The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, November 05, 1872, Page 8, Image 8

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Woman SimipgllnK Over ouo Hundred
Searched. x
A Detroit paper of t the 23d Inst nays:
"The Custom-house officials at tho ferry
dock in this city are as vigilant as officers
can be, but what chances have they against
monster hoop-skirts and gigantio bustles t
They cannot stop to peop under shawls, ex
amine pockets, look into baby carts and
hold a crowd on the boat, and so. they must
continue their work with the knowledge
that goods are being smuggled, and that
only one grand and sudden haul of their
nets can trap the guilty and frighten the
innocent so that they shall never dare to
pursue the business.
The net was drawn yestorday. The offi
cers commenced about 2 o'clock, walked
fifteen or twenty women up stairs into the
customs room, and handed them over to a
woman to be searched. Every boat load
which landed for about three hours was
treated in the same manner that is, all
the female portion. Some were indgnant
and appealed to their husbands, who vainly
appealed to the custom officers. Others
wanted to faint away, but after looking at
the planks and dust concluded not to.
Others wept, laughed or turned palo, but
none of them were permitted to escape.
During the afternoon about ono hundred
and fifty women were confronted by Uncle
Sam, and the old man had a good dual of
fun and made somo wonderful discoveries.
For instance a modest little woman,
who was in a great hurry to go home to
her sick child, pulled out a few pins, and
ten yards of English flauuel foil to the floor.
A tall woman, with tears in her eyes, who
Asserted she would sooner chop her bead
off than to think of smuggling, unfastened
a pound of tea from her skeleton, and as
serted that it must have been placed there
by somo uesiinung person. Another one
indignantly denied " the right of search,
but after remaining a prisoner an hour or
two, told the searcher to "take it and go to
grass," throwing a package af ribbons and
laces on the floor. A lot of calico was
-found on another, souie velvet on another,
at least ten per cent, of the whole number
were found to be engaged in smuggling.
The officials were satisfled.witli confiscating
the goods.
Three I'aHsengers to one Ticket.
' A few days ago a lady put up at the
Union Depot hotel in Pittsburg, whose reas
ons for so doing is well stated by the Ohio
Statesman, published in Columbus. ' It is
as follows : The Pacific express train on
the Panhandle railroad left the Columbus
depot on Friday last, under the charge of
conductor Drury.
Nothing transpired to disturb the monot
ony of the conductor's call or drowsy pas
sengers for "tickets, gentlemen," until the
train was between Dennison and Hteuben-
ville. Then he was notified that a lady
passenger desired hid presence. lie found
the lady evidently in some trouble and em
barrassment. To his affirmative response
to the query whether be was married, the
lady stated that she was on her way from
Cincinnati to meet her husband in New
York, and that a crisis was ira pending, in
volving the appeal once of an additional
passenger. (
This startled tho conductor, of course,but
with a heart as big as an elephant, be set
to work to make the lady comfortable. . AH
the passengers were hastily shuffled into
another car, and such female assistance as
could be procured on the train was brought
into requisition. In a brief time the little
stranger a fine, bouncing girl is the
phrase put in an appearance, and the con
ductor congratulated himself on a happy
escape from a dilemma. With a heart
overwhelming with sympathy, he arranged
an impromptu wardrobe for the very young
lady from his own under-clothing. , It was
not exactly in style of those " infant out
fits" advertised in the papers, yet it served
a good purjioso.
But this U not all. The train left Steu
benville on time, and was soon thundering
through and around the hills of West Vir
ginia, when the conductor received another
shock.. This time it was " a fine bouncing
boy." Twins, by Jove I One a Buckeye
and tho other a Fan-Handler. The remain'
der of Drury' linen went to start the little
fellow on his journey through the world.
Thon for fear of what might happen, the
train was hurried up. In due time it
reached Pittsburg and the lady and the two
unticketed passengers were tenderly con
ducted to comfortable quarters at the Un
ion Depot hotel, when a to legram was
forwarded to the husband in New York,
which probably lifted him out of his boots.
