The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, October 31, 1871, Page 8, Image 8

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Xew Advertisement
Professional Cards.
Miscellaneous News Hems.
tW A Stowartsown, K. H., ninnnfactory,
makes three tons of starch daily out of
potatoes at a quarter-dollar a bushel.
Mr. Darwin is engaged on a work
in which the facial expression of animals
will be one of the chief topics discussed.
f3T A little son of Levi B. Swavuly, of
Pottstown, got a chestnut in his windpipe
tho other day, and choked to death.
E5T Forty-one cases of school slates wcro
recently shipped from Danielsville, North
ampton county, to Japan.
CUT A little tree in tho orchard of Sam
tiol Pennock, at Kennct Square, Chester
county, has produced three crops of apples
this Bcason.
C5?" A point in assuiance is brought out
by tho action of some Chicago merchants
in moving goods to points of supposed safe
ty whero they were afterwards destroyed.
Tho policies cover goods in a spccilied
building only.
tW Tho Chicago Journal has the follow
ing :
A reliable physician states that bo has
tho means for knowing that five hundred
children were born on tho prairio and on
the streets during Monday and Tuesday
tW A Madison, Ind., infant was toying
with a shot gun, when tho piece, with char
actoristio depravity, discharged itself, its
contents easily passing through a picket
fenco and lodging in the neck of Mr. Au
tie's little daughter, aged six years. Her
wounds, though serious are not fatal.
tW A Mr. Croseman, of Huron county
Michigan, awoko one night from a great
dream of peace to find a swarm of little
busy bees in bed with him. They had ta
ken possession of tho sleeves and other de
pendencies of bis shirt, and were making
themselves sociable. Ho vacated that linen
with alacrity.
Z3T A citizen of Wisconsin, on a recent
trip to St. Louis, took a sleeping car berth
on a through express train. Iu tho night
ho got up, and, clad only in his sleeping
garments, wont ou the platform of tho car
to look at tho moon. The door closed with
a spring lock and the porter of the car was
asleep. He says he never enjoyed a. fifty-
mile ride as be did that one.
t37 While a number of workmen were
engaged in tearing down an old framo
building in Mechanic street, Newark, re
cently, they found in between tho ceiling
and the wall of the sooond story a petrified
cat. This great curiosity is in a good state
of preservation, and instead of having de
cayed the Mesh has dried up and is as hard
as a bone.
C2T A young man named Henry Filler
met bis death in a very singular manner at
. Ray's Hill, Bedford county, recently. Ho
was endeavoring to separate two Hocks of
sheep which were in a pen, when oue of the
usually timid animal became rambunctious
and butted Filler in the stomach with such
- force as to knock him down. Ho was tak
en home, intlamatiou set iu, and he died
within a few days after the occurrence.
" . t"Two detectives recently visited Der
by Line, Yt., and crossing into Canada
purchased $200 worth of silks, which they
persuaded the clerk of the Dorby Line Ho
tel to bring over the line for them. When
the clerk arrived with the goods they seized
him, took the silks and a receipted bill for
the property from him, and then had him
held in $500 bonds to answer a charge of
smuggling.' But having procured bail, the
, clerk turned the ' tables ou his accusers,
' whom he had arrosted for obtaining goods
under false pretences ; and as they had no
acquaintance on the spot to enter security
for them, they soon found ' themselves in a
worse predicament than their late victim.
rosEiou NEWS.
The English contributions for the aid of
Chicago, have reached nearly $400,000.
Y ..Serious disturbances among the lalior-ors-
lto various parts of England, : cause
'much trouble. In several instances the
police have been compelled to interfere to
. save property, ,, , . , - . . . .
While a woman with a sick child In her
arms was being tried in an English police
court the, child died. , ., (. . ,
Some 8,000 persons are said to have per
ished in the recent storms , and floods in
China. ,. j . ,
: The largest number of men employed by
one Ann in England, is fifty-six thousand.
The employees are John Taylor & Sons, and
the men are engaged in mining. '
. Buazil has passed an act emancipating ajl
slaves held iu that Empire." '
The health of Queen Victoria has some
what , improved, so that official journals
deny the probabilities of a liegent being
appointed. . i jm :: . I n,, ;!
