6 j&t fJIaomfieltr Sinus. Tuesday, October IS, 1872. F ABU AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS We inrite communica tto nsfromallpermntwhoart intended in matter) projierly belonging to this department. .. Curious Instincts of tho nee. Houey bees are governed by Instinct, and not by art. Tbey never deviate from the course they were created in. The flint comb tbey ever built was as perfect us , at the present day ; no art bas improved the shape or size. Each bee does its part of the labor in gathering in the stores and nursing the young ; and I have noticed for sovoral years past, the mode of gathering pollen or boe bread. It is thus : When a bee goes out after food, it alights on some kind of flower and gathers a part of its load ; then goes to another of the same kind, and per haps a third, to obtain a load. Another bee goes out, and it alights on another kind of flower, it keeps to that kind tillt gets a load. But how is this known? You go to the hive and watch as they come in ; some have yellow pollen on their logs ; others have light color : others have dark ; but no bee has two colors on his legs. If you see any, you will see more than I have, for I never did; and I have' supposed that they stored it in different cells for a change of food. The other day, in overhauling a hive, I broke out a new piece of comb and found the different colors in different cells, which confirmed my belief, for I Biippose they like a change of food as well as hu mans. Another curiosity is their coming out and alighting before going off ; for among the hundreds that I had hived I never had one swarm leave direct from tho hive. Another curious thing is their rear ing tho malos and nursing them tenderly, and after they become useless they destroy them. But instinct bas directed them to do it. Another curious thing is that whon they get to be numerous, that the mother bee should call out a part of the brood to go with her, and leave the others to take care of the young. Why not call them all out to go with her? Because instinct has ' ordered it otherwise. Certain ones go out with her, while others are coming in with stores for future use. A certain part of them don't seem to have any inclination to follow the mother-bee, nor do they mourn her loss, for another is provided. Field and Farm. Plowing Twice for Wheat. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Ga zette writes: " If any one will break his ground deeply and thoroughly two or three times during the Spring and Summer, tho extra amount of wheat per acre will pay for plowing, and leave a handsome profit besides. I have tested this practice several timos, with the most satisfactory results, lu 1800, I had a field of sixteen acres of like fertility. I expected to plant half the fluid in corn, but for some reason did not. In the half that had been plowed for corn after the ground had been broke, the woeds grew more rapidly. Consequently, I broke it again the 20tb of Juno. On tho 1st of September following, I plowed tho entire fluid, and sowed in wheat. The re sult was as follows: Tho half which had only received the single plowing, yielded per acre thirteen bushels and eighteen pounds ; the half that received three break ings yielded per acre twcnty-tlireo bushels aud forty pounds, which made a difference of more than ten bushels per acre. At one dollar per bushel, this would pay for the extra plowing and leave a not extra profit of six dollars per acre besides. Discoloration of the Skin. Often persons receive an accidental blow ii.)