4 SClje nits, New Bloomficlty )o. lie fjlloomfirifr fhnrs. NEW BLOOM FIELD, FENN'A. Tuesday, March 26, 1S72. J SS7- "-' -rf v ntnriMuM iii in I' ' r ' Tim United States Senate have passed tlio bill placing Tea and Cofl'co on the freo list. Tlio Ilonso liaving previously passed tlio bill, it now awaits tlio Presidents uij nutiiFo to becomo a law. The Southern Express on tlio Pennsylva nia railr oad, which was duo in Pittsburg at ten minute of ten, was wrecked nt Conc tnaugli Furnace, a few miles west of Johns town, at seven o'clock on Friday morning, through the breaking of a rail. Two pas sengers were killed and about a dozen wounded. Tins Law forbidding tho selling or giv ing away of liquors during tho hours tho polls aro ojien, on any general or special election day, was signed by the Governor on tho 13th inst. The penalty for breaking this law is one hundred days imprisonment and five hundred dollars line, and consta bles nre to enforce tho law under the samo penalty. The law was not enforced on the 15th inst., in most places, no notification having been received that the bill had be come a law. . . Doings of the Legislature). . The following is a summary of the doings in tiro Legislature which we think of inter est to our readers. "InthoSonato a communication of C. D. Drigham declining the appointment of Auditor General was read. A bill was finally passed declaring that in case of tho death of a person elected as Auditor Gener al or Surveyor General, between bis elec tion, and the first Tuesday of May succeed ing, that the incumbent of tho oflice at the time shall hold the oflice until the next an nual election, when person shall be elec ted to fill tho un-expired term, and shall commence his duties on the first of Decem ber. A bill also passed the Benato making tho pay of county Superintendents $2 for each school under his charge, and $1 for each square mile of territory iu that county, ex cept in counties with less than 100 schools, when the pay shall be $300 per annum. Inconsequence of the Eclectic College of Medicine, and the Philadelphia Uuiversity of Surgery having sold diplomas, a resolu tion was passed taking away their charters. A bill to allow a vote every three years on "license or no licenso" passed finally, which the amendments confining the same to counties, instead of wards, boroughs and townships, and providing that the first election under the act shall occur on the third Friday in March, 1873, and that, if the people shall decide against license, all licenses in such counties shall cease on the 1st day of April, 1873. The bill passed by a vote of 1G to 14. All the Republicans voted aye, and all the Democrats voted no, except Mr. Find lay, who voted ayo. (The bill is the same as passed the House except the vote is to be by eouniict instead of townships, wards and boroughs.) The Governor sent in the nomination of Hon. James P. Wicket-sham, for Superin tendent of Common Schools, which was unanimously confirmed. In the House, a joint resolution was pass ed making the State Treasurer elective by the people. CSTThe Santa Barbara, Cal., Press has the following : During the late rainy weather there was what is called a cloud burst in the deep eanyon in the mountain sido, above Col. B Dinsmore's place, during the evening, and suddenly a rush of water 10 or IS feet deep, like a tidal wave, came roaring down the creek bed and over-flow. ing its banks, tearing up trees of a foot and a half in diameter, while the impetuos ity of the torrent took up and carried along in the current huge boulders seven feet in diameter, and ten to twelve foot long. tWThe Ariel Telegraph company of England proposes to telegraph across tho ocean without tho use of tlio cable, and without employing the galvanic battery; in fact, it offers to get rid of the whole mechanism of telegraphy as at present ex isting, and to use tho electricity always found in the atmosphere as the jsole agent of communication. The "modus operandi" by