.0 Drugs! Drugs! R. R. R. The Pennsylvania RADW AY'S READY PELIEr Cattle Insurance . Company. CURE TUB WOR8T FAIN8 Tuesday, April 2, 1872. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS We twite vommnniriittnn from Ut permnnohoare inte.retel In ntattcfn proici-ly 'teionging to (Ail iteii'irtmtnt. Importance of a Frequent Change of Seed. It liiiB loni been observed by Intelligent fa line in thnt seed or plants procured from distant placets within the same collateral paralloBO of iHtitude, nnurto grow with more strength and vljor in tlieir new sta tions, than when kept and cultivated in their native place. On tins fact all the rules for a chango of seed, or of one species of plants for another of the same genus, are founded. A change of cccd is most always practically safe and eminently ben eficial. A change of seeds, sets, or plants from one description of soil to another, or from valley to innuntain,or via vena seems to possess a renovating influence on the crops. It is on this principle that the prac tice of rotnt ion of crops is based. Plants appear to become tired of an old station, except aquatic plants, which are constantly receiving new elements of nutrition from fresh supplies of water. Land plants as trees for instanco, occupy the same spot for ajjes, but they at last decay from sheer decrepitude. The lateral extension of tho roots the lateral runners or offsets with which many of them are furnished, some above ground, as tho straw berry, others under ground, as tho couch grass, thistle, etc., shows that plants like animals, require a change of pasture as well as a chango of air. Every ono well acquainted with the growth of plants know that they rcquiro a frequent change of soil, though but few consider that a change of air is also beneficial. It is well known that some plants thrive much bettor in ono locality than in another. There are many plants that never thrive or scarcely live in tho smoky utmosphere of London but when removed to a distance of twenty or thirty miles from tho city, grow luxuriantly. Wettern Rural. To Keep Nails From Rusting. A scientific journal says: When nails are used in a position in which they are greatly subject to air and moisture, it will always pay to prepare them in such a man ner that they will not rust. This may be accomplished without any difllculty by heating a quautity of nails on a shovel, and throwing them whilo quito hot, into a vessel containing coarse oil or melted grease. The nails should not be so hot that tho grease will be mado to smoke freely. Cut nails prepared in this manner are improved in every respect. They are rendered tougher and they will outlast any kind of wood, even though buried in the ground; whilo unprepared nails aro com pletely destroyed by rust in a very short time. Value of Alaska. It has been generally supposed by scien tific men that the fossil elephant of Siberia, had no representative in the same latitude on this continent. Recent examinations on the Yukon River, in Alaska, however, have established the fact that the remains are even more plentiful on the west than on the east side of the North Pacific. Enormous quantities of bones are found, and a supply of ivory sufficient to last the world for centuries. The valleys of all the streams and all the low grounds are filled with bones and tusks, so that every vessel now arriving from those remote possessions has part of its cargo made up in part of these new found remains. The elephant, whose range was formerly almost universal, is now confined to a small portion of Africa and Asia, and it would seem as It the species was in process of slew extinction. Neither Europe nor America, which once swarmed with them, has now either climate or vegetation fit ted to their existence. Their remains, however, are likely to give Alaska a value not previously suspected. Prejudice Against Vaccination. The colored peoble of the South appear to have an absurd prejudice against vac cination. They have a notion that the ob ject of the doctors Is to inoculate them with small-pox, and resist and defy them when they attempt to vaccinate them. In Cbarlestown 8. C, one of the physicians appointed by the board of health to perform