!jc tiW0;' ! 3fcu) s SSfoomfieitr; pal Philadelphia Advertisements. . u-. .'jr -Li- i- i- - -i 1- -i -ii i r r i- n.-in. J, f ...... i..- ' WM. H. KENNEDY, WITH . W. Hickman. Geo. Wain. A. L. Whlteman. - Hickman, Wain & Whlteman, DBALBRS I II , Tobacco, - Segars, &c, . No. 222 MARKET STREET, , ,. PHILADELPHIA, PA. -A full stock of the Celebrated Moirrrom NA TO, always on band. 4 32 tf 10 BARCKOFT & CO., ' luipurUn and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DllY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, . Linens, White Goods, Hosiery, Ac, Woe. 406 and 407 MARKET STREET, (Abovo Fourth, North Side,) Philadelphia. WRIGHT & SIDDALL, Wholesale Druggi sts, AND DKALBBS IN Patent Medicines, H MARKET STREET, NEAR FRONT , Philadelphia, Pa. A FULL STOCK of everthlng connected with the business, of the best quality, and at very low prices. A good location for business, with a w rent and light expenses, enables us to offer In ducements to buyers, and makes It worth their while to give us a trial Philadelphia, S. 8tf. aiAYRIII, & CO., Wholesale Dealers In Carpets, Oil Cloths, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Batting, Wadding, Twines, &c, ' And a fine assortment of Wood and Willow Ware, No. 420 Market street, above 4th, Philadelphia, Fa. January 1, 18S9. t John Shallucr, Jr. E. 8. Zlegler. Tlieo. Kunie. SILAFFNER, Z1EGLER & CO, 7 ' - ' Successors to 1 : KIIAFFNER, ZIEGLER & CO., Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, . . t- , 4al0V('N, ISibhoiiH, NiiNpenderN, T II It E A D S, COMBS, and every variety f TRIMMINGS ' AND FANCY GOODS,, No. 30t Ninth Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ' Agents for iAttuxwter Combs. W. F. KOIILKU, ." ' JOBBER IN Hats, Caps, Furs, !S 1 1 11 V - jGr, o o 1 , " lSSNORTH THIRD STREET, , ." ' 8lyl PHILADELPHIA. . 15. TAYLOR,; WITH , WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS ' . ' AND TEA DEALERS, North East Comer of 2nd and Arch Street?, , . Philadelphia Pa nOAR.McCONKEY&CO., Successors to .' WM. W. PAUL &, CO., ' WUOLK8ALB - - BOOT AND SHOE WAKE HOUSE, HllS Market St. ud Oil Commerce Btreet, Philadelphia, Penn'a. : '. WHOLESALE t GROCERS Jsnuarv 1, 13fi&. , LLOYD, 8UPPLEE, A WALTON, ! 1 I . . ' ' ' ' 1 11- I ':'' WllOLKSAlfl HARDWARK HOUSE, No. I2i Market Street. ,.', . ! Phlladeipkla.' Philadelphia Advertisements. D AVID D. ELDER A CO., Successor! to MILLER & ELDER, Ilooksellcrs and Stationers, BLANK BOOK MANVFACTVBKK8, i. k And Dealers lu WINDOW (WKTAINH ", ' . urn . , WALL I'ArKR, I v No. 430 Market Street, ' 1 ' ' a ' ' ' ' ' PHILADELPHIA, I'A. John Lucas & Co., , bole ana . THE OJV,1 y MANUFACTURERS or Tii a IMPERIAL FRENCH, PURE SWISS GREEN, ...... . Also, Pure . White Lead and Color MANUPA CTURERS, Nos, 141 and 14S North Fourth St., Philadelphia. There Were Sold in the Year 1870, or Blatchloy's Cucumber TRADE jfp MARK. WOOD PUMPS, Measuring 213,566 feet In length, or sufficient in the agregate for A WELL OVEB 40 MILES DEEP, Simple in Construction Eay in Operation Giving no Tatte to the Water JJtt rable and Cheap. These pumps are their own best recommendation. For kale by Duller in Hiirdwareuml Agricultu ral Implements, l'lumberx, Pump Makers, &c, tlirouKlKiul the comitiy. C'lrvuluis, vi;., furiiliih ed upon application by mull or otherwise. Single pumps forwarded to parties in towns where I have no agents upon tho receipt of the retail price. In buying, be careful that your pump bears my trade mark as above, as I guarantee no oilier. V Office and Ware-room, No. oit Commerce Street, 6 l.ttf 1 ll'JiJLADJiLI'JUA, PA. These Pumps can be ordered of the Manu facturer, or F. Mortimer & Co., New Bloomfleld. SOWER, POTTS & CO., ItookNellers Sc Ntuliotiers, And Dealers in C U RT ATN ' AND 1 ' ' wall-papers, Nos. MIJ Market and r23 Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. V. Publishers of Sanders' New Readers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's History of the United Stales, Feltou's Outline Maps, &c. BLANK ISOOKM Always on haud, and made to Order. 31 1 Writinsr 11 uid ! THIS FLU! I) Is warranted KQUAI, t, Aiinoi.d's, uml Is sold at much less price. The money will be refunded to those buying It, if It does not prove entirely satisfuetory. B, For salo by F. Mortimer, New Bloomfleld. MIU.HR & ELDER, ' Sole Agents, 4.10 Market Street, 031 Philadelphia. ' A. L. Kadb J. E. FltETMIltB. KALIS Ol I HUB I It J, Imfoiitehs Ann Jobmsrr or Chi mi, i 1 n W H AND QUEENSAYAHE, 801 and 303, Cherry St., between Arch St, Race, PHILADELPHIA. i i IC Constantly on hand, Original Assorted Packages. - ' '. (3. 