which this new marvel is to bo effected has not yet been made public. --r- 1 ' " - 2T The house of a farmer named Kobert Bowles, near Theresa, New York, was burned on Monday night, 18th inst The family were obliged to leave the Louse In their night-clothes, and several of them had their limbs badly frozen. Bowles was so badly burned while attempting to save his children that ho died next day. 1 -.1 The Evans Casa. ' Tlio committee appointed by the Legisla ture to investigate tho Evans' swindlo, so far havo succeeded in keeping' the facts which tho pcoplo want to know from boing told. They havo taken a great deal of tes timony, but unfortunately for tho public tho only now thing developed Is, that Evans' is a poor devil who is obliged to borrow money of his friends to defray the ordinary expenses of lifo. But where tho money wont to, out of which tho stato was de frauded, they havo failed to discover. Evans has been kept out of reach and is now said to bo really very ill in Now York. Tho Governor instead of testifying before the committee, where unpleasant questions might bo asked, has sent them a commu nication remarkable only for its length and lack of any new information. Had ho been before tho committco ho might have been asked why he removed McCluro for bring ing litis subject beforo tho pcoplo and why ho appointed Evans as his agent tho iccond time wliilo ho had positivo cvidonco in his possession that Evans had failed to live up to tho requirements of his bond in tho first appointment. Why Forney should come to him to mako any complaint' regarding Evans' failure ;'to divide," and why a few days after the complaint was made, a por tion of tho sharo churned was paid. So far tho investigation has been a farce, and is calculated to load the people to firmly be- liovo that there is a desire on tlio part of those having tho matter in charge, to protect rather than to oxpose tho guilty parties. , Fonutl Dead. Mr. Philip Weaver, watch man at tho Railroad crossing at tho depot in Patterson, was found dead in his house on Saturday morning last. About half- past live o'clock on Friday evening, Mr. Weaver left the watch box aud repaired to his homo, a short distance from tho depot, for tho purpose, it is supposed, of fixing tho firo in tlio stovo preparatory to getting his supper, as his wife went to Harrisburg in the morning of that day. He intended returning to his post of duty, no doubt, as he had not closed tho watch box for tho night, and remain until tho last line went west, as was his custom but he was not seen there afterwards. No alarm was felt at his absence until about 10 o'clock on Saturday morning, when Mr. Miller, who has charge of the wood station, fearing that something had befallen Mr. Weaver, wont to his houso and as ho entered his eyes beheld the lifeless form of Mr. W. lying prostrate on tho floor. It is supposed ho died soon after entering tho house, as there was a bucket of coal at his feet which ho intended putting on tho firo, when ho was suddenly ushered into eternity. The cause of his death is supposed to havo been paralysis, as he had been strbken with that disease twice beforo. no was in tho 72 year of his ago. His remains were taken to Harrisburg for interment. Independent. The Largest Steer In the World. Tho Lancaster Intelligencer says : Jacob R. Stultzfuss, of Lcacock township, brought to Lancaster a stoer that is said to be the largest ever fattened in this or any other ago or country. Good judges believe it will weigh four thousand pounds. A friend woll posted in tho woight of heavy cattle, furnishes us tho following as tho weight of the throe heaviest cattle ever slaughtered in this country. The champion New York steer weighed live woight, 3,300 pounds, drcsosd 2,473. The woight was disputed, somo parties asserting that the steer was not fairly dressed. The Berks county steer, admitted by every body to be fairly dressed, weighed alive 8,250 pounds, dressed 2,888. The Lancaster