An explosioa' occurred in coal mine
near Newcastle. Enuland. Thursday last.
and it is thought that .the live of thirty
three men who were in the pit at'Jhe time
will be sacrificed. - ' ' ' ; ' ' ' 'J
'"The Wmfc ' " 3. B. ' Bradley." 'from
. London for Philadelphia, has been run off
the Isle -of wignt by a steamer,' name not
gWen, and a portion or 0e crew peitsuea.
JXo damage to uie steamer is reporiea.1
' "A Madrid despatch asserts that aflalra In
the Kingdom are nuiet. and that the con
spiracy rumors which liave recently goue
abroad are raise.
Tr v T Kw'im linvlns lust returned from Ecu
ador mid brought with him a quantity of the gen
iiine Cuiiilurango Hark, secured through the offi
cial recommendation and assistance of Ills Excel
lency the rresnient nt luuuuior. aim me i,overu
mcnt of that Republic, we are prepared to till or
ders for it to a limited extent, and at a price aliout
one quarter oi mat wiitcn me cost oi me nrsi very
small supply compelled us to charge.
A spurious article Is now advertised and sold as
Onndurango. We have, at a considerable-expense.
aim wiiu inn co-operaiioii oi me auinonties oi
l.oja, the province where the plant grows, so di
rected the channel of our supply as to ensure that
none but th genuine article shall be sold by us:
and we particularly call the attention of the pub
lic, lor tlieii' protection, to this fact.
(41rtv) 00 Cedar St., New York.
1). V. Wis, M. !.. Washington, 1). C.s Z. K.
llllss, M. 1)., New York; P.T. Kcene, M. 1)., N. Y.
'A compound of Cocoa-nut tMl,fe. Acknowl
edged Ihtbeit promntrrnftht gronth and brautu
nfthe hair. 103. B08NIIT k CO., Boston, Mass.
bold by ull druggists. Jlcware of imitutiunu
41 r 4w
1jTTT Try samples of our great Siage
' liJlj JU ?1I Illustrated weekly 30 years
Fine steel engravings free to suhscrllx'rs. Agents
make n any. semi for Saturday (iazette, llal
lovioll, Mc. 41 r 4w
The oldest and most reliable Institution for ob
taining Mercantile Kducation.
Practical business men as Instructors.
For Information write for a circular to
41 r 4w) J DUFF & SONS, Pittsburgh, Fa.
Solicited by Munn ft Co.,
Publishers of the Scleutlltc
American, .'17 Park How, N.
Y. i m.i-me eurs' exerlence.
Pamphlets containing patent laws, with full di
rections how to obtain patents free.
A bound volume of US pages, containing the
new census by counties anil all large cities, 140
engravings of mechanical movements, patent laws
and rules for obtaining Patents, mailed on receipt
of twenty-live cents. 41 r 4w
AHTII CLOSETS. iet the best. Karth Clos
U et Co.. 215 State St.. Hartford. Ct.. Sole I!. S
proprietors of Moule's, Motile, & (ilrdlestoti's, War
ing s, Luther's, Newton's and Doolittle's Patents.
The only closets that have proved effective. The
Karth Closet by Its disinfection of fieces, Is the
most valuable means of preventing spread of chol
era and other contagious disease, bend for a cir
cular. Agents wanted everywhere. Salesrooms,
111 IXiane street, Iloston ; Broadway, N. Y. t 12
21 Market St., Philadelphia. 41 r 4w
I7IOU HALE. A choice farm of 103 acres In
" Chester eountv. '.Wl miles fnim Philadelphia,
Address J AUK. IIA1I.KY. Marlboro P. O., Pa.
, .' , 41r4w
For 0 per Inch per month, we will Insert an
Advertisement In lott tlrst-class Pa., Newspaiers,
Including Fourteen Dailies. Proportionate rates
for smaller advertisements. List sent free. Ad
dress UEO. P. HOWELL ( Co..
41 r 4w 40 and 41 Park How, N. Y.
!10. WE WILL PAY i0.
