6 GlIjc imc0, New Dloomftcltr, )a. mt Sloomficlb Sinus. Tuesdap, June 4, 1872. Tkm AND i HOUSEHOLD-, ITEMS We fiirfr commiincfifionsfrnm all ptrtonnwhoare inlerenteri In mutters prbimrly belonging to this department. Variation In Cabbages. A writer in ' tho "Journal of Horticul ture" (Englinh) Bays; "Any one at all ; conversant with cab bages is well aware of how they sport and vary. Go into the market gardens, seo in a ten-acre field if you cannot pick out near ly as many distinct cabbages as you will find in a collection of thirty or more named sorts, not including tho rubbish, from ono of the London seed bouses. Tho market gardener has only one stock of seed saved with the utmost caro from bis very best samplos, and yet the plants exhibit all this great variety some early, some late, somo small, some largo. This liability to vari ation is greatly influenced by seasons; sow from the same bag of seed tho following year, end not half tho vaiiation will be seen. This is bow new cabbages, at least now names for cabbages are manufactured. Seed is saved from those accidental varia tions, and named Jones' early, Smith's champion, or Robiuson'B Bupcrfino, as tho case may bo, and for a season or so some of their peculiarities may be retained. The roputed varietios of cabbago aro far too numerous, and tho distinctions far too tri lling. How very annoying it is, in endeav oring to keep up our supply of cabbages throughout the season, to find, after hav ing ordered ten or twelve sorts of ' lates' and 'oarlios,' that from one packet of the truo market the samo results could have been obtained. "In 1803 atrial af sixty-one named sorts of cabbages was made in tho Royal Horti cultural Society's garden, Chiswick, and as tho report states, the committee only found five distinct; no less than twenty-eight of them being synonyms or more or less im pure stocks of the London market, Fulbam or Battcrsoo. : In 'this, tho year 1872, the report has pretty much the sumo application; many of the same names, indeed, are still advertised." r - - - : ' ' - t '' Towdered Coal for Unhealthy Plants. In a communication, tho writer states that ho purchased a very fine rose-bush, full of buds, and, after awaiting their ma turing, was greatly disappointed, when this took place, to find the flowers small, insig nificant in appearance, and of a dull faded, color. Incited by the suggestion or a friend, he then tried the expoiiment of fill ing in the top of the pot around the bush, to the depth of half an inch, with finely pulverized stono-coal. In tho course of a few days he was astonished at seeing tho roses assume a beautiful red hue, as bril liant and lively as ho could desire. He tried the same experiment upon a pot of petunias, and soon after all the pale and indefinite colored ones became of a bright red or lilac, and the white petunias wer variegated with beautiful rod stripes. Some of the lilac petunias became a fine dark blue. Other flowers experienced simi lar alterations; those of a yellow color alone remained insensiblo to the influenoe of the coal. Keep the Kitchen Air Tore. A little sink near a kitchen door-step, in advertently formed, has been known, al though not exceeding in its dimensions a single ' square foot, to spread sickness through a whole household. Honco, every thing of the kind should bo studious obvi ated, so that there should bo no spot about a farm-house which can receive and bold standing water, whothor It be the pure raid from the sky, the contents of a wash-basin, the slop-bowl or the water-pail, , , ' Freckles indicate an excess of iron in the blood, we are told, the sun acting on the particles in the skin as it does on indol ible ink, bringing out the color. A very simple way of removing them is said to be as follows ! .. . - i Tdko finely powdered nitre, ' (saltpetre. and apply it to the freckles by the finger moistened with water and dipped in the powder. When perfectly doue and Ju diciously repeated, it will remove