The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, April 30, 1872, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tuesday, April 30, 187ft.
Serious Accident. On Wednesday even
ing "Vm. Reader, a lad about 1 0 years of
age, ion of John Reeder fell from above the
threshing floor In his grandfathers barn to
the floor below and was so seriously injur
fd that for some time he was speechless.
At the time our correspondent wrote, it was
not known how serious the injuries might
prove to be." ""
VAlarm of Fire. About one o'clock on
Saturday afternoon, the cry of lire startled
our citizens. The alarm whs caused by
ome straw taking fir a between the . stable
and woodshed on the premises of Mr.
leorge Derrick, ' and probably originated
by some person throwing a cigar stump
among the straw. It was, fortunately dis
covered before it had got a headway and
was extinguished liefore any damage was
lone. . . i. , i . .
County S. S. Convention. Each school
w ill organize elcot and send on list of dele
gates to the Newport committee of P. and,
V. Bosserman and W. Fickes for enter
tainment, and take up its collection as di
rected by Convention, forwarding the samo
by hand of its delegates who will be called
on for it by namo in Convention, to pay ex
penses, balance to go for State work to Sec
retary Peltz who will be present and make
the whole meeting a live ono.
Important to Subscribers. The Post
Office department at Washington has de
rided that bona fide subscribers to weekly
newspapers can receive tho samo free of
lostage if they reside in the county in which
the paper is printed and published, even if
the office to which the paper is sent is with
out the county, provided it is the office at
which they regularly roceive their mail mat
ter. The requirement of tho law is simply
that the subscriber should live in the coun
ty where the weekly paper is printed
and published, though his regular post
ofiice may be in an adjoining county or in
mi adjoining State.
Accident In a Mine. A letter from Wil
liamstown snys : A serious accident hap
pened in the Williamstown coal mine on
Thursday, by which two men wore killed
and two others were probably fatally in
jured. A gang of men were engaged in re
moving the pillars whiuh are loft as props
to the roof of the mine when a mass of
roek fell upon them with tho above sad re
sult. One of the injured men is behind the
rocks shut off fropi escape, and at this
time his fellow laborers are endeavoring to
rescue hint though the work is attended
with great danger from tho loose rocks over
head. The names of the men killed are
Joseph Moore and Fred Kilderling.
Supposed Poisoning Case. The Hunting
don ."Globe" says: A Mrs. Dunlup from
Mapleton,wss brought to this place on Sat
urday evening and lodged iu jail, charged
with poisoning her mother-in-law. Tho
particulars of the case as we learn them
are: Mrs. Dunlap and her mother-in-law
did not get" along very well, and the young
er Mrs. Ihinl.ip; some time ago, was heard
to threaten that sho would poison her
mother-in-law. About two weeks ago tho
old lady took sick and exhibited every sign
of having taken poison. tlie lingered on
until Friday or Saturday last, when sho
died. Mrs. Dunlap is suspected of being
the cause of her mother-in-law's death, and
as above stated was urrcsted on Saturday,
brought to this place and lodged in jail to
await trial. ,
. . - -... .
Itrutnl Conduct. Tho llarrisburg titute
Journal of the 2(!th inst says: Yesterday
morning a woman, named Mary A. Hupp,
from York county was found dead at tho
notorious Red ' Lion Institution, corner
South and Sixth streets. The inmates had
abandoned tho ranche, and the house hav
ing a deserted appearuce, a neighbor forced
herself into the place, and found the foul
creature dead. She had died two days Ikj
fiHO of n contagious disease, and the in
mates moved away on Wednesday evening
and left the dead woman ulono. Clara
Smith is the name of the proprietress of tho
house. Tho poor creature was interred at
Jm almshouse ou Friday morning. Was
thero ever such brutal conduct recorded '
Hetirlug Senators. Tho terms of the
following state Hotuitors' explrod with 'the
late session: Messrs Urodhead, Deehert,
lirooko. Warfol, llillingfelt, Fiudlay, Ru
tiin, Buckalew, Mumma, Purman and Al
len; five Democrats and six Republicans.
Fresh Garden fteeds, among which is a
klot of early cabbage seed of choice variety,
for sale by F. MOUTI M E R.
