8 A STRANGE REALIZATION. A Tonus1 Lady's Dream. Tho Jamestown, N. Y., Journal sayH : Mr. Frank Cftnficld, who was killed on Fri day last, was betrothed to a young lady of tliiit town and was to havo boon married in about two months. On Friday, when tho train passed hero on ltn way West, the young lady saw him and had some convor Hation with him, and that evening was in unusually light spirits. Tho next morning sit tho breakfast tablo her appearance was no much the revcrso of tho evening pre vious that it attracted tho attention of her mother, who asked her the cause of her apparent trouble. Tho young lady there upon related to her mother that sho had dreamed that her lover had fallen under tho cars and had been bo seriously injured that be died in about two hours. She told tho circumstances sho had seen in her dream how bo bad fallen and tho car-wheels had terribly crushed and mangled bis left leg and his left arm, and that ho had lived two hours. Hor story was generally dis credited by her mother, who endeavored to porsuado her that there was nothing In a dream, but to no purpose sho could not drivo it from hor mind. About noon a sister of tho young man who bad mot so terrible death, camo to the hoimo of tho young lady and said she bad bad nows for her. Sho then related tho circumstances of her brother's death, corresnondinir in detail with tho dream as told by tho young lady some hours before, Never before has such a remarkable caso of premonition como under our personal knowledge, and all tho circumstances can bo vouched for. A Great rigeou Roost. A correspondent of tho Richmond Whig, writing from Buckingham, C. II., describes a great "pigeon roost" in that vicinity:- The pigeon roost on tho "Furnace Lauds," in this county, is tho resort of tho 'sports,' who find nightly each tree and bush cover cd with birds. The area of tho roost is four square miles, and to one who never saw night of this kind it is truly amazing. From morn until night tho air is darkened with countless thousands of tho birds Hy ing from all directions (south of tho river) toward tho roost. 'Tisa significant fact that they never cross tho Jaincs. Tho old hunters say that they are afraid of losing their wounded by drowning, as tho wounded ones often fall from the flock during tho day. Thcro is trrandcur indescribablo in tho mournful sound of rushing wings as the trackloss ar mies, marshaled in tho "viowlcss wind," como sweeping to their bivouac. But, alas for the poor creatures, their rest is not left undisturbed, for tho unfoathorcd bipeds, envious of their wings, gather nightly about the forest camp and never cease their murderous work till each one has scoured a pigeon pie for bis next day dinner. But tho evening sight is not to bo com pared to that of tho morning, when the pigeons aro leaving tho roost. losing up ward from tho bushes like columns of blue smoko, tho rays of tho morning sun paint them with rainbow tints, and a canopy overshadows tho woods liko tho sulphurous clouds above a battle field. Wheeling in great divisions in the air, thoy divide crioli army to its loader, and tho hoavens grow lighter as they disappear to refill their craws with acorns. Tho roaring of their wings can bo heard for miles. Wedding Tours. "One of our exchanges, in tho articlo on " the honeymoon," trios to poiKuadc younu; nmrricd people that is better for them to slay quietly at home at such an intureHting crio(l of their existance, and not go wand ering oft' on exhibition. Most pooplo will agree with tho writer; but