DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Has been tested by the publlo , FOB TEN YEARS. Ir. C rook's Wine of Tar Renovates and Invigorates the entire system. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Is the very remedy for the Weak and Dobilitatcd. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR V , Rapidly restores exhausted ' Strength 1 DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR ' Restores the Appetite and . Strengthens the Stomach. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Causes the food todigest, removing Dyspepsia and Indigestion DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Gives tone and energy to Debilitated Constitutions. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR. All recovering from any illness will find this the best Tonic they can take. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Is an effective Regulator of the Liver. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR - Cures Jaundice, or any Liver Complaint. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Makes Delicate Females, who are never feeling Well, Strong and Ilealthy . DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR lias restored many Pur sons who have been i . unable to work for years. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Should bo taken if your Stomach is out of Ordor. Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar Will prevent Malarious Fevers, and braces up the System. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR 1 , Possesses Vegetable Ingredients which make it the , . i . best Touio in the market. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR ' i . .1 Has proved itself i in thousands of cases capable of curing all diseases of the Throat and laings. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR .., ;' Cures all Chronio Coughs, and Coughs and Colds, more eft'octually than any , other remedy. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Has Cored cases of Consumption pronounced incurable by physicians. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Has cured so many cases of Asthma and Bronchitis that it has been pronounced a speciile for these complaints. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Removes Fain in Breast, Side or Back. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR. Should be taken for diseases of the Uriuary Organs. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Cures Gravel and Kidney Diseases. ' DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR . Should be taken for all ' Throat and Lung Ailments. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Should be kept in every house, and its life giving Touio properties tried by all. Dr. CROOK'S Compound Syrup of Poke Root, . Cures any disease or Eruption on the Skin. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT, Cures Rheumatism and Fains in Limbs, Bones, Ac. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. ' ' ' , . , , ' .- '"' ., '..-'A . Builds up Constitutions i : . , broken down from Mineral or Mercurial Poisons. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT, Cares all Mercurial Diseases. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT Should be taken by all requiring a remedy o make pure blood. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND , SYRUP OF POKE ROOT, Cures Scald Head, ,i .. . Salt Rheum and Tetter. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND ' SYRUP OF POKE ROOT, . Cures long standing Diseases of the Liver. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND ! ' SYRUP OF POKE ROOT, . Remove Syphilis 1 rUi diseases U entail mestefieotually and speedily than any antl ail ether remedlescomuinod. . ,ly ... :,. . . ' , Philadelphia Advertisements. A. B. Cunningham. J. II. Lewars. J. B.Glolm. Cunningham, Gloim & Co., WnoLBSALs Dealers in Tobacco, Scgars, &c, 1 NO. 4, NORTH FIFTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Y 82310 PATTERSON & NEWLIN, Wholesale Orocers, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS , No. 120 ARCH STREET. Philadelphia. The sale of Eggs, Seeds, Grain and Wool a specialty. 