6 tZTlje wm Nut) Dloomftcto, pd. Tuesday, October 29, 1872. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS We invite cnmmnnicaUontfrom all verimninrhonre interested in matters properly belonging to this department. How Much Tork will a Bushel of Corn Make! Some years ago, when I was just begin ning to farm, I was' desirous of knowing the best way of fattening hogs, and I de termined to try the different plans, and also to ascertain how much pork a barrel of corn would make. I made a floored pen and covered it In. Weighed three hogs and put them In the pen. I also weighed three of tho same size and put them in a dry lot average weight one hundred and seventy pounds. I fed six barrels of corn to the six hogs. They were forty days eating tho corn, with plenty of salt and water. Their average gain was seventy five pounds. The hogs in the lot gained the most. ' One that was futtened in the lot gained eighty-eight pounds. One in the pen gained eighty-four pounds ; the other four were not so thrifty. t These hogs were about fourteen months old whon slaughtered. I put them up the 25th of October. There was a good deal of sleet and snow during the month of No vember, which gave the hogs in the pen an advantage they would not have had if the weather bad beeu favorable; they were each fed on the same quality of grain. It also shows that one bushel of com will make fifteen pounds of pork, and that tho nix barrels of corn made eleven dollars and twenty-five cents worth of pork, at two and one-half cents per pound; and that th farmer gots twelve and one-half cents for bis labor of feeding per bushel, over selling at twenty-five cents per bushel. Hogs will fatten faster in September and October than they will in cold weather. Another very important question or in quiry suggests itself from tho foregoing, and that is, What is it worth to raise hogs to the average weight of one hundred and Beventy-five pounds ? It may be difficult to determine the exact value of the grass, clover and grain fields that the hog feeds on while growing to a gross weight of ono hundred and seventy-five or two hundred pounds, but with these assistants I can raise a hog to weigh one hundred and seventy- five pounds and over, with one barrel of corn. It will be seen from these estimates that two barrels of corn, with the advan tage of grass, olover and grain fields, will produce about two hundred pounds of net pork or two hundred and fifty pounds gioss. Hogs do best in large fields, with plenty of water, and the farmer who outs up his corn in the months of September and Octo ber, and hanls it out on his fields, will bo amply paid for his labor, in the improve ment of his land, from the stalks and ma nure of hogs. It is a great saving of labor to turn the hogs in the field when tho quantity of hogs and the size of the field suit Corretpondence Ohio Farmer. For the Bloomfleld Timet. A Hint to Managers of Falnt-vy The best gait a horse has is a fast walk. slow walking horse is an abomination. Who has patience with such horse f If you ride or drive him he exhausts your pa tience. If he is used to plow or harrow, or go on the road, be moves along at a snail's pace. He does only about half the work of a rapid walker. . If time is money, you make money, because you save time, by hav ing a horse that ' walks fast. Breeders should pay attention to this matter. In selecting a stallion to breed from, by all means select one that can walk fast A slow walking stallion will gonerally be like ly to get slow walking colts ; while the stallion that has a long, rapid, spirited stride, will be likely to beget colts with a similar action. Then there is a great deal in breeding to a horse