county stoer, fed by John Soner and admitted by all to have been fairly dressed, weighed alive 8,880 pounds, dressed 2.450J. Killed On Friday morning last a lad named Millard Youtzy.oged about 16 years, son of John Youtey of Bratton twp., Mif flin county was killed under the following distressing circumstances. Ho was era ployed at a saw mill, in thomountaius, and was riding a muto, with a bag of corn and a tin bucket upon its back. The rattling of the kettle frightened the mule, and it set off on a run. Bomo men in the road attempted to stop it, when it broke in to tho wood, running down the mountain pell-mell over rocks, timber, and one fenco. The boy fell soon after the mule took to the wood, but his foot stuck fast in the girth, and he was dragged all the distance, head downward. Jf U head was fearfully battered, and he was of course dead when tho mule stopped. Trut Democrat. How Did It Get There. The Sunbury "Guard" says: Solomon Stroh, of Sunbury, recently In making an Incision in the shoul der of a horse, suffering with the sweeny, cut upon something like metal. A search brought to light a silver five cent picco, deeply imbedded in the flesh. The date of the coin Is 1851. How did it get thoio? how long has it been thore? , are questions for our wise-acres. Such an incident is certainly very singular to say the least about It. 19" Measles of a malignant type are prevailing among the children iu somo por tions of Turbett township, Juniata Co. (Sudden Death. On Tuesday evening last Mr. Samuel Moore, of Walker twp., Hun tingdon county, died suddenly in his barn, from an attack of apoplexy. He had par taken of supper and accompanied his wife to the barn to milk, and on arriving there set down, whon his wlfo noticed something unusual in his position and inquired the matter when Mr. Moore replied his head hurt him and instantly expired. Ho was aged about 01 years. Monitor. tW" A fatal shooting affray occurred on the morning of tho 1 nth inst., nt tho ranch of Major Crane near Cannon City, between John E. Tyndall and Adam Ilanna. A dispute aroso at breakfast from a trifle; tho lio was passed, whon Tyndall seized a butcher knife and attacked Hauna. Hanna picked up a pistol and shot his assailant several times, causing wounds from which death ensued. Hanna was arrested. tW A farmer in Hastings, Minn., with a load of hay, caught a lot of vagrant cows making a feed from it, and vigorously at tacked them with rocks. Unfortunately one of them missed its mark and went through a largo plato glass show window, which cost tho farmer his load of hay and three dollars besides. 57" A Colorado man chased by wolves, was saved by his plug hat which blow off and fell in -front of tlio ferocious animals; they had never seen one beforo, and while they held a meeting to inquire Into its nature, ho reached a plnco of safety. , ITS'" Sovore casos of dyspepsia aro said to havo been cured by regularly eating a ripe applo immediately nftcr meals. It is cer tainly a pleasant medicine, but where is tho apple to come from; ull ours rotted. LW It is believed that tho Stalon Island Railroad Company was thrown into bank ruptcy by its defeat in several suits insti tuted by the relatives of those who lost their lives on the Westlield. tSf" Alexander Cambell and wife, of Popler Grove Illinois were recently poison ed by a druggist giving them aconito in mistake for whiskey. Mr. Cambell died; his wife will recover. EST" Tho majority of the committee in tho Massachusetts Legislature have reported a resolution to amend tho Constitution so as to give the ballot to woman. C3T Mrs. Pfeifcr, of New York, while drunk and abusing bor husband, was push ed down by him and fatally injured. Tho Coroner's jury exonerated Mr. Pfeifcr. tW Robinson & Cunningham's sash and blind factory, Baltimore has been burned, with adjoining manufactories and agricultural implements and car wheels. tW Mrs. E. Shaushank died in the dent ist's chair of Dr. Newborough, New York, last week from the administration of laugh ing gas. JVetff Advertisement, Hollidaysburg, Pa., Seminary. Rev. JOSEPH WAUGH, Principal. SPRING TERM BEGINS APRIL 1st. Successful, Thorough, Economical Healthful. 