bt Ioomfitlb fmts. Tuesday, November 6, 1872. LOCAL D EVA 11 T SI 15 N T. NOVEMBER. Su. Mo. Tu. Wo. Th. ' JFr. 8a. ..." ..." .;. j 1 2 3-4 6 6 7 8 9! 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29130 1 - " U 1 H H 55 0 2 8 Runaway. On Tuesday afternoon last, a Lome attached to a buggy containing Hev. A. II. Augh, and wife, of Newport, was scared by the cars, near Newport, and ran away. The occupants were thrown out and Mr. Augh, was considerably Injured, but his wifo was more fortunate. The horse ran nearly to this borough, boforo he stopped. The vchlclo was but little in jured. v Fire at Newport. On Friday afternoon the house belonging to Mr. Josiah, located at the aqueduct about j of a mile above Newport, took fire as is supposed from sparks from a locomotive, and was partly destroyed. The most of the con tents of the building were removed. There was an insurance we are informed, of 1100 on the premises, in the .tna company. Arm Broken. On Monday last a young lady from Perry county, got in the wrong train at York and did not find out her mis take until after it started. Without await ing tho stoppage of the train, she jumped from the car and fell, injuring her wrist badly. On hor arrival at this- place, nn ex amination of her injuries was made and her arm was found to be fractured. The young lady, a guest of Mr. John Detwilor residing south of this place, is at present, doing well. WrighltvilU Star. Terribly Injured. On the 23d ult., a young man named Howard Cook, son of Thomas Cook, proprietor of a Steam Tan nery, in Liborty Valley, was badly injured by being caught by a bolt which was run ning at a rapid rate. The young man w carried around the shaft, a number of times before the machinory could be stopped. At each revolution of the shaft, the lad's logs struck the coiling with groat force, fracturing both thighs. One arms was so badly tore that amputation was nocossary. At the time our informant left there, which was four days after the amputation, there was fair hopes that the boy would recover. Church Dedication. Tho Bloom field Presbyterian church will dedicate its en larged church building on next Sabbath. On Saturday, at CJ P, M. Rev. Mr. Moeker, of Dauphin, will deliver'tlie preparatory locture. On Sabbath, at 10J A. M. Rev. Dr. Erskiue, of . Ncwvillo, will preach the dedication sermon, and at . S P. M. will bo communion, and baptism. . Rev. M. Thom son, of Duncannon, and Rev. Mr. Edgar, the pastor, administering baptism, Rev. . Mr. Norcross, of Carlisle, assisted by Rev. Mr. Titus, of Newport, preaching the com munion sermon.' The services of the day, will close by an evening sermon to Young Men by Dr. Erskiue, at 7J P. M. ' , - Sudden Death. On Thursday evening last, Mr. George Wagner; of Spring twp., diod very suddenly. Mr. W. was , passing Mr. Comp's shoe shop, and stopping a few momonta , to talk with him, remarked that he felt bad and thought some wator would make' him feel better. lie accordingly went into tho shop and sat down and put some water on his head, .. but instead of fooling, better, i continued to grow worse and in a few moments died. ' Mr. Wagner, was up to the hour of his death, in appar ently good health.: lie was a man aged about 05 years. - ' j : 1 " The llorso Disease.--lu speaking of this disease Mr. Berg gives tho following opin ion as, to treatment; .That the. disease is influenza, in an aggravated form, seems to be self-evident,' and the remedies usually employed in the treatment of the human patient are found to be the most service able in Ithe case of the horse. Cotnplote rest, warm ' blankets; non-exposure to draughts of all disinfectants, and total ab sence of bleeding and prostrating cathar tics, s, a rule, should be, adopted. Twenty or thirty drops of tincture of iron in a gill of rum,' diluted with water, and given every fourhour,iu enter to presorve the strength of the horse, and the tincture of arnica will produce relief, A plaster bound around the the "throat, composed of one ; portion of Cayenne pepper and two of flaxseed, mixed with vinegar is fcxoolleut: I