Agents 130 per week to soil our great and valuable
discoveries. If you want permanent, honorable
and pleasant work, apply for particulars. Address
DYER ti CO.. Jackson, Michigan. r 41 4t
A Clergyman while residing In South America,
as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple rem
edy for the cure of Nervous Weakness, Karly De
cay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal organs,
and the whole train' of disorders brought on by
baneful and vlototis habits. Orcal iiumlwrs have
been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a
desire to benefit the attllcted and unfortunate, I
will send the recljie for preparing and using this
medicine, in a sealed envelope, to anv one who
needs It. free of charge. Address JOS. T. 1N
MAN, Station 1). Bible House, N. Y. City., 41 r 4
AVOID QUACKS. A victim of early hulls,
cretlon, causing nervous debility, premature
decay, tic, having tried in vain every advertised
remedy, has a simple means of self-cure, which he
will send free to his fellow-sufferers. Address J
11. REEVES, 78 Nassau at.. New York. 41r4w
j , . ; , IN TUB inEATMENT Of
Chronic and Sexual Diseases.
' The cheapest nook ever published containing
nearly three hundred pages, and one hundred anil
thirty line plates and engravings of the anatomy
of the human oruaus in a state of heallh and dis
ease, with a treatise on early errors. Its deplorable
consequences upon the mind and body, with the
author's plan of treatment the only rational and
successful mode of cure, as sImiwh by a report of
eases treated. A truthful adviser to the married
and those contemplating marriage, who entertain
doubts of their tinvslcal condition. Sent free of
postage to any address, on receipt of twenty-five
cents in stamps or uosini etirruuey, oy aoiliessiou
Dr. LA CKOIX. No. .11 Maiden l.sne,- Allstny, N.
Y. The author may be consulted iisin any of the
diseases unon nil ill bin book treats.either herson
ally or by mull, and medicines scut to any part of
tne worm. , ' . . , uriw
YTlioleNuIe Crot'vrH,
No. 120'AKCII BtREKT, ' :l
, ,i . ,i riiiloilelphia,
' 'ar The tale of Egg, Heeds, Grain and Wool
astieclalty. . .i i . 31
f 1'lease send for a Circular. 48
j to marry, address the undersigned, who
will send you valuable information, that will
enable you to marry happily and speedily, Ir
respective of age, wealth or beauty. This In
formation will cost you nothing, and if you
wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you.
The desired Information tent by return mall.
Address', BiRAH B. I.ambkhT, Oreenpolnt,
King! County. N. T. 8 lS.a
FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1873. Containing
8eveuty-Two Pages and Two Vtkvtirvh Cou.
curd P14.TKS nicely illustrated, irlvlug plain
directions for the cultivation of nearly a Tuuu.
una Varieties of Flowsri and Vegetables.
Full bound with your name In gilt,- post-paid,
In NoTtmlwr, &0 csnti,, , , Paper cover and on
colored plate, S cents.,,, '.1. .
t-0" Catalogue of hardy, Bulb and Seed for
fall-plautlog, liosr-toady,, and teui fret to all
Ipllcaut Address,! . ' 1 it
.1 Bocbeiter, N. T.
.it . l ul l ,-tl .( 1 1
-mi. (iv 1 t ATX KINDS of rrntlnftneatly
r'RIItTIMOH'K'iutfd at the "'HiioMriBLO
( Tinas'' Steam JobOvncb.
PALL X vxnn -A
We have bought more largely,
and therefore more cheaply,
than ever before.
We have selected EVERY
PIECE of Goods with the ut
most care, and had EVERY
YARD examined, and wall
SPONGED before making-up.
We have rejected all COTTON
Goods, and have manufactured
nothing but ALL WOOL.
We have studied all the New
Styles English, French, and
American and have adopted
only the best, together with
many New Design originated
by Ourselves.
We have made many improve
ments in Making-up, and have
more confidence than ever in
the superiority of our Work
manship. We have labored to suit ail
tastes, and have Plain Style a
well a more Fashionable Cuts,
and every variety of Shade and
we nave determined to do a
Larger Trade than ever, and o
have combined every Induce
ment that can possibly be of
Merchant & Grist Mill,
, Or, II not SOLD, to BENT them.,
Possession given at any time on thirty day
The Mills are In thorough repair. '
The Merchant Mill makes fully barrels ot flour
per day.
The tolls of grists are one thousand dollars per
The Saw Mill has cut Eight Thousand feet In a
Excellent home market for Flnur and Feed .
Hallroad facilities unsurpassed.
A Itrst-claKH Tannery can be erected. There are
nne thousand cords of ltock-Oak bark shlmied
from here per year, and two thousand can be had.
