The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, March 26, 1872, Page 5, Image 5

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    )t Stmc0, Kctu ;Dloomftdii, JJa;
Tuesday, March 20, 1S7.
Notice, Subset iVicrs wish to cliango their
post office address will vrtcaso mention the
name of the ofllco to wliieh tho jiaper has
been nent, as well as to the ofllco to wliieh
it is to bo sent in future. Attention to this
request will insure tho desired change.
Train. George Francis Train was in
llai risburg on Tncsdoy. lie indulged in au
hour's speech in tho House beforo tlio Leg
islature assembled.
Dead. We published last week nu ac
count of tau accident to a lad named Z.iclia
rias of Mcchanicsburg, -who was so severely
injured by attempting to jump 011 a freight
train that one of his legs had to be amputa
ted. He has since died of lock-jaw.
A Good Hat House For a good Hat
House we can reecommend Messrs Bnrnes
Bro's., & Hcrron, 503 Market St., Thila.
And if you wish a pleasant man to deal
with ask for Mr. D. Port Beale. Our word
for it you will be well pleased, and have
your orders faithfully filled.
A Good Com Planter. The Morrison's
improved corn planter is undoubtedly tho
best in' use. It has advantages over all
others that are made, and every farmer
should have one. Mr. W. H. Henderson is
the patentee of this county and is at pres
ent iu theupper townships soliciting orders.
Mr. Henderson's address is 179 North Han
over street Carlisle.
XBadly Scared. A few days since a
young man whose face appeared to indi
cate a recent recovery from the small-pox
entered the bar-room of the Robinson House,
in this borough. It was exceedingly amu
sing to notice with what apparent una
nimity the occupants of the room remenv
bered engagements they had elsewhere, and
how suddenly they departed. The pro
prietor of tho house anxious for the com
fort of his guests, called the stranger aside
and questioned him, when ' the man ac
knowledged that ho had recovered from
that foul disease, but as it was about seven
teen years since he had it, thought there
would be no danger of his spreading it. The
crowd soon recovered its equanimity.
Xinothcr Sudden Death. On Thursday
night last Mrs. Pealo of this borough re
coivtd a paralytic stroke from which she
died on Saturday forenoon. Mrs. Peale
had gone to her room to retire for the
night, and at that time seemed in unusual
good spirits. About three quarters of an
hour later, her -son, Mr. 8. A. Peale, and
his wife going up, noticed lior light still
burning, and thinking they beard a moan
in her room, entered and found the old lady
insensible and from appearances, she must
have received the shock shortly after going
up stairs. Although every effort was made
for her recovery she remained insensible
until death come to her relief. Mrs. Pealo
had a large circle of friends and relatives,
over whom her sudden death has cast a
A Grateful Cus-tomer. We believe there
was no public donation sent from this
place to Chicago, but if there had been
we don't think any of our citizens would
have received such a letter as tho following
which was sent to a man in the Western
part of the State.
"The comuiitty man giv mo amongst
other Unites what he called a pare ov
pants, and 'twould make me pant sum to
ware era. 1 louim your name an wncre
you live on one of the pokits,my wifo lafl'cd
so when I shode em to her that I thot she
wood have conipshun fit. Blio wants to
no if there lives and bretbe a man who has
letrs no biceer than that. She sod if there
was be ortr be taken up for vagrinsy fur
bavin no visible mean of support. I coldent
net em on my oldest boy, so I used um tor
gun cases. If you hav another pare to
spare my wife wood like to got 'tin to haug
up by the side of the fire piano to keep the
tongs in."
Attempt to Perpetrate a Fraud. On
Thursday last, a young man who gave his
name as Henry Renshaw, presented a note
at the Juniata Valley Bank for the sum
of f H00, endorsed by Mr. Elias Homing,
of Formanagh township. Upon au examin
ation of tho signature of Mr. Horning by
Mr. Irwin, Cashier of the Bank, he was
suspicious that tho name was a forgery,
and refused to pay tho note until he
would see Mr. Horning, Renshaw left the
uoto lay upon the counter and went out
to find Mr. Horning, lteusliaw forgot to
nome back. Mr. Horning came into the
bank tbo next day, and when shown tho
note said ho knew no man of that same,
and that the name upou the note was a
forgery, that he had never saw the note
before and had not endorsed his name upon
it. Democrat JleginUr. . , - j ; ,
Su. N. Tu. We.j Th.j Fr.
