The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, July 02, 1872, Page 5, Image 5

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    l)c imcs, Nero Bbomficlir, J)a.
Tuesday, July 2, 1872.
Sit lo. Tu. We. Th. Fin Si.
... 1 2 3 4 6 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
13?" Answer to Enigmas In last week's
Times t
Enigma No. 1 Montpieler, Vermont.
Enigma No. 2 Bloomfield.
Will be Closed. The stores and business
places in this borough will be closed on the
4th of July.
Who is It. We have received a piece of
poetry entitlod "Beautiful Rain." We
will publish it for ten cents a lino if the
author will send his or her name. Without
the chance to publish the name we think
it would be worth twenty conts por line at
FIc-NIcs. The Presbyterian Babbath
School will hold a pic-nio on the 4th, in
Barnetts' woods near the Pond.
The Methodist Sabbath School will hold
a pic-nio at Milans' Spring, on the 4th.
School to assemble at the Church at ring
ins of the bell.
Odd. A diBpatch from Williarasport to
the Dailies on Tuesday last says: "Fifty
odd editors and their wives are bore on
their way to Erie to attend the editorial
We meant to have been one of the
party but sickness in our family kept us at
home. But why call those who went odd t
Those Labels. Some of our subscribers
seem to confound the abroviations used for
January and June. '
If the label on your paper reads "30 J
'72" your subscription expired with the
month of June. If it reads "1 f '73," your
subscription is paid till the 1st of . next
January. The abbreviation used for July
is 3-
The Secret Orders of Duncannon will
bold a grand union basket pie-nlo in Mr.
jetecl's woods near Duncannon on the 4th
of July. All the different ordors in the
county are invited to join in the grand cel
ebration of the nations birth day. A lively
time is expected. The Duncannon Silver
Cornet Band will enliven the occasion with
choice music. The citizens of the town
and friends generally throughout the county
are heartily invited to attend.
By order of the committee.
CD. Smitii, Sec.
'decideut. The stage running between
Landisburg and Carlisle, met with a mishap
on Monday of last week, while at the houso
on top of the mountain, and causing serious
injury to a girl named Lizzie Wilcox, who
was on her way ' homo in Landisburg.
When the driver hod reached the tavern on
the mouutain, he attempted to drive up to
the trough to water bis horses, and unfortu
nately turned the horses too short, upset
ting the stage which was dragged for some
distance, and threw the little girl violently
to the ground, breaking her arm and dislo
cating tho shoulder blade. Medical aid was
procured as soon as possible, and it is hoped
the injuries may not prove fatal.
Sheriff's Sales. The following is a list
of the properties sold at public sale, by the
Sheriff on Friday lost :
1. A lot of ground in Ickesburg having
tannery, bark shed &c, thereon, seized as
the property of Christ. Fisher. . Sold to Dr.
"W. R. Clsna & Kendlg for $1250.
2. A lot of ground in Newport, having
thereon a two Btory frame house and out
buildings, seized as the property of John
Bair, and sold to James Everhart for f 025.
8. A lot of ground situated in Newport,
seized as the property of Philip II. Miller.
Sold to W. N. Bolbert for $130.
4. A lot of ground in Spring twp., con-
taing 4 acres, having thereon a bouse, bam
and out buildings, seized as the property of
David II. Smith. Sold to Wm. Foose for
5. A tract of land containing 144 acres
situated in Juniata twp., having thereon
bouse, barn, saw-mill, foundry &o., seized
as the property of Jacob R. Kough. Sold
to Josiah Fickes, for $1 00 subject to liens
amounting to $0,403.
0. A tract of land in Savllle twp., con.
tainlng 200 acres seized as the property of
Johnson Kennedy. Sold to W. A. Bponslor
for $375.
7. A lot of ground in Carroll twp., con
taining 21 acres, having thoreon a' log
bouse and blacksmith shop, seized as the
property of Henry .W. Casey. Sold to
Henry Bontzel for $210.60.
8. A tract of land in Carroll twp., con
taining 00 acres, having thereon a house
and barn, seized as the property of Abner
Lilly. Bold to Levi Adams for $2,153.
