The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, November 28, 1871, Page 8, Image 8

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SCljc ttimco, Xcwj IMomhficIii, )a.
Miscellaneous News Items.
Persons at Red Oak, Iown, aro buying
corn at fifteen cents per bushel to urb as
fuel, being cheaper tlinn coal.
t3F"Mr. Rufus Porter, of Lowistown,
111., recently received a box containing 8
Italian queen bees, direct from Switzer
land. The expense was $4.1.
ty It 1b thouclit that 100,000 hogs will
be packed in St. Joe, Mo., during the pres
ent Beason. Farmers ask 8 cents per lb.,
buyers offer tlirco cents. '
tW A Mr. Egan, of Wisconsin, thought
bo would feel a circular saw to Bee if it was
going. Ho is now learning to write with
his loft hand.
tW James Horn, in tho Reaver county
Court, has been conviced of the murder of
Martin Darius Grant, the deed having been
committed in New Brighton, on tho 12th
of October.
' James Abbot, whilo under tho in
fluence of liquor, endeavored to save his
son, who had fallen into a stream near New
Hope, Bucks county, last week, and both
wero drowned.
tTP Susan Kelly, on trial at Baltimore
for tho murder of her new-born infant by
burning it in a Btovo last August, has been
acquitted, medical evidence showing that
the child was not born nlivo.
IW At Blackstone, R. I., on the 15th
inst., Mrs. Francis Watfleld chopped her
young child's head to pieces with an axe.
The mother, who is probably insane, made
two attempts to drown herself last week.
t3T" The Chicago Timet says : A dus
ky damsel on Fourth avenue cicatcd con
siderable amusement recently by turn
ing summersaults in the middle of tho
Bti'ccr, ending tho matinee by standing on
her head, and cutting spread eagles in tho
air with her pedal extremities.
tW Hon. J. M. Leech, member of Con
gress from the 5th North Carolina district,
has been proven to be a member of the
Klu-klux-klan, and a warrant has bocn is
sued for bis arrest. Several members of
tho State Legislature have been arrested
on similar charges.
t3f A Maine young lady, who endcav
ored to put to a practical test an old legend
which promises a sight of her future hus
band to the spinster who goes down a cel
lar backward on the last night of October,
fell to the bottom of tho stairway, amid
streams of kerosene and showers of broken
glass, causing a terrible racket, and effect
ually spoiling her beauty. '
tSTTTie schooner Twilight struck a
rock on the 15th inst, Ave miles below
Port aux Barques, sprung a leak, and broke
her steering gear. The crew, eight in all,
took to the small boat, which was capsiz
ed. Only two persons reached the shore.
Capt. Gibbs, of Oswego, and tho first mate,
John Ilenwood, of Erie, wero among the
t3T"Tlio shoriff has returned to Judge
Ingraham his orders for tho arrest of In
gersoll, Woodward and Garvey, nil being
beyond his power. Garvey, without doubt,
is in Europe, and can only be brought back
on a criminal process. Woodward is in
Canada, dciinite information of that fact
having reached the sheriff's office. Inger
soll is in Jersey City, where he can defy the
civil law.
tW In Texas the school law requires all
children between six and eighteen to attend
school. A few days ago the School Com
missioners of one of the eastern counties
received a touching appeal from a lady of
seventeen whom they had mulcted accord
ing to law for non-attendance during tho
year. " I have a husband to care for,"
said the young delinquent, "a child to
nurse, clothos to wash, meals to cook, and a
house to keep in order. If you make ine
attend school another year, everything will
go to ruin."
UP A miser named Alliens, or Alders,
who has lived in Wehawkcn, N. J., many
years, has been missing for several days.