., i'roji v, hence discoloration of the skin is apt to ensue. To prevent this, take a littlo dry starch or arrowroot ; moisten it with cold water, and lay it on tho jpjurod part. This must be done immediately, so as to prevont the action of the air upon the skin. However, it may be effectually ap plied some hours after. Raw meat is not always at hand, and some children have an insurmountable repugnance to have it ap plied. These applications are not always of certain effoct. There is no remedy for a black eyes but bathing in hot water, which is often-very tedious, but if Immediately applied It is a sure remedy or preventive. Novel Provender. We are informed that several farmers in Illinois are utilizing "the rag weed" for hay. Tho crops of hay aud straw are both so light, owing to spring drought, that unless some other substance can be found to feed cattle on during the winter, many must perish. Hence these farmers are mowing their stubble fluids aud 'putting the crop of " rng-weed" away for winter use. It is said that cattle do very well fed B it, and seem to prefer it to the best straw. Farmers in other sections may profitably make a note of it. ' Clf Kerosene and powdered llnio, whi ting or wood ashes, will scour tin with the least labor. Kerosene aud whiting will also cleanse silver ware, doorknobs, hingos, etc. Wet the flannel slightly in ' the oil, dip into the whiting, and rub bard, wash off with hot soap-suds, and brighten with a chamois skin or newspaper. Photographs ! .' , Fhotoffrnphs ! JACOB COBLE, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, 1'ENN'A. t HTTP anrtsr.rtrw.1. umuM ha.afltfnii ..ti .1.. -- JL tentlon of the citizens of thin county to the fact that he In prepared tw take PHOTOGRAPHS In the best style of the art. Ills long experience enables htm to produce pictures which caxxot be ex celled. All persons are requested to oall at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and nreat nam win tu tnknn to furnish Good Pictures of Children. Framing: material and a (rood iwmrtmsnt nf irimn always on hand, and for sale at low prices. J A COB COBLE, Artist, Newport, Perry Co., Ps LEBANON Mutual Fire Insurance Company, OF . Tone h town, Penn'n. POUCIE8 PERPETUAL at Low Kates. No Steam risks taken. This Ik une of the best conducted and most reliable Companies n the at 84 TO per thousand, and Town property at 15 (10 LEWIS POTTER, MSW HLOOMJrTKLD. TA., 4 10 A ent for Perry County. UNITED STATES HOTEL, Cor. JIiHoii, Water and Venrt Ut.. A". 1'. THIS well known favorite hotel has recently been renovated, remodeled and furnished new and elegantly tliroghout. It is kept on the European plan, and has ample accommodations lor four hundred guests. The location is inure accessible to all parts of New York aim Brooklyn than any other house In the city. The Broadway Stages pass tho hotel every three minutes, besides various lines of Street Cars, one of which Intersects every other route iu New York. It being but two blocks from Fulton Ferry, makes it convenient for 1 1 lose wishing to visit the ' City of Churches," as from this ferry diverge all theprineipal Kailroad routes in the city of Brook lyu. (ti.tfdp) GEO. N. TEltllY, Proprietor. 8 SIIUI.EH. 8. M. SUUl.EH S. SHULER & SON, LIVERPOOL, Terry County, Pa., Dealers In all kinds of Hardware, Groceries, &c. All goods In our line sold at the lowest price, (ilve usa trial. 