6 lic Sinus, New . Bloomftdi), )a. vjht Kbomfidb Shirts. Tuesday, April 23, 1872. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS inttimited in molten properly belonging to thit aciwrimr.m. Selecting Calves fur Milkers. A writer in one of our exchanges gays: " The points thnt indicate a good cow are doscernablo in the calf, and why not? This maystangor some of the dairymen, but that is just what we wish to do. This wholesale slaughtering of calves in the spring Is wrong. A calf will show a good milk mirror as well as a cow, a healthy, thrifty looking strong loin as woll as a cow. And these points make up the cow every time. Let the breed be what it may Hub is our experience in the matter. A calf that is worth ten or fifteen dollars should not lie killed for its mere hide for the lack of judgment in selecting." A Cure for Hog Colcra. Ono tcaspoonful of Venetian red, in a little . sweet milk, and about the same HUiout of alum mixed in ship stuff or meal, so as to get them to eat the alum, about once a day for three days; do not givo them too much alum, as it draws them up so that they will never get over it. I havo had over two hundred head this winter, and lost a good many of them before 1 tried the abovo remedy and only ono afterward. Tho symptoms are: Loss of apetitc, stand around with their heads hanging, ofl'al looks green and watery. Spring Trailing', Hurts Tree?. The practice of spring pruning is utterly wrong, and is the source of much injury to Orchards. It is better to prune in January or December than after the sap has started. No harm is dono by removing suckers and small branches, but taking off largo limbs does more hurt than good. Removing a large portion of wood from the tree, causes the sap provided for its nourishment to send out sprouts, interfer ing with tho formation of fruit buds. The Jhcory that the wounds heal more rapidly, if pruning is done in tho spring, is not correct On the contrary, decay is caused. COMMUNICATED. Cure for riles. A correspondent who says he has tried the romedy with perfect succoss, sends us the following : ' " Place a few live coals on tho bottom of vessel, first placing a little ashes in the vossel to keep tho heat from striking down ward ; then drop about a tcaspoonful of rosin on the coals, and sit over it for a few minutes, so that tho smoke is confined to the vessel. Repeat the operation morning and evening for a week, and my word for it, it will effect a cure." ' X No ChiguoiiH. Deinorest's Faihion Reporter says.The enormous chignons which have been so general are now fast disappearing, and a more simplo and natural style of coiffure in becoming fashinonablo, especially for young girls. The hair is simply but into a neat for every day, which, when the hair iB abundant, is surrounded by two thick plats: or, if otherwise, with a band ofvol- vet, and a bow at one side. Whitening Smoked Malls. To clean and whiten smoked walls, first rub olfall the black, loose dirt upon them with a broom, and then wash them down with a strong soda lye, which is afterward to be removed by means of water to which a little hydrochloric acid has been added. When the walls are dry, a thin coating of lime, applied. After this has become per fectly dry, the walls are to bo calcimincd, or coated with a solution of glue and chalk Recipe for a Cough Syrup. Take one quart of thick flaxseed. tea, one pint honey, one-half pint vinegar, two spoonfuls of saltpetre. Boil altogether in n earthen iot that is. woll ''glazed, till becomes a prety thick syrup; Jkcep stirring while boiling, with a pine stick; if fresh from a green treo the better. Dose, one table-spoonful three or four times a day. Fly