The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, November 05, 1872, Page 4, Image 4

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Tuesday, November S, 1872,
For the coming year we offer tho follow
ing rates to single subscribers and clubs :
One copy one year $1.25
Ten copies one year $11.00
Twenty copies one year $20.00
Additional copies, One Dollar each
An extra copy will in each case be sent to
the person getting up the club.
In addition to the above inducement to
raise clubs, the person sending In the lar
gest number of subscribers, between this
and the 10th of January, will be furnished
with a copy of " Industries of The United
States," and a copy or Potorsou's Maga
zine, for 1873.
The four persons sending the next four
largest clubs within the same time, will
each be furnished with a copy of " Indus
tries of the United States."
The above offer is opon to all. Names
accompanied by the subscription, may be
sent at any time, and a correct account
will be kept of such names until January
All new subscribers for 1873, can sub
Boribe at once, and receive the Times the
remaindorof thisyeai, AVnnouT Citaikie.
Mrs. Horace Creel y died at Now York
on last Wednesday morning. Her death
has been expected for some days, and for
several years she has been an invalid.
Wo mas's Suffrage lias had a lift up
wards as will be seen by the. following: ,
The Norwalk board of scloctmon to-day
admitted to the lights of electors Mrs.
Sarah M. T. Huntingdon, and she will vote
for presidential electors. She is believed to
be the gi st female voter thus admitted.
Eleotion to-Daj.
To-day in addition to the general election
for President, elections for State officers
and Congressmen will bo held in Alabama,
Arkansas, Florida, Illinois,J Iowa, Kansas,
Louisiana,' Massachusetts, Michigan, Min
nesota, Missouri, New York, Nevada and
Tennessee, and elections for Congressmen
in California, Connecticut (one district),
Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland,
Mississippi, New Jersey, Ithodo Island,
Texas, Vermont, Virginia, AVcst Virginia
and AVisconsin. In all the other States,
except South Carolina and Florida, Pres
idential electors alone will be voted for; in
South Carolina and Florida the Legisla
tures choose the Presidential electors.
The Horse Disease.
An able physician of Rochester, having
made a post mortem examination of a horse
who died from it, makes a report and rec
ommends the following treatment. The
cause of this diseased oondition may be ex
posure, colds, hard labor, &o., but most
probably it is produced by some atmos
pheric poison. : The treatment should bo
the same as for a person, but as the horse
is a disagreeable animal to take medicine,
we cannot expect the same result from
medicine that we would in administering
to a person; the .disease must vary in in
tensity, like all others; and in mild cases
the animal will ; need but very little modi
cine ; keep them warm and quiet; give one
dram of the carbonate of potash in one
hw)f pint of water, every six hours, and
apply to the throat externally equal parts
of the oil of cubebs and cinnamon oil, three
times a day until it produces considerable
irritation. In the severer forms I should
give the potash every two hours until it
acted upon tho kidneys freely, three times
a day ; also, take bIx ounces tincture of
bloodroot, six ounces of glycerine one dram
of each the tincture of iodine and tincture
of aconite root and thirty drops of carbolic
acid, mix them all togethor and give one
table spoonful three times a day in one
half pint of water; apply a small fly blister
to the throat externally, and hold the ani
mal's head over come hot water and steam
it by adding hot brick to the water, at the
same' time cover the head with a blanket
also give ten grains of quinine and one-half
grain of morphine night and morning ; and
if 'the animal gets it so it cannot swallow I
would give one grain of sulphate of mor
phine, with the bypodermio syringe night
and morning. Keep the animal warm, and
wait for nature to produce reaction, or
perform the operation called tracheotomy.
' J." B. Hunioh. M. D."
' ISTAt Cincinnati last week a man nam
ed Wni. Thomas was killed, by a boy about
11 f teen years old. Thomas was whipping
his wife, who tied to the house of a neigh
boring woman. 1 The latter expostulated,
when Thomas commenced beating her,' and
' his son coming in shot him with a revolver,'
killing him instantly. -...
A Woman's Confidence Dame.
On Thursday of last week, a lady called
at the National bank of Elkton, and asked
for a draft on New Ybrk. ' Mr. Brown, the
teller, told her the cashier, Mr. M'Farland,
was out, and that she could not be accom
modated with a 'draft till his return. She
then said a certified check would answer,
that she wanted to send it to Kentucky to
pay some taxes on property In that State.