them effectually aud without trouble. ' tWL. writer advises owner ot plum trees to suspend in each, Just after blos soming, teveral corncobs which have been thoroughly soaked in sweetened water. He says that the cureulto insects prefer these to the young fruit, and deposit their eggs in them. They must be taken down and burned when the fruit ripens, by which all the young insects will be destroyed. To Drive Hats Away. Fill tho rat-holes with new-slaked lime repeat It a second time if necessary. It affocts them in such a manner that they soon leave, very seldom requiring a ; rep etition of the dose. tf"A Good Grease forCow-hido Boo ta llest well together, in any iron vesjtol, one pint Unseed oil, two ounces tallow, one ounce beeswax, and three tablo spooufuls of lampblack. Apply with brush, pi Vlnrcrnr Bitter are not vile Fancy Drink, made of 1'oor Rum, Whiikey, Proof Spirit and Refuna Liquor, doctored, spiced, and iweetenecl tp please tli taste, called ''Tonics, ' Appetiiem,' Restorers,' Ac, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but nre n trite Medicine, made from the native roota and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulant They are the Great Wood Purifier and A Life-giving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it, refreshing and invigorating both mind and body. They are easy of administration, prompt in their action, certain in their results, afe and reliable in all forms of disease. No Person can take theie Illtters accord ing to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Iuftltrea.loii. Ilead.irhe, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dis iness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, It ad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptom, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle wilt prove a better guar antee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Vnr Femal Cotnplnliitat in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of woman hoodf or the turn of tife, these Tonic flitters display bo decided an Influence that a marked improvement is soon percep tible. For Inflammatory aud Chronic Rheit mat Ism and Gout, Dyspepsia or ludicestiou, liilioun, Remittent anH Intermittent Fevers, diseases of the Wood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derange merit of the Digestive Organs, They aro a Client le Purgative as well as a Tonic possessing also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful asjent 111 relieving Congestion or Inflam mation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Bilions Diseases. For Skin Diseases Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car buncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Lyes, Ery sipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discol oral ions of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will conviuce the most incredulous of their curative effects. Clcanuc the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it it foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. (irateful thousands proclaim Vinroar Bit ters the most wonderful invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of ao many thousands, are effectually de stroyed and removed. Says a distinguished physioU ogisti There is scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon ths healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmin tics, will free the system from worms like these Bit ters. - Mechanical Diseases. Persons engaged In Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters. Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, will be subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this taks a dose of Walker's Vineqak Bitters org or twice r week, as a Preventive. lllllous Remittent, and Intermittent Fevers which are so prevalent in the valleys of our Rreat rivers throughout the United States, especially tose of the Mississippi, Ohio. Missouri, Illinois. Ten nessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Braios, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roan oke, James, and many others, with their vast tributa ries, throughout our entire country durine the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably ao during seasons of unusual neat ana dryness, era invariably accompanied; by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always more or lesa obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful Influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinigar Hitters, rs they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels era loaded, at ths same time stimulating the secretions of tne nver, ana generally restoring ins neauny lunciioaa oi tns digestive organs. Serofula. or Klnas Kvll, Whits Swellmrs. Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swehed Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations. Mercurial Af fections, Old Sores, Eruptions of ths Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Dis eases, Wai.krr's Vinroar Bitters have shown their great curative powers in ths most obstinate and intract able cases. Dr. Watkers California Ylnegar Bitters act on all these cases in a similar manner. By purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the effects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the affected parts receive health, and a permanent curs is effected. The nrooertles of Dr. Wai.krr's Vikroar Bittrrs are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritions, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-lrri- int. fiuHnrific Alterative, and AntiHtltoiu. The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Dr. Walker Vikroar Bittrrs are the best safe guard in all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect the humors of ths fauces. Their Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc Their Counter-irritant influence extends throughout the svstem. Their Diuretic nronertiee act on the Kid neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their A ati. Bilious DniDertie stimulate the liver, in the secre tion of bile, and ita discharges through the biliary ducts, and are superior to all remedial ageula, for the cms of Vinous rever, vever ana Ague, ere VnHtrv ill bnrfw uBlmt dlaease bv mm. fying all ita fluids with Vinroar Bitters. No enU demtc can take hold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the etomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves are rendered aiseaac-prooi of wis great wng- DlraeUossR. Take of the Bitters on rotnsT to bed St night from a half to one and one-half wine-glassfulL Eat good nourishing food, such as beef eteak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and taks o et-4ocv exercise. - They are composed of purely veget able ingredients, sad contain no spirit J WALKER, Prop'r. BLH. MeDOPf AU 4k Ce JJragKtste end oen. Agta., aan rrancisco, lai., sod cor. of Washington and Charlton Sis., New York, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND D&ALIRS. Pensions, Bounties. &c. . TTTTOOWS, Minor Children, Mothers, Fathers, YV AC. of Boldiurs who were kill.1 nr .1 i,.,t ..I dlneiiRo contracted In th fVrvtca of the United Duties, van now inane application lor reunion. Also HoldUtrs who contracted tlheawe or wem wounded, ruptured, or lu any .way disabled In the Wftr OI , ( i Who n wldnwn die or rn-niarrv. the olilhl or children under sixteen yean of age are entitled to a reunion. The Mine for tfllner claims for additional bounty uas uceu exumueu rja iihiihiuu Particular attention KlwntooldsuHpended ease In the dill rent departments at Wahiurtoii, D. 0 If you have, or think you have a claim agaliiHt the oovernmeui, eau on or auuiesti tne unuerniKueo, nw unarK lor inioriuuiiuu. ' ' L.KWIS rOTTElt, i Attorney for Claimants, 6T NEW BLOOMKIKLD, PA PERRY HOUSE, New Dlsomfleld, Pa, THE siibsQTlber having purchased the property on the corner of Maine and Carlisle atreeU, opposite the Court Jloune, Invites all