At last advices the, mother and children
were doing well. "
fSPThroe years arjo, Jack Gordon, who
had been for some time workman at Col
llusvlllo. Conn., loft the village. A few
weeks after, a body was found In ' the Far-
mlngton river bolow L'nlonvllle which on
swered to the description, of Gordon, and
ho bad consequently been considered a
dead man ever since, until he turned up in
CoHlnsviUe, tho other day, very much
alive. ... '
K3fA correspondent asking a fashion
editor how should a lady going buggy ri
ding dress hersolf, was answered, "either
by putting the olothes over, the head, , or
stepping into them, which ever will keep
your sweetheart waiting the shortest time,"
ooooooooooooooooooooo o oooo
00000000000 0 0 000000000000
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$500,000 IX JtAMt!
Postponed to December 7, 1872.
of the Public Library of Kentucky, announc
ed for Septemlier 2s, has licen postponed to DE
CEMBER 7, 1872. because the accumulation of or
ders the few days lefore the drawing made It
physically Impossible to (111 them without a few
days' delay, and as a short postponement was In
evitable, It was determined to defer It to a time
that would make a full drawing sure by the sale of
all the tickets.
The money necessary to pay In lull all the offer
ed (rifts Is now unon delimit In the Farmers' and
Drovers' Rank, as will lie seen by the following
ceruncnie ui me asintir:
Farmers' and Drovers' Rnnk,
Louisville, Ky., Sept. i, 1K72,
This Is to certify that there Is now on ilenoslt
In this bank over half a million of dollars to the
credit of tlm (lift Concert fund, of which is
held by this bank as Treasurer of the Public 1 1
brary of Kentucky lo pay olf all uifls to be awar
ded at the drawing.
u. s. YKACH, Cashier.
J,000 Prizes, ninnnutlng to
$500,000 IX CASH,
will be awarded, the highest prizes being J100.
ooo, m,. and down In regular gradation
W n UK II If I lie KlnPtl.
The drawing will positively and unequivocally
take place December?. Agents lire peremptorily
required to clone sales and make returns Noveni-
oer zn, in oruer to mvc unium nuie lor me nnai
arrangements. Orders for tickets nr applications
for circulars should be addressed to.
Acent Public I.ibr: j of Kentucky.
41 rim . IjmiUhiiu Vy.
" Silver Tongue"
o n ga xs,
Manufactured by
143, 143 & 147 East 23rd St., New York.
Responsible, parties mini vine for agencies In
sections still unsupplled will receive prompt atten
tion and liberal Inducements. Parties residing at
a distance from our authorized agents may order
irom our lactory, mr oenu lor iiiusiraien price
1. it
V 13
BlOO Kdw&rd for a cam or Nenralirta
Rheumatism of any form whatever, (considered
curable) that 1)11. FITLEK'S VEOETABLK
RHEUMATIC RVRUP will not cure warranted
unlnjuiious, and a physician's proscription used
inwm aiy.
KjOOO REWARD offered to the Frnnrletnrs nf
any Medicine for Rheumatism and Neuralgia able
to produce one-fourth us many genuine living
cures mane wiiiiui ine same icngtn oi tune as vr.
ruler s vegeiauie ittieumatlc itemeily.
320O0 REWARD offered to any Person proving
jos. r. riiwr, ai. 11., in ue oilier man a graduate
of the celebrated University of Pennsylvania III
1&1H. and Professor of Clieiu sti v treutinif itheu.
inutisin sneeiallr for 9 veurs.
tloooREWAUD to nnv Chemist. Physician, or
others able to discover Iodide of Potassa, Colchl
ouni, Meiuury, oranytliing Injurious lo the system
111 it. I'llim s iiueiunuLiu nvrup.
28.500 Certltlcates ir testimonials of cure. In.
eluding Rev. C. H. Kwlng, Media, Pennsylvania
nev. josepn iteggs. raws oi ncnuyiKiii, niuauei.
phla; the wife of Rev, J. It. Davis, lllglitstown,
New Jersey; Rev. Thomas Miiroliv. Fiuukford.