9. ly 10 W. A. Atwood, ; Iasac W. Rlll X ATWOOD, RANCK & CO., 1 4JomiiilMHliii' JlercliautM, " t . Wholesale Dealers la aU kinds of Tickled and Halt , , I K 11 , : .v. ' No. 210 North Wharves, akove Kate Street,'; t PHTLADVLPniA, FA. A a ASM Xciv Millinery Goods . A.t Newport, Pn. IBKO to Inform the nubile that I have jnst re turned from Philadelphia, with a full assort ment of the latest styles of MILLINERY GOODS, IIAT8 AND BONNETS, . . t. 1 T. RIBBONS. FRENCH FLOWERS, FKATHEK8, CHI0N0N8. ' LACE CAFKS, NOTIONS, A nd all articles usually found In a ' first-class Mil linery Establishment. All orders promptly at tended to. -We will sell all goods as Cheap as can be got elsewhere. DRESH-MAKINO done to order and In the la test style, as I )?et the laU-st Fashions from New York every month. Goffering done to order, In all widths. I will warrant all my work to give sat isfaction. All work done as low as possible. ANNIE ICKES, : ..,;' Cherry Street, near the Station, 61913 . Newport, Pa. G O TO 7. MORTIMER' O V OR BARGAIN Ilia Stock will be found the most complete in the county, and consists of nv noons JpLOTHINM WllMKJKIUF.a QIIOK FINDINOH JADLERS HARDWARE Bun M..OW wahk a 'TfALh J'APPK ID1 (ItUSIIES all styles DnOOTS 3i HIIOES JUATS . CAPS llTTrlllTK-GOOUS WjoTIONS itc. 0 IL CLOTH NAILH te HPIKES ITi DUK TOOLS i: Ij TJAINTS, OILS X pAlslNSASPICK HOX Ai STKKIj J-riA HRIAOE HARDWARE X V JLOPx-a K PAPER GOODS OP EVERY STYLE CHEAP FOR CASH, ALL AM) SEE. CARSON'S This Is not the lowest priced, .QTVT T AT? but being much the best is in U A iliJjJUZi.ri the end by far the cheaiiest. 0T T Do not fall to give It a trial, A aj. , and you will use uo other. , rpitR alarming Increase in the number of fright X fill nceldents, resulting in terrible deaths and the destruction of vnlunble property, caused by the Indiscriminate useof oils, known under the name of iwtroletiin. prompts us to call your spe cial attention to an article which will, wherever I'SED, remove the CAUSE of such accidents. We allude to Carson9 s Stellar Oil FOR ILLUMIN ATINC PURPOSES. The proprietor of this Oil has for several vears felt the necessity of providing for, and presenting to the public, as a substitute for-tlio dangerous comH)imds which nre sent broadrnst over the country, an oil that Is HAKE and BRILLIANT, and entirely reliable. After a long surles of labo rious and costly experiments, he has succeeded In providing, and now offers to thn public, such a substitute In "CARSON'S STELLAR OIL." It should be used by every family, 1ST, Because It Is safe beyond a question. Tho primary purpose in tho preparation of STELLAR OIL has been to make It PERFECTLY SAFE, thus Insuring the lives and property of those who use it. 2D, Because it Is the most BRILLIANT liquid 11 umluator now known. 3D, Because It Is more economical, in tho long run, than any of the dangerous oils and fluids now In too common use. TH, Because It Is Intensely BRILLIANT, and therefore economical, giving the greatest possi ble light at tho least expenditure to the consum er. Its present standard of SAFETY AND BRILLIANCY will always be maintained, for upon this the proprietor depends for sustaining the high reputation the STELLAR OIL now enjoy. , - ,. To prevent the adulteration of this with the ex- Itloslve compounds now known under the name of lerosene. &c, It Is put up for family use In Five Gallon cans, each can liclng sealed, and stauiied with the trade-mark of the proprietor; it cannot he tampered with between the maiiiifac turer and consumer. None is genuine without the TKAIIK-MAKK. H I ELLA It Ol L Is sold only by weight, each can containing live gallons of six and a half pounds each, thus seeming to every imrrliiuer full ni..- ure. It is the duly and Interest of all dealers and consumers of illiimliialliiKoil to use the STELLAR Ol I. nnly, because it ulurw is known to be safe and reliable. ' . All orders should be addressed to J iitia: & c:o., WHOLESALE AitENTS, ', ' 13t South Front Street, ' - PJillmlcliihia. 