j&t fHoomfitllt imt0. Tuesday, November 5, 1872. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS We fnitffn com mil nicntonsrom all pertontwho art intertilled in matters properly belonging to (Art aejiarimcni. Wire for Plastering. A most ingenious dovice has recently been patented for the use of wire in forming a plastering surface. Tlio plan consists not in tlio use of any wire net-work ex pressly manufactured for the purpose, as migkt bo supposed, but simply in the fas tening of ordinary wire upon the posts, in plaoo of lath. The wire is passed from a roel and drawn tightly in parallel horizontal lines about half an inch apart. It is at tached to the standards by moans of two narrow strips of iron, one of which is nailed to the post, and another fastened in tlio same manner upon the first, the wires being held at equal distances apart between the iron strips. It would naturally bo supposed that plastering applied upon this wire would pass largely through, and fall off, but this docs not prove to bo the case, and the result of tho dovice is a solid wall of plas ter, through tho middle of which tho wires extend, holding it firmly. The cost of this plan is comparatively small, the work is rendered easy, and the result is what the inventor claimed for it a wall surface which is absolutely fire proof. Tho dovice is already being adopted with much success. Preserving Fniit. As the season is at hand for storing fruit 'for winter, we venture to remind our rea ders of a process in use by tho French for keeping it sound. Tho conditions are a dry cellar, out of tho reach of frost, and such a contrivance as will induce a current of air through the fruit. A barrel perforated at both ends and raised somo inches from tho ground in a dry cellar meets, the require ments. The philosophy of the process is in preventing the sweating of tho fruit, which induces decay, or, if it takes place, to arrest It speedily by the current of air. A suc cession of shelves the whole extent of the cellar wall, composed of laths, with spaces between, and boxed in front, six inches from the ground and six inches open at the top, would substitute tho perforated barrel on a larger Bcale, The shelves are better than the barrel, and for delicate fruit, like pears, which should not touch one another, are indiBpeusablo. By this means pears may be kept till they come again. And so of apples and sweet potatoes. With te. spect to grapes, the experiments have not been satisfactory. The French have tried different modes of suspending the bunches, but without any uniformity of result. A method of preserving grapes fresh and sound is still a desideratum. Blood and Lime Varninh. , The Chinese are said to make a varnish by beating together fresh blood with quick lime, which is extensively used as a coat ing for wooden articles which they wish to make completely water-tight. Yon Seller zer, who first introduced this substance to the notice of Europeans, says he has seen in Pekin wooden chests that had been var nished with it, which, after a journey over Siberia to St. Petersburg and back, were still sound and perfectly water-tight. Even baskets of straw, used for the transporation of oil, are made fit for the purpbse by means of this varnish. Pasteboard coated with it becomes, both in appearance and firmness, like wood. Articles requiring to be absolutely impervious are varnished twice, or at the most three times, by the Chinese. The preparation has been tested in various ways both in Europe and Aus tralia, and although it gives to vessels cov ered with it a rough, ugly red appearance, its use is recommended .as a sure means of making wood Impervious