his friends and former ou'totiwre to give uiin a call as he Is ,wwwiiuuwu w iuiuibu nrsiaia-HS accoininooauous, ... TnVMAa HUTCH, rrsrlstr, R. Rm R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES TUB WORST PA1.NS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after reftdlngtli'i sdvertiwment nu'd any one BtTFKRR WITH PAIN. RADWAY'S KJADY RKMKP IS A CURE FO , KVEHY PAIN. ' It ww th flrrt and In TTio Onlv ln,li Ilcmedy thnt tiiBtnntly stops the mont cicnicluiliin rmiiiF, altars lnflMiitnotlmm, and cures ConRMtlotm, whether of tlifl Lungs, Htumnch, Bowels, or other glands or organs, bf IN Kit oft ONR TO TWENTY MINUTER, no matter liow violent or eicniclatlns: the p:iln the KHKUMATIU, Bl-rMlpn. Infirm, Trlppled, fctirvous, Neuralgic or prostrnted with dkseane may suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT KASli. INFLAMMATION OF TUB KIDNF.VH. . INFLAMMATION OK THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THK HOWKLX. OONOF.STION OF THF. MTNU8. BORE THROAT, 1)1 KFLCI'l.T PllEATMINO, PALPITATION OF TUB HEART. HYSTERICS, CROUP, WPHTHF.HIA. ( ATAKUU, 1NFLITENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, NKITHALrilA. RIlEIIMATIRil. COLD CHILLB, AOUE CHILLS. I he snpiicRiion oi mo jtpnay iccuer loinepunor nnrt wlirre Uio Data or diillculty uxibis will Afford eaM and comfort. Twenty drop in rmir a lumwcr or wnxor wm m a rcw monionw cum CHAMPS, M'AHMrt, BOUB PTOMACH, IlKAKTIUHiN, HICK 11EAHA(MIK, DIAKKIIKA, llVUBNTEKY. COLIC, WIND IN THE BOWELS, nilull INTERNAL PAINH. Travolvra itlioiilil alwnys carrt a hottle of Rndway'a ILeadv l'llf with them. A fw lroiH In wutcr will Iircvcut ulcknoM or pains from change of water. It la lottvr than French Pirandr or Itlttcra an a stimulant. fevi:r and Ar;in. FEVER AND AOUE cured for Miyceiita. Tlicre Is not a rcmothnl aitcnt in this world thnt will cure Fever and Akhp, and all other Malarious, lllllous. Scarlet, Ty phoid, Yellow, and other Fevers (sided hy Tt A IWA Y S I'll. LSI ao quick as KAIIWAY'S READY RELIEF. Fifty cents per tiotlla. Bold hy Druggists. HEALTH fBEAUTY ! ! : BTMONd AND PHRR RICH R LOOP INCREASE OK FLESH AND WBIllllT CLKAK HK1N AND 1JKAUT1FUL COMPLEXION bECUUKD TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADR Till? MOST ASTONISHING TURKS t HO UlIK'K, HO HAlII AUK THK CHANUKH THE HtiIY I'NliKItUOES, UNDER THK IN KLUENtiK K TI11S TltULY WOKUKliFUL MliDIClNE, THAT Every Day an Increase In Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of tho fiAHHAI'ARTLMAN RESOLV ENT communicates through the Itlonil, Sweat, Urine, ittiil other fluid h mid juice- of the yntem Die vlor of life, for It reniiltn the waatcs of tho body with new and tound nnitprlul. Scrofula, Hvphllln, Ootmimntlon, Olnmlular llneiie, Ulcer In tha Throat, Mouth, 'I umor. Notlfi In the (tlnnd ami other mrt of the system, Soro Kyen, Htnitnoti IHnchiirtrcH from the Karri, and the worst form of Bk lit disenHPi, Eruptions, Fever Snrvs, Scald HchI, RiiiK Worm, halt Rheum. EryMpclan, Acne, llhck htioiK. Worms In the Flesh, Ttimnra, Cancers n tho Womt), and nil wenkentng nd jmlnful dlrtcliarsrs, Nljiht Bleats, I.naiBi.f HKrm, and ll wantesof tho life Princi ple, tire within the curative range of this wonder or Mod ern t'hcmlstrv, and a few ti ;.' use will prove to nr peron usiiiK It for either of these funus of disease 1U potent power to cure thi-m. If the patient, dally becoming reduced by the wastee ami deconipohUlon that Is continually protjrcsnlnif, sue, ccedn lu arresting thea wanted, and repairs the Biune wit li ti'w material inndo from healthy blood and this the ISA R3A V A HILKI AN will and doe secure. Not only does tho HAaaxrARiLLUN RtwoLVitirr excel nil known remedial agents In tho cure of Chronic, Scrofu lous Conntltutlouul, and Skin diseases ; but It Is tiie only positive cure for Kltliicy & 15 lad dor Complaint)!, Urinary, and Womb dlteanet, Ornvel, I Hah ten, Dropsy, Stoppiuru of Witter, Incontlnunee of Urine, itrlnlit's jln e:wie, AlhuinlnuriiL and In