4 fee llloomfidb imts. NEW BLOOMFIELI), TENN'A. Tuesday, February 13, 1872. VIIjI TOir BEAD THIS ! We intend to stop every subscriber's paper when the subscription expires, for if not noti fied to the contrary, we tnko it for granted that he wishes it discontinued. With the largo number of papers mulled from this ofllce, mistakes will sometimes occur, nnd a paper bo continued beyond the time for which payment is made, and in that case, it will bo sent until all arrears are paid. The date en the direction label tells every subscriber when his subscrip tion runs out. TnE Death of Senator Evans of the West Chester district is reported. ' This death again leaves tlio senate a tie, but as an organization has been completed, the effect will be only to retard legislation. Senator Knight, of the 7th district is also reported very ill. Harry Ward, who shot and killed a man who was dining with him, and was convict ed of murder in tho second degree, was refused a new trial, and sentenced to only a few months imprisonment in tho coniy jail. If any ono wants to commit murder, Towan da is the place to go to. The Evans Investigation. The legislative investigating committee lias been taking testimony regarding the Evans fraud, and havo brought out the fact that the Governor paid out f .1,000 to W. F. Forney, who stated that he had been promiied $10,000, and consequently had been cheated out of half of his share. The testimony of Col. J. W. Forney, is a curi osity," and proves that though lie knows much, he is disposed to tell little. What has already been brought out, shows that Jos. M. McClure, Esq., did the State good service when he first started this expose. The end is not yet. Candidates for Governor. The different political factions in the State are busily engaged in bringing out their favorite candidates for the ofllce of governor. Each faction claims that tlteir choice is the most availublo man, and inmost cases availability is the only roc omendation tho candidate can claim. To this however there is one notable exception. The friends of General llartranft, can claim for him in addition to availability, qualifi cations for tub office, which are pos sessed by no other man who is spoken of as a probable candidate before the Republi can convention. If tho Republican party is to furnish the next governor of the State we hope and exjiect that the man who will fill that oflice will be Gknkkai. John F. Haiituasft. How Is It? An exchange says the law of the State, iu reference to contesting the election of members of cither branch of the Legisla ture, requires tho petition to be presented " within ten day after the organization, of lte Legislature, next tueceeding the election." This will leave Alec. McClure out in tho cold until next winter. If tho law should be construed in this manner, in cases of spocial elections for members for tho House, there would be no chance for a prcsentatation of a petition during the time for which the member was elected. Consequently all that would be necessary to secure the seat for the session, would be to get the certificate of the elect ion. Lynched. At Richmond, Ky., recently, a party of twenty-live or thirty masked men went to the Jail where htoiigh, who murdered bis wife, was confined, and overpowered the sheriff, took the koys of the jail, and pro ceeded to Stongh's coll and marched him out a short distance, where they hung him to a tree. 1 The mob then quietly dispersed. The circumstances attending the murder are so brutal that the action of thu mob seems to meet general approval. t2f The Hint lailroad in this country was that whluh connected the Quincy (Mass.) granite quarries with tide-water. It was built iu 18-0, and its decided success soon prompted the construction of other roads. This pioneer thoroughfare has been idle for some yearn, but it Is now undergoing re paiis, and will soon be iu operation again for the conveyance of freight and passen