Frequently re move the fetid discharge from the nostrils, always using warm water. Another: Per fect rest,- eieati 'stable', tempting diet, and stimulating liniment applied to the throat. Another remedy is rest, .comfortable; bed ding, bandaging the- extremities," fumiga tions of botlinfj wawr, tu assist tie discharge at Uie-uuMV Wlu tiohgl'.mixwneiitf lioorioe root molasses. Administer oriics"'and stimulants rf aMclftef.fails and weakness ensues. u' '.' Court rroroedlnpt. Court convened this borough,' on Monday, ' the 28th ult, All the Judges present. The following proceedings were had i 1 v 'v-, "Common Pleas. ' Newport Planing Mill Co.: vs. John D. Baker, et al. , This was a case testing the legality' of a Mechanic's Lion . entered against a building which the defendant al leged was owned by his wifo. Verdict against John I). Bakor and Barbara E. Ba ker for $306.01).' Mclntire & Graham for defendant and Sponslor& Neilson for plain tiff. ; , , . . . John Hcnch vs. Samuel A. Garland. This was an action in trespass against the dft. who had seized upon and sold property of plff. in the collection of school tax, which the plff. alleged was illegal. Verdict for dft. Sponsler & Graham for plff. Barnett, Mclntire & Smiley for dft. On petition of Jacob Freet, constable of Watts township, representing that the West branch and Husquehanna canal company have raised tho water in their canal by reason of which they have over flowed the public road, leading along Bald canal in the East end of said township, making it almost impassible. Mandamus awarded commanding said company to put said road in propor repair. Quarter Session's. Commonwealth vs. Joel Sharpe. Indict ment for perjury. Verdicb not guilty. Mclntire and Sponsler for Commonwealth. Barnett & Potter for defendant. Commonwealth vs: John W. Baker. Indicted upon the information of Geo. W. Matchett for the crime of Arson. After hearing the evidence upon the part of the Commonwealth, this case was settled by the parties. Barnett . & Potter for Com. Sponsler & Graham for defendant. Com. vs. Edward Miller. Indictment assault and battery. Not a true bill and Adam AVithorow tho prosector sentonced to pay the costs. Com. for use of Chisholm & Penncl. vs. Abner Vanfossen, administrator of Cornel ious Baskins, deed. Sponsler & Mclntire for plff. Barnett & Selbort for dft. This action was brought to recover certain money alleged to tho hands of dft. Verdict for commonwealth for $3,000 and that there is due to Chisholm & Pcnnol $048.28. AitauMENT List. ; Com. vs. Samuel C. Grior. Indictment for selling liquor to minors and found guilty at the lost term of court. A motion was mado for a new trial. Tho motion was ovorruled and sentence suspended and dft. to pay the costs. Jonathan Clousor administrator and Elizabeth Clouser administratrix of Mich ael Clousor deed. vs. Samuel Klinepetor. Summons in debt and tried at last court, which resulted in verdict for the plff. for $432. Upon motion for new trial the plff. accepted judgment for $210 and new trial refused. ' Cases Settled. " ' Jno. W. Baker by his father vs. Edward Matchett. An action brought for slander. Settled by tho parties. i i .li 1. bimons, et. ux. vs. Joseph Jt hck- ingor. An action for slander. Nolle. Probequib. By leave of court nolle., pros, wore enter ed in the following cases: Com. vs. Geo. Asking. Indictment Assault and battery. Com. vs. Samuel Taylor. Fornication and bastardy. 1 1 i Cora. vs. Jacob Gutshall. Fornication and bastardy. Com. vs. Thomas Spring. Surety of tho peace. . i Com. vs. John McMurray. Seduction, fornication and bastardy. , , Com. vs. II. Clary Jones. Fornication and bastardy. "' Com. vs. Margaret Brindle. Surety of peace. .Com, vs. .Leah J. Koch. Surety of the peace. Com. vs. Abraham Fry. Assault and battery. Com. vs. Riley Brink. ' Fornication and bastardy. . , . ., , ., . , Bills Ignored. - ' ' ' ' Com. vs. Shuman Miller. Assault and battery, tho prosecutor Henry Faust to pay the costs. Com. vs. Ilattle Young. Fornication, County to pay the costs. . ; : :' EWVfo always find something of more than