His bouse remaining closed, the neighbors
suspected something wrong, and on Satur
day broke open the door. The miser was
seated at a table on which was spread
out $1,540 and some odd change. His
hands rested on the table as though in the
act of counting his treasure, and thus death
had overtaken him. Coroner Vollhardt
took charge of the body and effects. As
Aldens has no known living relatives, bis
money will go Into the Weehawken treas
ury. t3JA mob last week, at Brookville.Ind.,
forced the jail, and attempted to take out
McDonald Cheek, confined for the mur
der of bis father-in-law, at Lawrenceburg,
Indiana, a year Ago with the supposed in
tention of lynching him. Cheek knocked
.down the first man that came into his cell,
aud taking a revolver from him, defended
himself biavely. Many of the mob were
hurt. The jailor in the meantime escaped,
and rang the fire-alarm, which brought a
number of eltizens to his aid, whereupon
the mob scattered; but many were recog
nized notwithstanding their disguise.
Cheek was tried and sentenced to be hang
ed. Last October the Supreme court grant
ed a new trial, and it is feared that bis sen
tence may be light; hence the action of the
Xciv Advertisements.
rpiIE primary online of Consumption Is do
l rangement of the digestive orgnns. This
derangement produces deficient nutrition and
assimilation, By assimilation, I mean Hint
process by which the nutriment of the food Is
converted into blood, and thence Into the solids
of the body. Persons with digestion thus Im
paired, having the slightest predisposition to
pulmonary disease, or if they take cold, will be
very liable to have Consumption of the Lungs
in some of Its forma and 1 hold that il will be
impossible to cure any cose of Consumption
without first reotorlng a good digestion and
healthy assimilation. The very first thing to
be done is to cleanse the stomach and bowels
from all diseased mucus and sllnio, which is
clogging these orguns so that they cannot per
form their functions, and then rouse up nnd
restore the liver to a healthy action. For this
purpose the surest nnd best remedy Is Bchcnck's
Mandrake Pills. These 1'llls clean the stom
ach and bowels of nil tho dead and morbid
slime that Is causing disease and decay In the
whole system. They will elenr out the liver of
nil diseased bile that has accumulated there,
and rouse It up to a new and hialthy action, by
which natural and hcnlihy bile is secreted.
Tha stomach, bowels, and liver are thus
cleansed by the use of Bchcnck's Mandrake
Pills ; but there remains lu tho stomach an ex
cess of acid, the organ is torpid and the appe
tite poor. Iu the bowels the lucteals arc weak,
and requiring strength and support. It Is In a
condition like this that Bchenck's Seaweed
Tonic proves to be tho most valuable remedy
ever discovered. It is alkaline, and its use
will neutralize all excess of acid, making the
stomach sweet nnd fresh It will give perma
nent tone to this important organ, and create a
good, hearty appetite, and prepare the system
tortile first process of good digestion, and, ul
timately make good, healthy, living blood
Alter this preparatory treatment, what remains
to cure most case of Consumption is the free
nnd pcrsevcrelng use of Bchenk's Pulmonic
Syrup. The Pulmonic Syrup nourishes the
system, purlfles the blood, and is readily ab
sorbed into the circulation, and thence distrib
uted to the diseased lungs. There it ripens all
morbid matters, whether in the form of
ses or tubercles, and then assists Nature to ex
pel nil the discused matter, in the form of free
expectoration, when once it ripens. It Is then
by the great healing and puryfying properties
of Bchenk's Pulmonic Syrup, that all ulcers
and cavities are healed up sound, and my pa
tient is cured.
The essential thing to be done in curing Con
sumption Is to get up a good appetite and a
good digestion, so that the body will grow in
flesh and get strong. If a person has diseased
lungs a cavity or abscess there rhe cavity
cannot hcul, the matter cunnot rlpeu so long as
the system Is below par. What is necessary to
cure is a new order of things a good appe
tite, a good nutrition, the body to grow in flesh
and get fat; then Nature is helped, the cavities
will hcul, the matter will ripou and be thrown
off in large qualities, aud the person will regain
health and stercngth. This Is the true and on
ly plan to cure Consumption, nnd If a person
Is not entirely destroyed, or even if one lung Is
entirely gone, if thero is enough vitality lull iu
the other to heal ap, there Is hope.
I have seen many persons cured with enly
one sound lung, live and enjoy Ufa to a good
old age. Thi" is what Scheuck's Medicines
will do to cure Consumption. They will clean
out tho stomach, sweeten and strengthen It, get
up a good digestion, and glse Nuturo tho sys
tem of all the diseases she needs to clear the
system of all the disease that is in the lungs,
whatever the form may be.
