6 Tuesday, March 26, 1872. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS We incite communication from nU pertonnwhoare intermte.it in mtUlert proiierlu belonging to this department. Frult-Graftinfr. As the time will noon bo here when grading is in order, we repeat our former advico that every one should do his own grafting. It is an easy operation when once nndorstood, and this is readily done by seeing it done. A sharp pen-knifo and a good fine saw are indispensable. Splitting the stalk so that tho bark shall not be bruis ed, and shaping the scion wedgo-fashion both ways, preserving also tho bark unin sured, and placing the rim of tho wood of both stock and scion exactly together, so that the sap can Intermingle there is no danger of failure if properly waxed. We make a shoulder to the graft and think it adds to the certainty of success, though probably it weakens it. We prefer also two eyes or buds to a graft, and would rath er have only one than more than two. One year's wood should always be used when it can be obtained, as it is more certain to take aud grows mora vigorously, and the (raft should be cut from bearing branches. We wish to remind those preparing graft ing wax, that we have found four parts of rosin, one part of beef tallow, to be the best proportions. Melt them together in a ktllot, (which is the best,) or a tin-cup, and mix well. It should remain in the ves aol and be used as needed. Twenty or thirty scions can bo waxed with one heat ing up. When much grafting is to be dono, a littlo Are for heating the wax should bo made on the spot, between two bricks or stones. We have seen various preparations for making grafting wax and we believe we bavo tried them all, but prefer our own. Applying it warm or hot does no injury to tho graft. Tho object to attain in tho pro portion is that the wax will not crack in cool, dry weather. If, however, upon trial, different proportions be required, the fore going can be altered, though after using them in several ways we have come back to tiusso.Germantown Telegraph. tW It is a fact not as generally known as it should be, that the onion is remarka ble for its nutritious qualities. According to analysis, tho dried onion root contains from 25 to 30 per cent, of gluten. In this respect it ranks with the nutritious pea, The onion is to tho 'Spaniard and Portu guese what cheese is to the English laborer ; it helps to sits! ain his strength, and adds largoly to the nourishment which his sim ple meal suggests. If anions were more largely used in this country, there is little doubt that the general health of our rural population would bo greatly promoted. Tho only reason why they are not more ex tensively employed as an article of general consumption in largo cities, and amongst what are known as the better classes, is be cause of the stroug odor emitted by thorn while cooking. This objection docs not ap ply with so much force in tho country where the facilities for ventilation are so much better than in cities. Stains on LInrn. All cloths subject to be stained, such as table-linens, napkius, children's clothes, towels, etc., ought to be examined before loing put into any wash mixture or soap suds, as these render the stains permanent. Many stains will yield to good washing in pure, soft, warm water.' Alcohol will re move alraoht any discoloration. ' Almost any stain, oi iron mold, or mildew, may bo rvmoved by dipping in moderately strong citric acid, then covering with salt and placing in the sun. This may require to bo rejieated many times, but with us hag novor failed. Fire and Water-Proof Ccmcut. Water-proof Cements for mending bro ken crockery are usually not fire-proof, and fire-proof cements are seldom water-proof. The following, however, is claimed to be lKrtli : Mix a tea cup of milk with two ounces of vinegar. It will curdle. Sepa rate tho curd from tho whoy, and mix the latter thoroughly with the white of an egg. Finally add quick-lime passed through a siove until it is as thick as a paste. The ce ment is then ready for use. To Color Brown. Make a dye of common alder bark. First dip the articles in this, then wring them out and dip them into weak lye. This will make the color light or dark, accord ing to the strength of the alder dye. A fast color. ! 