License Refused. The Wrightsvllle Star
says : On the 17th, ult., President Judge
R. J. Fisbor delivered a deoision in the
matter of the application of Peter Fornoff
for a liconse to koep a restaurant, eating
house and beer saloon in. Spring Garden
township York County, Pa., the other
judges concuring in the opinion. The case
has attracted considerable attention and
during the hearing, Uiore was a large attend
ance at the court. Tho evidence elicited by
the parties opposing the granting of tho
above liconse proved very conclusively that
the said Fornoff was guilty of soiling li
quor on Sunday. The Court after a patient
hearing, of the case unanimously rcCasnd to
grant the license aud his petition therefore,
was dismissed.
Fornoff was 'much incenBed at tho ac
tion of the Court and displayed his ire in
getting up a burlesque procession on Tues
day evening of last week.
A Man Drowned.
Marybville, June 28th, 1872.
Mr. Editor. On laRt Wednesday bctweon
the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock P. M., the sad
intelligence reached us that Frank King,
foreman of a force of men employed by the
Northern Contral R. R. Co., on the new
bridge, fell from the bridge into tho river,
and was drowned. It appears that in the
morning, on account of the rapid rising of
the river, it was found that a certain
amount of work muBt bo done in order to
save the bridire. in case the wator should
wash the treBtle work from bonoath the
bridge. Consequently, work was com
menced earlier than usual and even dinner
was refused until the bridge was considered
secure, and while thus engaged in directing
the work of the men, Mr. King, the un
fortunate man became entanglod in a rope
which threw him from the bridge into the
water, a distance of about 25 feet. Mr. K.
was about 87 years of age, and a resident
of Indiana county Pa. Up to writing his
body has not yet been found.
Cumberland County. We copy the fol
lowing items from the Carlisle Volunteer of
the 27th ult. :
On Saturday afternoon last, a fire occur
red on the property of C. W. Ahl, Esq.,
near his forgo, in South Middleton town
ship, which consumed sevoral hundred cords
of wood.
On Wednesday afternoon of last week
Mr. Harry Ginter was hauling wood from
Allen's clearing about two and a half miles
west of this place. While passing a tree
which was being cut down, with his team,
it broke off pormaturoly, falling across one
of bis horses, killing it almost instantly.
We learn Mr. G. was offered $150 for the
horse, a short time ago.
The reports that have reached the coun
try concerning small-pox in Carlisle, are
grossly exaggerated. We have but few
cases in our town not over a half
dozen all told. Indeed, tho only real case
of small-pox that we have hoard of was a
student at tho college. He was promptly
romoved to a room in the poor-house, and
is improving rapidly. The other cases in
town are varioloid, and all are doing woll
and no more cases aro reported.
On Saturday night, about 11 o'clock, a
most diabolical outrage was perpetrated on
a citizen of this borough, ou the public
square. Daniel Baily, who resides with
Mr. William Noblo, was down town on the
evening in question. On returning homo,
and when in the vicinity of the square, he
was met by two men who threw a bag over
his head and robbed him of his pocket
book containing all the change he had with
him, and also relieving him of his hat and
shoes. The parties who committed the out
rage have not been .discovered.
Peter Fry, a notorious horse thief; be
longing to an organized band bctweon
Virginia and Pennsylvania, and who is
suspected of stealing a horse from Simon
Bitner, near Shipponsburg, last fall, and
also of burning Mr. Bitner'a barn a few
weeks ago, was caught by the police at
Martinsburg, Va., on the 11th or 12th inst.,
but suoceeded in making his escape. He
is described as being about five feet eight
or nine inches in height, dark hair, dark
eyes, large white front teeth, with one
tooth out of upper jaw ; he had on, when
last seen a dark coat, light striped pants
and slouch hat.
Topeka, Kansas, Juno 22d, 1872.
Mr. Editor. Our Spring rain and rapid.
ly growing season still continues with a
promise of a very abundant harvest of all
kinds except winter gxain, which was in
jured by an unusual severe winter. But it
is now being harvested and we hoar from
every place- of its being much better than
was exnected: fullv thiee fourths of a full
crop. Spring wheat is excellent much is
harvested ana out or aamage.
On vestordav eveninir there was a crand
ratification meeting held in the park for
Grant and Wilson 5000 people in the as
semblage. Speeches by the J Ion. Matt.
