The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, May 07, 1872, Page 5, Image 5

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    ljc tints, Jftro Bloomfitlti, )a.
Tuesday, May 7, 1872.
i MAY.
'Su. Mo. Tu. WejTh. ! Fr. 8a.
..; "... ;.: "i 2 " s"4:
B 6 7 81 9 10 11!
13 13 14 16 16! 171 18
19 20 21 22 23 1 24 28.
26 27 28 29 30j31 ... j
Immersion. On Sunday last Rev. Pe!
heimer baptized nine persons by immersion
in Patterson dam in Tyrone twp.
Buruuni's Show is to be exhibited at
Carlisle on Saturday of this week. It Is
without doubt the largest show in tho
world, and one well worth seeing.
Court is in progress as we go to press.
The attendance Is not nslargo as usual. Wo
will publish a full report of the proceedings
next week.
Cull Accepted. Rov. L. K. Scaciist of
lilain has accepted a call of tho Lutheran
Congregation at AVrightsvillo, and will
commence his labors at once. jf
Bally 's Station Ferry. Tho Ropo Kerry
across the Juniata at Uuilysburg is now in
operation and is found a great accommoda
Accident. Mr. John Bishop a resident of
Now Buffalo was thrown out of a spring
wagon while on his way to court on Monday,
and was so badly injured that it was neces
sary to leave him nt Newport.
A Full Litter. The wife of a prominont
citizen of Washington county, Jld., a few
weeks since, presented him with five chil
dren at one birth. All living and doing
well. So says the Grceucastlo Kcho.
Our Exchanges who direct the paper in
tended for us to Bloomfield, Pa., will pleaso
remember that out correct address is New
Bloomfif.ld. Papers directed to Bloom
field sometimes are several weeks getting
back from Crawford Co. .
The "Globe" Office in Huntingdon re
cently was discovered to be on fire in the
second story, but the liro was extinguished
before serious damage was done. How it
originated is not known as no lire bad been
iu that part of tho building for many hours.
Hood Templar's Convention. Tho Kast
Juniata district of the I. O. G. T., will hold
their district convention iu Marysvillo, on
Tuesday and Wednesday, the 7th and 8th
inst. There will be a public installation of
ofliccrs oil Tuesday evening, nnd a lecture
on Wednesday evening in the Evangelical
A Rascally Deed. On Wednesday night
of last week, some villain entered the stable
of Mr. John Plant, in Cumlierland town
ship, Adams county, ami killed agoodmnrc.
The animal wan found dead in the morning
having )cen stabbed in the breast with a
sharp instrument which penetrated to the
heart. filur and Smtinel.
Discharged. Two persons, a man and a
woman, named respectively Early nnd
Kberly, wero arrested some time since
charged with murdering a man. in Maryland,
and lodged in the Carlisle jail to await a
requisitiou from the Governor of Maryland.
On Tuesday last they were brought before
Judge J unit in and discharged from custody,
no one appearing against them. Volunteer.
( amp Meeting. At a recent meeting of
the Directors of the Juniata Valley Camp
Meeting Association it was resolved to hold
tho First Annual Camp Mooting on the
grounds of the Association, at Newton Ham
ilton, I 'a., commencing on Tuesduyt August
Uth, 1872, ami to continue ten days. Ap
plication fur tents, &c, may bo made at
any time to the Bee rotary, J. K. Khoads,
at Newtou Hamilton. A limited amount
of stock remains unsold which can be ol
tuined from any of the moinbrrs of the
Hoard of Directors.
Au Extraordinary AVair. The Jtecvrd
relates tho following strange incident: On
the 10th inist., about the time the people in
attendance at tho burial of William Walter,
at Parkersvillo, were separating, Thoniai
llanuum, of Ken net I, on going to untie his
horses hitched on tho south side of tho
Meeting House sheds, found that the grass
under their feet was on Are, and tho wind
blowing fresh at the time; it had extended
everal yards from the apparent place of
beginning; but tho horse showed no sign
t)t alarm. A careful examination into the
circumstances induced the belief that one
of the horses, in paWing, had struck a Hint
stone with his steel toe, and a spark from
that had set Are to the Due dry grass di
rectly muter the edge of, the . hoof. The
timely discovery and the extinguishment of
the (ire was a most favorable incident, as
the sheds were tilled with horses and quite
a number tied on "thp side when the fire
oiguiatrd. ,
Who Was Dolly Vardenl This is n ques
tion which Is now frequently asked. Dolly
Varden was one of the characters intro
duced by Dickens In " Barnaby Rudge."