13r4 The oldest and most reliable institution for obtaining-a Mercantile Education. Practical busi ness invn as Instructors. Fur Information, write for Circular to P. Duff- & Sons, Pittsburgh, PuJ13r CHEAP FARMS 1 FREE HOMES t On the Line of the UNIOJi PACIFIC HAILj ROAD. A Land Grant of 112,000,000 A.CHIOM In the Best Farming and Mineral Land in America. : 1,000,000 Acres in Nebraska, In the (iREAT PLATTE VALLEY, ' The A.llli:iV oi tlio W10WT, , NOW FOR SALE ! These lands aro In the central portion of the United Slates, on the 4 1st degree of North Lati tude, the central Hue of tlio great Temperate Znaenf the American Continent, and for grain growing and stock raising unsurpassed by any iu the United States. CHEAPER IN PRICE, more favorable terms Elven, and more convenient to market than can e found elsewhere. M-Free Homesteads for Actual Settlers. -Ml The Best localious For Colonies. Soldiers entitled to a Homestead of 1UU Acres. - FREE PASSES to Purchasers of Land. Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, witli new mans, published In English, fiermau, SwceU luli and Danish, mailed free everywhere. Address O.F.DAVIS, Lund Commissioner. II. P. R. It. Co. 13r4w , Omaha, Nebraska. PORTA B LE SODA FOUNTAINS. 940, 50, 75 aud $100. OOOD, DURABLE AND CHEAP! r Shipped Ready for Use. 1M Manufactured by 3. Yi. CHAPMAN I CO., Madison, Intl. SEND FOll CIRCULAR. 13r4w (Incorporated 1800.) Columbia Fire Insurance Co. OFFICERS AND Dl HECTORS. S. S. Detwller, Pres't.i H. Wilson, Vicfl pres't. t Herbert Thomas, Treas.; J. F. Frueaulf, Mee'y.t B. M. Detwller, 11 Irani Wilson. Rolit Cran, Win. Fatten, John B. Ilauhman, M. M. Htrlcklcr, Jacob H. Htrlne, Jas. Schrocdcr, leoi(; Route, W. U. Case, Ailiun F. Eves, John Nhnrtzler, H. a Ksslek. For Insurance or At-'encles, address ( i. V. FUUKAUFF, fa'y,, , 13r 4w Columbia, Pa. EXTRAORDINARY IMPROVEMENTS r CABINET OllGANS The MASON & HAMLIN OKOAN CO. rosioct fnlly Announce the Introduction of Improvements of inucli more than ordinary Interest. These at REHI) AND ril'E CABINET GROANS, being the only successful combination of REAL PIPES with rerds ever inadet DAY'S TRANSPOSING KEY-HOARD, which can Instnntly be removed to the right or left, changing the pitch, or transposing the key. For drawings and descriptions, seo Circular. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES OF DOUBLE REEDCAIIINET ORGANS, at, H0, $1.13 and 12.1 each. Considering Capacity, Elegance, mid Thorough Excellence of Workman, ship, these are cheaper than any before otlered. The MASON K- HAMLIN Organs are acknowl, edited the 11EST, and from extraordinary facili ties for mnnnr.K'tnre this Coinpanv can nllnrd. mid now tindnrlake to sell at prices which render thein UNQUESTIONABLY CHEAPEST. Four Octavo Organ A0 each; Flvo Octave Or pans h:. 1J5 and upward . Forty styles, np to fclfioncaeh. . , t. New llliutrntrd (-ntnlninc tnd Testimonial Circular. Willi opin'nns of MOKE THAN ONE THOUSAND MUSICIANS, sent fiee. MASON HAMLIN oliii N CO., 10 Treinont St., Boston. 5W1 Broadwsv, N.Y. I3r4w f BEFORE ASSUKINO YOUR LIFE. exauT i-ine the new Tontine Saving Fund I'lnn, just Introduced by tho EOl'll'AKLK LIKE ASSUIt ANCE SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. hv which mi endowment policy is granted at. n'mut Invf rales. End of lo years, P'l percL of premiums returned. is' ' 151 .i jj, " 2i,i . New business, 1S7I. I1 .loo.oco, largest In the world. Assets tS(KHi,nne income ?s.imi.km Reliable Agents Wanted everywhere Address L L. RI-.CISTER. General Agent. ' 13r4w , R'JHChosinutSt., Philadelphia. T IIK FEMALE SOLDIER! CNSEXED; or. The Female Soldier. The Thrilllint Adven ture. Experiences and Escupes of a Woman as Hoy. Scout and Nurse, In Camps, But lie Fields and Hospitals, 12 full pngn illustrations, and portrait on steel. This absoi lilitg book, elenantl tllustra- it-ii. crow ii evii., nun ue;i i nil ',v uouuu ill eioill, 1 1, hi,, in ii husi iii in,,. i iiuii m mi, i miiu only by subscription. Pi-ico S2.J. Philadelphia Pub- llal.f.... I ll,U-i.ll. .,!., 1... ..'I... ....... ...