Destroyer. " Beat up the yolk of an egg with a table spoonful each of molasses and finely ground pepper; set about lu shallow plates every two of thrse days in the week, and the flies will be rapidly destroyed. FIre-Froof Starch. To each bowl of starch add one tea spoonful of epsom salts, and dissolve in the usual way by boiling. Articles starched with this will be rendered to a certain ex tent Ore-proof. To Soften New Rope. Boil for two hours in water, then hang in a warm room and dry thoroughly. It re tain! its stiffness until dry, when it be comes porfectlylpliable. To Keep Milk Sweet A tea-spoonful of fine salt or horse radish in a pan of milk will keep It sweet forsov era! days. ; , Boots I , A. Kill Assortment of THE CELEBRATED YORK BOOTS, Hand or Machine BMod, Whole Stock Double Hole and Warranted to Give Entire Satisfaction, Manufactured and For Hale to the Trade by M. B. SPAHIi, YORK, PA. , A full Assortment o( Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Constantly on Hand. a- flpecial Attention Paid to Ordert.im 623 26. 1780 TAKE NOTICE. 1871 Are You Afflicted or Sick ? PAHRNEY'S BLOOD CLEANSER on PANACEA! A N Alterative and Cathartic, or Tonic and Purge, for diseases arising from bad blood. This preparation was established in 1870,and has been prepared In U'uUl form for more than 18 years. In Junuury or February, 1 870, anoth er party commenced to prepare a similar article which is Inferior to the genuine, and which should not be mistaken for ours. Ask for "Dr. Faiiunet's Blood Cleanseii on Panacea," ami accept no others. Tho Trade Murk or the oldest and genuine, Is printed In green on a yellow wrapper, liuv lne bIro the signature of P. Fahrney, M.D., Chicago. Dr. P. FahrnevU Health Jreteenfier" elves the history and uses of the Blood Cleanser, testimonials, and other information, sent ires charge. Address UK. 1. r AIIRNEY 8 liROTHEUS S JO., WayneRhoro, Franklin County, Pa. Ask for Dr. Fuhrney's Blood Cleanser and CLKANSK YOUIl BLOOD. RT Sold everywhere and In Now Bloomflold by F. Mobtimer & Co., only. 5 18 KOSAMLIS Til 13 INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE UOSADALIS are published on cvory package, there fore it is not a secret preparation, consequently miSICim PRESCRIBE IT It is s certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its form, llheuma- tisin. Skin Discaf.es, Liver Com plaint and ail diseases .of the Wood. ONE BOTTLS CP H05ADALI3 will do more good than ten bottles of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used flosadslis in their practice fur the past three years and I rely endorse it as a reliable Altorativa and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. rUGn, of Baltimore. DH.T. J. BOYKlN, " nil. r. w. CAitn. DR. V. O. DAN N KI.LY, Dll. J. S. Sl'AUKS, of NicholMvllle, Ky. Dll. J. I.. McCAIlTHA, Columbia, 8. C. DR. A. II. NOBLES, r.dgocoml), N. C. USED AT.D TUDOSSED BT J. n. FRJi.NCII & SOXS, Full Illvor, F. wTsMITII, Jackson, Mlrh. A. F. YVIiKhLbJI.Liiua, Ohio. B. HALL, I.ima.O! io. (,'RAVliN A CO., Gnnlnnsvllle, Va. SAM'I.. O. Mi KADDLN, .Murfr.cs- bop), Teini. Our rnnT will not allnw of any ex tended 'urinai M in relation to the vlrtucsol liuso lali. Tothe Medical Profession o u.i!:.ntoe a Fluid Ex tractsupt'rinr to r.-iy they have ever used in the trra inent of diseased Blood-, and to thcr.tilit-ted we say try Rosailalis, and ycu will bo rcitorcu to health. Rosailalis is sold by all DmrpitH, price ft .HO per bottle. Atldrms SB. k CO. Manufacturing Chemittl, nAt.Tiwonit, liu. i 30 2 Fresh Garden, Flower, Treo and Shrub, Evergreen, Fruit and Herb Seeds, PREPAID BY MAIL. A complete and judicious assortment, 23 sorts of either class, 1 1.00. The six class es. (150 packets) for t5.00. Also, an im mense stock of one year grattca rrun Trees, Bmtill Fruits, Fruit Stocks, Young FruiUOrnamental and fcvercreen Heed lines, liulbs, Hoses, Vines, House and Bonier Plants, &c, &c, the most complete assort ment in America. 