The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, October 24, 1871, Page 8, Image 8

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fflje dintto, New JJloomfttlJii )ct.
Miscellaneous News Items.
tSTTlio great llrca in tho West will
probably Increase, tho prico of lumber.
' t3T"Tlie Huntingdon county fair real
ized over $2,000. 1 ' .
. WOno county in Tcnnesee , bi-onglit
fortli 400,000 bushels of peanut h this HOa
Smi. i
EgTlie 'Washington Post-Ofllce lias al
ready transmitted money orders to r11 parts
of tlio world under tho new regulations.
fif An Kastpoi t, Me., despatch reports
the mackerel fishing a complete failure, the
tishcrmau having given up fishing.
t3f"8cvcral towns in tho lumber district
of Green Hay have been bnrncd, and it is
reported that over twclvo liundrcd persons
have perished in the Humes.
13?" Mr. Aldcn Spooner, a farmer in
ficthel, Vt., recently carried to Market a
load of bops, for which ho received nearly
$1,200. :
' 3?" Acting Governor llanton, of tho
District of Columbia, has issued a procla
mation convening tho Legislative Assembly
to legalize a loan of $100,000 for tho relief
of the Chicago sufferers.
tS'In Albany, tho other night, tliolicv
Mr. Waters while preaching, stopped a few
moments and then said : " I am rarely, if
ever, annoyed by people talking. I am not
to-night ; but I am afraid tho congregation
is." "You could have heard a pin drop"
during the balance of tho sermon.
tW A new barn on the farm of Mr. Jo
nas Stager, about a mile and a half cast of
Lebanon, near tho county alms bouse, was
entirely destroyed by fire on Tuesday
night last, and very soon tlis whole
building and its contents, embracing Mr.
Stager's this years' crops, were in a blaze,
and soon were ashes.
"Tho barn of Samuel Peachey, of
Xenno township, Mifllin county, was burn
ed to the ground, on Wednesday, tho 4th
inst., with all its contents, among which
were three colts belonging to Mr. Peachy,
and a valuable horso, tho property of a Mr.
Vodor. The fire originated from tho fric
tion of some of the gearing of a threshing
3jT Tho Secretary of the Navy has de
termined to put a stop to tho disgraceful
habit of hazing at tho Naval Academy.
Ho has ordered the dismissal of flvo cadet
midshipmen from tho Academy for persist
ing in this vicious practice against order
and regulations. The order says that while
mere youthful vivacity and mischief may
be overlooked, persistent blackguardism is
inconsistent with the character of an officer
and gentleman, and will not be tolerated.
tW About daylight on the morning Of
the 17th inst., the Fifth ward of Brooklyn
was aroused by another raid of revenue
officers on the illicit stills in that city. The
arrangements for tho raid were so'complote
as to surprise the generally wide-awake
whisky men of the fifth ward. Tho reve
nue officers were supported by United
States troops, and were landed at tho foot
of Gold street, from which point the raid
commenced. They met with but little op
position, and captured several stills and
other property.
IW A little daughter of K. S. Hatha way
living at Hartford, recently met with
a strange accident. While asleep she arose
from her bed, and the supposition Is that
she sat for a time on the window-sill with
her feet hanging out, and from thence slip
ped and fell to the ground. Her night
dress was found hanging to the hook used
for fastening the blinds, turned Insido out
and probably held her for ft time, before
she slipped through. Although she fell
from the third-story window, a distance of
thirty or more feet, no bones were broken,
but she was badly bruised.
HP Mr. Lodex, who lately died in Lon
don, left his relatives $73,000,000. '
KW One Province in China has been vis
ited with a terrible flood. The American
minister reports that there is 10,000 square
miles under water.
A terrific typhoon recently occured at
Kong Kong. Three, ships were dismasted
and one sunk in the harbor, causing a great
loss of life .,. i . . ,
' tV Advices from Odessa state 'that 800
buildings in the town of ltogvosloy have
.been burned by incendiary fires, believed
to be the work of the fanatical oppressors
of the Jews. The great proportion of the
inhabitants of the town are of Jewish fnlth.
' iy It is announced that ' tho ' German
troops now in France will evacuate six of
the Departments ouNpv. 17tl. .,,
V ff" At Constantinople' tho cholera, tho
progress of which was supposod to have
been checked, is again spreading 1 with in
creased violence. Over eighty persons havo
'died within a few days from the epidemic.