all canes where there are brick d'lHt deposits, or Uie water Is thick, cloudy, mixed with sutistADcci like the white of an egg, or threads like whlto silk, or there Is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and white btnte-dunt deposits, and when there Is a pricking, burning senatlnn when passing water, and pain In tha Small of the Buck ami along tha Loins, Price, 1.00. WORMS. The only known and sure Remedy for ii'wm i Tup, etc. Tumor of li Years' Cirowth Cured by Iladway's Resolvent. Bcvsklv, Mam., Jnly lit, We. Da. Ratwv : I have hud OvtrUn Tumor In tha ovsrlas sad bow.li. All tha Doctor isld " Ihtrt w4 no help lot It." I triad vary Ihltif tht was racommendfd j hut nnlblns helpd ma. I iw your Haatilvant, and thought I would try It t but had ne fclth In It, bacaiua 1 had auflarad fur twalva yi-ara. I look six but Ilea . of tha lUaolvant, and ona bni of Had way ' Ptlla, and two bot tlaa of your Haady ILIiaf j and thara la not a tljrn of tumor to b Man or hit, and 1 fl bttr, imarltr, and hailr than I bars fortwelra yaara, Tha wunt tumor was In tha Uft aldaof tha bowaliiovar tha groin. 1 writ thla to yea for tha btoatU ul Othara. Vo can liubllth It If yoa cha. flANXAII r. KNAPP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tasteleas, elegantly coated with nweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, eleanse. and strengthen, ltad ways PilK for the cure of all dlsordeni of the Stomach, Liver, Itowela, Kidney, bladder, Nervous DlMssea, Headache, Constipation, Costlveness, Indigestion, ' I)ysjte;sla, THllouanes. Riltous Fever, Inflammation of the Dowels, Pile, and all Derangementsofthe Internal Vis cera. Warranted toefTectapoaltlvecurc. Purely Vegeta ble, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drug. W Observa Uio following symptoms resuitlng from Plsorderaof tha blgestlva Organs 1 ConitipaUoa, Inward Pile, l ullnau of th Blood In tha Hand, Acidity of tha Stomach, Naota. llaarthurn, Dlagtut of Food, Fallneaa or Weight In tha Stomach, Bour BrucUtlona, Sinking or riatUrtngat tha Fit of tba fitonwh, Swimming of tha Haad, HuitImI and Dlltlcalt Drathlngt FllUrlngat tha Haart, Choking or Sutfucatlng SanMtloni whan In a Lying Poctura, DlmnaMof VUlun, DoU or Waba tufora tha Slaht, Ftvar and Dull Pain la tha Htad, Daflclancy of PoriplraiTnn, Yallownaaa of lb gain and Ktm, Pain In tha jtlda, Cbaal, Uuli, aud auddaa i'ludwa of Hast, Burning la tha Ptaih. A few doaes of RADWAY'S Pn.T,ft will free the By tern from all the above-named riWmler. Price, as veut perboi. SOIJ II Y MiUUfHSTS. READ FAF.HK ANH TRUK," Send cm Mtep trtamp to RADWA Y 4 CO., K Hi Maiden Lane, New Xutk, lufunuatioo worth thouMiius wiii baauul you Professional Cards. "XtTU. A. 8PON8LEK. Attornev-at-Iw. Ty Oltlee adjoining hi, resldenoe, on Kast Main street. New Bloomtleld, Perry Co., Pa. S 2 Vj J New Hloomtlftln, Perry eo., Pn, is-umw-ujoining Monuier' more. o i ly B P. McINTIKE Attorney at Law, and Dis trict Attorney of Perrv eountv. OnleA with a. i. muiuiire, new iuoomncii), reiin a. LKWI8 POTTKIl, ArroHNKT-aT-LAW & Notary Ptmuo, New Jiloomlleld. Ierru Cbuntv. Pann'a. - Hpeclal attention given to Collections of all kinds, to the settlement ot estates, &., and all other leeal busliiess nrosecutetl with ffilftlltv and dispatch. Also, Depositions, AlUdaTlU and AO- aiiowiiMiKiiieiiiA inaen. -Otllce uvadoors West oil Sutch's hotel. 821y. T DAILY. Attorney at Law. (J a New Hloonifleld. Perry Co.. Pa. r Ofllce opuostte the Court House, and two aoors easi oi ine rerry uoiiniy liana. Hclers to 1). ilciutlre, Esq. June 27, 1971. JOHN O, HlIATTO, Surgeon Dentist. New HloottltleM. T'nrrv(n.. Pa. tTstry All kinds of Mechanical and Hurirlnal Itrn erlces.donelu the best manner, and at reasonable ajun.c ai nis reyiuence, opposite the Kf torin. eu iaurcu, uu xiikii Direeb. omLj WM. M. BUTCH. ' ATTOHNKYATLAW. fow iiiuiiiiiiirjui, crrj C., I a. a-0mce Two doora West of F. Mortimer CI.KK MUHUAY, i Attorney-at-taw, Centre Hiiuare, New