1 To Make Stale Bread Fresh. Put the loaf into a clean tin, and cover closely to exclude all water, and set into a kteamer, or a kettle of boiling water, for half an hour ; then remove from the tin, and it will look like fresh bread, and be really almost equal to a new loaf, t Drugs! ' ' Dri ! THK Subscriber lias on hand and for sale, at low price, a complete assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, Of all kinds. AIho, a full stock of Concentrated Remedies, PATENT MEDICINES, ESSENTIAL OILS, PERFUMEHT, HAIR OILS, BRUSHES, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Pure Wines AND LIQUORS, Always on hand, for Mechanical and Sacramen tal purposes. SSFlViyeician' Order carefully and promptly filled. B. M. EBY, NKWTOKT, 1'EItRY COUNTY, PA. XsTE"W YORK CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OF NEW YORK, STRICTLY 31 UTUAL t A.8HCIH, 1,500,000 r ISSUES all the new forms of Polioles, and pro. sent as favorable terms asany company Id the United Nl.it. s. , The Company will make temporary loans on Its Policies. Thirty days' (trace allowed on each payment, and the no. fey held good dorliiK that time. Policies Issued by this Company are non-forfeiture. No extra charts are made for traveling permits. Policy-holders sh.ue In the annual pmtltaof the Company, and have a voice In the elections aud management of theC mpany. No policy or medical (ce charted. Justus Lawkkncb. l'res't. M. 11. Wtnkoop, Vice l'res't. J. P.Rooeus, Sec'y. J. F. EATON, Ueueral Agent, No. North Third Street, 4.!flylJ College Hloek, Harrisburg, Pa. English Hoofing Felt Is found to stand well In all climates, being ex tensively nscd for Rooting Houses, Out-Build-lugs and 8heilsj for Laying Flat Roofs, Gutters, Lining Granaries, Storehouses, er Walls, (either outside or inside), and for placing un der Slates or Tiles. It is also a cheap and effective Celling on the underneath side of raf ters of a Slated or Tiled Koof, and as a Ceiling to Iron Roofs, counteracting llcut, Frotl, and Condensation of Molxture. The English Felt Is put up In rolls of 25 yards In length, by 33 Inches In width, and containing a surface of 800 square feet. TUREE-PLY FELT FOR ROOFING. In Rolls, 26 Inches wide, by 60 feet In length) each roll will cover a surface 10 feet square, or 100 square feet. - It Is to be laid across the roof, shingle fash Ion, with a lap of two Inches, and secured by nailing the edges with 8d nails and tin raps. When laid, the Felt is to be paluted with Mastic Roof Coating, and Sauded. The Mas tic Koof Coating Is mixed, ready for use, and is applied with a brush. . TARRED ROOFING FELT. T .JI AOalvnl V tVlv Rh.nllilnn Hah... - - A Tar and Gravel Krwillnir ilui fit. nlunlm. una. BUte, Tin and Shingle Rooting. it is unea in packing- woolens and Furs to protect them from moths. . Put up In rolls weighing 45 pounds each. 15 pounds Felt will cover a surface of 100 square feet. ' 1 ,;. TWO-PLY FELT, For Sheathing Houses, Roofing Temporary uuiiuiiik', uinKing naier,rigut f loors, and tor placing under Slate and Shingles. In rolls, 20 inches wldo by 60 feet In length. Each roll will cover a surface of 10 feet square, or 100 square feet. For Sheuthlng It can be nailed upon the stud ding, making a perfectly air tight sheathing, and sure Drotcctlon frit 111 HlLllllKlJ,.. Un- mice, or vermin will not go near It. ' . MICA CANVAS ROOFING, In rolls containing 350 squaro feet. Is to be laid across the roof, aud lapped shingle fash Ion with a lap of two Inches, aud secured by nailing the edges with W os. tacks. This Is the only Composition Hoofing that does not require a finishing coat of paint or cement. UNTARRED SHEATHING FELT, For Carpet Lining, Deadonlng Floors, and for putting uudor Sluto, Tin and Shingle Rooting. Put up in rolls weighing 100 pouuds. 