So. Klo.'Tu.'VKtJ Th.lfV. Is. I
l! 2 . 3 4 6 6:
7 8 0 10 11 12 IS
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24; 25 26 27
j28 20 SO ...
For the " BloomfleW Times."
ft Count
Mr. Editors
County Superintendent. I
As tho time draws neat for
the election of otir County Puperlntotiileiit
of Common Schools, allow mo to ask room
in yonr columns for the following ominu
nicaticm from Stats , Superintendent Wick
sham It is quoted from the April number
of the u School Journal.',' He says v
"The following questions should receive care
fill consideration at tt hands of the members
of a Convention about to elect a Superintend
ent of Schools t ' What qualification ihovld (t Nu
pirinttmifHt of fhhoolt tiotten t nd$ What sala
ry thovldbt paid a(w 1. :r ' V '
In answer to the 6rst question, It may tie said
Hint such a Superintendent should possess cer
talu phynieal qnalflcationt. No one can prop
erly discharge the duties of the office who Is not
In tbe enjoyment of genciml good health.
Especially I this tho ease with County Super
intendents whr hare o visit schools In rural
districts, and consequently much exposed.
Intellectual Qiialflcationi.Ai a test of Intel
lectual quallllcations, tbe law renders any one
Ineligible to the otttee ef Superintendent who
does not possess one of the following docu
ments i A diploma from a college legally em
powered to grant literary degrees i a diploma
or State certificate Issued by the authorities of a
State Normal School ; a professional or perma
nent certificate, Issued at least one year prior
to the election a certificate of competency
from the 8tute Superintendent, or a commission
as a county, city or borough superintendent.
In addition to the Intellectual qualifications usu
ally Indicated by the possession of documents
like above named, a superintendent of schools
should be a broad, liberal thinker, a good
speaker, a man of tact and marked adminis
trative ability.
Moral Qualification. The law says no per
son shall be eligible to office "unless he has a
sound, moral character." The vory letter of
the law should In this respect be adhered to,
and will be, so far as the Department is con
cerned. Nor is it sufficient for a Superintend
ent of schools to be guiltless of any gross "Im
morality." He should be a positive worker
for good i if possible, he should have all the
moral qualities Implied in the noble expres
sion : "a Christian gentleman."
Profemlonal Qualification!. It Is provided In
the law, that a person cannot hold the office of
Superintendent of schools unless " ho has hud
successful experience within three yenrs of the
time of his election." The tplrit of this pro
vision Is.tbat a superintendent must be a profes
sional teacher not a lawyer, doctor, minister
or a membor of some other profession desiring
to hold the ofllee until a way opens to engage
iu something else.
The office of Superintendent of Schools be
longs to the teachers, it has to do w ith teach
ers, and should always be tilled by a teacher.
If directors can find In a county a teacher de
voted to his profession, who always attends In
stitutes, who reads works on teachl'ig, who ad
vocates common schools, who, like Richter,
" lores God and little children ;" who, In short,
is something of an enthusiast In his work he.
In all probability, is the man to make a Super
intendent, even though he has not been to col
lege." Now we do contend that, according ' to
the above, we have no man more lit for the
position than Capt. Q. C. Palm. He has
never been other than a successful teacher,
llo attends and takes an activo part in
every Toachers' Institute. lie has nevor
left the profession except to enlist three
times during the late war.
Ho has never been a political candidate
for any office, and in politics is an inde
pendent conservative man.
That he is qualified wo have abundant
ovidence, and though he has never been to
college yet he is the man for the position,
for he deserves it, and it deserves hint.
In regard to salaries we give below a par
tial list of the salaries received by different
County Superintendents throughout tho
State: . i
No. of Schools.
CI in tun '
Forest ,
" HiHI
of sohools and
' M2
. . SHJi
IffJ ..
to the number
number of square miles of territory, the
salary of our Superintendent is .10 per
cent, lower than any other in the State.
Olitor, April 25, 183.
rx Newport Item. Nothing of interest has
happened this week with the exception of
a free fight, which came off' on the street
yesterday, between the editor of the
Newt and Dr. Whitmcr, a worthy dentist
of our town and a dealer in periodicals and
papers. It uppeura there has been some
difficulty between these parties regarding
tho right to the joint use of a well in one
of the yards, and on this occasion after a
short and sharp discussion in which some
"pet names" wore used, they proceeded
to nettle the mutter in a tcitmtijlc manner.
