The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, November 21, 1871, Page 5, Image 5

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    lie mc0v Ncra 'Broomfulli; )o.
fUoomfttUi feints.
Tucsduy, November 21, 1871,
Ar C a Year in Advance.
vein of coal 13 inches thick lias
been found by Mr. George Shcibly, on the
farm of Mr. Freeman, near Loysvillc.
OilotcISold. Thollotol property on Car
lisle street owned by Mr. Turbett, and now
occupied by Mr. Amos Robinson has been
sold to Mr. Wm. Grier, for $3,000.
Valuable Property. Wo call attention
to the valuable property offered by Griffith
Jones Esq., of Duncauuou, nt public salo.
Seo advertisement in another column.
92.75 will get Tint Times from now till
January 1st, 1873, and Folerson's Magazine
for 1872. Thoso who want good reading at
a low price will send us (2.7o.
A Chicago Sufferer. We call nttcntion
to a letter In another column, from a form
er resident of this county, and hopo those
who feel disposed to send aid, will prompt
ly respond to the request of Mr. Soulo.
New Time Tables have gone into opera
tion on all the railroad. The new sched
ules for the. Reading and the Northern Cen
tral were not received in timo for correction,
this week. Tho Fcnn'a. time table will be
found correct.
Killed. Jacob Myers Jr., and Peter Mag
laughlin, while working in an ore bank, on
tho farm of Jacob Myers, in Dickinson
township, Cumberland Co., on Saturday a
week, were killed by tho caving in of tho
Kf Persons wanting Hoots, Shoes, or
Rubbers for men, women or children, can
got a good aiticlo of F. Moi iimcr & Co.
Assessment. The Lycoming Fire In
suraco Company, which holds quito a
number of risks in this viciuity, having lost
largely by tho Chicago lire, has mado an
assessment of 13 per cent, on the premium
More Poison Found. The chemist in
Philadelphia, to whom was entrusted the
analysis of tho remaining portion of the
body of tho first wifo of Emanuel Shalfucr,
has notified tho District attorney of
Dauphin county, that he has discovered lin
den iablo traces of arsenic.
CSTSausagc-Culteis nnd a complete as
sortment of II aid wave can bo bought
cheap of F. Mortimer & Co.
The Storm. The severe storm that vis
ited us on Friday last, was widely extencd.
In this vicinity we have heard of no partic
ular damage that was done, but along tho
wholo Atlantic coast many wracks are re
ported. In tho vicinity of New York and
Long Island much damago was done to
trees and buildings.
Llfo Iumrnuce. Mr. I. H. Wcuscl, who
is agout for the " New York Life Iusuranco
Company, is at present canvassing this
county. Thoso who wish to take a policy,
(and no man with a family should fail to
have one) cannot get into any safer com
pany than the ono represented by Mr.
Wenzcl. Tho assets of the company are
seventeen millions of dollars. f
X3T Tho best stock of Cassimeres and
Coatings in the county, will be found at
F. Mortimer & Co's.
Hood Corn Crop. We see some of our
exchanges are telling about tho good corn
crops that have been raised in their neigh
borhood, but we have seen no report that
equals the following : Mr. Hubert Neilson,
of Centie township, raised from 29 acres
8,G20 bushels of com in the ear, an av
erage of a littlo over CI bushels of shelled
corn to the acre.
Every Tulr Warranted. Those who buy
tho winter boots sold by F. Mortimer & Co.
will be sure of gutting a good article, as
every pair is warranted not to rip. They
had them mado to order from the best
stock, and in the most substantial manner.
Addition to the Cemetery. The lots
in the cemetery in this borough having
been marly all told, it was found necessary
to make an addition. Consequently the
field lying east of the old cemetery has been
laid out Into lots and tho entrance will now
be by an avenue 10 feet wide by which car
riages can enter and reach the centre of the
.grounds and return by the same route, a
provision having been made for turning.
The plan is one furuUbcd by 8. II. Gal
braith,F.tq., County Surveyor, who survey
ed and laid out the lots.
W For Over-Coats, good and cheap, call
on F. Mortimer & Co. They also have an
assortment of Ready-Made Clothing of a
good quality.
sj HI?
X "Chicago, 111., Nov. 7th, 1871.
