6, liienday, December B, 1S71. FA&u and household itzjis Fnnipliin Pirn. v CIiooko the best pumpkins tlint can bo found. Take out tlio seeds, cut tlio rind carefully away,, and jiicn cut tho pumjikin iuto tliitt hml lutrtrnvs bKiU i Btcw veit w moderate firo in a littlo water, just enough to keep tlio ninss from btu ning; until soft.' Turn off llie water, t any remain, and lot tlio pulnpkiii RUftun ovct u a fsloW Jiio about ton minutes. Whon nufliciently cooled, strain through a . scire.' i Sweeten tho pumpkin with sugar and a littlo molas ses. Tho sugar and ep(;s should bo beaten together. Tho lLorln retjViifjes "Khigc, tho grated rind of a. lemon or nutmeg, and salt. To ono odart oif pumpkin add outf quart of milk and birr eg'gs for ordinary richness. Heat tho pumpkitj 'nctildiilp-liot JjeJ'oro' putting it upon the cniHt to bako, other wise tlio crust will bo soakcd.i Bako, in a very ho't'oven. i In I '. i i ItcctsTor Mich i'ofrs'.i Thero can bono doil4 tliitf'tup $oot crop is a most valuablo auxiliary food for tho lato winter months and also during tho winter and spring ; and to ono convicted of this tho question will arise, which of all-tho various root crops, aU things cousideryij, is tho bcs,tvand most profitable o raiws. Potatoes Wttcnbtit dtTnotaddto tho quan tity or quality of the milk. Tho turnip furnishes a largo amount of nutritious food, but has objections with somo on accouufi.of tho unpleasant flavor it imparts to tho milk and butter. Tho carrot is highly esteemed; its cultivation however involves a great ex pense. But tho sugar beet seems to pos sess many qualities that pernliarly tit it as a sprfclal crop for the' winter feed of milch cows. Some, wo are aware, do not think highly of it, but others and among them tho best known dairymen in tlio country have a contrary opinion. Maino ' farmer. Pupcr Comfortables. , Tho modo of make comfortables wanner by lining them with newspapers, is', fHxl. as long as they last, which cannot bo long, especially after washing a few times. I have tried a similar way W attaiiifng tho object on cold nights, when I have' hot had Ruflicient lieddii) over me, especially tit ho tels, where we cannot always get just what Wo want. Throw off one or two of 'tho lop covers from tho bed' then null from tho pocket or satchel, two or three Imfce news papers ono very large one will !do tipi-aod them on tho bed, replace the cover and you will have a warm and corufortablo night, without any perceptible ineicaso in tho weight of tho bedding. Fattening Tho hunter knows that long before cold weather sets in, bears, doers beavers, 'musk rats and birds are all fat, and have not only their winter coat on their Tvteks, but' are well lined inside as a protection against the cold.. If we would learn a lesson from this, wo would hurry up our fat stock while they will naturally gaiii most rapidly,, and get our stock generally into good condition, and shelter thom well, no! before tho extremo cold makes irreparable draughts on their system. , Tho rule of tlio farmer should be like that of a good business man, to have means on hand to meet all drafts bffore thoy are. due. When Docs u I.aml) llcconie a Sheep. I This question has been decided accord. ing to law in a suit which was lately brought against a railroad company for damages for killing thirteen sheep. It was contended that they wero lambs ; but