STIjc tmc0, Nctu Blaomficft, , J)a. Tuesday, February 13, X872. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. 0 0 fc s m M H 0 Registry of Sales. We call attention to the following; sules, bills Tor which have been printed at this ofUce. February 24th The executrix of John Price from his late residence in Whcntficld twp., will ell Horses, Cows, Hogs and a grcut variety of i farming Implements. February 27th Samuel Noll, at Green Park, will sell one pair of Mules, Young Cattle and Cows, several Wagons, Threshing Machine, Klrby Reaper and Mower, and many other articles not meutioncd. February 28th Cyrus Brown, on the farm of IVm. BtouiTer at Shormansdnlc will sell Horses Cows, Young Cattle and farming Implements. March 6th Mrs. N. E. Shaver, at her resi dence in Mudison township, will sell Work Horses. Colts and other Stock, also a great va riety of farming implements and household furniture. March 14th John Kcll from his residence in Rye township, will sell Horses, Mules, and other stock, together with a variety of farming implements. Beck, at the "Little Store in the Corner," has just received a splendid assortment of Ppring Cassimere for Men and Boys' wear. Call and examine goods nnd ascertain prices. Festival. The ladies of the Lutheran Church in this byrough, will hold an Oyster Supper and Ice-Cream Festival in the large dining hall of II. M. Swcfjer, on THURS DAY EVENING, the 15th inst. The public are invited to attend and participate. The proceeds are to be used in purchasing a Communion Service, &c. Courts. A special Court of two weeks will commence on the 1 1th of Mat ch. The first week is for the trial of cases from Franklin county, in which a change of ven ue has bean granted. The second week is for the trial of civil cases, in which Judge Junkin had been interested. We publish in another column the list of Jurors for the first week, and will publish the list for the second, next week, or week after. The County Account. We this week give our readers the statement of the finan ces of the county. As we do not belong to "the ring" and consequently do not get $ 100 for publishing the accouut, we print it as an item of interest and not as an adver tisement, and will therefore give it but one insertion. "We know that our many readors will desire to know how the public money is expended, and we mean to keep them posted in all that transpires in the county, whether paid for so doing, out of the pub lio purse or not. . Justice to Mr. Linaweaver requires that an explanation should be made as to why he receives so much larger amount than either of the other commissioners. Mr. L. was requested by his associates' to over see the building of the poor houso and ho con sequently has spent a large portion of his time there for many weeks, looking after the public interests. We shall at another time refer mora par ticularly to some portions of this account. A Strange Freak. A York exchange says : A novel arrest and imprisonment of a woman in York took place a short timo ago. Without the issue of a warrant or any legal proceeding whatever against her she was takon to the York county Prison by her own husband. Previous to this strange occurrence however sho had brought suit against a neighbor woman for making an insult on her little girl. Upon proper investigation it was found that thoro was not sufficient cause for that woman's anest and she was discharged. But it was now that reports were put in circulation that Uie prosecutor hud exag gerated the charges against her neighbor and that she had made hersolf even liable to punishment. This report reached tho ears of her husband, who got the impression that it was settled case that his wife roust go to jail, and one day when sho was busy with her house affairs he came home and informed her that she must go to jail as soon as she could got ready to start. She was then busy baking. With much haste she finished and in the evening after durk her husband under the Impression that he was executing the demands of justice eon ducted ber to prison. She remained there two or three days when her husband was more and more convinced that it is not good for mun to bo alouo and mode appli cation for his wife's release. This was easily secured as there had not been the slightest necessity for her to go there at all. The whole proceeding is certainly remarkablo episode in dotnestio life." It seems to us that the jailor there is as queer as the hvsband, if he would rocleve a person without a committment from some ; FEBKUARY. j :SuJ Mo. Tu. i We. Th. Fr. Sa. ... I ... . ... ... 