The amount was $0.10, and Mr. Brown told
her he could give her a certified check, and
she paid him over the counter the amount
of the desired chock, $9.10, and signed the
check II. T. Smith as drawei.
She was quite communicative on finan
cial matters, and inquired and talked about
investments, asking the Teller's advice in
the matter. She also asked if the bank re
ceived money on deposit, allowing interest
for the samo, and finally saying she hod
some money she would deposit and check
but. Sho left the bank, however, without
making the doposit, and was soon forgot
ten by tho bank officers.
On Wednesday last, tho bank received
through their Philadelphia agency the cer
tified check raised to ninety 16-00 dollars,
endorsed by . J. AVilllams, and cashed by
the Middlctown (Dol.) Bank. The check
had boon altered by adding ly to the nine,
and the word traced over to make all tho
letters correspond. The amount in figures
at the bottom had been doctored to corres
pond to the body of the check by adding an
0 to the right of the 0.
A Little Boy hangs Himself.
On Saturday afternoon last, Mrs. AVm.
Hammonds, of this placo, sent her little
son Willie, aged about twelve years, into
the cellar to sweep it out. At first she
heard him stirring about. In about twenty
minutes time, the little follow not coming
up and not hearing him, she became uneasy
and looking into the cellar, discovered him
hanging by a swine, (erected for his amuse
ment,) and fearing something was the mat
tor, hurried to him. lie was sitting astride
of the swing seat, with the rope under his
right arm, over bis ' shoulder and around
his neck. To her horror and amazement
bIio discovered that he was dead having
been choked to death with tho rope. She
immediately callod to Mrs. Samuel Ham
monds, a neighbor, to come to hei assist
ance. Tho latter answered her call, and as
sisted the grief-strickon mother in taking
her little and only son from the swing
board. It is said that Willie was fond of
engaging in gymnastic exercises, and the
probability is that while attempting some
feat he became entangled In the rope, with
the result above stated. tfoonfon (2V. T.)
Successful Escape of Criminals.
Providence, Oct. 31. In the State prison
at 2 o'clock this morning, Elisha E. Peck,
a convict got out of his cell, knocked down
the watchman with a piece of gas pipe,and
bound and gagged him. He then liberated
Charles Williams, another convict, and un
sucossfully tried to liberate Dennchey, ' tho
the alleged murderer and Geo. Calamltt, a
burglar. Failing in this Peck and Wil
liams took tho watchman's pistol, watch
and money, and at 4 o'clock tho hour for
calling the baker, they rang his bell as is
usually done by tho watchman, and whon
the baker appeared they knocked liim
him down and escaped through the door.
One of them had six years and the other
eight years to serve. , '
Singular Balloon Accident. !
A singular accident happened at Dolcalby
Illinois, last week. An aeronaut had a bal
loon ready to ascend when, before he had
entered the car, it broke loose and flew up
wards. A hanging rope caught round the
leg of a man named McMann, and carried
him up to the height of' about a hundred
feet, when he managed to climb into the
basket. AVhen the balloon had reached a
distance of about four hundred feet from
tho earth McMann deliberately jumped
out and was picked up dead. ..
Corn for Fuel.
A Chicago paper says that Iowa is burn
ing corn for fuel, and thinks that if a dol
lar's worth of that cereal will make more
heat than a dollar's worth of wood or coal,
it should be burned by all means. It is
a pity that locomotives on ' the railroad
could not burn it too. If one-half of the
entire crop wore burned, ' the remainder
would, in all probabilty, sell for more
than the whole would bring now. '
' m i
ty A telegram from Key West brings
the intelligence of the burning at sea of the
steamship Missouri, from New York for
Havana. Only twelve persons are known
to be saved out of all the patuengers,oilicers
and crow. The Missouri left New . York
for Havana, via, Nassau, on the ,17th ;ult.
She was a tine vessel, aud her commander
popular with all who sailed under his pro
tection. The calamity will reach to soores
of homes in the country, as the list of those
who perished must be large.
tW A colored man named Joshua Gill.for
inorly a slave in the family of the late Rob
ert Oliver, of Baltimore county, departed
this life on the 25th ult., aged 110 years.
He had a distinct recolloction of Gon.