tho evidence suflicient to prove them sheep was not their age which was fifteen months but tho fact that they had got there first pairs of teeth. Bo that a lamb becomes sheep, legally, when it has its first penna nent teeth. - t. - t3?" With goo'd feed' dnd good care, ono can have good animals'. Calves must bo kept growing the first winter. With plenty of water) 'f;ood Imy, 'and an occasional feed of roots, they will mako largo, handsome animals. Too many calves, receivo a stunt the first winter which they ncver got ovr aftorward. ' Corii'Meal Itolln. Hake a kcttlo of corn moiil iiiuhIi. To twoqunrt of thir mush uld ateamiii'of vm mclti'd lard bullivleutly cool, and a cup of yeatt. Knead in'llonr till it U abHf tko Kanie as any other bread, and let it rise over niylit. In tde morniny; roll out and liako in n nuMleiiile oven. Liniincnt. 'No better liniment for brumes on man or boH8t was over uted tlian equal parts of laudanum, alcliohol and oil of woiuiood. It reduce the swellino; mjiidly, if enflimiud, and icmove coreues liko a cbatiu. Tlio aooncr aiiidied of course tho better. tM To prevent cow from ' 'kicknij buckle a ttrnp tilit around tbo cow back of tlio hlpi and in fiont of tlio udder, and ahe cannot kick. iriif I'Attaif ci'iiviij' ' r rrHE primary eane of Consumption Is do- I rnccmit of the digestive organs This donintcnunt produces deficient aitlrltiotr and nsslmilntlftn; By naalmllutlon, I mean Mint process by which the nutriment of tho food Is converted Into Mood, and tlicnce Intotlie solids of tlio body. Persons with digestion thus Im paired, having tlio slftfliteet predisposition to pulmonary disease, or if they take cold, will be very llnlile to have Coftnnttlon rtf tho Lungs In some of. Its forms j and I hold that It will be impossible .to cure-any case of Csnaiimptlon without llrxt ruatoilng a good digestion and healthy assimilation. Tlio very llrst thing to ho done is to cleanse tho stomach and bowels from all diseased mucus mid slime, which Is clocninctlicso organs so that they cannot per- loimnntrtr ninrlioiia, and tlion ronsa up kntl restore the liver to a healthy action. For this purpose the surest and best remedy is Sclicnck's Mandrake 1'ills. , These Pills clean the stom ach and bowels of all tho dead and morbid slime that Is cunning disease uiid decay in the whole systeiu. They will clear out the itver of all dlscasd liiln that Iisb ncciininlntcd there, and rouse it lip to a new And healthy action, by which nuturnl ana hculli j hue is acrrelenv The stomach, how4ls,;an4 er are thus cleansed by the Use of 6?hcnckrs Mandrake Pills but thero remains In the stomach an ex ccrb of ucld, tne'nrffnn Is' torjild rind the appe tite poor. , ila the Imwels the lustcnls are weak, And requiring strength and support; -It is In condition like this that Sclicnck's Seaweed Tonic proves In be Ibo most valuable remedy ever discovered. , It is alltalttic, Hid it use. will neutralize oil excess of ocld, making tlio stomach sweet and fresh ; It will glvo perma nent tono to this ltnportntvi'i;&n, mid ercatc a good, hearty appetite' uud prepare' the system forlho llril process! of. uood iigestien, and. ulw tlmatcly make good, healthy, living blood After this preparatory traitment.whnt remains to eurp most oa,HC of Consumption Is the frco and persevere in), tine- of Schenk's Pulmonic Syrup. Th l'ulmouie Hyrnu . nourishes tho system purities the-blood, anil 1s- tendlly nlr sorbed into the circulation, and thcnon distrllt- utua to the iliscased lutiirs. . Iliorc It ripens all morbid mutters, whetlicp in tho4nrm of iibscce. ses or tubercles, nnd then ufsl.