with spirit and am bition. These cold-blooded horses will be get cold-blooded colts. The nearer you can approach the thorough-bred, even for ob taining a fast walker, the better. , There is . game there, and spirit, and enduranoe, and stamina, and style. They are neat, bony beads and prominent eyes, the small ears, the capacious nostrils, the large lungs and chests, the ' well-developed ' muscles,' the bones as dense as ivory. Even for walkers, then, get the nearest to thorough-bred pos sible, and the same for trotters, and of course the same for runners. You have then horses fit for any company, and for any purpose to haul the plough, or bug gy, or carriage, or to carry you upon their backs. Breed large, fine mares to thorough-breed horses, and you will got colts that you will not be ashamed to have your friends see.- And now we wish to oiler a bint. How much better it would be for the fanning distrlots if the so-called agii cultural fairs would recognise the Import ance of encouraging fast vailing rather than fust-trotting bones. That would be a real benefit to the farmers while the' pres ent custom of encouraging racing is a pos itive injury not only to the farmer and to the fairs, but to the morals of the people. We trust this subjeot will be kept before the people until public sentiment compels ucb action to be taken. Photographs! , , Thotographs ! JACOB COBLE, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, PENN'A. THE subscriber would respectfully caTI the at tention of the citizens of this county to the fact that he Is prepared to take PHOTOGRA PHS In the best style of the art. Ills lung experience enables him to produce PICTURES WHICn CAXyOT RE EX CELLED. All persons are requested to call at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and great care will be taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children. Framing material and a good assortment of frames always on band, and for sale at low prices. JACOB COBLE, ArtUt, ' Newport, Perry Co., Pa LEBANON Mutual Firo Insurance Company, OF .Tonewt own, Peiin'ti. POLICIES PliKPETUAL nt Low Kates. No titenm risks taken. This Ik one of the best conducted and most reliable Companies In the Btate. Country proiierty Insured l'erjietually at 84 00 per thousand, and Town property at 86 00 per thousand. LEWIS POTTER, NEW BLOOMPIEU), FA.. 4 16 Agent for Perry County. UNITED STATES HOTEL, Cor. Fulton, Water and Peart St.. N. Y. THIS well known favorite hotel has recently been renovated, remodeled and furnished new and elegantly throghout. It Is kept on the European plan, and has ample accommodations for four hundred guests. The location is more accessible to all parts of New York and Brooklyn than any other house In the city. The Broadway Ntages pass tho hotel every three minutes, besides various Hues of Street Cars, one of which intersects every other route in New York. It being but two blocks from Pulton Ferry, makes it convenient for those wishing to visit the " City of Churches," as from this ferry diverge all theprluclpal Kallroad routes In the city of Brook lyn. (fi.ydp) GKU N. TEHKY, Proprietor. , 8 SnuLBU. 8. M. Suuleb. ' S. SHULER & SON, LIVERPOOL, ' Perry County, Pa., . Dealers in all kinds of ' , Hardware, Groceries, ' &c. All goods In our line sold at the lowest price Give us a trial. 6 41 Ht. JN8UKE IN THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW YORK. " F. S. Wikstok, President. ' ' The oldest and strongest Company In the tjnltod States. Assets over $15,000,000 In cash. ; ... . . 