AfUtrafow rounds iu which tho parties
seemed to be pretty well matched they
were separated, by friends before they had
damaged each others personal appearance,
and thus elided that lesson. . C.
t Wanted at Peace Union Headquarters.
1 1. ..... ft 4. .I.n .liiiTft lC
house mid family of children. Must be
affectionate ami amiable, becoming and
bold, careful and candid, desirable and
loving, entcrpiising and English, faithful
and fair, grateful and generous, honest and
boucrablo, industrious intelligent and inde
pendent, just and judicious, kind and keen,
lively and lovely, nioial and merry, nice anil
noble, obedient and obliging, polite and
philosophic, quiet and quick, reflecting and
regular, social and seimiblo, tender and
tastful, useful, virtuous, worthy.exemplary
yes and zealous. Ono who is not addicted
to oating wilt poik drinking strong coffee
or any bad habits. Ago not leas tlian 20
nor more than a 100 years. For further
particulars. Address I'oaco Union. '
4 Klliottsburg, Pa.
Note The advertiser is a frisky middle
aged widower with six small children, a
line opening for somo woman. Ed . 1
4- -
t?? Pain Cure Oil although powerful 'in
arresting pain and disease is clean and safe
to use both externally and internally. It
is certainly a magical remedy.
ttrcat Fire In Harrlshnrg. 8hortly after
one o'clock on Thursday afternoon, a fire
brok out in tha rilarrisburg C&f ' Wotka,
and entirely consumed the valuable build
ings and all tlie machinery... -O .-.
The origin of the fire was on the roof of
the shops, about twenty feet from the north
end of the building. An effort was made
to save the building by moans of hose be
longing to the establishment; but the at
tempt was vain, owing to an ' Insufficient
force of water. A bucket was then brought
into requisition, but the smoke and flames
soon drove the brare: fellows' from' their
purpose, and the cracking, hissing flames
spread In all directions, tapping up the
combustible material on all sides.
There were employed in the works about
050 permanent hands. These men rushed
frantically to and fro in search of tool
chests, clothing 'and other effects; and
many of them had hardly time to get out of
the way of the avalanche of flame and
smoke, which, being impelled by the strong
wind and fed by large quantities of com
bustible material, was spreading over the
entire length of the imposing and doomed
building, from the North to tho South end.
Some of the employees of the company
succeeded in moving out of the building
eight or ten new cars, while five or six were
left to perish in the flames, 1 ( ,J 1 1 '.' f
The loss of the Company it is supposed
will be ever 1200,000. The origin of the
fire Is thought to havo been from a spark
from the shifting engine. The. Company
gives notlco that they vfill at once com
mence rebuilding, and notifies their hands
that they will furnish them all employment
at their other works on the Kill. During
the time the flro was raging, tho passing
trains were somewhat 'scorched, in pass
ing through the heat and smoke, the main
front of the burning buildings being along
the railroad track.
New Bloomficld. Anril 27. 1872.
Xflir. Editor. Knowing the influence of
the " 1'ress " 1 would ask you to call tho at
tention of the public to the danger of allow
ing hoises and colts to run at largo on the
public highway. In Perry County, no loss
than four days ago I, with part of tny fam
ily, was traveling a distance of not over ten
miles and twice within that distance I bad
to get out of my buggy, lead my beast and
whip off' half grown homes left to run at
large on the public road. This is a little
too much trouble to subject travelers toon
a public highway. And it is an annoyance
traveller should not be subjected to. Hu
man life Is too sacred a thing to be trifled
with in this way, and somo one ought to
pay as much damage as ten colts would be
worth and thereby learn a lesson which
would teach farmers living along the public
highway that they must not gratify their
own laziness or carelossness at the risk of
tho lives of the traveling public.
Church Notice.
Iu the M. E. Church preaching on Sun
day next at 10J n. m. Prayer meeting on
Thursday evening.
Preaching in tho Reformed, church next
Sabbath at two o'clock p. in. Prayer
meeting on Thursday evening.