gers. ; , tW A oouipauy are putting up a large factory in Fairfield, Conn., and will shortly engage in the building of carriages mode entirely of India rubber, except in the axles and tiros. A decided superiority is claimed lor the material over wood. jf A train of over a doien camels re ceutly arrived in Virginia City, Nevada, from the valley of Carson river, loaded with hay in bales. i , - - . ' v ft so The Legislature. At tho Monday session, nothing of inter est to this locality was done in either bouse. In tho Senate Mr. Crawford on Tuesday presented petitions for a local option law, which various othor petitions in favor of local option or prohibitory laws woro pre sented. Mr. Crawford also introduced tho following: An net supplemental to tho act of March Hlh, .1871, to authori.o tho commissioners of Perry county to borrow money for the election of a new poor houso. An act to regulate proceedings in relation to the erec tion and repair of bridges in tho county of Perry, and repealing all former acts Incon sistent therewith. And an act to enable the legal voters of tho borough of Porrysville, Juniata county, to determine by ballot, whether houses for the salo of intoxicating drinks shall bo licensed within tho limits of the same. The supplement to tho act providing for tho selection of jurors was passed after being amended to provide for suspension of tho drawing by tho judges of tho courts and in the presenco of such citizens as may desire to attend; or tho judges may appoint two disinterested citizens to Inspect tho same; provided, that tho act shall not apply to Philadelphia. During the Wednesday proceedings a long discussion was had over an act regula ting tho salaries of county superintendents. By the proposed bill tho salary is fixed at two dollars for each school and ono dollar for each square mile. No salary shall be less than $1,000, except wffero there shall be less than a hundred schools, when it shall bo f 800. Tho furthor consideration of the bill was postponed for the present. A bill was introduced somewhat changing the law of libel and allowing tho truth of the matter published to bo given in evi dence and to operate to tho acquittal of tho accused. On Thursday tho petition of Col. McClure and othor citizens, complaining of fraud in the election of H. W. Gray was presented and was reforred to tho committee with in struction to report on Monday. On Friday Mr. Weakly introduced a bill to authorize tho court of Cumberland coun ty to open tho judgment in tho case of Paul Shcsppe, convicted of murder in the first degree, and to grant a now trial. Eulogies were offered upon Senator Cou ncil, whose death was appropriately refer red to when the Senato adjourned until Monday at 11 o'clock. IN TUB HOUSE tho committee on constitutional reform re ported a bill to provide for the calling of a convention for amending the Constitution, and 1,000 copies were ordorod to be printed for tho uso of the House. Tho amendments provido for the election on the 14, of May, tho convention to moot on tho second Tues day in Juno. The number of members is fixed at ninety-nine, sixty-six to bo clocted as State Senators are elected, two for each Senator, and thirty-three to bo elected at large, each elector to vote for eighteen, no person to cast more than ono voto for each person. One-third of tho members may re quire any amendment to bo submitted to the people separately. Pay for tho whole term, one thousand dollars, with mileage. On Wednesday Mr. Shuler introduced the following bills: A bill repealing an act relating to the fees of sheriffs, so far as relates to Perry county. Also, repealing an act regulating peddling and auctions, and fixing tho amount of the license for the same, so fur as relates to Perry county. , Also, rejiealing an act relating to buck- storing, so far as relates to Perry couuty. On Thursday the house passed an act to provide for a trl annual enumeration of the children of