Many people 8re leaving the city in . conse
quence -of the reappearance pf ,the plague.
'' IW The final ratificat ion 1y 'Franco 1 of
the treaty with Germany has bten dispatch
ed to Berlin. -
. 1ST A terrible famine is devastating por
tions of Asiatie Turkey, , In Ungdau, the
capital of one of the Provinces, many
deaths have occurred.
J; i Kcu AdvcriiHement. ,
Dr. 1'. T. Kccne linvlng Just returned from Ecu
Hilor mid brought with linn n unHty of Hie gen
uine Ciiiidurango Bark, secured through the olll
ciul recommendation Hint assistance of His Kxcel
Ii'iiryllui President nt I.cuiidor, and the lioveru
ment. of Hint Republic, we are prepared to (111 or
ders for It to n limited extent, and at. a price almut
one nimi ter of that willed the cost of the first very
small supply roiiidled lis to charge.
A spurious article Is now advertised and sold as
Cuiiiliiruiio. Wc have, at a oonsldcrnblocxpenso.
and with the ro-ocralion of the authorities of
Ixijn, the province where tho plant grows, so di
rected the channel of our supply as to ensure that
none lint til genuine article shall tie sold liy us;
nml we particularly call the attention of tho pub
lic, for their pint eel inn. to this fact.
(Ilrtw) ' tin Cedar St., .New York.
1). W. Hllss. If. f).. Washington, . C; Z. K.
Bliss, M. 11., New York j l'.T. Keene. M. f)., N. Y.
lAcoiiipounil of Cocoa-nut Uil,4c. Acknowl
edged the bat promoter of the growth and beau It
of the. hnir. J08. BUSMElI CO., Itoston. Mass.
bold, by ull druggists. Jleware of imitation).
' 4U4W
li11TTl Try samples of our Kieat Space
l1 JllljJCil-ii" IMiistralcd weekly ; years
Fine steel engravings free to suliscrllicrs. Auents
make fr.a day. Mend for Saturday (iazelle, Ilal
limell, Mc. 4i r 4W
1 si s1
The oldest and most reliable Institution for oil
tainlntra Mereantlle Kdiicatlon.
I'raclical liusliiess men as Instructors,
l or information write for a circular to
41 r 4w) J'. MJKF SDNS, I'ittsbuiRli, I'a.
Solicited by Muiin & Co.,
l'nlillsliers of the Scientific
Americun, 37 1'aik ltow, N.
X. ......(-.. gears' exjierlcuee.
I'ainphluls containing patent laws, with full ill
rections imw to obtain paleuts free.
A lKiund volume of IIS panes, eoiitalnili)! the
new census by counties a lid all lai ne ellies, 14U
eiurravlncs of mechanical movements. patent laws
and rules for obtaining 1'alcnls, mailed on receipt
of twenty-live cents. 41 r 4w
17 A ttTI t CI.O.HKTS.-nct the best. Karth Clos
li et Co., 21ft State St.. lliutrnrd. Ct.. Sole II. S
iiroprietors of .Moulu's.Moule Hi (iirdlcston's, War
inn s, I.ul Iter's. Newton's and lioolittle's I'atents.
The only closets that have proved effective. The
Karth Closet by lis dlshifi'ciiou of fatccs. Is the
most valuable means ut pi-eventlni; spread of chol
era and other contaKlous diseases. Send for a cir
cular. Agents wanted evervwliere. Salesrooms,
111 l)oane si ri-et, lioston : li'Ki liroiulway, N. Y. t Vi
21 Market St., I'hlladelphia. 41r4w
J IIOII SALE. A choice (arm of llfl acres In
J ('liesler eounty, SO miles from I'lilliidelplila.
Address .IAIIKZ IIAII.KY. Marlboro I', o.. Pa.
... , 41 r 4w
For K0 ier Inch per month, we will Insert an
Advertisement in lGrt tirstttlass I'a., Newspapers,
including Fourteen Dailies. Proportionate, rates
for smaller advertisements. List sent free. Ad
dress il KO. P. ItOWEl.I. .1 Co., ' ,
41 r 4w 4U and 41 Turk How, N. Y.
