l)c Grintc3, tNciu jBloomfiflti, -fflou ,7 Bloomficlil Academy! An lZnglitth and Cl.asnicnl School FOH LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Young Men Prepared For College! f -l Xormal $ Inm nnd n School of Art. FALL TERM COMMENCES On Monthly, tin; '23 th of AikjhsI, 1871 AB the above school has recently been rS-Orsail-lZCll, Students CI11I Kilter 1U1V tilll!". J'rof. WM. II. HI IX, a graduate ol KulRi-r'n Col lege, N. .1.. rilnclp.il. Si Us ANNA AlHiRPntr.KH, n prndtwro of Esther Institute, t'olttinbiis. Ohio, teacher of Mu sic, I'liinlinu. Dl :iwlii(t, French and tieimnn. Kvcry facility for the ti nlniim of the youth of both sexes In all that constitutes a liberal anil thorough education. . , The Collegiate Department embraces nil the higher branches, Including the Latin nml (ireelt I,anuiiHKcs, KiiKlueering, 1'raetl 'al Surveying. Literature, Natural Sc ience and ad vanced Aiathciiiatlc. Vacations: July ami August, anil ono week at Christmas. Tonus: For Boarding. Furnished Kooni, wash ing, Tuition in l.ntln, (ireek, Knglish Itranchesand -Mai hematics, for the. scholastic year, S1N0. in vacations. J-JKI.IKI. The Hoarding Department Is nt the, Institution, under the supervision of Wiliam drier. Esq., by whom good and substantial board will be fur nished: and the pupils will be under the strict caro of the Principal. Address W. It. lill.L, A. M. Principal, or WILLIAM tiltllClt. 4lt (New bloo'ulleld, Terry county, l'a. THE AMERICAN WASHER ! PRICE, $5 THE AMUUK'AX WAHHKlt SAVES MONKY, TIME, AMU DltLUtiEKV. The Katlgtifl of Washing Day no Longer Dread ed, but Economy, lilllclcncy, and Clean Cloth ing, riure. In calling public attention to this little machine, a few of the invaluable qualities, (not possessed by any other washing machine Jet invented,) are here enumerated. It is the smallest, most compact, most portable, most simple In construction, most easily uicnitcl. A child tell years old, with a few hours' practice, can thoroughly comprehend and etlectually use It. There Is no adjusting, no screws to annoy, no de lay in adapting I It Is always ready for use I It is a perfect lit tle wonder I It is a miniature giant, doing more work ami of better quality, than the most elaborate and costly. One lialf of the labor is fully saved by Its use, nml the clothes will last, one-half longer than by the old plan of the rub board. It will wash tho largest blanket, or three shirts nt a time, washing thoroughly I luaword, the ablution of any fabric, from a Quilt to a Lace Curtain or Cambric Handkerchief, are equally in the capacity of this LITTLE (1 EM I It can be fastened to any tub nml taken otf at will. Ho matter now deep rooted a prejudice may exist against Washing .Machines, the moment this little machine is seen to perform its wonders, all doubts of Itscleaningelllcacy and utility are ban ished, and the doubter and detractor at once be come the fast friends of the machine. We have testimonials without end, setting forth Its numerous advantages over all others, and from hundreds who have thrown aside the unwieldy, useless machines, which have signally failed to accomplish the object promised In prominent and loud sounding advertlsemento. . . It Is as perfect fur washing as a wringer Is for wringing. The price, another paramount Induce inent to purchasers, has been placed so low that it Is within the reach at every uousekeeiier, and I here Is no article of domestic ecouoniy tliat will repay the small Investment so soon. All that Is nsked for this OHKAT LA Will SAVEH, Is n fair trial. We guarantee each ma chine to do its work perfectly. ...... Hole Auknts for Tim United States, A. H. FUANCIHCUH & CO., M3MAKKST ST., J'HILADEI.rHlII A, l'A. The largest and cheapest . WOODEN , WAKE HOUSE In the United Stales. 