The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, June 11, 1872, Page 4, Image 4

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Tuesday, June 11, 1872.
M... ., .-.Will
Eeputticai National Convention.
Grant and Wilson the Candidates.
Tho Ropubllcnn National Convention was
held In Philadelphia on Wednesday hist.
An organization wan effected by elooting
Judge Bottle of North.C'aroliua as President
and H. H. Bingham of Philadelphia as
Chief Secretary. A full attendance of del
egates from all states and . territories was
present. Tho resolutions adopted for the
party platform are remarkable for their
length, the only new thing being a clause
recognizing the claims of women to have
granted to them more political considera
tion. For President the convention nominated
General Grant by acclamation.
For Vice President, one ballot was had
resulting in tho selection of Senator Wilson
of Mass., as the candidate. . The vote stood
for Wilson 804J votes, for Colfax 821 J.
President Grant, immediately after his
renomi nation, was informed of the fact by
telegrams from William Orton, George H.
Stuart and others, lie was attending to
business at the time in his ollice. Ho re
marked to friends that tho annoucetnent
occasioned him no surprise, as the Delegates
had been instructed to vote for him, and
the proceedings of yesterday showed that
this would be tho result. Nevertheless, he
was highly gratified that the nomination
was unanimous, and felt under obligations
to. his ; countrymen,, who, through their
delegates, had so emphatically endorsed
him with their speeches and by their votes.
.!.: Methodist Conference. :
The general Conference of the Methodist
Church closed its session at Newport, It. I.,
last Wednesday afternoon. '
Tlie event'of the day was a debate cailed
up by a petition from the Georgia Confer
ence, consisting of white and colored mem
bers,' asking authority from the General
Conference to divide and 'oruanisce its col
ored members into a separate Conference.'
The" great 'colored orator, Mr. Lynch, at
once sprang to his feet and inado his second
speech for the session. He protested against
the uso of the word " colored" in the stat
ute book of the Church, when in rivers of
blood it had been washed from the statute
books of the nation, and insisted on the
unity of the interest of the races. Mr.
Muir (colored) spoko in favor of the res
olution, and was followed . by another col
ored delegate, Mr. Middleton, who said ho
would oppose any measure which said to
preachers " You are commissioned to preach
the Gospel only to men of your own race."
He moved that tho memorial be laid on the
table, and after the applause that, followed
the motion had subsided, the motion was
carried almost unanimously, , after which,
by vote of tho , Conference, the word " col
ored" was ordered stricken off the statute
books and out of tho panics of all tho Con
ferences, wherever it existed. , :
.-, , , : . Strikes.
- Many of tho workingmen are at
this time seriously interfering with the
industries of New . York. Nearly all
branches of business are at a stand still,or
are prosecuted -undor great difficulties.
The workmen are endeavoring to establish
tho eight hour rule, without any reduct
ion in the wages heretofore paid.. They
claim that more timo is needed for Improve
ment. But tho truth of the matter is, tho
prime movers in all strikes, are usually
mou who do no work, or if they And it
necessay to do a little, spend their spare
time and the money that should go to their
families, in dissipation. During the past
two weeks there have been many thousand
workmen idle, who had they been at work
would have earned moro than one million
of dollars, and saved besides, many thou
sands that would not have been spent had
they been at work. ' ; " ' ,
Strikes as general rule, bring want and
misery to the wives and children of the
-workmen, and gain to the liquor dealors,
and the demagogues who lead them. :
VicroniA Woodii I'M. has accepted the
nomination of tho woiiibu's l ights party for
President. Fred Douglass has not yet been
heard from as to whether bo accept the sec
ond place on that ticket. ,
.Tins General Synod of the Reformed
church of America convened in Brooklyn
on the 5th inst.( The session will probably
ast some days,
tW A Georgia man has bis third wife,
thirty children, several thousand sores of
land, two thousand head of cattle, and
about the same number of sheep.
A Baker's Trick.