ordinary interest within the bright pages of our Illustrated Christian Weekly.. Two weeks ago it gave us among other good things, tho finest por trait, on wood, of Ilenry Ward Bcechor, ever published. , This week it gives a touch ing picture illustrating a common phase of city life, entitled, "The Lost Child." Another vory important article Is the report of Anthony Com stock, showing what one man has done to suppress the trade in li centious literature : In New York city dur ing one year. a , . . . ... Cash Wanted ! Notice is hereby given to thoso owing mo money, that I need it. Attention to this notice will save trouble and cost. 8. If. BECK. The Mite Society of tho Presbyterian congregation will meet this week, at Judge Juiikin's, on Thursday evening. Va 21 pound wild turkey was served up at the Kobiusou House, on Saturday last. If there is anything nice to be had Amos is Htirn in crftt ifc. uon i rpao) a Dorrpweu iimeb, any lon ger when you can got it from now until the 1st or January 1B74 tor $1.20. ..!. u ' At Carlisle on Sabbath evoning week, a nttie son of bneriir Jacobs full into a buck etof hot water and scalded Itself severely. Two engines triod to pass each other ou the same track last week above 1 'Carlisle. iThft result was, two damaged engines, but- no one hurt, 1 , t ,; , ..; ; , -i ' f i- :' " i . i ' i t. i(t I j A California 'man can walk twenty-seven (miles In a straight line without going off Of !hhk .ftwpj property. rival adds, "Socan j we, we bought our boots, nd pait, i Ibis them-.,,,rv-' " ' The Cumberland Valley Cohforcnoe : of the West Pennsylvania Synod of the Luth eran church, will meet at Boilings Springs, Cumberland county, on Monday evening, November 11. A woman, who has been roading in the papers that Sunday marriages are illegal, writes to the papers to know how it is with a baby born on a Sunday. If so, which should be punished the father, the moth er, or the baby ? "A fashionable belle was promonading tho streets, when she attracted the atten tion of an old colored gentleman, who was at work when she passed him. The old darkey stopped his work, and gazed in tently at her until she turned the comer, when, more in pity than in admiration, he soliloquized thusly: "Wonder what is dot she got on her back ? I speck she's gwine to de springs to get cured. It's a pity for her she's deformed dat way. She's a pur ty gal 1" Huntingdon is to have a steam Fire En gine. $100.00 Reward! The above sum will be paid to any per son or persons who will give Information of tho whereabouts of HENRY HEINISII, a Gorman; about 5 ft. 9 inches in height, dark complexion, and about 50 years of age who has been missing from his home in Rays Cove, '' near Bloody Run, Bedford County, Pa., since the 25th of August. It being suspicioned that he has made way with himself or been foully dealt with, it is to be understood that the above reward will also be paid for the rocovory of his body. SIMON SLEIGIITER, t3F" On Monday morning of last week a man was arrested, by Chief of Police Westbrook, near tho Gas Works, Allon town, on suspicion of being tho person who had stolen the watches from Shannon's jewelry store. At tho time of his arrest he had in his possession two watches which it was ascertained had been stolen nt Har risburg. On being taken to the jewelry store, he was immediately identified by Mr. Shannon's clork and a colored man who saw him escape. Ho was taken to jail. tW According to the Paducah Nem, the latest " dodge" in the market lino is larded corn meal or com meal larded. The new articlo of commerce is sold for lard, and is composed of about equal quantities of genuine lard and fino white meal. The process of manufacture is to melt the lard and then add the meal, Btirring tho mix ture well together. The compound can be easily detected by its rough or grainy ap pearance. , . HTAs some beef cattle were being driv en through south A street, Virginia City, Nov., the other day, a large ox just in ad vance of the driver disappeared, tail fore moBt, into the ground. An examination showed that theio was an old mining