She was 'represented as the daughter of
Gabriel Varden a blacksmith, aud is sought
in marriage by Sim Tappertit, a vain ap
prentice, and Joe AVillett, a very exemplary
young genlloinnn indeed. ' Miss Dolly be
comes Mrs. Willott. She is described by
Dickens as possessing a face lighted up by
the loveliest pair of sparkling eyes that
over any lover looked upon; the face of a
pretty laughing girl; dimpled and fresh, and
healthful the very .imporsouation of good
humor and blooming beauty. There hns
been an unusual variety of articles named
after her, but we think the matter is now
overdone, as while on a recent visit to the
city we saw a sign having on it "Dolly
Varden Whisky," and another promising
tosupply "Dolly Varden Chewing tobacco."
Hunting Tliein l'p. The Lebanon Stan
dard says: "A United States detective
has been for a few days past, in town pur
suing his calling with wonderful success.
He has given some places a thorough
cleaning up, aud what with sweeping down
cob webs and uprooting rubbish piles, has
succeeded in making some startling dis
closures. In the underground regions of
Mr. John Smoad's brewery he unearthed a
whisky still, with a capacity of ton gallons
a day, which ho Immediately ordered Mr.
Smead to carry to the Collector's office,
where it now lies. There is sufficient evi
dence to provo that the distilling of whis
ky from malt and refuse beer has been car
riod on for some time, in an illicit way of
course. A few other violations of the law
of our very intricate internal revenue sys
tem, mainly tho results of cnreU-ssncss,
were corrected about town.
New Ronnly Bill. A bounty bill has
beon recently passed by Congress and ap
proved by the President, the provisions of
which are as follows:
Every officer, soldier or marine, who
served in the war for a jeriod exceeding
ninety days, may, in settling upon the pub
lic lands, under tho homestead laws, count
tho period of his service as a part of the
fivo years' residence required to obtain a
patent to one hundred and sixty acres. Six
months are allowed after the locution of
the land, before the residence upon it mhst
commence. Persons discharged for wounds
or disability may have tlioir whole period
of enlistment counted. In case of tho
death of a person who would bo entitled to
the privileges of the act, his widow if un
married, or minor children, if the widow
be married or dead, are entitled to its bene
fits. Any person whom tho bill gives tho
right to acquire land may have the same
entered and the required settlement and
residence inado by an agent. This is tho
most important feature of the bill, for a
comparatively small number of soldiers will
themselves tieoome homestead settlers. Tho
right to transfer their privileges to an agent
will doubtless bo of considerable value to
Dmicaiiiion Letter.
Mr. Editor. There has been so little
going on here, other than the regular every
day routine, that it seemed scarcely worth
while to write to you. Just now there is a
little inquiry being mado about the hook
and ladder business. Tho contract was
given out somo time ago but no ladders
have as yet made their appearance. I
believe there was something said in a
former letter about the building of a hall
by the Knights of Pythias. A committee
was appointed to look up suitablo Bites as
certain prices fcc, and the lodge voted $.00
toward tho building of the hall, going to
show that they mean business. Tho com
mittee reported several suitablo places
ranging in price from $250 to $1000, but
no action was taken on it. If the citizens
generally, will help, there is no doubt the
enterprise will be a success,
Messrs. Daniel Kite, 8. Rifo and W. J.
Stewart tho purchasers of Maj. Jones' grist
and saw mill, took formal possesion on tho
1st inst. The Major's house a very dosira
ble place has been bought by Jos. K. Jack
son. Mr. Jones, I understand is making
airangemeuts to build a furnace in tho vi
cinty of Pottstown, and he is, as is well
known an experienced iron man fact urcr.
His many friends here,wish him the success
that his energy and integrity descrvos.
P. H. The fortune telling Gypsies have
left this noighWhood. This for tho infor
mation of the few. K.
Tuckers Alarm Till Lock should bo used
by every store keeper, landlord or shop
keeper. They are thief proof ! For salo
by F. Mortimer, at tho city prico $.". for
lock and drawer complete. tf.
K N 1 U M A II El' A It T M K N T .
Cross. Word Enigma.
My first you (lad in May but not iu June,
My second is In flu to but not iu tuns,
My third In King but not In Queen appears.