Agents t-V) per week to scl 1 our great and valuable
discoveries. If you want permanent, honorable
ami picasaui wors. an uv to
, apply for particulars. Address
DYKlt Hi CO., .lackson, Michlgaii
r 41 4t
A Clergyman while residing In South America,
as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple rem
edy for the cure of Nervous Weakness, Karly De
cay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal organs,
and the whole train' disorders brought on by
baneful and vlolous habits. Great numbers have
been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a
desire to beuellt the alltieted and unfortunate, 1
will send thereeie fur preparing and using this
medicine, In a sealed envelope, to any one who
needs it. free of charge. Address JOS. T. IN
MAN, Station D. Dibit) House, N. Y. City. (41 r 4
AVOID QUAC KS. A victim of earlylndls
cretion, causing nervous debility, premature
decay, &(., having tried III vain every advertised
remedy, has a simple means of self-cure, w hich lie
will send tree to Ills leiiow-stinerers. Address J
11. ICKKV liS, 78 Nassau at.. New York.
- ( ; '
Chronic and Sexual Diseases.
The cheapest book ever' published containing
nearly three hundred pages, and one hundred and
thirty tine plates and engravings of the anatomy
of the human organs In a state of health and dis
ease, with a treatise on early errors. Its deplorable
consequences upon the mind and body, with the
author's plan of treatment the only rational and
successful mode of cure, as shown by a report of
cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married
and those contemplating marriage, who entertain
doubts of their physical condition. Sent free of
postage to any address, on receipt of twenty-live
cents In stamps or postal currency, by addressing
Dr. 1. A CHI MX. No. SI Maiden I.ane, Albany, N.
Y. The mil bur may lie consulted msin any of the
diseases uion which his book treats, either person
ally or by mail, and medicines seut to any part of
the world, . , , . . , , , , 4lr4w
lyiiolcNiile CiSroccrN,
1 ' '"' AND
NO. 120 AUC1I HTltJ-ET, .(
, r The sale. of Fugs, Heeds, Grain and Wool
" "J""'"; y. , , , , at
l'leuse send for a Circular1.
..: , iU-U iJ
J to marry; address the Undersigned, who
will feud ypu valuable Information, tliut will
enable you to niarry happily and speedily, Ir
respective of wealth or beauty, . This In
formation will cost you nothing, and if you
wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you.
The desired luforuiatioo sent by return mall.
Address,' Karah ' B. I.amhkht, Grecnpolnt,
Klugt County, N. Y. 5 lo.a
FLORAL GUIDE FOR 18TJ. -t Contulhlng
8cventy-Two Pages and Two PaAi'Tmn, Col-
oh(D PtATss nicely illustrated, giving plain
dirertioua for the cultivation of nearly a Thou
sand Varieties of Flowers and Vegetables.
Full bound with your name In gilt, 'post-paid,
In November, AO ceuti. Paper- cover and cue
colored plate. 5 cents. - , . i . ., .
I4f Catalogue of bardy Bulbs and Seed tor
iaii-piauiiug, now ready and .sent free lo an
applicants. Aauress. i
' " ' ' " M. O. REYNOLDS. 'I
89 ''" - j m better, N,Y.J
J splendid tibsortmnnt of shoes at the one
price I to re of IT. Mortimer & Co.
We have bought more largely,
and therefore more cheaply,
than ever before.
We hive selected EVERY
PIECE of Goods with the ut
most care, and had EVERY
YARD examined, and well
SPONGED before maklng-up.
We have rejected all COTTON
Goods, and have manufactured
nothing but ALL WOOL.
We have studied all the New
Styles English. French, and
American and have adopted
only the best, together with
many Now Designs originated
by Ourselves.
Wo have made many improve
ments in Maklng-up, and havo
more confidence than ever in
the superiority of our Work
manship. . We have labored to suit all
tastes, and have Plain Styles as
well as more Fashionable Cuts,
and evory variety of Shade and
We have determined to do a
Larger Trade than ever, and so
have combined every induce
ment that can possibly be of
fered. OAK HALL,
Merchant & Grist Mill,
, ' ALSO.
, . . l'liltltV COUNTY, PA.,
Or, If not SOLD, to KENT them .
Possession nlven at any time on thirty duy
The Mills are In thorough repair.
The Merchant Mill makes forty barrels of flour
per day.
The lolls of grists arc one thousand dollars per
The Haw Mill lias cut Eight Thousand feet In a
Kxcellent home market for Flour and Peed .
Railroad facilities unsurpassed. -
A llrst-elass Tannery can lie erected. There are
otiu thousand cords of Rock-Oak hark Nhliiped
from here per year, and two thousand can be had.
