6 STIje mes New Blaomftclir, :JJd. joomficlb hnes. Tuesday, May 7, 1S72. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS IP! twite cnmrmmtintttmnfrnnntU prrnn",lionre interested in mutter property belonging to this department. The rroprr ft'li'.ctlon of Food. There U no country wliero Ihero is ho much clyp-rw-jwia as in Amciica Itccausc our people pay but little attention to food and cat too much meat, for the expeisc they tjiko. If Olio has mental labor fish every fccoikI day at bust isrequfbito. Poupfctstbo glands at work and prepares tbo utomnch for the more iiuportnnt function of digestion and therefore should bo taken at dinner every day. Beof broth is to the old what milk Is to tbo young. Cookery properly attended to keeps man in health. If tbo xtomach is out of order, the brain is allected. v Wo should eat more fruits, vegeta bles, soup and fish. Good nnd well prepar ed food beautifies tbo phyniUO the same ns n good and well directed education beauti fies the mind. Wrinkles arc produced by the want of variety of food. The man who does not uso his brain to selout and prepare his food is not above the brutes which take it in the raw state. Home and Health. Cure for Lock-Jury. A correspondent of the Brimtific Ameri 0(1)1 'recommends turpentine ns a euro for lock-jaw. lie says: Let any mm who has an attack of lock-jaw take a small quantity of turpentine warm it and pour it on the wound no matter where it is qr of what nature it is, and relief will follow in less than one minute. Nothing better can be applied to a severe cut or bruise than cold turpentine; it will give certain relief almost instantly. Turpentine in also a sovereign remedy for croup. Saturate a piece of flannel with it nnd spread the flannel on tho throat and chest nnd in very severe cases three to five drops on a lump of sugar may be taken inwardly. Kvery family .should have a bottle on hand. The remedy is siniplo and can be easily tested. In all serious cases an application should be mado under medical advice. . VSf" A farmer writes to one of our Agri cultural exchanges : " When quite a boy I bad learned that grains taken from dill'er cnt parts of tho cob developed and ripened differently. I experimented by planting a few grains from tho extreme ends.- Tho hills planted from the butt ripened about a mouth before thoso from tho top. Now these nre reasons why tho wbolo oar should not bo planted, unless to modify tho time of ripening. Corn to replant should be taken from the butt of tho car. All observ ant farmers know that they should have late pollen for late issues of silk that is produced by "lato rains," which "tills out'' our coiji crop. Tho corn from tho point of tho cob will do tho job." ' - 13?" An exchange says that it in generally considered that tbo principle of rotation in crops is a modern discovery and yet nature has worked in this way fiom tho commence ment. Proofs of this are seen in the veg etable remains of rocks and coal-beds aud even now we see tho same principle at work when ever we cut down a pino woods which if allowed to grow in timbor again is replac ed' with decidous trees, ns oaks 'beeches maples, Ac., while a beech or maple, or oak wood cut oil' will bo replaced willi pines. Hero is undoubtedly rotation in crops, and wo merely follow naturo when wo adopt tho principle in our agricultural operations, tS" A bar of iron which is worth but , vi ben manufactured into horse shoes is worth 910, that same bar of iron manufac tured into nails is worth $f"3, and manufac tured into pen knife blades it is worth (20,640, and when manufactured iulo watch .springs, it Is increased in valuo to tho enor mous sum of $ v")0,000, nnd nil this increase lu valuo is tho