A baker in Louisville was last week
troubled with thieves. Some rhubarb pics
sot out to cool mysteriously disappeared.
Three or four doys was spent In watching,
and a novel plan was adopted by which the
criminals were caught and punished. The
baker procured a dozen of the rhubarb
pies and sprinkled tartar emetic on the
tops instead of white ' sugar, which had
boen used on former occasions. The drug
resemblos white sugar in appearance, and
as It is tasteless the difference would be apt
to pass unnoticed, especially as these pics
were likoly to be eaten in a hurry by the
thieves, and would naturally want to get
them out of the way as soon as possible
The baker placed his pics on the front porch
to dry and cool in tho evening breeze, in
tending to take them in if not stolen in the
early part of the night. But they were
stolen as usual, iu an hour or two, and the
owner began to congratulate himself that
his plan would work admirably.
Another famllyi embracing mon, women
and children, old and young, lived in an ad
joining apartmonts, and were the suspected
parties. The baker saw them retire one by
one, and then, lying down himself, watched
from his couch through the window and
door the slow but sure workings of the
emetio. 1 In an hour or two one of the chil
dren became very restless, and soon corn
commenced to cast up Its ill-gotten food.
Another one was seized with the same
complaint a while later, and by midnight
all the inmates were In a terrible state of
retching and sweating undor the operation.
" The baker lay still for a while, and en
joyed the sport, laughing hoartily to him
self at the powerful effects of the medicine,
and the nausea and fright of tho victims,
who thought for a time that they had boen
poisoned. A few hours later, however,
they began to recover, In the same ordor in
which they were taken sick, and soon got
over their fright. The baker thinks 'now
that his pies are safo at least from that
A Household Desolated.
The Lancaster Express says: Since Pun
day afternoon last, Mr. John Hartshougb, of
Paradise township, has buried his three
children., On Friday last all were well and
seemed healthier than most of the children
in the neighborhood. During the. night
one took sick and died next morning. On
Saturday evening the second one took sick
and died on Sunday before the family re
turned from the burial of the first.
i On Sunday evening the third took sick.
and on Monday morning at 10 o'clock was
a corpse, leaving the father and , mother
alone, bereft of all thoir earthly happiness,
The disease was rather a singular one, and
battled medical skill. It began similar to
scarlet fover, but soon turned into convul
sions, which terminated only iu death
The case has created quite an excitement
in the neighborhood, , and much sympathy
is expressed for the distressed parents.
tW A citizen of Wilmington, N. C, who
had a grudge against another man named
Smith, took advantage of a law against
storing nitro-glycerine and other explosive
compounds within the city limits,' and in,
formed the authorities that Smith had large
quantities of protoxyd of hydrogen secreted
in an outhouse in his yard. Two police.
men proceeded to Smith's to Investigate ; a
conflict ensued, and after the officers had
beaten Smith sufficiently, they laid him on
the sofa and Btarted for the yard, where
they only found the ice-house packed full
It occurred to them then to go around to
the drugstore and ascertain the nature of
the concealed protoxyd of hydrogen, so
that they would know it when they would
see it. They learned it was merely ice.
Smith has now brought six or seven suits
against the city for damages one for each
ruinod arm, leg, head and nose; but all
the policemen are studying chemistry. .'
K3T About 8 o'clock on Wednesday
morning, a Mrs. Schlessheimer, eighty
years of age, rose from her bed, 15 J Bloom
field street, Hoboken, and passed unnoticed
from the house while temporarily suffering
from insanity. In a semi-nude state she
readied the shore of the Hudson, near 5th st.
dock, and plunged into the water. Some
time afterwards a gentleman was passing
that place with a Newfoundland dog, and
he saw that the animal suddenly left him
and had swam into the river. Ho soon
perceived tho animal seizing the woman
gently and endeavoring to pull her towards
the land. The woman, though not dead,
was utterly exhausted, and iu her desper
ate moments clung to a shattered pile.