5 35 1.1, c' Photographs ! t Photographs J JAColi cortLE, ' ' Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, J 'ENN M . " ' ' THE subscriber would respeetfulljr eal the at bMitlon of the citizens of this county to the fact that he Is preared to take PIIOTOORA PUS in the best style of the art. Ills long experience enables him to produce pcrvRJca which' caxnot km kx. , , . j CMLLhlO. . All persons are requested to call at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persous, and great care will be taken -i ' to furnish - ' ' flood. Pictures' of Children. Framing material and a good assortment of frames always on hand, aud for sale at low prices. ' ;'! i i JACOB COBLE, ArtM, Newport, Perry Co., Pa Those Old Clothes Need be worn no longer, as the subscribers are now prepared with a lull stock of Kali t'asslmers from which they make clothing to order.i If a gar ment made by us does not tit it. Can be Exchanged for ... ' One which will give entire satisfaction. ' ... . . . . i ,..".'..',.. i Full Neiv Suits ; Made at short notice, and In a superior muniier. As we have the regular monthly Fashion KeKrts, t hose who desire can have tbejr garineitts, f j j Cut hi il'ib Latest Style! ' We ask all wanting Clothing t eall and- exam ine our assortment of goods suited for Mens' and and Hoys' wear, and see specimens of our work, 1 ' ' 4 F. MOHTIMER ft CO., n " i 1 1. i Kew BtoomleK.Pa. NOTlt KTO INVALII 1'KNHION KltH. Tliousunds of Soldiers who are now drawing Invalid IVnslous ar entitled to luciease. jtil I'en . sluners who believe their pensions too small, can now have them increasmt by making application m . , . , Lewis rut Luifc, Claim A gem, New tiloorofleid. Pa. &$1 H A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTEES Ha lo of Poor IJnro, Whiskey, Pror Spti'ltn end KufiiRO l,lquurn doctored, spiced r.uuV,'ctt mcd to vlonsc tlio tasto, callcd"Tonlco,"l,Appct:r i ' licotorcrc," c, that lend tlio tippler in to u: crJicuncn aad n:lj, but uro a true- Medicine, r.iac'.u fi-cin tho Katlvo r.oots nnd Herbs of Cullfbrnla, t ree Ironi nil Alcoholic- btliiiitlnntu Thayaio t!-o OK EAT KI.OOI) PUR IP IK El. mid A MM: OIV1XM 1'KlNt'n'I.E a perfect licuovntor r.. X lvlgorutor of Ulu t-yi tun, currying off all polyene a U'Xtttr n:ul rcstoi hi;; t:.o blood to a healthy co;:('.;t:r:u. i 'o perron tnutalio theco BIU;ts cccoriiir.g tot'iixc j tlcn r.nd rcmaluloug uiii,'(.!l. I 51(10 wlllbo given fcr an lncuro-;!3CiW0, rr. d j tho tones aru Lot destroyed by ialr.cr-1 i i:c: or otlicr mcau?, and tho vital oranu wasted Lvj o...'. ::.o : point of repair, I I'm-InllnimiM. lory r.iul C hronic IJhtuiun. I tisin nud 4outt Dyspepsia, or IimIIkcsiIoii, t liiiloun, IScmluciit and Imcruilllcnt l'cvcrn Dlscr.scs ol tho Illood, I. Ivor, Kidneys, nnd I llliulitrr, tlier.0 ltlitern havo beca most Encccct- 1 ful. tiich I inclines oro cacccd ty Viltntcd I Blood, wlilch Ic trcncrc!ly rrot!ucDth7('.erclii'.uicl.t 1 oftlioDlcer.tli'ctt'iTKUK. ! I)YB!'UP81A 'l INDIGESTION, !."cc.d ache, rein In tho Bhouk cm, Cocghs, Tlglitr-cts cf tho Chest, Dizziness, Hour KructiUlor-s of tho Etcmach, liad taste In tlio Month, Bilious Attacks, I'alpltntlcn of thollcart. Inflammation