shaft that had been abandoned years ago, and the mouth covered with planks, and theso covered with dirt. The planks had become rotten, and under the weight of the ox had given way, letting him down to a depth of 500 feet. , . t". Last week a lady, living at Oyster Point, near New Haven, left her baby daughter, two years of age, on the floor for a moment to go , VP stairs, and during that single moment the infant was snatch ed away by some 1 unknown person who stole in at the front door and murdered it, the body being thrown into the well where it was subsequently discovered. No clue has been got to the perpetrator. , An in sane uncle is suspected. . ttiincMM iNtlconl f Take Notice. Thoso wanting Tomb Stonos or Marble AVork of any , kind, will please take notice that as my stock is too heavy, I am now offering work for a short time at 10 per cent, lesa than regular prices. Now is tho time for bargains. Orders re ceived either at the Newport or Bloom field Yard; , . A. V. Hombach. y 40tf Ureat Industries of the United States" is the title of - one of tho most remarkable books published. It is a library in Itself, as it gives Information on the subject of all the Industries of this country, i The whole book is admirably arranged and abounds in illustrations. It is sold only by subscription but cnu be obtained for noth ing as will bo soon,' by ' reference to our "club rates." ,' .. tf A History of Perry . County . begining with tho Indians and early settlements and continuing to the present. Containing a complete record of their names and the part borne by her sous in all the wars from 1775 to' 1805. together with the ' Educational, .Geological, Botanical, Natural tho Political and Statistical his tory of tho county and an alphabetical ap pendix by ProfV Silae Wright. This book , will be a 12nio, bound in cloth, illustrated with cuts expressly designed and prepared for it, and contain about 250 pages. It will be delivered to subscribers in the county after the first week in November by Mr. Daniel 1'leisher, Newport, Pa., at $3. per copy.. ' . . ' i : ? All persons out of the county can have the book delivered to them, by inclosing $2. to the author at Millerstown, Perry county, Ponn'a. ' 1 " .. ." Cheap' Life Insurance. The , cheapest maimer in which Life Insurance can be had is to take ft policy i the IJnited Bretberen AU Booiety. 'Pull detatts'or their way of insuring will be found in our advertising columns. The agent for the society In this county, is Wm. Mi Hutch, 'EsiL of New Bloomfleld,f ip whom applications should be made. I Tliis ,U the , ouina.iiy from wliioli the family lf Mr. IC N.'wnils. of this place re ceived $iW0 after fiavliig paid only $0 the account of wlikh altt"d in-tlie Times of October Utb.'l'-v''' li tf The Tide of Emigration Turned ! Seokers for new homes are pom ing into Southwest Missouri, attracted by the cheap Lands of the ATLANTIC & PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. ' ' This Company offers 1,200,000 Acres of the finest land in the world, at from $2 to $12 per acre, on seven years' time, and with free trasportatinn to all purchasers. This Road, NEVER BLOCKADED BY SNOW, is destined to become the national highway hotweon NEW YORK and SAN FRANCISCO ; and to the industrious farm ers of older States wo earnestly recommend this land of cheap homes, sure that no where can tho poor mnn find a more grate ful cllmato, a hotter soil, or greater pro ductiveness. For full information, with Maps and Pamphlets, address: AMOS TUCK, Land Commissioner, 25 South Fourth Street, St. Louis. tf. Good Building Brick. The subscriber has now on hand at his yard in Tyrone twp., near tho Poor Houso, over one hun dred thousand bricks. The bricks Bre of superior quality and will be sold at the lowest market prico, dolivered to any point in the county. JACOB T. KLING. Sack Flannels. A lot of now and pretty stylos of Sack Flannels, have just been re ceived by F. M ortimer. Thoro are cheap too. tSTPain Cure Oil is sold by all Druggists and Merchants everywhere. Every family should keep a supply for timely use for it is the Best Remedy in the world. Spccr'g Wines. The Port Grape especially deserves mention for Its superior medicinal qualities. Mr. Bpecr ofNewJorsey, it should bo known, Is one of the most extensive producers and dealers in Pure Wines and Brnndlei In the United States. He has placed before the American public a superior quality of Wine. Jt is bottled when four years old, and sold principally by Drug gists. TO CONKUMPTIV1CS. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that (I rend disease, consumption, by a simple remedy, Is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To nil who desire It, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and usliiKthe same, which tliev will find a sure cure for consumption, asthma, bronchitis, etc. l'artles wishing the prescription will please nddress (1 y Kev. KDWAltl) A. W1I.HON, M l'enii St., Williamsburg, N. Y. County Price Current. HI.OOMFIELO. Novemlicr 8, 1872. Flax-Seed 1 eu Potatoes, 60 Butter ft pound 18 20 cents. Eggs V dozen 20 Dried Apples V pound 4 cts " Dried reaches 8 10 cts.V. Pealed Peaches 12 18 cts. " Cherries 5 cts. " " Pitted 15 18 cts." Blackberries 6 6 ots. " Unions fl bushel T5 " NEWPOKT MARKETS. Corrected Weekly by Kough, Snyder it Co. DEALERS TH GRAIN PRODUCE. Newport, Novemlier 2, 1872. Flour, Extra 8S 00 " Super. '. 8 00 White Wheat V bu 1 60 Red Wheat 1 CO 91 00 Rye 70 Corn S5aM Oats V 32 pounds 35 Barley 75 Clover Seed 4 60 Timothy Seed 3 60 Flax Seed 1 60 Potatoes 40 Ground Alumn Salt 1 90 Llmeburner's Coal 2 40 Stovo Coal 460(3560 Pea Coal, S 00 Smith Coal, 25 cts. V bus. Cross Tles,8i feot long, 45 45 cents FISH, SALT, LIME AND COAL, Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the Lowest Market Rates. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLY. CarlUle, November 2, 1872. Family Flour, 18 00 Superfine Flour t O Superfine Rye Flour. , 4,50 White Wheat, 1.65 Red Wheat, 155 Rye ..i. ; 05 Cora...........' 62 Oats, i 37 Cloverseed, fi.25 Tlmothyseed , 3.00 Flaxseed,...'. 1.60 Philadelphia Price Current. Corrected Weekly by Janney t Andrewt, -No. 123 Market street. y ' f uilaiieli'UIA, Novemlicr 1, 1872. White Wheat II 90 & 2 00 Wheat 1 66 O 1 80 Rye 7ti80 Corn,.. 03OC4' Oat 42848 f Clover Seed,.... ,. 9910perlb, t' Timothy Seed 2 768 8 75 . Flaxseed 1 95 2 05 Country Lari,v.. I Q 0$ Eggs i 31 32 Butter, dull sale'.,... 11 15 ' Washed Wool, ..67. 03cents per lb. MAXIH.IAGH18. Bchaeffer Biemboweb In Duncannon, October 15th, 1873, by Rev. W. Thomson, Mr, John Bchaeffer of Trout Run, Pa., to Mies Ella Blcrbowor, of Duncannon, Pa. Miller Heck At Newvllle. Pa., on the 17th ult., by Rev. J. A. Clutz, Mr. Andrew Mil ler to Mies Kllza J. Heck, both of this couoty. ..'.BHA-rna' "" ' ; Laird In this borough on the 80th ult., Mary E. daughter of Jumea P. and Maggie K. Laird, aged 1 year, 6 months and 7 days. . i " Suffer little children to eome unto me, and foW bid thein not, lor of such Is the kingdom of lleuv en." Dkhiok In till borough on the 20th ult.,' after a lingering Illness, Mr, George Derlck, aged 45 years and 15 days. ', Suatto In this borough, on Sunday evonlng' last, Mrs. Hetty, wife of Dn John O. Bhatto, aged UH years, 8 months' and 23 days.' Bbe leaves a loving husband and ten children to mourn upr hn. ,;! . , r -if J IIamett-Ib Muryivillo on the Hth ult., Tom-J my j. lorunt son or 'James M.. nd Ullss naney, uged 27 days. ; ( " me kiss but oixva th ringlet . . . Hevered from Ills anuullirnw. ' '"- '' Jiist before lie smiled and left us. ,.', J Take It for I'm weeping now." ' " V. T. I , Nev Ailvertiacmcntii, , K f n tOf per dnyl Agents wanted! All VJ W v classes of working people, of either sex, young or old, make more money nt work for us In their spare moments or all the time than at anything else. Particulars free. Address O. W1INSON & CO., Portland, Maine. 