Carpenter of Wisconsin; Uol. J. U. btew
art of New York, and Hon. S. A. Cobb,
and a torch light procession with hundreds
of banners with mottos and devices of all
kinds. The Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe
R. R. is being pushed forward at the rate
of two miles per day to Santa Fe, New Mox
ico. The company are compelled to have
it finished this year or they lose their land
grant. Last week over fifty car loads
of cattle passed over this road per day but
on account of a decline in the eastern mar
ket some days there are not more than 12
car loads pasties. I see by this mornings
paper we are to have one more Dank inour
citv: that eives us eicht and still no trouble
loaning money on good security at one and
one-hair to two per cent, ana borrowers
make money out of usisg it. You oan judge
of the business oi tuts place irom that.
. . Yours Truly,
. T. B. T.
' ' Church Notices, '
In the M. E. Church preaching on Sun-
Jay eveuing next. Pntyor meeting on
Thursday evening.
Presbyterian Church Preaching on next
BubbaUi at 1UJ A. JU.
Preaching in the Reformed church next
Sabbath at 10 o'clock. Prayer meeting pn
Thursday evening. ; ,v
For the Bloomfield Times.
" We Want to Know yon Know."
Unlike the character In the novel, who wanted
to "know you know," we see by your hut weeks
paper, that we have a ohap in our midst nearer the
county seat than here we trow, who without any
Us or ands "knows how It Is himself," about
the 1800 safe and the lightning rods, that are only to
cost $509: But will this "one who knows" Inform
us whether this Includes the necessary expenses of
a law suit, that has been Instituted against the
county by the contractor to compel payment of
this (509 7 "One who knows" evidently knows
whereof lie speaks, and was around when the ne
gotiations were going on for the Lightning Bods,
and the purchase of the safe.
Why a safe for the Treasurers office when the
books and papers of that ofllce are kept by Mr.
Willis the assistant Treasurer In the Bank Vaults?
As helsseldomln the Treasurers ofllce In the Court
House, we think It would be a rather awkward
way of doing business If he had the papers In the
Court House and he remain In the Bank.
How do you know "one who knows," that the
order for the Lightning Rods was signed by the
whole board of Commissioners T Did they show It
to you, or were you called In to draw It up In
formf Those be pertinent questions and as you seem
to know so much, why not Inform us If you wrote
the contract for the Lightning Rods and the ante?
and the Inference would be that you did, since
you are the " one who knows," you know.
"One who knows" has evidently studied Adam
Smith's wealth of Nations, and that he Is a politi
cal economist of no mean abilities, we have no
doubt, alter his effusion In your last weeks paper.
The concluding paragraph of that effusion leads
us to this belief. For he says, that, " the lightning
rods and safe, are not a mattor of a few days, but
will last for generations to come and will be honor
to the citizens of Perry county." Now forsooth,
because they will last, and are durable, tho county
with a debt of thirty thousand dollars, should not
only buy safes and Lightning Kods, but should at
the same time pile up a debt for generations to
come to pay. Hence a double set of Lightning
rods, and two safes, would be a double honor to the
citizens of Perry county, especially generations to
come. They will not only have the safes, but will
have to pay for thein too. And right hero Is
where "one who knows" Intended that the
laugh should come In; for, will we not have the
use of the safe and the Lightning rods, while com
ing generations will have to pay for them.
Try again, "one who knows," "and don't tell so
many secrets the next time, or the Commissioners
themselves might go gunning" for your scalp.
Newtort, June ZCth, 1872. REFORM EK.
Hrler Items.
A few shad were caught last week bo
tween Newport and Millerstown.
Tho prospect for a good crop of fruit
throughout the county was never any hot
ter. Rev. Mr. Solheimor will preach a serm on
in the Little Germany church on Sunday
next at 2 p. m., on the subject of Sunday
The amount of rain that fell during last
Tuesday and Wednesday was threo and
six-tenth inches, and several heavy showers
have fallen since.
Farmers who did not sell wheat while it
was $2 00 will probably have a chance to
Bell it for less.g Tho reports from Califor
nia show that, that state alone will be able
to export about ton million bushels.
The lady who mado a mistake on last
Sabbath in the Presbyterian church, by
taking Miss Annio Roth's parasol in place
of her own, will confora favor by returning
it to the owner.
A young man from twp., was
in town on Saturday who measures 0 foot
6J inches, and he is as straight as a bean
pole too and well formed. We wondor if
they have many more such over thore.
Frank King one of the mechanics em
ployed on ho R. R. bridge at Marysvillo,
fell from the trustlo on Wednesday last and
was swept away by the current. The river
at the time being very high his body was
not recovered.