1'icpaid by mail, Priced Cataloinies to any address, also trade lists,. gratis. Heeds on Commission. Agents Wanted. B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries and Seed Warehouse, I'lymouth, Mass, Established 1813. 6 S 18 JOBIN80N HOUSE, . (Formerly kept by Woodruff and Turkelt,) JVw JJhomfleld, Perry County, Pa. AM08 ROBINSON, Proprietor. This well known "and pleasantly located hotel haa been leased for s number of years by the pre. Hnt nrimrlMiMr unit Iim will snare no naln to accom module, his fluent. The rooms are comfortable, the table well furnished with lite nest in me mar. ket. and the bar aLoeked with choice Honors. A careful and attentive hostler will be In attendance. A good livery stable will be kept by tiie proprietor, April o, tail. Uolne I'd All stylos of cowls appear be advancing in price, and now is the time to buy. MOHTlMKlUiaaa good stock old prices Boots I D JLj R. READY "RELIEF BADWAY'S CUB. EH THE WORST PAINS In from One to twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after reading thta inlvct tl'emtut noctt any on 8 ft KF tilt WITH PAIN It AD WAT'S HEADY KKUKF I A A CTRE foH K V r. K i rAII. It wiui thr first mill Tlio Onlv Jfclii Hemedy Unit Instantly atnps the mont .xcniclatlnu j-ititif, alluvs jltrtHniinttlinns, na curi joticpskoiin, wiiFiner 01 in Lniigii, Htonidch, ltowols. or otlicr glaudi or uruain. by utw ii'iiltration. I.N r ltOM OXK TO TWENTT MI1UTK, tin nmtttT how Tlnlfnt or cxtTMclitlntt tfit nitln Hit KHKU.MATK;, Bed rltldcn. Inlliin, 'rip)rtl, Neivoui, Kuuntlgic, or roai rnti'il with tllwane miiy miflL-r. RADWAY'8 READY RELIEF WII.I. AFfORD INSTANT KASK. INFLAMMATION OK THK. KIDNEYS. l.NKI.AMMATION OF THK BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OK T11K 1IOWKLS. CONOKRTION OK THK I.UKG.B. SORB TIinOAT, liIKKK'UIr nilEA'llIIMl. 1 Al.l ITATIDi. (IK THK HtART. IITSTEKICS, CHOUP, IlirilTHEHIA. tf'ATAHItll. IVPI.1TFX7A HEADACHE, TOOTIIAfllK, NEUHALOIA, RHEUMATISM. COLD nllll.t.R, AflUE CHILLS. Tli niipltciition of the Itrnily Kcllpf to Mie part or pirtii whrre the pain or littUcult)- exhiw will afforil ease nil corni'in. Twi'htv rimns In half a tumWpr of watr will In a frir mnmnils etna (UlAMIIl, M'AHMH, POUR STOMACH, ji I'.a t i in it nn;n. nr.iiai:iiB,, iiiaiiimi'.a, IlYSKNTRKV, C01.Il!, WIND IN TUB BoWELS. ami all IM KIINAI, l'AINS. Tnivpli'r nlioiiltl always carry a bottle of H nitwav's Ready Hrllrf with them. A few drops In wntur will tu'it-nl .k-kiu-M or pains from chatifce uf water. It l uLtvr lUttu French Bramljr or Hitters as a allmulaut. FFVFIl AND AGUE. FF.VKn AND AGUE ciirnl for fifty cents. Tliere ! not a reineiltal asent in thlaworlil thnt will cure Fever a-iti Afcnp. and all other Malarloua. Ililloun, Scarlet, Ty. t.h.il.l, Yellow, and other Fevera (aided by KAIIWAYS I'll.l.rl) ao quick ai HAIJIVAY S Itl'.AUX ItbLH.!1 . Fifty cent! pur bottle. Hold by Drtiggiils. HEALTH! BEAUTY ! ! BTUONO AND PURR RICH BLOOD-INC11EASR OK KI.F.SII AM) WRIII1IT CI.KAK HK I N AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION bECUKEUTOALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAH MADE THK MOST ASTONISHING CURES ; r'l yi K'h, KO ICAI'II) AUK THK CHANGES THE JVtUT UNl-KIUiOES. UNDER THK IN I'MIENCE OK THIS TUULY WUMJKUFLX MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an Increase In Flesh ana weigni is oeen ana reit. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Evprv flron of the FA KSAl'ARILLI A N RESf LV EN IT cniiiniiiiilciitcn tlirmiifh tli 11 It Kit. . HworL 1,'rina. and oilier fluids urxt Juices of Ilia synlem t lie vlfnr of lire, for It rvimirn (lie wwti'M of (lie body with new and Bound I'tntcrluf. Hcmfula, Hvplillift, ('onsunihtlnn, (llHiidulttr (llrtfap, ITlcTln tlio Tlrroat, Mouth, luniurn, Nolt'R In iue t. lands una outer pun tr tiie nypumi, lre a.yt?, Miuiiious DirK'liarff- front the turn, and the worH forma f Skin fllm-nHPS, Eruption, Fever Horca, Peald Head, Worm, Mult Klieum. Eryttlpelua, Acne, li;ivt Huin Worma In tho Flesh, Tiinmrn, ;aneera In tho Wonitt, oud nil weitkfr.lng nud painful .UrH-liiintea, Niplit hwenta. I,"i of Hperni, and all wuMra of the ilfc tirlntl pic, re w ithin the curative range of tlih wonder of Mod em ChyinlMrv, and a few thy" nc will prove to nnv pentnn uin it for either uf Uicst foruis uf lilBcuae iu potent power to cure them. If the patient, (hilly becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that Is cnntlmmlly i)rirrunnliifr, mic ceedn In urrestliig IIichh wuntes, nnd reitairs the mit.e with nw niuterlnl made from healthy Idood iiud this the hAUHAPARILLI AN will ami does Bccure. Not ntilyuoes llie HAiwArAnil-t-rAN Heholvkht excel all known remedial amenta In the cute of i 'hronle, Hcrofu Iouh, ConMltntional, and bktu disea&ea ; but it la tiiG only puiUv euro for liUlney A Rladclcr Complnlnt, T'rlnary. nnd Womb dlsenM-a, (1 ravel, Dluhetes, Drormy, fetoim lire of Wiiter. Ineonllnenee of Urine. Ilrlatht'a Dlfl- e:.-e, AHiumlnuria, and In u!l canes where there are brick dust depo.ilia.or tha water Is thick, cloudy, mixed with piihrtanct' like the white of mi eg., or tltreiida like white aim. or mere is a inornht. (inm. hiiiona auwarance, and white bone-dust depoHlls, and when there in a prlcklnc. burning aenaation when patalnff wntvr, and puin In the Small of the H;u'k and aloiij ihu Loius. I Vice, i.oo. WORMS. The onlv known and sure Rcmcdv for h ui'mu J'in, Tui, f. Tumor of 12 Ycnr' Orowlli Cured by Itudway' KCMolvent BivvaLr, Mam., July 1ft, 1H49. Pa. RsrtwiT : I hara htul Ovarian Tmnur In th ovarlc and tv-wrli. All tha Doctor said " then waa no hlp for It.' I UkJ vary thlni that was rcrommrndrd but nothing- hrlped m. I ww your MMoivtnt,aii(i ininitfiii i wouiu irv it i dui nau no raiio a ll. hm-tiiit I htul siiirirs)il for twplv V.-arl. I louk six ttfittlaa of tha Htn1vnt, and on Ikh of Itatlway's Pllli, and two llaa of ynir RmdIv lUllnf rand thara ia not a iln of tumor to b n or Cult, and I fetl bfttor, aniarttr, and tirlr thn I hava fortwalv jean. Tha wont tumor wu In tha kft aid of tha bowali, ovt Itia f rln. I wrtta Ihla to yuii for lha Baaatit al otbara. Vtm caa uuulUb U If yiu cbonu. HANNAH P. Kn AFP, DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS. perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with aweet cum. ue, rcRuutU!, puniy, cieunse, an ' airenrrneu. ltau ? Fills, for the euro of all fllaordera of the Ptoniach- Liver, Bowels, Kidney a, lilatlder. Nervous Uleawa, liendache, tTnnsllpallon, Cotveneaa, Indlitestlon, I.) vine ala. Itllloiiiiiew. II Ilium Fever. Inflamnialion rf the Dowels, Fllesind all Iten.njfement.iof the Internal Vts rem. w arrunieu 10 eneci a positive cure, i-iireiy v eftta blernntalnliif no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. BIT Ohaerve tha following symptoms reauUltig from Disorders of the llctlv Orsus: Cnmtipatloa, Inward tflaa, lullnau of tha Hlnod In tha lraM, Acidity of tha Htomw h, NaoMa. Heartburn, Diiyiut of Kood, I'ullriMior Wet(lit In tha Stumarn, Sour Kruclatlunt, fllnkliif-or FliilUrlna: at tha Pit of lha rttonar), Pwimmlnn of tha lld, HurrM and I) I aim It baalhlna. HutUrltir al tha Heart, Choklnv r HutfiH-atlna; Hanutlona whu In a Lying Pottnra, DlmnaMof vuinn, iuu or v ba baiora taa itii ver ana imii rain ia tha Htad, iMflcUncy of Prt.lrllon, YvllownMa of lha Hkln and Kvm, Pain In lha Kid, Cheat, Untba, Jiud auddvn Ftkuba of liaal. burnina; iu the I- lah. 1 A few doaes of HADWAV'S PTTXS will free the sva tern from all the above-nutt,ed iM-onters. 