to water. Don't Waste Soap-suds. It; is well to have grape-vines planted so that the waste liquids from the wath-house can be used to fertilize them. If there is any food the vine especially loves, it is tho soapy liquids which accumulate on washing-days in families. Vines drenched every week with these liquids will flourish as tonishingly, and extend themselves so as to cover large buildings, every branch boaring fruit. A distinguished Ohio horticulturist Bays that his family of ten persons eat a ton of grapes, fresh and canned, during the year; and he thinks that not only does it pay in the matter health, but also in the saving of grocers' bills through the dimln ished desire for pastries and other rich food. .1 ,. To Remove the Taste of Sew M ood. - A new keg, eh urn, bucket or other wood. n vessel, will generally communicated a disagreeable taste to anything that is put into it. To prevent this inconvenience, first scald the vessel well with boiling water letting the water remain In it till cool.! Then dissolve some pearl-attb, Or soda, in the luke-warm water, adding a little bit of lime to it, and wash the vessel well with this solution. Afterward scald it well in plain hot water, and rinse it well before you use it. ' ' !. " . R. Re R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CUUK8 TUB WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR tfter feadlnr thin rvlvprtiwrnent need MY ont hDfkkk with pain, rad wats iibapy 13 a curk fob kvkky i'ain. It wn th flint nnd U Tlie Only XWii Ilomedy that .nuntr stopi th mont fxcniclttlnr nlh, ftllnyi IfilUmmftlionfl, anil curM Con gent Ionia whether of tlio Lung, Stomiwh. Uowls, or uiiier fUtutt or organi, by Oti ui -plication, IN FKO&t ONE TO TWENTY MINUTKS, net mutter ho- violent or excruciating th pain tli KHKUMATUJ, Bftd rlrUlpn. InHrm, Crippled, KerrOUf, KtMindtflo, or protrtU wltu UIm-bm) my uHVr. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WIIX AFFOW) INSTANT KASK. INFLAMMATION OF THK KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION Of THK BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE DOWELS. CONOKSTION OF THE MINOS. SOBS THROAT, IHKFII'ULT HKBATIIINfl, PALPITATION OK TUB HEART. HYSTERICS, CHUUP. Il 1'IITII Kltl A. CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTIIAPHE, NKI7RAL0IA, RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS, ACJUK CHILLS. TIib amillcatlun ofllie Rpnriy HeMef tothc part or jwta wlif ra Hit pain or dllUeulty cxlata wlU allonl caaa Ami comfort. Twi-ntr dron In half a tumbler tit watfr will In rw mnmnita enra CRAMI8, SPASMS, SOUK STOMACH, iniiirni. cum vjrirt M I B, r TAP in.PntJH r I A I II. KAKTIIUliN, SICK HEADACHE. D1AKKIIKA YSKNTKUY. COMO, WIND IN Tim 1IOWKLS. rid all INTERNAL PAINS. 1Y and Traveler ahouM alwnva carrv a hnttlA nf Vnmv'. Ready Krllfff with them. A few drops In water will . prevent Blukmua or pallia from change of water. It Is buLUr tliau French llraiidy or Itlttera aa a atlreulanU FEVKII AND AHIIK. FEVER AN1 AGUE cnreil for fifty ccnla. There la not a remodliil anint In thla world that will cure Fever and Akuo. and ull other Malarious, llllloua. Soarlet, Ty phoid. Yellow, and other Fevcra (aided by RADWAY'S PILLS) an qulek aa RADWAY'S READY 1IKUU'. Fifty centa par bottle. Sold by DniggUla. HEALTH fBEAUTY ! I BTTlONtt AND T-URE RICH BLOOD-INCREASE (IF FLESH AND WEIOIIT CLEAR SKIN AND 1IEAUT1FUL COMPLEXION bKOUKED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT ITAS MADE TUB MOST A8TONIRHINO OURESi 8 JtUrK, Ml ItAl'ID AUK THK t'HANOKS . THK Holtt rNUKlUiOKS. UNDKR THK IN KMTENCK OF THIS TRULY WOKULUFUI MKDKJINK, THAT Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the