STljc tmc0, New Blaomftclir, 3d DR. CROOK'S WINE OP TAR Has bees tested by the publlg 1 FOR TEN YEARS. Dr. Crook's Wine of Tnr Renovates and Invigorates the entire system. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Is Hie very remedy for the Weak and Debilitated. bit ChOOK'S WINE Of TAR Rapidly restores cxhnustcd Strength ! DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Restores tho Appetito and Strengthens the Stomach. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Causes the food to digest, removing lyNieiia unl Iiidlge.Htloii DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Gives tone nnd energy to Debilitated Constitutions. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR. All recovering from any Illness will Hud this the best Tonio they can take. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Is nn effective Kcgulutor of the Liver. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Cures Jaundice, or any Liver Complaint. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Mukes Dellcuto Females, who are never feeling Well, btroug uud Ueullhy. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Has restored tunny Persons who liuve been unable to work for years. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Sliimkl bo taken if your Stomach is out of Order. Ir. ( rook's Wine ot Tar Will prevent Malarious Fevers, uud braces up the System. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR l'os.toeH Vegetable Ingredients which make it tlie dot Tonic in tho market. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Hum proved itself in thousands of cases capable of curing all diseases of the Til rout uimI liiiiigN. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Cures all Chronic Coughs, and Coughs and Colds, more efl'ectutilly thun any other remedy. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR lias Cured eases of Consumption pronounced Incurable by physicians. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Has cured so many cases of Asthma and Bronchitis that It has been pronounced a specltlc for these complaints. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Removes Put a in Breast, 81de or Back. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR. Should be taken for diseases of tbe Urinary Organs. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Cures Oravcl and Kidney Diseases. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Should be taken for all Throat and Lung Ailments. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Should be kept in every house, and its life giving Tonio pioperties tried by all. Dr. CROOK'S Compound Syrup of Poke Root, Care any disease or Eruption on the Skin. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT, Cures Rheumatism and Pains in Limbs, Bones, &c. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Builds up Constitutions broken down from Mineral or Mercurial Poisons. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT, Cures all Mercnriul Diseases, DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT Should be taken by all requiring a remedy to make pure blood. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT, fores Scald Head, Salt Rhenm and Tetter. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND BYRUP OF POKE ROOT, j Cures loos; standing Diseases of lbs Liver. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND " BYRUP OF POKB ROOT, , Remove Syphilis r ths diseases It entails mssteffectnally d speedily thas any aad all ether rmedleswblaet. I my Xew Millinery Goods A.t Newport, In. I nvAi tn Inform the public that I hnve Jnst re. turned from Philadelphia, with a full assort ment of the hitost styles of MILLINERY 0001)9. . HATS AND BONNETS, RIBBONS, FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHEHH, CHIGNONS, LACK CAPES, NOTIONS, And all articles usually found In n flrxt-clas Mil linery Establishment, All orders promptly at tended to. We will sell all goods as Cheap as can be got elsewhere. DRESS-MA KINO done to order and In the la test style, us I get the lutest Fashions from New York every mouth, (tottering done to order, In all widths. I will warrant all my work touive sat isfaction. All work done as low as possible. ANNIR ICKES, Cherry Street, near the Station, Newport, Pa. ft 16 13 CARSON'S STELLAR OIL This Is