Washington and of his visit to the ' State
of Maryland. He was' active and indus
trious,' and retained his mental faculties in
a wonderful degree to his death.! ftaltimort
Union: 1 1 " ''
tW The largest dairy In California con'
tains twelve hundred cows, the milk of
which is churned into butter by steam. '
tsyAman has just been committed for
trial in London for conspiring tcrt years
ago to shoot Major Gore, a member of Par
liament.' ' ' ' 1 ' '"' "! '
tSTOliver Cromwell, of the township of
Farmlngton, Mich., was shot and Instantly
killed as he was' entering his house on Sat
urday evening last. No clue to tho mur
dorer or the motive which prompted the
deed. ' '
tSTA North Carolinian, aged within
four years of a century, is under indictment
for killing his wife, a few years his junior,
and the extenuating plea offered is that he
was rondored insanely joalous by her flirt
ing with other young fellows.
tUT An ordinance for the regulation of
the liqnor trafllo in the town of Sterling,
Illinois, provides that if the windows or
doors, of drinking saloons shall bo obscured
by moans of screens, paint or other devices
to conceal what is going on within, the
proprietors shall be liable to a lino of from
five to twenty dollars.
W A little son of Mr. Skinner, of Syra
cuse, Kosciusko oounty, . Ind., accidently
killed himsolf on last Sunday a week, while
playing with a sling. He was swinging
the sling around his head, and the stone in
it soraohow hit him on the head, just under
the ear, killing him instantly.
A boy named Argot Williams, aged
about ton years, entered one of tho mines
at Johnstown the other day to carry his
father's dinner in. The llttlo fellow lost
his way, entered an abandoned "room"
filled with gas, when it became ignited
from tho lamp tho boy was carrying, and
he was burned to a crisp.
t3f"A man got a promium at the North
ampton, Mass., cattlo show for a two year
old colt, though he exhibited only a horse
eight years old. He kept the colt and the
horse in tho same pasture and the hired
man he sent to got the colt, which he in
tended to show, took the horso ; but it was
all tbo same to tho committeo who awarded
tho prize
tWA. few days ago a child near the cor
ner of AVest and M'Carty streets was bitten
by a dog, and the relatives wero highly ex
cited over the probability of hydrophobia.
Yesterday, on the advice of a butcher, so it
is reported, the dog was killed, his heart
taken out, made into soap, and then fed to
the child as a preventive against the dread
disease. Indianapolit Ifeict
t3TLast week at Rochester, the follow
ing incident occurred : The last ono of the
two splendid "greys," costing the city
$050, was dying. Suddenly tho .bell tolled
out an alarm of fire. True to old impulses,
the dying steod endeavored to regain his
feet, and actually did raise himself on his
fore-legs, only to fall helpless immediately.
Death closed the faithful animal's eyes an
hour and a quarter after.
tW A drawing-room car porter got off
his car at Barrytown, N. Y., and kicked a
goat standing near the station. Tho con
sequence was that tho goat bucked the por
ter in the basement of his pantaloons,
knocking him heels over, head, and delat
ing him until the train wont off and left
him. He got up by next train, some four"
hours, afterward. lie will probably be
careful what sort of a goat he kicks next
time. . . . , , .
Foreign Itoms.
Turin, Octobor 28. The damages caused
by the inundations of the Po, especially iu
the provinces of Mantua and Ferrara, are
immense. Several hundred kilometres of
tho most fertile land in Italy are covered
with water, and whole torns and .villages
are submerged. Many houses have been
undermined and fallen. In some places
tho water reauhos the roofs of ; the highest
buildings. Thousands of people are home
less aud otheis are flying from tholr dwell
ings, which are threatened with destruction.
Tho towns of Canal, Muggirre and Astiglia,
on the river Po, . are In great dangor, and
the inhabitants are pauio-strickon. The
suffering is widespread and intense, but
relief is goiug forward from all parts of
Italy. '
. Naples, October 28. A fearful hurricane
swept, through tho province of. Syracuse
yesterday, Several buildings , were blown
down, and It is reported that thirty-two
persons are buried undor the ruiun. .
The officers of her Majesty's ship Gan
ges, stationed at Falmouth, ICngland, gave
the other day, a . concert at a place called
Redruth, a few miles distant, in aid of , the
Foresters' funds., , Mr. Boynes, phlof gun
nory instructor, forty years of age, sang a
humorous song in character, which was
warmly applauded. He re-appeared to an
encoro, and staggered forward upon the
orchestra. ; His fall . being taken to be in
tentional, the applause and laughter wero
renewed, but Boynes continued struggling,'
and tho merriment was soon turned to wild
alarm. ' Doctors ' wore summoned, but be
fore their arrival all motion had ceased, and
in full view of the audleuce he had died. .