8. M. SHULER. Agent. i Liverpool, Pa. 6 44 13t. THERE 18 nOTHIHO LIU IT IQ Fains,' Sores, Wounds and Lameness. BUY T TRY IT! Foheumatisn, . Use Pal; CuOil. Uae Pal; Ce OIL . Use Pain ure Oil.. Use PiiCure Oil. Use Mj Cure Oil. Use Bin Cure Oil. for iwumlgla, , For Fer Sore. , ; For ChoiV fijorbus, tor sprain For Headach For Bruise. . UspyPaiq Cure Oil. U Pain Cure Oil. . v. vv. ym m vu m., Ini I'ntmsl ansi MunVAna tor Any Sore, e Pain Cure Oil. For JJny Unjenesj, Use Pali Cure Oil. ITimT BomjaVj Tuiuni, And we challenge tli.WorldVi produca lis equal. Csad Xiwryrli, aod iiVrollj for ,. as-avxr yfsrx ZiJkA.siT. Ask Jbr PAnrSUBB OIL. TaXno other, for V VAKKAaT II TO 01 It I not yr.uring preparation, bat aiWTt, i irwa pja agotabla una, HarDs, and JM J and la clean ana tafs to naa. Bald JV all SrugKtau and Dealers la Medlcld PBICE, BO CENTS. McCLURI A EATON, PsontinoitO Beading. Pa. Daily Express and Freight Line ;r .. BETWEEN . ! BLOOM FIELDjSt NEWPORT. THE subscriber wishes to notify the citizens of Bloomtlitld and Newport that he Is running a tally Line between these two places. and will haul Freight of any kind, or promptly deliver packages or mee&ftKea entrusted to his cure. -Orders mny be left for him at the stores of r. oiorumer 01 Lu,, new uioomneia, or HIlllganA Museer, Newport, Pa. , .. ,, , J' 8- WHITMORE. ' BloomMeld, January 26, 1S7U. ' SPLKNUIf- A gSOllTMRNrp v . . ' " DTIY-GOODQ " ' KY-GOQDO " - I Suited to the Season, ',; j S Are Now Offered for Bale by ' 7. MOSTIMSB. RADWAY'S READY 'RELIEF CIREi TUB WORST PAINH In from One to Twenty Minutes. MOT ONE HOUR lifter rt'twiitir tlitu rvlvert Nmu'iit lu-t'tl nr ono M'KFKH WITH i'AI.X. RADWAY'S HEADY TiKiY.KF IS A CUKE FOR KVKUV I'AIV. It wtM tlio first nnd I Tli Only lUix llemedy that Instantly itoiH the timet cxuniclatlua puinf. Hilars iiirtiuTnimtlot.fi, and cures UoiiKflrtlonn, whethpf of tfm u tutu, HtomacU, liowelet, or otW Kluudi or orgAua. by iN kkom: one to twenty minutes, no mutter how violent or excruciating t)i pniti th KMKUMATIO, Bri-rl.lU-rt. Infirm, Crlpplcil, Kurvoua, IN curable, or rMtmted wit It dlwmKe may nfTer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT KASK. INFLAMMATION (IK THK KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THK BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE IIOWKLS. CONOKHTION OF THE LfNGB. SORK THROAT, DIFFICULT BKEATIIINO, PALI'ITATION OF TUB UK ART. HYSTERICS, CltOUl", IIIPHT1IF.HIA. CATARKU, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTITArHE, NEliRALOIA, RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILIS, AflL'K, V HILLS. TUu ai'pllciitlon oftiia Heady Keller toth! part m pitta wfiura ttia puin or diiltoulty cxtala will atfurd caae am) comfort. Twenty drop In hlilf a tnmMpr of water will In a few monu.nH cure CRAMPS, M'ASMS, SOUK STOMACH, HEARTIiritN, HICK IIF.ADACIIK, DIAHltllKA, liYSE.NTKItr, CULIC, W1NU IN THE UOWtLS, and all INTERNAL PAINS. Traveler ohnuld alwara carry a bottle of Rni1wnye Realty Rfdlefwith tlium, A few drops In watur wili Ifvvcnl alckneM or pains from change, of water. It la clter lliiui French Drandy or Rlttera aa a atlntulatit. FEVER AND AI K. FEVF.P. AM A(iUE cured Tir Prty cutiU. Thero ll not a rctnedltU aicont In tills world tlmt will cure Fever and Ague, and ail otlier Mularloua. llllloua. Scarlet, Ty pliold. Yellow, and other Kcvot (aided liy RADWAY'S FILLS) ao quick as RADWAY'S HEADY RELIEF. ' Fifty cunts per bottle. Sold by Druggists. HEALTH fBEAUTY ! ! BTHONO and prrtR f.ich IlLOOD-INCHEASE OF FLESH AND WEIOHT-CI.EAK PKIN AND LEAL "I II L'L COMPLEXION &ECURED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MATR THF, MoRT ASTONISHING CtTRKS t SO qriCK. HO It A l'II AUK THK CllANUKH THE UOI'Y VNIKimoES. UN U Kit THE IN FLirENTB OK THIS THULY W'ONDKKFUL UEblClMS, THAT Every Day an Increase In Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of tlia PAKHAI'AHILMAN RESC'LV ENT comniunlcntt-'a through tli Mood, Sweat, Urltic, and otlier fluids and Jtilccx or the Bystein the vlfnr uf lire, for It repair the wnnten of the bmly with new and Bound nmterlaJ. ftcrofulii, HvlillU, Connumptlnn, Olnmiular dl.tuiiHC, I.f leers In the Throat, Mouth, luniorft, Nolit Id tliu iliinJ nn (I other luirU of tho ayU'Di, bora Kyen, Mrunious DUcbr.rj(i;B from tlvtt Kara, mid the worrt forum of fikln dlwiwu. Kiiiptlons, Fever tioreii, Bruld Jlend, Iiln Worm, fcjixlt Itlieiun, Krynlpe)M, Acne lilack Pool. Wtirius In tho Flush, Tumor, Cancers In the rnil, and nil wrnkenlntt Btid painful dlMcliutm', Night HwciiIn, l.fHmtf 8pirn), mid all waste of the life princi ple, tin within the curative rongo of tliU wonder of Mod eru ChemlHtrv, and a few days ue will prove to any pprnrui uliij( It for either of these foron of disease Its potent power to euro them. if the patient, dally bucomttitr reduced by the wastes and (compoltlon that I continually prwrcrnthijr, sue cods In arrentlnn; th want!, and repair the amu with th'Vf tiiitorial n.ii (nm he;ilthy blood uud tills tlie KAKSATAUILLIAN will mid doesaccure. Not unlvdotts tho Jathapamlliah Rkholtkiit mrel nil known retnedlal unts In thu cure of ('huiilc, rtcrfu lous, 'ntuttltiitlonal, and bklu dltieuses ; but i' Id thcouly positive cure for Khlney V ninddcr ComplnhU, T'rlnary, and Womb dlaease, (Jntve), Plaht-te, Dropny, BtnppatiL' of Water, Incontinence of Crlttu. Mrlifht's U eac, Alltuinlmiri:i. and In ull canes where thero are brick c!ut doptwii. or the water Is thick, cJnudy, mixed with mwtance like the whlty of an or thread llko whlti silk, or them I a niorhld, durk, bilious uppunraiice, and white hone-du-t ilepOHlts, and when them Is a prlrkhig, lmrnlrig seunntlon when panning water, and pain In tho Siiu.ll of the IWk and along tho Lulu. 1'rlcc, 10. WORMS. Tho only known and sura Remedy for Woi'tun J in, Tape, etc. Tumor of la Yonr Cirowth Cured by Radwny'ti Rcflolvcnt. pKTmtv. Mask., July 18, 1H. T1. Raiwat : I hnrn had Ovsrlnn Tumor in th ovri-Im nj bowolt. All the Doctors anU " lhT waa no help for It." I trkJ vtry Ihlur that u rtcntniiitmrivd but nothini hlpad live. I ww your Hunlvrnt, wl thouKht I woalJ try It : but hd an tolth lu U, hMu I hail sulfursd (or twclv yem, I took its bnltU of tha K')vnt, n-l on boi of Hat, way 't Pill, and two UV tli of your Reftily lMIf t and thars la not a tgv of tumor In be en or' flt, and X fl btlir, imarlar, and ba.)lr than I havt fnrtw.lv.) yttart. 1'ht wortt tumnr was In Uim Uft ahloof tlm bowtili, ovair lha gmln. 1 wrlu ihU ta jron lot to bwutnt el eltiaue Vuu vaii itublUt It If you cIioom. HANNAH P. KNAPP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purjte, reuhite, purify, e'lurnw, an I strengthen, ltad wuy's Pills, for tli cure of all disorders of the Htomach, Liver, Howels, Klduevs, IMiuhler, Nervous DliMiase, Headache, 4'onltpatluti, t'oatlveness, Indlcestlcm, iJysoe si a, Ttlllouxneits. HkMous Fever, Inflnmmatlon of the iiowels, l'ile,and all Durantcemetitiiof Die Internal Vis cera. Warranted to effect a positlveure Purely Vegeta ble.contalnloa; no nisrcury, mineral, or deleterious drugn, fW" Observe the fbllowlnir symptoms resulllug from Disorders of tha Digestive Onous: Cnn.tlpatlnn, In want PI 1m, Vullnau of the Bin, la Iks Had, AcMlty of tha KtiHnsch, Nsum, Haartbam, Il-mt of rood. Kullnata or W flight til tha fttninacn, Sour kiu;UUoni, SinktiiH or FlMtUrlnf at tha PH of tha Stomach, Swlmtnlnr of tha Head, Hurrtil and Dltltcwlt Uraa thing, FluttertRs; at tha Haart, Choklns or Hulficailnx Sanutlona whan In a Lying Poatera, ImnaMol Villon, DoUor W.ba tMfon lha Hliiht, Fa vat- Mt Dili Pam la tha Hal, lr.clncy of Pntlratlnn( Yattownaai of tha hln and Kv, Pain In tha Aida, Chaal, LlitiU, and auddaa riutbtM ol llvat, burning In tha rih. x A few doses of RADWAVS VIJAA will free the sva letn from all the aVove-nanittl dl-onlers. price, as ceoU perMx. 