Preaching In the Lutheran church next
Sabbath at 2J p. in., by Rov. A. II. Aughcy.
Prayer meeting next Wednesday evening.
Presbyterian Church Preaching on next
Sabbath at 10 A. M. and Sabbath School
Concert at 7 P. M.
A New Enterprise. Woi.f & Hencii,
Wholesale dealers in Notions and Fancy
Goods have opened a largo Wholesale
Store on the first floor of Brant's Hall, liar
risburg, where merchants can lie supplied
with Notions at the lowest Market Prices.
Give them a call. 5tf
The advertiser, hsivlnp: been permanently cured
of that dread disease, consumption, by a simple
renii'dv, Is aiixlniis to make known to Ills fellow
sullcrers the menus of cum. To nil who desire It,
lie will send aeopv of the prescription used (free
of charge,) Willi 1 1 if dlrechnns for preparing and
nsliiK the same, which tlicy will find a sure euro
for consumption, asthma, bronchitis, etc. Parties
wiNhuiK the prescription will please address
204 South Third St., Williamsburg, N. V.
Rf" The all-gono feeling which people some
time speak of, Is caused by want of proper
action of tho liver and heart. These limy be
assisted, and the bowels regulated, by Parsons'
Purgative Pills in small dunes.
l-if Corn and flour are staple articles ; hut
not more so than Johnson's Anodyne Liniment,
where known. It Is good for children or adults,
for any Internal soreness of the chest or bow
els, and the best Pain Killer prepared, under
hatever name.
Mktai. Lined cucumber wood pumps and
also the celebrated Iilatchley pumps for any
depth of well on hand and for salo at low
prices by F. MORTIMER.
Wain Select School. Summer Session
opens Wkdnkhday, April 10th, 1872.
Gakii. C. Palm, Principal. .
Miss Emma Nicholson, a graduate of
Haltimoiu Female College, will teach Draw
ing, Painting, &c, and give such other hm
siMnncR as may bo required. . ,
W. R. Cihna, M. I)., bf Ickesburg. will
deliver a course of Lectures on Physiology,
Hygiene, &o. 0l()j,
somo of its most insidious mid dangerous foes
In the many so-called "-tonics" and "appetiz
ers," nius'e of cheap whisky and refuse liquors,
finished up to suit depraved Appetites, under
the name of uicdlelues. Dr. Walker's Califor
nia Vinegar bitters uru noiio of these. They
are not a bcvmc, but a genuine medicine,
purely vegetable, prepared from California
herbs by a regular physician. For all diseas
es of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bladder, skin
and blood, they are an lufullluble and unrival
led remedy, 1W
The Carlisle Shoes aro the bu.,t in the
market. A full stock will lie found at. K.
Mortimer's . , , . ,
, County Price Current, ,
BlOOMOTKLO, April 2.1, 1872.
Flax Seed 1 60
Potatoes 40
Butter V pound, 2& "
Eggs V dozen 14 "
Dried Apples Vpound,..,..... ..6s 10 "
Dried Peaches 1010cts.Vft.
Pealed Peaches, 12lScts.",
Cherries,..., 5 ets, "
" Pitted 1518ct."
Blackberries 8 6 ets. " ,
Unions ft bushel 73 "
ICbrreefcr Weekly by Kough, Snjrfer it Co.
'rEi.Ens in
Nbwpokt. April 2D, 1S72.
Flour, Extra, 16 00
" Super. 8 50
White Wheat bu 1 60 . :
Ked Wheat 1 45 C 1 45
Bye 75
Corn,, 60050 ,
Oats V 32 pounds 42
Barley 75
Clover lved 5 00
Timothy Seed, ....'... ;.......'.... 2 l ' ' 1
Flax Seed 1 60
Potatoes,:.,i...... S5 0 '
Ground Alumn Halt,.,.." 190
Minehurner's Coal v . . . 2 40
Steve Coal,.j.'. .,. 4 50 6 60
Pea Coal 3 00 i
Smith Coal 25 ets. bss.
Cross Tenfl feet long 45 45 cents
Toik 6.00per lOOlbs.
(if all kinds alwavson hand and for sale at the
, , Lowest Market Hates.
: . Philadelphia Price Cnrrent.