fiAKSAPARTMJAN RESC 17V. ENT comnitnitcatcH through tli Wowl, Bwent, Urine, and other flnlrti ami Juice of the iyirtcm the vljtor of life, (or It ratmlrn the wmLi-h of tlio btnly with new ami minti luaterUl. Scrofula, HvpliHIn, Omnuninllon, Olniidular flLwane, tT!cf n In tho Tlirwit, Mnit!i, Ttiniom, Nodt1 In tiie (i lands and otlier part rf the ayrtein, Hore Eyva htnimoua I)rH.'h:trKft fruni tlie Juirn, and tli m-orst forma nf 8k In tltoetcK'S, KrtiptinnH, Vcrer Borea, Braid Ileiid. Rlnx Wnriit, Hull IUietiiu, KrynipeliM, Acne, Black lSniia, Worms In the VWU, Tunion, tancem In tho Vnrtil, mid ull wruktiiUiK ind pulnfril dLsi-haritoa, Nipht (Sweat. I.nHn nf SMnn, nnd nil wnteof the Ufa prlncl jh t.rt' Mlhtin thit unrutlve ran ire irf tut wunder of .Mud em rituitihhy. and fuw days' line will ipivi tn any perfton ii-'iik it for eithtT vt Ihew futiw u( diaeiuM Itl potent pitwT to cure tlu-m. If the. iintlntt. didly bocomltia: wduewf hr tl-c wantet And lfC(in,iMHoii tint ttt coiittnually prrn-rtln, unc cecda hi anvntiiiK tlu-Kn w:urteii, and rialr Ibt A.ir.e wltli lii'w nril-Tl;tl tniuhi from he-.iltliv IiIimhU-uii tiii tl. HARAAI'AIIILLIAX will and doen netnre. N"t itiilv docn IIkj .M.itAFARt,l.!.rAM It IWi-.tTTT Mrel nil known renedlnl ajrvnta In tltw cure of ('In line, Hprfu loim, I'tniMIr itlonut, and hkln dljuurttn ; but . . U lueutily ptMltlve curu fur EtldEicy & lihiililvr ConiS:ilntf Vnnarv, and Womb dlnenp (Iravol. I:iln tea, Itronny. Htopiuaeof WuUt, Inconth.oricii f Crhie, HrUlit'a C Mv, AHninilniirm, niitl It. till cu.p wlii-r.' t litre ure hrk'k iltut di'iKwItfi, or the water U thick, cloudy, mlxef) with a:ilMttUK'i' Ks tho whit' of nit ctjC.or tlirfiU Hku white ailk. or liter.' I rt morbid, ilnrk. hlltmit upi'i'nrnnw.und white iHitie-dn.-it dvcortlta, uml whuii Hu-re 1h a prltklnir. tiiirnliif( Kfiiitiitlon when piiHhitf wntT, and pain In Uiu iiinil! of the Bu: iiud ulou tlio Lulua, 1'rlcc, tlx. VVORM3.-T!i only known and euro Remedy for If onut J m, 'J'upe, etc. Tumor or 19 Yean drouth Cured by Itndway'8 Rcaolvcnf. Bktrmly, Mam., July IS, IMA. Ta. RApwky i I htt h-vi Ovarlwi Tumor lu th ovmriw and bowail. All tti IMcton I4 " tittrm wu nu hlp for It." 1 111 vry thltajr tltt h iwHiiKcndHl j bat nothing he) pad at. your rU1'iit,iid thmiirhl I would try Ui Cut had no faith In It, benauf I had lufbrvd fur twlv ymn. I htok tlx bottlM of th KaMnWant, and on box of Kadway't PUli, and two bat tlaa of your KmuIt KlUf I and tharv la wt a tlrn of inirinr tm aa em or felt, and 1 fwl better, martar, and baiir than I hava for totilra yrar. The wont tumor waa In lh left alda of tbe bnwalt, ovf thj irroln. I wrlla tbla lo ju lor Ui iMnatlt l elbara. Vou can uubllab It If you cIioom. HANNAH P. KNAPP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly Uateteaa, elegantly coated with aweet rim. pnrifu, rcKUlitte, purify, ciennae, an I atn-nirthrn. Kjut wav'a I'Mla, for the viiro of till dlorU-rH of the htomaeh. Liver, B'twilft, KldiKiva, Illndder, Nervoua Dlseaaea. He.iulacliu, (iMti(tluii, t'oMtlveneai, Indl(teatlon, Itynna nln, IHIIoiitneaa llllloua Fever, Inflaminntlon or the Uowt-la. Mlcftnd nil Derail cement of tlie Internal Via cera. Warranted to effect a pfaitlvecure. Purely Vejrtta ble, rontalnhin no mercury, mliivralM.ordeletvrtouf Jnma. KIT Ohanrve the followlnj aymploma reaulUnf from Irlkurderaof Ui Digestive () rutins: Cotitl Ipatlnn, Inwarrl IllPt, FullnaM of tha Blood In tfia HaM, Acidity or lha Kiomach, Nauaaa. llaarltmrn, DUffMt of Koud, FnIUm or Walght la tha Ktomacb, Sour Erwlatlona, Slaklna; or rintuHat a4 tha Pit of tho fthiniarh, ftwifnmtn of Um liaarf, Hurried and