Philadeltihra; Doctor dcnuliius and Doctor Wal
ton, Philadelphia: Hon. J. V. Crnclev. member of
iuugiesB irom riuiuueipinn; noil, juoge je,
Camden. New Jersey : ex-Senator Stewart, of llal
tiinoie; ex -unvernnr roweii. or hentucxy, aim
thousandsot others, If space permitted.
iiO REWAKD for the name of anv warranted
preparation for Rheumatism and Neuralgia sold
under a similar leual muti aiitee. sett Inn forth the
exact number of hollies to cure or return the
amount paid for the same to the patient, in case of
luiiuru wuiire. a mi; iiuscnuiion oi cases ru
quiring guarantees must lw furwmded by letter to
Philadelphia. The guarantee, signed and stating
the quantity to cure, will be returned by mull.
auv t
- Address all letters to DR. F1TLKR. No. 45
South Fourth Btroet. Philadelphia. Noother Rem
edy Iw offered on such terms. Out a circular on
the various forms of Rheumatism, also Blank ap-
uneaiiuus lor guarantee, gratis oi tue special
-Dr. U II. SWEENEY, Druggist, :New
Blooiutleld, Pa., bole Agent for this county. (0 :t ly
. JliVISlClOltH,
No. 11 Kaaaau Street,
Issue circular Notes and olreular Letters of
eredit available in any part ol the world.
M Current accounts received on such terms
as may be agreed upon. 5 12tf
T WILL Hive FIVE DOLLARS )r liartel for
viuar iuiivu liccoiiiing io my puieni unprov
ed profess. Any person wishing to obtain a
printed copy of (his process ran do so, by enclos-
a "-I
Iiigsiviio inn uuuciMgucu Ul " 1 1J.KHIT0
'JtMUt C0UNTT, I'A."
.,...'' T- 1KVCR,M. I).
, August 27, 1872-311) ,. ..
Our o&t ,
Cnl&mt , (W vsfot
9h erir lid-cPf
yjire, Jircajl cpoI
$fiU f Jcu ' far u4
CItuL See, 3 GcrejtyM 4kr 6Af
NEWARK, X. .1.,
Is now treating successfully
Consumption, Bronchitis,
and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, with his
Diirlnsthe nast ten veara Dr. Carnenter lias
treated and cured thousands of cases of the above
named diseases, and has now In his possession
certificates of cures from every part of the coun
try. THK INHALATION Isbreatlied directly In
to the lungs, soothing and healing overall inllamed
surfaces, entering Into the blood, It Impartu vitali
ty as It permeates to every part of the system. The
sensation Is not unpleasant, and the first Inhala
tion oiten gives very ueciuea reuer, particularly
when there is much diltlculty In breathing. Under
the Influence of inv remedies the cough soon arows
easier, the night sweats cease, the beetle flush van
ishes, and with Improving digestion the patient
rapidly gains strength, and health is again within
his grasp.
The CONCENTRATED FOOD ran d vbu dsftn
the most debilitated patient, presenting to Che
stomach food already to beassimllated and niade
Into good, rich, healthy blood.
Til K COl ill HVRUP s to be taken at niclit to
alleviate the cough and enable the patient to ob
tain slee, Full directions accompany each box of
my remedies, which consists ol
Ono Inhaler; One Bottle of Alterative Inhalant;
one Home oi Rooming reoruuge mutuant ;
One llottle of Antl lla-morrhaglc Inhal
ant; One Dottle Concent rated Food ;
OneUottleof Cough Syrup.
Price of containing remedies to last one month,
S10; two months, din; three months, J2o.
Rent to any address C. O. I). Pamphlets con.
taiuing large listot patients cured, sent free. Let
ters of inquiry must contain one dollar to Insure
answer. Ainiress.
A. 11. CARPENTER. M. D., Newark, N. J.
Dr. Cahpknter'b CATARRH REMEDY wlllirive
Immediate relief, and will ellect a permanent cure
In from one to three months. Price of remedy to
last one month. fr; two months, (X; 8 months, $10.
CANCER In all its forms successfully treated.
Send for list of patients cured, to
A. a. tABl'Mtllt, M. V..
6 3152 Newark, X.J
Agents Wanted.
For the llvest and most aereeable and Instruc
tive book of the year, , , ,
By Hon. W. E. Webb, of Topeka, Kansas. The
wealth and wildness, mysteries and marvels, of
the boundless West fully and truthfully describod.
Overflowing with wit and humor, A Complete,
tltilderor sportsmen and Emigrants. PROFUSE
mensely Popular, and selling beyond precedent
Send for Illustrated circular, terms, etc., at once,
to HUBBARD BRO S., Publishers, 723, Uausoin
Street, Philadelphia.
T would respectively Inform my friends that I In
X tend calling umu them with a supply of goods
of my
Consisting of " ' ' '
FLANNELS, (Plain and bar'd)
to exchange for wool or sell for cash.