of tho Lnngs, Pain pi tho regions of tlio Kldnoys, ood a hnnrircd other r- ifcl symptoms, sro tho ollDprint;! of CyepcpElr.. Tliry lnvieornto tho Stouinch tad stlmaiala tuo tor pid liver and bowc!3, whlcli r-ndcrthem of unequalled cmcaey la clcanoln;; tlio llocd cf alt il:ipi'.rltioo, end Imparting new llfo a:id Tiger to tho vrholo syctcni. FOR till IS HI A BES, Kraptions, Totter, Bait r.hcum, Blctclu s, E; ots, Vir.ii Us, rcctulcs, tolls, Car buncles, lilng-W'orcii, cald-i:oad, Scro Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, Ecurfo, I-lsaclorr.t'.or.o cf tho Skin, llumora nd Ulscasce ertho Ll:ln, cf rhatovcr camo or natcro,' aro literally C ig v.p or.dcuri U J out of tho system In a short time by tlio tu cf theco ISittors. Ono bot'lo In sach cases will couviueo tho moat Iccrcdalocs oi their curatlvo eltcet. Clcanso tho Vitiated Blood vhenovor you Had Its Imparities burstiug tlirour;:i tl.os::ln tnritup'.cs, Ernp tlons cr Son : cleanse It when yon Had tt obstructed nnd llocKlrli In tim vch.a clcav.ao It wlicn U 18 foul, find yonr fjciir.cs v.iil tj:i yomvho:i. Kep il.o Llocd fate oi.d t'.,v hitlth or tlio tret m will follocr. , PIS, DAI'Bs3dit!icr.W!43:S, j::rUuit In t:io system of bo iiihny tKiuraaiHi. ;.ro Slfectuully destroy ed snrt rrmoicd. 1 r n.ll dtrcotlnns,. road curcfolly tho clrcnlnr urout.u oiuli baia, piloted lui'ur luu guages Engliar.,i;i-ri::ar, rn.urli ai-i tp.njirfi, J.WALKEn, llroprl.t. r. li. II. Mcl;0KAJ.I 6 fcO.. DrngglsU and Gen. Ajjcnls, fun FrincUco. t"tl , ' and S3 and CJ Commerce 6truct, KcsrTar..w tJTBOLD BT ALL DiXOOISTS ASO L'EAt-ZUS. 1780 TAKE NOTICE. ' 1871 Are You Afflicted or Sick ? I7HK PAHRNEY' s'j, BLOOD CLEANS E ll-i ,., - ' OR ,''.. w 1 -A. N A C K A.'! u OS a & H AN Alterative and Cathartic, or Tonic and rurgc, for diseases arising from bad blood. This preparation was established In 18T0,nnd has been prepared in liquul form for more than 18 years. . In January or February, 1870, anoth cr party commenced to prepare a similar article which is Inferior to the genuine, and . which should not be mistaken for ours. Ask for "Dit. FiiinNEV's Blood Clkansek ok Panacea," and accept no others. - ' ' i, The Trade Mark of the oldest and genuine, Is printed In grnn on a yellow wrapper, hav ing also the signature of P. Fahrncy, 1L.D., Chicago. "Dr.P. Fahnuy'i JTeaWi Mettengtir" . gives the history and uses of the Bi.oon Clbaxhkh testimonials, and other Information, sont free charge. Address - "J Kii. P. KiiiHNEY's Brothers & Co., Waynesboro, Franklin County, Pa. Ask for Dr. Fahrncy's Blood Cleanser and CXEAN8E VOIn BhOOl). frT" Sold everywhere and tn New Bloom held by F. Mobtimkb & Co., only. 618 ' The l'eiiiiaylvanla " Cattle , Insurance ' Company. Capital and Assets, $150,606. Incorporated by the Court of Qotnmon Pleat of Hchvylkill Co., Not. 27,' '09. Incorporated by Legislature Mav 10,1871, ' ' ' 'i s v '") ' 1 IT has now full , power td Insure Buildings, Merchandise and all' Kinds at. Property against Fire, tWonus or Tempests, .Also, to Insure Herses and Cattle against Death or Theft. ' The rates on loun or Preferred Policies are a little higher than any. other company doing business In the county but this class of policy holders can borrow money any time the Company can spore It out of Its supfus assets, and the money will be loaned in rotation, so that the first persons procuring loan policies can be the first to borrow money if they need it. Only BIX I'KR CKNT.TNTltlUCHT will be charged