school-age in tho state; also, an act to increase the school term 'to five mouths in a year. Further petitions favor ing local option were presented on Friday, and after a short session the house adjourn ed till Monday evening. From 'Washington. tW The Houso Naval Committee has agreed to report a bill authorizing tho Secre tary of tho Navy to construct ton steam sloops-of-war. He is authorized to odor for sale the useless vessels of (he Navy, and to appropriate the fund therefrom to aid In the construction of new vessels. Besides this the bill appropriates three millions of dollars for the same purpose CI" Mr. Hour, from tho -Election Com mittee, made a report in the Pennsylvania contested election case of Mr. Cessna against Mr, 15. F. Meyers, Unit Mr. Cessna is not entitled to the seut, and that Mr. Meyers, the sitting member is. Tho report was ordered to he printed. tjST There is now confined iu tho Meck lenburg (Va.) county jail a man who beat to death his little son, aged fourteon years, with tobacco sticks, and then buried him with his own hands. Immediately after wards he took his little daughter, who he feared would betray him, tied her with ropes and proceeded toward the river with her, with the intention of drowning her, Before he succeeded in perietratiiig the second murder, he was discovered and ar rested by a neighbor, who heard the soi earns of the girl. Miscellaneous News Items, t3T At St. Louis on the 8th inst., whilo an officer was making an arrest, the arrested party attempted to stab tho officer, when the lator shot him killing him instantly. tSTTho houso of Henry M'Lollan, in Washington twp., Erie county was burned on tho 8th iiiHt. no himself perished in tho flames. Ho was sovonty-flve yoars of ago. tiff An explosion of firo damp took placo at llortou's mine, four milos below Pitts ton, on tho flth inst. Three men woro kill ed and fifteen buried, who wore alive as far as cau bo learned. t3T Tho parents of little Mary Reilly pe titioned the Now York Legislature for leave to chango their child's namo because it wasn't that kind of a baby, a mistake hav ing occurred at tho christening. tW R. Jerome, of N. Y.,son of Alderman Jerome, died last week from an overdose of opium to quiet his nerves, prostrated by liquor. His mother become insane and his father quito ill. tW At Maysvillo N. Y., on the 7th inst., Charles Mario, of Jamestown, a brewer, was convicted of tho murder of Wm. llachman and sentenced to be hanged on tho 20th of next month. The prisoners counsel will apply for a now trial. (!3!PAn attempt was made last week to burn tho houso of John Graham, in New York. Tho thieves woro arrested and com mitted for trial. It is behoved they were employed to destroy certain papers in Graham's possession bearing on Stokes' murder trial. Receipts and Expenditures of Ter ry County for 1871. WILLIAM TRESSLER, Treasurer, in ac count with the County of Perry from tho 10th day of January, 1871, to the 2nd day of January, 1H7J. - Dli. To amount outstanding taxes for lwis, -u!, -to m,4u ;t " tax assessed for 171.. 27,85110 " ' additional tax for 1S71 200 29 To balance on hand at last settle ment - 1.896 68 To amount of huckster license.... 178 13 " of jury fees 40 00 " borrowed out of Perry Co. Bank 1,300 00 Total. $47,079 04 CR. $704 57 3,50s 17 2,8!J 69 1,041 8)1 509 75 14,8il 75 44 74 20,844 93 313 00 1,843 72 By am't due upon State account... ironi i oor iiouse erection fund outs'g taxes of '08 '09 '70.. Commission paid col. do.. Collectors' exonerations.... outstanding tax, 1871 Collectors' exonerations... ' bills paid for county Treas. com. on $20,844 03 Dy balance paid W. Willis, Dep. Treasurer Total $47,079 ti4 WILLIAM TRESSLER, Treasurer in ac count with the Commonwealth from the 16th day of January, 1871, to the Kith day of January, 1772. DU. To amount taxes assessed for 1871 $1,027 08 " flue wm. iressler, Jan. 2nd. 1872 7K4 57 Total. (191 11.1 To am't of mercantile licences, 1871. .