London,' (Vtoittr 20. Tho steamship
Atratflr', from ' London for ' Melbourne, has'
returned to port with a broken shaft.Tliree'
mou were washed overboard and drowned.' '
Miscellanebns News -Items'.
JVeiO AdvBrtiaementa.
.... x o iv 'rr
BE IKCEIVKI, but for eougtis, sore throai
noarseness ana nroncmai anncuities, useomy
, Wells' Carbolic Tablets ; "'
WOllTnT.nsS IMITATIONS are on tho market,
but the only sclenlitlo preparation of Carbolto
Aoid for Lung diseavs Is when chemically com.
blned wljh other well known remedies, as in these
Tablets, and all partes are cautioned against
using any other.
IN ALL OASES of Irritation of the mucous
membrane those Tablets should be frnly used. their
cleansing and healing properties are astonishing.
UK WARNED never neglect a cold, It is easily
cured In Its Incipient state, when Itbecomoschron
Ic the cure Is exceedingly dllllcult, use Wcll' Car
bolic Tablets as a specUlo.
JOHN Q. KELLOOO, IS Piatt St., N. Y.
4fi (1 4w Sola Agent, for the U. 8.,
Price 25 cents per box. Send for Circular.
Ministers 1 Agents wanted In every county, for
"The People's Htauilsrd Bible." MO Illustrations.
Kxtra terms. Prospectus free. Address y,IEO
LER & MtCUHDY, tflg Arch street, Philadelphia.
Pa. - Mw
male. tW a week guaranteed. Knspeotnble
employment at home, day or evening ; no capital
required; full Instructions and valuable package
of goods to start with, sent free by mail. Address
with 6 cent return stamp. , ...
45 d 4w 16 Courtlandt St., New York
I- A11 EH and GENTLEMEN, Agents wanted to
J sell Protean Hutton Hole Cutter, 2ets. Itut
ton Hole Worker, fillets. ; Needle Threading Thim
ble. 2fx5ts. t Morocco Needle Hook, Mints., (II large
and 6 papers small Needles. SI5 per day sure;
saniile free to any one at above nrlco. C. Tiiokn
ton & Co., 6!I9 Broadway, N. Y. 4M4w
gmgjjflTheaocctar. A Pure Chi
WSSg nose Tf a.
f'K'W.sH The Best Tea Imported.
Warranted to mit riu 7Vip..
Put up ill our trade mark Half.
Pound & Pound Packages only,
30 and GO Pound Ilexes.
For sale at wholesale onlvbythe
Great Atlantic t Pacific Tea Co.
1'. O. Uox5o06, New York. 4kl4w
APrF.NTH WANTED for tho great work of
ri.ui.ui x o the year( Dy the ttlltKor of ..,Jod n
History;" handsomely Illustrated bv Gustavo
Dore, Nast of Harper's Weekly, add others. En
dorsed by college presidents and eminent divines.
Its title and contents will ensure for it thousands
of readers why? Because nothing like It has ever
been published. For proof of this, send stamp
and see circulars and terms before engaging else
where li 11. TUEAT, Publisher, 80i Broadwav.
ow York. 45(U'W
An Elegantly Hound Canvassing Book for the
best and cheapest Family Bible ever published,
will be sent free of charge to any book agent. It
contains nearly MX) tine ticrlpture illustrations, and
agents are meeting with unprecedented success.
Address, Btating experience, etc., and we will show
you what our agentsare doing. NATIONAL
PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa. 45 d"4t
6000 Agents Wanted at once for our NEW
and his RESURRECTION from a LI' ng Death, by
For full description and terms, address Immedi
ately. HUBBARD BROS.. Publishers,
45 d 4w Philadelphia or Boston.
among all classes. Old jieople, the middle
aged, those who are Just entering life, and
youth of both sexes buy and lead with the
greatest protlt.
My Jolly Friends' Secret !
DIO LEWIS' last and best Book.
It Is meeting with the greatest success;
and there's MONEY IN ff.
Send for our circulars, etc., which are
sent free. Geo. Macijsan, Pliilad'a., 4'kUw
W'God grant that this breclous book may tlnd
Its way every family In the land," says a promi
nent reformer, of T. H. Aathur's last great work.
Three Years in a Man-Trap.