10 pounds Felt will cover a surface 10 hot square, or 100 square fuel. MANUFACTURED BY T7IE PENN ROOFING CO., 105 South 3nd Street, 5 33 201 PHILADELPHIA, PA. R. RADWAY'S HEADY RELIEF Cl'RES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after reading thin ti.lvertHTneut need any one HUFFEIt WITH I'AIN. RADWAY'S ltKADY RKLIKF M A CUBE FOH EVF.IiY PAIN, ... It wu tin1 find and In ' Tho Only Jnln Homody that triNisintly atons itie most vxcniclathii .mii. uli.ivi lrifliuit iitnt torn, nrl cure t'onarptlmi'v wlu-tlier of tdu Lungn, Stomach, lioweltt, or titlitr glanda or organs, by one itiiiillcritlon, IN KKOM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, 110 triUr hour violent or exeniclitilnit the twin tlie KHKl'MATUJ, ned rldtlt-ii. ihHnii, CrippU-, Servuua. fituratjrlc, or jrowtrntPil with fliwafli may mi tier, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF .. . WIU, AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OK Till'. KIDN'KYS. INFLAMMATION OF TI1K BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THK BOWELS. CONflKSTHlN OF Till? LUNGS. SORB THROAT, DIFFICULT nilEA'l HINll. 11YSTKRICB. cMftM Wa? "KAKT HEADACHE. TOOTTTArVnt"""' "NIA. NHUUALnlA. RHEUMATISM. coT.n rrttLt.s, ahijk oiiili.s.' ". Tlw tm.llenUni ortlio Ready Heller tnthe part or parts wr,.Te tbo pain ur ditllculty mists will afTord case ami comfort. Twenty rlmps In hnlf ft tumbler of wafT will In ft few tnnmrritiiciire Ult AMI'S, M'AHMts, PliUK STOMACH, HKAItTMUIIN, MI'K 1IF.AIIACIIE, DIAHKIIKA DYSKNT EliV, f'OLK!. WIND IN THK UOVVtLS. Hid nil INTERNAL I'AINK. TrnvHi-r ulifinhl nlwayn tarry iHnttle of Rndivty Ib-aily ltrlif with thrm. A f-w drop In waUr will iri-vuat Mekni'M or piitm from chaurc of wfttur. It it bolter lliwi Frrnch nrnmly or Hitters an a stimulant. FEVKK AND AtilE. FEVER AM) AUUB cured for lifly cents. There Is not a rcntettknl afrant In this world that will cure Fever a'nl Ague, and all other Malarious, lliiious. Scarlet, Tr l.holil, Yellow, and oilier Fevers (aided byRAIiWAY'H TILLS) so quick na RADWAY'S HF.ADY RELIEF. Fifty cents psr uuUla. Bold by DrU((lsta. HEALTH fBEAUTY 1 1 BTRON( AND riTRE RICH RLOOD INCRKAPE OF FLESH AND WERIHT-OLKAil HKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMl'LEXION bEUUUED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT nAS MADE THE MOST AaTONI.SIIINO CURES i HO QUICK. KO KAPin AUK THK CHANUKS THE liODY UNHKRUOEK. UNbER THK IN JTUENCB OP TU13 TRULY WUKDKUFUL MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an Increase In Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of tlia BAKHATAIULMAN REK( LV KNT communltjatea thrnuah the Hlood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluid and Jtilct of the aystcm the vlor of life, fur It retwlm the watisof I lie body with new and Round material. Bcrofiila, Bvphllia, i'diinurnptlon, Uliiiidulnr dUeAM, ITleeraln the Throat, Month, Tit mors, N01W1 in tiie Oluiide and othur tarti of the eyeum, tinra K.yv fitnuuoui inchnrfra front the Knrs, and the morrt forme of fikln dlHoupi, Kmptlonn, Kevpr Borvi, Bcald II rail, IiitiK Worm, feult Ithpiiin. Krytlppliw, Acne, Ulaclc ISnott Worm Iti the Utah, Tumor, Cnncert In the Wmnh, and Ml wenkot.lnK and painful ilimihurifoa. Nlglit Bwtjete, I.oneuf Hponn, and