1 2 3! 4 5 6 7 8 9 10l 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 iprqper authority. Rogues Caught. For some time past the P. R. R. Co., has been Buffering loss by thieving from freight trains. "From the Stale Journal we find the following ac count of the loss, and tho arrest of six of the thievos. As far back as October, 1871, the i officers in the freight department of tho Pennsylvania railroad company, in this city, have from time to timo found various articles of freight " short" on tho manifest. Butter, hams, whiskey, rico, fish, merchan dise and dry goods, iu considerable- quanti ties have been missing at stated periods ; and tho oftycors in power hero determined to put an end to this business. Officer Roat one of the detoctives of the company, was put on tho track of the thieves for Bomo months ; but 80 systematic and vigi lant wore tho fellows in their operations, that for many weeks they escaped detect ion. For instance, if any of the spies ob served an officer on the lookout at tho com pany's warehouse, on a certain night (the thing was all done after, dark), they would bo safe to operate on tho track between North street and tho house ; or if Roat watched at another point, they would shift their job to suit themselves, in order to avoid tho vigilanco of tne officer. But the pitcher that goes to the well too often is broken at last. For some weeks past Officer Roat, by nice manoeuvering, managed to get out on tho Pennsylvania railroad siding, abovo Fourth st., without attracting thoir atten tion. He lay undor the truck of a freight car, and was successful in identifying four or five of tho thieves, who came up to the identical car under which ho was lying, and opened the door, one of them remarking, " There is nothing in hero." Having an excellent clue to the prepctrators of these thieving transactions, Officer Roat con sulted with one of the officials of tho Pen nsylvania railroad, who advised him to ask Mayor Yerbcko for ono of his detoctives, in order to secure the thieves. Officer James Kelley then was detached for secret service, and assisted Mr. Roat to bring the job" to a focus. They went to certain places, principally in West Harrisburg, and inquiring whether articles of a certain kind had not been of fered for sale ; found out at about twelve or fifteen small establishments where tobacco, butter, fish, whisky, rice, hams, merchandise-, &c, had been offered, and, in most cases, purchased from certain colored men. Having got their points, beyond doubt, the arrests was at once made. Fire. Between 11 and 13 o'clock on Monday night of last week, our citizens were aroused from their slumbers by the dread and thrilling cry of " fire, fire," re sounded through the streets. Upon reach ing the fire it was found to be the frame stable of Mr. Charles Shapely, situated on a narrow alley, running off of Locust alley, between North Hanover and Bedford streets. The structure was in flames when the fire was first discovered, so that it was impossible to save tho building or contents. A splendid bay mare belonging to Messrs. Rhiuesmith & Rupp, tinners, was burned, together with a set of good harness and a quantity of hay and cats. The fire department was out iu force, but owing to the condition of tho fire plugs they were unable to render any assistance. It was exceedingly fortunato that the roofs of tho neighboring building wore covered with snow, othewiso the loss of property would have been very large. The stable of Mr. Weaver was on lire several times, but was saved by citizens throwing snow upon the building. Messrs. Rhinesmith & Rupp had their mare insured in the Pennsylvania Central Thief Detective and Live Stock Insurance Company of Harrisburg, for $100. Their loss is fully tl00. This fire was undoubtcdlytbe work of an incendiary, as no person had acoess to the building except Mr.Rhinesmith and the man that attended the animal. Tho mare hod not been out of the stable since last Mon day week, owing to the cold weather. On Tuesday morning, Charles Brown, of this place, was ai rested on suspicion of hav ing fired the building, and had a hearing before Squire Shryock, on Wednesday fore noon, when he was remanded to jail until the April Quarter Sessious.