Difficult Braathlni, Fluttorlna; at tba Haart, Chnklajr or HuoTucaltna; ftanaali'ina whan In a Lylntf I'oalara, Dlmnaaa wf Vltiim, IK-ta or Wabt Ufora tho ftla-ht, Fvar and Ill Pain la ibt Haad, Dltrlaay of Par.l ration, YlhwnM of tha Akin and Kvm, laln In lb ftlda, Cheat, Umba, and awldan Fliubao vt Ht, Btirnlng in tha Flrah. A few dnaea ff RADWAY'S PH.LS will fre the m--tern from nil the ahove-tia'i eil dl-onlera. lrutt, i cenli per hoi. BiH.O MY IHtirOdlHTrt, ItBAD "KAI.MK AND Tltt'E.'1 Rend on letter tauipto RADWAY A CO.. No. 87 Maiden Lane, Nuw Vork. lufuruialtou wurth tliuuaauda will Ixiwut you. Professional Cards. CHAKLEa II. BMILEV, Attorney at Law. Mew Uloomlleld, Perry Co. Pa, M. Office with C. A. Harnett. Esq., next door to Mortimer's store August 20, 1872 JAMES H. FEKOIT80N, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomneld, Perry county, Pa. aT Office with Hon. C. J. T. Mcluttre. 34 6 VTTM. A. BPONHLEH, Attorney-at-Law, T Office adjoining Ms residence, on Fast Main street. New Dlooiuneld, Perry co Pa. S ly CHA8. A. BAKNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New IHoomneld, Perry co.. Pa. Office adjoining Mortlaier' tttore. 3 2 ly BP. McINTIKE Attorney at Law, and Pis- trlct Attorney of Perry county. Office with J. T. Molutlre, New Ulooinneld, Penn'a. LJCWIS POTTF.lt, ATTOHNBT-aT-LaW & NOTART PODUO, New Bloomneld, Perry Countu, I'enn'a. Hueclal attention given to Collections of all kinds, to tlie settlement of estates, &c, and all other legal business prosecuted with fidelity and dispatch. Also, Depositions, AfUiUvlts and Ao knowleilirnients taken. M-OOice nvedoors West of 8utch'shotel.-821y. JBAILY, Attorney at Law. , New ttionmneld, PerryCo., Pa. " Office opposite the Court House, and two doors east of the Perry County Bank, itefers to B. Molntlre, Esq. June 27, 1871. TOHN O. BHATTO, Burgeon Dentist. 1 New Ulooinneld, Perry eo., Pa. tfstrv All kinds of Mechanical and Humlcal Den prloes.doneinthebeatmanner, and at reasonable .umce at nis rewinenee, opposite the Keioriu. ed Church, on High Street. 821v WM. M. BUTCH. ,i ... ATXOWN KYATLAW. New liloomtield, Perry eo Pa. aaTOmce Two doors West of C Mortimer Btore 3 7 ly CLEE MURRAY. 1 Attorney-at-Law, i Centre Hiiuare, New HliMMiineld, Perry oo., Pa. V All business entrusted to his care Will re eelve prompt attention. 3 t( UA8. J. T, McINTIKE, Attorney-at-Law, S now .jmss.iii urjiu, a ci j vui a All proffttmlonal butiutiM iiyxuytly audOaitb- XITM. N. BEIBKRT, Attorney-at Law, y New Bloouineld, Perry eo,, Pa. Photographs t if. J.B ' . , JACOB COBLE, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, VENN' A. milE tlborlbpr would rMnnptfiillw r.n fha at. X tentlon nf the rltlna nf thla pnnntv tn tl.a fact that he l prepared to take PHOTOGRAPHS in viia ix-Bi nij id 01 1 ue art. mis long experience .iiauicD iiiiu bVJilvllllua PICTURES WHICH CANNOT BE ' EX CELLED. AH persona are requested to call at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and Rreat care will lie taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children. Framing material and a good assortment of frames always on hand, and for sale at low prices. JACOB COBLE, Artist, Newport, Ferry Co., Pa LEBANON Mntnal Fire Insurance Company, OF JoiiOHtown, Fcnn'a. POLICIES TERPETUAL at Low Rates. No Hteam risks taken. This in one of the best conducted and most reliable Companies In the Btnte. Conntry proerty insured Perpetually at M 00 per thousand, and Town property at $6 00 per thousand. LEWIS POTTER, NEW BLOOMF1ELD, PA.. 4 16 Agent for Ferry County. UNITED STATES HOTEL, Cbr. .FuHon, Water and Pearl SU.N.Y. THIS well known favorite hotel has recensly