lUlullnflAM PiTrs HA Pa All business entrusted to till care will re- voire (iruiujib aiwuiion. a 't u , fIIAS. J. T, McINTIltK, Attorney at-Uw, ',K1,'1eld. Perry co., Pa. . " A" Pr0'6"10"111 busluenit promptly aud faith irM- N. 8E10KKT. Atlomey-at-Law. VT . few BlooinUeld, Perry oo., P. bloonitleld, 8 33 ly. ATJCTrONKEUINOO. Z. FINK will at tend to orvlnu aalna at all flnia. riawli,a h4 cousldeiable eximrlence, he flatters himself that j vim give suiiHiuoiiun to an. ( nil at the Unlua a-uiuuer jniiis, in lore iwp.. or address, ... . ti. Z. UNK, lypd Duuoaonen, Pa. T ADIE8 AND CHILDREN will Sod a A a splendid assortment of (hoe at the ome price iiere of r. MorUaier. Boots t Kill Aviortrncrjt of HE CELEBRATED YORK BOOTS, Hand or Mnclilne Billed, AVhole Stock Double Bole aud Warranted to Give Entire Satisfaction, Manurnetured and For Said to the Trade by H. D. SPAHR, YORK, PA. A full Assortment ot Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Constantly on Hand. srWwcini Attention Mid to Order.-? 6 23 26. THE NEW DISCOVERY In Chamical and Medical Science'. Ir.tE.iF.AGAIiriN'8 SOLUTIOnTcOMPOUND: ELIXIR FTRST AND ONLY BOT.TTTTON m mada In one mixture of AM. 'J ill-: TU KI.VK yaluabld active iirincniala of tho wulilknuwn curative agimt, n'E T11ET3 TAIt, rNECJlTAT,F.D In Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Asthma, liroacbitis, and consumption. CTJ1112H WITHOUT FAIL A recent cold In threo to aix hours; and also, y its VITALIRINU, PUKIFYINU and KTI MULATINfi effects upon the general system, is remarlcahly etllnarinua in all iim;akks or uu: blood. Includius: Bcrotula and Kruptions of the skin, DvsDemia. Diseases of the Liver and Kidneys. Heart Disease, and General Debility. ONE TRIAL CONVINCES I ALSO, A Volatile Solution of Tar For INHALATION, without application ot HEAT. A remarkably VALU ABLE discovery, as the whole apparatus can hecarried in the veal - pocket, ready at any time for the most effectual and positively curativo use in - . - All Discuses of the NOSE, TIHIOAT and L,liNU8. TUB COMPOUND Tar and Mandrake Pill. for uu In connection with the ELIXIR TAR, in a rombinntion of th TWO rnont valuable ALTERATIVE Medicines known in the Pro feftaion, and render this Till without exception the very beat erer offered. The SOLUTION and COMPOUND ELIXIR of T A. 3Ri in without doubt the Beet remedy known la i or CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER. It la a Specific for euch disease, and should be kept in the household of every family, especially during those months in which CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER are liable to prevail. A small quantity taken daily will pravaat contracting Uubm terrible diseases. Solution and Compound Elixir, fl.M per Bottle Volatile Solution tor Inhalation, $9.00 per Bos Tar and Mandrako Fills, Met por box. Bend for Circular of POSITIVE CXRE5 to your Druggist, or to T.. P. HTDE tfc CO., BOLH f BOPBIETOH8, 110 E. 22d St., Xw JTorfc. OSADALIS The ingredients that COMPOSE KOSADALIS aro published on every package, there fore it is not a secret preparation. consequently rnTsiciAss mscim it (t is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in oil its forms, Rheums-. tisin. Skin Disomies, Liver Com plaint and all disease of the Wood. Ol'E. E07TLS CP 10I1S4U3 will do more good than ten bottles) of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDCRSiaNEa fMYICIAria have used Kostidaiisin their practice for the past threo yenrs anil frreljr ondorso it as a reliable Alterative and Dlood Purifier. DTt.J, c. rt'GTT .of Daillmcie.' DB.T. 1. nOYKIX. " nil. lt. W.f A Kit. " Dll. F. O. PAVNKLLV. DH. y 8. Kl'AItKS, of NleholasviUe, DR.'j.. McCAHTHA, Columbia, Dn. A. H. XODLES, Eilgecomb, N. C. TJSID AND EUDOBSED BY J. BI BENCH k SON'S, Fall Itlver, f. W.SMiTIT, JacVsr,n, Mlrh. A. F. WHKKLKll, Lima, uhle. B. H ALL. Lima. OI In. . aana IIHAVEN A l-'O., Gonlonsvllle. Va. S1MX. 0. Mt ADDKN, Wurfrss. buro,Tenn. Our spare will not allew of any ex. tcmlcd remarks in relaiiun to the virtuesol Husailalis. Tuthe Madlral Profession we (uaranle a Fluid tCi tract superior lo any I !i y have ever used in the trea ment of diseased Blood and to tnearllii'teil we say try liosailalls. and vou will h. rn,tnrnn te health. Hosailalls Is sola by ni....i.i. price a per bottle. Addren Boots I o D MastOff rif Dimili, ' DaiTiacsa, Mo. M0l Photographs ! riiotogrnphs ! ' is. . ,i .' A'. .