not the lowest priced, but being miieh the best is In the end by far the cheapest. IX not fall to give It a trial, and you will use no other. THE alarming increase In the number of fright ful iiceidents, resulting ill terrible (Lai lis and the destruction of valuable property, caused by the indiscriminate use of oils, known under I he name of tmtroleum. prompts us to call your so cial attention to an article which will, wherever t'SHI). remove the CAUSE of such accidents. We allude to Carson's Stellar Oil von ILLUMINATING PURPOSES. The proprietor of this OH has for several years felt the necessity of providing or, and presenting to the public, as a substitute tor the daimerous compounds which are sent broadcast over Hie country, an oil that is SAFE anil IIKll.l.l ANT. and entirely reliable, After a long series nf labo rious and costly experiments, lie has sueeeeileil In providing, and now otters to the public, siieh a sulisticule In "CARSON'S STELLAR OIL." It should be used by every family, 1ST, Because It Is safe beyond a question. The primary purpose in the preparation of STELLAR OIL has. been to make it PERFECTLY SAFE, thus insuring the lives and property of those who uso it. 21), Because it Is the most BRILLIANT liquid II iiminutor now known. 31), Because It Is more economical, In the long run, than any of the dangerous oils and fluids now In too common use. TH. Because It Is Intensely BRILLIANT, and therefore economical, giving the greatest possi ble light at the least expenditure to the consum er. Its present standard of SAFETY AND BRILLIANCY will always be maintained. for upon this tho proprietor depends for sustaining the high reputation the STELLAR OIL now enjoys. To prevent the adulteration of this with the ex- Jiloslve compounds now known under the name of lerosene. Kc, &c. it Is put up for family use in Five Gallon cans, each can being sealed, and stamiied with the trade-mark of the proprietor; it cannot lie taniered with between the manufac turer and consumer. None is genuine without the TRADK-M AltK. STELLAR OIL Is sold only by weight, each can containing live uallons of six and a half pounds each, thus securing to every purchaser full meas ure. It Is tile duty and interest of all dealers and consumers of liliitniiiatingoil to use the STELLAR Oil, mill, because it alone is known to be safe and reliable. V All orders should be addressed to jakii:x A CO., WHOLESALE A&ENTS, :tC South Front Street, 1 Sly Philadelphia. Valuable Ileal Estate At Fi-lrate Sale. A HOUSKANI) LOT Situated In the village of Roseburg, one anil a-balf miles from lekesburg. Perry county, I'a. The bouse Is Two Stories high, also a Cellar and Cellar Kitchen, with a Well of water at the door. The lot comprises HIXTKKN ACIIIW of land In a good state ot cultivation, on which Is erected A COOD LOO BARN, twenty feet In width, bv llfty feet In length. UThis proerty will be sold low, as the owner has removed from the neighborhood. " For terms apply to DAVID M. HARRISON. on lekesburg, RtXiER HARRISON. S 30 tf Duiieannoii Woolen Factory. VALUABLE Farm at Private Sale. THE undersigned oilers at private sale, a farm In Rye towusliip.I'vi'iy county, l'a., containing Ci V ACUKH. The land Is the liest In the ulghborliood, with run ning w ater In every Held, is under good fence, and has thereon erected a uew , Frame Dwelling House. There Is also a thrifty Young ORCHARD on the place. Tills land lies along two public roads the Fishing Creek road and the Lamb's Cap road ; the last named divides the laud in two parts M'A on the one side and on the other: on the 2o4 acre piece Is a New Frame Dwelling House, auduu the oilier a FRAME 22 x 28, erected forahous with a never failing Spring of water. Tills land w 0 be sold as a whole, or In two Tracts, to suit purchasers. V Persons desiring to purchase a farm will do well to examine this one before Investing else where. s u lies within four miles of Marysvllle, and the Pennsylvania Railroad one of the best markets In the county. r Further information can be had by ad dressing Dr. JOHN tlSAW. Jenner X Howls. ' 13 Somerset county, Pa. Daily Express and Freight Line BET W KEN BLOOMFIELD & NEWPORT! mHF subscriber wishes to notify the eltlzensof J. lllooinllnld and Newport that he la running a Daily Line between these two nlsces.and will haul Freight of any kind, or promptly deliver packages er montages entrusted to bis care. . ; s). Orders may be left for hi in at the stores of P. Mortimer ti Co., New Bloontnuld, or MiUigaa Mueser, Newport, P.. j. a. WHITMUKE, ' Bloomfleld, January . 