Several police officers wore soon at hand,
and the woman was restored to conscious
ness after much labor on the part of the
police. She was carried to her borne ere
the other inmates had arisen, and oreated
great astonishment by ber unexpected and
strange appearance.
I, . t .
Always Expected It.
The other day a citizen of Hartford went
to a dontist, accompanied by a friend, to
have a tooth extracted. His power of en
durance not being of the strongest char
acter, he took ether. After the operation
was performed, and he was beginning to
gain consciousness, he asked his friend.
"Where am I?" "You are in jail for
killing your wife." 'In jail for killing
Biy wife 1 I always thought it would come
to that." '
Miscellaneous News Items.
Some of the&u-gest steamships burn
eight hundred tons of coal in crossing the
Atlantio ocean.
S3T" At Pontine, Illinois, John Sater for
the murder of Wm. Rolling has been sen
tenced to be hanged. He received the
verdict with stolid indiffbrence.
Charles II. Staples, aged eighteen, has
been arrested and held In f 0,000 ball, char
ged with kindling the forest fires in Frank.
lin and Medway, Massachusetts.
tSA Louisville paper supports the
Greeley ticket because It says that Greeley
is a teetotaler, which leaves " all the more
whisky for the rest of us." The question of
whisky is a potent one with all politicians.
tW Henry Hanslee has been convicted at
Chicago, of the murder of his wife and
sentenced to twenty years in the State
Prison. A motion was mado for a new
""An Iowa City chap has been com
pelled to pay $300 to the doctors for sewing
up his throat and the arteries of his wrists,
which he had voluntarily opened for the
purpose of going hence.
tW The residence, barn, and out build
ings of Frederick Douglas, at Rochester,
were destroyed by fire on last Tuesday
night. The library and about $100 of furn.
iture was saved. The family was absent,
The lire originated in the barn about mid
13?" Phelps, Dodge & Company, mer
chants in New York, have caused the ar
rest of several other merchants on a
charge of conspiracy with their janitor to
steal their private correspondence, thereby
involving them in serious losses on busi
ness transactions.
ty The night express train No, 8, on
the Erie road was thrown from the track
on the 4th inst., at 6:48 o'clock at Lavona
Station. Engineer Richard Welch had
both logs broken and his skull fractured,
and cannot live. A stranger on the engine
was instantly killed, and many passengers
were injuied, but none seriously.
tOn Thursday last, a fearful storm
swept over tho western part of Hamilton
county, Ohio, doing considerable damage,
The tent of the Queen City Circus was blown
down and three actors severely ' injured.
A fulling tree crushed a cabin, seriously
injuring three persons. Great damage to
timber and out-buildings is reported."
t3P There Ib rather a curious case peiul
ing in a Massachusetts court. At Worces
ter there is a large copperas factory ' in
close proximity to a very beautifnl cem
etory. The fumes from the factory dis
colors and corrodes the tombstones, and the
proprietors of the cemetery have asked for
an injunction to shut up the copperas
works. '' - '
t3? A monomaniao in New York labors
under the hallucination that ho is destined,
when opening oysters, to find a pearl more
valuable than any yet discovered. Under
this impression, disguised as a professional
opener, he has worked diligently at the
barges, having opened over thirty thousand
oysters during the past winter.
tS?""Mail accounts of the freshet in
southwestern Missouri, say that ' whole
farms in the valley of Spring river, Centre
Creek and other Btreams, were completely
wasjied away, leaving nothing but rock
and gravel Large numbers of live ' stock
were drowned, and hundreds of yards of
the Atlantio and Pacific Railroad track
was swept from its bed into adjacent fields,
tWA- conductor of a freight train on the
New York Central rood was at first flatter
ed, then amazed and then indignant at the
fact that while passing through Syracuse
everybody made signals to him and pointed
to his train. He finally in his wrath re.
spondod by sundry digital gyrations, which
ceased when he discovered that one of , the
grain cars was leaking at the rate of a
bushel a minute. ' "
t3?" A sad and peculiar accident hap-
pend to a child at Wichita, Wis., recently.