It is important that while using Bchenck's
Medicines, care should be exercised not to take
cold i keepln-doors in cold and dump weather )
avoid night air, and take out-door exercise only
In a gonial and warm sunshine.
I wish il distinctly understood ihct when I
recommend a patient to be careful In regard to
taking cold, while using my Medicines, I do so
for a special reason.. A man who has but par
tially recovered from the effects of a bad cold is
fur more liable to a relapse thun one who has
been entirely cured s uud It is precisely the same
in regard to Consumption. Bo long us the lungs
are not perfectly healed, just so long is there
Imminent danger of a full return of the disease.
Hence It Is that I so strenuously caution pul
mouary patients against exposing themselves
to un atmosphere thut Is not goniul and pleas
ant. Continued Consumptives' lungs ure a
muss of sores, which- the least chunge of at
mosphere will lutlume. The grand secret of my
success with my Medicines consists in my abil
ity to tnbduo Inflammation Instead of provok
ing it, as many of the faculty do. An inflamed
lung cannot, with safety to the patient, be ex
posed to the biting blasts ef Winter or the chill
ing winds of Spring or Autumn. It should be
carefully shielded from all Irritating lutluuces.
The utmost. caution should be observed in this
particular, as without It a cure under almost
any circumstances is an impossibility.
The person should be kept on wholesome and
nutritious diet, and all the Medicines continued
until the body has restored to it the natural
quantity of flesh and strength.
I was myself cured by this treatment of the
worst kind of Consumption, aud have lived to
get fat and hcai ty these many years, with one
lung mostly gone. I bave cured thousands
since, and very many have been cured by this
treatment whom I have never seen.
About the First of October I expect to take
possession of my new building, at the North
east Corner of Sixth and Arch Streets, where I
shall be pleased to give advice to all who may
require It.
Full directions accompany all my Remedies,
so thut a person in auy part of the world can
be readily cured by a strict observance of the
same. J. 11. SCUENCK, M. 1).,
J-Jounion, Hollowat & Cowukn, (Ju2 Arch
Street. 1'hiUdelphiu, Wholesale Agents. 6 X) ly
F. B. Winston, President.
The oldest and strongest Company in the United
States, Assets over WS,lU0,0UO la cash.
8. M. 8HULER. Agent.
Liverpool, pa.
5 44 l it.
8. HllUI.I.
8. M. Suulch
Terry County, Ta.,
Dealers In all kinds of
Hardware, Groceries,. &c.
All goods In our line, sold t the lowest prices.
Give us s trial. 644141.
We have bought more largely,
and therefore more cheaply,
than ever before.
We have selected EVERY
PIECE of Goods with the ut
most care, and had EVERY
YARD examined, and well
SPONGED before making-up.
We have rejected all COTTON
Goods, and have manufactured
nothing but ALL WOOL.
We have studied all the New
Styles English, French, and
American and have adopted
only the best, together with
many New Designs originated
by Ourselves. ' .
We have made many improve
ments in Making-up, and have
more confidence than ever in
the superiority of our Work
manship. We have labored to suit all
tastes, and have Plain Styles as
well as more Fashionable Cuts,
and every variety of Shade and
We have determined to do a
Larger Trade than ever, and so
have combined every Induce
ment that can possibly be of
fered. OAK HALL,
Bloomfield Academy !
An Knglish ami Classical School
Young Men Prepared For College,
A Xummt Si hiMil ami a Sfhool of Art.
On Monday, the fllh of November, 1871.
AB the above school has recently been re-organ-I
zed. students can eater any time.'
Prof. WM. H. 1)11.1,, a graduate oI Rutger's Col
lege, N. J., Principal.
Miss ANNA E. AUGSPUROER, a graduate of
Esther Institute, Columbus, Ohio, teacher of Mu
sic, Fainting. Drawing, French and Clernian.
Every facility tor the training of the youth of both
sexes lu all that constitutes a liberal aud thorough
The Collegiate Department
embraces all the higher brandies, Including the
Latin and Greek Languages, Engineering, Practl
cal Surveying, Literature, Natural Science and ad
vanced Mathematics.