this duty had to employ the services of a policeman, and succeeded with the aid of the officer in vaccinating several negroes, Ludicrous scenes occur when a physician visits some of the lanes where the negroes live. The inmates of the house bar their door, and, retreat to the upper floor, defy the efforts of the doctors to reach them, ' No argument can convince them that the object of the factor is to save them from contracting diseases. T Bemere Lime Kyoto freia Cloth. First use a stiffs dry brush to remove any adhering lime, then rub the spots with cloth wet in cold vinegar and dry the gar ment. TUB Subscriber has on band and for -sale, at low prices, a complete assortment ol DRUGS, MEDTCIHE8, AND CHEMICALS, Of all kinds. . Also, ft full stock of Concentrated Remedies, PATENT MEDICINES, ESSENTIAL OILS, PERFUMERT, HAIR OILS, BRUSHES, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Pure Wines AND LIQUORS, Always oo hand, for Mechanical and Sacramen tal purposes. t&Phytician' Onlert carefully and promptly filled. B. M. EBY, NKWPOKT, FERRY COUNTY, FA. NEW YORK CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OF NEW YORK, S TItlCTL Y MUTUAL ! AttetM, W-A.C500.000 ! T'SSCKS all the new forms of Policies, and pre. JL seats as favorable terms asauy company Id the United HUit.-H. The Comuauv will make temnorarv loans on Its Policies. Thirty days' grace allowed on each payment, and the policy held good during that time. Policies Issued by this Company are non-forfeit ure. No eitra charges are made for travel In? Hermit. Foltcv-holders share in the annual nroiits of the Company, and have a voice lu the elections and management oi me uompany. io policy or meiucai leecnarsea. Justus Lawhknc, Pres't. M. B. Wtnkoof, Vice Pres't. J. F.Kookks, Scc'y. d. r. ISA i us. General Agent, No. 6 North Third Street. .29 yl College block, Ilarrlsburg, Pa. English Hoofing Felt Is found to stand well in all climates, being ei tenslvely nsed for Rooting Houses, Out-Build lags ana Bheas; lor Laying riot Hoots, Uutters, Lining Granaries, Btorehouses, er Walls, (either outside or Inside), and for placing un der Diaies or mcs. it is aiso a cneap ana enective ceiling on ine nnaerneatn side or rar ters of a Slated or Tiled Koof, and as a Ceiling to Iron Roofs, counteracting Heat, Frost, and conaensauon oi Moisture. The English Felt is put up in rolls of 25 yards in length, by S3 Inches la width, and containing a suriace or. kuu square iect. THREE-PLY FELT FOR ROOFING. In Rolls, 28 inches wide, by 50 feet in length) each roll will cover a surface 10 feet square, or 100 square feet. It Is to be laid across tbe roof, shingle fash ion, with a lap of two Inches, and secured by nailing the edges with 3d nails and tin caps. When laid, tue reit is to be painted with Mastic Roof Coating, and Banded. The Mas tic Roof Coating Is mixed, ready for use, and is applied witn a orusn. TARRED ROOFING FELT. Used extensive!? for Sheathing Houses, and for Tar and Gravel Roofing, also for placing under Diate, Tin ana eaingie noonng. It Is used In packing Woolens and Furs te protect tuem from moths. rut up la rolls weighing 43 pounds each. 15 pounds Felt will cover a surface of 100 square reel. TWO-PLT FELT, For Blieathlng Houses, Roofing Temporary Buildings, making Watertight Floors, and for placing unaer eiate ana eningies. In rolls, 88 Inches wide by 60 feet In length Each roll will cover a surface of 10 feet square or lou square iect. For Bueaininr it can be Balled noon the stud' ding, making a perfectly air tight sheathing, sua sura protection irom aampness. Halt, mice, or vermin will not go near It. MICA CANVAS ROOFING, In rolls containing 850 square feet. Is to be laid across the roof, and lapped shingle fash loa wltb a lap of two inches, and secured by Bailing the edges with SO os. tacks. This is the only Composition Hoofing that does not require a finishing coat of paiat or cement. UNTARRKD 8UKATHING FELT, For Carpet Lining, Deadening Floors, and for putting under Blate, Tin and Bhlngle Roofing. Fat up in rolls weighing 100 pounds. 