The mother stepped into a Btore to make a
purchase, leaving tho baby in its carriago
on the sidewalk. A gust of wind struck
the carriage, and pushed it down the street
against a team of horses. The horses be,
coming frightened kicked over the carriage
and injured the baby so seriously that
there is no hope for its recovery.
Rochester, June 4. This afternoon a
section of the floor in Bevier'i brewery,
ou Water street gave way with several
hundred bushels of grain and a tub con
taining several thousand gallons of hot li
quor. Three men working iu the grain
were carriod down with the wreck. Two
men were at work on the floor beneath
All Ave were fearfully scalded, and the in
juries of three of them will probably prove
tST" A tremendous rain storm passed over
a portion of Central Illinois, Saturday and
Saturday night a week,doing great damage
to the crops, fences, &o. In the county of
Springfield cellars and basements were
flooded, and in several instances the water
poured into the first floors of houses, driv
ing the Inmates to other quarters. In
brick yards near the city many thousand
bricks were destroyed. A portion of tho
hack of tho Springfield and ' Illinois
Southern Railroad was washed away. ' '
Heavy Hailstorm. .
A heavy shower of bail fell in Skowhe-
gan on Saturday the 1st inst, accompanied
ith thunder and lightning and some rain.
Nearly, if not quite, an inch of hall fell in
five or ten minutes, the size of the stones
varying from that of peas up to robins'
eggs. Tbe ground was covered as white as
winter, and people were out after tbe show
er with shovels and brooms clearing off
sidewalks the first day of June.
ISGoneral Joseph A. Maberry of Knox-
ville, Tennessee, has sued, in the State
Courts of Tennesseo and South Carolina,
John A. Green, of New York ; Thomas
Steers, of Pennsylvania, and John J. Pat
terson, of South Carolina, constituting the
Blue Ridge Railroad Company, for $270,000
and attached their property for the pay
ment of the same. Mr Patterson was for
merly a well known resident of Juniata
county. ' '
tWA. counterfeiter in tbe guise of a far
mer,, gave a lumber dealer at Fort Dodge,
Iowa, a one hundred dollar bill to pay for
five dollars' worth of shinglos. The farmer
got $93 of good bills in change, and said be
would call for his shingles, but he forgot to
call, and the lumberman was $95 out that
tW A Buffalo clergyman in a recent ser
mon said tbe fact had come to his knowl
edge of a child but three years old being
received into the orphan asylum in that city,
who was afterward found to be suffering
from nothing less than delirium tremens.
The mother of the child was a most intem
perate woman, and had actually fed her
offspring from the whisky bottle. .
tSTJohn Rose, convicted of rape on a
girl eleven years old, was sentenced last
week, to twenty years in the Auburn State
lillHillONH TVotiOOH.
tfDr D. n. Sweeney of Now Bloom
field Pa, Removed a largo Tumor(weight
14 j oz) from the neck of Mrs Jano Lang
ford of Fox Township, Sulivan Co, Pa.
" I certify that the above statement
relative to the removal of tbe Tumor from
the neck of my wife Mrs J. Langt'ord to be
correct. J. A.,Langford
May 12th, lfc,75. , ' , Jt '
Dr Sweeney of New Bloom Held Pa Re
moved a largo-Cancer from the breast of
Mrs Mary Driscle she had been to Phila
delphia and the city of Albany N. Y. for
its- Removal. The, oppcration was per
formed Feb 12th 1872.
i We the subscribers were present and
witnessed the operation and know the
statement of Dr. Sweeney to be correct.
Rev. J. A. Flinn, Catholic Clergyman ;
J. P. Lane, M. D. Moses Hill, M. D.
J. P. Cripps, Student of Medicine, W,
Watts, Student of Medicine.