result of labor nlone. If you want ibis woik done in America, protect tbo labor by a tariff. If you desire to starve your own laborciu for tho benefit of of tho Kuropcau millionaires, not tho labor era, for hey do not pay their laborers, abol ish protection. To Paper Whitewashed Walls. Dissolve half a pound of glue, to which add flour, after having stirred out all tho lump ia cold water. Make rather a thin paste. Apply this hot to tho walls and lot it ally. Then put on your paper with paste in which there is no glue put it on cold, for Jt paste will oak tho paper. Try this, aud I'll warrant yon will bo bettor satisfied than vith scraping the walls. .'''"' fSf Tho importance, of thoroughly sea soning lumber i miulo apparent to tho cfln sinner when it is known that a piece of green lumber weighing ono hundred pounds weighs only about thirty pounds when dry; showing that it contains seventy pounds of tap and only thirty pound offibio wood. It?" To Olao Linen add a tea-spoouful of salt, and one of finely scraped white soap to n pint of starch. Bloomfield Academy! An EngUnh and Classical Sehool FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Young Men Prepared For College, A Normal Srhatif inula Srhnvl of AkI HI'ItlNO TKKM COMMENCES On Monday, tho 8th of April, 1872. ASthe above school lias recently been re -organ 1ml, students ciuienter any lime. Prof. WM. II. IU1.I,, ttgnuluateol Kiitger's Col lege, N. ,1., Principal. MIssfCMIUH K. BTKVKNH. of New York, will teaeli Music, Drawing ami Tainting during the Cuming to nil. Kvery raclllly for ttie training of the vouth of both sexes In nil that constitutes u liberal mid thorough ciliifalU.n. The Colloglato Department embraces nil tho higher branches, Including the Latin and (Ireek Languages, lingliicci liig, Practi cal Surveying, Literature, Natural Science and ad vanced Mathematics. Vacations: July and August, and one week at Christinas. Terms: For Hoarding. Furnished ltoom, Wash ing, Tuition In Latin, (ircek, Kngllsh llranchesaud Mathematics, for I ho scholastic year, 810. In vacations. &!iio,0i. The Hoarding Department Is at the Institution, under tile supervision of Wlllani drier, Ksq., by whom good and substantial board will bo fur nished! and the pupils w ill bo under thostrict care of the Principal. Address V. II. DILL. A. M. Principal, or WILLIAM (iltlKli, 4t 1 (New llloomlleld. Perry county, Pa. Boot? ! Boots! A I'll! Assorto-ei:' of THE CELEBRATED Y0KK BOOTS, Hand or Machine Shied. Whole Stock Double Sole and Warranted to Give Entire Satisfaction, Manufai'liu'cd and For Sale to the Trade by M. D. SPAH5, YORK, PA. A full Assortment of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Constantly on Ilatid. lrR,Kclal Attention i'ald to Orders.- 6 J Hii. 1780 TAKE NOTICE. 1871 Are You Afflicted or Sick ? XJHIO FAHRNEY'S BLOOD C Ii E A N S K It on i a. is .a. o -v r AN Alterative and Cuthurlle, or Tonic and Purge, fordlscasea arising from bad blood. Tills preparation was established in 1870,nnd lias been prepared in IfTtifd form for more thnn 18 yours. In January or February, IS70, anoth er party commenced to prepare a similar article which is inferior to tho genuine, and which should not be mistaken for ours. Ask for"Dit. Faiiiinet's Blood Cleanser ok Panacea," and accept no others. Tho Trade Murk of the oldest and genuine, is printed In oretn on a yellow wrapper, hav ing also the signature of P. Fahrncy, M. 1)., Chicago. " Dr. P. FahrtuyU Health Messenger" gives the history and uses of the Blood Cleanser, testimonial, and other information, sent free charge. Address l)n. P. Fahrnev's BitoTiiEns fc Co., Waynesboro, Franklin County, Pa. Ask for Dr. Fahrney's Blood Cleanser and CLKAN8K YOl'K BLOOO. tW