for money, and loans will b made at all places that good agettcits bun be established, so that the Company will be a Home Company wherever it does business. Tns Company will also take risks on the common cash 'and' inutnul plans as dieapas other reliable companies. .... The Directors meet regularly on the second Monday ol every month. ' . JOHN D. HADE8TV, Presulsnt. JAMES II. GUIEK, Secretary. . . , , Office, 308 Centre St., Pottsville, Pa. iU. KINDS of Pr.ntlnrSieatlf PRINTINOI jexeouu-dat the "Uux)ioLi Hundreds of Thousands ? jf b ? Boar testimony to their Wonder- 3 0 lul Curative Etfocts. j fa fiWHAT ARE THEY?hs hj -v , p i mm Am O I S THEY ARE HOT A VILE 5 1 II FANCY DRINK. Ml CONSUMPTION. ITS CURE AND ITS PREVENTIVE. By J. . lOITEItCK, K. D. fsny a bnmsn heinir hns pnssed awny fbr whose deatli there was no other ressim than liieneRlect of known and Indisputably nroven lurrins of cure. Thm near Rod dear to Tioolly and n-lends am sleeping the dreamless slumber Into which, had theycalnilv ndopled UK, jonkii'ii ir. ncursirK'st (sijipi.r TiiKimur, snd availed themselves or ids wondermlly ernca dims medicines, they would not have ratleo. Ilr. KctielK-k hns In his own case nrnved tliat wherever sutllciptit Tttnlltv renmlns, thul. vllAlltv, by his medicines nnd tils 0 i'rccllons lur their use, is quickened Into lien.Mli fill viioir. In this statement there Is nothing presnmptnnns. To the fsltii of Itieln valid Is made no repreNeiitntton tlmt tn not a thousand times nuhstnnthiled by living and visible works. The theory of the cure bv Ilr. Hehsnck's medicines Is as simple as It Is linni'MIni;. Its philosophy rcqiifrtw no arijioiieut. Itisseir-as-surhiff, seir-i'oiivliH liier. The Hea-weed Tonic and Mnndrnke Pills are the first two wenpnns with which tho cttndel of the malady Is assailed. Two-thirds of the cases of con sumption or Inmate In dyspepsia and a nuictlonHllv disordered liver. With tills condition the brnnchliil tubes "sympathize'' with the stomach. They re spond to the uiorlil tic action of tlie liver. Here l hen mines t lie culminating result, aud the Belting lu, with all its distressing svniptoms or '',',':,,PT,0:, The Mnnrirftke I'llls are composed of one of Na ture's noblest ill Its- the l'odophlhuin ivuatum. I hey possess nil tho iilood-Koiirelilnir, alterative properties of cslomel, but. unlike calomel, they "l.i:VK M vriiu n kii ." The work of core Is now hcKlmiliiir, 'j'be vitiated and mucous ileposlts In the bowels and In the ali mentary ciuiul areej-eleil. Tlie liver, like a clock. Is wound up. It arouses from Us torpidity. Tlie stomach acts responslveiy, and tlie patient beullls to leel Hint lie Is itettlnir, at Inst, A su pply or uoi m.oi. The !sen-weed Tonic. In conjunction with the Pills. , permeates and assimilates with the food. ChvlHI cillon Is now progressing without its previous tor lun. ingestion iiecoin,. palnlms, anil tliecureis seen to hi- at hand. There Is no more tlutulence, no esiieerhutioii or the stomach. An appi tltn sets In. Now iniiiw tlie irrcalesl Htood 1'uritter ever yet given bv an ludiilgenl fitlher to sintering man. Hchenek s I'lilmoiilc syrup comes In tn perform Its luni-tloiiK and to hasten and complete the cure. It enters at ones upon Its work. Nature call not he cheated. It eolbs-ls and ripens the Impaired and diseased portions of the lungs. In tlie form or gatherings, It prepares them for expectoration, and lot In a very short lime tiie iiiuhulv Is vaiirpilshed, the rotten