Ridgebury, May 28th, 1872 v
- Dress-Making and Tailoring'. Misses
Gantt and Clouser desire to notify the cit
izens of Bloomfleld and vicinity that they
have taken looms in the McClintock
property on High street, where they are pre
pared to do either Dress-Making or Tailor
ing at reasonable rates. Having bad con
siderable experience in the business in
Philadelphia, they feel confident of being
able to give entire satisfaction to all who
may patronize them. . ,'it.
Where to Emigrate.
, We answer, go to Southwest Missouri, be-i
cause the Atlantic & Paciflo Railroad Co.
offer 1,800,000 Acres of Land to actual set
tlers, at low price on long credit, besides
furnishing free transportation over their
road to purchasers; this road extends from
St. Louis, through Missouri to Yinitia, In
dian Territory, is being pushed rapidly to
its destination, the Pacific Coast; will be
one of the trunk lines of the country, never
blockaded by snow- tho lands along the
road are in a rich fertile country, as pro
ductive as any in the Btnto; the climate
combines all the advantages of northern
and southern latitudes; good climate, soil,
health, water, timber, grazing, fruits and
flowers, invite you to go to this region.
For further information address A. Tuck,
Land Com'r, in .12:) Walnut Street, Ht.
Louis, Mo. 6.10.52.
- Extensive Art-Gaxxbky. Next to the Bi
ble, no book Is more useful than Webster's Dic
tionary. The Unabridged is an tiUtuivt urt
aalUry, containing over three thousand engrav
ings, representing almost every animal, Insect,
reptile, implemcut, plants, etc., which we know
anything about. It is a vast library, giving
information on almost every uionticnable sub
ject. It Indeed has been well remarked that It
it the most remarkable compendium of human
knowledge lu our language. lloutehold Adio
tatt. New Marble Yard. Mr. Humbach who
so well known as the proprietor of the
Newport Marblo Yard, has opened a branch
yard in this borough. In the future those
coming to Bloomfleld can make their selec
tions and leave their orders here, feeling
sure that they will be promptly filled. We
trust our friends will see that he is well
patronized. 20!it.
New Advertisement.
Iowa and Nebraska
Burlington & Mo. River R. R. Co.
On Ten Years' Credit, at A per Cent. Interest.
No part of principal due for two years, and
thence onlv one-uliilli yearly till uald In lull.
J'UODUCTH will ay for laudand Improvements
within the limit of this Kenerous credit.
MrBetter terms were never ottered, are Dot
now, and probably never will be.
CIBCULAltH kIvIiir full particulars are supplied
gratis) any wishing to Induce others to emigrate
with tlieni. or to form a colony, alt Invited to ask
lor all they want to distribute.
Apply to GEO. 8. llAKKIM. Land Commissioner,
For lows Ind. at WJUUNG ION , IOWA, ami
for Nebraska Lauds, st LINCOLN, NEU. 21r4w
On the Line of the t r
A Land Grant of
ia,ooo,ooo ACHES
In the :' ' " i ;
Best Farming and Mineral Land in America.
11,000,000 Acre in Nebraska,
In the 1 -GREAT
v The
These lands are In the central portion of the
United States, on the 41st decree of North lati
tude, the central line of the great Temperate
Zone of the American Continent, and for grain
(trowing mid stock raising unsurpassed by any in
the United States.
CHEAPER IN PRICE, mote favorable terms
&lven, and more convenient to market than call
e found elsewhere. -
-Free Homesteads for Actual Settlers. SM,
The Bust Locations For Colonies.
Soldiers entitled to a Homestead of 1UO Acres.
W FREE PAUSES to Purchasers ot Land.
Bend for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with
new mans, published In English, German, Bweed
Ish and Danish, mailed free everywhere.
Address o. F. DAVIS,
Land Commissioner. U. P. K. K. Co.
21r4w Omaha, Nebraska.
Agents Wanted for I lie Life and Times of
Jas. Fisk, Jr., .