1'rlcu, as ccut perbot. WtLU HY IHtlK.tilSTS. READ -KAI.SK ANI THIIK." Pend on tetter Stamp to It Alt WAY A CO., No. 8; Maiden Lane. New Vurk. lufonuatlou wortU Uiuusuiiua will b aaiti yuu. TrofeKsIonal Cardn. 1TTM. A. KPONHLKR. Attorney ftt-ljtw. V ontce atlJniiiiiiK liis roNMlKitfe, on Eaftt Main street, ew lUoonilleld, Terry co,. 1'a. 3 ly Sll. GALBltAITII, Attorney-nt-tiRW, m Niw IMouinlieUl. Terry co.. Pa. m -M PnnaUn. 11-, t I a.a K,. ,.U I'n.r n twt .11 W a riiniwii iniuiiiiori, unvn "'t ava nil Cluima nKiilnst the Uovei'iiiiMMit, promptly collect- eu. unra wiiii w in. a. epunsier, iuwj. o z ly. TOHN O. BHATTO, Hurireon Dentist. r J New llloonilluld. I'crrv CO.. Va. tlttrv All kinds of Mtwluuilcal anil rtui (tlc ul len- Di'k'ea.l(in'ln th Iwst iimmier, anil ut. rHasonable S-Ullice over Alortlmer'a stole. a 2 lv CIIAS. A. BAUNKTT, Attorney-at I,aw, New llliKHiiilelii. Terry CO., Ta. S.omce adjoining Aiort::ner btore. amy B P. McINTIItK Attorney at Law. and Dli- trli't Atlornevof Terry county. Ollloe with j. i. aiuinviie, new isiooiuueiu, reuu u. LEWIH I'OTTKH, ATTOKNKV-AT l.aW ft NOTaRT PtJBI.IO, jviA Hwrmiiwttl. Ivrru ITmtnltt. Ivnn'ti. - Mneeial atlentlon Klveu to Collections of all kinds, to the settlement of estates. &.. and all otliar legal business prosecuted with fidelity and dlspateh. Also, Depositions, Aflldavll and Ao- Knowienirmenia UKeu. Mrouiee nveuoora west of Butcn'snotet. sziy. T BAILY. Attorney at Law. fj . New Dloomlleld, Terry Co., Pa. mr vrnee in ine :ourt iiouso, wua u. i. runner, Eso. ltetara l 11. Mclntlie, .sq. Juliet, ibvi WM. M. HUTCH, ATTOHN K V-AT-LAW, New llloomtleld. Perry eo.. Pa. Office Two doori West of F. Mortimer Store 3 7 ly C1.EK AIL' UK AY. Attorney at-Ijiw, Centre Hiuare, ' V..... Ill 1 ..1 .1 t r i. W All business entrusted to hl oare will re ceive prompt aiieiuiou. a i u "IHAS, i. T, McINTlKK, Attorney-at-Uw, - All professional business promptly and faith. fnllv al.tiulMrf In A 9. Iv irM- M. 8E1BKBT, Atforney-at Law. V New Jilooiunuld, Terry CO., Pa. Itloomneld, S SS ly. AUCTIONEEKINO.-J. Z. KINK will at tend Lit ervlnu fuilea at all times, llavlllir hud considerable experience, he tlattera lilirtself that lie can irlve aatlnliu'tion to all. ( itll at the Union Lumber Mills, In Ulit twp., or adiliess, - , O. iC J-1NK. Z 5 lyp Duucannon, Pa. ISM Vinegar Tllttor are not ft vile Fancy Drink, ma da l Toor Rum, Whtikev, Proof Spirits nnd Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, ami sweetened to p lease (lie tar.te, called "Tonics, M ' Appctiiers," "Restorers,", ftc, that lead the tiller on to ilriinkettness and ruin, but .ire a true Medicine, made from the native roots and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the Great Wood Purifier and a Life-giving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invioratcr of tha System, carrying nlT nil poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it, refreahins and invigorating both mind nnd body. They are easy of ad mini at rat ion, prompt in their action, certain in their results. afe and reliable in all forma of disease. No Person cam tnke these flitters accord ing to directions, nnd remain long unwell provided their bone are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and th vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or liiflltrr.stloti. Headache, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Uii tiness, Sour Kructaiiotts of the Stomach, Jiad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the . Heart, Inflammation of the l.une., Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptom., are tha offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it haa no equal, and one bottle will'prove a better guar antee of tts merits than a lengthy advertisement. For Female Cotiiplnluts in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display ao decided an influence that a marked improvement ia soon percep tible. For Inflnmmntory nnd Chronic Rhcii mallHiM and Gout, Dysjiepsiaor Indigestion, llinmts, Blood. Liver, Kidnevs and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, wired ts generally produced by derange ment of the Digestive Organs. Tliev are nUeiUlo I'lirtraflve at well ni A Tonic possessing also the pecuinr merit of acting as a powerful ac:cnt in relieving Congestion or Inflam mation of the Liver nud Visceral Organs, and in Bilious Diseases. For ISltln Disease. Eruption. Tatter. Salt- Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car buncles, King-worms, Scald-Mead, Sore Kyes, Kry sipelas. Itch, Scurfs, Tiscnloialimis of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, nre literally dug up and carried nut of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One lotile in Kiith cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative eflecis. C leailHfl 111 A vl tin ted Hhinil whenvr vnu find its impurities bursting through the nkin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it ob structed and sluggish in the veins : cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Grnteful tliotisnmls proclaim Vinkgah Bit trrs the most wonderful Invigoratit that ever sustained the sinking system. I'lii Tnne. nud other Worms. lurkint in the system of so many thousands, are effectually de stroyed and removed Says a distinguished physiol og)f. There is scarcely an individual iiion the face of th earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the healthy elements nt the body that worms exist, hut iiiran the diaeased humors and slimv deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, no vermmiges, no anthelmin tics, will free the system from worms like these Bit ters. RlecnitnlenJ Diseases. Persons engaged in lit: I. ....1. Tl I Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, will be subiect to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this take a dose of wai.kih s vinscau uittkks ooce or twice a week, as a Preventive. Bilious, Remittent, and Intermittent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our Sreat rivers throughout the United States, especially toae of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten nessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Uraios. Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile. Savannah, Roan oke, James, and many others, with their vast tributa ries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of imusut heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always more or less obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpom equal to Dr. J. Walkrr's Vinegar Bittrrs, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Scrofula, or Ulnar's Rvil, White Swellings, Ulcers. Ervsiuelas. Swelled Neck. Goiter. Scrofulous Inflammation, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Af-. feet ion s, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eves, etc., etc. In these, ai in all other constitutional Dis eases, Wamckh's Vinroar IIittrhs