31 Please send for a Circular. 48 WM. H. KENNEDY, wiTn O. Vf. Hickman. Geo. Wain. A. L. Whiteman. Hickman, "Wain & Whiteman, x DEALERS in Tobacco, Scgars, &c, No. 222 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, FA. A full Stock of the Celebrated Monitor N A vr, always ou hand. A 32 tt lu BARCROFT & CO., liiiporteiB and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DllY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, , Linens, White Goods, ' Hosiery, &c, Nos. 405 and 407 MARKET STREET, (Above Fourth, North Side.) Philadelphia. ORAYISILIi fc CO., Wholesale Dealers I n Carpets, Oil Cloths, Shades, -... . : Brooms, Carpet Chain, Batting, Wadding, Twines, &c, And a line assortment of Wood and Willow Ware, , No. 420 Market street, above 4th, Philadelphia, Pa. January 1, 18(9. John Btialfner, Jr. E. 8. Zlegler. Tlieo. Rume. SHAFFNER, Z1EGLER & CO., Successors to SUAFFNEK, ZIEGLER & CO., Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, CIovcm, , ' Iltbboiis, KiiftpeiMlcrs, T II R E A D S , COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS - AND FANCY GOODS, No. 30, North Fourth Street, . PHILADELPHIA, PA. Agents for Lancaster Combs, ' LLOYD, SUPPLEE, & WALTOX, , r' WHOLESALE '' ' HARDWARE HOUSE, No. 825 Market Street, Philadelphia. H. II. TAYI.OII, with WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Comer of 2nd and Arch Btreetr, Philadelphia Pa HOAR, MoCONKET & CO., . . Successors to . WM. W. PAUL & CO., WBOLISALB , BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 638 Market 8t. and 614 Commerce Street, .Philadelphia, Penn'a. WHOLESALE January 1, 1869. Philadelphia Advertisements. WRICHT & SIDDALL, Wholesale Druggists, AND DEALERS IN DPu-tont 3Xodiciii.cN 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FRONT, Philadelphia, Pa. A. XTJLL STOCK OF EVERYTHING CONNECTED WITH THE BUSINESS, OF THE BEST QUALITY, AND AT VEIir I-iOW rrticiis. A Good location for business, enables us to offer Inducements to buyers, and makes it worth their while to give us a trial. 3 8tf DAVID D. ELDER & CO., Successors to MILLER & ELDER, Booksellers and Stationers, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, And Dealers In WINDOW CURTAINS AND WALL PAI'ER, No. 430 Market Street, 31 PHILADELPHIA, FA. John Lucas & Co., Sole ana TUB oivxr MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPERIAL FRENCH, AND PURE SWISS GREEN, Also, Pure White Lead and Color M AN UFA VTURERS, Nos, 141 and 143 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. SOWER, FOTTS & CO., DookNellerg fc Stationers, And Dealers In CURTAIN AND WALL-PAPERS, Nos. 630 Market and 523 Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. . Publishers of Sanders' New Readers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's History of uie uuueu amies, r euou s uuiuue maps, c. HI, AX It ItOOKS Always on hand, and made to Order. 31t A. L. Kaub J. E. Fbbtmiri. k Ai ii & i itYiiiti:, , . Importers and Jobbers or C h 1 n a , O 1 ii s s ,5.' AND QUEENSWA11E, 801 and 803, Cherry St., between Arch & Race, PHILADELPHIA. ; ID" Constantly on band, Original Assorted Packages. l. v. ly lu W. A. Atwood. Isaac W. Ranch ATWOOD, KANCK & CO., CoiuiiiIhhIoii Merchant, ( ' ' AND Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Tickled and Salt I ISII, No. 210 North Wharves, above Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. G TO 17. MOltTIMEIt'Ci : OU BARGAIN t3 Ilia Stock will be found the most complete in the county, and consists of DUV CiOOKS flI,OTIIIN WrilMM'KHIKS uqhok f1nimvos Oqadluhs iiakdwarr ' Oml IJ.OW WAItK 0 WlirAM, J'AI'FK WpiillHUKSall style, DpOOTH & HIIOKS - JJTTATM fc CAl'M UlT7JIITK-J001)8 WjOTlONS &e. Oil, CLOTH XTAILH fe HPIKES ni?U(IETOOLHC U PAINTH, OILH i T A I H I N fc I'IC'K , ItTHO.N fc H'l'KEIj ipAllIUAOK HAKDWARK L-JgNVKL,01'JCttte I'Al'KU , . GOODS OF EVERY STYLE CHEAP FOR CASH, ALL AND HUE. H U Pliiladelpliia Advertisements. 