8LD 11Y nU!7if)IHT4. READ FAIjSK AM TRUE." Bend one letter tttarnp to RADWAY A CO., No. 87 Maiden Ian, New Vorli. Xufonuatlou worth Uiotusui da will be tMUt yuu. Professional Cards. CHAKLK8 II. 8M1XKY, Attorney t taw. hen liloomlleld, ferry Co. Ta. (ffloe with C. A. Barnett Esq., next door to Murtiiuer's store , , August 20, 1872 JAMES H. FEBOCSON. Attorney-at-Law, New Dloomfleld, Perry couuty. Pa. Office with Hon. O. J. T. Mclnllre. 36 1TTM. A. SFONHI.KK. A ttornv-at-Iw. Yy Ofllce adjoining Ills realdenue, on East Main street, New UloomUeld, Terry Co., Ta. 3 2 ly CnAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomneld, Perry co.. Pa. i.Omoe ftdjoinlug Morll.nier' Wore. 3 2 ly B P.' McINTIKE Attorney at Law. and !! trlct Attorney ol Perrv count v. Offlce with ii. i. muiniire, isew uioomneia, renn a. I- KWW POTTEIl, J Attohhist-at-Law s Notabt Ptim.io, New Hloomfleld, Itrry County, Penn'a. Bneclal attention irlven to Collections of all kinds, to the settlement of estate, fie., and all oilier If gal business prosecuted with fidelity and ainpaicn. abo, imioskious, irauiiviis ana AO knowledKinents taken. - -OiUct) nvedoom West of Sutcli'shotol. 321y. TBAILY. Attorney at Law, a New Uloomlteld. Pen'vCo.. Pa. e-OH1oe opposite the Court House, and two aooraeasioi me rerry uouuiy uanK. Helen to B. Mclutire, Ksq. June 27, 1871. TOHN O. BilATTO, Burgeon lentlt. tJ New niuoinlleld. Perry eo., Pa. tlitnr All kinds of Mechanlual and Hurirlcal Den Drlces.doneln the best manner, and at reasonable (.urniw ai nis reimence, opposite (lie Kelorm ed ulmrch. ou illgb BtreeL i . 8 'ily WM. M. flUTCH, t i AXXOKN J Y-AT-L A W. New )l(Minllaln, Perry eo., Pa. awomce Two door West of P. Mortimer Btore & I ly CLEB muhrat. e Attorney-at-Law, Centre Hiuare, Mew lUnonifleld. Panre ao.: Pa. " All business entrusted to Ills oare will ie. ceive prompi aiieniiou. S 2 tl . IHAS. J. T. UclNTlKK. Attornev-at Law. V . New BUKtmnold, Perry eo.. Pa. . All professional business promptly audfullb fully attended to. 4) 2 lv. ' .. I7"M. N. BE1BEUT, Attorney-at-Law, TV New Blooinfieia, lerryco., Pa. Blooiilald, ( SB ly. .': . ' Hook A gents Great Industries OF THE UNITED STATES j An Historical Summary of the Origin, Growth nna rcnecuon ot the (Jlilol industrial Arts of this Country. 1300 Pages and 500 Engravings. Wrltton by 20 Eminent Authors, Including John B. Cough, Leon Case, Edward Howland, o. o. iyuian, meT. v.. tuwin uall, Hor- ace Greeley, Philip Ripley, Albert Brls Buno, F. B. Perkins, Etc., Etc. This work is a complete hlstorr of all branch. ea of Industry, process of manufacture, etc., In all ages. It is a complote encTCloDedla of arts and manufactures, and tho most entertain ing and valuable work of Information on sub subjects of general interest ever offered to the puunc. it Is adapted to the wants of the Merchant, Manufacturer, Mechanic, Farmer, Student and Inventor, and sells to both old and young of all classes. The book is sold by agents, who are making large sales in all parts of tho country. It Is offered at low price of $3 60, and is the cheapest book ever sold by subscription. No family should be without a eopy. We want Agents la every town in the United States, and no Agent can fall to do well with this book. Our terms are liberal. We give our agents the exclusive right of territory. One of our agents sold 133 copies In eight days, another sold 868 In two weeks. Our aaent