Mrs. Mary Jane Soulo 1 suppose you
will be surprised to hoar from mo I sup
pose you have heard before this time of the
terrible Are in Chicago. Over eight thous
and houses burned, all tho North sido is
burnt, nil the business places The court
house, tho chambor of Commerce, tho wator
works, Fiold Lighter ft Co., that large dry
good house everything Is gone people
are obliged to live in churches, and school
houses We had four horses burned, and
ono of my feet got badly burned Mary
Jano, do be so kind as to speak to tho neigh
bors, and get mo a box of bedding, and
some clothing It will bo thankfully re
ceived We nave not clothing enough to
make us comfortable Thero are so many
that are needy and in want at tho present.
Jank Stambauoji."
The above letter is from Mrs. Jano Stain
baugh, wife of William B. Stambaugh, a
brother of Mrs. Soulo, with whom she
spent part of last winter In Chicago
Wo hopo that the numerous relations and
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Stambangh in
Perry county will respond Immediately to
tho supply of their necessities The friends
and relatives of the above, are generally of
the wealthy class In tho county Mrs.
Soulo is making arrangements to send a
box as soon as possible Tho friends will,
therefore, send to Mrs. Soulo at Landis
burg, bed clothes of all kind, and woaring
apparel, especially for women.
J. 13. Soui.k.
A Burn Burned. The Carlislo Volunteer
says : On Saturday last, about noon, tho
splendid barn of William M. Watts, Esq.,
in Upper Allen township, was entirely con
sumed by fire, tcgethor with all its con
tents. Tho fire is supposed to have origin
ated in tho threshing machine, and when
it was first discovered onthe lloor, beneath
the machine, was about tho size of a half
bushel measure. One of tho workmen
called for a bag to smother it, and doubt
less could have dono so ; but no bag was at
hand, and in another moment, a blast of
wind swept through the barn door, and
the heap of straw at the end of the sepa
rator was in flames. Then all tho hope
of saving the buildrfig was at onco aban
doned. Tho men had barely timo to save
themselves. A wagon, partially loaded
w ith grain, in the barn floor, was in flames
before it could bo removed. All the live
stock was saved, but all tho other contents
of tho barn were consumed, consisting of
SCO bushels of barley, 1,000 bushels of corn,
a mow of hay, and a largo quantity of
wheat, threshed and unthreshed. Quito a
number of. smaller buildings, adjoining tho
barn, were saved. This was a new frame
barn, thrco stories high, and was ono of the
best structures of tho kind in tho county.
Mr. Watts' loss will be heavy, but wo
presume it is at least partially covered by in
surance. This is tho third lire, from a
similar cause, which has occured in this
county within tho last three or four years.
The Latest Swindle. A lot of New
York Swindlers are sending out a circular
reading as-follows :
Mr. (hero follows the name of tho person
addressed) to
N. Y. Rubber Stamp Company, 302 Broad.
way, New York, Dr.
To one outilt as agent for this company, $5 00
Sir ; You having left your gold watch as
security for an outfit of this Company, and
not hearing from you, I take tho liberty
of sending you this letter, informing you
that unless you send us the money imme
diately we will not hold the watch.
Please remit tho amount by return mail
and tho address you wish the watch sent to
and wo will forward it to you by express,
as I fear we have not your correct address.
Hoping to hear from you soon, wo re
main yours, &o.
N. Y. KuniiEii Stamp Co,,
!)02 Broadway.
This is so transparent that it only needs
a slight explanation to make it perfectly
plain to our readers. The swindlers
intend that their victim shall think that
the sending of the bill to him is an error,
lie of course is e::pcctod to jump at the
chance of gotting a gold watch for $5.
Murder Trial. The trial of John Kcihl
charged with poisoning his wifo was began
at Carlisle on Wednesday List. The whole
of that day was consumed in obtaining
a jury, which is composed of tho following
gentlemen :
John Jacobs, Carlisle; Henry P. Chap
man, Carlisle ; Jacob llemmingor, Pcnn ;
Goorge W. Presscl, Monroe; Christian
Kaunman, Mechaniesburg : Jacob Landis,
Mcchanicsburg ; Andrew Homer, Middle
sex ; William Hastings, Penn ; Uriah Coral,
Southampton ; John 11. Drawbaugh, Lower
Allou ; Alexander Muck, Carlisle, and David
Dewalt, North Middletowu.
Considerable timo was taken up with the
Medical testimony, and the case probably
occupied the whole week. .