1 5 ly VALUABLE I Farm at Private Sale. T UK undersigned nifers at private sale, a farm hi i.)uMnu.iiiip,i en y eouniy, ra., viintaliiliig r? AOUKH, The land Is the best In th nlghhnrhnnd, with nin ning water in every Held, is under good foiice. and has thercou erected a new , Frame Dwelling House. There Is also a thrifty Young ORCHARD on the place. This land lira along two public roads the Fishing Creek road and the Iamb's Gap roairt the last named divides the laud In two pal Is on the one side and 2i on tho other ; on the 2)lA acre nleee Is a New Frame Dwelling House, and on the oilier a FRAME 22 x28, erected for a house with a never falling Spring nt water. This html w 11. be sold as a whole, or In two Tracts, to suit purchasers. , Persons desiring to purchase a farm whl do well to examine this one before Inventing else where, as it Ilea within four miles of Marysvllle and the Pennsylvania Railroad-one of the best markets lu the county. Further Information can be had 'br ad dressing . Dr. ,IOHN USA W, Jennnr X Heads. Somerset euauty. Pa. 12 ALL KINDS OF JOH PHINTINO T" Neatly executed at tho Bloomfleld Times bteun Jb Onloe. DR. CROOK'S WINE OP TAR Has been tested by the publl FOR TEN YEARS. Dr. C rook's Wine of Tar Renovates and Invigorates the entire system, DR. CROOK'S WINE OP TAR Is the very remedy for the Weak and Debilitated. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Rapidly restores exhausted Strength ! DR. CROOK'S WINE OP TAR Ilmtorestho Appetite and Strengthens the Stomach. DR. CROOK'S WINE OP TAR Causes the food to dlgost, removing IjIepfIa and Indigestion DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Gives tone and energy to Dobilitated Constitutions, DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR. All recovering from any lllneM will find this the best Tonio they can take. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR - Is an effective Regulator of the Liver. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Cures Jaundice, or any Liver Complaint. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Hakes Delicate Females, who are never feeling Well, Strong and Healthy. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Has restored many Persons who have been unable to work for years. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Should be taken if your Stomach is out of Order. Itr. Crook's Wine or Tar Will prevent Malarioun Fevers, and braces up tho System. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Possesses Vegetable Ingredients which umke it the best Tonio in the market. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Has proved itself in thousands of cases capablo of curing all diseases of the Throat and IaingN. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Cures all Chronio Coughs, and Coughs nnd Colds, more cfluctually than any other remedy. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Has Cured cases of Consumption pronounced incurable by physicians. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Has cured so many cases of Asthma and Bronchitis that it has been pronounced a spccillc for these complaints. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Removes Fain In Breast, Side or Back. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR. Should be taken for diseases of the Urinary Organs. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Cures Gravel and Kidney Diseases. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Should be taken for all Throat and Lung Ailments. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Should lie kept in every bonne, and its life- giving louio piopertius tried by all. Dr. CROOK'S Compound Syrup of Poke Root, Cures any disease or Eruption ou the Skin. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT, Cures Rheumatism nnd ruins In Limbs, Uoncs, &c. t DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Builds up Constitutions broken down from Mineral or Mercurial Poisons. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT, Cures all Mercurial Diseases. m DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT .Should be taken by all requlrlug a remedy to make pure blood. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT, Cures Scald Head, Salt Rheum nnd Tetter. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND ' SYRUP OF POKE ROOT, : ' i j n. Cures long standing Diseases of the Liver, DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND ' SYRUP OF POKE ROOT, Removes Syphilis ., - ' or tht diseases It entails t inosteffectually and speedily tbaa aay and aH other rsmodlessonibiiMd. 