been renovated,, remodeled and furnislwd new and elegantly thraghout. It is kept on the European plan, and has ample accommodations tor four hundred guests. The location is more accessible to all parts of New York and Brooklyn than any other house lu tlie city. The Broadway Htitges pass tlie hotel every three minutes, besides various lines of Btreet Cars, one of which Intersects every other route In New York. It being but two blocks from Fulton Ferry, makes it convenient for those wishing to visit tlie " City of Churches," as from this ferry diverge iHl theprlnclpal Kuilroad routes In tlie city of Brook lyn. (O.Wp) GEO. N. TERKY, Proprietor. B BnuLEit. B. M. SliULEB S. SHULER & SON, LIVERPOOL, ' Perry County, Pa., Dealers In all kinds eC 1 Hardware, Groceries, &c. All goods In our line sold at the lowest price Give us a trial. 6 44 HU JN8URE IN THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. F. 8. Winston, President. The oldest and strongest Comnnnv In the TTnltaH States. AsseU over tto,000,000 In cash. 8. M. SHULER, Agent. S 44 13t. Liverpool, Pa. THERC IS H0TH1NG LIU IT I0 Fains, Sores, Wounds and Lameness. . BUY: IT!. TRY IT! FoXRheumatism, ''. '. Use Pain Cur Oil. For afuraigia,.? Vv Use Pair Cs OiL For FeV Sore, '. . Use Pain JTure Oil. For Chow Morbus, Use PairUare Oil. tot sprain Use M) Cure Oil. Use Rir) Cure Oil. Usaii) Cure Oil. Uaf Pain Cure Oil. For Headach ror bruises, . For Corns aqd Bu MS, ror Any sore, Pain Curt Oil. For Jny Lanjeneas, Etsbt Botti, Use Paii) Curt OiL iaauma, And we ehalUnn tliyvv'orld pruaucs ns equal. Uaaa tlterilljr aud HI rnaliy lor Aik for PAIIfjUBB OIL. TaaVne otW. t WS 7AKKABT IT TO 01 It la not Watering preparation, but aifTT i mun pue vagatabia una, uarrja, ana f and la olaan and aafa to tu. Bold fs all Cruggiala and Itaalara in Medkiil PBKE, OO CElfltk McCLURE EATON, PmnirrmC aaaWUacVa, Dally Express and Freight Line BETWEEN , DLOOMFIELD & NEWPORT! THEsubscrlberwtshes to notify the citizens of Ulooiuliuld and Newport that he is running a I mil v Llue bet ween these two nlaces.and will haul Freight of any kind, or promptly deliver packages or messages entrusted to his care. uOroers may be left fur him at the stores of r. Mortimer s t;o., rew uioomneia, or MiiiigB susser, newpori, ra. J. 8. WHITHOBK. Bloomtteld, January 28, 1870. A, BPtKNIil-p. I BHOBTMEWm VL,HiiVlJLJ Ol.BBOU'i'UJtM X D RYpGOODCJ RY-GOODO Suited to tho Season, . Are Now Offered for Bale by : t. xoiTDos..' Photographs ! Hook Agents Great Industries OT THE UNITED STATES An Historical Bnmmary of the Origin, Growth and Perfection of the Chief Industrial Arts of this Conntry. 1300 Pages and 500 Engravings. Written by 20 Eminent Authors, Including John B. Gough, Leon Case, Edward Howlnnd, Jos. B. Lyman, Rev E. Edwin Hall, Hor ace Greeley, Philip Ripley, Albert Bris Bane, F. B. Perkins, Etc., Etc. This work Is a complete history of all branch cs of Industry, process of manufacture, etc., In all ages. It Is a complete encyclopedia of arts and manufactures, and the most entertain ing and valuable work of Information on sub subjects of general Interest ever offered to the public. It is adapted to the wants of the Merchant, Manufacturer, Mechanic, Farmer, Student and Inventor, and sells to both old and young of all classes. The book Is sold by agents, who aro making large sales tn all parts of the country. It Is offered at low price of 3 50, and is the cheapest book ever sold by subscription. No family should be without a eopy. We want Agents lu every town In the United States, and no Agent can fall to do well with this book. Our terms are liberal. We give our agents the exclusive right of territory. One