5-UHt. J-N8UIIE IN THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW YORK. F. 8. Winston, President. The oldest and strongest Comtmnv In tlm TTnlterf States. Assets over Wft,OUO,000 in cash. 8. M. SHULER, Agent. 6 44 13t. Liverpool, Ta. THERE 13 MCTUINa LIKE IT F0 Fains, Sores, Wounds and Lameness. BUY IT J TRY IT! FoYflheumatism. . , Use Pain Cut Oil For Tfeuralgia, , . , Use Pair) Ce Oil. For FeVgr Sore Use Pair) ire Oil. For CholV NJorbus, , Use PaiyCure Oil. For SpraituV . , , Use Pro Cure Oil. For HeadachX , . . Use rfirj Cure Oil. For Bruises, . . , Useairj Cure Oil. For Corns and BuTWins, Uaf Pair Cure Oil. For Jny Sore, . .Jrae Paiij Cure Oil. For Any Larneness, ytfUse Pair Cure Oil. And w challenge th'VorldVi pruduca Its qool. mua jbxurwny ana iirternauv ror f.rrx BkAsrv, Art for PAI5XJURE OIL. TakVno other, for iArHAHT IT TO CUG. ' It It not a UTtaring preparation, but aaNjTL, made from pup vexaubla oils, linrw, ana JtMrecU, Xbuu w cietw ana eaie 10 tue. all UrUKilUU and Dealer! in Uedlcul PHICE, SO CEBITS. McCLURE EATON, PitomcTOftO anting, fa. Daily Express and Freight Line 13KTWKEN BLOOMFIELJD & NEWPORT! THE subscriber wishes to notify t he citizens of Ulooiulleld and Newport that he Is running a DallyLlnebetwrn.il these two places, and will haul Freight of any kind, or promptly deliver packages or messages entrusted to his care. . sVOrders may be left for him at the stores of K. Mortimer tt Co., New Ulooiulleld, or MlUlgaud Muaser, Newport, Ps. ... ' WHITMOHB. Bloomneld, January 25, 1870. Ad'LKNDITV BBOHTMENm rU'LENDljU iVSSOHTMKN J. OF dry. good q ry.ooodO Suited to the Season, Are Now Offerfd for Bait by F. K0BTIMSB. R R R. RADW AY'S READY "RELIEF CURES THE WO II ST PAIN'S In from One to Twenty Minute. NOT ONE HOUR ' After rcivdlna Oil ftitvort Moment need any on ... - hOkfkH WITH I'AIN. RADWAY'S RttAbY RKLIKF 1 A CURK FOB . EVEliY TAIN. . . ., It wm the first mid , The Only I'fUn 1 torn eel y that lnfltintljr oiw the mont t? icnirlbtln min?. allavs lnflnmnifitloni, and cure Contention a, whether of tm Luna:. Stomach, iiowala, or otbw ffiaudi or organa. by oue uipllcatl(in, IN FUOM ONB TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter how Tlnlent or excruciating the puln the KHKIJMATHJ, BtMl rhlden. Infirm, Crippled, Narroua, fteuralglc, or prostrated with disease mny ulTer, RADWAY'8 READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD IN8TANT EASK. INFLAMMATION OF TIIK KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF TIIK BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF TIIF. HOWF.LS. CONOKSTION OF THE LUNGS. SORE THROAT, IJIFFK'l'LT DKKATIiINO, PALPITATION OF TUB UtART. HYSTERICS. CROUP. IMI'HTHKMA. ( ATAKUIl, INFLUENZA . READACHB, TOOTH ACIIK. ' NF.URALOTA, RHEUMATISM. CO!.!) OniLLS, AOUK CHILLS. The iiipllttitlon of the Heady Keller to the put or pnru where the pnla or UlUlQufty oxIbU will afford com and comfort. Twentf drops In half a tnmWrr of wstpr wilt to a few momenta core CRAMPS, M'ASMS, SOUR STOMACH. HEARTIlUIl!?, SICK 11 FADACHE, DIARltllKA KYHKNTKKY. COLIO, W1NU IN THE BOWKLSi And all INTFItTCAI. 1'AINH Travelrre ulionld alware carry a bottle of Rndway! Itrady lteltrf with them. A few drops In water mill Crvent ntukneMe or palna rrom chanice of water. It la filter than French Rmndy or Bitten a a itlruuumt. FRVKR A1VI A K. FEVER AND AUUE cored for flny cents. There li riot a remedial ajrent In this world that will core Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, bilious. Scarlet, Ty phoid, Yellow, and other Fi vers (aided by RAliWAYS I'lLLS) so quick as RADWAY'S READY KELIfiF. Fifty cents per bottle. Sold by Druggist. HEALTH fBEAUTY ! ! 