-Carus Herald, COMMUNICATKK. Duncannon, Fob. 8th, 1873. A rather novel affair took place here on Monday evening last. As this 1b " Leap Year," a number of young ladies desirous of sport, reversed the usual order of things, and sent invitations to about tweuty young gentlemen, to attend a party on the evening of the nth inst. At the appointed time, each lady waited on her gentleman, and es corted him to the residence of Mr. W. J. Stewart, where sleighs were iu waiting, to take the delicate young fellows to Mr. Win, Sheihley's. Many were the cautious giv en by anxious Mamas, and sisters, to tho young ladies, to bring home their sons and brothers early, and to take care they were not ex posed to the inclemency of the weath er. Rubber shoes, and extra wraps were in demand. 1 didn't hear whether uny of the young gents, wore veils. An ample supply of cakes, and bon-bons was provi ded, and nothing occurred to mar the pleasure all appeared to feel. True to their trust, the so vailed weaker sex proved their gallantry by safely delivering their charges to their resiiective mamas. Report dou say that so intent were the young ladies on doing their duty, and so much averse were the gentlemen to leaving them go home alone, that some of the couples took each other home alternately all night long. But then "you know folk will talk." However special praise is due to the "Head Centre" and her aids for thoir admirable management, and Mr. Sheibly and family for their hospitality. The gentlemen aro wishing for " many rotarns of the happy occasion." , VERITAS. llricr ItoiiiH. It is reported that a man walking on tho railroad near Bailoy's station was run over and killed on Thursday. iWcholas Heneh of Ickesburg having rented his store, is closing out his stoek nt cost. He also circulates bills announcing sales at Auction. '' Tho past week has been well improved by thoso who delight in sleighing. Nearly every night has brought some party to town. A young man named Bargor managed to get arrested and fined three times during a recent visit to Shippensburg; once for swoaring, onco for assault and once for fast driving. Tho total fines amounted to f 31. Persons who will not clean the ico and snow from their side wnlks, might at least tako the trouble to sprinkle coal ashes over the ico. A Parlor Organ and a Mclodeon are offer ed for salo at a bahoain. The instruments are both new and splendidly finished. For further information apply nt this office, or call on or address, Jas. Orr, New Bloom field. 4. 6. Tho trial of John Keihl, charged with wife murder, cost Cumberland county $1. 001,25. Metal Lined cucumber wood pumps and also tho celebrated Blntchly pumps for any depth of well on hand nnd for sale at low prices by F. MORTIMER Rev. C. W. Kirby who wo stated last week had been convicted of adultery in Franklin county, has been pardoned by the Governor. This may bo very pleasant to Mr. Kirby but is not so creditublo to the Governor. No merchant should write a letter except on a printed letter hoad, and should not mail it, except in an envelope having his address printed thereon. With our new job press we are enabled to furnish both these articles at a little advance over the cost of the plain papor and envelopes. Give us a call. Bold Liquor to Minors. John II. Thom as, of Wisconisco, convicted of selling liquor to minors, was on Tuesday sentenced by the court to pay costs of prosecution, ten dollars fine and to be imprisoned in the county jail for ten days. Church Notice. Change of Place. Presbyterian service will hereafter take place in the Sunday School room of the Church. Preaching next Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock. Subject "The Prodigal Son." No evoning service. 