Sold everywhere and in New BloomOold by F. Mobtimer & Co., only. 5 18 OSADALIS The ingredients that CO.MPOSE KOSADALIS aro published on evory package, thoro hire it is not a secret preparation, consequently PHISIIIANS FRESCR1BK IT It Is a certain euro for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma tism, fekin Disease, Liver Com plniut and all disease of the Wood. 0173 BOTTLE OP EOSADALIS will do more rood than ten bottles of tho Byrupe of Barsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Rosailulis in their practice for tho past three ycurs and freely ondorso it ns a reliable Alterative nnd Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. PUOH, of n.Ulinuie. - DH.T.J.llOYKl.V, " 1)11. K. W.CAIIIt. ' 1)11. V. O. DANNKLLY, " 1U. J. S. SPARKS, of NlchoUsvllU, Dft.V'l.. McCABTHA, Columbia, 8. O. DU. A. 1). NOM.US, F.dgomb N. C. USED AND ENDORSED BY .1. B. FRENCH ft SONS, Kail niver, muss, H. W. KMITTT, J.irkftnn. Mich. A. V. WHKKLfrJI.I.lina, Ohio. 11. HAIL, MmM in. ( RAVEN ;0.,;onlonsvillr, Va. SAM L. ;. AUVADUfciN, Alui-freet-buru,1i.n. Out' ojiacp will not allow of any x ten-led ifiiiiiku lit rt0.it hm to the viitiiffinr ltowl.ihs. Tot ho Mail. ml l'rol-Hion wi Kmiranteo a Kluld Kx tract Bupvrior tu any they have ever tisfd lu tho ttrii nn'iit of disease! Itlmrtl mid to IhrMitMu ted we any try Uonadalia, anil )ou will bo fvMurti'i to hcullh. Itownlftlis U n1d y all Druul .tH, prii-o Hl.&U per bottle. AiiUrcv 9&. CLSLIEOT3 & CO. .! Ntnuf tutoring fKtiiluti, ' ll.tlTIUCBK, Mu. i SO S2 I ALL KlNIWof Prntlim neatly PBINTINCI (exniMited at th "IIUooMPiKLn ' t ( TlMKt" HTKAH JoBOvriuis. A RADWAY'S READY 'BELIEF CURES TIIK WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR Rftcr rcHiiuta tlild ftuvertl.Hpmeiit need any rne hPFFEii WITH l'AIN. HAD WAY'S KKADY RKU1KP IS A CURK FOB F.VEUY l'AIN. It w:u tin- first mid 1 Tlio Only IIn Honiody that lnMnntly s1om the mort cxrntrlialiitf p.'tiiip, nltnvn JnrlHimimtlonft, and cures CmitfrMlon, wiiftlttT of ti.n LunttK, Htnmncli, ltowcls, or otiivr gtiuuU or organs, l.y one iipiiDrntlon, IN FUO ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no mutter lmtr vlnlput or ex crucial lug tlio vnn tli KIIKL'MATKJ, Retl-rlrlilcn, liiMrin, Crippled, ftcrvoui, Tu'titulitlc, or prottlrntcd with dlHiam nut)' hiiIIVt, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT KASE. INFLAMMATION OP Til K KIDNKYS. INKI.AMMATION OK THE III.ADDEH. INFLAMMATION OK TUB IIOWKI.S. CONOHSTION OK TUP; IXKttS. SOItBl THROAT, DM'KICI LT MUEATIIIMI. PAI.riTATIoN OK TUli I1KART, HYSTERIC'S, CiUll'l', DIl'IITIIDIIIA. CATAItllll, INFLUENZA . HEADACHE, TOOTITAt'lIE, NKl'RAI.fllA, RHEUMATISM. COM) MULLS, A'lUK C11ILI.H. 'i'lti-niii.llcittlun of tho ltln,lv ltelfrf In flip nirt of jvirtit wlu-re LJiti ur dillioulty tisltf will lUl'uid ca.a iui'I romr.irt. 'f went v- dniiw In ti:i)f n tunililr r,f wntor will In n or. momniN cmn CUAMPH, MIASMS. flVH STOMACH. HEARTIll'HN, SICK Jl HM'ACIIH, I11AUU1IKA, KVSBSTKItV. COLIC, WIND IN TUB UoWKL-., nml Till INTERNAL TAINS. Trnwlrrfl hIioiiIi) nlwnys utrrv a Iwittle of R nrlrniv" Rrmly Relief with tlK'tn. A f, w li cj.h In wulcr u ill tu-t'iit f.k'kiit'H or rnlim rrm rhnnjfe of writer. It I, c:ttr tlinn Krcnch lliainly or IlittcraiiHaaliniuIiiut. FEVliR AND AI'U. 1"EVER AND AttliE cunil for lllly cinu. Thcrfl!, nut u reini'ilial iiiriiiit In thi wnrhl that w 111 euro Fpvit S'ul Akuc, ntid nil other Malnrlmis, IHIIonn, Seuilet. Tv l.liol.l, Vellow, mill olher Fevora (nlileil hv IIA I (V AY'it I'lLLS) mi rink k m IIAIIWAVS READY KLXILT. Filly vmils per buttle, Hlil by Druglats, HEALTH !BEAUTY ! f BTRON'O AND FT' RE RICH 11LOOD-1NCRKASE OF FLESH AND WEHIIIT CLEAR SKIN AND llKAU'JlFL'L