Centue Woolbn FAlTOKr.
i. u. oiaviN.
I. u. oiarm
OommlMMion 31ercliniittia
NO. 8, BrEAR'8 WHARF,''
II a 1 1 1 in o r e ,' M 1 .
".We will nnv strict attention to the sate of all
kinds of country produce, and remit the amounts
6 84 ly
Pensions, Bounties, &c.
WIDOWS, Minor Children, Mothers, Fathers,
io.. of Soldiers who were killed or died ol
disease contracted la the Service of the United
Stales, can uow make application lor I'eusiou.
Also Soldiers who contracted disease or were
wounded, ruptured, or iu any way disabled In the
war of
When widows die or re-marry, the child or
children uuder sixteen years ol age aiu'eiUIUod to
a Pension.
The time for filing claims for 'aa4itonal bounty
nas ueeu exieiuieu six uiuihjib,. ,
Particular attention given tooJA suspended case
in the different departments at Washington, 1). C
If you have, or think you liavaaclalm against the
uovemmeiH, can on or auuress tue uuuersignea.
Ciocuaige iui iiiiorinauou. . , -,-LEWIS
, Attorney f of Claimants,
i 81 ; i ;NEW BI)f)MFIELD, PA.
for Kjr
a&a Rated
fa ?ysu&l ewer
Perry County
Mutual Benefit Association,
CAarlered by the Legislature March 9, 1872.
1N8U11ANCK ever offered to the nennle.
It Is a Mutual enterprise for the protection of
Widows and Orphans In the eountv. Members
pay FIVK HOLLA US for a certificate of
membership, and annual dues on ages between 20
and 85, $1.00; between 35 and 60, si. 66; between 50
and 65, f2.00t for the term of three years, com-
inuiieiiiK January, jnia; anu me sum oi oil
the death of a member. The membership not to
exceeaone inousiinii. a niemner uying, to re
ceive as many dollars as there are navlnn oertltl-
cate-holders. This plan is adopted in order that
persons who have been excluded from benefits In
other Life insurance Companies by reason of their
expensive i.irB-HATKg may ooiain some Denent on
a small investment, ic Gommeiuis itseii to t.nn
public for the reason that It prevents the country
irom ueing uraiuea oi our money uy ioreign colli'
puiuus, .
CHAS. L. MURRAY, President.
CONRAD ROTH, Treasurer.
JOHN R. BHULEli, Secretary.
rai Agents. a 15
Perry County Bank !
HpoitNler, Jimktii & Co.
milE undersigned, having formed a Ranking As.
JL soclatiou uuder the above uame and style, are
now ready to do a General Banking business at
their new Banking House, on Centre Square,
We receive money on deposit and pay back on
demand. We discount notes tor a period ot not
overdo days, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia and
New York.
On time Deposits, five per cent lor any time over
(our months; and for four months four per cent.
We are well provided with all and every facility
for doing a Banking Business) and knowing, and
for some years, feeling the great Inconvenience un
der which the people of this County labored forthe
want of a Bank ot Discount and Deposit, we have
have determined to supplythe want ;and this being
the first Bank ever established in Perry county, we
hope we will be sustained in our efforts, by all th
business men, farmers and mechanics, . , -
This Banking Association is composed of the fol
lowing named partners i .
W. A. SpoNst.itii, Bloomlleld, Perry county, Pa.
B. F. JuMtm, " " "
Wm. U. Miller, Carlisle,
orriciKi: ,
W. A. gPONSLER, JYCrfdenf.
W0.LUM Willis, Cashier. '
New Bloomlleld, S 5 ly
Drugs ! Drugs
rpiIE Subscriber has on hand and for aale, at
jl. low prices, a complete assortment oi
Ot all kinds. Also, a full stock of
Concentrated Remedies,
' ; , ' . (i PERFUMERY,'
Puro Wines ' ' : ' ;
, - , LIQUORS,
Always on. hand, tor Medicinal and Sacramen
tal puryoee. i
tkfJ'ttiii.-ijiif. Order,
prompt tjf filltd. t''y
Order jiryvly aud
itliAii4 j:abii:oai.
ThurAday, Angiist lnt, 1872.