have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intract able cases. Or. Walker's California Vinegar mttera act on all these cases in a similar manner. By purifying the Blood thry remove the cause, and by resolving away the ejects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the afTected parts receive health, and a permaucut cure is effected. The properties of Dr. Wai.krk's Vinroar Bittrrs are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, L.siative, U. tire tic, nedattye, counter-im tarn. Sudorific. Alterative, and Auti-Bilious. The Aperient and mild Lnxative properties of DR. WALKRK'S VINROAR HITTKR are 1116 IMSI Sale- guard in all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect the humors of the f.iuces. Their Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either from inflammation, wind, colic cramps, etc Their Counter-Irritant influence extends throughout the avatem. Their Diuretic Dmnerliee act on the Kid neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Anil-nimiui rriiiviiica imiuiaiv mb (in., nf W.im anI A iu-lt9rira tliriMlffh lha biliarV dllCta and are superior to all remedial agents, fur the cure of 15 1 nous rever, rever and Ague, etc Fortify the body against dUease by puri fying all ttl fluids With VlNKOAR BlTTHMS. INO Cpl demic can take hold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves are rendered disease-prooi uy inis great wvig Direetlons. Take of the flitters on going to bed at night from a half to one and one-half wine-glaasfull. 17... - A t..,.A . .,la a. a K-.r l milt Inn chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. I ney are compo&ea oi pureiy vcgei able ingredients, and contain no spirit. I.WALKa:R,Prop'r. tt.II. McUON ALDaV , Druggists and Oen. Agts., aan rrancuco, cat., and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sis., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Pensions, Bounties, &o. wnTira r i .. a.i. i i .1 w . . i t. . Wii'v , , miinii iiiiiuivu, iioiiirrn, riiiiirm. tie., of Holdlers who were killed or died of disease contracted In the Service of the United mates, can now make application for Tension. Also Holdlers who contracted disease or were wounded, ruptured, or in any way disabled lu the war of 1861. When widows die or re-marry, the child or children under sixteen years of ago are entitled to a Tension. The time for filing elalms for Additional bounty nas ueen eauinueu aia moniiis. Particular attention given tnold suspended ease In the dlltereut department at Washington, 1. 0 If you have, or think you have a claim against tlie Movernmeiii, can on or address the undersigned. 10 uuarge ior luiurmaviou. llff8 I'OTTEU, ' Attorney for Claimants, -4 SI NKW BIXIOMFIEI.D. PA PERRY HOUSE, New Bloomfleld, Ta. THK subscriber having purchased the property on the oorner of Maine and Carlisle streets. opposite the Court House, Invites all his friends anil lornier ousiomers u give nun a can as ue is deteiinlned to lurulsta ttrst class acooiiiiiKKlatlous. T T UO UAH HUTCH. liu rropriewr. LEBANON Jttatnal Fire-insurance Company, OF Jonontown, Pcnn'n. POLICIES PERPETUAL At Irfw Ratea. N Hteam rlRkfi taken. This. loneof thebfint. conducted And most reliable Companies In the Btata. Country property Insured Perpetnally at U 00 per thousand, and Town property at $6 iw tllUUHIKk I ruuie DOTTrn NKW BLOOMKIKI.D, PA., I Agent for Perry County. 