A whirlwind passed over a part of Savillo
twp., last week which lifted a boy about
12 years of ago off his feet and carried him
a rod or more. It also carried up the hat
of i man working with him entirely out
of sight, and it was not again seen.
A New Shoe Shop. I desire to notify
the Citizens of Bloomfield and vicinity
that, I have rented tho shop in DKlt
RICK'S HOTEL, where I am prepared to
make or repair Boots or Shoes promptly
and at reasonable prices.
Persons wanting any work done in my
lino are requested to give me a trial.
Juno 18, 1872 Ot .
As Good as New. Old tomb-stones which
are discolored and In bad order can be clean
ed and fixed up to look as good as new for
a trifling expense. Persons wanting any
job of that kind attended to can have it
Eromptly done in any part of the county,
y loaving their order with Mr. M. V. Hum
baugh at the marble yard either in Bloom
field or Newport. tf.
Where to Emigrate.
We answer, go to Southwest Missouri, bo
caiiBe the Atlantic & Paciflo Railroad Co.
offer 1,800,000 Acres of Land to actual set
tlors, at tow price on long credit, besides
furnishing free transportation over their
road to purchasers; this road extends from
St. Louis, through Missouri to Yinitia, In
dian Territory, Is being pushed rapidly to
its destination, the Pacific Coast; will be
one of the trunk lines of the country, never
blockaded by snow the lands along the
road are in a rich fertile country, as pro
ductive as any in the State; the climate
combines all the advantages of northern
and southern latitudes; good climate, soil,
health, water, timber, grazing, fruits and
llowers, invite you to go to this region.
For further information address A. Tuck,
Land Com'r, in 623 Walnut Street, St.
Louis, Mo. 6.19.52.
Dress-Slaking and Tailoring. Misses
Gantt and Clouser desire to notify the cit
izens of Bloomfield and vicinity that they
have taken rooms in the McClintock
property on nigh street, where they are pro
pared to do either Dross-Making or Tailor
ing at reasonable rates. Having had cpn
siderable experiohoe in the business in
Philadelphia, they feel confident of bointr
able to give entire satisfaction to all who
may patronize them. . St.
The Markleville Academy will open
again on Monday, the 12th, of August.
Tuition, for common branches, from $3.00
to $5.00 per quarter. Good board can be
had very cheap at private houses.
Adam Zetxkhs, Principal.
J. M. Flickinoer, Assistant.
For furthor particulas address the Prin
cipal, Oriental, Juniata Co., Pa.
RfSpecr's Port Grnpo Wine, of the vintage
of 1807 nod 1663, Is in the market, and It is
snld that the vintage of those years of the
Oporto Grape, far excelled any before produced .
It Is heavy In body, Is rich In flavor, and well
adapted for sickly persons and for general
family use. Physicians prescribe this wine
generally In their practice.
tETTlio relaxing power of Johnson's Ano
dyne Liniment is truly wonderful. Cases aro
already numerous where bent and stitfencd
limbs have been limbered and strnightend by
It. When used for this purpose, the part should
bo washed nnd rubbed thoroughly. Apply tho
liniment cold, and rub it In with the hand.
150A crowd of " Horse Men." and others.
daily throng the stores In country and town
tor Sheridan's cavalry Condition Powders.
They understand that horses cannot be kept in
good condition without them and with them
can be on a much less quantity of grain.
t3f"Thcre must bo some virtue In Pain Curo
Oil, for it relieves all pain as if by magic. All
Druggist and Merchants keep It for sale.
ENCE have shown tlint certain substances for
merly used and relied on In medical practice,
are unnecessary and dangerous ; yet some of
these substances have found their way into
medical compounds. Dr. Walker's California
vinegar bitters, however, contain nothing In
jurious, being composed exclusively of vegeta-
Die surjstances irom ualltomia. or all dis
orders of tho liver, kidneys, bladder, skin, and
digestive organs, and for purifying the blood,
they are the most wonderful remedy known, in
Metal Lined cucumber wood pumps and
also the celebrated lilatclilcv numns lor anv
depth of woll on hand nnd for sale at low
prices by t . MORTIMER.
A Physician of many years practice In chronic
atscases, aim graduate or nest Medical college lit
the V. S.. has written the above medical work.
which explains to those stillcrliii: from diseases
produced by excesses, etc., etc., the manner bv
which moy may ne restored toiieaiin. A copy will
ue sent r ny semilog inline aim nuuress 10
6 18 3m a No. SO, Cedar St., N.Y.