1). POUT BEALE, WITH BARNE9, BRO. & IIERRON, Wholesale Dealers In IIjitH, Ojips, Xtirs, AND H r 11 AV - (i O ODH, No. 603 MARKET STREET, 6KHy PHILADELPHIA. C. E. JORDAN. J. FOX JORDAN, FOX & CO., Wholesale Dealers In Ilatfl,'Capm, AND STRAW GOODS, NO. 33, NORTH THIRD STREET, (Between Market and Arch Streets,) 6.I8.0I PHILADELPHIA. W. F. ICOHLI311, JOBBER IN Hats, Caps, Furs, Str ii av - O- o o 1 h 153 NORTH THIRD STREET, 8 ly 10 PHILADELPHIA. Blatchley's Cucumber Wood Pumps. TRADE TO MARK. Patented. niiATCH LET'S Cucumber Wood Pumps, Tasteless, Durable, 'Kfllclent, and CIIKAP ! Are already widely known and de servedly popular. RECENT IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENTS, recommend these Pumps stlll'more stronsly to the favor of the public and the trade. Dealers sup plied with full descriptive Catalogues, Price Llst &c, upon application. TINOLEY'S PATENT HORIZONTAL IK CIULIM FIlKKZKfll, SVES ICE, SAVES TIME, SAVES LABOR, And produces the finest quality of Cream known to the Art. Bend for aDescriptlveCatalogue. C1IAS. G. ItLATCHLEY, Manf'r, 600 Commerce Street, 513tf Philadelphia, Pa. CARSON'S This Is not the lowest priced, fiTTTT TAP 1)111 being much the best Is in O X HiLiXjAn, the end by far the cheapest. 0T T Do not fail to give It a trial, A JJ and you will use no other. THE alarming Increase In the number of fright ful accidents, resulting In terrible deaths and the destruction of valuable nroiierty, caused by the Indiscriminate useot oils, Known under the name of etroluuin, prompts us to call your spe cial attention to an article which will, wherever iMii, remove ine uaubh. oi bucu accidents. We allude to Carson 8 Stellar Oil . FOR ILLUMINATING PURPOSES. The proprietor of this Oil has for several years felt the necessity of providing for, and presenting to the publlo, as a substitute for the dangerous comiMxuuls which are sent broadcast over the country, an oil that Is HAKE and KKILLIANT, and entirely reliable. After a long series of labo rious and costly experiments, he has succeeded In providing, and now niters to the public, such a substitute In "CAItHON'S STELLAR OIL." It should be used by every family, 1ST, Because It Is safe beyond a question. The primary purpose In the preparation of STELLAR OIL has been to make It PERFECTLY SAFE, thus Insuring the lives and property of those who use It. 2D, Because It Is the most BRILLIANT liquid II umlnator now known. 3D, Because it Is more economical, lu the long run, than any of the dangerous oils and fluids now In too common use. 41 II, Because it is intensely BRILLIANT, and ' therefore economical, giving the greatest possi ble light at the least expenditure to the consum er. Its present standard of SAFETY AND BRILLIANCY will always bo maintained, for upon this the proprietor depends for sustaining the high reputation the STELLAR OIL now enjoys. To prevent the adulteration of this with the ex plosive compounds now known under the name of kerosene, ic, &o., It Is put up for family use In Five Gallon cans, each can being sealed, and stamped with the trade-mark of the proprietors It cannot be tampered with between the manufuc hjrw and consumer, hone Is genuine without the KTKI.LAK OIL Issoldonly by weight, each can containing five gallons of six uud a half pounds each, thus securing to every purchaser full meas ure. It Is the duty and Interest of all dealers and consumers of llluminatlngoil to use the hi hi, I, A K OI t only, because it aione Is known to be safe and reliable. a. All orders should be addressed to j titii:x & c., , WHOLESALE A&ENTS, 138 Bouth Front Street, riUIadelphla. 1 Bly I.OC UMAX'S Writing- Iluid ! fTIHIS FLUID Is warranted EQUAL to Ahnold's, JL and Is sold at much less price. The money will be refunded to those buying It, it It does not prove entirely satisfactory. , Fur salo by V. Mortimer, New Bloomfleld. MILLER b ELDER, '. ' Bole Agents,- - 430 Market Street, VOll .'.".i Philadelphl. 'Ill i ; HUMOROUS 'ITEMS EST" Undergoing repairs the lady whose poace of mind was broken. t3T Says John to Boosey you are such a big dovil that whonevor you come near, satan gets into me. That's so replies Boosey for the scriptures tall us that the dovil came out of the man and went into the hog. The now style of collar for gentlo- mon is simply terrific. Thoy are an econom ical article, however, as with moderately long pantaloons they do away with all ne cessity for a shirt. , tW A clergyman, having made several attempts to reform a profligate, was at length repulsed with, " It is all in vain, doctor; you cannot get me to change my religion." "I do not wish that,'! replied the good man, "I wish religion to change you." tW An Indian complained to a rumsoller that the price of his liquor was too high. The latter, in justification said: " shut it cost as much to keep a hogshead of liquor as to keep a cow." "Maybe ho drink as much water," replied the Indian, but he no eat so much hay." Why, Emily, how do you do?'