... Ml I I
3 4 ( 6 7i S
10 11 12 Id 14 16
17 18 19 20 21 22
24 25 20 27 28 29
31 ... ... ... ... ?..
Court Proceedings. At tho Common
Ploas Court held lost week tho following
cases were disposed of.
S. E. & L. B. Sprout vs. Wm. Burn.
This was a suit to recover for a note given
for Patent Hay Forks. Verdict for deft.
Potter for plff Barnett for dert.
Andrew Stephens vs. Township of Miller.
This was a suit brought against the super
visors of the township to recover damages
sustained by tho deft, in conscqueuco of
tho bad condition of tho road. Verdict
for plff. damages $3). Mclntire and Bur
nett for plfT. Sponslcr Bailey and Murray
for deft.
Daniel Zeiglor vs. Samuel Morris. This
was n case to try the title to a piece of
ground in Watts twp. Tho property of tlioJ
deft, havinc beon attached, ho claimed
that tho titlo was in his wife's name, by a
deed given in 1832, though not recorded
until 1870. Verdict of tho jury for the deft..
but tho Judge reserved the quest ion wheth
er the non-recording of tho deed for 18 years
did not invalidate her title, the former titlo
being in the husband's name, and being
calculated to mislead. For pl(f. Sponslor,
fordoft. Graham and Mclntire.
Eunice Patterson for use of Henry Brad
ley vs. Edward Matchett and Mary A.
Matchctt his wifo, seeking to charge said
Mary A. Matchctt's estate. A jury being
sworn, found for the deft, tho pllT. not ap
pearing. Maggie E. Holsman vs. Jacob Dim deft.
and Lewis Gillillin and James Witmer
garnishees. Verdict for tho dufts., tho gar
nishees. Tho verdict in this caso, also set
tled a number of other cases, growing out
of the same transaction.
McCoy vs. Roush. Caso settled by the
parties. ,
ST ho othor cases on the tho trial list wero
,' ARGUMENT LIST. ' .' !
Woods vs. Stokes. Rulo for a now trial
discharged. . ,.
Peter Long vs. McLaughlin. Motion for
a new trial was denied. . .
Duncnnnon ltenif. Our Duncannon cor
respondent sends the following:
Last Wednesday noon Henry Stevenson's
place was set on fire by sparks from a pass
ing engine.aud it was only by the strenuous
exertions of tho citizens, that an extensive
conflagration was prevented. There was a
very high wind and many of the shingles
that were knocked of tho roof, were blown
half a square away. The next day their
kitchen roof took fire from the sanio cause,
but being discovered in time a bucket of
water did tho work. It is timo the citizens
mado a move to protect themselves, or
some of these days we'll havo a Chicago
fire on a small scale.
The Duncannon Nail factory is idle this
week but I think they expect to commence
operations on Monday the 25th.
Mrs. Cyrus Hochlander for many years a
resident of this borough, died on Wednes
day evening. She leaves a largo family,
and much sympathy is felt for them.
Qa Friday morning the cry of fire was
again raised and the excitement was intense.
Nathan Vanfossen and T. B. Lewis's sta
bles were burned, the former's loss will be
$500, the latter is fully insured. At least
one dozen houses were fired by sparks
from the burning buildings, nnd tho men
worked like heroes to save thorn.
A notice is up this evening calling a pub
lic meeting to take action in regard to the
fires, and a petition is to be circulated ask
ing that fire catchers be placed In the stacks
as of yore. It is not only property, but
lift that is at stake as the danger is the
same by night as by day and the fire might
easily spread at night so that tbo inmates
of the dwelling could not escape, before an
alarm could be raised.
Mr. Geo. W. Charters, Sr., has been dan
gerously ill from his exertions at Steven
sou's fire. He became overheated, and was
drenched with water meant for the flames,
the result inflamation of the lungs.
They are sinking a well on Duncannon hill,
to get water for the masons to use in laying
the foundation of the new houses to be
built by the company.