A Wild Cat Shot. On Monday, while
William Armpriester aud some others, wore
hunting rabbits, on what is known as
Bamitz's hill, whore the Railroad crosses
the Codorus creek, nbout two and a half
miles below town, their dogs "scared up"
a wild cat, and after a short chase, tho
animal treed. Wm. Armpriester shot it
and brought It to tho ground the first fire.
Judging from the appearance of the cat, it
is probably not over six months or a year
old. It measures twenty-five inches from
tho tip of the tail to tho end of the nose,
aud weighs six aud three quarter pounds.
York 1'reu.
For Kale. An Oriental Huatcr nearly us
good us new for sale at a bargain, apply to
Goo. Spnhr.
A Panther. A CloarfioUl county paper
tolls the following story: On the 28th
ult., E. J. Cunningham, a boy of fourteen
years living at Rock ton, mado a narrow es
cape from a panther. While on his way to
the tunnel, on an errand, in Union town
ship, he was startled by a low and heavy
growl near overhead. Upon looking up ho
saw panthor perched on a treo about thir
ty feet from the ground, which was wag
ging its tail, in anticipation of springing
upon its prey. No soonor did the boy's
eyes meet thoso of the panther than it gave
a loud and very piercing yell and leaped to
the ground. This sudden, bold and noisy
demonstration on the part of the panther,
frightened the colt, which tho boy was rid
ing, and It took to flight at full speed the
panther keeping close to its side and about
neck to neck, giving on occasional fierce
yell, which scorned to add speed to tho
colt's feet. After running in this manner
for about forty rods, the panthor gave up
the chase, and disappeared in the forest.
A (llrl Stolen. E. Kealing, living nt
Raytuilton, near Franklin, Venango county
called on us In great distress, stating that
his daughter, aged fourteen, and an only
child of a deceased mother, had been stolen
away from tho school of the Sisters of Char
ity at Mcadvillo, by Grayburn & Miunich's,
Minstrels, a band of wandeiing vagabonds
who, some two weeks ago gave an exhibi
tion in this place The girl was taken away
about tho 10th of October, and the father is
now on hunt of the troupe, aud if he finds
them, to ioscuo his daughter and pun
ish tho villainous wretch who stole her
away. Any information of tho where
abouts of the Grayburn & Minnich Min
strels will bo thankfully received by the dis
tressed father. Tho troupe had bad luck
whilo hero, and left unable to settle their
hotel bill. Greenville Argui.
Burned to Death. The Gettysburg Star
and Sentinel says : On Friday night last,
about 11 o'clock, Miss Edith Oitt, aged be
tween 15 and 10 years, daughter of Jesse
W. Gitt, merchant, of Hanover, attempted
to blow out a burning lamp of Koroscno oil.
Tho fluid Ignited, exploding tho lamp,
and scattering tho burning liquid over her
clothing, which was at once enveloped in
flames. Aid was at onco summoned, but
before the flames wero extinguished, the
young lady was terribly burned, tho face
and breast to a crisp. Sho lingered until
11 o'clock Saturday morning, when death
relieved her sufferings. Miss Gitt was a
young lady of culture and tho idol of a
largo circle of loving friends.
Libel Suit. James II. Grior Esq ., for
merly of this borough but latoly of Potls-
villo commenced a civil acti on for slander
against Frodoriok Ha escler claiming dam
ages in tho sum of $20,000 and on the 13th,
tho case come up for trial before Arbitra
tors in Pottsvillo and nftor four days furi
ous fight the case adjourned until tho 5th
of December. We understand enough of
evidence is already given to show that Grier
has won the suit but the Arbitrators have
tho fixing of the amount of damages and
may mako them great or Binall.
Serious Accident. Tho Huntingdon
Monitor says : Whilo George, ngod 12 years
son of G. W. Bouse, of Three Springs, was
in the act of crossing a fence, a few days
ago, with a loaded shot gun in his hand, a
rail fell striking tho hammer, which dis
charged the gun, the load passing through
the arm below tho elbow, causing a fright
ful wound. Dr. Thompson was called in
and dressed the wound and the boy is doing
as well as could be expected.
A Large Lumber Order. The firm of
Kcndig and Hostctter, which has for the
last three years been operating with steam
saw-mills in Perry county, in getting out
ship, car and wagon stuff, liavo recently
purchased 6,000 acres of excellent white
oak and yellow pine timber lauds in Hunt
ingdon county. A few days ago the above
firm received an order from tho Harrisburg
Car Company for ono million feet of car
bottom plank, besides a largo amount of
car stringers. total Journal.