all women of the fife princi ple, are within the ctrntlve range of tlih wiimter of Mod em Chemhtrv, and a fpw d:iye' we will prove to nny person mm h for cither of Uicaa furma uf dleettH lU potent power to cwre tlicm. Jf tlie patk-nt, d:dly becoming reduced by the wartea and dcofiiioitltion thnt li eoniliiuully proa renal ti, mio ceede in arreitlnjt tln-fw wubtoii. mid rvimfru the nann- with new material inl from healthy blood ami this the HAK3APAHILLI AN will und doea pecure. Not only doei the .ahapaiiillian K wwi.tkwt erel all known remedial onent In tins cure of Chrotilc, Kcrofu loin, (Ninntltnttonul, undMkiudleuk.a; but ill tbeunly positive cure for Kltlncy aV Bladder ComjInlnH, T'rlnary, and Womh riWrnwn, () ravel, MniKtc. Droiuv. StoppiiKoof Witter, Incontlin-nce of L'rln. Ilrllit'e ene, Allmmlntiria. nud In all cav where then- nre brh k duhl diM)slm, or th water In tlilck, cloudy, mixed with B'ihiit;iricea like the white of en or llirrade like white ittk. or lUttA U a morhhl, d:irk, bllloiin uit'Purunce,aiid white hone-dunt dei'fmitft, and when there la a prkklnjr, hunilnfc eeiiMatlon when pasnhiK water, and f ml 11 In ihu hin&ll of the Huck and rtloti thv Loum, j'rtcc, 1.00, M VVORMS. The only known and euro Remedy for ll ui tnti v. 'Jape, ttc. Tumor f 1-i Vcnrn' CJroAvlh Cured iy Ruduuy Reiiolvem. HtvNBLV. MtM,, J'dy , lnt. Tn. Rnwtr f t tilThut (l.dnno Tmnor In th. anrlw m4 twrli. Mi tU ).Gtn rtl.l " I lor. wiu in. h.. f.-r ft," I trlnl tvrry tliltiR IhU was reooiiinifni)d ; trnl nntlilnn fecled mt. I mr y-tiir lltt.. vntt nn. lhr.uk'liL 1 wuuhl iry Hi but lnul no fnitn In It, nm-an I h4 aufhnttl fur wt lv. ymn, I iwk ( Ixilllrt of tli lttMlv.nt, And on. l-x f UkIwav'a Ptlli, ml two txl tltt of your itM'ly i-M ; ami (lirr. ! not n ilii uf tuumr to be on or f. It. At.d I ft-vl Imtt.r, iiimrUr. tMl lmiltr tlnin I hnv. fortw.lv-. yen r. 1 d. went tinner hiu In the If ft ilit. of the bnweli, over h. rr.il n, I writ. llU t yu for the Utubl of eUvn. Vve vaa uuUiah II U )u vb.f. HAWAII P. KNAPP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, porfoctlf t!iNt,'ltH4, i'lm:t!v toatfrt Willi swi'Ct gum, mrgi; ri-gillatr. imrllV :uw, mil sln-nnthi'll. Itinl. wuy', I'HK lor llii- turn i.l' t il ilicoulcrs r thu Monmch, I.Ivor, ILnvvis. K.ilii. v, ll':nlirr. Nt-rvou;, Discus,.., H:idiiclie, roiiitlullun. ri.hllv,.nc... lmllgi-.tlon, llv.l'o .la, Hilf.n,ii(..iw, llilldtis F'V,.r, Itiflnniniallon i.f thv Uowol rilt.,t,u(llt IK-rutiK'niriitnofUi Internal Via era. Vnrruiittl k vtfevl a t.fmtttvt cure, Hnn-ly Vi-iretn. tie. enntnltiltiK no m.rrnrv, niliitrnN.ur iN-lflerii.usdniif,. 4T Ol.STVe Ilia fuliowlna- aymptouia rvsuUluK from IlUonlers of the lHcestlv, Organs: ('nnfllpatlrtn, lntr.nl I'llw. Killing, nt 111. Moid Is th. ITwil, AvMlIT of th. Htumai-n, N.ttiMt. ItMrtl.iim, Dliriut of l'uoit, I'ulltiM, nt W.lgjM In th. Stnm.rh. Hour Kru.-Ulluni, fllnklnr .ir KlutWrlnf nt th. Hit of th. tbintarh. Hwliiinil,it of th. Ht, Hurried nnd Difficult Rr..lhlnK, t liilUHii. at th. HmvI, Ch'.klnr r Kuirocatlna KnM,tlau whn la a I.vlnn Poalur.. llltnnMaof ilion, OwU or W.Im iMfor. tk. Slaht, 1-Vv.r and Dull I'un la III. IImiI, IVArLury .r Pr,ilr.lfn, Yrllowntu of th. akin sn4 K vrt, I'nin in th. Sl.l. , t'hwt, Until., aiul .udara Fliubat uf Hot, buriilni In Hi. Flr.h. A f.w (l.ws uf RADWAY'S Tll.t S will fre the svs t.tn frumull His almvi'-invi'fil iliH.riivrs, rrlce. ccutl Ji.tIiih. BOI.II IIV MtriKIISTS. ' READ KAI.SK AMU 'IRIIK.'1 n.nd one Wl.r. stamp 1,1 RADWAV it :)., No. 8; Maldin I.ane, Now. 1' urk, llifumialiuu worth thousands wlil 1m Mul you. Professional Cards. "ITTM. A. HPONSLKH, Attornvy-at-Uw, y Olllee ikIJoIiiIiik Ills roaiiloiice. on East Muln street, Hew lllooiiilleld, Ferry ci l'a. 3 2 ly SU. OALBltAITIT, Attorney at Law, New IlliMiiiilli'dl, Perry CO., Ta. r Pensions, lluuntles, luck Pay, and all Clulnis aualnnt the (iuveriiment, priiniutly colleut ed. UlUce Willi Wm. A. bponsler, Kwi. a 2 ly. JOHN G. 8HATTO, Burgeon Dentist. New DliHimlleltl, Perry eo., Pa. tlstry All kinds ol Meclianlcul and Niii'kIcuI Den urlces.doneln the best imtnner, and at reasonable a.Olllce over Mortimer's store. 