-.Hi iik ' I II Ul(."l.l, 1,1. 1 III, JlKI-lll IIU firs send 1.i.'i for outlit will get the tenitorv for this fast-felliiiH book. 3r4w CARPENTERS I :ilJ)EHS,jEJ and nil who contemplate Hulldlng, supplied with our new Illustrated Catalogue on lecelpl of stamp. -A. .1. niCKNELL & CO.. Architectural - Hook Publishers, i.7 Warren St., N. Y. (13r4w ACENTS WANTED FOR Sc and SENSATION' OF NEW YORK. A 'WORK DESCRIPTIVE of the CITY OK NEW YORK in all Its VARIOUS PHASES. Its splendors and wretchedness; its high and low life; its marble palaces and dark dens; Its attrac tions and dangers; its lilNOS AND FRAUDS; Its leading men and politicians; its adventurers; its eluirit test its mysteries and crimes. Illustrated with Nearly iMi Fine EiiKravlnas. AI4ENTS WANTED. Send for Circulars and see our terms and a full descrintion of the work. Addicss NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Phila- ueipniit, l a. loMW Wanted. Agents To sell the Improved Florence Sewing Machalne, Makes four different Stitches. Ruus the work Four Ways. Fastens Its own Ends. For Reality, Simplicity and Durability, Is without eiial. Liberal terms. Salesroom, No. 1123 Chest, nut Street, Philadelphia. I:ir4w wjLsuis ; 1 10 N Yi acker, Managers. A GKNTS WANTF-D. Agents make more money ai woi k lor us man u( anvtlilligclse. llusiness light ami crniauent. Particulars free, (i. STINSON & CO., Fine Art Publishers. Port land, Maine 13 r 4w Uq PIANO CO.. 1st class $290 No Agents? Names of patrons In 4U States in Circular. 13r4 w CUNDURANGO! Supply of Bark Assured. Price Reduced. BLISS, KEENE ft CO'S FLUID EXTRACT Cures Cancer. Scrofula. Svolillis. Catarrh. Rheu matism, Neuralgia. Pulmonary Complaints, III. cers. Salt Rheum, Skin Diffuses, all Blood Diseas es. Ispuiely vegetable. The best known lilood Purifier. Sold bv all Druiulsts. Price. S.I ner bottle. Observe the trademark. Scud tor Circu lar. Office, 00 Cedar St., New York. 13r4w $1,000 BEWAliD For any case of Blind Bleeding, Itching or Ulcerated Piles that Ds Hino's Pii.b Remedy fails to cure. It Is prepared expressly to cure the Piles, and nothing else- Sold by all Druggists. Trice, tl, 00. 13r4 XTS STATE OF JOHN PRICE. DECD. Letters l'j 'testamentary on the Estate of John Price, laieof Wheatlleld township, Perry county, Pa., .1 o.ul 1... I. ........! ... .1.- I...ul.....,,l uir.iru, im.n m-cil illllicu l" mc Mliul iftlM , residing iu said township. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, while those having claims will present iiieiu uuiy auiuemicaieu lor gciucmcni to MARIA PRICE, Fobruary 20, 1872 6t Executrix. Xtw Advertisement. QQ7r? A MONTH to sell our Universal Ce Of) t tj ment, Combination Tunnel. Hut ton Hole Colter, and oilier articles. Haco Novki.ty Co., Sucu, Me. 12d4w MfYIIl7V MADE RAPIDLY with Stencil and illUiliJl Key Check (limits. Catalogues, sam ples and full particulars FREE. S. M. shknckh, llratlleboro, Vt., 12d4t 10 WOltTII VHKE TO HOOK AUKNtT. Scud your address, stating exierlenre. succss, and book now selling, and receive FREE our new Agents' Pocket Companion, Worth 110.(10 to any Hook Ageut. I1UBHARI) BROS., Publishers, 723 Sansom St., Philadelphia. 