Cbrrectert Weekly by Junney A Andrews,
' ' No. 123 Makket Htkket.
- Philadelphia, April 13, 1872.
Whito Wheat, , 1 771 78
Wheat 1 HO tii m
Ityo, - 85!M '
Corn 6607
Oat? MQ55
Clover Seed RVJWnS per lb.
Timothy Seed 2 75a 2 75
Flaxseed,.: 1 95 2 00
Country Lard... 89
Eggs 24 25
Butter, dull salo 10 12
Washed Wool, 90 cents per lb.
Dressed Ilogi, ...50'ets per lb.
Bimn. In Tusenrora Township on the 17th
Inst., Aunle M. Long, daughter of Joseph and
Annie Surd,' Aged 28 years 6 months and 6 days.
Campbell, In Tusenrora township, on tbe
10th Inst.,1 infant son of Henry P. and Susan
nah Campbell, aged 3 months and 5 days.
Wiiitekettlb. In Tuscarora township, on
tho Will inst., Mary Whltckcttle, aged about
93 years. ,
Hencii. On the 5th of April. 1872, in Ickes
burg, this county, Foster Hench,ngcd 10 years,
4 months mid 28 days.
Adams Kinek. At his residence Iu Eshcol
by the Rev. Win. Qultrly, on the 2tst nit., Mr.
J. N. Adams, and Miss 8. M. Kiner both of
Ickesburg Perry county, Pa.
CnAwroiiD Wickehsh am. On tho 17th
Inst., nt the residence of the bride's parents, in
Lancaster city, by the Rev. A. H. Kremcr, as
sisted by Rev. Geo. A. Koblnson, Rov. James
Crawford of Newport, to Miss Corrlnne, daugh
ter of Hon. J. P. Wickersliani.
Derii KEPi.F.n In this borough ou 25th
Inst., by Rev. J. Edgar, Knoeh Derr of Cum
berland Co., to Martha J. Kepler of Markclvllle.
Lifo Insurance Company,
' 8 Til I CTIj Y M VT VA h .'
ISSUIiSallthenew forms of Policies, and pre.
scuts as favorable terms as any company in the
United HlaU s.
The Company will make temporary loans on Its
Thirty days' grace allowed on each payment, and
the po.lcy held good during that time.
Policies Issued by this Company are non-forfeiture.
No ihtra charges aro made for traveling permits.
Policy-holders share In the annual profits of the
Company, anil have a voice In the elections and
management of the Company.
No policy or medical fee charged.
- Justus I.awhencr, Pres't.
M. li, Wynkoof, Vice Pres't.
J. I'.ltOflKits, Hee'y.
J. P. Eaton,
General Agent,
No. 6 North Third Street,
4.2uyl College Block, llarrisburg. Pa,
The only shoo In the county, or within 20 miles.
i n ou
then. iK. It. It., within a short ills.
lauceof the R & K. Coal Mines, In a good fiiiin-
lug and lumber county
lieutv of saw and urist.
llllll WOI'K.
Lot 1IHI bv "110 on corner. ItiiiV.liiiu
26x83. All necessary tools, patterns, flasks, w.
Salisfae'ory reasons given for selling. Forparttc.
ulars, call nil or address Joli.N HULMVAN, liu
shore, Sullivan county. Pa. 17 r 4t
A Parlor Organ and a Mehxlooii are offer
ed for sale at A bahoain. The instruments
are both new and splendidly Unified. For
further information npply at this ofllue, or
call on or address, .las. Oir, Kow Hlooin
Mohl. . i .
t- .
New Advertisement.
C. E. JOKDAM. ' "
!' - ' ' J. FOX.
' - Wholesale Dealers In . .
HntH, Caps, Xnt ,
(Between Market and Arch Streets,)
-y K U K T A D I. i;
PLANTS yVTNli Hi:i:i)H !
GRAPE VINES, (80 Varieties.)
Green Iloune Ntoolc, Ato.
A large variety of choice and Perfectly Reliable
stock ottered at fair prices. Heeds and plants, by
Circulars mailed, prepaid as follows:
No. 1. Vegetable Plants and Seeds, Flower
Seeds. Sc.
No. 2. Oreen House, Redding and Flowering
Plants, Ornamental Trees. Shrubs, Roses, e.