6 lily nUHOEOUS ITEMS. tSf Note for Darwin: In time the mul berry tree becomes a silk gown and a silk gown becomes P woman, at least some of thenf. i ff A western paper desoribes a letter of Horace Greeley's as looking "as If some body had smashed a bottle of ink over it, and tried to wipe it off with a currycomb.' Hf A crusty old bachelor says that " love is a wretched business, consisting of a little sighing, a little crying, a little dying, and a great deal of lying." EST Says an Irishman writing homo from Chicago, " Shoor, there are no people at alii in tho dinsely population districts,' and the side walks is In the middle of the street." tW Miss Rose Hawthorne, the young est daughter of tho novelist, has recently married, and by her change of name de stroyed the proverb. She is now a Rose without Hawthorne. tW Speaking of theoretioal farming, Josh Billings says he once knew a man who wouldn't even set a gate post without hav ing the ground analyzed to see if it possess es the proper ingredients for post holes. tST A Western publisher lately gave no tice that he intended to spend fifty dollar for "a new head" for his paper. Th next day one of his subscribers dropped him the following note : " Don't do it, better kcop the money and buy a now head for the editor." A Mr. Wilkinson has written to a Western paper, informing tho publio that he thinks the newspaper report of his death is incorrect. He says that, to the best of his knowledge, he is alive, and' would be kicking, if ho could find the author of the report. tW A paper gives the following direc tions for using its new patent hen pills " From one to ten boxes of pills is a dose for young fowls. Tho best way to give the remedy is to tickle tho' chicken under the wings until it laughs, when tho medicine can be shot down its throat with a musket or horse pistol." A editor down cast thus speaks of a contempory: "Ho is too lazy to earn a meal and too mean to enjoy one. He was never generous but onco, and that was when he gave tho itch to his apprentice. So much for his goodness of heart. Of his industry, tho publio may tho better judge when we state that tho only day he ever worked was the day he mistook castor oil for honey." tW An editor relates how a colored bar ber made a dead-head qf him. Ho offered him the usual dime, for shaving, when tho fellow drew himself up with considerable pomposity, and said : " I understand dat you is an editor." " Well, what of it?" said wo. " Wcnebber charge editors nuflia 1" ".But, my woolly friend," wo continued, "there are a good many editors traveling nowadays, and such liborality on your part will prove a ruinous business." " Oh 1 nebber mind," romarkod the bar ber : "wo make it up off de gemmtn." t A serving woman, who was sent to bring water for some domestio purposes, re turned completely drenched, after what was considered rather an unreasona ble length of time. Her mistress demanded what had kept her so long. " Kept me so long I" Bald the dripping absentee, with a look of surprise; "deed, ye may bo glad to see mo again; tho bum was runnin' frae bank to brae. I missed a fit and fell in, and if it hadna been for Providence and another woman, I'd ha'e been drowned." EST A punning correspondent of the Now York Sun recently visited a femalo semi nary, and here is his account of it : I told the boss that I didn't think this could bo a good school. Says he: "Why?" Said I : " There a to too many initios here for correct lessons." Then he called up a lovely girl in green merino, with a yellow silk string round her neck, and she stepped up to a nice clean blackboard and took a piece of chalk and daubed it all up. Then tho boss exclaimed : " What do you think of that?" I told him that any fool could mako whito murks on to a blackboard with a piece of chalk. "Give her a pieco of charconl,' says I, "and if she makes them whito marks with that, then she will be smart." " Why," said ho that is the map of Asia." . "Drawn by a minor," said I; "that makes it Asia Minor." Tho buss told me to give 'em a problem to solve. I did, and I don't think they havo solved it yet. I got up and said: " My dear young ladies, I propose to-you tho following problem, and I'll give you ton minutes to stick your fingers in your ears, and rock to and fro to solve it: If it takes one hundred years for a hard shell clam to hop one mile on ono foot, avoirdu pois measure, how long will it take a loco motive going forty miles au hour to reach its destination, apothecaries' weight?" "Thoy couldn't one of 'em do it, Ono wanted to know how old tho clam was, mother where the destination; in fact they wanted me to do tho sum for 'em, and I got dirgusted aud left.