The advertiser, having been iernianently cured
of that dread disease, consumption, by a simple
remedy, In anxious to make known to his fellow
sufferers the means of cure. To all who deslro It,
he will send a copy of tho prescription used (free
of charge,) with tlio directions for preparing and
uslnuthe same, which thev will llutl a sin-o nnrn
for consumption, asthma, bronchitis, etc. Parties
wismnguiu prescription win please acuiress
194 Penn St.. Williamsburg, N. Y
Frnit Jars. An assortment of Glass
Fruit Jars will be found at F. Mortimer's.
Prices low.
County Price Current.
Bloomfield. July 2, 1872.
Klax- Seed 1 00
New Potatoes, ...
Butter ft pound,
Eggs V dozen, ...
. 10
Dried Apples V pound,,
Dried Peaches 10 lOcts.Vllb,
Pealed Peaches 12 18 eta. "
Cherries 6 cts. "
" Pitted, 15 18 cts. "
Blackberries 6 6 cts. "
Onions V bushel ' 75 "
Corrected Weekly by Kmgh, Snyder & Co.
Nbwtoht, J line 15, 1872.
Flour, Extra (1 00
" Super 5 CO
White Wheat V bu 1 85
Red Wheat 180 180
Mye 85
Cats V 32 pounds, 45
Barley 75
Clover Seed,..'. 4 50
Timothy Heed 2 50
Flax Beed 1 60
Potatoes, tj
Ground Alumn Salt, 1 90
Llmeburner's Coal, 2 40
Stovo Coal 4 50 6 50
Pea Coal S 00
Smith Coal 25 cts. bus.
Cross Tles,8 feet long 45 45 cents
Pork WJ.00 per lOOlbs.
Ot all kinds always on hand nnd for sale at the
Lowest Market Rates.
Philadelphia Price Curreut.
Corrected Weekly by Junney t Andrew,
No. 123 Mahket Street.
1'uiLAUKU'UiA, June 28, 1R72.
White Wheat, SI 85 ti 1 90
Wheat t 1 70 1 80
ltye, , 8385
Com, 63065
Oats 40345
Clover Heed 89 per lb.
Timothy Seed 3 753 3 25
Flax Seed, 2 10 2 15
Country Lard 8 9
Eggs 1920
Butter, dull sale 10 012
Washed Wool 65 ($ 73cents per lb.
Corrected Weekly by K. C. WoonwABD.l
Carlisle, June 20, 1872.
Family Flour, 25
Superfine Flour 7 50
Hiipertlne Kye Flour, 6.60
White Wheat, 1.80
Ked Wheat, 1.75
Kye 76
Corn. (2
Oats 40
Cloversced 4.75
Tlinothyseed .... 2.75
Flaxseed 1.00
Agents Wanted,
For tho livest and most agreeable and Instruc
tive book of the year,
Hy Hon. W. E. Webb, of Topeka, Kansas. The
wealth and wlldness, mysteries and marvels, of
the boundless West fully unci truthfully described.
Overflowing with wit and humor. A Complete
Oulde for Sportsmen und Emigrants. I'ROla HE
mensely Popular, and soiling beyond precedent.
Send for Illustrated circular, terms, eto., at once,
to 11U1IHAHU Drum, PuUUuieis, TJ3, SauKoin
Street, Fhlladelpldn.
RtCKABAUOH Beavbh On tho 20th of J uno,
1872, by Rev. James T. (Vllson, Mr. D. M.
Rickabaugu and Miss Sophia A. Beaver, both
of Millerstown, Pa.
LicKLB Miller On the 11th ult., by the
Rev. W. J. Barner, Mr. Lewis LIckle to Miss
Susan Miller, both of Wheatflold twp., this Co.
FLEtsnER Soudeb On the 20th ult.. by
Rev. W. J. Beamer, Mr. Jacob Flclsbor, to
Miss Caroline Souder, both of this county.
Janwev Wilsoh On the 20th ult.. bv the
Rev. T. J. Bherrard, at the resdence of the
bride's father, Mr. IT. S. Janncy, of Philndel-
Ehia, and Miss Kate Wilson, daughter of Mr.
uciun Wilson, of Oakland Mills, Juniata Co.
the Rev. T.W.Martin, M. Christopher Jon
nlngs Hcndra. of Millerstown, to Miss Elis
abeth Wallace, of Waterford, Juniata county.