My fourth in youth hut not in after years,
My fifth appears In teach but aside from dia
gram. My sixth in telegraph but not iu telegram.
My seventh is seen In me and not iu you.
My eighth Is found in many but not In few,
My ninth will end the world and that without
a storm.
My tenth in secret Ilea but not iu guilt or harm,
My eleventh Is heard In parlor music but notln
moonlight song.
My twelfth In friendship lies hut not In armlet
My thirteeulb with the eagle soars nor with the
robin slays,
My fourteenth with pleasure stands aloof from
evil ways.
My whole Is a disciple of Monss,
WThe answer to Cross-Word enigma of
lust waek It " Friendship."
Home nnd Health. The April number
of this valuable nnd spicy family and health
journal is received, and deserves more than
a passing mention. After a year of unpre
cedented success, tho publishers announce
a series of improvements which bid fair to
eclipse anything heretofore attempted. The
May number Is to bo greatly enlarged, and
will bo under the management of Rkv. Geo.
O. Lyon, a gontleman of rare acquirements.
In every numbor there will bo the most
entertaining and instructive reading for pa
rents nnd adults, tho choicest stories and
ntioedotcs for young people and children,
wit and humor for old nnd young, valuablo
information on plants, fruits and flowers,
useful hints on housekeeping and cooking
and a full summary of current events
transpiring In tho world, together with tho
most varied and elaborate articles on hy
giene and medicine, and numerous practi
cal suggestions on the art of preserving the
health, on the care nnd food of infants, and
on tho homo treatment of all disease and
ailments. Notwithstanding all theso im
provements, the prico is to remain the
same, fl,50 per annum. Address: Home
Publishing House, or Do Puy, Lyon Co.,
02 Fourth Avenue, New York.
Where to Emigrate.
We answer, go to Southwest Missouri, be
cause the Atlantic & Pacillo Railroad Co.
oiler 1,300,000 Acres of Land to actual set
tlers, at low prico on long credit, besides
furnishing free transportation over their
road to purchasers; this road extends from
St. Louis, through Missouri to Vinitia, In
dian Territory, is being pushed rapidly to
its destination, the Pacific Coast; will be
one of the trunk lines of the country, never
blockaded by snow the lands along the
road are in a rich fertile country, as pro
ductive as any in the State; tho climate
combines all the advantages of northern
and southern latitudes; good climate, soil,
health, water, timber, grazing, fruits and
llowers, invite you to go to this region.
For further information address A. Tuck,
Land Com'r, in (523 Walnut Street, St.
Louis, Mo. 0.19.53.
Legnl Tender Decision. " Tho Hankers'
Mugazino" for April and May, 1812, con
tains the decision of the Supreme Court,
U. S. in the Legal Tender cases of 1871,
with the opinions of Justices Strong and
Bradley; also tho descnting opinions of
Justices Chase, Clifford and Field; to
which are added notes of forty important
cases referred to or quoted in tho above
opinions. No extra chargo to subscribers
to tho " Baukers' Magazine." Tho above
opinions are issued also in our octavo vol
ume, prico two dollars. Address, Bankers'
Magazine 251 Broadway, N. Y.
Church Notices.
Preaching in the Reformed church next
Sabbath at 10 o'clock. Prayer meeting on
Thursday evening.
Presbyterian service next Sabbath even
ing at ll o'clock. No service in tho morn
ing. In the M. E. Church preaching on Sun
day evening next at p. in. Prayer meet
ing on Thursday evening.
ItiiwliieMH 3No11oh.
Blaln Select School. Summer Session
opens Wednesday, April lOlli, 1872.
Gaud. C. Palm, Principal.
Muss Emma Nicholson, n graduato of
Hallinioio Female Colleue, will teach Draw
ing, Painting, &, and give such other as
sistance as may bo required.
W. R. Cibna, M. D., of Ickcsburg, will
deliver a 00111110 ot Lectures on I nysiology,
Hygiene, !tc. 010l
IW Every ouo that has used Pain Cure
Oil are loud in tlioir praises of its wonder-
full effects. They all say " There is nothing
liko it." Header, try it.