Tralnsieave Harrlsbur r for New Tv ki urt oiinw
At 6.00 nd 1. 10, a. M., and 2.00, p. if.,ionneetlng
with trains on the Fennsylvanta Railroad, and
arriving at New York at 11118.50, aikk U:40p.
niu respectively. 1 1 " - - ,. . .
Heturningtt.eaveisevr.xorK ai s.ou a. ra., I2.ns
and 6.00 p. nu, J'lilludeliihla at 7.30, a.. in., and
8.30p.m. - , , -S.
Leave Harrlsbtirg for Reading, Fottavlllo, Tama
qua, Mlnersville, Ashland, Hhaniokin, Allentown
and riillailelphla stS.uo and 8.11) a. in., 2.00 and
4.0ft p. m., stopping at Lebanon and principal way
stations: the 4.06 p. m., train connecting for I'liil-
adelphla, Pottsvllle and Columbia only. For Potti
vllle, Bcliuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Hclinyl
kill and Husquehanna Railroad leave Harrlsburg
at 3.40 p. m.
East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read
na for Allentown. Uaston and New York &t7.00
I and 10.40 a. in., and 4.05 p.m. Returning, leave
iew nora at v.m a. m., u.m ana e.oop.
Allentown at 7.25 a. m'.'. 12.25. 2.1ii.4.SA an'd9..i,n.m-
Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30
a. m., eonnectlng with train on East Penn'a. Rail
road, returning from Reading at 6.20 p. m., stop.
Dlna at all stations.
jeave rotisvuie ai o..iu ann v.isia. m.,anaz.;io
p.m.. Ilerndon at 10.00 a. m.. Shamokln at 5.40
and 11.15 a. m.. Ashland at 7.09 a. m and 12.43 p.
in., Mahanoy City at 7.51 a in and 1.20 p m., Ta
maqua at 8.: a m and 2.10 p m for Philadelphia,
new xorn, iteaaing, namsourg, sc.
Iave Pottsvllle via Schuvlkilland Susuuehan a
Railroad at 8.15 a m for Ilarrisburg, and 11.45 a
m., for Plnegrove and Tremont.
Pottsvllle Accommodation Tra n leaves Potts
vllle at 5:30 a in., passes Reading at 7.05 a m., ar
riving at Philadelphia at 9:'5 am. Returning
leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 pm., passes Reading
at 7.40 p m ; arriving at Pottsvllle at 9.20p m.
rint-swjwn Acconiniouaiion i ram leaves rona.
tnwnat6;45a in, returning, leaves Philadelphia
(Ninth and Ureen,) at 4.30 p m.
Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7:20
a m, and 8:15 p ni; for Ephrata, Lltlz, Lancaster,
Columbia, &c. ; returning leave Lancaster at 8.20
a m, ana iu p m, aim coiuuioia at a ni, ana
3.15 p m.
Perklomcn Railroad trains leave Perklomen
Junction at 7 .So and 8.55 a in, 2.55 and 5.40 pin;
returning, leave (ireen Lane at 6.15 a m, 12,35 and
4.20 p iu, connecting with trains on Reading Kail
Pickering Vallev Railroad trains leave Phren x-
vllleat 9.10 a m, 3:10 and 5:50 p in; returning,
leave Byers at 6.35 a m, 12:45 and 4:20 pni, con
necting with trains on Rending Railroad.
Colebrookdale Ral road trains leave Pottstown
at 9:40 a m and 1:20, 0:25 and 7:15 p m, returning
leave Mount Pleasant at 6:00, 8:00 and ll:2oani,
and 3 :25 p in, connecting with trains on Reading
Choster valley Railroad trains leave Bridgeport
at 8:30 am, 2:40 and 5:33 p m, returning, leave
Downlngtowu at 6:55a m, 12:30 and 5:40 pin, con
necting with trains on Reading Railroad.
On Sundays: leave New York at 6:00 p m., Phil
delphlaat 8:00 am and 3:15 p m, (the 8:00 am.
train ruunliia onlv tolieadiiiE.) leave l'otttvllle at
8:00 a m, leave Ilarrisburg at 6:00 a m and 2:00 p
leave Allentown at 4:35 and 9:35 p m; leave
dUm at 7 :15 a in. and 10:5o D 111. fol
burg, at 7 :00 a m, for New York, at 7 :20 a ni for
Allentown at 9:40 a ut and 4:15 pm. for Philadel
phia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex
cursion Tickets,- to aud from all points, at re
duced rates.