1870. Philadelphia Advertisements. DAVID D. ELDER ft CO., Successors to MILLER & ELDER, Booksellers and Stationers, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, And Dealers In WINDOW CURTAINS AND WALL PAPER, No. 430 Market Street, 31 PHILADELPHIA, PA. John Lucas & Co., Sole ana TUE ONLY MANUFACTURERS or TUB IMPERIAL FRENCH, PURE SWISS GREEN, Also, Pure While liOiul ami Color MANUFACTURERS, Nos, HI and 143 North Fourth St.. Philadelphia. There Were Sold in the Year 1870, H.H41 or Blatchley's Cucumber TRADE fJjj) MARK. "WOOD PUMPS, Measuring 213..W feet In length, or sulllclent In the agregate for A WELL OVER 40 MILES DEEP, StmpU in Corutrwtion Eat; in Operation diving no Tatti to tht Waltr Uu- rablt and Cheap. These pumps are their own best recommendation. For kale by Dealers in Hardware and Agricultu ral Implements. Humours, Pump Makers, &c., throughout the country. Circulars, &c furnish ed iinon amillcntion bv mall or otherwise. Single pumps forwarded to parties in towns wnere i nave no agcnis upon uie receipt 01 me retail price. In buying, be careful that your pump bears my trade mark as above, as I guarantee no other. 3. Office and Ware-room, No. 6nrt Commerce Street, 6 13tfl PIULAllKLPIUA. PA. W These Pumps can be ordered of the Manu facturer, or K. Mortimer & Co., New Rlnomtleld. SOWElt, POTTS Si CO., HooltMcllcr.s A Stationer!, And Dealers la CURTAIN AND WALL-PAPERS, Nos. 630 Market and 523 Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. am. Publishers of Sanders' New Readers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's History of me uuiteo otaies, reiwii suuiuue fliaps, &c. II LAX It IIOOKN Always on hand, and made to Order. Sit Writing- Xlnia ! THIS FLUID Is warranted EQUAL to Arnold's. and Is sold at much less price. Tile money will be refunded to those buying it. If it does uut prove entirely satisfactory. A-For sale, by F. Mortimer, New Bloomlleld. MILLER Hi KLDER, Sole A cents, 430 Market Street, 23031 Philadelphia. A. L. Kaub J. E. FUETMIHB, KAUIt A 1 IlYHIItr., Impoktkhb and Jobbers or O It i 11 II , O 1 11 H H AND QUEENSWAHE, 301 and 803, Cherry St., between Arcb A Race, PHILADELPHIA. ITT C'OBstantly on band, Original Assorted Packages. 3. . ly 10 W. A. ATWOOD. Isaac W. Ravcs ATWOOD, RANCK & CO., CoiuuiInmIou Merchant!, AND . Wholesale Dealers la aU kinds of Pickled aad Halt Na. 110 Kartk Wharves, above Sac Street, '' rillLADXUHIA, PA. Philadelphia Advertisements. WM. H. KENNEDY, WITH O. W. Hickman. Geo. Wain. A. I- Whllcman. Hickman, Wnln & Whiteninn, DEALIHS IH ' Tobacco, Scgars, &c.f No. 222 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A full Stock of the Celebrated MONiTOa Na vr, always on hand. 4 32 tf lo BARCROFT & CO., IthporltiB and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Linens, White Goods, llonierjr, &c, Nos. 405 and 407 MARKET 8TREET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) Philadelphia. WRIGHT & S1DDALL, Wholesale Druggi sts, . AND DEALERS IN Patent Medicines, 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FRONT Philadelphia, Pa. A FULL 8TOOK of everthlng connected with the business, of the best quality, aud at very low prices. A good location for business, with a ow rent nnd light expenses, enables us to oiler In ducements to buyers, and makes It worth their while to give us a trial. Philadelphia, 3. Stf. KAY III I.I, V .. Wholesale Dealers in Carpets, Oil Cloths, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Batting, Wadding, Twines, &c, And a tine assortment ot Wood ami Willow Ware. No. 420 Market street, above 4th, Philadelphia, Pit. January 1, 18S9. John ShaRner, Jr. E. 8. Zlegler. Theo. Hume. SHAFFNEIt, ZIKULEIt & CO., SiicceKHirn to SHAFFNEIt, ZIEOLER & CO., Importers and Dealers In lloftiery, CaloveM, HllthoiiM, MusieiilerN, THREADS, CO MB S, and every variety f s TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Agent for Lancaster Combs. w. f. koiii,i:h, JOBBER IN Hats, Caps, Furs, Ntra av - o 1 h 1531NORTI1 THIRD STREET, 8lyl0 PHILADELPHIA. S. it. TAYI.On, wrrn WAINWIilGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Comer of 2nd and