ton to one if lie is a single man and over gets married lie will do jiiHt as the others do. Why a wedding tour tdiould bo conaidored the oor iKCt thing in one of those conumdrums which, Ha Dundreary says, " no fellow can iindout." If our brides could bo perttuad eid to forego the blessed privilege of leading thoir prizes around with a ribbon, wo would recommend, for a chango, the singular custom that prevaila at Nasuua, New Prov idence. Near that place is a solitary houso pleasantly situated, wbore all the newly married couples go to pans tho honeymoon. They take a servant or two and steal away from the town to this place, from which, after, "a becoming period" is passed, they come forth again." - . i EST A guest at a hotel in Belfast, Maine, on being told that dinner was ready, strip ped off his coat, and accompanied by his wife, entered the dining-room in his shirt oloeves. A waiter brought him a bill of fare which ho regarded curiously, and then )id it down. Pretty soon another bill of fare was placed in his plate. Then lie arose in'bis wrath, and exclaiming, "I didn't come here to read show bills. I 'mum after some dinner." t.y A Cincinnati woman lately balled " W husband out of the station house, where too much indulgence in the flowing ' bowl had sent him, with the proceeds oC hor hair, which waa unusually long and ' beautiful. lie on his part grieved so much at his faithful wlfe'a arrenderinrt her chief beauty for hi mUf, procured a di vorce, and is expected to marry another woman at an earl day. Boots I Boots! K Kill Assortment of THE CELEBRATED YOKK BOOTS, Hand or Machine Sided, Wholo Slock Double Bote and Warranted to Give Entire Satisfaction, Manufactured and For Hale to tlio Trade by M. D. S?AH!, YORK, PA. A full Assortment of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Constantly on Hand. -f!iiecial Attention Paid t Onfem.-W 6 23 at. rilHK Tenth Volume of Wood's Household JL Magazine begins with January 1872. Its regular contributors Include Horace Greeley, Guil Hamilton. Thos. K. Beceher. Dr. Dlo Lewis, Dr. W. W. Hull, James Parton, etc. Harriet Bcechcr Btowe, Brick Pomcroy, John G. 8axo, MaJ. Gon. Kilpatrick, Pctrolium V. Naiby, cct., write for it occasionally. Terms. Ono Dollar ft year. In clubbing, three llrst cluss periodicals are Riven for the price of on of them. The most liberal Premium List ever published. No periodical is moie frequently or favorably mentioned by the press. " Wood's Household Magazine is one of the monuments or business enterprise which mark the aire. Mtthoditt Horn Journal, Philadelphia, Pa. "It has been Improving ever since we knew It a good criterion for tho future." Courier, New Market, Canada. "It is a marvel of cheapness and first-class quality combined." A 1 ork limtt. Specimen copy sent free to any aauress. a. . WUOI) & (JO., 3 Ntwburgh, N. Y. Professional Curds. "11TM. A. SPONSLKit. Attoinev-at-lJiw. If Ofllce Rdiolniuif his re-dilem',. .in tfimt Main street, New llloonilleld. Perry co Pa. 3 2 ly SH. UALBRAITH, Attorneviit-Ijiw, New Bloomtleld. Perry CO.. Pa. Pmi.lnna llmmtlfw Ui..lr I't... .i.i.l .11 Claims against the (ioverninent, promptly collect- cu. isiuev wiui w III. A. Dpousici , l',sq. a z ly. TOILS O. 8HATTO, Surgeon DentlstT New lllonmllctil. lVrrvcn.. l'ji. tistry All kinds of Mechanical and Hu'rKlcal Den urices.doneln the best manner, and at reasonable a.umcB over niominer s store. 3 2 lv piHAS. A. BARNETT. Attorncyat-Law, new mnomneui, A-Office adjoining Mortimer' Perry co., Pa. Store. 