The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, April 23, 1872, Page 5, Image 5

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    foe fJlWmfulfo fetus.
Su. Mo. Tu. Wt. Th. Fr. Sa.
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21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30
e would call the attention of our Lady
Header to the advertisement of the Novel
ty Wringer in another column. It has the
great improvement, Cog Wheels on Both
Ends of the Rollers. Every Housewife
nliould have one.
Wanted Information regarding events
. that transpired in any part of tho county.
Persons sending letters containing items
of interest will find their favors duly appre
ciated. If our friends don't wish to take
the time to put their information in shape
for publication, the facts will be just as ac
ceptable The Carlisle Shoe Company, are putting
out a class of work which pleases every one
who has tried it. One of the best evidences
of this, is, the rapid increase of their busi
ness. Every merchant who has kept their
goods, finds his shoo trade in a most en
couraging condition. Thoir shoes have
been introduced this season into Ohio,
Maryland and West Vir(itiia,by thoir agent
Mr. Irvin C. Bonders who is meeting with
remarkablo success, every ono acknowledg
ing the Carlisle Shoe to be the best in
the market.
Another Sudden Death. On Friday
morning last, at about 7 o'clock Mr. Israel
Fritz dropped from his chair and almost in
stantly expired. His death occurred at the
house of his son Washington, in Pcnn
township. Ho had just passed into the
room when lie was hcaid to fall by his
daughter-iu-law, who at once went to his
aid, but lie breathed only two or three times
after she reached him.
Mr. Fritz was in the 82 year of his age,
but was as active and hearty as most men
are at GO. It is only about eighteen months
since a brother of Iur, Richard Fritz, died
in almost tho same manner.
The County S. 8. Convention. Sabbath
Schools of the County, elect your delegates,
four in number, for tho Newport Conven
tion on May 14th, three weeks from to day.
Open all Schools if possible by first Sabbath
in May, but, at all events, moot and elect
your delegates by that time, sending the
uamcs on at once to W. Fickcs or P. Bos
serman Kxqrs., for entertainmeut during
the convention. The township sub-committees,
as appointed last year, are also re
quested to send their names as well as their
reports to the same parties if they design at
tending, and it is hoped they will this time.
A New Trial has been granted to Dr.
Schoappe by the Cumberland county Court,
under the act passed for his especial benolit.
The trial is set down for tho regular Au
gust term, to save the county tho expensos
attending an extra session. An arrange
ment - is also made so that the District
Attorney shall summon his witnesses for
the day on which their testimony will be
taken, bo that each witness will only draw
pay for tho day tho alUudance is actually
required, thereby saving the county consid
erable expense.
For nearly three years this man has stood
under tho shadows of the gallows, sepora
ted from death only by tho scratc'j of a
pen. ,
If guilty, he has already been severely
punished, and if innocent, as his friends
who have labored so zealously for his re
lease assert, he is surely entitled to much
sympathy. , ,
-Those (JrasHhopiMTH. A gentleman who
was much interested in tho grasshoppers
found so plenty early in tho season., sent
some to the Agricultural Department at
Washington, and received the following
reply: '
Department of Agriculture,
Washington, April 8th, 1872.
Dear Sir: Tho grasshoppers you sent
are in the larva or pupa state, and will ac
quire perfect wings after shedding their
skins. The natural history of these insects
is as follows:
The young grasshoppers make their ap
pearance from the egg in almost exactly
the same form as the jieifcct insect, but
without wings. They then shed tlielr skins
and acquire rudimentary but perfectly use
less wings, and it is only when they become
fully grown that they acquire wings fitted
for flight. These grass-hopiiers are proba
bly a species of Oedipoda, but wo cannot
tell exactly what species until thty lmvo ac
quired their full growth. Their early ap
pearance, if in great number!, certainly
seems to indicate that they will be numer
ous this season. Respectfully.
A New Enterprise.'-Wolp & Hknoit,
Wholesale dealers in Notions and Fancy
Goods have opened a large Wholesale
Store on the first floor of Brant's Hull, Har
risburg, where merchants can be supplied
, with Notions at the lowest Market Pi-ices,
Give them a call. Btf '
Newport Items. The small-pox. excite
ment in our town is now ' at an end, and
probably no town In the state. is in any
more healthy condition. J ' '
A few days since a little darkey stole a
case of instruments belonging to Dr. Orris
and generously distributed them among his
playmates. 'The doctor recovered them,
but was not so fortunate with a small
amount of money taken at the same time.