CUMl'LKXION bKCLKKU TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE MOHT ASTrNlSMIN(l rURft: H't QI ICK, M) ItAI'IO AUK THE CHANOI TIIK IHHY l'MKK(i(jT:s. I'NDKIt THE IN FLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONUKKKIL MkUlllNK, THAT Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of tlio PA (ISA t'ARTLM A N KES( I,V E.S'T C'Hininnili'ntci 1 hrmirh tlio lllood, Hwrtit, I'llnc, nul ot Imr llulds and juices ni'ilie HvMtii the vttcr of J lf (r It rttialm the waste 01)10 iMnl'y wild new ami wniml iintorif, Hcrofiil;!, Hyfliillr( CtriiminiiitlMit, (llninluliir iliHo:-', ITlcmlti tlio Throiit, ,Mmitli, 'J uuiorH, Noilra In tint Olmid nnd fltlu-r purls of tho Hyatrin, nnre Kvrn, htniiitoim If;lini((' s from the fcnni, nntl the wi iff I'fpriiiH of Skin tlU'asi'S, KiiijiIIihih, I-Vvit Ktroi, Bcuhl Hniil, Ulu Worm, Suit Rliouin, Krysljichu, Arne, Ulnrlc .IK.tH. AVorntn In tlio Hi-idi, J'unifHH, (JanctTs in 1 he AVonio, nml nil w-aki-idiiK mid jiiliiful dtM-hiiriroi, M-lit hwi'iiln, l.ovn of Sporni, find 11 whkIph of the fife prlin-1-pip, tire wit lil ti tin? curat Ivu rai'fte of lhli wnnder of AIimI trn ('hfinl.Hlrv, mid a ft vv tlnvs' tHewlll itrovi" tn imy tonmn uIiik It fur rlthi-r of tliow) furniB of dlvouxa IW potent (MiWfr to cure tlmn. If tin; jiiitK-nt, dully hrromliifir rediircd by the wnMe nnd rtecoijidsil Ion thut l contlniiitlly troKrehslnr, nic ct'i drt hi arresting tlic-u; v:itrn, and ici infra tin- minv with ih'W mrttrihil made from healthy blood und thU tlio ISAUSAI'AKII.LI A will tind ihH'B (W'ture. Nut only (loi; the H AIL" Al'Altll.l.lAN Kkaolvt CXr(l all known rcimillal npints In the cure ofChronlc, Srrofi; luu. Constitutlumil, aiid Mtin Uluoaucs but ll U the only io!lt U f cure for EhSney & UIaUler CoiiiiIsi!iiIn9 rrmary, nnd Womb illMcaffn, (irnvel, I Main ten, Ilrotisy, Htiiajr of Water, Incont Incnce of ITrlnp. ItrlKlit'n 1 !. i-w, AllniiiiliiuriiL nnd In ttll cuscii whore there nre hvlck (liiii deposit, or thf! wnior I thick, cloudy, mined with eninruu-i' like tlio white of an tyr. or tlircmli like wliltu Btlk. or there Is u morbid, dark, blllotm ajipcariuirf , nnd white hitiC'dittt dt'i'OHltH, nnd when thertt U a pricking, hMrnbift cnitl)oii when pasxing water, 11 1 1 1 1 pain lit lliu bin-ill of the H'lftt Dud idoiijc tlio Loliirt, l't lce, $1.00, ' WORMS. The only known and sure. Hcn.cdy for ll ut'ntH I 'in, 'Jape, etc. ' Tumor of V2 YeniV Cfrouili Cured hy ICuduuy ItONolvcnt. Ukvrri.v, Mam., July 1, lfrtV. T)r. RAffVAV :I htvff hml Ovurlan Tunmr tn lhi ovurlei nnit lnwfl, AH lh Iornir nil ' thrr km im hrl for ft." 1 tricU cvrry IIiIiik tlmt wm roi-nnimriiHrd ; tint lii'thinir lield me. aw jur &Molvfitl,ul tbenirht I wuulJ Iry 111 hut hid no fnidi tn ll, liH-mift I hint iiifTtrni for twdve yean, I luok lx kutlU of ttin Itxtnlvitiil, unit 0110 box of Hmlnrfty'i I'llli, mA two luil tln uf your K1y ltrllf 1 nod lhre U iul 11 iIku nf tumor tit tm Mn or fell, mnd 1 frl better, niarlrr, Mid knkr limn I hr liirtwttlv jHri. 'Ilia n.rt tumor witt In lb hit liiltxiflhi bowfli', ovwr th grnln. I writ Dili to you for iL ImuwIII ut ottim, Vou cn iiublUli il If yuu clini. HANVAH . KVAP1'. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly taMeletW, lenntly coated wltli cweet nm, Iinrjre, reifulilte, purify, ei:unie. un 1 Btrenirthen. Itad way 1111. for the cure of all disorder of tbo Stomach, Liver, Rowel. Kidneys lilfuldw. Kervou I)ieutn, lleiidnche, t'nnntlpatlun, ContlvencBH, Indict t Ion, IyK- -hU, TUUou-tiiens. Ilillou Fever, Inflanmiatlon or the liowols, I'ile,niidall IitraiiKenit'titsoflhe lnleinul Vis r. ra. Wartanted tn effect, u pomtlveciire. Purely Vt Kcla tie, containing 110 mercury, liitnerulri, or deleterious .IrnjcH. Sif (Hirterva tho following 'niptoui rbUltllig from lordcra of the Digestive Organa : Cnnittpatlon, Inwnl PMm, PiillnMi of lh Bloml In tht Hf.l, Art. lit y of Uttt Htoiuwlt, N'Riifi-a, llt.rll.urn, lUiUBt of K'nl, Killing 1 or W nig lit In tho Rtoinftih, Sour Kruclfttloiu, Sinking nr Klullarlnxiit tli I'll nf lh Kl(in. h, HwIiiiiiiIhk of tlis llnvl, lliirrl.! Mid Difficult Ursalhlng, HuHrlii(( at the Hsnrt, fh.