4 K UNITED STATES HOTEL, Cbri Fultonl Water and Pearl Sit., Jf. Y. ' THIS well known favorite hotel has recently been renovated, remodeled and turniitlied new and elegantly throgliout. It la kept on the Kiinipean plan, and lias ample aecouiiiiudatloiu for four hundred giMrtih - - - - i ne location h more acceuioie ro anpaixaoi New York and Brooklvntlian any other liouxe In the city. The Broadway mages paw tlio hotal every tlirce nilniites, besides various lines of Htreet i;ai s, one oi wuiuii iniersecia every inner ruuw iu New York. It being but two blocks from Fulton Ferry, makes It convenient for those wishing to visit th " Cltv of Churches." as from this ferry diverge all the principal ltailrond routes In the city of Brook lyn. ib.tKipj UU. . i mud, rrupueiur. S Sm.'LEK. H. M. Hiiuuui. S. SHULER & SON, LIVERPOOL, Perry County, Pa., Dealers In all kinds of Hardware, Groceries, &c. All cuods In our line sold at the lowest nrlces. (live us a trial. 6 44 Ut. NSCKE IN THE 3XTJT1XA.L LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWYOKK. F. S. Winston, Trcsldcut. The oldest anil strongest Company lu the United States. Assets over 15,000,00u iu cash. 8. . HHVLER, Agent. Liverpool, Pa. 0 44 13t. 'A. Now Leather, Harness and Oil Store At Ditncannoti, l'enn'a. THE subscriber has Just opened in l)iincanno Terry con n I y, Ta., opposite the Natlomt uotei, a large aim spienuiu assortment oi LEATHEH. 8AUDI.ERY, OILS, TltUNKS, BHOK-FINMNG8.&C. He Is nrenared to till orders at the shortest notieo and In the bestmanner. A number of the best workmen are employed, and repairing Is don without delay and on the most reasonable terms. KEF1NEU OIL are test-by the barrel, oris larger lots. LuBKlCATrNG and other OILS of the best quality, In lets to suit purchasers. The CASH paid for Bark, Hides and Skins of all marketable kinds. -Ticase cal and examine our stock before aurchasiug elsewhere. dUn, M. XI A TV L.t. i . Duncannon, 8 4 tf THERE IS NOTHING LIKE IT K Pains, Sores, Wounds and Lameness. BUY IT! TRY IT! FoMHieumatisn), , Fopflfuralgia, ,:. . For FeVr Sore, . . For Chola njorbus, Use Pain CuiOil. Use Paiq Ce Oil. Use Pain ire Oil. Use PaiCure Oil. tot bprain Use Pati Cure Oil. For Headacb o Cure Oil, C D...I... Uspain Cure Oil. i ui vi uiaca, i -.k , For Corrjgaijd Buli;s I) Pain Cure Oil. For Any Sore. . 'e Pain Cure Oil. For Any Lameness, Use Pain Cure Oil. Etiit Born tSUHTZD, And we ehallenn tti'jVorld produce iia squat. Uitsl tileriIljr and IiVi nally for Aik for FAINrJnSE OIL. TatVpo other, for ws VaBKABT IT TO Ol It I. not a tTnt.rliiK preparation, but airaTL, mad. rroia piu facta. and la clean and lata to uaa. Sold fj all Druggi.u and Umil.ra In MeJIciil PUIC'E, BO CEBITS. . McCLURE EATON, PwOTirTOflO aartlni. Fa. igflfri iii A IM IX. KJ u v : How Lost and how Restored! JUHT published, a new edition of Dr. CULVEB WKI.L'H CKLKUKATKU KW8AY on theuAD ical oiihk of certain weaknesses, the eUccU uf Er rors and Abuses In early life. The celebrated author. In this admirable essay clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' success ful practice, that the alarming consequences of siicli errors and abuses may be radically cured without the dangerous use of Internal medicine or the application of the knlfeg pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certaiu.and elTectual, by nicans of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and ruilicutty. This Lecture should be In the hands of every youth and every man In the land. Sent, under seal, In plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, ou recelpV of six cents, or two post-stamps. . , Also, Dr. CulverwelTs Marriage Guide," prlee 25 cents. Address the Publishers: CHAH.J .0 . KLINK&CO.. l6.1yP. 127 Bowery, New Yoik.T. O. Box, 4,686. ABPIvKMlH-pv A BHOHTMKNfTl OF D ry-goodcj ky.goodo Suited to the Season, - Are Now Offered for Bale by ' ' . frMOBTOtEB. T A DIES AND CHILDREN will find a J ipleudld aasortuient of shoe at the on prlts store of V. Mortiuisr.