Chicken thieves are still among us, as sev
eral of our citizens have discovered to their
sorrow, when thoir chickens "turned up
Our citizens are preparing to give a cor
dial reception to those attending the Sunday
School Convention which is to be held here
on the 14th of next month.
The boating season has commenced, and
bids fair to be a prosperous one. O. C.
Barn Burned. A York paper says: On
Sunday morning of last wock, while Mr.
Daniel Asper, who resides near Wellsville,
on the farm of Mr. Asahel Walker, was
attending church with his wife, their little
boy was left at home when he amused
himself by playing with matches near tho
barn, and lighting paper which the wind
blew to the straw stack in the barn yard,
and in a short time tho entire building was
in flames and was destroyed, together with
its contents. Seventeen head of cattlo and
two horses being tied in the stable wore
burned to death. Tho wind was blowing
very strong and the fire spread among the
fences and it was with much . difficulty
that somo buildings in the locality were
saved. Total loss, above the amount insur
ed, about $1,400. The burnt barn was
insured in tho Dover Mutual, but the stock
and contents were not insured. Mr.
Israel Smith, who resides in the neighbor
hood lost a quantity of wheat.
A Horror In Harrlsbnrg. On Tuesday
morning last a man and a woman were
found dead in a house of bad repute in
Harrisburg, having evidontly been suffoca
ted with coal gas. The man was a well
known newspaper correspondent named
Luther Stroup. IIo had como to tho house
while under the influence of Liquor about
midnight, and shortly after, the parties re
tired in apparent health. When called to
breakfast the next morning their deaths
were discovered and the coroner notified.
Mr. Stroup leaves a young wife and child.
House Burnt. On last Saturday evening
a week, a largo frame dwelling occupied by
the Gaswint funnies, (three families,) in
Cumberland county, about five miles north
west of York Springs, was destroyed by
firo, with nearly all the furniture and wear
ing apparel. Tho firo originated from a
stove-pipe passing through the roof. A
high wind prevailing tho firo burned very
rapidly. A Hog-house, Smoke-house, with
a lot of meat and eight scaps of bees, wero
also burnt. No insurance. Star Sentinel.
', Strangled. A correspondent informs us
that on last Friday afternoon a week, at
the junction of the Hanover Bridge and
Bachmau Valley railroad, Mrs. Emanuel
Metzel went to do something in her garden,
leaving her child, five months old, asleep in
bed. Tho mother occasionally went to the
window, to bo assured that her child was
still sleeping. After some time she went to
(ho house, and was terrified to find the child
dead.' It had slipped from tho bed next to
the wall, and hung by the neck between the
bed-rail and the wall, the feet not touching
the floor. The child had worked the bed
clothes into its face, probably by involun-
tary efforts to extract itself; and either died
from suffocation or strangulation. lb.
Fires Aloug the It. It. Tho Altoona
Tribune states that on tho 18th, a fire was
raging in tho woods and fields between
that placo and Huntingdon, along the lino
of the Pennsylvania Railroad, presenting a
fearfully grand spectacle. Several dwell
ings and other buildings were destroyed.
Long lines of fire wero visiblo on the hills
and mountains on either side of tho road.
At Tyrone tho hills on either sido of tho
town wore in a bhi.o mid, witli a high wind
prevailing, the town was not out of danger
from tho burning leaves and ooals which
Wero lifted and carried hundreds of yards
In advance of the fierce flames.
Railroad Accident. We luam from a
correspondent nt Millersburg, that tho Buf
falo express on the Northern Central road
ran off the truck, on 16th inst., a few miles
above that place. The mail car was thrown
across the track and upset. But one pas
senger car was off the track, and though
tho passengers were considerably shaken
up, none of them received any Injury. Two
of the employees of the road wero Injured
but neither of them fatally.
Tho accident caused great irregularity to
all tho trains during the day.
' Kicked by a Mule. Mr. Michael Orcn,
of Howe township, who earns a living by
boating in tho summer, got kicked in the
groin by a mule belonging to a Mr. Zim
merman, of Millprtown. The accident oc
curred on Wednesday morning near tho
Acqueduct station, and Oron came home
on tho afternoon Mail train, scarcely able
to walk. He was taken to lit residenoe hi
a buggy. Newt. ., , " " ,''..'.,"
The Carlisle Shoes aro the host in tho
market. A full stork will be found at F.