-kliiK or Sufft;ntlnjr K.iiMlloa wlimi In l.jli.n I'otlnrf. Ilmn-i -l ViniiMi, Hut or Waba before the rllKlit, rver in Dull Pnm tn lite llowt, IWftHtmcy nf Jr.trfclicu, Yll'mnti of 111 Kkin ti.t Kvvi, Pnlti In tlo Kl.tc, Cltdt, Llmbi, Mid iuJJfn Klutbc-i nf Ilt, buriitnicin lliv t-lcili, A fewdiwsof RADWAY'H VtUA will fie the bv. tPtn from ttll tho above-mm-rd ilNnrdem. l'rico, 25 ctiiti IktIx.k. HiX.H KV HUriii.IK.TS, REAP 'PAI.SE AM) 'IK I F. ftond or.u Mtep HamptoRAbWAV it ( ., No. 67 Maiden Lane, New Vork lnfuiuiutloit worlli lltuUtuuiU will huwijit yuu. Professional Curds. "T7"M. A. KI'OXSLKK, Alloniev-at-Ijiw, II OtlUc ndJolnhiK liin resldmit'e, on ICast Mulii Htrevt, New llloomlleltl, I'fiiy co., I'a. 3 2 ly S1I. OAL11KA1TII, Attmncy-nt LawT. Now llliiuiiilli'lil, J'fii ry co., I'a. - Pensions. Hountleii, lluck I'nv, and all Cliilmx RKaliint lli (iovui nini'iit, ioniitH' collect ed. Olllcu Willi Win. A. HiMiiislcr, Ewi. Si ly. TOIIN (J. 8IIATTO, 8urKpon Pcntlst. New llloonitleld, I'crrvco., Pa. tlstry All kinds of Meclmiilnil and Hui'Kiral lti uriuus.doni'lntliebrstiiiaiiiipr, and at iwwouable AOIUue ovvr Mint Iiium 's store. 3 2 ly CIIAS. A. IlAHJiKTT. Attorney.fiM.a J how Klooiiillt'ld, IVrry co.. Pa. i-Ofllce adjaluiuu MurlUucr' Btoio. 3 21y B r. Mi INTIItK Altornpv at Law. nml Ills- . trlct Atloriifvof 1'i riv emintv. Ollica with j. i. Aiiiiiiuu, M'W uiouiniiuid, I'eiin u. LJCWISI'OT'JKI, Attokkby-at-Law & Notahy Public, New lllonni Held. Itrru dountii. llinn'a. -Kioeliil atli-nlliiii Klvmi to C'ollofltlwis of nil kinds, to thti sculeinciit of citaU-s, &c, and all other legal Inislncss prosoented w ith fidelity and dispatch. Alio, lc'i9itlmis, Allidavlta and Ao knowledumciiU taken. 4r-Oince Uvedoom West ut 8iitcli'liote. 321y. J. DAILY, Attorney at, Tjiw, New liloiiinlleld. IVrrvC'o.. Pa. - Office hi the Coiirl lloiw. with .1. ft. Hhuler. Ksq. ItefurH U 11. Mclntlro, Knq. Juno 27, 1871, WM. M. HUTCH, ATTOUNKV-AT LAW, New llloimillehl, Perry co Pa. Kf Office Two doom West of F. Moitlmer Blore 3 7 ly Cl.KK ML'llltAV. . . Altoriiey-at-Law, Centre Hiiuaie, New llliioiulluld, l'crry CO.. I'a. Ur All business entiusted to Ills cam will re ceive piuini'l alttutliin. 3 2 tf CU AS. J. T, Mi l N T I It K, A ttornev-at-I Jiw, New llloonilleld. Perry co.. Pa. -All profcHtnoual bosluewi promptly anufailli fully attended to. 3 2 lv. "XirM. N. BlflllHUT, Atlorney at Law, V New lllouiulleld, l'eny co., Pa. llloonilleld, 8 33 ly. AUCTIONEKHING. (1. 7.. FINK will at tend tocrvliiK salea at all times. IIhvIiik had cuimlilei alii exKtrlcnce, he tlalleis lilnisilf that he i nn xlve satisfaction to all. Cull at Hie I'lilon Lumber Mills, In ICie tv p., or address, U. Z. I' INK, tfilypd Duucauuou, Pa. VliirtTnr II It ten are' not ft vita l .wcy Prinlt, made of If(or Rum, V'Iii-.Uey. Proof Spirit and Reltiso Liquors, doctored, miirrd, ind Kwectciied to please tbo taite, c.illed " 'I'onicn," " Apjictizers,' " licstorers," &c, tint lead the tipjtleron to drunkenness and ruin, but nre a true Medicine, made from the native roots and lieibsnf California, free from a!! Alcoholic Stimulants. They arc tlieOrcat lllood Purifier and a I.ife-Rivitm Principle, a Piufutt Renovator and Inviorator of tins System, iinym olT all poiHonuus m.iitcr and