-ts Nature to ex- iiel nil the diseased niuttur, In the lorin ol free expectoration, when once it ripens. It is then by the grwut liualluf nnd piiiyfviiijt janportlcB of Sehenl' 1'illmAirte Syrup, Unit all Mteeisf and cavities nro liealcd up tound, and my pa tient is cured. i , , The essential thing to he done in curing Con- suuiptlou is to gut up a good, appetite ami a good dilation, so that the body will grow. In llesh and get strong. If u person has diseased hull's a cavitv or abscess there rno eiiviiy cannot heal, the matter, cannot ripen so long as the system Is below par. What Is necessary to cure la a ntw order of tliinw a good appe tite, a good nutrition, the body togrotn llesh nnd get fat; then Nature Is helped, the cavities will heal, the matter will rlisui and be thrown ntrin large qualities, nnd the person will regaiu health and sturenglu. i his Is the true and on ly plan tocure Consumption, and If a person is not entirely destroyed, or even. If one lung is entirely gone, If there is enough vitality left in the other to heal up, there Is hope.- , , ', '' I have seen many person cured VhV nly one Sound lungj live lane enjoy 111 toui good old ago. This Is w hat Bchenek's Medicines will do to cure Consumption. They win clean out tho etomncb, sweeten and strengthen It, get up a good digestion, and give Nature the sys teiu of all the diseases she needs to clear the system of nil the dispuse that Is In the lungs, whatever the torut may no. . , It is Important that w hile nslng Sclicnck's Medicines, care sliould be exercised not to take cold : kecpiu-doors in cold and damp weather ; avoid night air, and take out-dyor cxerclifc.,only in a Lru:iinl unci warih sunsliluet. , i i i I wish it disliuutly understood diet when I recommend u patient to be tarelul lu regard to taking cold, while using my Medicines, I do so for a special reason. . A man who has but par tially recovered Ootu tile cileets ol' u bad cold is fur more liable to a relapse than oue w ho. bus been entirely cured I and it Is precisely the Same lu regard to Consumption. 80 lotig as tlio lungs aro not perfectly lleuleil, Just so long Is there Imminent danger ol a lull return 01 lue uiseuso, lleuce it Is that I so strenuously caution pul monary patients against, exposing themselves toun uluiusphei'o luutls not genial aim picas- ant. Confirmed Consumptives' lungs lire a inufls itf Sores.' which the least chauiro .of at mosphere will liilluuie. The grand secret of my success with my Medicines consists In my anil ity to subdue Inflammation Instead of provok ing it, us many or tlio laeuuyuo. An uiuameu lung cannot, w ith safety to the patient, be ex posed to the biting blasts of Winter or the chill ing winds ol rprin: or Autumn, iisnouiu no carefully shielded liomull irrituling liillunccs The utmost caution tbould bo observed In this particular, us without It a cure under almost uny circumstances Is an Impossibility. ' The person should be kept on wholesome and nutritious dlet,'und all the Medicines continued until the body has "restored to it the natural" quantity of llesh and strength I was myself cured by this treatment of the worst