3 2 ly T P. McINTIRE Attorney at Law, and Ills A Jm trlct Attorney of Perry county. Olllce with J. T. . Mcintlre, New llloonilleld, Peim' a. L1SWI8 POTTER, Attornkt-at-Law Si Notaiit Punuc, New HloomMld. J'errti Lbuntv. iv.nn'a. - Wiccial allentlon given to Collections of all kinds, to the settlement of estate, &., and all other legal business prosecuted with fidelity and aispaicn. aiko, impositions, Anwavlts ana Ac knowledgments taken. "Oillee Uve doors West of Butch'shote!. 321y, X BAILY, Attorney at Law, New Rlnomtlclil. VerrvCn.. Pa- r-uince m me court House, Willi .1. R. Shut Esq. Refers to B. Mcintlre, Esq. June 27, 1871, TTM. M. HUTCH, Attorncy-at-Law, and Mill- V tary Claim Agent, -Office Two doots Store 3 7 ly West of P. Mortimer CLEU MURRAY, Attoriiey-at--Law, Centre Square, New Uloolnllelil. Perrv no.. Pit. i All business entrusted to his care will re ceive prompt allentlon. 3 2 II rlHAH. J. T, MoINTIRE, Attoriiev-at-Law, " All professional business promptly anil full h limy atteiuleu to. 3 2 lv. M. N. SEIBEKT. Attorney at -Law, - New llloonilleld. l'errv en.. Pa. llloonilleld, 3 33 ly. LEBANON' Mutunl Firo Insurance Company OF 1 JOllCHtOWIJ, TViin'ii. T(LK'IEH PKltPKTUAL at Low Bates. No X Kti-uiri risks taken. Tills In one of the best conducted and most reliable Companies In the male. country pronriy insured I'erpeiuaily hi w w wr inousauu, aim i own proei'ty ut to I per inousiinu. LEWIS POTTER, NEW BLOOMKIELD, PA.. 4 lit Agent for Perry County. i'i;uia couatv Ileal Estate, Insurance, AM) AGENCY CLAIM LEWIS POTTER & CO., Jteal Etat Broken, Jnmrance, t Claim Agent New lllooinllcld, Xu ITrE INVITE the attention of buvere and Hell TV era to the advantages we offer them in pur chasing or disposing of real estate through our of- uve. We have a very lame lint of dnilrab nronertv. conslntiiiK of farms, town uroiiertr, mills, store ana tavern siaiiu.it, ana real exiaie oi any oescnp Hod which we are prepared to oiler at great bar rains. We advertise our property very extensive ly, and use all our efforts, skill, and dllllgence t effect a sale. w make no chances unless the proierty Is sola wnue reipsiereu with us. we also draw up deeds, bonds, mortgages, auduli legal pa pers at moderate rates. Home of the best, cheapest, and most reliable Are. life, and cattle Insurance couinaules In the United States are represented at --Chi agcix PrmiArtv iiiiuirtwl either ou the cash -or mi plan, and perpetually at M and tS per thousand. Peusioos, bounties, and all kinds ol war claims coiieoteu. mere are iitousiiiius ut somitirs aiiu heirs of soldiers who are entitled to pensions and bounty, who have never made appllcal dler. If you were wounded riiniiii-M.1 nriMiiitriu.t.. ed a disease In the service from whloh you are dis- anlMl. vim Mr ul. LlM to a uensloll. Wbeu widows of soldier die or marry, the minor ohildreu are entitled to the penslou. Psrtlan hairinv nv hn.lnin.ita transact In our line, are respectfully Invited to give us a call, M we r ooniiuciiii we can ruouor siisviou iu ' orancn oi our nusiness, &w No uliAritn fur itifnrmstlon 4201y , ., LKWU PUTTKH CO. A 1.1. KINDH F JOB l'UINTINO J Neatly exeouted at the Bloemlleld Til Steaai J Ottlce. EST AK HALL Clothes at lowest Prices. Bring the Soys. Always full of Boys and Hen's fine Clothing. OAK HALL, OAK HALL, OAK HALL, OAK OAK HALL, OAK HALL, OAK HALL, ORE Clothes & better Clothes than ever known in any one establishment LEGANT Assortment for Men of every size, every shape, and every stature. WANAMAKER 6c BROWN, Sixth and Market