$1,2.17 00 outing house llconscs,1871 100 00 " hutullieeUHPH, 1871 025 00 " pamphlet laws, 171 U 00 Total $1,008 00 en lly um't ef com. to col $i3 24 exonerations to coi 1.145 " outstanding taxes C4 20 " paid State 1 reus., 1st Sep 1871..... 2,484 4.1 " Treas. commission 24 84 " Ilulunce duo W. i ressler, Treas. on statement of military tux 21 4;t lialancu $2,091 05 liv am't paid State Treas. Auuiist 2d anil uco. 23d, 1871. ..$1,141 113 puiiiisiuiig nicrcuniiie list 44 70 " State Treas. June 27tli, 3d August. 1871 080 75 ' on pamphlet laws Dee, 5 7o " Treas's commission 88 02 Total $I,!H8 oo lly amount or County Tax outstanding on 1st f January. 1H7:L Year Collectors' Names, I Hols. Its. 18(18 1 ' ' ' Henry Gibbons, Havllle township, flf4 Philip McNemar, Cenire twp., John A. MeCrnskcy, ItloomUcld. 27 21 W. 11. Mlllull, Marysvllle, 13.71 Pditl. James IS. Parsons, l'rnn township. ljOllg. i.emrr lownsnip, William llolines, Miller township, l'17 George A. Hmllli, Oliver township. William Fluid,-, Watts township. A. J. Jones. Duncauuoii. William Cumbler, Newisirt. Guorge Itupley, Marysville. 1S70. Hainucl Johnson, Toboyne ton nshlp, .'i.ki.21 William Kochi'iiderlcr, Jscksou touushlp. Jacob Main. Madison township. Thomas McCoy, haville toKiishlm 40.03 I'blllp Grnsh-r, Tyrone township. George ltlber, Kprlng township. Carson I-ackey, Carroll township, 4a. HI Joseph Freed, itye township. tvKTttles Green, Penii township. J0I111O. Itose, Wheattli-ld township. John A. Mcllrlde, Centre township. T. J. Toland, Miller township. , James Kverhsrt, Oliver township. 07. f 4 John Uunderumn, Howe township. . William lllalu, Juniata township. 327.51 1. 8. Wommer, Tnsoarors township. -wl Gllllllen, Greenwood township, . .W24 James Whltmer, Liverpool township, ' lott.iH Michael Heller. Buffalo Uinmhtp. John l.eely. Watts township. J mail) Hamilton, Liverpool Borough, ' 817.55 Washington Dunkle, Diiiieanuoii. ioseph Walt, New llultalo Borough. " phralra Wine, Nowport. , ,,j . & t'louser, llluoiutlttld. David flnyder, Mlllerstown, 08.30 David Kntnn, Landlshurp;. , , , , E. Itejslnger, Marysvllle, ' ' ' 498.11 P. W. Collins, Tobovne township. 544.4 1 William Knclicndcr'fcr, . I aokson township, 701.23 James T. Dunns, Madison township, 544.05 Jacob Main. Handy Hill District, 421.70 Martin Dum, Kaville township, 1051.37 Philip Grnsler, Tyrone township, (M7.87 George Klber, Hprlnx township, 7K0.14 John Houle, Carroll township, R.'(7.fl7 Amos 8. Orecn, live township. ' 522.7(1 Hvlvamis Oreen, fenn township, 212.75 John (t. Hum, Wheat Held township, 2A1.73 1. K. HollenbaliKh. Centro, , ftw.gn Abraham Kvans, Miller township, 2A0.05 llaiiiinniah Oantt, Oliver township ' 2.KM8 Jacob Frank, Mown township, , Jd8.H0 Hanuiel Tressler, Juniata township ' r77.2S 1). H. Wommor, Tusc.irora township, ' 7120 Jacob Klnp. Greenwood township, 877.45 William A. Orulih, Liverpool township, H4K.10 Hamuol Hair, lluttalo township, 4:(4.41 John lioedy, Watts township, M.2fl John Najjlo, Liverpool Korouuli, . , . rw.SS Nathan V anfossKn, Dimi anuon, , 71.48 John Garnett, New Ilulfulo, ' 101.78 Jonathan Allen, Newport, 4ii:!.(V William Hire, Moomlleld. 2Ufi David Xnyder, Mlllerslown, .1 2W.34 David Katon, I.unillshiirg, L"i3. 11 K. ltolslnger, Marysvllle, 77U.49 817,703.44 1871-Stale Tax Outstanding Jan. 3, 1872 : ' John Soiilo, Carroll township, 7.9.1 K. ltolslnger, Marysvllle, 4&S3 COUUT ESPKNSES. Grand Jurors' pay $408 05 Traverse " 1,70S .) Constables orders 347 81 Common wealth costs l,2o:i 411 . F. Clegg, Court crver ; 6: 01 Lemuel Suteh, tip-staft , . 5!) 01 Total : 13,803 44 runuc BUH.DiNoa. ' Expenses & repairs of Court House... $52 12 " " Jail 73 2,1 Pavid Holmes, janitor GO CO Win. Mebaflle. " 14 50 Mrs. McCulloch ft Kltner, scrubbing, .10 50 J. Jones ft Co., coal Ill 80 Total FOOIt HOUSE. 