Arch Street?, Philadelphia Pa II OAB.MoCONKEY & CO., (successors to WM. W. PAUL & CO., WHOLISALB BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 633 Market St. and 614 Commerce Street, Philadelphia, Penn'a. WHOLESALE v GROCERS January 1, 1860. LL0ID, HUrPLEE, k WALTON, WHOLES A LB HARDWARE HOUSE. Ma. m Market Street. t rhlladclpbia.' niiMonous items. Old Mrs. Joiic tukoa a trip to the sea shore and is badly troublod with nioa quitoH. tW The dilTorenco between a cook and lit-r lover !h, one cooks tho meat and the other meets the cook. tW Why is it easier to be a clergyman than a physician? Because it in easier to preach than to practice. tW A coroner's jury in Minnesota re cently declared a man to have been 'severe ly frozen to death.' tW A. doctor was asked to dance the "Lancers." lie declined; but expressed a willingness to lance tho dancers. SW A hen-pecked husband, who had married his wife because sho was hand some, declared that " a thing of beauty was a jaw forever." tMr. Speckles says the best vegetable pill yet invented is an applo dumpling; for destroying any gnawing in the stomach, it is a pill which may always bo relied on. 3?" A drover, who always sells hiscattlo by live weight, always gives them as niiiuh water as they will drink, before driving them on the ecalcs. "That," ho sajs, "is what I understand by "watering stock." C3f Judgn Jeffries, pointing with his cane tit a prisoner Uctore linn, observed, " There is a great rogue at the end of this Ktick." Tho man replied, "At which end, myloid?" CSS1" An old farmer in New Ilumphicr recently killed a pig, and being asked how much it weighed, replied Unit it ilid not weigh as much as lie expected, and lie did not expect it would. A preacher out in Iowa, whose con gegation took up a contribution for him in small clrmge, remarked us he pocketed the gift, "We'll let her pass this time; but ro meuiember this "widow's mile' business, is played out hero !" tS" "Mamma," said a five-year-old-Nellie, "they sung " I want to bo an ungul" in Sunday school to day, and I sung with tin-in." " Why, Nellie !" exclaimed mam ma, "could you keep time witli tho rest?" "O, yes, indeed; I kept ahead of them most all the time." 12?" A cockney conducted two ladies to the observatory, to see the eelipso of the moon. They were too late ; the eclipse was over,and the Iodic wero disappointed. 'Oil exclaimed our hero, "don't fret. I know the astronomer, very well; he is a very polite man, and I am sure he will begin again." ti5 At a wedding dinner near Mt. Car me), Whiteside county, III., recently, some malicious cuss put ciolon oil into the custaid. The bride and groom and twenty or thirty relatives and IViends partook of it fiecly, and the consequence was, people were unusually active thoreubouts all night. t3T" Ah 1 girls ain't what they uod to be when I was young; and the fellows are worse still. When I went courting for in stance, I never thought of slaying till nAcr ten o'clock, and only t wice a week. Now they go seven nights in the week, and cry because their ain't eight. Then they write touching notes to each other tliiough the day: " Dear George: Do you lovo me as miii h us you did H quarter of twelve last night ? Say you do, dearest, and it will give mo courage to go down and tackle them cold licaus left over fromyestterday." tW " Well, Mr. Smith I want to ax you a question." " Propel it, den." " Why am a grog shop like a counterfeit dollar." " Well, Ginger, I gibs dat up." "Does you gib It up ? Kaso you can't pass it." " Yah I ynh, nigger, you talk so much about yonr couutei feit dollars, just succeed to ilefonu mo why a counterfeit dollar is like an a pie pie?" "O, I diaps the subject, aud don't know nothin' "bout it." " Kase it isn't current." IIT A gentleman of Newcastle, Me. defiling the sen ice, of a laboiing man, starud one moining iec nlly to go to a rural district In the interior. On his way he met a highly respectable lady, not as) young as she once was, and 'making in quiry of her finally asked the question direct: " Can yon tell me where I ean find a man?" - ' ' - ' "No," I cannot," "she repllod, for I have been looking these last twenty years for one for myself." . The gentleman apprised tier that auoh frankness elevated her In bis estimation, and that he would aid her lu the aeaich to the best of bis ability.