137" We understand that the whooping cough li quite prevalent in the towns around us but that no cases have proved fatal. Some families use nothing but Johuton's Anodyne Liniment. Our Doctor, however, says a littlo iplcac, to produce vomiting, would be an ad vantage. There are more than one thousand different kinds of pills In the United States. Some of them are worthless and injurious, others are good and beneficial. Old Dr. Parson's invent ed the best anti-bilious pill we ever saw or heard of. They are now sold under the name of Parsons' Purgative Pills. fW' Ladies, why do you so often com plain to your husband and friends that you "are never free from pain," and " it soems as though your back would break ?" No one likes to hoar nnmrtlnintA. t-lierefnrA ITrh rPain Cure Oil. It will surely cure you.. DiJNKEi.nisnoBK Ki.inei'eter. At the Lu theran Parsonage la this borough, on the Kth Inst., by the Kev. 8. A. Hedges, Mr. John Dun kelbcrgor of Spring township, to Miss Mary A. Klinepctcr, of Juniata township. Toomkt Wilson At the M. E. Parsonage In this place, on the 8th Inst., by Kev. K. Shoe maker, Mr. Harry A. Toomey, of Newport, to Miss Tillie Wilson, of Ickesburg. Fbisteb On the 20th ult., William S. youngest son of Emanuel and Susan Fclster, aged ft years, S months and 7 days. Huston In Carroll twp., on the 8lh Inst., Mrs. Christina, wife of Mr. Thomas Huston, aged 71 years, 8 months, and 4 days. Vahns On the Kith of January, at Bcllns grove, Snyder county, Mr. Abram Varus, for merly of New Buffalo, this county, aged 75 years, 6 months and 1 day rpR AVERSE JURORS for Special Court for 1 cases from Franklin County, to be held In Bloomfleld, March 11th, 1873. Buffalo township- James Hunter. Center James D. Mullen, Abram Cleuser, John ti. Meyers, Robert Cameron. Carroll John McCord, Philip Huston. Liverpool Jonas Noll, Wm. Lindsay, Si mon Charles, James Wbltmer, John Deitrlck, Jr. Madison Henry Met, John Blxler, William Moose. Jackson Jacob Brlner, Win. Outshall, Da vid Kern. Juniata John Clay. Howe Charles Deckard. Miller James F. Toland. Oliver John English, John flenzel. Penn George Bothwell, Philip Cook, Sam uel Aiichmuty, Cornelius Raskin. Spring David II. Smith, Daniel Reapsome, Buvllle John R. Bodeu. Tusearora D. B. Wonimer, Jacob Yohn, Win. Stevens, wm. ration. Tyrone John Mlnleh, George Gibson. Toboyne Samuel Stump. WheatBeld Henry Clay. Rve John Dice. ' ' Duncannon B. Robert Jones, Wm. Pennell, John tsniveiy. New Buffalo B Joseph Walt. Liverpool B. John J. Hamilton. Marysvllle B. Simon O. Eppler. Mlllerstown B James L. Gllflllsu. Newport B. George D. Singer, Chat. Weber. T i J j splendid assortment of shoos at the one price itere i r. Mortimer, Conntj Price Current. Bloomfield, February 1.1, MTt Flax-Bee, II 00 Potatoes, 40 Butter m pound 20 " Eggs V dozen, hi " Dried Apples y pound 5 a 0 " Dried Peaches,... 10 lOcts.V"- Pealed Peaches, 12 Wets." Cherries, OtiO cts. " " Pitted 15 0 IS eta. " Rlackberrles, G S6 ets. " Unions V bushel, 75 -NEWPORT MAItK ETS. Corrected Weekly by Kough, Hnvder t DKAI.KUB IN ;u Air .v. inci)i;c;i:. Nkwi-okt, February 12. 1872. Flour, Extra, ti 00 " Huper r 00 White-Wheat V bu 1 40 lied Wheat 1 3S1 J. Itye Ti . Corn rWJ.'i Oats V 32 pounds 42 Barley 75 Clover Heed C 2T Timothy Heed 2 60 Flax Heed 1 00 Potato 05 ti Ground Alumn Halt 1 90 Llmcburner's Coal, 1 40 Htove Coal 4 50 Q G 50 Pea Coal 3 00 Smith Coal 25 cts. V bus. Cross Tlcs,8!4 feet long, 45 0 45 cents Pork SO.00 per lOOlbs. FISU, SALT, 1.1 MK A1) COAL Of ail kinds ulwaysnn hand ami for sale at the Lowest Market Bates. Philadelphia Price Current. Corrected Weekly by Junney A Andrew, No. 123 Market Stuekt. Phii.ioki.puia, February 10, 1872. Whlto Wheat 1 fl5jil 75 Wheat, 1 55 1 50 ltyc 80000 Corn 64GS Oats M.rj6 Clover Heed 10 SlOMper lb. Timothy Seed 3 000 2 25 Flax Heed 1 80 0 1 80 Country Lard 8 00 Eggs 20 027 Butter, dull salo 12 025 Washed Wool 75oents per lb. Dressed Hugs 5 0 6 cts per lb. CARLISLE PRODUCE MAltKET. (Corrected Weekly by It. C. Woodwaho.) Carlisle, February 10. 1872. Family Flour 7.00 Huperllne Flour, 5.00 Huperflna Rye Flour 4.60 White Wheat 1.45 Ked Wheat, 1.40 Kye 75 Corn. 6) Oats 4.1 Cloverseed, (.25 Tlmothyseed t.00 Flaxseed, 1.00 New Advertisements. rpillo 13 NO HUMBUG I By sending 85 cts., X with age, height, color of eyes and hair, yon will receive by return mail, a correct pic ture of yonr future husband or wife, with name nnd date of marriage. Address W. FOX, P. O. Drawer, No. 24 Fultonville, N. Y. 8 4 w d. FREE TO AGENTS ! ! A bound canvassing book ot the XMetorlnl Homo llillc, Containing over 300 Illustrations. With a t'oin- f rehensive Cyeloiiedla explanatory ot the Bcrip lire. In Kiiictlsn and Herman. 