of our agents sold 188 copies In eight days, another sold 868 in two weeks. Our agent In Hartford sold 887 In one week. Specimens of the work sent to agents on receipt of stamp. For circulars and terms to agents address the publishers. J. B. BURR & nTDE, Hartford, Conn., Chicago, 111., or Cincinnati, Ohio. 6 41 ly BLATCIILEY'S Improved CtTCUMBKIt WOOD PUMP, Tasteless, Durable, HI llclent and Cheap. The best Pump for the leant money. At- rlll xn. "no" i esiwciiiny inviiea 10 ;l k Hlatchley's Patent Improved 1' I LJU I Bracket and New Drop Check j'i'w Valve, which can be withdrawn without removing the Pump or disturbing the Joints. Also, the Copwr Cnamlwr, which never cracksor scales, and will outlast any other. Por sale by Dealers everywhere. Bend for Catalogue ana Prlce-I.ist. CHAS. O. BLATCHLKY. Manufacturer. e 37 ly &3 Commerce St., Philadelphia, l'a. Bloomilold Academy! An English and Claxnical School FOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Young Men Prepared For College. A Normal School and a School of Art SUMMER TEKM COMMENCES On Monday, the 2U or August, 1872. AS the above school has recently been re-organ Ized, students can eirter any time. Prof. WM. H. DILL, a graduate of Kutgcr's Col lege, N. J., Principal. , Miss SARAII LIFE, will teach Music and Draw- Every facility for the training of the youth of both sexes In all that constitutes a liberal and thorough education. The Collegiate Department embraces all the higher branches, Including the Latin and Greek Language, Engineering, Practi cal Surveying, Literature, Natural Science and ad vanced Mathematics. Vacations: July and August, and one week at Christmas. Terms: For Boarding, Furnished Room, Wash ing, Tuition in Latin, Greek, English Itrancheaaud Mathematics, for the scuolastlu year, I1S0. In vacations. 200,00. 1 ' ' The Hoarding Department Is at the Institution, under the supervision of WiHam drier, Esq., by whom good and substantial board will be fur nished: and the pupils will be under the strict care of the Principal. Address W. H. DILL, A. M. Principal, or WILLIAM Git IKK. U 1 (New Blooiunuid, Porry county, Pa. Boots r Boots I t A Fill Aasortroeatof ; THE CELEBRATED YORK BOOTS, Hand or Machine Sided, Whole Stock Double Hole and Warranted to Give Entire Satisfaction, Manufactured and For Sale to the Trade by M. S. SPAHR, YORK, PA. A full Assortment of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Constantly on Iland. aTftiecfal Attention Paid to Orders. ' 6133i. , : To HllOCilllfllcOl'H. FT1HB subscriber keep constantly on hand, a jl. rinn AonuAiAir.ni ur FRENCH CALF SKINS, .FINK LININGS, ROANS, MO It 0 CC0 S, SHOE THREAD, PEGS, AWLS, and a general assortment of articles used by Shoe u4v. a. MORTIMER. PERRY HOUSE, " New Bloouiflield, Pa. THE subscriber having purchased the property ontheoornerof Maine and Carlisle streets, opposite the Court House, Invites ail his friends and former customers to give him a eall as he Is determined to furnish Br si class accommodations. THOMAS HUTCH. ltf. , Proerleter. AUCT10NEKKIN0.1. I. FINK wiliest tend to orylng sales at all times. Having had considerable experience, he flatters himself that be can give satisfaction to all Call at the Union Lumber Mills, lu Hit twu.. or address, . . 0. 2. PINK. . 