342 71 Isanc G. Trostlo, Steward Visitors to Poor 1 louse .?.i,n:to 37 30 00 Total 3,fMi9 37 PENITENTIARY AND ASYLUM. Eastern Penitentiary for support of convicta (.108 58 Penna. State Lun. Asylum for C. Morris 167 50 Total 536 08 ROADS AMU HKIDOES. Sundry persons road damages 1201 00 J. K. Uunbar, bridge at Kough's 182 00 King's Iron Bridge Co., new bridge at Marysville 1,025 00 Sundry persons repairing bridges 243 5!) noau ana oruigo viewers 11 mi Total ....lr06 89 PBINTER8' BILLS. Paid John A. Magee, printing . 9202 79 Paid John A. Ilaker, printing .122 49 Paid John II. Slicibley, printing 813 54 JaM F. Mortimer, printing : , 10 00 Total f!38 82 ELECTION EXPENSES. Sundry persons election expenses , $379 05 ASSESSORS' BILLS. Sundry persons Assessors bills.. 537 55 PUBLIC OFFICEBS. John Stephens, Commissioner Z. Rice. " J. A. Lineweaver, " . Win. B. HtaiubaiiRh. " John Stephens, holding appeals Z. Rico. " J. A. Lineweaver, " John it. Shuler, Clerk.. . Mice and John Stephens, holding appeals ... Jury Commissioners M. 15. Strickler. physician to Jail ' li. F. Junkia, Attorney toCoinmis'rs Clias. A. Uarnett, auditing Prothono- tnry and Register's accounts Geo. Ilench and others, Co. Audit'rs John R. Shuler, (,'1'kto Comnils'rs... Obas. II. Smiley, Prothonotary's fees (J. Showaltor, jailor's fees J. Klnehart, Sheriff's fees 1 140 50 150 00 515 42 18 00 T3 00 73 00 71 00 73 00 CO 04) 00 lit 30 00 30 00 15 00 05 00 300 00 253 80 604 07 403 02 Total t.1,100 85 MISCELLANEOUS IIILLB. Lewis 11. Kerr, Teachers' Institute... $183 2. Wm. Tressler, for errors In his favr 3 25 Perry County insurance tux 11 00 Sundry persons holding liuiuosts 011 dead bodies 03 04 Sundry Justices' costs ; .' ' 55 20 Fox orders 322 45 Interest 011 county bonds 1,485 00 Sundry persons miscellaneous bills 80 38 A. Foreman, school tax on unseated land 22 00 S. H. Green, school tax on unseated land 11 60 County bonds redeemed 3,100 00 Total 5,412 17 RECAPITULATION. Court expenses ...f. , ...'J,893 44 rilDllc buildings .142 71 Poor House a.OOO 37 Penitentiary and Asylum 530 08 Roads and Bridges 1,008 89 Printers Bills 938 82 Election exiieuses 379 05 Assessors' Bills - 537 55 Public ofliccrs .1,100 85 Miscellaneous bills 5,412 17 Total 20,844 93 Poon House Erection Fund. Amount borrowed money In Win. Tressler's hands 110,483 00 Poor House account. Dr. to county funds 3,503 07 Total t.'0,040 07 Amount paid sundry per sons work on fouridutioiit 1,340 07 Amount paid sundry per sons manual lulmr 420 50 Amount paid Stephen I-osli bricklaying 8,000 00 Amount paid sundry er wins for lumber 4,010 40 Amount paid L. M. Simons architect 500 00 Amount paid sundry per sons for wheelbarrows.,.. 23 50 Amount paid sundry per sons for hauling and cart ing 1,479 S5 Amount paid F. Wurdner ft Co., Iron stairway..'. 370 00 Amount paid sundry par- ' sons for brick 4,077 80 Amount paid .las. A. Coop er for tablet stones 100 00 Amount paid sundry pur- sons for stones in rrs Amount paid John New comer, carpenter work.... 722 10 Amount paid Levi Adams, i ' smithing o mi Amount paid Klvina T. uensicr for sand i no Amount paid Wm. Friedlcy heaters 1,300 00 Amount paid sundry per sons hardware .173 74 A mount paid John Bnir for shingles 48.1 00 Amount paid J. ltliecm, lime 35.1 25 Amount paid J. It. Shuler, services 7,1 nil Amount paid George Gib son, Tinning 100 00 Amount paid It. II. Drake, mil or suit ing, (entire east of roof. c'l.i r.r Amount paid Ferry Coun- . tv Hank 1 Q'! Amount paid J.S. Demaree lead, paint ami oil 200 15 Amount paid Wm. Trois ier, coin, on ?1!I,7D0 72... 21)6 25 -420.040 97 We the undersigned, Auditors of Perry county having met at the Court House, In tho Borough of ltloomlleld, and, after having been duly sworu ac cording to law, do certify, that we did audit and BCMitr liib lorcgomg accounts justly. illness our nanus mis inn aay 01 .anuary,1872. JONATHAN MICHKNKK. JAMKH KNGLI8H, MAMUKL 11. BAKKIt, February 13, 1872. , Auditors. STATEMENT of tho Indebtedness of 1'errv County: Amount of debt lflth January, 1871 $24,550 00 Amount ot debt paid during year 10 11 3,10000: Total . 