8TRONU AND PURR RICH ULOOD-1NCREASK OK FLESH AND WKIUIIT-CLKAR SKIN AND UKAUT1FUL UOMI'LEXION bEUUKED TO ALL. DR. ROADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT ItAS MAOK TIIK MOST ASTONISHING CURES t 80 qt'ICK, HO HAi'II) AUK THE CIIANUK8 THE HOlY tTNI)EIU.OEH, UNDER THE IN FLUENCK OF Tint TRULY WONDUUFUX. ME LUC INK, THAT Every Day an Increase In Flosh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, Every drop of OiO fiAHSAI'ARILMAN RESCLV ENT coninninlcotea throiiKh the Hlotid, Bweat, Urine, nnd other fluids and. Juices of the aystem the vigor of life, fur It repairs the wanted of the body with new and sound nifiterlaf. Scrofula, Hyphllls, Consumption, Glandular dlMtwe, Ulcers In the Throat . Mouth, Tumors, Nodes In tue Glands and other purls of the system, Sore Eyes, Strumous Dischargea from tho Knrs, and the worst forms nf Skin dlseasps, Eniptlonn, Fever Sores, Scald I loud. Kin Worm, Halt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, black spools. Worms In the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers In the Womb, and all weakening and painful dlttcharses. Night Hwents, Los of Sperm, nnd all wnntes of Ilic fife princi ple, are within the curative range of this wonder or 11 ml ern Chetnlntry, and a fur duys' use will prove to any person tiffing It for either of these farms of disease Us potent power to cure them. If the patient, dally becoming red need by the wastes and dftoinponltlon that In contlnunll)irouresHing, sue ceeds In arreting theso wastea, and repairs the same wit It li tw material imule from healthy blood aud this tha S AHSAI'AKILLI AN will mid docs secure. Not oid y does tho PAiutArAWi.MABf Rkwlvsst excel nil known remedial agents In the cure of Chionlc, Scrofu lotirt, CoiiMltntioiiul, and hit, In dlucases j but theouly poidtive cure for Kidney V Bi ladder Complnl.its, T'rlnarv, nnd Womb dlacnses, Jrnvel, IHaln-tes, Dropsy, Htoppaireof Water, Iticitdlnunce of Urine, ltrlglit's I).i tte, All'iimlnuria. nnd in all cuwi where there are brick duitt dt'podta, or tlie water Is thick, cloudv. mixed with nulnt.u.cen like the whltu of an egt, or tlireuds like wlilto silk, or there Is a morbid, dark, bilious apnearniice, nnd whltu boned'itt deposits, nnd when there is it pricking, burning scullion wlum panning water, and pain In tho SinuM 'ift'ic Il u k and uloiirf the Lulus, l'dce, 1.00. WORMS. Tho only known and auro Remedy for H onnn I'm, 'Jape, etc. Tumor of 12 YcnrM' Orowtli Cured by Itaduuy'N ItCNoIvent. TtitvRitLr, Mam., July 1ft, Inaji, Da. RnwT : T havs hud OvKrlsn Ttimor In the ovarii mmt town! i. All tha DiKtori Mid " thurtt wm no help for It." I tril svury llilntf ihni was rMonimeiiilrd ; but nutldtig ht-lwd m. I yi.nr KMiilvnnt, ntirj ihnuitlit 1 wmld try II : but had no faith In It, hm-mita I hatl ti.rttrwt f..r twolvo ymri, I luuk six buttloi nf the Keovitt, ami nn lx of Ksdwav't Pill, and two Wt t of your Iteaily ltIlnf ami thor U n-t a lfi, of tumor to be) n nr f- lt, tud I f--l UtlUr, marlt-r, and hsi'fer llmu I bn firtwfl j n!i-i. Ths wuril lunmr xu In tlitt left il.Uof thf b"wli, ivr tha fToln. I writ IhU t yuu for lbs bauis1l ol oUufH. You van publUa It If you cIhwm. HANNAH P. KNAPP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tnstidi-si, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purtv, r-gulate, purltV, c .tunte, an! stiemrtlnii. li.nl way's 11 Ma. for the cur' of nil dlnorder. of the .tbinach, Liver, Uxwels. Kiduevx, Dladder, Nurvou