6 5 lypd Duucannon. Pa. SAI.L KINDS of Printing neatly xeouted at the " Huwairiaui Iimm" Stum Jo Ornva. ,,, , Ill ITEW, YORK . CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OF KEW YOKIT, STlilCTL Y M VTUAL t ArHOt,8.",:KW,HU OT ISSfEH all the new forms of Policies, and pre-si-nts as favorable teriifs asanv conmanv in tha United States. Thll'tv davs' irraee Rllnwed nn nih D.vm.nl aiA the policy held good during tliat time. ' Policies Issued by this Comnanv are non-forfeit. ure. No extra charges are made for traveling permits. Pollcv-hnlders share In the nnnniil nrniiianf tho. Company, and have a voice In the elections autt management oi uie company. No policy or medical fee charged. Jl'stu Lawkkncb, Pres't. M. 11. Wimkoop, Vice Pres't. J. P.110GEK8, Sec'y. J. tT. JSATl. - . . Ueneral Agent, No. 8 North T li Ire Sttreet. s ' 4.29 yl College lllock,, Harrlsburg, Pa. Incorporated by Vie (hurt nf Chmmnn Pleat, in 18(i9; by the Lefllaturerin 1871. The l'emiMvlvuiiia Central Insurance Company OF POTTSVILLE. PA. Capital and Assets, $156,000. Premium Notes, 100 000 00 Promissory Notes 50.000 00 Cash premiums due or col lected for tbe year 1871, 98,028 00 Cash premiums duo or col- lected for the first three months of 1872, 1,800 00 Cash from other sources and agents 1,300 00 Judgmeut Bonds In Com- paily's office, 1,100 00 Total Cash $9,123 00 . - ' Total cash and note assets, April 1st, 1873 1156,128 00 JAMES n.GRIEK, JOIIN D. HADE8TY, Secretary. President. DIRECTORS i John D. Hndcsty, A. P. Helms, Benjamin Tcter, A. Sutermeister, James II. Gricr, . F. Jungkurt, Elias Miller. AGENTS i It. II. Hill, Edward Fox, John A. Kablo, Ed ward Wesley, Charles F. Deibert, Wm. R. Griffith. E. F. Jungkurt, General Agent. Arraugcmouts havo been niado with other Irst-class companses to re-lusuro risks taken on the cash plan in such amounts as desired Liberal commission allowed agents, and ex clusive territory, If desired. This Company confines Itself to fire insuranso exclusively. ' OFFICII No. 191 CENTRE ST., POTTSVILLE, PA. ,' NOTICE. Tha Home Reserve force of The Penn sylvania Central Insurance Company ol" l'ottsville, Pa., will be lu Perry county in. considerable force, and act aa the Com pany's Agents until a full line of Local Agents can be appointed when tho reserve force will be recalled. JAMES IL GRIER, Bco'y of Pa. Central Ins. Co. :' IiiMin-uiioo Notice. On and after the tenth day of April, 1872, The Home Reserve force of Insur ance Agents belonging to "The Pennsylva nia Central Insurance Company" will leave Pottsville in heavy force, and occupy ten different counties of the State, where they will continue to act as the Company's Agents until a full line of Local Agents can be appointed, when they will be recallod. As a body of men, I believe they are supe rior Insurance Agents, and most of them speak the Knglish, French, Welsh and Ger man Languages. The City Insurance Journals, with all their sneers at Mutual Companies, and continual cry of Fraud t Fraud I ! &c, cannot muster any better In surance material 1 Why don't the City In surance papers tell the public that no Mu tual Company broke or failed during tho last ten years? Why don't they tell the public that more than half the Stock Com- fmnios started within tho last ten years lave? It is a well-known fact that Mutual Companies cannot fail. JAMES II. GRIER, Secretary of Pennsylvania Central Insur ance Company. 0 10 Now Carriage Manufactory , Om Hiou Stbebt, East or C&rmsli St., New Bloomfleld, renn'a. 1 THE subscriber has built a large and commodi ous Shop on High St., Fast of Carlisle Street, New Ulooiutleld, Pa., where he Is prepared to num. ufaeture to order Ca r f i a, g- o n , Of every description, out of the best material. , , Sleighs of erery Style, , built to order, and Bnlshed In tbe most artUtlo and durable manner. Having aunerlnr workmen, lie I prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at much more reasonable rates. WKKPAIB1MO of all kinds neatly and prompt ly dons A sail Is solicited. , . SAMUEL SMITH lit!