kind of Consumption, and huve lived to get fat and hearty these many years, w ith one lung mosUy gone. I I. have cured thousands since, and very many have been crfrcd by this treatment whom I have never seen. , About the First of October I expect to take possession of my uew building, at, the North east Corner of blxtli and Arch Streets, whore I shall he pleased to give advice to all who may require It. Full directions accompany all my Remedies, sothut a person in nay part of the world can be readily cured by a strlctr observanoo ofalie same. , J. II. BCMENCK, M. D., Philadelphia. ' -Joii!ion, rfoi.l.oWAY & (Jowmjii, (joii Arch tttiuet; Philadelphia, -VJiuesale AkuiUs. 6 23 ly nsIke in.'the LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ) 'j !";J J i.i i NEW YORK . F. B. Winston, Presldeut. ,1 ';" , , ,- i,,'' " 1 .. ,.'..' . Tub ddust ami strongest Coinpauy (u the United : States. Assets over W6,uO0,0Ou lu cash. KlIVLKH. ARfiit. Llver(ool, l'a. 6 44 Vit. 1 H. Hm i nil. a M. Buuuiu S. SHOLER & SON, LIVERPOOL, ' '! Ferry County, l'a., i Dealers In all kinds of ' UariJwaro, Groceries, &c, , AH RsMMlRin our llni Ml I at the luwdit priori. GlveutaliluL 0 4UU. - " - ' J ' THKRutucrlberhsion Imnd and for salo, at lovy pi liies, it ctiuiplete u-isortiiieiitof miXfOR ; '' ! MEDICINES, 1 AND CHEMICALS, . . r Of I1 Kinds. Also, a full stock of Concentrated Remedies, PATENT MEpIClHES,, ,. '! ESSENTIAL OILS, ' " PEilFUMEIiy, '!'' -, HAIR OILS, BRUSHES, ' 1 !'' ' . , . . AND FANCY ARTICLES. .Puro Wines AND ' LIQUO RS, Always pn halid,!for Mteliaulral and Saeranicn J " J lal pul'isise j Iftfl'tiKiiiiiii-i' Onhm rurrj'uVy and nromiitltt filU tl. ' B . M E B Y , U r JUIOTPIHIT, PEKRY COUNTY, PA.( ' - -j. -- VV. lN5-vv .Leathery Harness and Oil Store TllKsulwcrllicr lias just opened In Hiincaniion, Perry (sanity, l'a., opposite the National Hotel, a lar'e and splendid asHortincnt ot ;.C.'IIi:i!j . , . . VDDLKHY, ' 01I.fi, ; ' ' . TUliNKS, . 1 HIIOK-iaNDINCS.&C. He Is prepared to till orders at the shorte.-d notice anil in the best manner. A number of the Is'st workmen are employed, anil repaiilni; Is done without delay anil 011 the most reasonable terms. rtl.HNKiy Oil. lire test by the barrel, or In ' 1 i M ' I'.l Vl CAT I N f anil other OILS of the best quality. Hi lelli tosuit purchasers. Tlie'CASII pahl for liark, Hides and Skins of all marketable kinds. . I'lease call nnd examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. , , , ' JOS. M. MAWl.KY. J Duncaiiunn, S4 tf ' -v Xj JD IE; J. 1ST O 3ST Mutiiiil Firo Insurance Coinpiiny, .TollChllOM'll, X't'llll'jl. 1J01.IOIP.S I'EJtPKTUAI. at Low ISates. No Steam risks taken. This is one ot tho best sondueted and most reliable Companies 111 tho SlaJe 4.'ounlry property Insured Perpetually at M no per thousand, and Tow n property at &" 00 per thousand. LEWIS POTTER, N HV lSLOOM l'T KI.I), PA., 4 K. I Auciit for Porry County. THE NEW DISCOVERY Ju Chemical ami Medical pciPBoo- )( Dr. B. GAIiVIN'S SOLUTION & COMPOUND i ELIXIR FII18T AND ONLY BOT-T'TTON" rrr mndfl in one mixMiro of AM 'I Hi: TWIll.V K valuublu Hctivo priucijula of tlio wuLLrjWauwu . eui'ttivti&K''Ut, , ' ri?;xj tiii:k tah, rxrarAL;L.n Couuhn, Colds, C&Urrli, , Amliuij, liroiiL'hiufi, auJ consumption. - 1 1 cuni;s vIXIIotT', xAir.1 A recent ooM (n thrro to fix 1onr; and also, liy itn VITALISING, VUKIFVINO nml hTI WULATINU