? "I am very well, Julia. I celebrated my wooden wedding last week." "Why, I didn't know you wore married. IIow did you celebrate it?" " By marrying a block head." t2T Two weasels found an egg. "Let us not light for it," said the elder weasel, "but enter into partnership." "Very good said weasol the younger. So taking the egg between them, each sucks an end. " Myjchildron," said Rodtapes, the attorney, " though you have but ono client between you, make the most of him." t2?An Irishman at Philadelphia was watching the conscription wheel, when suddenly, losing all control of himself, he burst out, " Whirl it round 1 rouse it, will ye?" "What's the mnttor with you?" said the Provost Marshall. "Oh, be jabbers! turn it round a dozen times, for the man you drawed last is my next door neighbor." tW A learned clergyman, was accosted in the following manner by an illiterate preacher who despised education: "Sir,, you have been to college, I suppose?" "Yes sir," was the reply "I am thank ful," lojoincd the former, "that the Lord opened my mouth without any learning."" " ABimilarevent," retorted the clorgyman,. "took place in Balaam's time; but such, things are of raro occurronce,at the presont day. tW A negro witness, on a horse trial in. New Jersey court, was asked to explain the diflerence betweon a box stall and a com mon stall. Straightening himself up, he pointed to the square enclosure in which the judge was seated, and said: " Dat ar's what I calls a box stall dcre whar dat old hoss is a sitting I" It took a good many raps of tho judge's gavol to restore order in that court. , t3"In a Cincinnati church on a recent Sunday a gentleman who had placed his hat in the aislo beside his seat was greatly sur prised to see it a moment later following a lady down the aislo. He immediately got down on all fours and went for his hat, but every timo he put his hand out to got it the lady took a step forward and it was just kopt out of his reach until he had gone the full length of tho aisle. By this time the audionco wore in a titter, and he took his stove-pipe and went out in a hurry. tW II. G. sometimes indulges in a little humor, as for instance: Being importuned by a couple of uncom monly ragged, dirty beggars for alms, he asked a goutluman with him. " Why are thoso fellows like lillios?" "I give it up," was the reply. "I should call thorn nettles." " They are like lillios," replied II. G. "in that thoy toil not, neithordo they spin; yot Solomon in all his glory was not array ed like them." , tST Benjamin Gieenloaf the mathemati cian, whose mathematics have puzzled so many young brains, was an eccentric man, who loved a pleasant joko. Going one day with a baskot ou his head into a room where there wore several boys, he asked one boy after another. " Are you fond of fractions?" Each lad, fearing a problem would follow, said, heartily and promptly " No sir." But ono courugoous follow said, " Yes sir." To him was given the basket with its contents a number of nice apples, halved and quartered with the remark, " You may divide thoso fractions.'' An Irishman was up before a crimi nal court on the chargo of having in his possession forged notes, knowing them to be counterfeit. " Do you know your rights?" said the Judge. " Not so well as I know my wrongs," said he; "for wo haven't been so intimate acquaintances of late." 1 "Well, you have' tho right to challenge the twelve men who will be called upon to try you," said the judge. "Ton my sowl, thin," said the prisoner, I'm not going to exercise it. That's a nice job you'd be afthor glvin' me this mornlu', to challenge and fight them too one down and another coine on, I suppose."