Metal T.inkd cucumber wood pumps and
also the celebrated Blatchley pumps for any
depth of well on hand and for sale at low
prices by r MOKTIMUK.
some of Its most Insidious and dangerous foes
In tho many so-called "loulcs" and "appctlr.
ers," mado of cheap whisky and refuse liquors,
finished up to suit depraved appetites, uudcr
the name of medicines. Dr. Walker's Califor
nia Vlnegur Bitters are nono of these. They
are not a beverage, but a genuine medicine,
purely vegetable, prepared from California
licrhs by a regular physlcinn. For all diseas
es of the stomach, liver, khlnryB, bladder, skin
and blood, they are an InfuUlahle and unrival
led remedy.. lSd 4t
The advertiser, havliiK been permanently cured
ol Unit dread disease, consumption, liy a simple
remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow
suuerers ine menus 01 cure. J o all wnu uesire ir,
of charge,) with the directions for preparing and
uslnu the sume. which thev will tlnd a sure cure
for consumption, asthma, bronchitis, etc. Parties
wishing the prescription will please address
ucv. I'.invAiiii j. wn.rsuiv
South Third tit., Williamsburg, N. Y.
3 1 I d I A tTm O IS- i'JC 0 1 .
A Physician of many years practice in chronic
diseases, nnd graduate of liest Medical College in
the I). H., has written the above medical work,
which explains to those sullerlng from diseases
produced by excesses, etc., etc., the uiAnuer hv
which thev may lie restored to health. A copy will
ue sum rnr.r., uy wimiiuu nsme ami nutiress 10
0 is :jm a
No. HO, Cedar St., N. V.
14T There ure several kinds of worms that
trouble horses; and pin-worms (pointed at both
ends) arc the most common aud most dungcr
ous. Bheridans Cavalry Condition Powders
will In a few days eject the worms, nnd tho
horse will bcglW to thrive.
I ff Factories and machine shops should uot
he allowed to run a day without Johum's An
odyne Liniment. In case of a sudden accident,
an Immediate uo of it may save weeks of suf
fering, aud perhaps a limb, or eveu Hie.
Couutj Price Current.
HuxMriKi.n, May 7, 1S7J.
I'luxheed 1 Oil
Potatoes, 40
Butter V pound, Uo "
Kggs y dozen, 14 "
Dried Apples y pound 1) a in "
Dried Peaches In Q lOcts.ya.
Pealed reaches Yl 18 cts. "
' Cherries , A cts. "
" rilled 1.1 4 lct. '
Blackberries, a jKi cts. "
1 Onions V bushel 75
Corrected Weekly by Kmigh, Snyder & Co.
Newport, May 4, 1872.
Flour, Kxtra f 00
" ; Super. 8 60 :
White Wheat V hu 1
Red Wheat 1 4o 1 45
Itye 75
Com 50.-,0
Oats V 3'J pounds 42
Parley 75
Clover Seed A 00
Timothy Heed 2 50
Flax Seed 1 00
Potatoes,' 35 4?
Ground Aliimii Salt,.. ' 1 90
Liinebnrner's Coal 2 40
Stove Coal 4 GO 9 8 60
Pea Coal : 3 00
Smith Coal - 25 cts. V bus.
Cross Tlcs,8!.( feet Ions 45 0 45 cents
Tors 06.0O per lOOlbs.
Of all kinds alwnvson hand nnd for sale at the
Lowest Market Kates.
Philadelphia Trice Current.
Cbritcted Weekly by Janney fi Andrcwt,
No. 123 Market Street.
1'HiuoEi.ruiA, May 6, 1872.
White Wheat 2 i()
Wheat 1 t0 O 2 00
Rye 950100
Corn, 67069
Oats : 63055
Clover Heed MW per lb.
Timothy Seed 2 750 S 25
Flaxseed 2 00 0 2 00
Country bard,.. 8 09
Eggs 10017
Butter, dull sale .... 10 012
Washed Wool, 80 cents per lb.
Dressed Hogs, 5o; cts per 11).
Lehkipiikr. In Liverpool, April 3rt, Mrs.
Mary, widow of Joseph Lehkl chcr, aged 74
New Advertisements.
Merchant Tailoring Establishment.
THK subscriber respectfully Informs tho public
that he has removed his MERCHANT TAIL
OltINO ESTABLISHMENT from "Little Store
In the Corner," to room formerly occupied by J.
. Shntto, Dentist, where may be found at all
times, a varied assortment of
Cloths, Cassimers and Vesting,
With a complete lino of
'railoi-M TVIiiimliifyM,
Of the best quality. Those desiring to purchase
(iOOD J(Mil8. at Reasonable prices, and have
them made In the LATEST STYLE, will please
give us a call. S. II. JJKCK.
Also, a good assortment of
On hand at low prices.