4fr4w BOOKK EEPING Made Eav. Every clerk and merchant can learn at once. Book mail ed, 60c. 11. GotiLiiiNQ Bryant, Buffalo, N. Y.4or4w GLTTSCH'S IMPERIAL RUSSIAN M178 TA It I . Wholesale to the trade. Single cans sent, post-paid, on receipt of 1. W. JIEK MAN T. FRL'EAUFF, Reading, Pa. 46rw AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO SELL the best low-priced Corn Hheller ever patent ed. Let farmers and everybody who has corn to shell, send for circular to 6 FAMILY COHN S11ELLEU CO." Harrisburg, Pa. 46r4w GREAT CURIOSITY. A J3 Magazine of the highest order for SI. Agent wanted In every town, on a vermtual Income. Send Hie. for Sped men to " Smllh't lMMar Magazine," 51 Liberty Street, N. Y. 4.rr4w 1823. JUBILEE! 1873. or TnE THE NEW YORK OBSERVER The Best Religious and Secular Family Newspaper. S3 a YearwIththe'JUBILEE YEAR BOOK. SIDNEY E. MORSE & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. 8KNI FOR A SAMPLE C'OPY.45l4w AGENTS WANTED - For Harriet lleecher Htowe's campaign book, with lives of the candidates and leading men of all parties. 20 Steel Portraits. f to 20 a day rapidly and easily made. Write and sec. Particulars free. WORTHINOTON, DIJSTIN & CO., 45r4w Hartford, Conn. Ageuts Wanted for Cobbln's Cliild's Commentator ON THE BIBLE, for the HOME CIRCLE, 1.200 pages, 2fi0 Engravings, The best enterprise of the year for agents. Every family will have It. Noth lug like it now published. For circulars address II. 8. GOODSPKEI) & CO., 45 r 4w 37 Park Row, New York. Good Country Tallow Wanted. Highest price paid for prime quality by L. M. ELKlNTON, Soap and Candle Manufacturer, llii Margin etta St., Philadelphia. 45r4w Rose of Cashmere Hair Tonic Is unsurpassed as al'romoterof the Growth of the Hair and Whiskers. It Is neither B.lcky nor greasy, yet It softens and smooths the Hair far better and more permanently than ally Oil or Pomade. Used as a llalr Dressing, itproducesthe most beautiful and lustrous gloss. Warranted perfectly harm less. Its exquisite perfume Is quite unrivaled, being distilled from the world-renowned Roses of Cashmere. Large bottles, only 50 cents. Address A.HCIIENBACII Si MILLER, 4u0 N. 3d St., Phila delphia, Pa. 45 r 4w A GREAT EVENT. We have decided to dispose of our Immense stock of BILLIARD TABLES at prices a little above cost. First-class ftxlo New Tables, complete, 8300. Sacond-hand Tables made over new, t'200; S225; tiflO, Ke. A great variety to suit all buyers. Send for Catalogue. KAVANAGH& DECKER, 45r4w Cor. Canal and Centre Sts. New York. ASHimTA f UFJIAM'S Asthma J.JtiUi'l 4 cure relieves the most violent paroxysms In five minutes, and effects a speedy cure. 7ft cents a boXj by mall. Circulars free. Address S. C. UPIIAM, 25 South Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by all Druggists. 46r4w ORRIBLE I suffered with CATARRH thlrtyyears, and was cured by a simple remedy. Will send receipt, , postage free, to all afflicted. Rev. T. J. MEAD, Drawer 176, Syracuse, N. Y. 45 r 4w AUKNTS WASTED - , rou . INSECTS AT HOME." 700 pages j upwards of 700 cuts; 21 one full pago ' engravings. "Just the Book for intelligent rural ' homes." " The drawings are faithful reiiaesenta tlons of Insect and Plant." Send for Circular. Address Gkoroe Brooks, 124 North Seventh St, Philadelphia, Pa. 46 e ly SHAWLS! SHAWLS! Furs ! Furs ! Blankets ! Blankets ! , Other Winter ool ' Just opened at ' . " ' FRANZ MORTIMER'S. NOTICE TO TRESSPASSERS. The under signed residents of Peuu townships forbid nil persons from coming on to their premises for the purpose of hunting or fishing. Jacob Weaver, P. J. Common, Henderson Harris, !. Harrls, Socrates Green, David Cams, J. Mutzabaugh, G, Bothwell, . J. B. Miller, Fred Fenlnger. Oct. 15. 1872-tit Jonathan Mlclmer. NOTICE TO TRESSPASSERS The undersign ed residents of Centre township, forbids all persons from coming on to their premises for the purpose of hunting or fishing. Joseph Miller, Henry Ayle, Frank Rohm. Jacob Seller. October 15 6t ; ; Velveteen. Velvotoeii of siiloiidld rjualitv for sale by F. Mohtimhr. ' It an be bad,' cut bias if desired. ' , ,v' , o : ... ,..( ( "' CALL KINDS of Printing neatly PRINTING!! executed at the " Buhhvijsu ( Tiuu" Btbam Job (jmvm. d t ft 5. p .' h 2 5 j B it z g S n M il's 'g & f 1 -r g-'f '- g ' " 23 ' U g e. 2 Is h a H i . , li H i -I . I..:: K.. ,.i v