Clouser In Rockton, Clearfield county, of
dlptherla William B. son of John H. and Char
lotte Clouser, aged 4 years, 10 months and 11
" O do not desert us I Our hearsts will be
Our home will bo lonely, when you are not
Your sisters will sigh 'mid your playthings,
and say : 1
I woudor dear William so long can delay."
Neto Advertisements.
of isrtt.
Campaign Caps9
Capes and Torches, Transparencies
and lianners,
With Portraits or any device tor all parties.
Silk, Bunting and Muslin Flags of all sizes on
hand or made to order. Chinese Lanterns of all
sizes and styles; Paper Balloons, Fire Works, &o.,
Ike. Campaign Clubs lltted out at the Lowest
Kates at
49 South Third Street, Philadelphia.
Agents Wanted for the Life and Times of
Jas. Fisk, Jr.,
Contains biographies of Drew, Vandcrbllt, Gould,
Tweed, &o., with a financial history of the coun
try for tho last three years, nnd what GRANT
KNEW about "BLACK FRIDAY," Over 60
pages. Price 82. Address
25 r 4w 145 Nassau street, New York.
Kansas and Registered Bonds
Safe nnd Profitable Investment Bonds. Some of
the wealthiest counties In KANSAS Allen, An
derson, Franklin, Johnson and Douglas Counties.
Registered by the State of Kansas. Interest and
principal paid by the State Treasurer. The Bonds
pay 7 per cent. Interest, and are over three years
old, the coupons having been always regularly'
and uromutly nald. for statistics and Informa
tion, address SAMUEL A. OAYLORD Si CO., 3
Wall Street, N. Y. City. 25r4t
Retail price, ?1.50. STONE & FORD, 639 Arch
Street, Philadelphia. Send for Circular. 25r4t
tJJLXJ J Vl'or any case of Blind,
Bleeding, Itching or Ulcerated Piles that Da
Bino's Pilb Remedy falls to cure. It is prepared
expressly to cure the Piles, and nothing else.
Sold by all Druggists. Price, 81,00.1 25r4t
WHEN TITE BLOOD RUSHES with rocket like
violence to the head, causing hot flushes, vertigo
and dimness of sight, It Is a certain sign that A
mild, salubrious, cooling and equalizing laxative
SKf.TZER APERIENT should at once bo resort
ed to. '
AGENTS WA-NTEDAgents make more
money at work for us than at anything else.
Business light and iiermanent. Particulars free.
G. STiNSON & CO., Fine Art Publishers, Port
laud, Maine 25 r 4v
UO PIAXO :o.,N.Y.,PHICE, 90(1
No Agents. Circulars Free.
which Impair vitality positive and negative
electricity proof that life Is evolved without
union effect of tobacco Influence of fish anil
phosphoric diet modem treatment of pelvic dis
eases, Blriclure and varicocele, and arrest of de
velopment; ten lectures to his private surgical
class, by EDWARD H.DIXON. M. D. , 42 Filtll
Avenue, N. Y. , 64 pages, 25 cents.
"Every line from the pen of Dr. Dixon is of
great value to the whole human race." Horace
Greeley. 25r4t
Agents Wanted.
MALE AND FEMALE. Business pleasant,
and pays better than any enterprise In the
GREAT MEDICAL HOOK of useful knowl
edge to all. Sent free for two stamps. Ad
dress Dr. Bonaparte St Co., Cincinnati, O. 25r4t
Prof. Fowler's Great Work
Inter-relations; LOVE, Its Laws, Powers, So.
Hend for specimen pages and circulars, with
Philadelphia, l a.
Agents t Agents ! Agents I
Send for descriptive Circular and special terms for
the greatest campaign book published
McClelluu's Republicanism In America.
Owing to the present political excitement, will sell
for the next six months like wild tire.
Is the most reliable book In the market.
J. M. BTODDA KT Si CO., Publishers,
25 d 4w TiH hansom St., Philadelphia.
Now at work, or looking for some new book, will
ml It If they do not at onoe write for circulars
of the best solllngbook published. Extraordinary
Inducements on mud. Profits more than double
money. Outfit free. Address, F. M. Rkbi, 13
Eighth Street, Hew York. 2jd4w .