No. 3. Graie Vines. Fruit Trees, Small Fruits,
&c., tlus. GEO. V. McFARLANI),
Riverside Nurseries,
6 IStf llarrisburg. Fa.
The proprietor, has, by the as
slstanee of Eminent Physicians
and Chemists succeeded In utilizing
the medicinal procrtlcs contained
In the Oil. Pitch and Resin of the
Hemlock Tree, and obtained a val
uable preparation to be applied as
Salve or ('luster for Rheumatism,
Croup, Pain or Soreness of the
Hack, Chest or Stomach. Piles, Salt
Klieum, Scurvy, Sores, fleers, Hun
Inns, More Corns, Frost llltes. Chil
blains, Sore llreasts and Nipples,
Ringworms, Challng and Skin dis
eases of Inflammatorv nature.
f Btxin Avenue, new nors.
The Best Paper! Try It! !
and best Illustrated weekly paper published.
Every number contains from 10 to 15 original en
gravings. of new machinery, novel Inventions,
liridges. Engineering works. Architecture, Im
proved Farm Implements, ami every new discov
ery In Chemistry. A year's numbers contain 832
pages ami several hundred engravings. Thou
sands nt volumes are preserved for binding and
reference. The practical receipts are well worth
ten times the subscription price. Terms, fSi a year
by mall. Specimens sent tree. May be hud of all
News Healers.
PATENTS obtained on the best terms. Models,
of new inventions and sketches examined, and
advice free. All patents are published In the Set
entllle Amercan the week they issue. Send for
Pamphlet, 110 pages, containing laws and full di
rections for obtaining Patents.
Address for Paiier, or concerning Patents,
MIINN tk CO., ,'17 Park Row. N. Y. Branch oltlce.
coruer of F. and 7th Sts., Washington, D. C. lBdH
wfV 85.(K OltlCKISlIAOIt
And a Siieelmen of the .
1300 Pages & 500 Engravings.
Printed In English and German. Written by 2(r
Eminent Authors, including Horace
Greeley and John 11. Gough.
AGENTS WANTED III every town to solicit or
ders for this work, on liberal terms. It sells to all
elasses, and no library should be without it. It is
a complete history of all branches of industry,
processes of manufactures, etc. No like work
ever before published. One agent sold HIS In eight
days, another 1 In one week, another 263 in two
weeks. All early application will secure a choice
In territory. Full particulars and terms will be
sent free, with a specimen of this Great Work,
and a !i Greenback. .1. 11. Ill' It H t HYDE.
Id4t Hartford, Conn.
A Physician of many years practice In chronic
diseases, and graduate of best Medical College in
the J. S., has written the above medical work,
which explains to those sullerlug from diseases
produced by excesses, etc., etc.. the manner by
which they may be restored to health. A copy will
be sent Fit !::, by sending name and address to
6 18 3in a No. 80, Codar St. , N. Y.
Wholesale Druggists,
Ifitont 3Ec;clioiiiof"4
Phlliulelpliia. Ia.
A Good location for business, enables us to olter
inducements to buyers, and makes It worth their
while to give us a trial. 3 Sir
I would resieetlvely Inform my friends that I In
tend calling upon them with a supply of guoils
of my
Consisting of
FLANNELS, (Plain and Iiar'd)
to exchange for wool or sell for cash.
Cestkb Factohy,
I) under It who enlisted prior to July 22, 1HH1,
for three years, and mustered In prior to Augitst
0. lmil. and discharged before scrvlnj two years
for disability or disease, and who never received
any bounty tor said service, are entitled to tl'O
Isiuuly. Also the time for claiming the sho addi
tional bounty, which expired January 12, 1S71, has
been extended. A New Bounty Land Law has
also been passed, under which all soldiers who
served u period of Ml dnys, and their heirs are en
titled to pill acres of land.
Apply at once personally, or by letter to
16 3t New lllooinfield, Perry eo., Pa.
jr. H. 01UVIN.
J. u. oiaviN
C7oiiiiiInIou Mei'oliiintM,
IS a 1 1 1 111 o r e ( 'I 1
We will pay strict attention to th sal of all
kinds of country produce, and remit the amounts
634 ly