- ''.V- .'IK., JACOIi COBLE, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, PENH' A. THE subscriber would respectfully call the at tention of the citizens of this comity to the fact Uiat he Is tuepared to take VHOTOURAPHa In the best style of the art. Ills long experience) enables him to produce PICTURES WHICH CANNOT BB Kt. CMLLMD. All persons are requested to call at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and great care will be taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children. ' Framing material and a good assortment of frames always on hand, and for sale at low prices. JACOB COBLE, Artitt, Newport, Perry Co., Pa Xj E BA3MO 1ST Mutual Firo Insurance Company, OF .loni'Htown, l'ciiu'n. POLICIES PERPETUAI. at Low Rates. N Hteam risks taken. This Is one of the best conducted and most reliable Companies In the Htate. Country proiierty Insured Perpetually at W 00 per thousand, and Town property at 15 IX) per thousand. LEWIS POTTER, N EW BLOOM FIELD, PA., 4 16 Agent for Forry County. UNITED STATES HOTEL, Cbr. Fulton, Water and Peart Sts., N. Y. THIS well known favorite hotel has recently been renovated, remodeled and furnished new and elegantly throtjhoiit. It Is kept on the, European plan, and has ample accommodations for four hundred guests. The location Is more accessible to all parts of New York and llrooklyn than any other house lu the city. The llroadway Htittfes pass tho hotel every three minutes, besides viuious lines of Htreet Cars, one ot which Intersects every other route la New York. It being but two blocks from Fulton Ferry, makes It convenient for those wishing to visit the " City of Churches," as from this ferry diverge all the principal Itallroad routes lit the city of Brook lyn. (B.Wp) GEO. H. TEKUY, Proprietor. 8 SlIULER. S. M. 8nui.SK. S. SHULER & SON, LIVERPOOL, Terry County, Pa., . , . Dealers In all kinds of Hardware, Groceries, &c. All (roods In our line sold at tha lowest nrlee . Give us a trial. 6 4i UU J-NSTJKE IN TIIE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF -, 1 NEW YORK. ' F. 6. Wikstoh, President. The oldest and strongest Company In the United States. Assets over M5,OOO,O0O In cash. ' & M. 8HULEK, Agent Liverpool, Fa. 8 44 13t. IHIRI 18 I0TH1I5 LIU IT 10 S; Fains, Sores, Woncfls and Lameness. BUYilT! TRY T! Fol Jheumatiirq Use Pain CuiOiL For For ce Uil. nre Oil. For Chollsft JJorbuj, For SnrainX. the PairCure Oil. Use Pyj Cure Oil. Use Kirj Cure OIL UspAId Cure Oil. . U Pain Cure Oil ForeidachX..', For Bruisei, , ur vol o ay 14 uuiBMmaj ror Any aore, . Pain Cure Oil. . For 417 Liqenest, Use Pal; Cure Oil. lrnr Bowtjrfia Vialtrm. And we ehallent thawerldVi produn Its eqaai. UaM suuracuy ana lawrnaiiy sur Atj-r. Ask for PAIirCniB OIL. TalVso other, far w VAKUII IT TO 01 It Is not JTstariBf preparation, bat airwTL, 1 from Pkya tspMis oils, iistm, ana J M Bad si clean ana far to naa. Bald J all larafa-isli and Vaalan In afadicid nii'E, BO C'EJITts. MeCLURt EATON, ftomnofV aWasUncra. Daily Express and 1 Freight Line BETWEEN BLOOMFIELDIt NEWPORT! THE subscriber wishes to notify the citizens of Bloomneld and Newport that he la running a Dally Line between these two places, and will haul freight of any klad, or promptly deliver packages or messages entrusted to his care. -Ordon niay be left for him at the stores ot P. Mortimer & Co., New Uluomtleld, or Milllgan Muaeer.Aewoort.IV J. 8. WHITMOKB. BloouiUeld, January 15, 1M0. , v , (tl'LKN VlU AbsOUTMISX X 0 Dry: good It Y. GOOD Suited to the Season, Are Now Offered for Bali by . 7, 10TIMEQ,