What is the Great Specific for dyspepsia?
this bubbling, sparkling, cooling, purifying, regu
lating draught they call TAHHANT'A KFKKK
simply tho Chemical Ine nimlle of the Weltzer
Spring Water, which, for 100 years has been ac.
counted the II nest Cathartic and Alterative In nil
Europo. BOLD BY ALL DKUU(i)HT8. 17r4t
rnnce Company in America, writing Ac
cident Policies by the month or year Is tho
TO fttft!t t?f5 of Hartford Ct. It
lOftVCw&ftv insures men of all
trades occupations aud professions, at rates
within the means of all. THE TRAVELERS
also writes policies of Llfo and Endowment
mOttft ft ttft? of liU uoual tonus,
OMUAUMt uniting Ample Secu
rity and moderate Cost under a definite Con
tract. Premium system Is the favorite
Low Rate, All Cnsli Stock Plan. No other
f, MV lu tue world' of a8'
VWlr Ai has returned so much
money in benefits to its Policy holders. Cash
Assets, nearly Two Millions. 17 r 4t
. a
On the Line of the
A land Crant of
1 11 the
Best Farming and Mineral Land in A nicricu.
: 1,4 , OOO Acres iu Nebraska,
III the
ahijlo:n or ti Mrisrr,
These lands are lu the central portion of the
United Htates, on the 41st degree of North Lati
tude, the central line of the great Temperate
.one of the American Continent, anil lor grain
f row lug and stock ruising unsurpassed by any In
he United Mates.
CUE A PICK IN THICK, more favorable terms
given, and more convenient to market than can
lie found elsewhere.
Free Homesteads for Actual Hetllers."fet
The Best luxations Kor Colonies.
Soldiers entitled to a Homestead of 100 Acres.
- FRKK PASHKS to Purchasers of Land.
Hend for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with
now mans, published In Kngllsh, (iermaii, Hweed
lull and Danish, mailed free everywhere.
Address O.K. DA VIM,
l,and Commissioner, II. p. It. It. Co.
17r4w Omalut, Nebraska.
Bl 1,1. IVAN COUNTY, 1 A.
The onlv shop In the county, or within 20 miles,
(situated on the H. i K. It. H , within a short dis
tance of the K. ii K. Coal Mines, In a good funn
ing Slid lumber county. Plenty of saw and grist
mill work. lot l.K) by 2uo on corner. Building
J.'.xna All necessary tools, uattnrns. flasks. c.
I KHtlsfact'iry reasons given for selling. Kor panic.
1 ulars, call on or address JOHN Ht LI.1VAN, Du
i shure, hiilllvau county, Pa, S 17 m
fully announce the lulrnductinn of Improvements
of much more than ordinary Interest. These ar
being the only successful combination of REAL
PIPES with reeds ever mades
which ean Instantly be removed to the right or
left, changing the pitch, or transposing the key.
For drawings and descriptions, see Circular.
at J140, 1132 nnd (125 each. Considering Capacity,
Elegance, and Thorough Excellence of Workman
ship, these are cheaper thnn any before ollered.
The MASON & HAMLIN Organs are acknowl
edged the BEST, and from extraordinary facili
ties for manufacture this Company can nlfnrd.and
now undertake to sell at prices which render them
Four Octave Organs 50 each: Five Octave Or-
fans J100, $125 and upwards. Forty styles, up to
lfoo each.
.New Illustrated Catalogue, nnd Testimonial
Circular, with opinions of SloltK THAN ONE
154 Tremont St., Boston. J 1506 Broadway, N.Y.
$40, 50, $75 and $100.
, Shipped Ready for Use. "S
Manufactured by
J. W. CHAPMAN & CO., Madison, Ind.
Now Is the time for Agents to secure territory for
for this thrilling and fearless book. It comprises
the Adventures and Experience of a woman
Written hv Herself for years the wife of a Mor
mon Prophet disclosing all that is mysterious,
wicked and startling, abounding In thrilling ad
venture, humorous and pathetic scenes the most
fascinating hook extant. Steel portrait of the Au
thoress, Hrtralts of lending Mormons, both men
and women. Life and Scenes in Utah. etc. Sold
onlyhy Agents. For Circulars address HART
FORD I'uTsLISIUMi CO., Hartford, Conn. 17r4t
A competent Agent to canvass and take charge. In
a portion of I'cnn., of the sale of a rapidly-selling
book, by the most eminent author In the United
States, and indispensable to the correct transac
tion or every kind of business. Agents sell from
60 to 100 per week. LIBEKAL SALARY given, il
desired, and permanent business.