throne that It. occupied Is renovated and made new, and I lie patient. In all the dignity of re gained vigor, steps forth tj enjoy tho luunhuod or womanhood that n-m tSlVKS n AS I.O.ST. The second thing Is, the patients mint star In a warm room until they get well! It Is almost linpos slide to prevent taking cold when tho lungs are ills cased, but h must lis prevented or a cure can not he elleeled. Kresli air and riding nut. especlnllvln this section or the country, hi Hie fall and winter sen son, are alt wrong. Physicians who recommend that course low their patients. If their lungs are bndly dlsennrd; and yet. because they are In the house they must not sl down ipiiel; thev must walk about the room aa much and as fast as the strength wll bear, to get up a good clrculntlon oriilood. Tlie patients must keep In (torsi spirits be determined to get well. This has a great (leal to do with the appetite, and Is the gr"nt point to gain. Todcsimirof cure tiller such evidence or Its pos sibility hi the worst ciises. and moral certalnlvln nil others. Is sinful. Hr. Mcheiii k's personal state ment to the Faculty of his own cure was in these " atony years ago I was in the lost stages or con sumption; cuulliH-d to mv bed, and at one time my Physicians Ihoiighttlml I could not Uvea week; then. Ilk J a drowning man catching nt straws, 1 heard of I " iiuiiou urn prcparniwiMi which l now oner to the public, and they made a perfect core or me. It seemed lo me tliut I could feel them penetrate my whole system. They soon ripened tlie matter hi my lungs, and 1 would spit up more thanaphitof oneii Blve yellow matter every morning lor a long time. "As soon as that begun to sutiside, my cough, fever, pains, and night-sweats all began to leave me, !P.'.! my appetite became so great that It was Willi (lllllcully that I could keep from earing too milch. I soon gained my strength, aud have grown lu llcsh ever since. " I was weighs d shortly after my recovery," added the Doctor, then looking like a mere skeleton ; my we ght was only ninety-seven pounds; my present weight Is two hundred and twenty-five (211) pounds, and for years I have enjoyed uninterrupted health.'' , tr- .M'h',nek has discontinued hu professional ' Y , !i0.N,9w, Vork and Hoeton. He or his son. Ilr. r.' , fjchenck, Jr., still continue to see patients at their Olllee, NnvlS NorUi Wixth tMract, Philadelphia, every (Saturday from S A.M. to a r.K. Those who wish a thorough examination with the Itesplro-ineterwlllliecliargedj.-,. Tlie Itesplronieterdeclarm . Hie c tact condition of tin lungs, and patients can " jdlly learn whether they are curable or not. I he directions for uklng the medicines are adapt ed to the Intelligence even of a child. Kollow these directions, and kind Nature will do the rest, except ing that lu some coses the Mandrake Pills are to he taken In Increased doses ; the three medicines need no other accompaniments than the ample Instruc tions that accompany them: First create appetite, or returning health, hunger Is the most welcome symptom. When it comes, as It will come, let the despairing at once be of good cheer. Oood blood at once follows, the cough loosens, the night-sweat is abated. In a short time both of these morbid yaio loms are gone forever. lr. Hchenck's medicines are constantly kept In tens of thousands or families. As a laxative or pur- - gatlve, the Mandrake Pills area standard prepara tion; while the Pulmonic Hvrup, as a cure or coughs and colds, may lie regarded as a propbylaouirlo against consumption hi any of Its forms; iVjlcf ,ulmonl? UX. ""d sea-weed Tonic, . SuiOa bottle, or S7.SO a half doien. Mandrake Pills 2scentsalKix. For sale by all druggists aud dealers. Johnson, IIom.oway & CownENj 6U2 Arch Street, l'hlladclplilu, Wholesale Agents. 