10 pounds Felt will cover a surface 10 feet square, or 100 square feet. MANUFACTURED BY TBI PENN ROOFING CO. 195 South Sod Street, ISSKt PHILADELPHIA, PA. In from On to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after reading thin rttlvertlAprrtfiil ( red any one ft ft r FIT. II WITH PAIV. RADWATt UK APT REL1KF 19 A CCRK FOB KV Kit X fAin. It WH th flrat Slid 1 Til Only Pain llcmcdv thai tnnuntly stops the most ricmelailiie itns. ellars In Asm nut ions, and cure Conation, whether of tuo Lung, Stomach, ttowsls, or other glands or organs, by one Htitilk-aUon. In FKOM ON TO TWENTY M1NCTKS, no matter how violent or excruciating Hit tmln tlx KHKUMAT1U, Bed -ridden, In Arm, ( 'rippled, Ken-out, Neuralgic or prostrated with disease may suflVr, RADWAY'8 READY RELIEF wii.i. Airprmn instant cask. INFLAMMATION OK TIIK KII'NEYS. INFLAMMATION OK THK BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OK TIIK 1IOWKLS. CONGESTION OK THE M'NdS. SORB THROAT. IHKKICl'I.T rmKATIUNO. 1'A.M'irATION Or THK HEART. HYSTERICS, CROUl', UII'IITIIKItlA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA. IlEADACnK, TOOTTTAnilK. NKIIKAI.OIA. lUIEITMATIRM COLD CHILLS, AOUK C1I1LLH. i lie application orine Kendy Keiier taint pan or pnrta whfra lha pala or difflcullyeiikla will afford caaa lu ounuun. Tw.ntF drona In half s tumblrr of water will In a f w momrtit Cllra CUAMl'3, M'AHMN, SOUK STOMACH, nK.AnulnA, niva itr.ii'Ai itn, i'ia iwwi iA, liYSKNTKHY. COI,I( WIND IN THIS UOW KLS, and all INTERNAL l'AINS. Traveler, alioutd alwaya carrr a bottle of Railway Rra4y KHIef with tlie m. A frw rirofl in wutur will prevent lickneaa or palna from change of water. It ia bailor than French Rrandy or Ulttcra aa a atloiulant. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE cured for Drtycenla. There Is not a remedial aaent in thia world thnt will cure Fever and Aaue, and all other Malariotia, Itilloiia. ScarM, Ty l.holil, Yellow, and other Fever, (aided by RAIiWAY'S l'll.l.M) BO qiJICK aa KAIJWAl 3 KKAUI jiciilfcr . Fifty eenta per bottle. Bold by DruggUta. HEALTH ! BEAUTY ! ! BTTtONO AND PURE RICH BLOOD INCREAPK or ri.rii Ann w fcioiri ui.r.Ar; friiN aim I1EAUT1FUL COMPLEXION bUCURKD TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADK THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES ; UUU K. BU ICAI'lIf Anli 111 It I'HAflUKS TIIK HOVY VNJIKIU.OKS. UNDKR THK IN FLUKN(;K OK THIS THULY WONDIlHFL'L WKDICINE, THAT Every Day an Increase In Flesh ana weiKni is oeen ana reic. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Vverr droo of tho fiAKHAI'AKILLlAN RKS( I.V. NT communicates through ths Blood, Bweat, Urine, and other fluids and .(iiIcps Ir the svsteni the vigor of life, for It repairs tha wastes of the body with new and sound niaterlnl. Scrofula, Syphilis, rotiminintlon, OlandulHr dl.-ean, tTlcers In the Throat, Mouth, 1 umors, Nodes In tne Oln rids and other rnrts of tbe system. More K ), fitiunious IMitchnrgvi from the Kars, and the worn forms of SWtn diseases, Eiiiillons, Fever Sores, Braid Head, King Worm, Salt It lieu id, Krysinelas, Acne, IHhiIc Spolii Worms In the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers In the Woino, and all weakening and patnrul uischargts, iVight Swals, Low of Sperm, and all wHntesof the fife itIiicI Hie. ure within the curative range of thin wonder of Mod ern rheiiiintry, and a few days' use will prove to any person uemg u rr euner or uiese lortue oi aisease us potent power to cure them. If the patient, dally becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that Is continually progrcst.ltig, sue ceeds In arresting these wastea, and repairs tlie same will, new material made from healthy blood and this the SAKBAl'AKILLI AN will and does secure. Not only does the Sarsafa WLtiif Rksot.viht eirl all known remedial agents In the cure of Chronic, Scrofu lous, constitutional, ana &kid diseases j dui u is tue vxiy positive cure for iUIncr A Bladder Coin pin In in. Urinary, and Womb diseases, O ravel, )la1n-trs, Drotiny, Sfmpiige of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Hrlght's Iis F te, A lliumlnurla. and In all cates where tliere are brlclc dust (leposlis, fir the water Is thick, cloudy, mixed with sulistrtnces like the white of an egr, or threads like white silk, or tliere Is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bone-dust