In Hartford sold 887 in one week. Specimens of 100 worn sent 10 agents on receipt or stamp. For circulars and terms to agents address the publishers. J. B. BURR & HYDE, Hartford, Conn., Chicago, 111., or Cincinnati, Ohio. 6I ly BLATCHLET'8 Improved CUCUMBER WOOD PUMP, Tasteless, Durable, El. tide lit nml Cheap. The best Pump for the least money. At tention Is especially Invited to lllatehloy's Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Cheek Valve, which can be withdrawn without removing the Pump or disturbing the joints. Also, tho Copper Chamber, which never cracksor scales, and will outlast iny other. For sale by Dealers everywhere. Send for Catalogue and Price-List. CIIAS. O. BLATCHLKY. Manufacturer, 60(1 Commerce St., Philadelphia, Pa. 6 371y Bloomfleld Academy! An Enffllsh and Classical School Fon 1 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Young Men Prepared For College. A Normal S hool and a School of Art BUMMER TERM COMMENCES On Monday, the 20th of August, 1872. A 8 the above school has recently been re-organ Prof. VM. 11. DILL, a graduate of Kutger's Col- lege, . j., rrmcipai. , : Miss SARAH LIFE; will teach Music and Draw. Ing. Every facility for the training of the youth of both sexes In all that constitutes a liberal aud thorough eaucauon. The Collegiate Denartment ;- embraces all the higher branches. Including the Latin and Greek Languages, Engineering, Practi cal Surveying, Literature, Natural Science aud ad vanced Mathematics. Vacations: July and August, and one week at unrisiiiias. ' Terms: For Boardlntr. Furnished Room. Wash tng, Tuition In Latin, Greek, English Branches aud Mathematics, for the scholastla year, 1180. ,t The Hoard Inn Denartment Is at the Institution. under the supervision of Wlllam Grler, Esq., by whom good and substantial board will be fur nished: and the pupils will be under the strict oare Ul WW 47rilieiUtll. AUUI1HIS W. II. DILL, A. M. Principal, . or WILLIAM GKIER. It 1 (New BloomUeld, Perry county, Pa Boots I BootsI A Kill Assortment of THE CELEBRATED YORK BOOTS, Hand or Machine Bided,' Whole Stock Double . Bole and '1 ... 'it Warranted to Give Entire Satisfaction, Manufactured and For Bale to the Trade by M. B SPAHS, v YORK, PA. A full Assortment of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Constantly on Hand. twfhiecial Attention Paid to OrOert. 6 2S2& To NhocmaUors. I- 1. rpUK subscribers keep constantly na band, a JL . ji.miauiuiiuii or , FRENCH CALF SKINS,' . '.. pink linings, 72 OANS,h MOROCCOS, V '', , SHOE THREAD, PEGS, 1 1 AWLS, and a general assortment of articles used by Shoe niaaers. , . . ,.. , , F. MORTIMER. rERRY HOUSE, i - ' ' '; ' Hew Bloomfleld, Pa.', THE subscriber having purchased the property on the corner of Maine and Carlisle streets, opposite the Court House, invites all his friends and former oustonier to give him a call as he Is determined to furnish nrst elasa accommodations. nt 1 ' " Proprietor." AVCTIONKKKINO.-G. Z. FINK will at tend to erviinr salea at all times, liavlim had colialderobleexerlonce, he flatters himself that he van give saiiatiiutliMi to all. Call at the Unkiw Lumber Mills, In liie two . or ariitre,, . . Z. FINK." ' ' DunoannoD, Pa. Slypd ,' I ( ALL KINDS at Printing neatly PRINTING! teieeuted at the " BLOomriMj.0 I M Pis mi- . , NEW -YORK . CONTINENTAL SaT , Life Insurance Company, OP NEW YORK, STJtlCTL Y M UTUAL I ISSUES all the new forms of Policies, and pre sent as favorable terms as any cowpany In the Thirty days' rracA nltowitrl on nrh the policy held good during that time. Policies Issued by this Company are aon-forfelt. ore. No extra charges are made for traveling permits. PollOV-holclfll'S Sham 111 tlm ailtlllfll nrnlltanf tha Company, and have a voice lu the elections and management 01 me company. Mo policy or medical fee charged. Justus Lawrence, Pres't. M. B. Winkoop, VlcePres't. J. P.liooBiis, Sec'y. J. 1. lAIUJ, . General Agent, No. 6 North Third Street. 