restoting the blond tn a healthy condition, enrirliin it, refrcRhinjn and invigorating both mind and bofly. They are eaiy of administration, prompt in their action, cri.tin in their results safe and reliable in all forms rf dicaie. Iiriti cnii fuUe (Imne Hitter accord ing to directions, nnd remain Iohr unwell, provided their bones arc not destroyed by mineral pninon or other means, and iliu vital organs waited beyond the point of repair. PyapcpMln or IntllrMl ton. 11,-iidirlie, Pain (n tha SlioulderR, Coughs, '1'iglmiesn iif the Chest, Dir tiness, Sour r.rttct.itious ot the Siouiach, Had Taste tn the Month, Uiliom Atncks, Palpitation of the - Heart, luOnmmatinn of the l,un-; Pain in the rcRiOus of the Kidney, and a Imudied other painful uvmptom;", arc the olNprins of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it ha4 no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guar antAe of its merits than a lengthy natertiflcmcnt. For Feinttlv CiiiilnlntHf m youns nr old, married nr ninsle, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, ihesa Tonic Hitters display bo decided an influence that a marked improvement U soon percep tible. for liifliiiniiiitfory nnd ( lirotilo Itlicti mnt lrti aud (Vnit, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, lliiimi, Remittent and Intermittent Fever, Jiiseases of the Wood, Liver, Kidneys and Madder, these Hitters have been most successful. Such Disease are caused by Vitiated Ulood.whxli is generally produced by derange ment of the Digestive Organs. Tlivvnre nJriitln Pnrc;n(lve ni wrll ni a Tonic, pnswssinp 'also the pcuili ir tuciit i( acting as a powerful acent in ndievin ('out'eMion nr Inflam mation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Diiioiis Diseases. For Skin Dlncnsrs, Krnpiions, Teller, Salt Rheum, I'.lotche, Spots, piuiplcs, Piivitilcs, Hoils, Car buncles, Kin-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Lyes, Kry tipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Sl;in, of whatever name or nature, are literally dut; up and carried nut nf the system in a k'iou time by the ine of thcRo Hitters. One bottle hi Midi c.isei will conviucb the most incredulous of their curative effect. Clcniirie tho Vltlnfoil niond whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Krtipiions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it ob structed and Finnish in the veins ; cleanse it when it i foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the Ite.Uih of the ystem will follow. Urate fill tlioiitmi(U proclaim Vinrgar Hit trrs the most wonderful Iuvigorant that ever sustained the sinkin? system. Pin, Tape, nml other Worms, lurking in tlifl system of so many thousands, ate effectually de stroyed aud removed. Says a distinguished physioU ist : There ii scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of tho body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No ystem of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmin tics, will free the system from worms like these Hit ters. Mcchnnlcrtl DUenaes. Persons engaged In Paints and Mineral, such ' Plumbers, Tyjc -setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, will be subject to paralysis of the 11 owe Is. To Ruard against this take a dose of Wai.krk's Vinegar Hitters once or twice a week, as a Preventive. llllloiis, ltemlttouf, nnd Intermittent Ft) vera, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our Sreat rivers throughout the United States, especially lose of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten nessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Hraios, Kio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile. Savannah, Roan oke, James, and many others, with