Vacations: July and August, and one week at
Terms: For Boarding, Furnished Room, Wash
ing, Tuition In Latin, Greek, English Kranchesaud
Mathematics, for the scholastic year, 1180.
In vacations. 1200,00.
The Hoarding Department Is at the Institution,
under the supervision of Wlllam Crier, Esq., by
whom good and substantial board will lie fur
nished i and the pupils will be under tlie strict care
ol the Principal. Address
W. II. DILL, A. M. I'rluclpal,
41 1 New Bloomlteld, Perry county, J'a.
Valuable .- Ileal Estate
At Private Sale.
Situated in the village of Rosehtirg. one and a half
miles from Iekesburg, l'erry county, Fa.
The house Is Two Stories high, also a Cellar and
Cellar Kitchen, with a Well of water at the door.
The lot comprises
of land In a good state of cultivation, on which Is
erected A i(MH Util BARN, twenty feet In
width, by llfly feet In length.
V This property will lie sold low, as the owner
has removed from the neighborhood.
For terms apply to
, ok lukesburg, .
8 SO tf Duncannon Woolen Factory,
Farm at Private Sale.
HE undersigned oners at private sale, a farm
in uyeuiwiisnip.rerry county, ra., containing
eV ACK10H.
The land Is the best In the nlghhorhood, with run
ning water In every Meld, Is under good fence, and
has theieou erected s new
Frame Dwelling House.
There Is also a thrifty Young ORCHARD on the
iilace. This land lies along two public roads the
ishlng Creek road and the f-amli'i Gap road ; the
last named divides the tand In two pails IkiU on
the one side and 26'4 on the other i on the a!4
acre piece is a New Frame Dwelling House, and on
the other s
FRAME 22 x 28,
erected for a house, with s never falling Spring of
water. This land will be sold ss a whole, or In two
Tracts, to suit purchasers.
V Persons desiring to purchase a farm will do
well to examine this one before Investing else
where, as it lies within four mile of Marysvllle.
and the Pennsylvania Railroad one of the best
markets In the county.
Further Information can be had by ad
dressing Dr. JOHN USAW.
i i . ejenner X Roads,
12 Somerset county. Pa.
' ;'.J:-.iJ a Professional Cards.
, N. . innr vv.'iT U, : .
X n n tm , 101.- vvrVrr
. ... .v
Our Stook Is even more
varied, and our Prices even
lower, than ever before.
: Our Clothing will more than
sustain its reputation of being
the most Reliable nnd Durable
in the market.
Our Customers will be In no
danger of having "Cotton Stuff"
palmed off on thorn. : ' .
Our Fall Clothing has a Styl
ishness and Genteel Appear
ance which cannot fail to
attract and please all Gentle
men of good taste.
Our present Stock will be
less liable than any other to
any of the mishaps which tome
times befall other Ready-Made
Our Stock Is sure to contain
what will suit all classes and
conditions of Men and Boys,
both as to Goods and Prices.
Our Customers, old and new,
will be delighted with our
preparations for the present
Fall and Winter Trade.
The ingredients that
published on every pnckngo, tliorc
foroitisnofa secret preparation,
It is a certain cure for Scrofula,
Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma
tism, Skin IJiscatc, l.ivcr Coin
plaint and all diseases of tie
will do more good than ten bottles
of tho iSyrups of tiarsaparilla.
have ucd Uo:idul:sii their practice
for llio past three years ami f ci iy
endorse it nsa reliahlu Alicrutivo
and Wood I'urilicr.
DR. T. C. rUr?TT,rf mtlrmro. 1
nii.T. j.
1)11. R. W. CAP II. u
Oil. V.0. 1A jN.-U.Y, "
D:t. J. S. Ci'AIl.vS, NlchobuviUe,
DKjVl. MrCARTHA, roltimhla,
S. c.
Da. A. 11. NO:iI.;.S, Kdgecom!., N. V.
zzid a;:d:.::dc:.',:d ty
j. n. rn::NLTi & f orvs, ra:; i.ivcr,
7. W. MTITTt. Jirl. n.
I A. F. I. Iui. i ai.
t RAVI.N A t ., .; rdrr
SA.V.'L. (J. McFALlU .V,
. c. n.