Sts., Philadelphia. CAHLISLE CARRIAGE FACTORY. A. B. S1IE11K has a laine lot of second-hand work on hand, which ho will sell cheap In order 10 iiuiKu rouiu 101 now woi k, FOR THE SPRING TRADE, lie has. also, the best lot of NEW WORK ON HAND. You can always see different styles. The material is not in iiueslion any more, for it Is the best used. If you want satisfaction in style, quality and re, ko to this slum before liurchaslmr elsewhere. J'hereTs no linn that has a tetter Trade, or sells more In Cumberland and Perry counties. REPAIRING AND PAINTING promptly attended to, and Pitt Streets, Factory Comer of South 3 dp CARLISLE, 1A. English Hoofing Eelt Is found to stand well in all climates, being ex tensively used for Hooting lionises, Out-Bulld-Inns and Sheds; for Laying Flat Hoofs, Gutters, Lining uranaries, otoreuouses, or Walls, (cither outside or Inside), and for placing un der Slates or Tiles. It is also a cheap and effective Celling on tho underneath side of raf tors of a Slated or Tiled Hoof, and as a Celling to Iron Roofs, counteracting lleut, Frokt, and Condensation of Moisture Tho English Felt Is put op In rolls of 25 yards In length, by 83 Inches In width, and containing a surface of 200 square fect. THREE-PLY FELT FOR ROOFING. In Rolls, 20 Inches wide, by 60 fect In length: each roll will cover a surface 10 feet square, or iuu square icoi. It is to be laid across the roof, shin trie fash ion, with a lap of two Inchos, and socured by nailing the edges with 3d nails and tin caps. When luid, the Felt is to be painted with Mastic Roof Coating, and Sanded. Tho Mas tic lloo I uoating is mixed, ready for use, and is appiica with a urusu. TARRED ROOFING FELT. Used extensively for Sheathing Houses, and for Tnr and Gravel Roofing, also for placing under Binic, i id ana Dinngie nnoung. It Is used in packing Woolens and Furs to protect tiiem trom moths. Put up in rolls weighing 45 pounds each. 15 pounds Felt will cover a surface of 100 square fect. TWO -PLY FELT, For Sheathing Houses, Roofing Temporary Buildings, making Watertight Floors, and for placing under mate anu eiuugies. in rolls, sjh inches wide by 60 feet In louirth, Each roll will cover a surfuceof 10 fect square or 100 squure fect. For Biicatiiing it can be nailed upon the stud ding, making a periectiy air tight sheathing, and Buro protection from dampness. Hals, mice, or vermin win not go near it. MICA CANVAS ROOFING, In rolls containing 250 square feet. Is to be laid across the roof, and lapped shlnirle fash ion with a lap of two Inches, and secured by nailing the edges with 20 oz. tacks. This Is the only Composition Roofing that does not require a finishing cout of paint or cement. UNTARRED SHEATHING FELT, For Carpet Lining, Deadening Floors, and for putting under Blate, Tin and elilnglo Hooting. Put up in rolls weighing 100 pounds. 10 pounds Felt will cover a surface 10 feet square, or 100 square foot. MANUFACTURED BY THE PENN ROOFING CO, 105 South 2nd Street, PHILADELPHIA, 6 33 26t l'A. r17o MhocmakorH. rpHK subscriber keen constantly on hand, a i n.m, AB3unmi.ii or FRENCH GALF SKINS, PINK LININGS, It O AN S, MOROCCOS, SHOE THREAD, PEGS, AWLS, and a general assortment of articles used by 8hee uiaaeis. , , , TO CONHU5IPTIVI. The advertiser, having been permanently cared f that dread disease, consumption, by a simple reineoy, is anxious to iiikm Known vo nis teiiow suflerers the Hinaus of cure. To all who desire It. he will send loopy pf the prescription used (free oi cnsrie.) wnn tne aireuiions ior preparing