12d4w AUKNTHI A(JENTI AOK.NTS ! We will pay HO r week IN CASH, and exHns es, to good agents who will engage with us at unco. Everything furnished. Address 12d4w F. A. ELLS ti CO., Charlotte, Mich. Three Years In a Man Trap. A cnmpanlnn to "Ten Nights In aBarltoom," by T. a Arthur, (the most popular of American iirtiiors.) Is now ready. It Is a startling eximse of Ihpior making and selling, a thrilling recital of a three years' lite In a city drain shop, shows up tho vile deception practiced in bar-rooms, and is the must powerful work of the kind ever written. Will be eagerly read by thousands, and Is certain to have an Immense sale. Apply for an agency and do good as you make money u J. M. SI ODD ART & CO., Publishers, l'-!d4w Philadelphia. (II'T Tlllf ONI.V MTANIIAUIt llliriw ,ll .h kind published. AfUHj saved yearly by all who can be made by Agents In canvassing for VOU- MAN'S DICTIONARY containing au.uuo Receipts ill every Department oi Human i.rtuit, thai) Iu any other possible wav. From sift to IMUa week Insured. It is for every Houekeeier, Farmer, Trade and Profession. For tiie Sick and Weli, A RELIABLE Ixxik of PER MANENT value to every wideawake progressive person, ii m-iis useir. extra luruis. AUiiress, r. M. lll.KU, 13 Eighth Street, New York. 12il4w Tmm Iii Alt I - Wells' Carbolic Tablets FOR COUGHS, COLDS AND HOARSENESS. These Tab'ets present thn Acid In Combination Willi other enielent remedies, in a popular form, for the Cure of all THROAT and I, ft NO Diseases". HOARSENESS and ULCERATION of the THROAT are Immediately relieved and statements are constantly being sunt to the proyrletor, of ro ller in cases of Throat dilllcultles of year aland liiR. f!antirYn Ion't be decolved by worthless Iml liftUllUll tatlons. (jet only Wells' Carbolic Tablets. Price 2ft cents per box. JOHN U. K EL LOOO, IS Piatt St., N. Y. Solo Agent for the U.S. Send for Circular. l'AUw ohTwould! were A CH ILDAGAIN ! Sighs the weary ami exhausted one. as (he languor aud lassitude of spring comes upon liini. ('nine and reecho vigor and strength, from tlio wonder ful South American TOMU T XJ Tt U TS 1.3 12 .A. . Long and successfully used In lis native country, as a Powerful Tonic, and Potent Piirlller of tlio lilood. it is found even Mexeced the anticipations founded on Its great, reputation. According to the medical and seienllllc ts'iiodlcals of Ixmdnn and Paris, It possesses the Most Powerful Tonic plop-. Ciue-t ihii II lu guaiciiU; iHCUira Dr. Wells Extract or Jiirubebti Is a perfect remedy for all diseases of tho BLOOD. Organic Weakness, Clamiulous Tumors, Dropsy, iscrniiua. internal aosccsscs, ana win remove an obstructions of the Liver, Spleen, Intestines, Uter ine and Urinary Organs. II is strengthening and nourishing. Like nutri clous fin id taken Into the stomach, it assimilates mid dilluses Itself through the circulation, giving vigor aim health. Tt reinilates the bowelsi (inlets the nerves, nets d'reellv on the secretive organs, and, by Its now erful Tonic and reslorln ellecls, produces healthy anil vigorous action to mo wnoie system. JOHN Q. KELLOtlfl, 1 Platte St., New York. Sole Agent tor the united States. Price. One Dollar per Hot tic. Send for Circu lar. 12d4w A ROOK FOR FARMERS. " The Art or Tamliiff Horses." Explaining how to break, saddle and mount a colt, now tobreak a horse to harness, to make a horse lie down, follow you, aud stand without hold ing, also, valuable recipes for diseases. Agents wanted, best terms. W. R. CHARTER. 10 d , ,,ii13KansomSt., Philadelphia. HOOK A4JENTS WANTED. 1 desire to secure the services of a few more ex perienced agents. School Teachers and energetic men. to solicit for anew, popular and beautifully Illustrated work, which Is proven to be one of the best selling books In the market. For dcserrptlvo circular with sample pages, terms. &c, address. 11. C. JOHN.soN, Publisher, lOd 608 Arch St., Philadelphia. "ACENT8.WANTEP fOR mm r UrlA'Rlfeiry.'tiEr.Ma. T. B. Hit ilfTTul'.y niitHUhe.l ani ration. llini routi37TTi? Blurt' Tt'iHiUr .ml 'r.i'l.IlT ."Ulng reunion worfc ,er ImiedM ,,.r I'irci.,.. UU. U.K M'BMMiilcl'ciTrrrY.t C!i.cI.id.H. Htilr.Ko or Ht. I.col.. 10(1 (ilVEN AWAY TO ANY BOOK AGENT, A.tf3.00 GUEENHACH And a Specimen of the GREAT INDUS TRIES OF THE UNITED STATES. 