8 2 lv CI US. A. UAKNKTT. Attorney H.aw, New llliMiiiilU'ld, Perry CO., Pa. .Ofllce adjoining Mortljier' Htore. S21y B P. McINTIKE Attorney at Law. and Ilia. a trlct Attorney of Perry oonntv. Omen wllh J. T. Mtlntlre. New Uluoinlluld, Peuu'a. LJSWI8 POTTEH, Attornft-at-1.aw A Notary Prune, New lllooinOrUl, itrry Omntu, inn'o. ar Hpeelal attention given to (Jollectlon of all Kinds, to the settlement of estates, ftc, and all other legal business prosecuted with ttdellty and dispatch. Also, Depositions, AllldaviU and Ac knowledgments taken. M-Uillce Uvttdoois West uf 8utch'sliotel.-321y. JBA1LY, Attorney at Law. a New ltliHinillpld, Perry Co., Pa. sT Ottlce In the Court Mouse, with J. It. Hliuler. Eso,. lteturs to II. Mclntlre, Kn. June 27, 1H71, WM. M. HUTCH, Attorncy at-Law, and Mill. turyClului Agent, New llionmrleld, Perry co., Pa. -Onice Two doom West of V. Mortimer BUre a 7 ly CLKK MUKKAV. Altnrnc y at Law, Centre Hmiare, New UliMimtleld, Perry CO., Pa. All business entrusu-d to Ills cure will re ceive prompt attention. 3 2 tl CI I AH. J. T, McINTIKK, Attorney at Iaw, New Hloomlleld, Perry Co., Pa. . All professional business promptly andfalth. fully attended to. 8 2 lv. "YITM, N. 8EIBKHT. Attorney at Law, TV New lllooiiilleld. Perry Co., Pa. lilwmlleld, 3 S3 ly. AVCTIONEKllING, O. Z. FINK will at tend to crying sales at all times. Having hud considerable ex poi lence, he Halters himself that he cau glvn satisfaction to all. Call at the Union Lumber Mills, In live twp., or address, , , O. Z. FINK, ilypd buueavnoa, P, The I'eninnylvanla' Cattle Insurance Company. Capital and Assets, $150,000. lncorpnrntrd ly the Court of Common rieat of Schuylkill Co., Nov. 27, 'CO. . Incorporated by Legislature May 10,1871. TT has now full power to tnsnr Buildings, Merchandise and all kinds of Property nRiilnet Fire, Storms or Tempests. Also, to Insure Horses and Cattle against Death or Theft. The rntcs on Loan or Preferred Policies are a little higher than any other company doing business In the county but this class of policy holders can borrow money nny time the Company can spare it out of Its suplns assets, and the money will be loaned In rotation, so thnt the first persons procuring loan policies can be the Brst to borrow money If they need it. Only SIX PEll CENT. INTKKEST will be charged for money, and loans will be made at all places that good agencies can be established, so that the Company will be a Home Company wherever it docs business. The Company will also take risks on the common cash and mutual plant as cheap a other reliable companies. The Directors meet regularly on the second Monday of every month. JOHN D. HADE8TT, President. JAMES H. GRIER, Secretary. Office -308 Centre St., Pottsville. Pa. 6 29 1780 TAKE NOTICE. 1871 Are You Afflicted or Sick ? USE PAHENEY'S BLOOD CLEANSER OB P A N A C K A ! I? A N Alterative and Cathartic, or Tonic and Purge, for diseases arlsln or from bad blooal This preparation was establfshed In 1870,aifd has been prepared in liquid form for more than 18 years. In January or February, 1 870, anoth er party commenced to prepare a similar article which Is Inferior to the genuine, and which should not be mistaken for ours. Ask for "Dr. Fahbnet's Blood Cliambib on Panacea," and accept no others. The Trade Mark of the oldest and genuine, Is printed In grim on a yellow wrapper, hav ing also the signature of