6 M ly 3STEW TORK CO NT IN JJ NT AL Life Insurance Company, OF NEW YORK, ' ; ' STRICTLY 3 VTVA L t Amm'Im, tt l,r()0,()00 ! ISKl'ESallthenew forms of Policies, and pre. sents as favorable terms as any company lu the United States. The Company will make temporary loans on Its Policies. . Thirty days' grace allowed on each payment, and the (Millcy held cood during that time. - J'oUules Issued, by this Company are lion-f ol ti l t ure. ' ' No extra charges are made for traveling permits. Policy-holders share. In the annual profits of the Company, and have a voice iu the elections aud management of tlie Company. 1 No policy or medical feechareed. Justus Lswhenok, 1'res't. Id. B. Wruaoop, Vice I'reift. J. P.Hookks, Sec'y. " ' . ' ' J. If.'KATON, " ' ' ' General Agent, No. North Third Street, taiyl) i. .. Colletis Ukwk, Ilarrlsburg, Pa. A)I'I-K!lI-r A MHOHTMKNrfl isi'i-EM)!!! Ahkoutmkn i DttYJOODO JiYJDOODO Suited to the Season, o , Are Now Offered for Bale by f ., . hi i". :j. KORTIMZS; k CO.'',.' TADIES AND CHILDHKN will and j splendid assnttment of shoes at the one price storo'of F, Mortimer A Co. M English Roofing Eelt Is found to stnnd well In n.11 cllinntcs, bclnir ex tensively nscd for Hooflnrr Houses, Out-liiilld-Inffs nnd Sheds; for LnyinK Flnt Roofs, Gutters, IJnliiK Granaries, Storehouses, or AVulls, (cither outside or inside), and for placing un der Slates or Tiles. It is also a cheap and cll'cctlvo Celling on tho underneath side of raf ters of a Bin ted or Tiled Koof, nnd ns a Celling to Iron Kool's, counteracting Heat, Frott, aud Condensation of Moisture. Tho EiiKlish Felt is put up In rolls of 2Ti yards in length, by 33 Inches In width, and containing a surface of 200 siiunrc feet. THREE-PLY FELT FOR ROOFING. In Rolls, 20 Inches wldo.by 60 feet in length; each roll will cover u surface 10 fcot siiinro, or 100 squnrc feet. It is to be laid across the roof, slilnglo fash ion, with a lap of two inches, and secured by nailing tho edges with 3d nuilsnudtin caps. When laid, the Felt Is to be pulntrd with Mastic Roof Coating, nnd Banded. Tho Mas tic Hoof Coating Is mixed, ready for use, anil Is applied with a brush. ,., TARRED ROOFIXG FELT. Used extensively for Klieatblng Houses, and for Tar and Gravel Hoofing, also for placing under Slntc, Tin and Shingle Roofing. It Is used in packing 'Woolens nnd Furs to protect them from moths. Put up In rolls weighing 45 pounds each. 15 pounds Felt will cover it surliiro of 100 square feet. . ' .; , TWO - PLY FELT, For Sheathing Houses, Roofing Temporary Buildings, making Watertight Floors, and for placing under Slate and Shingles. In rolls, 12 inches wide by 00 feet in length. Each roll will coves n surface of 10 foot square or 1U0 nqnaro fect. ' ' For Sheathing it can be nailed npon the stud ding, making a perfectly nir tight sheathing, nnd nuro protection from daniiniees. Ruts, mice, or vermin will not go near it. MICA CANVAS ROOFIXU, . In rolls containing 250 square, feet."" Is to lie laid across tlio roof, and hipped Shlnglo fash ion with a lap of two Inches, nnd secured by nulling tho edges with 20 oi!. tacks. This is the only Composition Roofing that docs not require a finishing coat of paint or cement. UNTARRED SHEATHING FELT, For Carpet Lining, Deadening Floors, and for putting under Slate, Tin and Shingle Kooilng. Put up in rolls weighing 100 pounds. 