Miraculous Escape From Death. The
Middlcburg " Post" says: Mrs. Klose, wife
of William Klose, of Adamsburg, this
County, fell to the bottom of a well 88 feet
In depth, on Wednesday, tho 10th inst.
The well contained no water and was cov
ered with boards Mi's. K. thinking the
covering secure stepped upon the same and
fell through She is very severely bruised,
but under circumstances is doing well and
holies arc entertained of her recovery.
lli-lef ItOMlH.
The citizens of the upper end of the bor
ough begin to think the Street Commis
sioners is neglecting that part of the town.
Shaffnor's counset have determined to
take his case to the Supreme Court, on a
writ of error.
Mifllintown has a new military company
called the Oraybill Zouaves.
'The water has been let into the canal and
boats are already on tho move.
Wanted A few live men to stir up tho
Railroad excitement, so that in time the
road from Duncannon to Loysvlllo may be
New. Sucar Cured Hams and a lot of su
perior country Bacon for sale by F. Morti
W. W. Davis, Esq., Editor of the Juni
ata County Hepublkan, died on the 12th
At the Cumberland County Court Judge
Junkin fined several jurors (1 each (or fail
ing to answer to their names when called.
XThe rafting season has commenced, and
quite a number went down tlie Susque
hanna last week.
Our Duncannon correspondent has "play
ed mum" for a couple of weeks. We hope
he has not got tired of well-doing. Let us
hear from you " Knickerbocker."
The Cumberland Valley Jturnnl is get
ting inquisitive, and asks: "Who wrote
llartrantt s speech accepting tlie nomina
tion ? saying it was hawked around Harris
burg in printed form, four hours boforo the
Convention met."
We have received several answers to the
Geographical Enigma in last week's Timks,
hut tho first correct one, was from A. 11.
(lloim near Landisburg. A. II. Moore, of
Philadelphia, sends a correct answer to the
A firo occurred near Clay Lick Hall,
Franklin county, on Wednesday last,
destroying tho Carpenter shop of John
Anglo. The sparks also communicated fire
to tho Btalilo of Win. Cutchall, near by, in
which was a mare, cow and hog. A lot of
corn and hay was consumed for Mr. Cut
nhall. Tho loss 'of Mr. Anglo is about
$1,000 $000 insurance.
Church Notices.
Presbyterian Church. Communion ser
vice next Sabbath at I(H A. M., and also
services at 7 A o'clock on Wednesday, Thurs
day, Friday, "and Saturday ovonings of this
In the Reformed Church, preaching next
Sabbath at 2$ o'clock p. in. Prayor-mcct-ing
on Thursday evening next.
Blaln Select School. Summer Session
opens Wednesday, April 10th, 1872.
Gabd. C. Palm, Principal.
Miss Emma Nicholsok, a graduate of
Baltimore Female College, will teach Draw
ing, Painting, &c, and givo such other as
sistance as may be required.
W. R. Cjsna, M. D., of Ickcsburg, will
deliver a courso of Lectures on Physiology,
Hygiene, &c. (110l
The Markelvllle Academy will open on
Monday, the 8th of April, 1872.
Tuition per quarter of eleven weeks from
two to livo dollars. Good board can be had
at private houses at $2.50 per week. For
further particulars (before opening), address
Adam Zkllekb, Oriental, Juniata co., Pa.
tW It is a remarkablo fact that Pain
Cure Oil is driving all other "Oils" and
Liniments from tho market. AVhyisit?
Because it will certainly do-all that is claim
ed for it, and is warranted.
1-57" The Timet says Dr. Walpole has lost
his beautiful chestnut mare. She died sudden
ly in harness, it is supposed from bnts orpin
worms. If the Doctor hud used Shcrtdun's
Cavalry Condition Powders, he would, no doubt,
have had his mare to-day they are death on
tW Chapped has are very common with
those who have their hands mu 'h In water. A
lew drops of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment
rubbed over tho hands two or three times a
duy, will keep them soil and white. Fisher
men, sailors, and others, will do well to remem
ber this.
EDITORIAL NOTICES are so common that
It is almost Impossible for an editor to express
his houcst opinion of the merits of any article
without being suspected of Interested motives.