aim using the tauw, which the will nnd a sure cure for consumption, asthma, bronchitis, etc. Parties wishing tii aresurllnlon will please address (1 y Kev. kUWAKIf A. W1UWN, m South Third W WUllawskurg, N, T. OUNG MEN Should al ways deal at Sixth and Market. UITS Stylish & Splen did. Durable and Eco nomical. Come& see them OAK HALL, OAK HALL, OAK HALL, HALL, OAK HALL, OAK HALL, OAK HALL. OVELTIES la FINE CLOTHES all at Seasonable Prices. , Fresh Garden, Flower, Tree and Shrub, Evergreen, Frnit and Herb Seeds, I'REPAID BY MAIL. A complete and iudicioua nHHortmeut, 25 sorts of cither class, $1.00. The six class es, (150 packets) for $5.00. Also, an im mense) stock of ono year grafted Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Fruit Stocks, Young Fruit. Urnamcntal and .hverirrconHoecilinrs. Bulbs, Roses, Vines, House and Jiordor Plants, Ac, &c., the most complete assort ment in Amortca. Prepaid by mail. Priced Catalogues to any address, also trada lists, gratis. Seeds on Commission. Agents Wanted. II. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries and Heed Warehouse, Plymouth, ilass, Established 1842. 0 5 12 OSADALIS The ingredients that COMPOSE KOSADALIS are published on every package, there fore it is not a secret preparation, consequently PHYSICIANS TRESCRIBK IT It ii a certain euro for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms. Rheuma tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of tho Blood. ONE BOTTLE OP E03ADALIS will do inoro good than ton bottles of tho Syrups of Sarsuparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Romdalis in thcirpractice for tho past thrco yenrs and frrcly omlorse it as a reliable Alterative and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. PUG n. of Baltimore. DK.T. J. llOVKlX, " lilt. K. W.C'AHH. " Oil. V. 0. 11ANNKLLY, im. j. s. ai'AiiKs, ur Nichohm-iiii", Dil.KjVl.. MiTAHTHA, Columbia, S. C. Dn. A. 11. NonLKS, Kilgocomb, N. C. used a::d ekdof.sed ly I. B. rKUNCII li EONS, l ull River, V. W. SMITH, Jarkfton, Mich. A. V. WilKKLKJt, Lima, duo. II. HAM., l.ima.Ol la. CRAVKN & i:o.,rinrclnnsvllle, Vs. SAM'I,. O. MrFADDKN, .Viirfrocs- boro,Tenn. Our sp.icr will not allow of sny en icmitHi t- uiiuu t in ro'itiicn i tno virtues or Uoiailalis. Tothc llcdinil Profpnsion t e uaiuntiiu Fluid Kx tract supurior tn a:iythey hsvo ever usrd in tho triii nii-nt of diseuKed lllood; ami to t!io-,.!ti tt-,l wusnytry Uusailal is. ami jlu u'lll to ruHturt!-! to hiiallh. RnniiihillR Is sold hy all nntL'ts:i, price & 1.50 per bottle. AddrrM S3. CL2EiJT3 ti CI Mtlnut'acturivu ( htmuta, rULTIUCHK, Mil. I 30 52 AGKNTS WANTED. Mark Twain's New Book ! "ROUGHING IT," IS KKADY FOlt CAN VASSKRH. It Is a companion volume to "INNOCENTS ABROAD," of which 100,000 C01I1CH Have already been ordered, and Is still one of the best selling boeks out. lMm't wast time on books no one wants, but take one people will stop you on the streets to sun- nnliu lor 'Thornls a lime to lullllll." Slid all who read this book will see clearly that time has came. Apply at once lor lerruonory, uircuiars, anu leruis. Auureu DUKFIKI.I) AHHMG.il), Publisher, 0 1 711 Bansom street, Thlladelpbla. I. St. OIRV1M. I- H. OIBVta J " M. GIBVIN HOX, CoiunilMHlon McrlittntM, HO. I, 81'EAH'S WHAltK, ' ' Ilaltlmore. Md. n.Wi will pay strict attention to the sale of all kinds of souutry produce, and remit the amounts promptly. i M ly 11 o KM .JLa RAILROADS. Pennsylvania It. R. Time Table. NEWPORT STATION.' ' On and after Nnv.l2th.isn Poyummf inim M,!llll.,,.l.,lln... ' 1 . " EAST. Mall. 0.1 P. M., dally except Sunday .i.iiinuiiigMi.wiii it i-. m., umiy Diuiuay. w r. r. Thro' Pass. 4.05 A. M. (Ilair) dally exc'pt Monday. Way Pass. 0.46 A. m., dally, except Sunday. Mail 2.30 p. M. dally except Sunday. Mixed fi.Hl P.M.. dailv except Honda v. Clncin'tl iix.