fJIxeutMH, Headiiche. CoiiittlpiUloo, . Ctwtlveness, Indigentlon, Iysne sla, Hlllounem. Ilitloua Fever, Inflammation of tlie Ihiwvlii, l'ilen,mul all I)eniiigen.entjtoftJu- Internal Vis cm. Warranted to effect u fHtstttvccure. Purely Veuetn bie, contalnb.g no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs, 3V Observe the following symptoms rvsultitig from l)l!on!ers of the Incentive Organs: Ci.ttlMtinn, InwuM PtM, FtdlnoM of tho 11! In tht UA, Afl.tity of lh StouiM-h, Nsun, tlmirll tirti, lUcut of Kwil, KuHn r Weticht In tha Hluutncn, Hour Knu-Utliiiu, Milking or 'lutl-r(uKat tliu Pit of tlia HI n. h, HwliiiuiliiK uf the llntd, HurrUI and Difficult llrttathlng, 'iultvriiijr at lh Heart, Choking or SalfL'Ntiiig SitnMtlima whm In a Lvlng I'oaturtj, DlmnHWof Vlilon, Jj..Uor Wt lwfrr thit RlBltl. Kfver and fhill Pmn In tlia lh'ft.1, lalleiitiry of l'tr-.lrill..n, Yillwriw of thu Skin Ktid K vm, Pain In tha CliMt, Limb, and auddou r'luba ij llast, liuratng l4h FIh.)(. A few doses of RADWAY'S TILLS will froo the av. teni from all the iibove-nui: ed d'-or-k-ri. l'llct-. 35 c.di jirbf.K. ISOLD It Y Mlimni.STri. v HEAD KAI.SK AND Tit UK." Pern! one Vtter. tamp to ItADWAV A CO., '... til Malilen Lane. Kc,. i'ork, liifonutttiuu wurth thuUMUida will buacut you. Professional Cards. CHARLES II. SMILEY, Attorney at Law. New llloointteld, Perry Co. Pa. 3-Onice with C. A. Burnett Esq., next door to Mortimer's store August 20, UVi JAMES H. KKHGITBON, Attorney-at l.aw, New Itlooinlleld, Perry county. Pa. 4ST Onice with Hon. C. J. T. Mclutire. 35 6 "ITTM. A. Bl'ONHLKK, A ttorney-at-Law, Yy Office adjoining his residence, on East Main street, New Ulooiulleld, Perry co. Pa. 3 2 ly CIIAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New i)l(Kiiiitlld, Perry co.. Pa, VOnice adjoining MortUuur' Store 3 2 ly B P. McINTIRE Attorney at Law. and DIs. a trlct Attorney of Perrv oountv. Olllce with J. T. Mulutire, New Ulooiulleld, Penu'a. LEWI POTTEll, Attornkt-at-Law ft Notabt Prmi.io, New lUoomjUM, terry County, JPenn'a. nr Special attention giveu to Collection of all kinds, to the settlement of estates, &c, and all other legal business prosecuted with ttdellty and dispatch. Also, Depositions, Affidavits aud Ac knowledgments taken, -Oniee Dvedoors West of Sutch's hotel. 821y. JBAILY, Attorney at Law, a New Ulooutneld, PerryCo., Pa. aT Olllce opposite the Court House, uud two doors east of the Perry County Dank. Refers to B. Mclutire, Esq. June 27, 1871. JOHN O. SHATTO, Surgeon Dentist. New HIiMiintleld, Perry co.. Pa. tlstry All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Den Drices.done in the best manner, and at reasonable vonice at his reuldenue, opposite the Reform ed Church, ou High Street. S 2 ly WM. M. HUTCH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, New Bioomlteln. Perry CO., Pa. -Office Two doors West of F. Mortimer Btore a 7 ly CLEE MURRAY. Attorney-at-Law, Centre Siuar, New lilooinlteld, Perry CO., Pa. T All business entrusted to Ills eare will ret eelve prompt attention. 3 2 tf CIIAS. J. T, McINTlKK, Attorney-at-Law, New ltloomtleld. Perry co.. Fa. . T All professional business promptly audfaltb. fully attended to. 3 2 IV. ITM. N. BE1HKKT, Attorney. at Law, TV New BluoiuCeld, Perry oo., Pa. lilooaileld, 1 a ly. IJloomfleld Academy! An. English and Classical School . .