21.45 on Amount of bonds Issued during 1871 10,483 00 Total ' I37.9.19 on Estimated net proceeds of outstand ing lax. 10,250 00 Present Indebtedness $21,689 Oo We the undersigned. Commissioners of Perrv county, certify that the foregoing statement of the uuauciai comnuon 01 rerry county is true and correct, 10 tne uest oi our Knowledge and Relief. W. B. HTAMAUGH. Z. KICK. J. A. LINAWEAVKFt, Commissioners. February 13, 1872. COI.LATKltAL INHKltlTANCK TAX At' COUNT. Thomas J. Sheiblev. Recrister of Perrv Co.. in account with the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, for II lq year commencing, Dec. 1st, 1870, and ending Nov. 30th, 1871, both day inclusive: DR. April 5th, 1871. In Estate of George Black - $85 80 May 31st, 1871. In Estate of Elizabeth Weary 79 43: Nov. 7th, 1871. In Estate of Geo. W. Aialter 39 20 Total., $204 49 CR. By am't paid State Treas., 8th June, 1871 $6190 By am't " " " 2d I-HJC, 1871 37 30 ' " commission on $204,49,... 10 22$109 48 Am't due Commonwealth.... $93 01 I certify the above" to be 41 true and correct account, as appears from the record ot Thos. J. Sheibley, Register and Recorder of Pern Co., for the year, 1871. ISAAC O. BLACK, Auditor. February 13, 1872. Vendue Crier. I will attend to crying sales anywhere in the county when employed. My experience in the business of crying sales of Real Es tate and personal property for over twenty years I feel certain I can give satisfaction to all that employ me. N. B. Those wishing me to cry their sale had better call and see me before ad vertising I will have a list of sales. 6.3.U. THOMAS BUTCH. Winter shirts and drawers, Home knit, wool socks and other wintor goods are now for sale at bargains by F. MORTIMER. OLD PREJUDICES ARE DTING OUT. New facts are killing them. Tho idea that in valids weakened by disease can be relieved by prostrating them with drugs, is no longer en tertained except by monomaniacs. Ever since the introduetion of Du. Walkkk's Vinboau Bittkhs it has been obvious that their regula ting and invigorating properties are all-sufll-cicnt for the care of chronic indigestion, rheu matism, eonttlpatlon, diarrhoea, nervous alloc tlons, and malarious fevers, they are now the standard remedy for those complaints In ever; section f the Union. 0 d Ik- Furs and Shawls arc now being closed out at great bargains by F. Mortimer. Call and see them. FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1872. Containing Seventy-Two Page and Two Beautiful Cm. okkd Plates nicely illustrated, giving plain directions for the cultivation of nearly a Thou sand Varieties of Flowers and Vegetables. full bound with your name in gilt, post-paid, In Novetnbor, 50 cents. Paper cover and ene colored plate, 5 cent. Nf Catalogue of hardy Bulbs and Beid Cor full-planting, now ready aud sent free to all applicants. Address, , M. G. REYNOLDS, 89 Rochester, . T. ' LOVK AN II MATHIMONY. TADIE8 AND GENTLEMEN, If yu with A to marry, address the undersigned, wh win send you valuable Information, that will enable you to marry happily and speedily, Ir respective of age, wealth or beauty. This In formation will cost you nothing, aid if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you. The desired Information sent by return mull. Address, Sarah B. Lambeht. (ireoiipolnt, Kings County, N. Y. 5 15. a TAST AND ONLY NOTICE. Notice is J hereby given that the accounts of Wm. Kohuii & Bon, Newport, Pa., must be paid wltbin thirty days from date, or they will be left hi the hands of an officer for coIIccIIob. WM. KOUOU dt SON. January 9, 1873. AVCT10NKK1UNU.-II. Z. FINK will at bind to crying sales at all limes. Having lutd considerable experience, he Hatters himself thai he can give satisfaction to all. Call at li Luton Lumber Mills, lu U twp., or address. .... ; 1 U. KINK, BBlypd Uunuanuou, Pa, iMt' Sausage Cutteu and a complete as sortmeut of Hardware can be bought cheap of Y. Mortimer.