10 pounds Felt will cover a surfuco 10 feet squttre, or 100 square feet. MANUFACTURED BY THE PENN ROOFING CO., 103 South 2nd Street, 6 33 2tit nilLADKLl'lIIA, Ia". ' irAllDWAHE! HAllDWAllEl rpilE subscribers havo on hand at all times, JL as complete an assortment of Hardware as can be found in the comity. NAILS, , . HINGES,:i .. ",, LOCKS, . , , "glass, ' PAINTS & OILS, , and a Hue assortment of all styles of ' Builders Hardware, Also, i ,.; ; . - , C AliPENTEIl TOOLS, TABLE CUTLERY, ' COFFEE MILLS,' A ' SrOONS, . i j ..: SHOVELS, HOES, and a full stock of , Hurdware of Every Description, All of which will bo sold at the lowest market prices. Persons wanting any article in this line ure requested to can ana examine our stock, F. MORTIMER & CO., . '' , .'.''".." New Bloomfield, Pa. The Colby Wringer ' WITH .'' ' ' Moulton's Patent Rolls. The, Most Perfect j ; r , t -, T v, "' 1:1 The Cheapest! And JkH Wringer .in .the World, Rolls are pure white Rubber, Frame can never rot, rust or wear out. It takes less room than any other, is lighter, fastens Itself to the tun, runs easier, and Is THE FAMILY FAVORITE wherever used, , , It is WARRANTED in every case. We want good active . ... ;v LIVE ACENT8 ; ! to canvass in every town, to whom good wages are Insured. Full Instructions and particulars given npon application to Colby Bho's & Co., 60S Broadway, N. Y. v , 3aal8. , Pensions, Bounties, &c, ;'J WIDOWS, Minor Children. ' Mothers, 'Fathers, fee., of Holdlers who were killed or died of disease contracted In the Service of tlM Vnlted Wales, can now make apillcatlon,for Pension. Also Holdlers who coutracted 'disease or were; Woanded. ruptured, or lu any way disabled lu the war of Ul. ' ' ' When widow die or. re.marry, the child or children under slt ) of K euUtlcd to 4'h'e Unie for llllngclalms for' addition bounty has been extended six months. I . , ' Partlcnlar attention (riven to old swnvetirted case In the different deiwrtments at Washlnaton, l. 0 If you have, or think you have a elalm aualnst the Governnisut, call on or address the underslKiiedi hi) coarxs lur information. ( . LBWIls POTTKU, j ,-n-t1 n i Attorney (or Claimants, ! HUMOROUS ITEMS. c?"A 'Western editor reports money "closo, but not elope enough to be reached." flay It looks funny to sec a young lady with botlt hadH in soft dough and a nioB quito on the end of her none. 8 Kiehtiiond bus u society called " The Daughters or tho liolden Candle stick. They are probubly snuffers. " I presume yon won't chargo any thing for just re-uicmbering me V said a one-legged sailor to a woodcn-lcg manu facturer. Ik& One of our exchanges praises an egg, which it says " was laid on our table by tho 15ev. Jlr. Smith." Jlr. Smith seems to be a lniwm ns well as a minis ter. S'siy Atlanta young ludics lay wagers with their . sweethearts thus : If her candidate for Mayor wins, she is to kiss Bwcotheart, but if sweetheart's candidate wins he is to kiss her. feu"" A married gcntlcmau present at a spirit rapping circle, being informed that the power depended wholly on tho will, begged that his wife might try it as ho had never seen anything resist her will. By" Mister, give mo back my mon ey. Them fire-crackers came all to pie ces the iirst time I used um.'f " Didn't thDy go off, my lad ?" " Yes'm." "Well, let's seo you do tho same