their vast tributa ries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unustnl heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There sire always more or less obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being closed up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence uon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Wai.krk's Vinrgar Hitters, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at Hie same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs, Heroriila or King' Tlvll, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Af fections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sure Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as m all other constitutional Dis eases, Walker's Vinrgar Hittrrs have shown their great curative powers in lbs most obstinate and intract able cases. Dr. Walker California Vinegar DIMeri net on all these cases in a similar manner. Hy purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the ejects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the a fleeted parts receive health, aud a permanent cure is effected. The prorlIe of Dr. Waiter's Vinrgar IliTTRRs are Aperient, Diaphoretic aud Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-llilious. The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Du. Walkrh's Vinrgar Hittrr are the best safe fytard in all cases of eruptions aud malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, aud soothing properties protect the humors of the fauces. Their Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc. Their Counter-irritant influence extends throughout the system. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kid neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Ant!- Hilious prnjierties stimulate the liver, in the secre tion of bile, and its discharges through the biliary ducts, and are superior to all remedial agents, fur the cure of Hilious Fever, Fever and Asue, etc. Fortify His boily HKnlnet (Unease by puri fying all its fluid with Vinhoah Hittkhs. No epi demic can take hold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves are rendered disease-proof by this great iuvig orant. Directions. Take of the Hitters on going to bed it night from a half to nmi and one-half wine-glassfull. Kat good nourishing food, such as beef steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are compiled of purely veget able ingredients, and contain no spirit. J.WALKER, Prop'r. II. H. MeDONArDACO., DrupKiHts and Oen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal.. and cor. of Wahington and Charlton Sts., New Vork. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Pensions, Bounties, &c. "trinOWa, Minor Chlldien, Mothers, Fathers. IV (tc, of Moldiers who were killed or died of disease contracted in Urn Service of tho L'ulted htatos, can now make application for Tension. Also Holdlcr who contracted disease o, were wounded, ruptured, or lu any way disabled In the war of IStil. When widows die or re marry, the child or children under mxlcen years of ugo are entitled to a l'euslon. The time for tiling claims for additional bounty lias ueen exicuueu bix iiioiiiuu. I'nrtlmtlur attention given toold suspended case In the dill "leli I departments at Washington, 1). (J If you have, or think you have a claim attains! the tiuvernnieut., can on or allures tue undersigned. No charge for Information. LEWIS I'OTTEU, Attorney for Claimants, J 31 NEW KMK1MKIKI.D. PA. rKitit y nousE, New IlloouifieiU, I'a. THE subscriber having purchased the property on the joi ner of Maine and Carlisle streets, opposite the Court House, Invites all his fricuda and former customer, to give him a call as he is determined to furnish nrnt class accommodations. 