deposits, and when there Is a pricking, burning sen nation when pausing water, and piiln In the S;imll f the H ick and along tUo Loins, Price, li.oo. WORMS. The on It known And aure Remedr for H ut mi i'lii, Tupe, etc. Tumor of V2 YcnrH Grontli Cured by Raduny'i Rcvolvent. BkvssLV, Mam., Jnly IS, !. Dr. ItrWAT : I htve hatt tivitrlui Tunior In th ornM and bownh. All ths Doctors ulJ " Ihtrt mil no hlp for It." 1 trlxl vary thing that wu rwotnnirnilfd j hut nothing helped m. I ww your Km vnt, ftn-i thought I wuuU try it i but had no faith ttt It, borauto hrtd unVrl for twalvo yean. I look all boltlta of tho KmoIvoiiI, and n bus of tUdway'a PI Hi, and Imo hot tloa nt your lUftdy Kollof i and thoro U not a olgn of tiimur to be Mn or felt, and I fori twlter, ainarttr, and haplr than 1 have for twtlro yaart. Ths worst tumor waa In tho Irfl ihloof tho bowolt, orr tho gruln. I writ thlt to yon for Uts bauatit of ethars, Vos vsa imllUh f you chooia. DR. RADVVAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS. perfvetty taateleas, elfg:tutly eoated with sweet gum, purge, regulaU, purlfv, e'eiiiise, an I atrt-ngthrii. ltad way s Pills, for the cura of all disorders of the Stomach, I.lver, Bow f Is, KUlucn, Jll:i(hler, Nervous diseases, Hendache, ('onttipattun, Coativenese, Indigestion. Iyspe 'Sla, HlIlou-ncH4. liillous Fever, Itiflamniallon f the Bowels, Pile .and nil I)ernngementsnf the Internal VIs r?ra. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Inrely Vegeta ble, rontalutng no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs, tftT Observe the following symptoms resulting fruui Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Com tlpsilnn, Inward Pllos, FuIIdom of ths Blood la tho Ifaad, Arlrlily of tho tHomach, Nauua, llaarltnirn, Dliguat of Food, FtdlnM or Wolght In tha Stomat-n, hour ftructatloni, sinking or Fluttering at tha Pit of tho Stonwb, rtwlmmlng of tha Head, Hurrkd and Pllflenll Broathlng, Fluttering at tha tlaart, Choking or Butfocatlng Hontattona whon In a Lying Pootora, IHmnaoiol Vliloo. Dob or Waba boforo ths 8iaht.Fvar and Dull I'am tho llaad, Doflrloney t Port lrslTon, Yvlluwaou of tha Skin Slid F.vt. Pain In tha Hldo, t'liaal, Unit. Sad suddoa Fluilm U lloat, burning in lha Flnti. A few doses of KM (WAY'S TILLS wilt free tbe ays-, tern from nil tbe above-!, an nl dl' orders, 1'rlcb'. SS t'cati per bm. 8HiO MY MtUUfllSTS. READ -KAI.SK AM' TUCK.' Pend one iMter si amp to RADWAY A CO., No. B; Maiden Lane, Kew 1'ork. Informal lou wortli thousaiins will be auut you. Professional Cards. tTTM. A'. 8PON8I.EK. Attornev-t-I.aw. V Olllce adjoining his rflnlUencn, on Eat Main sireel, new uiooinneiu, rerry co., r . 3 i ij S1L UALBUAITH, AttarnT.t-La,w, . New Hloomlleld. l'errv en. Pl . llnn.lnn. 1) ....... 1 II.,.. r tln n .. .t .11 Clalma aKalnst the Uovemmeiit, promptly collect- ea. tiruco wua wm. a. spousier, tsq. a i ly. TOUN O. B1IATTO. Hureeon Dentist. (J New llloomlli'ld, l'urry co., Pa. tlstry All kinds of Mechanical and Hurglcal Den Drlces.done in the best manner, and at reasonable Eunice over mummers store. a i iv CIIAa A. BAKNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New niooinneld, Perry co.,ra. -unice aajoiuing iiuit:aier' wore. a i ly B P. McINTIKK Attomev at Law. and I!i- a trict Attorney of Perrv county. OHtua with J. T. Molntire. New Bloomfleld, Penu'a. LEWIS POSTER, Attoknet t Law ft Notary Public, jveie uioomneui, Itrrv uountu, Jtnn a. KaT HDecial attention ffiven to 4.11ectlons of all kinds, to the settlement ol estates, Ac., and all other legal business prosecuted with fidelity and dispatch. Also, Depositions, Affidavits ana Ao- auowieiiKniriii uaHeii. M-oaioe avtdoors West of 8utch'shotel.