Our r; ..
trn:r I '
I . i
J"v f tiiy ex
1 i il to tho
Twllio Mctiiml
a fluid kx
y have vrr
t t' ftitraM'd
.ft. wu say It y
..I 1.0 ttfctorci
virtu, sr. 11. n ...'r
PrutcS. "I! i ;
tract in pert' r t I
usimI in t:.o t a
LIimh nnd ..
Honadalii tii.i u
to hulih.
lo..lalii li ..,!,! ,r all Pru--..
price S)l-0 pur buttln. A,:,.p -
Manufen furhiff rni. in . ,.
30 82
Moody's Eureka Stamp
For perforating
Ac, the amount for
which they are
drawn, to prevent
alteration. 1 lie per
forations are lused
the Ink being
lorceuintoine mire
of the nnner. from
which ft cannot be
removed. Theuheck
Is moved forward
by the upward action of the lever of the machine.
Price laS. J. MOODY,
OR Trinity Building. P. O. Box flow, N. Y.
AT Send for a Circular. Agents W anted. 34a3in
I. x. oniviN. t. n. uiavix.
CoinmlHHlon MurcluuitN,
II 1 1 1 III o r o , M 1 .
We will pay strict attention to the sale of all
kinds of country produce, and remit Hie amounts
promptly. A 34 ly
rwtitY house,
' New BlooinlH'hl, I'm.
THE subscriber having purchased the property
on the joi ner of Maine and Carlisle streets,
opposite the Court Mouse, Invites all his II lends
aud former austoiners to give hliu s call as he Is
determined t furnish first class accommodations.
ltf. Proprietor.
JBAILY, Attorney at Law.
, , New llloomlleld, Perry Co., P.
" Office In the Court House, with .1. It. Sliulcr,
Esq. Refers to B. Mclntlre. Esq. June 27, 1871.
P. McINTIHE Attorney at Law, and DIs
i trlct Attorney of I'prrv hnintv. new. with
J. T. M oin tire. New Bloomfield, Penn'a.
1TM. N. BE1BERT, Attorney at Law,
XX . . o-New ll'"'"leld. Perry co.. Pa.
Bloomncld, 3 33 ly.
TTM. M. BUTCH, Attorncy-at-Law, and Mill
YV tary Claim Agent,
New Bloomfield, Terry co., Pa.
-Of!lce Two doors West of F. Mortimer's
Storer-3 7 ly
"ITTM. A. SPONSLER, Attorney at Law.
TV Olllcc adjoining his residence, on East
Main street, New Uloumtleld, Perry co., Pa. 3 2 ly
C II. OALBRA1TH, Attorney at Law,
kJ New Rlooinlleld, Perry co., Pa.
Pensions, Bounties, Back Pav, and all
Claims against the Government, promptly collect
ed. Otllce with Win. A. Sponsler, Esq. 3 2 ly.
CLEE MURRAY, Attorney-at-Law, and Real
Estate Agent,
New Rloomlleld. Perry Co., Ta.
T OITlce with Hi ". n. K. Junkln, South Car
lisle street, New Blomlleld, Pa. 3 2 ly.
CHAS. A BARNETT Attonieyrnt.iv
New Rlnoiiiltelil. Perry CO.. Ps.
9-Onice adjoining Mort::ner' rStore. 3 2 ly
CHAS. J. T, MctNTIRK, Atto7ncy7at-Law!
New llloomlleld. Perry co., Ta.
All professional business promptly andfalth
fully attended ta 3 2 lv.
Attoknkv-at-Law & Notary Puni.rc,
iVeio JlloomllPliI, l'erry Vnuntu, I'e.nn'a.
8- S)ieeiiU attention given to Collections of all
kinds, to the settlement of estates, &c., and all
other legal business prosecuted with fidelity and
dispatch. Also, Depositions, Allldavlts and Ac
knowledgment taken.
rOIIlcc tlvedoors West of Stitch's hotel. 321y.
JOHN G. 8HATTO, Surgeon Dentist.