'JHUiiAH HUTCH, Uf. Proprietor. Photographs ! riiot osrnplis ! mix.--c-'tt, a. it- JACOB COltLK, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, PENN'A. THKwliscrlbprwoiilil respectfully c:i!l tlie at tention of tlio citizens of this county to the fact that he ia prepared to take PllO'VOtiliAl'im In the best style of Hie art. Ills long experience enable him toproduco l'ICTURKH WJTCJT OAXXOT JIM CKLLKD. EX- All persons are requested tocall at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and ureal care will uo takcu to furnish Good Pictures of Children. Framing material and a good assortment of framei always on hand, and for sale at low prices. JACOB VOBLK, Artist, Newport, i'eiry Co., I r. LEBANON Mutual Fire Insurance Company, OF JoiichIovvii, l'enn'u. POLICIES I'Kltl'liTUAL at Low Kates. No Steam risks taken. This W nop nf tha lwt conducted ami most reliable Companies in the oiiiio. ;oiiiui'y properry insureu Perpetually at lit 00 per thousand, and Town properly at J5 00 pi'i uiuunii no. LEWIS POTTER, NKW ULOOMl'lELl), PA,, 4 111 Agent for Perry County. UNITED STATES HOTEL, Cor. Fulton, Water and 1'carl Sts., A'. Y. THIS well known favorite hotel has recently been renovated, remodeled nnd furnished new and elegantly throghout. It is kept uu the liuropeiin plan, and lias ample, accommodations for four hundred guests. ineioeaiion is more ncccssiuie to anparrsoi New York nnd Brooklyn than anv other house in the city. The Broadway Stages pass tlio lintel every three minutes, besides various lines of Street Cars, one of which intersects every oilier route lu iew i oik. It being but two blocks from Fulton Ferrv. makes it convenient for those wishing to visit the " City of Churches," as from this ferry diverge all the principal ltailro.nl routes In the city of Brook lyn. (O.Udp) r-liO. N. TKHUV, Proprietor. 8 HMl t.KR. 8. M. Siiui.eu. S. SHULER & SON, LIVERPOOL, Terry County, Pa., Dealers In nil kinds of Hardware, Groceries, &c. All goods in our lino sold at the lowest prices. Give us atrial. 6 44 111. JNSUltK IN THE LIFR INSURANCE COMPANY OK NKW YORK. F. 8. Winston, President. The oldest nnd strongest Company In tlio United Slates. Assets over (Uft.bOO.OOO lu cash. S. M. SHCLKH, Agent. Liverpool, Pa. 44 l.tl. THERE IS NOTMKO LIKE IT FOI Fains, Sores, Wounds and Lameness. BUY IT! TRY IT I Foheurnaliern, For rfcuralgia, . For FeWr Sore, . Use Pain CuOil. Use Pairi Ce Oil. Use Pain km Oil. Use PaiCure Oil. Use Pj Cure Oil. Use Bnin Cure Oil. Usp'ain Cure Oil. For ChoTeW fijorbus, ror bpraint For Headache ' For Bruises, . For Corns and Bu M'd Pain Cure Oil. tor Any bore. fa Pain Cure Oil. For Jny Lanjeness, Use Pain Cure Oil. KVLT BOTTIII X'ARlUHTrD. Ant! w challenge thWorluVi pruduca lt -equal. u.t'U J-.xtoruft'iiy ana iiisrrnsuy ror Auk for PAINJURE OIL. TakVno other, tot we JrABBAHT II TO Oil It I. not a jyT'tering preparation, but aiTb, made rroin pitfB veKelni'le Ulle, llerba, aua fcsraeu. X aud u cleuu and .ale to utie. Bol.lV all Drugglata and Dealers In tlwllciin I'KIC'K, 50 CENI. McCLURE EATON, Pfl0WlT0RB,s Haann. Fa. Dally Express and Freight Line BKTWKKX BLOOMFIELD & NEWPORT! Til H subscriber wishes to notify the oltlr.cnsof lllooiulield and Newport that he Is running a laily Line between these two places. and will haul Freight of any kind, or promptly dullvur paukaues or messages entrusted to his care. 4.0rdrs may be left for him at the stores of V. Mortimer & Co., !rw illuoiiilield, or Milllniiii & Mussor. Newport, Pa. ,i, H. WlllTMOltlC. Bluomlleld, January WTO. IM'I.KMUT A HHIIU'l'MKNrp NIM.KNliI IJ . iVNSOH'J'MKN JL OF , DUY:(JOODQ Suited to the Season, Are Now Offered for Bute by . F. MORTIMER.