-. FOB . ,. i LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Young Men Prepared For College. A. Normal School and a School of Art SUMMER TKHM COMMENCES On Monday, the 2Cth or August, 1872. AB the above school ha recently been re-organ ued. (itudents can enter any time. I'rof. WM. H. vu.h, a graduate of llutger's Col lege, N. J., Principal. Miss SARAH LIFE, will teach Music and Draw. Ing. , Every facility for the training of the youth of both sexes In all that constitutes a liberal and thorouirh education. . The Collegiate Deportment embraces all the higher branches, Including the Latin and Greek Languages, Engineering, Practi cal Surveying, Literature1, natural Science aud ad vanced Mathematics. Vacations; juiy and August, and one week at Christmas. Terms: ForBoardlng, Furnished Room, Wash ing. Tuition In Latin, Ureek, English llrnnchesand Mathematics, for the scholastic year, lltto. In vacations. 8200,00. The Hoarding Department Is at the Institution, under the supervision of Wlliam Grler, Esq., by whom good and substantial board will be fur nished; and the pupils will be uuder the strict care of the Priuclpal. Address W. H. DILL, A. M. Principal, or WILLIAM GRIKlt, 4t 1 f New BloomUeld, Terry oounty, Pa. Blain Select School Opens August 12th, 1872! CONTINUES 11 WEEKS. G.C.'PALM, Principal. Boots I Boots I A Fill Assortmeutof THE CELEBRATED YORK BOOTS, Hand or Machine Bided, Whole Stock Double Sole and Warranted to Give Entire Satisfaction, Manufactured and For Sale to the Trade by M. D. SPAHR, YORK, PA. A full Assortment of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Constantly on Hand. rfljj)ecaj Attention Paid to Order.- UNCAN 8IIERMAN & CO,, BANKE11S, No. 11 Nassau Street, NEW YORK, Issue circular Notes and circular Letters of credit available In any part of the world. sT Current accounts received on such terms as may be agreed upon. 5 12tf To ISljiooiiirilcoi's. TIIK subscribers keep constantly on hand, a FINE ASSORTMUNT OF FRENCH CALF SKINS, PINK LININGS, ROANS, MOROCCOS, SHOE THREAD, PEGS, i AWLS, and a ffeneral assortment nf nrtintna .,a i.w si,.. makers. F. MORTIMER. Jay Cooko & Co., PHILADELPHIA. N.YORK Ht WASHINGTON. JAY C00KE, M'CULLOCH & CO., LONDON, Hiiiiilfoi'H ! We will buy and soli GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, PENNSYLVANIA STATE AND PHILADELPHIA CITY LOANS GOLD AND SILVER. And Aiecute orders for the purchase and sale of BONDS AND STOCKS on commission, at the Board of this and other cities, make collections on a I points aud allow interest ou Currency and Gold Deposits. In connection with our London House, we traus act a GENERAL FOHKIQN EXCHANGE BUSINESS, Including purchase and tale of Sterling Bills, and the Issue uf Commercial & Traveler's Credits Available throughout the world. Direct telegraphic communication with our New York and Washington olllces. Passports furnished parties taking Letters of Credit through us, without extra charge. JAY COOKK & CO., NO. 1H SOUTH THIRD STREET, rillLADKLPIIIA. June 18, 1872. -tf rERIlY HOUSE, New DlooiuDold, Pa. THE subscriber having purchased the property ou the corner of Maine and Carlisle streets, opposite the Court House, Invitee all hla frieudi and former customers to give him a call as he If determined to furnish first class accommodations, THOMAS HUTCH, lil rwrtsr. CONTINENTAL Life Insurance . Company, OF NEW YORK, 8TBICTLY MUTUAL t "T8STTE8 all the new forms of Policies, and pre. JL sents as favorable terms as any company In the United States. Thirty days' grace allowed on each payment, and the policy held good during that time. Policies Issued by this Company are non-forfeiture. No extra charges are made for traveling