-fl21y. JBAILY, Attorney at Law. New Wooinneld, PerryCo., Pa. mr iimce in ine court House, wnn J. it. nnuier. Esq. Kelers to b. Mclnllre, Ksq. June 27, 1871, 1TM. M. BUTCH, Ataorney-at Law, and Mill If tary Claim Aften:, new nioomumn, rerry eo., ra. AHrOfnce Two doors West of K. Mortimer Blare 3 7 ly OI.EK MUK1VAY. Attorney-at-Law, Centre Hiiuare, New Hloomnelri. Perrv bo.. Pa. aV All business entrusted to bis ear will re ceive prompt attention. s i ti "WAS. J. T, McINTIKK, Attorney-at-Law, A J V P.m. n T. AT Alt professional business promptly audlaltb. suuy aweuueu w. j iv. - TrM. N. BKJBKRT, Attorney at Law, TY New BloomUeld, Perry oo., Pa. VieomOeld, I ly. AVCnONEEKINO-O. Z. FINK will at tend to ervina- sale at all times. Havlni had eouslderable siperleiioe, he Bstters himself that he oaa live saliafa'tion to all. Call at the Uaioa A.umuer Mills, ut Ut twu., or aauress, W.I.K1NK, f llypd Uuitoaaaoa, Pa. Capital and Assets, $150,000. Incorporated by the Cvurt of Common rUa of Schuylkill Co., ATov. 87, '09. Incorporated by Legislature May 10,1871. IT has now full power to tnsar Buildings, Merchandise and all kinds of Property against Fire, Storms or Tempests. Also, to Insure Horses and Cattle against Death or Theft. The rates on Loan or Preferred Policies are a little higher than any other company doing business in the county ; but this class of poucy noioers can Dorrow money any time the Company can spare it out of Its snplus assets, and the money will be loaned in rotation, so that tho first persons procuring loan policies can be the first to borrow money if they need it. Only 8IX l'EH CENT. INTEREST will be charged for money, and loans will be made nt all places that good agencies can be established, so thnt the Company will be a Home company wherever It docs business. Tbe Company will also take rlBks on the common cash and mutual plans as cheap as other reliable companies. 1 he Directors meet regularly on the second Monday of every month. JOHN D. HADESTT, resident. JAMES II. GKIER, Secretary. Office -308 Centre St., Pottsville, Pa. S2S 1780 TAKE NOTICE. 1871 Are You Afflicted or Sick ? USE PAHENEY'S BLOOD CLEANSER OB V IV A. C K A ! AN Alterative and Cathartic, or Tonic and Purge, for diseases arising from bad blood. This preparation was established in 1870,nnd has been preporcd in liquid form for more than 18 years. In January or February, 1 870, anoth er party commenced to prepare a similar article which is Inferior to the genuine, and which should not be mistaken for ours. Ask for "Dr. FaHRNET'B BLOOD CLEANSER OR PANACEA, " and accept no others. Tbe Trade Mark or the oldest and genuine, is printed In grim on a yellow wrapper, hav ing also the signature of P. Fahrney, M.D., Chicago. 11 Dr. P. Fahrnty't Health Metunger" gives the history and uses of the Blood Cleanser, testimonials, and other information, sent free charge. Address VS. if. 1TABRNET S BROTHERS w UO., Waynesboro, Franklin County, Pa. Ask for Dr. Fahrney 's Blood Cleanser and CLEANSE YOUU BLOOD. t9 Sold everywhere and In New Bloomfleld by jr. Mobtimeb A Co., only. a it) 08AMLIS The ingredients that COMPOSE KOSADALIS are published on every package, there fore it is not a secret preparation, consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT It it a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its furms, Rheuma tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of tho blood. ONE BOTTLE OF E03ADAU3 will do mora good than ten bottles of tho Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Rosadslis in their practice for tho past three years and ficely endorse it as a reliable Alterativo and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. PUG IT. cf Saltlmois. DR. T.J. KOYKIX, " DIt. R. W.CAHH. " DR. P. O. DANNKLLY, DR. J. S. El'AltKS, of Ntcholasville, DR. 'i.. McCARTHA, Columbia, DR. A. ri. NOSLI'.S, Eiljecomb, N. C. USED AIJD INDORSED BY J. B. PREXCH A SONS, Tall River, niaxi. F, W. SMITH, Jackson, Mich. A. F. WHKLLK11. Lima, Ohio. D. HAM., Llma.O! io. C'RAVICV A CO., Conlonavllle Va. SAM'L. C. McKADUKN, MurfKva boro,Tenn. Our apace will not allow of any ex tended remarks in relation to the virttiesol Ku'aJalis. Tothe llediral Profesaion wo runianteo a Fluid Ex tract superior to any they have ever uaad in tha trra metii of diseased Dloodi and to ttieatllxted we say try Roaadalis, and )uu will be restored te health. Boaadalls Is sold by all Drureiati. price 1.50 par bott la. Addrus S3. CLZliENTS b C3. Mtnvfatturing Chtmitti, tlALTIHOaa, II o. iHil Fresh Garden, Flower, Tree and Shrub, Evergreen, Fruit and Herb Seeds, PREPAID BY MAIL. A complete and judicious assortment, 28 aorta of either claaa, $1.00. The six class es. (ISO packets) for 13.00. Also, an im mense stock of one year grafted Fruit Treea, Bmall Jfruita, Fruit Stocks, Young Fruit, Ornamental and Everereen BeedUnirs, Bulb, Roses, Vines, House and Border Plants, &o., &c, the most complete assort ment in America, f repaid by mail. Priced Catalogues to any address, also trade lists, gratis. (Seeds on Commission. Agents Wanted. B. M. WAT80X, Old Colony Nurseries and Heed . Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass, Established 1843. 6 S 13 UV1U a Aia va uuui w be advancing in price, and now is the time . - V UiDfPIUVH I 1 - . - - . to buy. MORTIMER has a good stock at old prtoes. ( ALL KINDS el Prating aeatly fRINTINOI eacutedat the "lHUMHriai Aiasaw sTaass avwua. R o D Vlnevftr llHleril r not vile Fancv Dnnk. made of Poo Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirit! and Refuse Liquors, doctored, icc!, mid sweetened lo please the tw, called Tonics, " Appetiter," ' Restorers," ftc, that lead the tij)ler on to drunkenness and ruin, but .ire a true Medicine, mnde from the native roots and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the Great .Hood Purifier and a I.ife-giving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invigoratnr of the System, carrying o(T all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it. refreshing and invigorating both mind arfM body. They are easy coadministration, prompt in their action, certain in their results, safe and reliable in all forms of disease. Mo Person enii take those Hitler accord tng to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Iudltfcst Ion. Headache, Tain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dir tiness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Pad Taste in the Mouth, II i lions Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in (he regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptom, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guar antee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. r or r emnio vompiaiiiis, m young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or tha turn of life, these Tonic Hitters display so decided an influence that a marked improvement is soon percep tible. For Iiiflftninifttorv nnd Chronic It hen. mat lam and Gout, Dynpepsiaor indigestion, lhlious. Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, i'iseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and HTarUlcr, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, wlrclt is generally produced by derange ment of the Digestive Oignni. They are a CJenlle Pitrgntlve as well an ft Tonic possessing also the nccninr merit of nctimr as a powerful ntient in relieving Congestion or Inflam mation oi Hie Liver ana Viscer.il Organs, and in liiiious Diseases. For Nkiis Dlaeaaee, TruiHioi.s. Tetter. Salt Rheum. liloiches. Snots, i'linnles. Pustules, lloils. Car Imncles, King-worms, Scald-IIead, Sore Kye. Ery sipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Decolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried nut of the system in a short lime by the use of these Hitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. CIcuiihs the Vitiated niood whenever von find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; clnnse it when you find it ob rtructcd nnd sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, ami ine neaiiii oi ine system will to now. Grateful tlioiieantls proclaim ViNribAK Bit tkks the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. Pin, Tape, autl other Worms, lurking ia the system of so many thousands, are eftectually de stroyed and removed. Says a distinguished physiol ogist: There ii scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, hut upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmia itics, will free the system from, worms like these Bit ters. Mechanical Dlseasee. Persons encased is Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers. Tvne -setters. Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, will be subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against tms take a aose oi wai.kir s v inigar hitters once or twice a week, as a Preventive. IUlloue Iletnlttent. anil Intermittent Fevers- which are so prevalent in the valleys of our Sreat rivers throughout the United States, especially lose of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten nessee, number. and, Arkansas, Ked, Colorado, iiraios, Rio Grande, Pearl. Alabama. Mobile. Savannah. Roan oke, James, and many others, with their vast tributa ries, throughout our entire country during the summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of tinutuil heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always more or less obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowets, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful Influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is nn cathartic for the purpose equal to Da. J. Walkbk's Vinegar Bittkr as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs, atcrofnla. or King's Evil, While Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Af fections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eye, etc., etc. In these, as in alt other constitutional Dis eases, Wamcsr's Vinroar BtTTBas have shown their great curative powers iu lha most obstinate and in tract able cases. Dr. Walker's California Vinegar III Hers act on all these cases in a similar manner. Bv purifying the Blood ihey remove the cause, and by resolving away the eiTects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the a flee ted parts receive health, and a permanent cure is effected. Tha properties of Dr. Wai.krr3 Vinroar Bitters are Aerient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious, The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Dr. Walker's Vinbgar Bitters are the best safe guard iu all cases of eruptions and malignant levers, their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect tits humors of the fauces. Their Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc. Their Counter-Irritant influence extends throughout the system. Their Diuretic properties act en the Kid neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Ami-Bilious properties stimulate ths liver, in the secre tion of bile, and its discharges through the biliary ducts, and are superior to all remedial agents, for the cure of Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc. Fortify tha body a-raliast Alaeata by pun fying all its fluids with Vinroar Bitters. No em demtc can take hold of a system thus forearmed. Tne liver, the stomach, the bowets, the kidneys, and the Nerves are rendered disease-proof by thia great fovig orant. 1I re et Ions. Take of the Bitters on going to bed at night from a half to one and one-half wine-glassful I. Eat good nourishing food, such as beef steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beel, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed of purely veget able ingredients, and contain no spirit. J.WALKER, PropV. U.H. McDOIf AI.D ., ' Druggists snd Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cel., and cor, of Washington and Charlton Sts.. New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS- Pensions, Bounties, &o. "lirnWWS, Minor Children, Mothers, Father. Y V eta., of Soldiers who were killed or died of disease contracted In the Service of the United states, ciiu now malts application lor Pension. Also Soldiers who contracted dlnease or were woumted, ruptured, or in any way disabled in the war of lttfl. When widows die or re marry, the child or children under sixteen yean of age are entitled te a I Tim ion. The time for flllng claims for additional bounty has been extended six mouths. Particular attention Riven to old suspended ease In the difiereut departments at Washington, D. C It you have, or think you have a claim against the Government, call on or address the uudcr signed. No charge for Information. LKWIft POTTEB, ; Attorney for Claimant, 4 8X " NEW BLOOM F1KLD, FA . TART AND ONLY NOTICK. -Notice 1e here) J by given to all mruus uavlna unsettled ac counts with the subscriber, that they must hava the in settled or paid within thirty days from date, or they will be left In the hands oi an omoer lor eoHectton. sttsT The subscriber la also ct ruins; out his entire tuck ol B4ore Uooda at Utttft THAN UObT. A . A 0. KOTH. BlooenAeld, February I lITt