P. Fahrney, M.D., Chicago. Itr. P. FahrneyU Hialth ITiumgtr" gives the history and uses of the Blood Cleanser, testimonials, and other information, sent free charge. Address 1)b. P. Fahrnkt's Brothers A Co., Waynesboro, Franklin County, Pa. Ask for Dr. Fahrney's Blood Cleanser and CLEANSE YOUU BLOOD. , ttf" Sold everywhere and In New Bloomflcld by F. Mobtihbr tfc Co., only. S 18 iOSADALIS The ingredients that COMPOSE HOSADALIS are published on every package, there fore it is not a secrot preparation, consequently rmsiciAxs prescribe it It is a certain euro for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma tism, Skin Diseaies, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of tho Blood. ONE EOTTLE OP EOSABAUS will do mora good than ten bottles of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Rosadulis in thoir practice for the past three years and frrcly andorso it as a reliable Alterative and Blood Purihcr. DW. T. C. rUC, IT, rf Baltimore. Hit. T. J. liOVKlX. ' nu. it. w.t'Aiui. " im. t . u. IIA? IN hl.LV, " Ult. J. S. Sl'.UlKS, of Nlcholtsville, DP.. J.'l. McCAUTHA, Columbia, DR. A. 11. NOI1LES, Edgecomli, N. C. .USED A!TD ENDORSED BY J. 11. FRENCH & SONS. Fall River. Mai... F. W. S.VIITIf, Jirksnn, Mlrh. A. V. WIlKKLUl.Liina, Dliio. . 11 If AM. Mm. f II In t.'RAVKM Jt C:rt..iimtmiatns V. SA.M'L. li. Mcl' AUDt.V, Alurlrccs- Dorn, i enn. Our sn.irp vlll tint allmt nf nw a.. tended l p.ail.s ill K liilinn to tho virtupsol It,, -a lilii. Totlio Ifedlral Prolcssifin m o f.-iiiuantre a Fluid F.x- trnrlilin.Mn.1.. .i.utl I n used lit the tr- ment nf diseased iiuifHii onu to itioHiilirtoil we say try Uoauilalls. and vou u-ill ha rfslnnul to health. Rosailalls is sold tiv all Driir-rlsta. price 1.50 per battle. Auilrt 12. CLSL'Sl-irS & C3. ! Manufacturing riemiis, liAI.TlHCI.lt, llu. 6 30 62 Fresh Garden, Flower, Tree and Shrub, Erergreen, Frnit and Herb Seeds, TBEPAII) BY MAIL. A oomploto and judicious asortmcnt, 23 sorts of either claws, 11.00. The six class es, (ISO packets) for $5.00. . Also, an im- nieiiso stock or one year gratted Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Fruit Stocks, Young Fruit,Ornnmoutal and Evergreen Seedling, Jtulbs, Homjh, Vines, llouae ,and liorder Plants, Ac, Ac, the most eomplvto assort ment in America. Prepaid by mail. Priced Catalogues to auy address, also trade lists, gratis. Seeds on Commission. A gouts Wanted. II. M. WATSON. Old Colony Nurseries and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass, r.Htaniinneil 1M4U. 0 0 13 (Jolntr L'd All styles of foods appear to be advancing in pHoe, and now is the time to buy. MOUTIMEH has a good stock at old prices, ' SALL KINDS of Trntlng neatlj executed at the "IMi-oosiriaLD Turn" 8tka.ii JoaUrvioa. Jl" O Tlnesrar Dltters are not s vile Fancy Drink lada of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Kefna Liquors, doctored, sniced, and sweetened to please tht tasle, called "'Tonics," "Appetisers," " Restorers," Ac, that lead the tipjileron to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, mada from tlie native roots and lltrlMof California, free from all Alcohol ic Stimulants. They are the Great Blood Purifier and a Life-Riving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Inviporntor of the System, carrying off all poisonous mailer aud restoring the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it, refreshing and invigorating bnlh mind and body. Tliey are easy of administration, prompt in llleir action, certain iit their results, safe and reliable in all forms of disease. Mo Peraon can take these Ultlera accord ing to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organa wasted beyond tlie poiot of repair. Dyspepsia or Imllireslloti. Headache, Pai In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Client, Dix