bito hira, Jowler !" . Kxit, boy in haste. ley In one county in Kansas alone there are one hundred and twenty-ono acres of castor beans under cultivation, and Greeley thinks it needs no mathe matics to show that the crop will supply castors to every bedstead in tho United States. fiiiyS" See here," said a landlord to a tipsy customer who wanted a pintof whis ky, " you can't havo any more whisky here. I've told you go twice, iu plain English., Will you have it now in Latin or Greek?". " No, thank'e, sir ; I want it in a bottle." , SfSf Double sentiment John Q. Smith eends the following pithy toast for the next celebration of the Fourth of July, but it is too good to be laid over : " The two declarations the Declaration . of In dependence, whereby we, gained our lib erty, aud the Declaration of Love, whore by we lose it." , , " SSf The author of " My Summer in a Garden," remarks that Nothing shows one who his friends are, like prosperity and ripo fruit. ' I had a good friend in the country, whom I almost never visi ted except in cherry time " By i their fruits you shall know them.", i& A minister asked a little boy who had been converted, " Docs the devil tell you that you are? a Christian?" " Yes, sometimes." " " Well, what do you say to him ?" " I tell him," replied the boy, with something of Luther s spirit, " that whether I 'am a Christian or not it is none of his business," . , o... ,i . t&" I don't miss my church as much as you suppose," said a lady to her min ister, who had called ' upon her during her illness," for I make JSctsy sit at the window as soon as the bell begins to chime, and toll me who are going to ehurch, and whether they have anything new." " '' - - -x ... . , .,s , .I6T " Whet is tho matter with you " inquired a judge who called to see a sick neighbor, j " Veil, I don't know chudge dey Bay it ish de cout; but vy should I have de cout? ' I lives blain ; I' don't eat too much, nor drink 'too much. ' "Per haps," suggested the judge, " it is he reditary ?" " I guoss it is hereditary j I remember mine wife's uncle had it." -' . .-. " As my wife at the window ono day, Stood watching a man with a monkey, A cart came along with 'a broth of a boy,' Wbo was driving a stout little donkey, ' , To my wife I then spoko, by way of a Joke, 'There's a relation of yours in that carriage,' To Which she replied, as the donkey she spied, " " Ah.'yes a relation by marriage." ''';' "... . . . i . ,. , i i . t&f At a festival, a pretty' Miss waited upon an editor with a pie plate ' of an tiquo manufacture, in the center of which he espied the following Very' Interesting couplet: V1 ...:.;;., , ' "" One sweet kls ' 11 Is the price of this." Tbii excited his feelings, and as soon as an opportunity presented itself, he mo tioned the young lady to his ' side,'' and pointing his knife to the line said " Your jay is ready whenever you ' present your , V&" An Irishman named William, and one Samuel a Jew, were partner in the ownership and management of a largo and valuable rancho, not many miles from Virginia City. - Samuel was upbraiding his Irish partner for; hia; queer manage meat of some particular business. , Wil liam could endure it no longer, and' re torted v Now, Sam, jrou,had better dry up about 'my .Irish bliadors, for jpu Jews have nothing to brag of) there you , were forty year bringing your lolka through the wildeneas, when any smart , Yankee would have done it in four .dart," 4 Sam subsided, and peace wad restored, 'lwui.-