permits. Policy-holders share In the annual profits of the Company, and have a voice lu the elections and management of the Company. No policy or medical fee charged. Justus Lawkknce, Pres't. M. B. Wvnkoop, Vice Pres't J. P.llooKiis, Soc'y. J. K. EATON, General Agent. No. fi North Third Street, i.2yl College Block, Harrisburg, Pa. Incorjiornted by the Court of Common Pleas, in ltkit); by the Legislature, in 1871. The I'eiiiiMylraiiia Central Insurance Company OF POTTSVILLE. PA. Capital and Assets, $156,000. Premium Notes, (100,000 00 Promissory Notes, 50,000 00 Cash premiums due or col lected for the year 1871, $3,023 00 Cash premiums due or col lected for the first three months of 1873 1,800 00 Cash from other sources and agents 1,800 00 Judgment Bonds In Com pany's olllce, 1,100 00 Total Cash, $0,128 00 Total cash and note assets, April 1st, 1873, $150,138 00 JAMES II. GRIER, JOHN D. HADE8TY, Secretary. President. DIRECTORS : John D. Ilndesty, A. P. Helms, Benjamin Teter, A. Butermelstcr, Jumcs II. tirlcr, E. F. Jungkurt, Elius Miller. AGENTS) II. H. Hill, Edward Fox, John A. Kable, Ed ward WeBley, Charles F. Dclbort, Wm. K. Grlfllth. E. F. Jungkurt, General Agent. Arrangements liavo been made with other flrst-cluss compnnses to re-lnsnro risks taken on the cash plan In such amounts as desired. Liberal commission allowed agents, and ex clusive territory, If doslred. This Company confines Itself to fire insurance exclusively. OFFICE: No. 101 CENTRE ST., POTTSVILLE, FA. NOTICE. Tho Home Reserve force of The Penn sylvania Central Innnrnnce Company of PotUvillo, Pa., will be in Porry county iu considerable force, and act aa the Com pany'a Agonta until a full line of Local Agents can be appointed when the reserve force will be recalled. -JAMES II. GRIER, Sec'y of Pa. Central Ins. Co. IiiMiiraiico INotie. On nnd after the tenth day of April, 1872, Tho Home Reserve force of Insur ance Agonta belonging to " The Pennsylva nia Central Insurance Company" will leave Pottsville in heavy force, and occupy ten different counties of the State, where they will continue to act as the Company's Agents until a full line of Local Agents can be appointed, when they will be recalled. As a body of men, I believe they are supe rior Insurance Agents, and most of them speak the English, French, Welsh and Ger man Languages. The City Insurance Journals, with nil their sneers at Mutual Companies, and continual cry of Fraud I Fraud 1 I &o., cannot muster any better In surance material ! Why don't the City In surance papers tell the publio that no Mu tual Company broke or failed during the Inst ten years? Why don't they tell the public that more thnn half the Stock Com panies started within the last ten years have? It is a well-known fact that Mutual Companies cannot fail. JAMES II. GRIER, Secretary of Pennsylvania Central Insur ance Company. 0 10 New Carriage Manufuolorj', On Hion Strkrt, Bst or Cahijsls St., Xew Blooinlleld, reiin'a. THE subscriber has built a large and commodi ous SJmp on High St., East of Carlisle Street, New Ittoomtield, Pa., where he Is prepared to man ufacture to order i JtX 1 ! i O 8 Of every description, out of the best material. Sleighs of every Style, built to order, and finished In the most artistic and durable manner. Having superior workmen, he Is 'prepared to furnish work (hat will compare favoranly with the best city Work, and much mors durable, and at much more reasonable rates. 7-K$PAiHiNa of all kinds neatly aud prompt 17 don A call Is solicited. SAMUEL SMITH IIU