On Saturday morning Groff a well digger
who was at work in the bottom of the well
called to his partner to come. lie started
but accidentally knocked a plank down in
juring Oroff badly. You request those
who send conundrums, to send answers. 1
have one, but the answer is a mystery,
" Why do some of the mon here come out
of the back door (onto the R. R. on Sunday
morning) instead of the front door " This
has puzzled yours etc., for sometime, cases
of that kind occurring here occasionally.
Blain Select School, Summer Session
opens Wednesday, April 10th, 1872.
Gakd. C. Palm, Principal
Miss Emma Nicnoi.soK, a graduate of
Baltimore Female College, will teach Draw
ing, Painting, Ac, and give such othor as
sistance as may be required.
W. It. Cihna, M. D., of Ickosburg, will
deliver a course of Lectures on Physiology,
Hygiene, &n. 6101.
fT" A friend of ours who Is chief clsrk Iu
the Government DUpensary,Bsys that no medi
cine cheat Is now complete without Johnson's
Aoodyne Liniment, We always supposed It
itm prescribed by law i If It Is not, it ought to
be, tor certainly there is nothing In the whole
muttria vudica of so much Importance to the
soldier sad the suilor is Jouuion's Anodyne
Liniment. . ... . i . ., , , ' ' ' '
Newport Items. On Tuesday tho high
wooden structure in process of erection at
tho furnace below town, to be used for
hoisting tho ore, was blown over by tho
galo. Throe carpenters wore om ployed on
the building at tho timo, and two of them
woro considerably injured. They were
both from Middletown. I think the main
causo of tho disaster was an insuflluent
foundation for tho height of the building. "
Tuesday night a child of Mr. A. J.
Fickcs was buried having died from small
pox. This is tho second death, nnd tho
prospects aro that we havo seen tho worst
of the disease.
The action of tho council in trying to
have the schools closed on account of the
ftiiall pox meets with tho disapproval of
many, who claim that such a course will
only inereaso tho "scare" throughout the
county and do no good. We have had two
alarms of fire since my last letter but
neither did damage woith mentioning.
Tho re-election of Burgess Sheats would
seem to indicate that his course in trying
to enforce the ordinances, met with tho ap
proval of a majority of the voters, if not
agrccablo to the boys. O. C,
Fire in Altonna. At a late hour on Tues
day night last the ; new extension of the
Logan House at Alloona was discovered to
bo on fire and before the flames could be
extinguished the - extension was burned.
Tho fire communicated to tho east wing,
and the upper stories of that woro also de
stroyed. The furnituro of that portion was
mostly saved. The extension, which wns
nearly completed, contained sixty-six rooms
but was not furnished. The large dining
room, the central portion of the building,
west wing, kitchen nnd engine-house are
all safo.anil passenger trains dining as usual.
The repairs to tho burnt portion will be
mado at onco. Tho remaining portion of
tho house will bo open for the accommoda
tion of guests, as usual. Tho cause of the
fire is unknown. Tho loss is estimated at
sixty thousand dollars.
Local Option. In Shipponburg on the
15ih inst., by a special act of the Legis
lature, a vote was taken on the license
question, when the vote stood.
For License 138
Against License 284
It is a little singular that the Republican
voto for Judge of election was also 284.
Duncannon March 23d, 1872.
Mn. Editoh. Mr. David Cams, Sen., an
old and lespected citizen was buried on
Friday. Mrs. V. U. Uoclilanuor, an ex-
cclent christian lady was buried to day.
Our town has been lircd by tne sparks
from locomotives a number ot times, and
really it is time that our citizens see after
their interests; and if there is a way compel
the R. R. Co., to respect our rights.
Knickcrbock, says many think and lie
concurs in tho view that it would be more
reasonable to compel the property holders
along the R. R., to put slate root's on the
exposed buildings, rather than for the
present to hire watchmen. Wonder how
how many besido himself "think" and
'concur?" Again.
The County Account.
Mr. Editor. I was pleased to see the
communication from II. in last weeks
Times. But there is a little mis-statement
which I wish to see corrected. II. goes on
to show that ono of the commissioners has
drawn more (lays pay than there are days
in the year, but lie neglects to state that
the bill presented is lor ten months service,
a portion of the amount charged, it is as
sorted, being hold back to go into future
account. 1 do not Know positively that tins
is so, but it is generally believed to be so in
this vicinity, and lr not true the statement
should be contradicted. JUSTICE,
Centre twp., March 22, 1872.