Notwithstanding Its Immense sale, Wfl, desire to
extend its Influence still further, aud call tor more
aid to introduce It to every corner of our land. It
Is highly endorsed by Judge Black, F. 11. Ome,
Neal Dowe and others. Will do more good than
any prohibition law ever framed. It sells bevond
parallel. Agents have done aud are doing spleu
dldly with It. One has sold over 600 copies. Ow
ing to Its great suocess we are enabled to oiler
esoclally largo discounts. Hend for Illustrated
circular and terms, and nntnr Into this great work
atonco. ., . J.M. BTOIMIAKT&CO.,
4Sd4w '" ''; Philadelphia, Pa.
' Agents wanted tocanvass for the combination
WEEKLY, the best and cheapest paper publish
ed. 1)10 LEWIS and a corps of most popular au
thors write exclusively for iu i We give a copy of
the unparalleled chromo,
to every subscriber. Agents take from twenty
live to thirty names a day. No business pays like
this. Send for terms; and secure lerrltorry for
this great enterprise at once.
MACLEAN, STOUUART & CO., Publishers.
45d4w 733 Hansom Street, Philadelphia.
Tt Is not a physio which may give temporary
relief to the sutterer for the tlrst few doses, but
which, from continued use brings Plies and kin
dred diseases to aid In weakening the Invalid, nor
Is it a doctored Honor, w hich, under the popular
naiiio of "Hitlers'' is so extensively palmed otf on
the public as sovereign remedies, but It is a MOST
nounced so bv the leading medical authorities of
London aud Paris, aud has been loug used by the
regular physicians of other countries with won-1
dorf ul remedial results. - "
Dr. Wells Extract of Jurubeba
retains all the medicinal virtues nooullar to the
plant aud must be taken as a permanent curative
LI VElt A NO SPLEEN t Unless relieved at once,
the blood becomes Impuro by deleterious sot'l'e
tlons, producing scrofulous or skin diseases,
Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pimples, (tc.
Take JURUBEBA to cleause, purity and restore
the vitiated blood to healthy action..
less digestion 1 promptly aided tltft system Is do
bllltatcd with loss
tal force, poverty of the
Blood, Dropsical Tendency, General
vt eaKirts or
'fake it to assist DlL'Mtioo without
will Impart youthful vigor to the weary sutterer.
TINES? You are In danger of Clironlu Dlarrhuea,
or the dreadtul Inflammation of the Bowels.
Take It to allay Irritation and w ard oil tendency
to Inllammatloiis. ,
OH URINARY ORGANS? . You must procure In
stant relief or yuu are liable to sulTuriiig worse
than deuth. " ' -.. tt ,. , , J.
Take it to strengthen organic weakness or life
becomes a burden. : ,
Flually It should be frequently taken " keep the
system In lei feet health or you are otherwise Itl
groat djiuuur nl iisluiiu, lumuouUiiiMMviiliiiiioitt
ifiMVie. . ,.,. , . ..,., r. .
I , JOHN, q. KELLOCO, Is natte St., New '.OTk,
' ' " 1 ' - l Agent lor Urt uniuul HUlUIS.
Price, One Dollur per Bottle, bend for circu
lar. ' ' i 4Ad4w
v?.V,,ln.r,,oonJ,e,r,l''n"wltB " the principal
Sr- i JiJ'i'i and,JaI""i, and Import their Teas
direct from place of growth, thus saving tho con
sumer from 7 to s profits. His now about 12years
since the Company was organlsed-nuid It hasbeem
a splendid success from she very llrst. , Tilils was
due to the fact that we Imported aud sold ely , ,.
The Best and Purest Goods,' .
and distributed them tootir customers In all parts
of the United States, for one small prolltonly, be
twecn the Tea grower and the Tea-consumer.
We originated the system of supplying consumers
In distant parts of the country witli leas, at New
York Cargo Prices, on the Club plan. And sine
we adopted this plan we have saved the people of
this country Millions of Dollars annually,, In the
cost of this article of every dav noeessilv.
Send for Club Circular, which contains full di
rections, premiums, &c.