Duncannon Items. Our correspondent
at Duncannon sends us the following :
The revival meeting, which coiumoncod
in the Methodist church six weeks ago, is
still in successful progress.
Pedestrians are rejoicing over new cross
ings that have boon put down iu heretofore
much used, but vory poorly paved places in
our streets, the one between tho Odd Fel
lows Hall and tho Pennsylvania House will
bo highly appreciated.
The Duncannon Iron Co., liavo built a
new warehouse at their Nail factory for
storing nails : they have also commenced
one to bo built of brick iu front of tho
Company's story, to replace the ono re
cently destroyed by tire.
Our pork raisers, seem to have learned
that meat is more palatable as an ai ticlo of
food, than lard and consequently, no bet
ting on "big hogs" is heard of, nor Sun
day visiting of pens seen, this fall.
Tho Susquehanna has risen over four feet
since Thursday night, and we are informed,
is swarming with ducks iu the vicinity of
Wisters Island.
Thursday noon, eiuht w ild turkeys were
driven into town by Mr. George Mutzy, who
bad been gunning west ot Hliull s (lam, the
birds having, lit in Jones' meadow, were
again chased up by Mr. M. when they
started to fly across the river, but being al
ready nearly exhausted by flying four of
them railed. 1 luce ot them tailing in tho
river wore captured, aud a fourth after fly
ing halfway across, turned and came back
lighting on the stack of.tho furnace, nnd af
tor a lively chose it was captured by Mr.
Morris ltochers. The affair caused consid
erable excitement for a while.
tircat Immigration Into Kansas. Re
turns from the General Land Office .at
Washington, show that 132,000 acres of
land have been located in Humbolt and Au
gusta districts, during last month, princi
pally under tho homestead. Allowing each
settler 100 acres, it shows that about 800
families have gone in during October. A
number of persons of this place, and other
parts of the county during the summer of
1870, entered about 3,000 acres, and have
an advance of 100 per cent In one years timo.
About 8,000 acres of choice land can bo had
at private entry, in this district, at a cost of
$141.00 for 100 acres. This sum pays all
expenses, Including price of land, entry,
foes and patent deed. A number of per
sons in Bloomfield mean to make an effort to
secure this tract and hold it for advanced
rates. J. Rinehart, Esq., late sheriff, and
Chas. L. Murray. Esq., will correspond with j
any person wishing to join in the location.
This land lies near Eldora aud Eureka, the
county seat of Greenwood and Butler coun
ties, nnd but a short distance from railroad1
Persons will understand this tract does not
require settlement.
Public Sales. 1
Wo call attention to the following sales I
bills for which have been printed ut this ofllce : j
On November 18th, Christ. C. Derlck, from
bis realdonco nt Pcrdlx 8tntlon,wlll sell horses, 1
cows, young cattle, waggons, sleighs, and a 1
variety of farming implements. '
On November 28th, Wm. Dowdy, nt his resi
dence In Tyrone township will sell a fat hog,
pigs, nnd household and kitchen furniture.
On November 80th, Moses F. Noll, nt his'
residence, one-bnlf mile cast of Elllottsburg,
will sell 0 work horses, 3 cows, hogs, pigs.wa
gons, sleds, nnd a great variety of funning
Implements. Also a la rue quantity of Iioubo
hold and kitchen furniture.
On December 2d,the nsslnces of Henry Comp
will sell a house and lot la Millerstown ber
ough. Sue advertisement.
tf Full Overcoats for boys, ns well as
men nt Wnnnmaker & Brown's."
Those of our readers who are suffering
from a severe attack of Kheuinatlsin, Neural
gia, nr ant pain, should nt once apply l'aia
Cure Oil. It is a Dure Cure.
XiT Fall Overcoats New Designs ut Wan
nanmker & Brown's.
Lung fever, common cold, catarrhal fe
ver, and nasul discharge of a brownish color
In horses, may be checked at once by liberal
use of Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powders.
t-gT Fall Overeoats
nmkcr& Brown's.