0d4w WM. FLINT & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Profitable Employment! We desire toengage a few more Agents to sell Mm World Renowned Improved BUCKEY E HEW ING MACHINE, at a liberal salary or on Commis sion. A Horse and Wagon given to Agents. Full Particulars furnished on application. Address W. A. HENDERSON. CO., General Agents, Clcve- nil, Ohio, and Ht, Louis, Mo. 6d4w $200 REWARD l offered tT the proprietor of Dr. Hage's lUrrh Remedy for a esse of "Cold in Jltaa," Catarrhal Osma.wblch he cannot cure. Hulil bjr Drugglsti at 60 cm 6d4w WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. These Tablets present the Acid in Combination with other emdent remedies. In a popular form, fertile cure of all throat and lung diseases. Hoarseness and ulceration of the throat are Im mediately relieved, and xtatements are constantly being sent to the proprietor ot relief iu vases of throat difficulties of years standing. CAUTION. Don't be deceived by worthless Im itations, (jet only Well's Carlxiliu Tablets. Price 25 cents per box. JOHN J. KKI.lAKi, Plait Ht. N. Y., Hole agents for U. H. 6d 4w J U 11 U B E B A WHAT W IT t It is a Hure and Perfect Itemedy for all Diseases of THE I.IVKR AND HPf.EKN, EN LA ROE A1KNT OK OBSTRUCTION OF 1NTK8 TINE8. URINARY, UTERINE, OR ABDOMINAL OUOANH, POVER. TY Oil WANT OF BLOOD, INTERMITTENT FEVERH. 1NFLAMATION OF THE LIVER. DROPHY, SLUGGISH CIRCULATION OF THE HUMID, AHSCEHSEH, TUMORS, JAUNDICE. W'KOFULA, DYHPEPHI A, AGUE AND EVER, OR THEIR CONCOMIT ANTH, ETC. Dr. Wells having become aware of the extraor dinary medicinal properties of the South Ameri can Plant, called JURUBEBA, sent as a special commission to that country to procure It in its native purity, and having found Its wonderful curative properties to even exceed the anticipations formed by Its great reputation, has concluded to oiler It to the public, and is happy to state that he has a ierfeet arrangement for a regular monthly supply of this wonderful plant, lie has spent much time exerlnieiitliig and investigating as to the most efficient prepura tlon from It, fur popular uie, anil has for some time UHed In his own practice with the mnnt happy remilts, the etfeetual medicine now preseuted to public as DR. WELL'S EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA and he confidently recommends It to everv family as a houxeliold remedy which should be freely ta ken as a blood purlher In all derangements ot the syntein and to animate and fortify all weak and lymphatic temperaments., JOHN O. KKLUM). Piatt Ht.. N. Y. Hole agent for the United Htates. Pries One Dollar per Bottle. Bend for circular. (Hd4t Why Keep That Cough P When bottle cf Roarer's Lung Balsam will cure It. It Is pleasant to take, and more eUeet ilvs than any other cough medicine. Try It. For sal by r. Mortimer, New Bloomfltld, and most other stores la tus county. SSSSSKHBI m w Wanted Agents. ISO to 200 PER MONTH, 1)Y HRLUNG Great For tunes t AJI.n,.,,ow T,IKY WERE MADE! nr. THE ?.1.R.".liI'KS aml TRIUMPHS OF OUR 8ELF MADE MEN, by ,1. U. McCnbe. Jr. Bv forty em Inent examples, It teiwhes how to succeed1 In life, and at the same time benefit mankind. For par. tlcnlars, notices of tlm press and extra terms, ad dress ji:. MACLEAN, Publishers. 6 d 4w Philadelphia. qrye A MONTH Expenses paid iJ I t.Miue or female aeents Hnrne nnd outfit furnished. Address Sago Noveltv &Co. Snco. Mc. w d. ISYCIIOLOGIC Fascination or Soul Charming, . 400 pages by Herbert Hamilton, 11. A. How to use this power (which all possess) at wllk Di vination, Spiritualism, Sorceries, Deinonnlngy. anil a thon-mud other wonders. Price by mall' Sl.'i Iu cloth: paper covers $1.00. Copy free to. Agents onlv. (M.UUI monthly easily made. Address T. W. EVANS, Pub. 41 H. Sill Btreet, Philadel phia, Pa. 6d4w RARE CHANCE FOR A CENTS I AOENTS. we will pay yon (MO per week In cash. If you will engako with us at onck. Everything furbished and expenses paid. Address, 6 d 4v F. A. ELLS & CO., Charlotte-. Mich. THOMSON'S WORLD - RENOWNED PATENT Glove-Fitting Corset, If you want the most sat isfactory, lest luting and the cheapest Corset for IU real value, you have ever worn, buy THOMSON'S GENUINE PATENT GLOVE-FITTING I No Corset has ever attain ed such a reputation, eltlier In this or any other country-. As now made In length and fullness of bust IT CANNOT RE IMPROVED. Every Corset Is stamped with the nameTnoM son and the trade-mark, a Chown. Kept by all llrsl-ulass dealers. THOMSON, LANG DON i CO., Sole Owners of Patents. 