futl'.'ctii mum tlm yeuerul nyitetn, i rt'mrirktiitly ftncnrtnuii in nil iim:ahi:h of tiii-i ki.ooo. 1 lncludiup Ht iotula and Krujtioua uf tiivskln, J)yBiM.mift, iJineuae of tlia I.iver and Kidney Heart 11 lih:uc, and Uewirul Debility. wl ONE TRIAL CONVINCES! ALftO, A -Volatile Solution of Tar For INHALATION, without mllotion ol HEAT. A remarkably VALUABLE dinrorerr. ' ait t lie whole apptmtu can be oarnnl in the veil J potk'-t, n dv ut any time for tlieuiuitetlcctual aad jHitativuly curativo useiu AU Utaoaa of tho NOSE, THROAT and l.l .. THE COMPOUND Tar and Mandrake Pill. fir ou in ronnMtlon with th ELIXIR TAll, in a romhinntion of the TWO mot vuluahla ALTKKATiVH Medicine known in the I'ro ftfaaion, and reudfirs thii Pill without exception tili vf rr bt avot offered. TnebULUTIUN and COMPOUND ELIXIIlof TL? -A. R I wiihout dotabt tha Uoit remedy kaown In ouna of ... T, J. .. .J.?. . .. CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER. , It in a BpvciHe fnr such dlwmwt, - end hould be . keptin Uielioumholdof Avnrv fuuuljr, fMpouitUlx durtDg tboM mouths iu which CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER are liable fa prnvail. A anull iguantity takrn daily will piuvuut coutractllig tlitiao ttirrlbla - - .diMaavi. Solution aad Compound Ellair, 1.00 por BottW Volatila Solution tor Inhalation, (3.00 por Jloa Tar and Uandrako Tills, (Octa por box. Brad fw Circular of P06IT1VB Cmtis ' to four Drutitiat, or to L. T. HYDE & CO., . , 80LH PflOPBIUTOHS, 110 E. A St., Xew York. t. Por sale by Dr. M. B. Htrlekler. New Woou held, l'a ' 6 82 62 . . t'U KINDH OF JOII ritlNTlNG ' JV Neatly executed at the Blooiuflelil Tlmea hloain Job O&lce. Philadelphia Advertisements. John Lucas Co., 1 , bolo ana , 1 THIS OXL1' M A N U P ACT VJ HE It S or THE . ' IMPERIAL FRENCH, PURE SWISS GREEN, Also, Puro , 1 r While EiOiMl nnd Color.. MA y(' FA CTUIIERK, Nos. 141 and 113 North Fourth St.. Philadelphia. .There Were Sold in the Year 1870, Blatchloy's Cucumber " TRADE Q MATiK. ' j WOOD PUMPS,'1 MeuHiirlng 213,.'. U-vt In lentli, or Huf.tclmitr tn ! Hie un'tfiUu for , , A WELL OVE?. iQ 1IILES DEEP, HimpU in Cotutrfvttfin Kui in Operation Giving no Tatte to tin Water J)u- rableatid Cheap. ' Tin-so piiniiis are tliclr own best ritcmuiiH'iidullim. For Kulo liy llcalcin in Hard wiuv and Asrluultu rat Iiniili'iui'iils, riutnlioiH, Fiiiui Makris, &., throunlinut tln iviuntry . Circillari, wo., funii-Oi-ed upon aiilii'ation liy mall or otlmrwise. - ' Kiimlo pumps liirwaiili'd to paitici ill towm when! 1 have no agents upon the receipt of Hie retail price. , lu liuyinu, beearertil that your pump bnar my trado nun k an above, an J Kuurautee no otlitir. . V Ulllce and Warp-room, ; . I Nu. &ijil (,'iiiuiiipree Street. 6 1.11 M IPJIILAVUU'JUA, PA. -Theso VmnpH can bo ordered of the Maim faulurur, or F. Mortimer & Co., New llluomUeld. S0WEK, POTTS & CO., , ItooIiNcIlrrN & Nlal loiters, , ' And Pfalorn in - c u rt'ai n ' ' ; 1 ,! . 'I'll I I ' . -- '.." .