This fact, however, shall not deter us from say
ing that we think of n new addition to the Ma
teria Medlea to which our attention hn been
roccntly directed. We refer to Dr. J. Walker's
California Vinegar Hitters, a remedy which is
making Its way Into more families just now
than all the other advertised medicines put to
gether. There seems to be no question about
the potency of Its tonic aud alteratlvo proper
ties, while It possesses the great uegallve recom
mendation of containing neither alcohol nor
mineral poison. Thut it Is a specillc for Inul
gcFtlon, HllllousnesH, Constlpution, and many
complaints of nervous orlglu, wo have rcusou
to know aud we are assured on good authori
ty that as a general Invlgorant, regulating and
purifying medicine, It has no equal. It Is sta
ted that Its Ingredients, (obtained from tho
wilds of California,) aro new to tho medical
world i and Its extraordinary effects ccrtulnly
warrant the conclusion that It Is a compound
of agents hitherto uukuown. If popularity Is
any criterion, there eon be no doubt of the
Vinegar Bitters, for the sale of the article is
Immense and continually Increasing. Md4t ,
Tlie advertiser, liavliiR been permanently cured
of that dread disease, consumption, by a simple
remedy, l anxious to make known to his fellow
sulloms the means of cm. To til whodiwir It,
lie will send scopv of the prescription used (freo
of churne.) with the directions for preparing and
using the same, which they will find a sum cure
for consumption, asthma, bronchitis, etc. Parties
wishing the prescription will please address
. (ly Itev. EDWAKD A. WILSON. - '
SH Houtli Third St., Williamsburg, N. Y,
Newnort B. F. Miller.
Greenwood Joseph Hartsel, Chos. Wright.
Bloomflcld David Mickey, Jacob Crist.
Buffalo George W. Potter. .
Howe John L. Wright.
Landisburg Sumuol Murray.
Jackson Samuel Enelow.
Juniata Joreph Jones.
Saville William Sliull.
Whentfleld Joel B. Owen, Andrew Penncl .
Millerstown J. B. Lahr. .
Tyrone John Brlner.
Marysvlllo Jerome Beaver.
Toboyne John Emory.
Liverpool twp , Geo. Ulh, Joseph Lnpfer,
James Wagner.
Duncannon William J. Black.
Madison Hcneli Kelt, James F.Adair.
Pcnn James Morrison.
X A. D., 1873.
Landisburg William II. Burtnett, John M.
Greenwood Simon H. Fry, Geo. Kocbcndcr
for, Win. J. Barter, John Hetrlek.
Tusearora Daniel Lcsb.
Saville Wm. Mathews, John Hartman,
Samuel Driungold.
Watts James C. Parson.
Duncannon Daniel Rife.
Tyrone Peter Lightner, Wm. W. MeClnre.
Millerstown Irvin K:pp.
New Buffalo Jacob Bitting, John Bangh
mnn, Jacob Cumler.
Pcnn Grlfllth Jones, David Brooks, Wm.
Liverpool T. John C. Welrlch, Daniel Mc
Kinze. Buffalo Isaiah E. Stevens, John II. No
Vioek. Marysvlllo Lyman Haines.
Carroll David Fair, Jacob Bruner, John
Ceutre Benjamin Holmes, Philip Bealor.
Rye David Mcssliiger, Wm. Enemlnger, Jr.
Liverpool B. II. II. Welrlch, Jr., William
Wallace, Isaac Lutz.
Spring Daniel Zerflng, M. F. Baker, Benja
min Rice, Jr., Frank W. Gibson, Wm. Dnnkle
bergcr. Whcntflcld Levi W. Ebersole.
Jackson John Stump.
Miller George R. Clonscr.
Howe George W. Bretz.
Juniata Samuel Orwan.
Mudlsou John Martin, George C. Rice.
Thomas J. Free vs. Hillcs. Boyd & Co.
S. Wm. Cox vs. Hiram Jackson, Garnishee.
, 8. J. A. Maxwell, M. D. vs. Daniel Miller.
4. A. C. Rahtcr vs. George Maus and Maria
5. John D. Baker vs. Newport Deposit Bank.
6. William Morrison vs. Francis A. Camp
7. William Morrison vs. David T. Yocum.
8. George C. fctrluo vs. Joseph Dyslngcr.
u. William Cox's use vs. Michael Shure.
10. Smith & Shroff vs. Reuben D. Reynolds.
11. Smith & Long vs. Peltier fc Manning.
12. Mlliimn & Musservs. PelffcrA Manning.
13. F. B. Clouser's use, vs. Alfred Wagner
and Jos. weldon.
14. Henry H. Fisher vs. Theo. Fcun & Mar
garet D. Fcnn.
15. James A. Cooper vs. Hugh Gray.
16. James Galbrulth vs. South Peuna. Rail
road Co.