The Great American Tea Co.r
81 & UK VESEY STREET, 45d4
P. O. Box 5043. NEW YORK CITY.
SOMETHING NEW, S salable ar
tides, sell at sight. Catalogues aud
one sample free. N. Y. M'f'gCo.,
21 Courtandt St N. Y. 43 d4w
BUILDERS Send stnmn for IH'd Catalogue on
Building. A. J. Blcknell & Co., 27 W arren
Street. N. Y. ! 43 d 4w
. By sending CENT9 with
age, height, color of eyes and hair, you will re
ceive by return mall, a correct picture Of your
future husband or wife, with name and date of
Marrlago. Address W. FOX, P. O. Drawer, No.
24 Fultonvllle, N. Y. , , , 43 d 4w
Kaltlmore, Md.,
The Clinical advantages of the School are unsur
passed. FEES Including Dissection and Hospital
Tickets, tos.
Kor Catalogues containing full particulars apply
to Prof. Oil AS. W. CHANCELUilt, Dean
43d4w Baltimore, Md.
$75 to $250 permonth.OTn'lf
) male, to IntrmlucdtheGenulnelmprnred Com
Ki mop Sense Family SEWING MACHINE. This
J machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt.cord,
2 bind, braid and embroider in a most superior
5 manner. Price only 115. Fully licensed ami
warranted for five years. We will pay $1W0
i for any machine that will sew a stronger,
more beautiful, or morelasllo seam than oiroi.
Oj It makos the "Elastic Lock Stitch." Every
second stitch can be cut. and still the cloth can
m not be pulled apart without tearing it. We
pay agents from 875 to fiVi ier month and ex
penses, or a commission from which twice that .
Cjaniount can be made. Address SECOMB &
m CO., Boston. Mass. ; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Chicago,
NUI.. orSt. Louis, Mo. 43d4w
Cheap Farms ! Free Homes .!
On the line of the UNION PACIFIC RAIL
ROAD. 12.oiio.oun acres of the best Farming and
Mineral Lands in America.
3,000,0(10 Acres in Nebraska, in the Platte Val
ley, now for sale.
for Grain Growing and Stock Raising unsurpassed
by any In the United States. ' . . 1 1
CHEAPER IN PRICE, more favorable terms
and more convenient to market than can be found
The best location foe Colonies Soldiers entitled
to a Homestead of MO Acres.
Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with new
maps, published In F:ngllsh, German, Swedish and
Daulsh, mailed everywhere.
Address, O. F. DAVIS,
43d4w , Land Com'r TJ.P.R.U.Co., Omaha, Neb.
Double F:ievatod Oven, Warming Closet, Broiling;
Door, Fender Guard, Dumping and Slaking
Urate, Direct Draft. . .
230 Wator Street, N. Y.
& RUBY '
' Jamos A. Lawson, Patentee. t
FULLER. WjinTtFV- rn
42dst. , ZXi Water St., New York..
elf feeder
Improved..; Unrivaled and Unequaled,;
lain.ia Ax MK coal.
'' 2. Water St., New York. '
HAND STAMPS' all varieties. Circular
sent free. AG F.N IS WANTED. W. II. H. Davis
t Co., Mfrs. 7!) Nassau, N. Y.
For the parlor, Sunday School and Church. ,'6
Octaves , 2 sets 01 Keeds throughout; 6 stops. Only
8U26. The best Organ iu the world for the world
for the money. - wei-an supplv Organs ranging In
price from bit to WXHi, and oiler the most liberal
inducements to the trade. Teachers, Clergymen,
and others, who will act as agents for the sale oC
our instruments.
Tho Parlor Ocm" Piano,
7 Octaves, full Iron frame, overstrung scale, round
corners, carved legs; the finest low-nrloed l'lauo
manufactured. Fully warranted. .
,, Violin Ktrlngs.' , i ,
We Import direct from Italy, Germany and
France, the very choicest strings that are made,
and cati support the trade it lowest market prices.
Sample set of choice Violin or Guitar Strings mail
ed free for (1. Hand instruments. Sheet Music,
Muslo Books, and Musical Merchandise of every
description. 1
WM. A. POND & CO.,
' Branch Store, 39 Union Square. 3in
Afrrnnt fltTo-p I Horace Waters,
trill impone of NEW I'TAXOV, ilKLODKOXa
unit OJiUAXfl, of tlx firlctM makers, inclwtinir
Water', at Very Iatw Privet for ctwi, or jxirt
UA, mf tmiir in tniall monthly inttabnenta.
A'eui -octaiv Jrtt-cluv 1'JAWiM, mvlem tmiirow-,
mentt.for $276 ci. Ifowreaitya CO.V('.7i2VJ
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