S. S. StliANTON & CO., Hartford, Conn. 17r4t
family paper, full of Incidents, providences, music,
poetry, true stories for young, old, saints and sin
ners. No sectarianism, controversy, politics,
pulls, pills, or patent medicines, woe. a year) 10
copies $5 1 Send 10c. for 3 copies before you for
get! Little Christian, 8 copies 1. ILL. HAST
INGS, Tract Repository, 19 Lindall St., Boston,
Mass. 17r4t
Something New for Agents !
Agents who want to make money can sell nothing .
so rapidly as our new and beautiful steel Engrav-
It Is the finest subject ever engraved, and surprises
every beholder with Its wondrous beauty. Size
22x30 In. Price C2.n0. Highly endorsed by leading
Divines of all denominations. Agents who II ml
that " Hooks go hard," can make 810 per day with
this splendid work of art. Malo and female.
Agents wanted. Write for Circulars to WORTH
IMiTON, DIST1N & CO., Hartford, Ct. 17r4t
(Incorporated 18(10.)
Columbia Fire Insurance Co;
Fres't. s JI. Wilson, Vice-Pres't. j Herbert Thomas,
Treas.! .1. F. Frueaulf, Sec'y.: S. S. Detwller,
Hiram Wilson, Hobt Crnne, win. Patton, John
B. Bachman. M. M. Strlckler, Jacob 8. Strlno.Jas.
Nchroeder, George Bogle, W. O. Case, Amos V.
Eves, John Shertzler, II. B. Kssick.
For Insurance or Agencies, address
T. F. FRLEALFF, Soo'y..
17r 4w Columbia, Pa.
IMMENSE SUCCESS. Agents Wanted, Mnleor
Female, In every county In the United Stales
and Cnmulas, to sell our new and most useful Pat
ent: from one to six used In every family. lOOper
cent, guaranteed. For samples nud terms, en
close ten cents and address
FERU USON & CO., 615 River St., Troy.N, Y. 17r4t
AGENTS, we will nay you W0 per week In cash,
If you will engage with us at om p. Everything
furnished and expenses paid. Address,
17 rlw F. A. ELL3.& CO., Charlotte, Mich.
AGENTS WANTED. Agents make more
money at work for us than at anything else.
Business light and permanent. Particulars free,
fi. ST IN HON & CO., Flue Art Publishers, Port
land, Maine 17r4w
Uq VIANO t'O., X. Y.,IMMCK, OQft
U. No Agents. Circulars Free. wtui
Sn f)f)f)JlEWAllI)
tJiJ-L)J J Jeot any case of Blind,
Bleeding, Itching or Ulcerated Piles that Da
Bino's Pii.b Rem edi falls to cure. It is prepared
expressly to cure the Piles, and nothing else.
Bold by all Druggists. Price, 1,00. 17r4
STAMMERING. Drs. White & Oatman, 402 4th
av.. New York. References from clergymen in
this city. No pay until cured. Send for Circu
lar. 17r4w
("1 REAT MEDICAL BOOK of useful knowl
T edge to all. Sent free for two stamps. Ad
dress Dr. Bonaparte & Co., Cincinnati, O. 17r4t
TVilQ FOR 19. Swiss Magnetic TIME KEEP
A1UU KR and Indicator. IndlKiiensable to every
TWma traveler, trader, boy. farmer, and fur
111110 KYKKYHODY In need of a reliable time
keeper. Usual watch site, sleel works, glass crys
tal, In neat OROIDE case, Warranted to denote
correct tlmo for two years. Nothing like it. 1,000
sold weekly. This valuable article, in neat case,
will be sent, prepaid, anywhere, for 81 ; 3 forf2.
Try one. Circulars free. Order only from the
Sole Agents, F. KING & CO.,Bratlleboro,Vt.17r4t
Wholesale Dealers In
UfitM, Ofipw, lurs,
(Between Market aud Arch Streets,)
I would resieetlvely Inform my friends that I In
tend calling upon them with a supply of goods
of my
Consist Ins of
FLANNELS, (Plain and bar'd)
CJA1IPI-7TH, k.,
to en hun ge for wool or kI1 for cask.
' J. M. HjXLKIt.
(':. ikl Woot.i s- FacTikt. M,17,4m,