17. El lie J. Moreland vs. Dr. Geo. W. Blst-
18. William Blair vs. John S Doughteu.
1!). John C. Kuhn vs. Samuel Tudor.
20. Elizabeth Shovcr vs. The Township of Ju
niata. J. J. SPONENBERGER, Proth'y.
Prothy's Olllce, Blooinlleld,
April 10, 1872. J
Couutj Trice Current.
BLOOMFIEl.n, April 22, 1872.
Klax-Sced, 1 60
Potatoes, 40 ' -
Butter V pound, 20 '
Eggs V dozen -. 15 "
Dried Apples HI pound 0 a 10 " '
Dried Peaclies 10 10 cUfllk,
Pealed Peaches 1218cts."
Cherries 6 cts. "
" Pitted 15 18 cts. "
Blackberries 6 d cts, "
Unions V bushel 75 "
Corrected Weekly by Koxtgh, tsnyder & CD-I
Newport, April 22, 1872.
Flour, F.xtra K 00
Hupcr 5 50
White Wheat Iff bu 1 50
Ked Wheat 145 145
Kye .- 75
Corn 60B50
Oats V 32 pounds 42
Barley 75
Clover Heed 5 00
Timothy Beed 2 &0
Flax Seed 1 60
Potatoes So 0
(i round Ahimn Halt 1 90 1
Lhneburner'g Coal 2 40
Stove Coal 4500560
Pea Coal 8 00
Smith Coal 25 cts. V bus.
Cross Ties.SM feet long 45 45 cents
Pork fd.00 per lOOibs.
Of all kinds always on hn ml and for sale at the
Lowest Market Kiitcs.
Philadelphia Price Current.
Corrected Weekly by Junney b Andrew,
Ho. 12ft Maiiket Htiiert.
1'UILAOKM'UIA, April 13, 1872.
While Wheat, 1 771 78
Wheat 1 80 1 88
'Kye 85088
Corn '. tM:tii)7
Outs ft3ffl55
Clover Seed SVJfJOI-S per lb.
Timothy Seed 2 7f'0 2 75
Flax Seed 1 95 & 2 00
Country Laid, .. 89
Eggs 24 825
Butter, dull sale 10 12
Washed Wool, 90 cents per lb.
Dressed Hogs, 6jj0!4et per lb.
Riioaiies On the Hth of April, 1873, in
Pprlug township, this county, Mr. David
Khoudcs, aged til years, 8 months and 7 days.
Frit Ou Friday last, In Pcnn township,
of Paralysis, Mr. Israel Fritz, aged SI years,
U months and 10 days.
A Purler Or can and a Melodeon are offer
ed for salo at A bahuaIN. The Instruments
aro both new and splendidly finished, for
further information apply at tills office, or
call on or address, jus. Jrr, XNew 15 loom
field. 4.
, New Advertisements. , . ' ;
I would respectively Infi rm mv friends that I In
tend calling upon them with supply of goods
of iny
Consisting of
FLANNELS, (Plain aud bar d)
to exchange for wool or sell for cash.
( KNTiis Woolen Factory.
BOUNTY Ml LX VAWKI. All Moldlers
under It who enlisted prior to July 23, 1H61,
for three years, and mustered in prior to August
6, lHtil, and discharged before servlnn two years
for disability or disease, and who never received
nny bounty for said service, are entitled to 1100
bounty. Also tlie time for claiming the 1100 oddl
tlonalbouiity. which expired January 12, 1871, has
been extended. A New Hounty Land I,aw has
also been paused, under which all soldiers who
served a tieriod of do days, and their heirs are en
titled to ltU) acres of land.
Apply at once personally, or by letter to
16 3t New Kloomjteld, Perry co., Pa.
OTK'E. Books for receiving subscriptions
to the C'anltal Stock of the Sherman's Val
ley Railroad, will be nien at Hhumun's Hotel In
l.andishiirK on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th days of
April, 1872, from 10 o'clock a. m., to 4 o'clock p. m.
Landisburg, April 2, 187231
l'orry Coiuify
Mutual Benefit Association,
Of -
C7iar(ercd by the Lnginlature March 9, 1872.
INSURANCE ever ottered to the people.