1 will sell my
Dwelling and Lot,
with or without the Mills.. Also, a numlier of
LOTS, 50 by 125 Feet,
on Carver's MIL? ' ' -Title indisputable.
W Write or apply to
Duncannon, Pa.
, .
Valuable Ileal Estate
, At Private Sale.
Situated In the vlTfagn of RosebtirK, one and-a half
nines iioiu icausourK, j erry county, ra.
The house Is Two Rtorles hl(jh, also a Cellar and
reuar Kiicnen, witn a well 01 water at the door.
1 lie 101 comprises .
of land In a Rood state of cultivation, on which Is
erecieu a iiuwi 1,1x1 HAii., twenty left Iu
width, by fiftv feet In length.
. This proerty will lie sold low, as the owner
lias removed irom tne iisigiiDornood.
f For terms apply to
ok Ickesburg, ,
5 30 tf Diiiicauuou Woolen Factory.
Farm at lrivate Sale.
TIIK uhderslgiied offers at private sale, a farm
In Kyetowushlp.Perry county, ft., vontalntng
fSr ACltKH.
The land Is the best In the nlshborhood. with run
nliift water In every held. Is under good fence, and
lias uieieou t-ievuai a uuw
... j Frame Dwelling House, 'i
There llwa thrifty Yeting ORCHARD on the
u);iee. This land lies aloitK Iwo public mads the
Fishing Creek road and the Lamb's Gap road t the
last named divides the laud In two uarts -SOU on
the one side and MiH on the oilier ; on the
acre piece is a rew frame uweuing itouse, auuoa
tne oilier a j 1 1 . , 1 1 , 1 1 i
FRAME 22x28,
erected for a house, with a never falling Spring ot
water. Tins land will tie soiu ass waole.or lull
Tracts, to suit purchasers.1 ' '-'.
Persons desiring to pnrrhake a farm win do
Well to examine this one before investing else
where, as It-llea wlUiiu four -miles of Maryavllle,
and the J'onimylvaiiUk Railroad one of the best
markets In the county.
h'urtlier luforinatlon earl 'tie -had by md-
icmiiui,,, ,.,0 1 ut. .itillii vniin, 11, k I
.,,..., Jenner X Roads, 1
13 Homerset county, Pa.
Our Stock. Is even more
varied, and our Prices even
lower, than ever before.
Our Clothing will more than
sustain It reputation of being
the most Reliable and Durable
in the market
Our Customer will be In no
danger of having "CottonStuff "
palmed off on them.
Our Fall Clothing ha Styl
ishnest and Genteel Appear
anoo which cannot fail to
attract and please all Gentle
men of good taste.
Our present Stock will be
less liable than any other to
any of the mishaps which tome
times befall other Ready-Made
Our Stock I sure to contain
what will suit all classes and
condition of Men and Boys
both as to Goods and Prices,
Our Customers, old and new.
will be delighted with our
preparations for the present
Fall and Winter Trade,
The ingredients that
published on every package, there
fore it i not a secret preparation,
consequently ' '
It is a certain cure for Scrofula,
Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma
tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Com
plaint and all diseases ot tho
Ulood. '
will do nioro eood than ten bottles
of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla.
have used Hosadalis in their practice
lor the past three years and freely
ondorso it as a reliable Alterative
and Blood l'urilier.
DR. T. C. PCGIT, of Daltlmcie.
DR. R. W.C'ARR. "
DU. J. 8. SPARKS, of NichsuuvUle,
Oil. McCARTHA, Columbia,
S. C.
DR. A. 11. NOBLES, Eilgecoml), N. C.
J. B. FRENCH b SONS, Fall River,
F. W. SMITH, Jackson, Mlr.h.
A. F. WHKKLKR, Lima, Ohio.
B. HAI L. Lima. 01 to.
CRAVEN C'0.,f!nr.lonvlllo, Va.
SAM L. G. McFADUKN, Murtrava
boro,Teun. ,i i
Our ipnc o will no! allow of any ti.
tended ,icinai is in, relatiun to tho
virtuesot l'.OKarialin.' Tutho Moiliral
Prolession we punruntee a Fluid Ex
tract superior to any tltey have aver
used In tha Ires t)intit ot diseased
Blood t and to thenlllirted wo any try
Rosailalis. and you will be restored
to health. , j ,, .. . i 'V
Roaadalis la aold hv all Dnicclsn.
price VA.5V por bottle. Audreta
DU. CLZi:SiIT3 & CO.
