. Landlshurgat 7. 30 a. in, Green park at 8 a. 111. New Hloomtleld at 9H a. in. Arriving at Newport to connect with the Ac eominodatluii train East. Heluriiliig leaves Newport on the arrival of tbe Mall Tralu from Philadelphia, at 2.30 p. III. ' . HICK. Jprorttor. i Why Keep That Cough? When a bottls of Xekrsr's Lung Balsam will eur It. It Is pleasant to tHe, and mors slice, live than any other cough medicine. Try It. I or sale Dy.ir. Mortlmsr, New UIooriQoIiL an aoit otnsr stores da l coasty. i , .- I'.-. X' ' UVU.S