-. - , AM) - ..;'' -o ' WA LL-PA PEKS, , , Nos. 5a) Market and 523 Minor Streets, I'lULADEU'lllA, I'A. I'ubllsliers of Kaiulers' New Headers, and Brooks' Arithmetic Alio, Itobert's History of the United States, Felton's Outliuu Maps, tie. 131. AWBt liOOCtM Always on hand, nnd niado to Order. Sit miller & Elder, BSooli-Ncllcrs ami NtalioncrN, BLANK HOOK MAXVVACTVKKKH. And Dealers In ' : " WINDOW CURTAINS . , , - AM) ' ; ' , ' ' , , . ' Vi KAt 1'APKR, No. 4110, Market Btrec't, 31 PHILADELPHIA, PA. rilllis FLUID is warranted EQUAL to Aa.NOLK'g, X. uiid is sold at inueli less price. Tim money will be refunded to those Inlying It, if It does not prove entirely satisfactory. . For sale by K. Mortimer, New Illoomllnld. - MILLKB& f!I4El, .Bole Agents, . t.'tuMurket Street, , ' 10.11 l'lilladelphia. A. L. Kalb ' J. E. Fbsthiub. KALIS cV i HYMHti:, iMt'OHTEKB AND J0IIIIKH8 Of ' 1 XL M W Chin it , Ol N 1 , ( . aUEENSWAltE, S01 and B03, Cherry St., between Arch A Kaco, ' 1'lIlLADELPinA. ITT Constantly 00 hand Original Assorted Packages. ,: ., . ., 3. U. ly 10 . W. A. Atwooo. Isaac W. Kano ATWOOl), ItANCK'A CO., ColMllllNNaOII Mt'l,4,lMI', ' ..r . : . -I I ' iwn Wbolusale Ix-ulers In all kinds ot pickled and Salt ' No. 210 North Wharves, above Itace Btreet, 34001116 PHILADELPHIA, PA. ,1'lilliKjcl pli I a. Ad vertlpcmen tg. -, Jflil-'Al-Z-A-..-. .'' ' , 13ARCROFT & CO., Jiniwrlcifi Ikn' Juj)bf f s- Ot Staple and Frtaf y DRY. .-. GOODS; Cloths, ';.v'-v;'...;N-v.;;:.,'" Cassimeres . ; ; . " s.BIankct8, IinctiM, "Vlitto Goodii Hosiery, A;c, Nos. 406 and 407 MARKET 8TKEET, ' ' (Above Fourth, North Side.J "' ) EMiiliulelpIiiu. ..WRIGHT'. &! SIDDAtL, .I'l Wholesale Druggists, , ( . , AND DKAI.KltB IN ' ', ; Patent Medicines, 110 MARKET STREET, NEAR FRONT, rhiladelphia, l'a. A FULL STOCK of evfirtlilng oonnoeted with the business, ot the best quality, and lit very low prices. ' A good location (or business, with a ovv rent and light expenses, enables us to offer In ducements to buyers; and makes It worth, their while to gie us a tt-iiil. " -t ! 1. ; riilladolplila, 3. str. ; ' ' -,)---1- . . : UUAA lilS & CO., ! 1 Wholesale Dealers ln; ' i v Carpets,' '." m Oil Cloths, ' ' ' .', ' Shades, VI; ! . Ui VUUO, tit ' - Carpet Chain,- Batting, Wa tiding," Twines, &c) And a fine assortment of ' lVood aiMa,,' Willow- ynr'o. No. 420 Market street, above 4lli, , riiiladelpiiia, Pa. January 1, 189. .. John Sballncri it. 1 K. 8. ZlegW Tlo; Ittlfncl SILVFFXCK,; ZIEGLER &, CO., , , 1: , Successors to SIIAFFNEK, ZIKOLEB & CO.. ; Importers and Dealers In , , ;.. iIVC,' .. 1: ;; ' .':' - Klbboniy.-1-" ; ' ' ' KuspoiidorN, T II Ii E A 1) S r . C 0 M B S , ' and every vaVlety of TRIMMINGS, ,J ; ' FANCY GOODS, 6, North Fburtli Street, ' , No. l'lllLADELl'UIA, PA. Agent for Lancaster Cmnbn, 1 .... 1' i i w i i -' .'..'. Jt ' L ' w. r.l'ito'iii!,ui:,:'.' :' ' . , JOBBER IN , , j , . , H.ats, Caps, Furs, . ; ' AND .. 'I . , . , Strsi V - Gr O O 1 N 158.NOUTH THIRD STREET," :'' " 391yl0 ' ' PHILADELPHIA.' ' h. 1:. tai.oi:, . , ' WITH'' . - -, .,- WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS ' AND ' TEA DEALERS, ' 1 North East Corner of 2nd and Arch Street?, "Philadelphia Pa nOAR.McCONKEY&CO., , Successors to , VM. w. PAUL & 90., ! ; - WUOLSSALB I ' BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 623 Market 8t. and 814 Commerce Street, ; Philadelphia,' Penn'a. WHOLESALE ' : VV5 RRnfiERS January I, 'lSfiy.. LtOVD, SLTPLEE, & WALTON, , ' WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOUSE, No. 625 Market Btreet, ; " lhllnlclihln. WM. H. KENNEDY, ! WITH ' !.''. llempliill C'liaiullcr, j UEALEltS 1M , Tobacco, Scgars, S'c, No, 222 MARKET BTUEET. l'lllLADKLl'lIIA, PA., 9W A full HtocV of theCelebratod MONrron Na vt, always on hand. 1 ii lylo