Very Stylish nt Wunu-
ITIOUlt KVII.s. WlKwverhabltuallyuwwnny
' alcoholic preparations as "an "appetizer"
will be likely to miller from four evils, viz. : an
overplus of rood In the stomach. Impaired ability
to digest It, Hie puugs of Dysimpsia, and a doc
tor's hill. Dn. Wai.kkk'm Veoetaiu.e Vineoak
JtiTTEiis, the great Teetotal ltestorutive of tho
age. without overHtiiiiulatlng the palato or irri
tating the stomaeh, Imparls a healtlitul appetite,
promote digestion, regulates the liver ami bowels,
purines the blood, and thus. Instead of entailing
our evils, confers four Inestimable benellts. 47d It
Fall Overeoats Cheapest nnd Best nt
Wunnmakcr & Brown's.
tiff The season for coughs and colds Is rap
idly npproachlnir, and every one should be pre
pared to check the first symptoms, as a cough
contracted between now and Christmas fre
quently lasts all winter. There is no better
remedy than Johnson's Anodyne Liniment.
For all diseases of the throat and lungs it
should be used Internally and externally.
Church Jfotlces.
Presbyterian Service. Preaohing in the
Court House next Sabbath morning at 11
o'clock and on alternate Sabbath evoiiiiigs at
7 o'clock for church service, and at 0
o'clock for childi ens service.
County Price Current.
Ulooji field, Nuremberg), 1871.
Flax Seed 1 0
Potatoes, 40
Butter fl pound 20 "
Eggs ft dozen, 23 "
Dried Apples V pound 5a 6 "
Dried Peaches 10 10 cts. V t.
Pealed Peaches 12 O 18 cts. "
Cherries 0 00 cts. "
" Pitted 15 18 cts. "
Blackberries 0 0 cts. "
Onions V bushel 75 "
Corrected Weekly by Kough, Snyder & tb
MwpoitT, November 20, 1871.
Flour, Extra W 00
" Super. 00
White Wheat V liu 1 40
Ked Wheat IS'-fill'i
ftye 75
Corn 60Q.J
Oats p 32 pounds 42
Barley 75
Clover Sued 0 00
Timothy Heed 2 60
Flax Heed 1 75
Potatoes 85 ti
Ground Alunin Salt , 1 90
Llmeburner's Coal, 1 40
Htovo Coal 4 SO 8 00
Pea Coal J 00
Smith Coal 25 cts. ft bx.
Cross Tles,8! (eet loug 45(345 cents
Pork 00.00 per It libs.
Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the
Lowest Market Kales.
t rw y -w - -w- a ft-vnft
'Ci.auk Messimkh. At the Lutheran par
sonage uy i ne iiuv. d. a. iieagei, ou iiiu iota
Inst., Mr. V. U. Clark of Centre twp., to Miss
Lena J. Mcsslmer of this borough.
Gantt McCoy. At Duncannon on the 15,
Inst., by Rev. W. Thompson assisted by Kev.
W. D. Craig, Mr. Henry 0. Gantt, of Alleghe
ny city Pa. to Miss Saruk J. McCoy of Dun
cauuou Pa,
Rhea Monnow At Shade Gun on tho 7th
-ult., by Kev. Wm. Stevens, Mr. George A. Klioa
or New uermauiown, litis county, to Mlts Lin
da Morrow, of Huntingdon County Fa. Other
couuty papers please copy.
Pennsylvania R. It. Time Table.
On and After Nov. l'2tli, 1871, Passenger trains
will run as follows:
Mall o.lf P. M., dally except Sunday
Harrisburg Aceom 12.24 p. u., dally " Sunday.
Thro1 Tass. 4.05 A. M. (Hair) dally exe'pt Monday.
Way Pass. 8.48 A. M., dally, except Sunday.
!u, 2.30 p. m. dally except Sunday.
Mixed 6.H1 P.M.. dally except Sunday.
Clnvin'tl Ex.(llug) 11.30 F.M..daiIv. exe'pt Sat'rday
. J- J- BARCLAY, Agent.
P. B. Mail East reaches Philadelphia atlUOp.M.
On and aftor Sunday. Nov 12th, 1871, trains will
leave Duncuniion, as follows :
Cincinnati Express (Man) 11.05 1". M. Dally.
Way Passenger. 8.12 a.m., dally except Sunday
Mall. 1M P. M diiilyexcept Sunday
Mixed, 6.47 P. M., dally except Sunday.
Harls'burg Aceom 12.69 r. M., daily exaept Sunday.
Mail 0.411 P. M " " "
Clnclnnattl Exprcw 10.03 p. in. dally.
WM. C. KINO, Agent. .