4.2tfyl) College Block, Harrlsburg, Pa. Incorporated by the Court of Common Pleas, in by the Leuislahtre.inWd. The 1'ciinsylvaiiln Central Insurance Company 'OF POTTSVILLE, PA. Capital and Assets, $156,000. Premium Notes f 100,000 00 Promissory Notes, 50,000 00 Cash premiums due or col- i locted for the year 1871, $2,038 00 Cash premiums due or col lected for the first three months of 1873 1,800 00 Cash from other sources and agents, 1,300 00 Judgment Bonds In Com . pany's otllcc, 1,100 00 Total Cash,. J0.138 00 Total cash and noto assets, April 1st, 1873, 1156,139 00 JAMES H. GRIER, JOHN D. HADE8TY, Secretary. President. DIRECTORS s John D. Hadesty, A. P. Holms, Benjamin Totor, A. Sutermelster, Jamos, H. Grlor, E. F.. Jungknrt, Ellas Miller. AGENTS: . ' H. H. Hill, Edward Fox, John A. Kablo, Ed ward Wesley, Charles F. Delbert, Wm. R. GrlQlta. E.F. Jungkurt, General Agent. Arrangements have been made with other Srst-class companses to re-Insure risks taken on the cash plan In such amounts as desired. Liberal commission allowed agents, and ex claslve territory, If desired. This Company cou lines Itself to fire Insurance exclusively. ... .orriOEt . ... , No. 191 CENTRE ST., POTTSYXXLE, PA. i : , .iv, i , ', !: NOTICE., 1 . The Home Reserve force of The Penn- Bylvsnia Central Insnranco Company of Pottsville, Pa., will be in Perry county in considerable force, aud act aa the Com pany's Agents until a full line of Local Agents can be appointed when the reserve force will be recalled. . . t .-, . JAMES H. ORIEU, , Sec'y of Pa. Central Ins. Co. ' , . Insuranoe IVotioo. ' '!' ; On and after the tenth day of April, . 1878, The Homer, Iteserve force of Insur ance Agents belonging to "The Pennsylva nia Central Insurance Company" will leave Pottsville in heavy foree, and occupy tea ' different counties of tho State, where they will continue to act as the Company's Agents until a full line of Local Agents can be appointed, when they will be recalled. As a body of men, I believe they are supe- ' rior Insurance Agents, and most of them speak the English, French, Welsh and Ger man Languages, The City , Insurance ; Journals, with all their sneers at Mutual ' Companies, and 'continual ory of Fraud t Fraud 1 1 &o., cannot muster any better In surance material I Why don't the City In- suranoe papers tell the publio that no Mu tual Company broke or failed during the lout ten years ? Why don't they tell the public that more than half the Stock Com panies started within the last ten years have? It is a well-known fact that Mutual Companies oanuot fail. JAMES H. GRIER, Boorotary of Pennsylvania ' Central Insur ance Cwtnpany. . u j .,. 6 16 1 ." ' T ' " New Carriage Manufactory, 0 Hiosi Sthbitt, East 0 CarhblS Bt., ! l' New BloomUeld, renn'a. " ' .' ' - I 'r .. . ' .1 t .'-1 'I ' THE subscriber pas built a large and com mod I. ous Shop on Illgh Ht., Kast of Carlisle Street, New BloomUeld, Pa., where lie Is prepared to mail ' afaeture to order ,., . , .i.h... ' Carr i ix & ' , Of every deserlptlou, out qf the best material. Sleighs of eyery Styje, ' l'; built to order, and finished In the most artistic and durable manner. '' - V Having sutierlor workmen, he It prepared ' to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much mora durable, aud at much more reasonable rutea. , . -REPAIRING of all kinds neatly aud prompt ' lytlons A elll solicited. ' ' ' t",(1';'1'':8AMUEL;SSHTIl",":' awaa eiauit tioa urnva