"Mr. Editor: Our usually ouiot communl
tv was on last Thursday night about (
o'clock P. M. thrown into a state of great
excitement by hearing the cry of tire. On
learning the truthful account of tho affair
it annears that a Dassinir locomotive set lire
to the residence of John Byrnes, foreman of
this division, lie being tn .Newport at tne
timo. The neighbors gathered and by tho
application of a few buckets of water man
aged to extinguish the lire. W. II. F.
The Aldlne. As a work or art no pen
odical in the couutry equals tho Aldiue,
while it has no-superiors in other qualifica
tions. We hopo to see our locality well rep
resented on their subscription books. The
prico of the " Aldino" is t3 per year, but
we havo mado arrangements to supply the
Aldino and the Times for ono year on re.
ceipt of fa. subscribers already on our
books can also avail themselves of this
The Markelville Academy will open on
Monday, the 8th of April, 1873. .
Tuition per quarter of eleven weeks from
two to five dollars. Good board can be had
at private houses at $2.50 per week. For
further particulars (beforo opening), address
Adam ZKi.l.Kns, Oriental, Juniata co., Pa
A Parlor Organ and a Mclodeon are otter
ed for sale at a bakoain. The instruments
are both now and splendidly llnishcd. . For
further information apply at this ofllco, or
call on or address, Jas. Uir, xsew uloom
Held. . 4. 6.
tVeterluary Burgeons all over the emu.
try are recommendinic Bueriaun'suavuirv con
ill tlon Powders for lliu following trouble In
horses i Loss of appetite, roughness of the
hair, stoppage o' the bowels or water, thick
water, coughs and colds, swelling of theglnudS;
worm, uorite all, thick winu, nmi neaves.
The advertiser, having been permanently cured
of that dread disease, consumption, ly a simple
remedy. Is anxious to make known to his fellow
sufferers the means of rure. T nil who desire It,
he will send a copy of the prescription used (free
of charge.) with (.Redirection for preparing and
using (he snme. which they will find a sure cure
for cnniini, tlon, asthma, bronchitis, etc. Parties
wishing the prescription will please address
204 South Third St.. Williamsburg, N. T.
FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1873. Containing
Seventy-Two Pages and Two BBADTirutt Col
onnn Plates nicely llluntrutcd, giving plain
directions for the cultivation of nearly a Thou
sand Varieties of Flowers nnd Vegetables.
Full bound with your namo In gilt, post-paid,
in November, 50 cents. Paper cover and tne
colored plate, 5 cents.
Catalogue of hardy Bulbs nnd Bced for
fall-plantlug, now ready and sent free to all
applicants. Address,
39 Rochester, N. T.
DEAD MEN TELfc NO TALES i if they did,
anathemas against tho depleting lancet, the
drastic purge, and the terrible salivants of the
materia mcdiea, would arise from every grave
yard. Tho motto of modern medlcul science
Is "Prescrvo nnd Regulate, not destroy," nnd
no remedy of our day lsso entirely in harmony
with this philanthropic logic as Dr. Walker's
Vegetable Vinegar Bitters. Iu this powerful,
yet harmless restorative, dyspepsia, bilious
complaints, and all diseases of the stomach,
liver, bowels and nerves, encounter an irresisti
ble antidote. lUd
How quickly your Headache will start,
When Pain Care Oil is applied to the part.
It make you look happy and cheerful again,
When a few minutes previous you wire suffer
ing with pain.
County' Trice . Current..
Bloomfieliv March 23, 1872.
Flax-seed ; 1 60
Potatoes V. 40
Butter p pound ..; 20 "
Eggs V dozen 10 "
Dried Apples V pound,... ....... 66 "
Dried reaches .'.........,.. lo 10 cts. V lb.
Pealed Peaches 1218cts. "
Cherries r.'. " ' 5 cts. "
" I'ltted i,., 15 18 cts. "
Blackberries,. ,;.,t. ............. " 6 6 cts. "
Onions V bushel,.... ' 75"
Corrected Weekly by Rough, Snyder A Co.
' ' Newport, March 25, 1872.