Contains biographies of Drew , Vanderbllt, Gould,
Tweed, &c., with a llnanclal history of the coun
try for the last three years, and what GRANT
KNEW about "BLACK FRIDAY." Over 600
pages. Price 02. Address
21r4w 145 Nassau street, New York.
(Incorporated 1800.)
Columbia Fire Insurance Co.
Pres't-i II. Wilson. Vlce-Pres't. i Herbert Thomas,
Treas.j ,r. K. Krueautl, Sec'y. s 8. H. Detwller,
Hiram Wilson, ltobt. Crane, Wm. Patton, John
B. Hachman. M. M. Htrlckler. Jacob 8. Strine.Jas.
Kchroeder, Georue Bowie, W. G. Case, Amos F.
Eves, John Shertzler, II. B. Esslck.
for insurance or Agencies, address
J. F. FRUEAUFF, Sec'y., .
21r4w Columbia, Pa.
CI MEAT MEDICAL BOOK of useful knowl.
X edne to all. Sent free for two stamps. Ad.
dress Dr. Bonaparte (fe Co., Cincinnati, O. 21r4t
$40, $50, $75 and $100. .
, -tW Shipped Ready for Use.
Manufactured by
J. W. CHAPMAN & CO., Madison, Ind.
The Best
Hair Dressing and Restorer.
, . . Millions Say
. . Your Druggist Has It. 21r4w
liver disease, bowel complaints and various feb
rile and nervous disorders, has Immortalized the
Seltzer Spa, and these victories are now related
throughout this hemisphere bv TAKKANT'S EF
lug allthe elements and producliiR all the happy
results of the Great German Hprlng.
4PX V V VFor any case of Blind.
Bleeding. Itching or Ulcerated Piles that Db
Bino's Pile ItBMsny falls to cure. It Is prepare
expressly to cure the Piles, and nothing else.
Sold by all Druggists. Price, 11,00. . 21r4
without InvestlsR anv capital. Hick and feeble
persons, write for particulars. No money requlr,
ed. A. J. WHITE, HI!) Pearl Ht., New York. 21r4w.
.mi hmm wmfmmmmmmmimmKmmmmmB
AG K NTS WANTKB Agents make mora
money at work for us than at anything else. '
Business llelit and permanent. Particulars free.
G. ST1NSON Si CO., Flue Art Publishers. Port
land, Maine 21r4w
AGENTS, we will pay you S10 per week In cash.
If you will engage with us at once. Everything
furnished and exiieuses paid. Address,
21 rlw F. A. ELLS & CO., Charlotte, Mich.
No Agents. Circulars Free. "W
A Book for Everybody!
io.OOOPor 3Iontli.
The Instantaneous success of this Book Is not,
strange, although it is having unprecedented sales..
By Hbnkv Wauu Bfkcuek,
Is a work which the reading public have been
waiting for with avldltv, all sorts and conditions
of men welcome it heartily, as a hook to lie read,
the PEOPLE, read it eagerly, enjoy It thoroughly,
praise It sincerely.
The point for the Trp OXPT TQ!
AgenftoknowlsthatL X O fj IjlJO 1
More Agents Wanted. Intelligent meii and
women may obtain lucrative employment by
taking an agency. Full descriptive Circulars
mailed free. Very llls-ral tonus to Canvassers.
Apply onlv to. I, B. FORI) Ik CO., 27 Park Place,
N. Y.sll Bromlteld St. Boston, Mass. 75 W.
Washington St., CHICAGO, 111. 21r4w
Munson'i Copper Tubular Lighting Hod, with
Spiral Flanges Is the most complete pratectlon
against lightning ever Invented. Endorsed by the.
scientific world, and by Wholesale Dealers from
Maine to Georgia. Send for Circular lo LOCK
HART & fa, iU I'fiin. HL, Pittsburg. Pa., or
Square (North), New York. 21r4t
- - - 7'--V ,."r"-Y'" r;r:f
Metal Lined cucumber wood pumps and,
also tlie celebrated Ulattliley lumps for any
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pricea by F. MORTIMER.