Manufacturing Cktmhtit
' ' ' ' flALTlSOlit, Mu.
Moody's Eureka Stamp
Vnet lurfAMi 1 1 ilia
ks. Ilrult s.
o., iiie amoiiiH ior
n llli'll 111 o 7 Hi
drawn, to prevent
llurollnn TIia nar.
fointlons are Inked
the 1 n K tieing
forcedlutothe fibre
of I lie iAiMr. from
which ft cannot be
removed. The check
Is moved forward
fhA nnwarrl netlnn of rlie lpvep of tbA machine.
Price til. .1. O. MOODY,
fin i i mi v (iiliiiiiiiK, i . tr r'i win, in i ,
y (tend (or a Olruutar. Aisentti Wautwl. Mu&n
I. U. OIKVIH. i. ft. GI11VIN.
GommiMMion Mei'flmutM,
l , i .1 : .1 .
.,. Na t, PPEAU'8 WHABF, ,
' Haiti more, 71 d.
-We will pay strict attention to the sale of all
kinds of couutiy produce, and remit tuoaniounis
promptly. , ,, . . , T ., , tiltly
CAUTIOV, All pehions are cautioned against
purchasing a note given by aw, dated Sep
tember dtlli, 171, and uiad. payable to Duvld
Warner, for Five Dollars, as Hie uole was obtain
ed by false pretense, 1 shall not pay It unless coin,
pelled by law. MICHAEL MILLER.
Center twp., Sept. 28, 1H71 31
' ivr, KTW i or .ion aui?iTiNf
J V ' Neatly executed st the, BiaoailleUl iTImes
Steam Job Ollice. - i !
JHAILY, Attorney nt
New Hloomlleld, 1'erryCo., r.
- Office In the Court House, with .1. R. Hhtiler,
Esq. Jtefers to 11. Melntlre, Ksii. dune 27, 1871.
r. McINTIHE Attorney at Law. and DIs-
trlet, Attorney of l'errv eountv. Otllco with
J. T. Melntlre, New Bloomfleld, I'enn'a.
t y New Hloomlleld, Terry cp., Fa.
WM. M. HUTCH, Attorney-at-Ijiw, and Mill,
tary Claim Agent.
New Hloomlleld, Terry Co., Pa.
WOfllce Two doors Wost of F. Mortimer's
Store a 7 ly
"ITM. A., A ttornev-at-Law,
vy onice adjoining bin residence, on East
Main street, New Bloomtleld, Perry co Pa. S 2 ly
Q H. UALBHA1TII. Attornev-at-Law,
k5 New ltliHimlleld, Perry CO., Pa.
T- Pensions, Itounties, Hack Fay, and all
Claims against the Government, promptly collect
ed. Onice Willi Will. A. Sponsler, Esq. 3 2 ly.
CLICK MURRAY, Attorncy-at-Law, and Real
Estate Agi-nt,
New Hloomlleld, Perry co., Fn.
f Office with Hfi. B. F. Junkln, South Car
lisle street, New llloiulleld, l'a. 3 2 ly.
CI I ASrATTl A It N KTT, Attorney-at-Law,
New Hloomlleld, Perry CO., Pa.
S-Office adjalning Mortimer' fStore. 3 21y
CIIAS. J. T, McINTIRE, Attorney-at-Law,
New Hloomlleld, Perry co.. Pa.
aT All professional buslHcss promptly anufaitli
fully attended to. a 2 lv.
Attohnet-at-Law & Notary Public,
A'cio Bloonijielil, l'errp Vountii, I'enn'a.
- Siieelal ativntlon given to Collections of all
kinds, to the settlement of estates, &c., and all
other legal business prosecuted with fidelity and
dispatch. Also, Depositions, ADidavlts and Ac
knowledgments taken.
-Olllce live doors West of Buteh's hotel. S21y.
JOHN O. BHATTO, Surgeon Dentist.
New Hloonilield, Perry CO., Pa.
tlstry All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Den
Di'ices.ilone in the best manner, and at reasonable
a-Olllce over Mortimer's store. 3 2 lv
Newport, Pa., offers his services for the per
formance of all kinds of Dental operations. Sat
isfaction guaranteed.