New BliHimlleld. l'erry co., Pa.
tlstry All kinds of Mechanical ami Surgical Den
oiices.done In the best manner, and at reasonable
3-OIIlce over Mortimer's stoic 3 2 lv
NewMirt, Pa., offers his services for the per
formance of all kinds of Dental operations. Sat
isfaction guaranteed.
ruinee on Alain street, opposite liny's
f 3utl
Perry County Bank!
Nponsiler, Jim kfn fc Co.
THE undersigned, having formed a Ranking As
sociatlon under the abuve name and style, are
now ready to do a General Banking business at
their new Bunking House, on Centre Square,
We receive money on deposit and pay back on
demand. We discount notes for a period of not
over 00 days, aud sell Drafts on Philadelphia and
New York.
On time Deposits, five per cent, fnrany time over
four months; and for four months four per cent.
We are well provided with all and every facility
for doing a Banking Business; and knowing, and
tor some years, feeling the great Inconvenience un
der which the people of tills County labored for the
want of a Bank of Discount aud Deposit, we have
have determined to supply the want; and this being
the first Bank ever established in Perry county, we
hope we will be sustained in our efforts, by all th
business men, farmers and mechanics.
This Banking Association Is composed of the fol
lowing named partners:
W. A. Hponbi.eb, Bloomfield. Perry county, Pa.
B. F. Junkin, " " "
Wm, II., Carlisle,
W. A. SPONSLER, President.
William Willis, Ootliler.
New Bloomllcld, 3 6 ly
Ii:illlY t'OUXTY
Ileal Estate, Insurance,
Jieal Estate iirokert, Insurance, it Cfafm Agent
JVo'W ltloomlieltl, In.
WE INVITE the attention of buyers and sell
ers to the advanlages we ofter them In pur
chasing or disposing of real estate through our of
fice. We have a very large list of desirable property,
consisting of farms, tow n proorly, mills, store
and tavern stands, anil real estate of any descrip
tion which we are prepared to oiler at great bar-
f:alns. We advertise our property very exlenslve
y. and use all our efforts, skill, and dilllgence to
effect a sale. We make no charges unless the
Jroierty is sold while registered with us. We also
Iraw up deeds, bonds, mortgages, andall legal pa
jiers at moderate rates.
Some of the best, cheapest, and most reliable
fire, life, aud cattle Insurance companies In the
United States are represented at tills agency.
l'roierly Insured either on the cash or mutual
plan, and HU ietually at $4 and Sf per thousand.
Pensions, bounties, and all kinds of war claims
collected. There are thousands of soldiers and
heirs of soldiers who are entitled to pensions ami
bounty, who have never made application. Sol.
dlers, If you were wounded, ruptured, orcontract
ed a disease in the service from which you are dis
abled, you are entitled to a pension.
When widows of soldiers die or marry, the minor
children are entitled to the pension.
Parties having any business to transact In our
line, are resectfully invited to give us a call, as
we are conildent we can render satisfaction In auy
branch of our business.
- No charge for Information.
42uly , LEWIS POTTER & CO.
(Formerly kept by Woodruff and Turbett,)
A'tw SloauiJlM, rerry Vovnty, J'a,' '
AMOS ROBINBON, Proprietor.
This well known and Pleasantly located hotel
has been leased for a uuinlier of years by the pres
ent proprietor. and he will spare no pains to aecoin.
module his guests. The rooms are comfortable,
the table well furnished with Hie best 111 the mar
ket, and the bar stocked with choice liquors. A
careful and attentive hostler will be Inuttfiidancn.
A good livery stable will be kept by the proprietor.
April 3. 1871. tf . ,
The New X L Revolver, No. 1 22100 Cal., No. 2
22im)Cal., short, No. 8 32-10U Cal.. long, No. 4 SH
OO Cal., for Pocket Revolvers, aro unsurpassed.
They use the m dinar y Copper Cartridge and are
Iwautiful In shape and liuish.
41 1 0 Cat., has no equal as a Derringer.
Full and complete stock of
83 Cliamliera and 65 Ileade Streets.
Send for Catalogues. (t0s)3 m) NEW YORK.