(IUn) 11.36 P.M. .daily, exc'pt Sat'rday . .1. ,1. 11AIU l,AY, AKCIlt. r. n. Man cast rcaciiesi-iiiiauciiuiiaatll.iur.u. DUNCANNON STATION. fin nn.1 n ttnv Q.in.ln,, XTnwITfl, 1 8T1 v.. t.. - .l I, w, nuu u.v.i. iiuiiuiij. urn, igo, Ll,lll ni leave uuncaiinoii, bhioiiows : WH.HTWAK1). Cincinnati Kxnress (Dair) 11.05 1'. M. Dallv. wiiy rasNcnger. 0.1 a. h., uauy except nunciay Mall, 1.5(1 p. m, dallyexccpt Sunday miAcu, r. h., uuiiy exi-.cpi. annuity. KASTWAHI). narls'burR Accom 12.f9p. M., daily except Sunday. ItlUII O.IO I. 11., Ciiicinnattl Kxprcss 10.03 p. m. dally. u. mu, ARcnt. Nortlicrn Central Railway. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Through and Direct Route to and from Wanhing. ton, jmuimore, jwmra, vt,rie, isvjjaio, Jiochenter and Niagara falls. VN AND AFTER SUNDAY. November 12th J 1871, the trains on the Northern Central Kail- way win run as touows : NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN. Ieaves Baltimore, 8.30 a.m. I Ilarrisbnrn, 1.4S p m tv iiiiaiusport i.w p. 111., ana arr. at mmira, iu.4 BUFFALO F.XPRKSS. leaves Baltimore, 7.3&p.iu. Hanlsburg.10.40 p.m miiiuniMpurt, -i.ua a. m. r.imira. o.hu a. 111. Arrives at uanatiuaigua at 8.10 a.m. FAST I.TNH. Leaves Baltimore 12.40 p. 111. Harrlsburg 4.40 p.m. Arr.ai vv iiuuiilHpoi t B.lop.lll., WKSTERN EXPItKSS. leaves BaltimorelO.O9p.1n. at. Harrlsburg 12.50 a. m. NIAGARA EXPItKSS. Lvs. Baltimore 8.IKI a.m., Harrlsburg 10.55 a. m Arrives at i;auuuuaigua at s.zo p. ill. SOUTHWARD. MATT. Til ATX. . Leave Elmlra 5.40 a. 111. I Williamsnnrt 013 a. m. Uairisburg ZIOp. in. Ar.llaltimore at 0.5K p.m BUFFALO EXPItKSS. Leaves Canandaiitua 6.55 p. m., Elmira 9.40 p.m. WilllaniHpoi t 12.25 a. m., IlaiTisburg at 4.05 a. ni. Arrives at iiaitunore at i. tu a.m. ERIE EXPRESS. Lvs. Siiubury 9.25 a. 111., Ar.Harrisburg 11.20 a.m PACIFIC EXPRESS. Lvs. Harrlsburg 11.45 a.m., Ar. Baltimore 3.00 p.m. NIAOARA EXPRESS SOUTH. Lvs Canandagua 9.10a.m. I Kliulra 12.15 p. m. wiiiiamsport s.o.'ip.m. 1 siinniiry 4.411p.m. Harrlsburg 7.00 p.m. I ar. Ualtlmore,10.l0p.m HARRISHITRO ACCOMMODATION. Lvs. Harrisbuig 7.30 a. m., Ar. Baltimore 12.00. m. W Mall Train north and .south, Fast Line north, Pacitle Exuress and Erie Exiiross. dallv exceot Sunday. jiuiiaio express nortn anu soutii and Cincin nati Express south, leave daily. For further Information annlv at tho Ticket office. Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. AL,riti.u it. finite, General Superintendent. AVINTER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, Nov. 1871. CRKAT TRUNK LINK FROM THE NORTH X and North-West fur Phlludelnhla. New York. Reading, Pottsville.Tainaqua, Ashliind.Sh.'iniokln. Iibauoii, Allentown, Easton, Eiilirala, Litiz, Lan caster, Columbia, tic, tie. Trains leave Uarrisburir for Now York, as follows : At 2.4ft, 8.10, a. M., and 2.00, p. M., connecting with similar trains on Hie Pciinsvlvaula Railroad. and arriving- at New York at 10:07 a. in., S.U, and 9:45 p. in., resiiectlvcly. sleeping cars accompany tue i4aa. in., train . Without change. Returning : Leave New York at 9 A. M., 12.30 noon, and 6 p. in., Philadelphia at 7.30, H.30 a. in. 3.30 1', m. Sleeping cars accompany tho 6 p. M., train from New York, without chnnge. ,eaveHarrl.siiurg tor Head lug, fottxvllle, lama- qua, Mlnersvllle, Aslilaml, Shainokln, Allen town, and Phlhulelphia, at 8.10, a. m., and 2.00, and 4.05, p. m., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations; the 4.U5 p. m. train connecting for Phila delphia, Pottsvllle and Columbia only. For Potts. vine, ncniiyiKiu iiuvcu ami Auuiirn.via ncniiyiKin and Siisiiiehanua Railroad, leave Harrlsburg at 3.40 p. M. Kast 1'enna. Railroad trams leave Reading tor Allentown. Easton and New York at 4.34. 