ainesa, Sour Eructations of the Stoinncli, Had Taste in the Moulli, Hilioui Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the l.unss, Pain in ihe regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred oilier painful ayniptoma, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a belter guar sntee of its merits than a lenijiliy advertisement. For Female Compluiuta, i young or old, married nr single, at tho dawn of womanhood, or tin turn of life, these Tonic Milters display so decided aa influence that a marked improvement is auon percep tible. For Inflammatory ami Clironlo Rlien natlani and Gout, Dysiepala or Indigestion, llilious. Remittent and Intermittent. Fevers, diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Madder, llieae Billers have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Ulood,wli:ch is generally produced by derange ment of ihe Digestive Organs. . They are a Mantle Purgative as well as A Toulc, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting s a iwwerful agent in relieving Congestion or Iiiuam. malion of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and ill Dilions Diseases. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Teller, Sall R Ileum, Ulntches, Simla, 1'implcs, I'uslules, Hulls, Car buncles, Ring worms, Scald-Head, Sore Kyes, Ery sipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloralionsnf the Skin, Humors and-Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried nut nf the system In short time by the use of these Hitlers. One bottle ia such cases will conviuce tho most incredulous of their curative effects. C'leaiiue the Vitiated Isinoi! whenever yoa find its impurities bursting through the skill in Pimplea, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it ob structed and sluggish in tlie veins : cleanse it when it ie foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep tlie blood pure, and the health of the system will fi,'low. Grateful thousands proclaim Vinroar Bit tkrs the most wonderful luvigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking ia the system of ao many tliousauds, are effectually de stroyed and removed. Says m distinguished physiol ogist! There issrarcelyan individual iiion the face of ibis earth whose body is exempt from Ihe presence of worms. It ia tint upon llis heallhy elements of the body that worms exist, hut unon the diseased humors and alimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, no vermifuge, no aiillielmin--ilics, will free the system from worms like these Hit ters. Mechanical Dleenees. Persons engaged is Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Tyjie-scttere, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance 111 life, will be subiect to paralysis of the Howcls. To guard against this take a dose of Wai.Kaa's Vinkoak Hitters one or twice a week, nt a Preventive. Bilious, lleinltteiil, and Intermittent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United Slates, especially , those of the Mississippi!, Oliin, Missouri, Illinois, Ten- ' nessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Ilraros, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile. Savannah, Roan oke, James, and many others, with their vast tributa ries, throughout our entire country during the Summer nud Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera, ' There are always more or less obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable elate of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat incut, s purgative, exerting a powerful inlliience uioo these various nrgans, is essentially necessary. There ie no cathartic for ilia purpose equal to D. J. Walksk's Vinsuak IIittkrs lliey will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid mailer with which the bowels are loaded, at the name time alimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the heallhy functions ' of Ihe digestive organs. Neroftiln, or King's V.vtt, While Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous Iiillaminatinus, udolciil Inflammations, Mercurial Af fections Old Sures, Eruptions of ihe Skin, Sore Eves, etc., etc. In these, as in all oilier constitutional Dis eases, Wai kkii's ViNRija ItiTTitHH have sliuwu their ' great curative puwers in lbs nio&t obstinate and iutract able cases. Dr. Walker's California Vinegar niHers act on all lbe.se cases in a similar manner, liy purifying the Mood they remove tlie cause, and hv resolving away the eilecls of the iiillammalini, (the tubercular delimits) the affected parts receive health, and a permanent cure is effected. Tlia properties of D. Wai.khVj Vinsga Bittrrs are Aperient. Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant. Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Hilious. The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Du. Wai.krh's Vinruar Hittxrs are the best safe gn.ird in all cases of eruptions aud malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and aoothiug properties protect the humors of the faucea. Their Sedative properties allay pain in lite nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either from intlammalion, wind, colic, cramps, etc Their Couuler-Irril.iiit inlhience extends throughout the system. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kid neys, correcting and regulating tlie tlow of tiriue. Their Anti-Hilious properties stimulate the liver, in the secre tion of bile, and Its discharges through tlie biliary ducts. . and are superior to all remedial agents, fur the cure of Hilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc. Fortify the body against rllaease by pari fviug all its fluirls with Vinkcar Hittuhs. No epi demic can take bold of a system tints forearmed. The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves are rendered disease jnouf by this great iovig Orant. Directions. Take of the Billera on going to bed at night front a half to onunnd one-half wino-glassfull. Eat good nourishing food, such as beef steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take ' out-door exercise. They are cmnposed of purely vegel able ingredients, and contain no apirit. J. WALKER, Prop'r. 1LII. Mc)M).AI.Dek Cs9., Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cel.. ami cor. of Washington and Chariton Sta., New York. SOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS AND DkvALUS. Pensions, Bounties, &o. WIDOWS, Minor Children, Mothers, Fathers. O.O., of Hulillers who ware killed or died of dlaeaae contracted In the Service of the United hi ales, can now make application for Pension. Aim Hold I era who contracted disease or were wounded, ruptured, or In any way Uisublfd in the war of 1WI1. When widows dla or re marry, the child or children under sixteen years of ago are entitled to a Pension. The time for HlInK claims for additional bounty has been extended six mouths. Particular attention Klventoold suspended case In the different. (li-iitrtiitents at Washiuiiloii, D. C If you have, ur think you have a claim aiialimt the Government, call on or address the undersigned. No charge for Information. 1-EWI8 POTTEH, Attorneyfor Claimants, 81 NKW BLOOM FIELD, PA. I ANT AND ONLY NOTIOK.-Notlce Is here J by given to all persous havlim unsettled ae eounts with the subscriber, that they must have them settled or paid within thirty days from date, or they will be left In tlia bunds of uu ollluer for Collection. ar I'he sitbsnrlher Is also closing out his entlra stock ol store) tiuods at LbVSa TUAN COST. Bloomaeld, February SO, 1U7J. " KUTa-