It Is a Mutual enterprise for the protection of
Widows and Orphans In tho county. Members
pay FIVE DObl-AltM for a certificate or
membership, anil annual dues on ages lietween 20
and .15, 81.00; between 35 And 50, J1.50; between 50
and 65, 92.110 : for the term of three years, com
mencing January, 1873; and the sum of 81.10 on
thedeath of a member. Tlie lnemlieiHlilp not to
exceed ono thousand. A member dying, to re
ceive as many dollars as there are paying ccrtltl
eate holders. This plan is adopted in order that
persons who have been excluded from lienelltslu
other Life Insurance Companies by reason of tlielr
expensive 1, tit. Hates may obtain some benefit on
a small investment. It commends itself to the
public for the reason that It prevents the country
from being drained of our money by foreign com
panies. CHAS. h. M UltH AY, President.
. CONRAD BOTH. Treasurer.
JOHN It. SIIVLEK, Secretary
ral Agents. 6 15
"tTTANTEI ! Agents for our new l(i-paee oa-
V per the Contributor. Thirteen depart
nients, religious and secular. Itev. A. B. Karle
writes for it. 81.00 a year; a S2.00 premium to
each subscriber. For Agents' terms. Address,
14d4v JAMES 11. EAKLE, Boston, Mass.
L How either sex may fascinate and gain the
love and allectinns of any person they choose, In
stantly. This simple menial aciiulrenieiit all can
possess, free, by mall, for 25 cents, together with
a marriage giiido, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints
to Ladles', &e. A oncer, exciting book. 100,000
sold. Address T. WILLIAM Hi CO., Publishers,
Philadelphia. 14d4w
r iff wrair-Tdnrsw
" liv fcnAM.Kfl"lnl.'lr.r.it8. b. B. "
pr.j.uUr ar-l ri,.l.llT I M r. g re'lgloti. . wirlTTTCr UsucdTtj
.r Ciri-iilftr.. urt'lrp.i u. rrni.inio t;o., n. i
The Best Paper! Try It! I.
and best illustrated weekly paper published.
Every number contains from 10 to 15 original en
gravings of new machinery, novel inventions.
Bridges. Engineering works. Architecture, Im
proved Farm Implements, and every new discov
ery In Chemistry. A year's numbers contain S.I2
pages and several hundred engravings. Thou
sands of volumes are preserved for binding and
reference. The practical receipts are well worth
ten times the subscription price. Terms, ft! a year
by mall . Specimens sent free. May be hud of all
News Dealers.
PATENTS obtained on the best terms. Models
of new Inventions and sketches examined, and
advice free. All patents are published In the Sci
entific Ainerean the week they Issue. Send for
Pamphlet, 110 pages, containing laws and full di
rections for obtaining Patents.
Address for Paiier, or concerning Patents,
MUNN & CO., 37 Park Bow. N. Y. Branch olllce.
corner of F. and 7th Sts., Washington, D.-C. 14d4t
A fJTTMTC! Wff have nearly ready a new, low
AUXill AO priced practical book that is sure to
be eagerly sought for by all classes. Just the Work
for the times. It will be the cheapest and most,
saleable book ever published and on a vitally In
teresting and Important subeet. Live agents
should lose no time, but write at once for nai tlcu
tars und secure tlie best territory, for when we
announce the title and name the author, one of
1 1 io most popular and successful in Amerleit to
day, there will be a rush for agencies. Depend on
It von will miss a great chance if you delay.
We will send FKEE to agents illustrated circu
lar and Terms that ilety onnpetmon. Aimress
. MACLEAN, J'uMlsher,
I'M 4w
7:13 Sansoni St., Philadelphia.
f 'l.iirch uftil hv iioill. ,111 iimilienlloll to
l lie ;ouaiei .11 niiihn o. 1111, uuiusuii-iii
c . 11. n i 1 n -s r. 1 ,
3 a 3m
2U Cooper Ciiiou, N. Y
Coin 111 1 wkIoh 31 i--Iui 11 ( h,
NO. 8, SPEAll'S WHAltF,
II a 1 1 1 111 o r r , 91 d .
HWe will pay strict attention to the salt of all
kinds of country produce, and remit the amounts
promptly. . 341y
Daily Express and Freight Line
bloomfield & newport!
THE subscriber wishes to notify the citizens of
Ulooiulleld and Newport thut he is running a
Dully Line between these two places, and will haul
Freight of auy kind, or promptly deliver packages
or messages entrusted to his cure.
jvOniuis may be left for hlin at the stores of
F. Mortimer & Co., New Bioomlleld, or Mllllgantt
Muster, Mewport, Pa.
' v J. 8. VTHITMOBE.
Bioomlleld, Jasusry 25, 1870.
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