T"Olllco on Main Street, opposite Lelhy's
Store. 5 30tt
Perry County Bank!
Nponsler, Junkln V Co.
TH K undersigned, having formed a Banking As
sociation under the above name and style, are
now ready to do a Ccneral Banking business at
their new Banking House, on Centre Square,
We receive money on deposit and pay back on
demand. We discount notes for a period of not
over 00 days, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia and
New York.
On time Deposits, five per cent, for any time over
four months; and for four months four per cent.
We are well provided with all and every facility
fordoing a Banking Business t and knowing, and
for some years, feeling the great Inconvenience un
der which the people ot this County labored for the
want of a Bank of Discount and Deposit, we have
have determined to supplythewantiandthls being
the first Bank ever established In Terry county, we
hope we will be sustained in our efforts, by all til
business men, farmers and mechanics.
This Banking Association is composed of the fol
lowing named partners: -
W. A. Sponhi.ek, Bloomtleld, Perry county, Pa,
B. F. JtlNKIM, " " "
A. (i. Mii.i.bk, Shlppensbttrg, Cumberland co.,Pa.
John Wonokiiucju, " . , " "
II knht Ruby, " " "
Wm. II. Miixer, Carlisle, "
ofpiceks: 1
W. A. SPONSLER, Pmitlent.
William Willis, Cashier. ' ,
New Bloomtleld, 3 5 ly
ii:ititY COUNTY
Ileal Estate. Insurance,
V : AU
Heal Entate Brokers, Insurance, ct Cfafm Agent
Tio-w llloomHoltl, l'a .
WE INVITE the attention of buyers and sell
ers to the advantages we offer them In pur.
chasing or dlsjioslug of real estate through our of
fice. We have a very large list of desirable property,
consisting of farms, town property, mills, stora
and tavern stands, and real estate of any descrip
tion which we are prepared to oiler at great bar-
f:at"is. We advertise our property very extenslve
y, and use all our efforts, skill, and dllllgence to
effect a sale. We make no charges unless the
property Is sold while registered with us. We also
draw up deeds, bonds, mortgages, andall legal pa
pers at moderate rates.
Some of the best, cheapest, and most reliable
fire, life, and cattle insurance companies In the
United States are represented at tills agency.
Property Insured either on the cash or mutual
plan, and penietually at St and t! per thousand.
Pensions, bounties, and all kinds of war claims
collected. There are thousands of soldiers and
heirs of soldiers who are entitled to pensions and
bounty, who have never matte application. Sol
diers, If you were wounded., ruptured, orcontract
ed a disease In the service from which you are dis
abled, you are entitled to a pension.
When widows of soldiers die or marry, the minor
children are entitled to the pension.
Parties having any business to transact In our
line, are resiectfully Invited to give us a call, as
we are comment we can render satisfaction Iu any
branch of our business.
. r No charge foi Information. '"'
, ( Formerly kept by Woodruff1 and Turbett,)
i' Hloomfleld, rtrry County, To.
. , ROBXNSQNj Proprietor. ;
This well known and pleasantly located hotel
has been leaseil for a number of years by the pres
ent proprietor.and he will spare no pains to aceom
module his guests. The rooms are copifortable,
the tttliln wall furnished with the l-t In .the mar
ket, and the bar stocked with choice liquors. A
careful and attentive hostler will be In attendance.
A good livery stable will be kept by the proprietor.
April 8. WL tf , '
- , o yw BlODi?c
THE kubsnrlbeV having piirehised' tlie property
on the corner of Maine and Carlisle streets,
opposite the Court House, Invites all his friends
aud former customers to give him a call as he Is
determined t funikdi ttrst class accommodations.
, .. ... . . , THOMAS HU'JHJH. ,
ttl. , j, j) jt,ilj,.iii Proprietor
The' Shove ameiriit'wlfl be refonhded to 49 Sol
diers who were drafted while In the aervlcef and
who paid W0 commutation money; end also to all
persons who paid commutation money who were
not legally liable to draft. Claims must be tilled
before the 1st of March, IH71 . ('all on, or address,
, LEWIS POTTF.R. Attorney for Claimants.
1 ' ' ' ' New bloomfleld, Pa.