Baggage checked through: 100 pounds allowed
each Passenger.
Asst. Sunt. & Eng. Mach'ry.
Reading, Pa., August 1, 1872.
Pennsylvania R. It. Time Table.
On and after October 27th.
1872, Passenger
trams win run as iouows:
Harrlsburg Accom 12.24 P. M.; dally " ' Sunday.
Mail, U.20p.m dally except Sunday.
Pittsburgh Ex., 12.27a. ni.(llag)dally except Mond'y
Thro' Pass. 4.17 A. M. (ting) dally.
Way Pass. 8.46 A. M., dally, except Sunday.
Mail 2.42 p. ii. dally except Sunday.
Mixed 6.3d P.M., dally except Sunday.
J. J. BARCLAY, Agent.
P. 8. Mall
Oa and after Sunday. October 27th. 1872. trains
leave Duncaunou, as follows :
8.12 A. M., dally except Sunday
j ...... . .daily except Sunday
, dally except Sunday.
Mail,- 2.08 p.
Mixed, 0.58 P. M,
Pittsburgh Ex. (Hag) 12.08a. in., daily exept Sunday
Harls'burg Aocom 1Z59P.M., dally except Sunday
Mall 6.52 p. M " "
Cincinnati Express (Hag) 9.52 o. m. dally.
wai. v. innu, Agent.
Northern Central Railway.
Tlirouoh and Direct Smile to and from Washing
ton, jituumore, jumtra, jvrte, jjvjjtuo,
Hoclussterand Aiauara tXtUt. ,
SUNDAY, June 9th, 1872,
the trains on the Northern Central
il Railway
run as follows :
Leaves Baltimore, 8.30 a.m. I Harrlsburg, 1.25 p m
Willlauisport 6.20 p. m., and arr. at Klnilia, 10.30
Leaves Baltimore, 7.35 p.m. I Harrrsburg,4.16a.m.
Willlamsport, 7.45 a. m. Elmlra, 11.30 a. ni.
Leaves Baltimore 12.40 p. in. Harrlsburg 4.40 p.m.
at wiuiainsport s.i.ip.iu.,
Leaves ai.llairlsburg 12.56a. n.
livs. Baltimore 7.50 a.m., Harrlsburg 10.40 a. IB
Arrives at Cauandalgua at 7.40 p. in, ,
" Niagara, at 11.40 p. m.
Leaves Eunlra 5.40 a. iu. 1 Wllliumsport H.O.S a. ni.
Harrlsburg 2.15 p. in. f Ar. Baltimore at 6.30 p.m
Leaves Cauandalgua 4.30 p. m.. Eimira 8.10p.m.
VllllalilsiK)i t 11.15.11 in., ilarrisburg at 3.35 a. Hi.
Arrives at Baltimore aw.uo a.m.
I.vs. Erie at T.KO p. tu. Willlamsport at 8.00 a. Bi.
Lvs. Huubury 7.40 a. m., Ar. Harrlsburg 10.10 a.m.
Lvs. Harrlsburg 10.16 a.m., Ar.Baltimore 1.16p.ui.
Lvs I Elmlra 2.59 p. m
Wllltamspurl4.Np.m, sunni
iilmrv aao D. ill.
uarrisourg s.4up.iu.
I ar. Baltunore,11.50 p.m.
For further Information aiinlv at the Ticket
Office, Pennsylvania Railroad Deimt.
AL.I itcu a. x i.-inv,
Uenoral Biiperlnteadent.
SU?e Line Between Newport ana New
. ,, uerniauiown. ., . , ,
STAGES leave New Oermantown dally at four
o'clock a.m. Landisburg at 7-" Oreeu
park at 8 a.m. New Hloomileld at H,a. m. a
An-lvlng at Newport to eoiiuect with til A0
ommodailon train East.
Returning leaves Newport on the arrival Of the
Mall Train from Phlleipldapm
, Why Keep That Cough?
Wueil bottle of Roarer's Lung Balsam will
cure it. . It Is pleasant to take, aud mqra effec
tive than any other cough medicine. Try it.
For sale by F. Mortimer, New Bloomlleld, and
mott other stores in tin connty, t ' j.
. t 1 tl '., .