Flour, Extra 6 00
' Buper. 6 50
White Wheat V bu 1 60
lied Wheat 1 45 5 1 45
Kye, TO
Corn, 60650
Oats ft 32 pounds, 42
Barley "5
Clover Seed . 6 00
Timothy Seed 8 80
Flax Seed 1 60
Potatoes 35 ti t
Ground Alumn Bait, 1 90
Llmeburtier's Coal, 2 40
Btove Coal 4500660
Pea Coal 8 00
Smith Coal, 1 25 cts. ft bxs.
Cross Tles,84 feet Ions 45 & 45 cents
fork 18.00 per lOOlbs.
Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the
i.owesi mantel iuiics.
. Philadelphia Price Current.
Corrected Weekly by Janney t Andrews,
No. 123 Maiikst
Philadelphia, March 15, 1872.
White Wheat 1 771 78
Wheat 1 60 a 1 62
Corn W665
Oats , 63055
Clover Seed 9 10 per lb.
Timothy Seed 3 509 3 65
Flax Seed 1 95 O 2 00
Country Lard 9
Egics..... 27 628
Butter, dull sale 12 615
Washed Wool 87 cents per lb.
Dressed Hogs 5 Q 6 cts per lb,
wartz McKeeham On wedncssaY eve
nlng, March 20th, 1873, at the residence of the
hrides's parents, by Kev. James urawiora, sir
Harry 6. Bwartx to Miss Ella E. youngest
daughter of ('apt. John McKeehan, both of
Centre township.
Adams Leisenrino At Bear Gap, North
umberliind county. Pa., on Tuesday, karcb
10th. 1H73. bv Rsv. B. F. Alleman, of Blooms
burc. Pa.. Rev. J. Adams, formerly of this
couuty, to Miss Emma F. Lelnlurlng, of Bear
Gap, Pa.
Williamson Martin At the parsonage In
Liverpool, Perry county, Pa., on the 14th lust.,
by the Rev. C. V. HolTinelr, Mr. J. Wesley
Williamson to Miss Alice Martin, botn oi lav
ernool. '
8tewart Witmer On the 17th inst.. by
the same, at the house or the bride, in Liver
pool township, Mr. Geo. W. etuurt to Mrs,
Marv A. Witmer. . .
Bibtline Di'SKLEBunoER On the 24th
Inst., at the Lutheran Parsonage In this bor
ough, by Rev. 8. A. Hedges, Mr. J. 8. HUtllne,
of Junliita township to Miss Bavllla Duukle-
benrcr of Spring township.
Anderson Yon On the 19tb Inst., at the
residence of the bride In the borough of New.
port, bv Rev. 8. I. Shnrtess, Mr. Thomas An.
dersento MU Clara E. Yolin,bothof Newport.
Eby In Newpdrt. on the 11th lnr., Dr,
Joseph Eby, aged 41 years, 0 months and
Fheeihjrk On the 8th inst., near Market
vllln. Mrs. Sarah F rue burn, aged 68 years.
ULsn In Greenwood township, on the 17th
Imt.. Humiah Medors. aged 1 year, mouiu,
nd 1 dav.
Ulsh On the 10th Inst., Elussbeth Benorah
aged 10 years, 1 mouth aud -a days, uoin con
rinn nf lir. (innria Ulsh. '
The death of the above children was very af
fecting. When the flrst was in us conio, i
was hrnuirht to the bedside of Bod oral), am
.lie biased It. as a parting kiss, but the separa
tlon was verv short. They soon met In the
Bplrlt-land i Just as themourners returned from
the grave, the spirit of Benorah took its flight
tn that haDPV land, where dli-ease Is not known
and separation will never take place. Christ
avs i " Sulfur little children to come uuto me
and forbid them not, for of such is the King
dom of God." V. F.U.
Peale la this borough on Saturday, the 2;sd
lust., Mrs. Ann M. Peale, formerly or Bhipens-
burg, u tuc rata year oi nr sg.
J to marry, address tho undersigned, who
win send you valuable Information, that will
enable you to marry happily and speedily, Ir
respective of ago, wealth or beauty. This in
formation will cost you nothing, and If you
wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist yon.
Tho desired Information sent by return mall.