1300 Pages & 500 Engravings. Printed In English and German. Written by 20 Eminent Authors, Including Horace (irceley and John B. (juiigh. AGENTS WANTED lu evory town to solicit or ders lorthls work, on liberal terms. It sells to all classes, and no library should be without It. It Is a complete history of all branches of industry, processes of manufactures, etc. No like work ever before published. One aged sold 138 In eight days, another 1 45 In one week, another 2iB in two weeks. An early application will secure a choice in territory. Full particulars and tonus will bu sent free, with a specimen of this Great Work, and a 85 Greenback. J. B. BURR it HYDE, lOd Hartford, Conn. WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. These Tablets present the Acid in Combination with other eltleient remedies. In a popular form, for the cure of all throat and lung diseases. Hoarseness and ulceration of the throat are im mediately relieved, and statements are constantly being sent to the proprietor of relief lu eases of throat dilllcultles of years standing. CAUTION. Don't be deceived by worthless Im itations. Get Olllv Well's fnrholin Tabletfi. Price 25 cents per box. JOHN Q. KELLOU, Plait St. N. Y., Sole agents for U. a lOd J XJ It U E B A WHAT IS ITT It Is a Sure and Pei-rect Remedy for all Diseases of THE LIVER AND SPLEEN, ENLARGE MENT OR OBSTRUCTION OF INTES TINES, URINARY, UTERINE, OR AftDOMINAL OROANS, POVER TY OK WANT OF BLOOD, INTERMITTENT FEVERS. , 1NFLAM ATION OF THE LIVER, DROPSY, SLUGGISH . CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD, ABSCESSES, TUMORS. JAUNDICE, ' SCROFULA, DYSPEPSIA. AGUE AND EVER, Oil THEIR CONCOMITANTS, ETC. Dr. Wells having becomo aware of the extraor dinary medicinal properties of the South Amerl can Plant, called JURUBEBA, sent as a special commission to that country to procure it in Its native purity, and having found Its wonderful curative properties to even exceed tlio anticipations formed by Its great reputation, has concluded to offer It to the public, and Is happy to stale that he has a perfect arrangement for a regular monthly supply of this wonderful plant. He has spent much time expei-linentlug and investigating as to the most efficient prepara tion from it, for popular use, and has for some time used In his own practice with the most happv results, the etlectual medicine now presented tii public as DR. WELL'S EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA and he eonlldcutly recommends It to every family as a household remedy which should be freely ta ken as a blood purllier In all derangements of the system and to animate and fortify all weak and lymphatic temperaments., JOHN Q. KELI.OO, Piatt St.. V. Y. Sole agent for the United Slates. Price One Dollar per Bottle. Scud for circular. 10d4l $j00 liCWAHD if ntferoU by thu proprietor uf Dr. Mvro' t.lrrlt leincl)r for a cam of '"titUi in HtuU" L'aiarth or Ofrna, which ho caiiuulcuru. Biila by DrutffjiBi atbOct A m7MfTQ! Ww huvo nearly ready a new, low AUXin iO pi tted urai'ttaul bm.k that Ih mire to lu, .a.i.rlu a., I, I f. f.u 1 1 ..lnuau. .In .it I Im Wlirlf for Ike limes. It will lie tho clieasist and most saleable book ever published and ou a vitally In teresting and Important subject. Live ugrnts should lose no time, but write at once for nai llcu. lara and secure the U-st territory, for when we announce the title and name the author, one of the most Mipular and successful In America to day, there will lie a rush for agencies. Deiiend on It you will miss a great chance If you delay. We will send FREE to agents Illustrated circu lar and Terms that defy Competition. Address GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, UK14W , 733 Samtoiu SU, Philadelphia. IlifeJ-Asik Brilliant Pen Pictures of the , " Sights and Sensations of New York. TAMMANY FRAUDS. Biographies or vaniinrniit, urew, (jnuiii smi oilier R, R. magnate. All about Josle Maiishvld, the siren alio Edward H. Stokes, the assassin, octavo of over out! unites, pitifomily Illustrated. Agent Wauled, bund tl.llu foivoutllt, anil secure tcrrl torvatiince. Circulars five. UNION PUBLISH ING CO., Philadelphia, Chicago, or Cincinnati, lud M 104