At Duncannon, Perry County, Pa.,
Ou Thursday, December ,14th, 1871,
At 2 o'clock, P. M.
I WILL sell at rubllc Hale, at Duncunilnm PMrv
County, Pa., on the premises, the well-known
and old established
Merchant & Grist Mill,
and thrpe acres of land In the centre of Duncan
niin, with the entire water power of the little Ju
niata, under 22 feet head and fall. .
The GRISTMILL Is of stonn 45 feet x 45 feef
with two water-wheels 18 feet high, 18 feet wide,
with 6 pairs of stones, and all the necessary mod
ern niaehinery to make 00 barrels of merchant
flour per day. The county tolls alone amount to
one thousand dollars per year. .
The SAW MILL Is high geared, and cuts CO feet
of lumlier Is driven by one o ershot wheel 18 feet
high. These mills are 80 yards from the Pennsyl
vania ltuilroad Station, and 100 yards from the
Telegraph and Post-olllce.
I will also sell my
100 feet X 150 feet, and S Lots of SO feet by 100 feet.
Ten per cent, to be paid when the proiierty Is
stricken oil, or a note with security for the same
at 30 days, and two per cent, when the deed Is
made and possession given. The balance In six
equal annual payments secured with interest,
Possession call bo given at any time before
April 1st, if desired, on 30 days notiee.
j g- por further Information address,
Duucannou, Terry Co., Pa.
Nov. 17, 1871.
t-iT Fancy Btcucil Pluto with your name on,
best quality of indelllblo Ink, directions aud
Brush, only CO cents.
Fancy Key Check, with your name nnd ad
dress stamped ou ring only US cents.
Each mailed free for price whits hams
Plain Stencil, name and plate, 25 cents.
Stencils and Checks of all sizes made to or
der. Bend Stamp for particulars.
Address J. O. MOOKE,
44 New Bloomllold, Pa.
At Public Sale.
THE undersigned assignees of Henry Comp and
w ife, under a deed of voluntary assignment
for the licnetlt of the creditors of said Henry
Oonip will expose at public sale, on the premises,
At 1 o'clock ot said, the following described Ileal
Estate, to wit:
situated In tho borough of Millerstown. Ferry
county, Pa., on the corner of Main and Grave
Streets, being one of the most pleasant and desi
rable locutions iu the place, aud having thereon
creeled a large two-story
And all other necessary out-bulldiligs. Also a
tlrst-rate Cistern.
Terms of Sale: Ten per cent, to be paid
when the properly Is stricken down; one-half of
the balance on April 1st, 1872, at whieli tune deed
will be delivered and possession given. The bal
ance on the 1st of August, 1S72, with Interest, to
be secured by judgment Isinds.
November 7, 1871. Assignees.
Peterson's 3Iagaine.
Splendid Offers for 1872.
THIS popular monthly Magazine gives more for
the money than any iu the woilil. It Is the
best colored lashlons, the best original stories,
and the best engruvlngsof any lady's hook. Great
and costly Improvements will buuiudeln ls72,wheu
It will contain
A'l this will be given for only twodollars a year,
or a dollar less than Magazines of the class 01
"Petersons." Its
Are the best published anywhere. All the most
popular writers are employed to write originally
for " Peterson." In IK72, the addition to Its usual
quantity of short stories. Five Original Copyright
Novelettes will 1 given, viz: Bought With a
Price, by Ann H. Stephen) The Island of Dia
monds, by Harry Diintorthi Onee too Often, by
Frank Lee Benedict Lindsay's Luck, by Miss F.
Hodgson; and A Wife, by tile author of " The Sec
ond Life.
Ahead of all others. These plates arc engraved
on steel, twice tiie usual size, unit contain six fig
ures. '1 hey will lie suHirbly eiilored. Also sever
al pages ot Household aud other reele; In short,
everything Interesting to ladles.
One copy, for one year, W OO t Five copies, for
one year, 8.ou; Light copies, one year, 812.U0.
Every person getting up a club of live at 11.80
each, or eight at (150 each, will tie entitled to un
extra cony of the magazine for 1H72, and also to a
copy of the stiiierb parlor mezzotint (size 24 Inch
es by IS) " Five Times to One Day," which, at a
tore, would cost four dollars.
4uSiiecliiiens sent, grails, to those wishing to
gut up Clubs. Address,
No. 3otf Chestnut St., Philadelphia.