Address, 8 hah B. Lambert, Groenpoint,
Kings County, N. Y. 5 15.a
Why Keep That Cough P
When a bottle of Rohrcr's Lung Palsam will
cure It. It Is pleasant to take, and moro effect
live than any other cough medicine. Try It.
For sale by F. Mortimer, New Bloom Held, and
most other stores In the county.
Fresh (inrden Seeds", among which is a
lot of early cabling seed of choico varioty,
for salo by F. MORTIMER.
Cheap Tho variety of Wall papers and
borders now opened at MORTIMER'S.
Prices from 0 cents per bolt up.
How to Make and Keen them Healthy.
By Augustus K. Gardner, M. D..
I.ato Professor In New York Medical College.
It treats of Amusements. Education. Physical
Development, lie;wes, Ace dents, Marriages, to.,
Imparting a vast amount of valuable Information
mmucivo to tue iieauu, tiappinsss, ami weuare
if (he Viiiiiil'. Writ ti'li In a pleasing style. It is
exceedingly interesting, as wall as Instructive. "
i-.very i-uiuuv siinuiu nave it, aim uo rarcntcan
afford to be without it. Send for Circulars giving
full particular. v.
DUf I'li.i.ii ah a M n a li, ruimsner,
1 711 Sunsom Street, Philadelphia. ' 1
s readv for Onnvawrs. No book Is looked for'
more Impatiently than this, and agents will do
well to get territory for It as early as possible
Apply for Circulars nnd terms to
DUI'fc'lKI.D AS11MKA1), Publisher,
Til Sanson! ntreet, rmiauclpma.
TAILORING. Having niieued a Gent's furnish
ing goods nnd Merchant Tailoring Establish
ment, iu the little more next door to Potters Law
Olllce, I would respectfully ask all In eed of any
thing In my line to call and examine before pur-
hosing elsewhere.
from which to select Garments always on hand
which will be maiie up to suit customers ana
on short notice. Pon't fall to visit the Little
Btoke in the Corner.
1. is. (iooos nougat eiscwnere wm ue mauo up
in the best manner.
n. ii. iir.(;ii.
New Bloomfleld, Pa.
IU of Admliustrallon on tno estate or fliary
Ncott, late or Liverpool township,
Pa., deceased.' have been crauted t
Perrv county.
ranted to the undersign.
oil renlilmir 111 Liverpool borouirh. Perrv CO.. Fa.
All persons indented to said estate are renuesieu
to make Immediate payment, while those having
claims, will present tliom duly authenticated for
settlement to
ANUS urujADl-.H.
February 27, 1872. Administrator.
Cor. Fulton, Water and rearl Sts., If. Y.
THIS well known favorite hotel has recently
been renovated, remodeled and furnished
new and elegantly tlirogliout. It Is kept on the
Kuropeun piau, ami nas aiiipiu acuuhiiiiuuuuuus
for four hundred guests. , ,
The location Is more accessible to all parts of
New York and Brooklyn than any other house In
the city. The Broadway Wages pass the hotel
every ihree minutes, besides various lines of Street
(.ars, one oi wnieu uuersecui eveiy uus4 iuuw iu -New
It being but two blocks from Fulton Ferry,
makes it convenient for those wishing to visit the
City of Churches." as from this terry diverge all
the principal Railroad routes in the city of Brook
lyn. (ti.Wp) UW. a. ll-.nui, iTupuewr.
muiHdclpliiu, ln.
We have onened for the SPRING TRADE, the
largest and best assorted Stock of
WINDOW BliAiinn ami i-ai-jvji, iahiba'
Our large Increase In business enables us to sell
at low prices, and furnish the best quality of
Celebrated American Washer,
, pkice ir;.co.
Terms: Carpets, 60 days.
AU other goods, 31) days, Net, CW.&Co. 6 1 3m
Wholesale Dealers Iu
lint m, Cups, Xurs,
the Collateral Works of the New Jerusalem
Church, seutby mall, oil application to
tl. KWlNIsEYt
3 s 3m 20 Cooper Union, N. T
Suited to the Season,
Are Now Offered for Sale by
Ho. 11 Nassau Street,
Issue elrcular Notes and circular Letters
eredlt available in any part of the world.
r Current accounts reeelvtd on sueh terms
as may be agreed upon. I t. i ' I512tf