10.4" a. m. and 4.05 p. in. Returning leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 12.30 noon and 5.U0 p. in. and Allen town at 7.zo a. in. iz.zd noon, n.i:i,4.z; anu ..io p.m. Way passenger train leaves Phlladelnhla at 7.30 A. M., connecting with similar train on EastPenn'it Railroad, returning from Reading ut 6.20 p. H., stoppiiiK at all Stations. Leave Pottsvllle at nine o'clock In the morning and 2.30 p.m.: lli-iiiclon at 10.00 o'clock A. M. Hhamoklnat5.40 and 11.15 A. M. ; Ashland, 7.05 a. m. and 12.43 noon ; Maliony City at 7,51 A. u., ami 1.20 p. M. : Tainaiiia at 8.35 a.m. and 2.10p.m. for Philadelphia and New York, Reading, Harrls burg, &c. Leave Pottsvllle via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 8.15 a.m., for llari'lsbuig.aud 11 :45a. in. for Pine Drove unci Treinont. Reading accommodation train: leaves Pottsvllle at 5.40 A. m., passing Reading at 7.3D a. M.,arrlvlng ut Philadelphia at 10.20 A. M., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.45 p. M. passing Reading at 7.35 P.M., arriving at Pottsvllle at 9.20 p. M. l'ottstown Accommodation train i Leaves Potts town at 7.00 a. iu., returning, leavesl'lilladelphiaat 4.15 p.m. Columbia Railroad trains leave Reading at 7.20 a. m. and 6.15 p. in. for Ephratu, Llliz, Lancaster, Columbia, tic. Returning, leave Lancaster at 8.20 a. m., and 3.3") p. m., and Columbia at 8.16 a. m., and 3.15 p. in. Perkioiuen Raliroadtralusleave Perklomen Junc tion at 7.25, and 9.05 a. m., 3.00 and 5.45 p. in. Ke turuliig.leaves Schweiiksvllle at 6.45 a. m , and 8.10 a. m.and 1150 noon, and 4:45 p. in., couuectlug with similar trains on Readlugroad. Colebrookdale Railroad train leaves Pottstownat 9.40a. in., and 1.15 and 6.30 p. in., returning leavx Mt. Pleasant at 7,15, 11 :25 a. m., and 2.54 P. m., connecting with similar trains on Reading R. R. Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Bridgeport at 8. SO a. m., 2.05 and 5.20 p. m. Returning. leaVe Downingtowit at 6.55 a. in., 12.50, noon, and 6.15 p. m., connecting with trains on ReadiiigHailroad. On Sundays i Leave New York at A p. m. ; Phlla. at 8 a. in. and 3.16 p. m. ;the8a. m. train run. nlng only to lteadlug; Pottsvllle 8 a. m t Harris-' burg 2.46 a. m., and 2.00 p. m. t leave Allentown at and R.35 p. in. leave Reading at 7:15 a, ui and 9.50 P. M., for Harrlsburg, at 4:34 a. m., tor Now York 9:40 a. in., and 4.15 p. m., for Philadelphia. Conimutatlon, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Tickets to and from all points at reduced rates. Baggage checked through, 100 pounds allowed each passeuger. , , J. K. WOOTTKN, Asst. Supt. & Eng. Mach'ry. Beading, Fa., Nov. 13. 1871. Stage line Between Newport and Sew UermanUwn. STAGES leave New (ierinantown dally at faar o'clock a. in. l-amlliburu at 7. SO a. m. Ureea park at 8 a. m. New Uleomtield at 9H a. m. Arriving at Newport to connect with th Ao ommodaiion train Kast. Returning leaves Newport an the arrival of ths Mall Tralalrom Philadelphia, at 2 30 p. m. 2. KICK, bnprtttor