391 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Cd4w AftF.NTS WANTED For our new Rook. nurjiXtOillK IIUIGHT HIDE OK NEW YORK. Hyat'lty Missionary. 21X1 Engravings. Agents sell 40 a day. E. 11. TREAT, Publisher, sua Rroadwav. N. Y. 4dlw AGENTS WANTKD FOR THE LI EE OP JAMES FISK! A complete History of hlsllfo and exploits from A PEDLAR ROY TO A KINO AMONG E1NAN CIERH. His Triumphs and Kallnres. How he lived and how he Died. Illustrated. Price by Mall SO cents. Terms Liberal. Address, WM. FLINT ti CO., Philadelphia, Pa. 4d4w 500 More Agents Wanted at Once I For the most complete, reliable and splcndldl) illustrated history ot CHICAGO DESTRUCTION. To which Is added a thrilling account of several or the Greatest Fires the World has known; includ ing the late Forest Fli es of Wlscoaslu and Michi gan. A book of deepest interest, and selling with Wonderful rapidity. For extra terms and best book, address, HUBRARI) RR08., Publishers, 6 d 4 w 723 Sansoui St., Philadelphia. "100 CHOICE HEI.KC TIONH, NO. 4," Is now ready with its precious store of good things for Public and Parlor Readings, being a happy blending of Eloquence, Humor, Sentiment, Patho and Ilurlesnue. Uniform In style with the pre. ceding numbers, which have won the public heart, and tiie ory Is "MOKE I" Cloth-bound, VA cents; Super. 30 cents, or 4 copies for SI. Also, " EXCEL lOR DIALOGUES," revised, price S1.25. Ask your bookseller for them, or wild price to P. GARRETT Hi CO., 702 Chestnut Street, Pliila deliihia. Pa. Arranta Wontorl Thosesellingotherbooks "6VUW " wiiiuvi.cau sell these by tliou- sands. 4d4w AOENTS WANTED FOR LIFE IN UTAH Relng an expose of the secret rites and mysteries of Mormonlsm. With a full and authentic history of Polygamy, bv J. H. READLE, Editor of the Salt Lake Reporter. Agents are meeting with unprecedented success, one reports ISO subscribers iu four days, another 71 in two days. Mend for circulars and see what i he press says of the work. NATIONAL PUH L1HHING CO. Philadelphia. Pa. 4d4w A new Hook of Abiding Value and Ready Hale. President C. G. Finney, of Oherlin, ().,) College, writes: " Ths teachings of this work should be come matters ot general knowledge. I lielieve lew will object to this book except those who are re buked by It, and who, therefore, most need It. May God bless both it and Its faithful author." sample pages ann circulars arm free. v. r. VENT. Publisher. 4(1 1 w CM Murray Ht., New York. New Seeds and Plants HEST BY MAIL OR EXPRESS. Our Seed and Plant Catalogues FOR 1872, Numbering 175 pages, containing TWO COLORED PLATES, Each worth twice the cost of Catalogues, malle4 to all applicants on receipt of 25 cents, PETER HENDERSON & CO., 5r4t Heedsmen, 3&Cortlandt street, N. Y. A LIST OK SWEDE NRORG'H WORKS, and the Collateral Works of t lie New Jerusalem Church, sent by mull, on application to E.H. SW1NNEY. 3 a 3m 20 Cooiier Union, N. Y. ITiAf'HNKW HURHCRHIER to til U Wr.sTKHN Woki.u (a largo 8 pagi Weekly pitiwr) receives, gratis, a Mag iiitlcent .' Meel hngrnvlng, 2S by :ss Inches, entitled i hi u i jinn it THE NATIVITV iivni iir- or one of " rrang's Charming t! Chromos. 14 by 17 inches, emitted "HA K I'A 11 KNl'K," a lit tle country girl teasing a shepherd dou. one of the most attractive little artistic items ever Issued. Terms I I a year. Your choice between the two premi ums. HjH'clmeu copy of Wshtkhs Wohi.ii, with full description, sent fur stamp. AOENTS WANTED. Any one who will engage to act as local agent, and send 91, shall receive a perfect copy ot either premium he desires, with full in structions, and 1 1"" Wkstkhn Would for three mouths Free. Local atenlsi can easily make (ft a day. Address Jas. R. Em. iot, I'lihllsher.No. M llrom tteld street, HosUm, Mass. 3 a 1 111 JUNCAN BHERMAN A CO,, No. 11 Nassau Btreet, NEW YORK, Issue circular Notes and circular Letters 4 credit available In guy part of ths world, Current accounts received o such terms as may be agreed upon. '13 12tf $8.00 for $3.00!