1 w ill sell my
Dwelling and Lot,
wilh or without the II Ms. Also, a mimls'r of
LOTS, 50 by 125 Feet,
on Carver's Illll. ; '' Title Indlspiitiihle.
Write or apply to ' ;
6 30tf r - v- '. ihincaunon. I'a.
Valuabivyjleal Estate
At trivate Sale.
Hltuated In the village of Koschurx, one-and-a-half
miles from lckenburg, l'erry county, I'a.
The house Is Two Htorles IiIeIi. also a Cellar and
Cellar Kitchen, with a Well of water at the door.
The lot comprises ,
i i , . , ... ' . .
of hind In a eimmI state of cultlvallon, on which Is
erected A (i(M)l UN HAItN, twenty feel In
width, by liriy feet In lenatli .
V This piowrty will be sold low, as the owner
has removed iruui the neluhborlKHxI.
f Vitt terms apply to '" '
nt Ickeshuru.
lMMiKIt HAHKIKON, ,i - l
6 30 tf ; . . , ..... Duiiianuoii Woolen factory
Fartn, at Private Sale.
TIIK undersluned offers at prlvnle sale, a farm
In Kyetowusliip,t'errycouuty, Is., ooiilulnluji
r.ylAOUKH. "'
The land Is the best In t he nlc'hhorliood, with run
lilnii water lu every Held, Is under good (euou, and
has thereon erected a new
i . ...
4.., , FraniQ Dwelling House.
There Is also a thrifty You n Oltf'IIAHDon the
pbire. This land lies alona tsin public ruads-the
r billing Creek road and the Lamb's ;ap road : the
last mimed divides the laud in two parts aoU on
the one side and 26'- on the other: on the 2il'-$
acre piece Is a tvew t mine liwellliia House, and on
the other a
erected for a house, with a never falling RpriiiK of
water. This land will be told as a whole, or lu two
Tracts, t4ui purchaser. , v1 r';tw.'
V Persons desiring to purchase a farm will do
well to examine this one before investing else
where, as It Una within four miles of Marysvllle,
and the Feiunylvuiiis, itallrued ue -ul the bout
markets lu the eoiMity. .
" Further Information can be hail by ad
dressing i. 'I I,-- i 4r JOHN UHAW.
; ;-1 " -i i t u Jciiimnt MoMCit a l
M-i-: itt . . tkimeritcl county, ra.
-PA I- X' " .lUI - : '
. i nun x x i ii i . x
n m r . . - . . . . i- "V
Our Stock is even more
varied, and our Prices even
lower, than ever before.
Our Clothing will more than
sustain its reputation of being
the most ReMable and Durable
in the market
Our Customers will be In no
danger of having "Cotton Stuff"
palmed off on them. ,
Our Fall Clothing has Styl
ishness and Genteel Appear
anoe which cannot fail to
attract and please all Gentle
men of good taste.
Our present Stock will be
loss liable than any other to
any of the mishaps which some
times befall other Ready-Made
i .' -
Our Stock is sure to contain
what will suit all classes and
conditions of Men and Boys,
both as to Goods and Prices.
Our Customers, old and new,
will be delighted with our
preparations for the present
Fall and Winter Trade.
The ingredients that
published on every package, there
fore it is nofn secret preparation,
It is a certain cure for Scrofula,
Syphilis in all its forms. Rheuma
tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Com
plaint and all diseases of the
Blood. .
will do more good than ten bottles
of tho Byrups of Sarsaparilla.
have used Rosadalis in thelrpractice
for the past throe years and freely
endorse it as a reliable Alterative
and Blood Purifier. , '
DIl. T. C. PUGTT, of Baltimore.
DH.T. 1. BOYKlX, "
Oil. It. W.OAP.R. "
DR. V. O. DAN NKLLV, " '
us. J. 8. SPAIIK.S, or NlchoUivillo,
DR. J. L. McCAnTHA, Columbls,
s c
DR. A. U. NOHLF.S, EJgeeomb, N. C.
J. B. FRENCH k. SONS, l'.ll River,
Mass. ,
F. W. SMITH, Jackson, Mlrh.
A. V. Lima, Ohio.
D. H ALL. Lima. Ol lo.
CRAVEN A CO., (iirdonsvlllo, Vs.
SAM L. O. McFADDEN, .Murfrtes
. boro.Tcna. .
Our space will not allow of any ex
tended remaiki in relation to tho
virtursot l:..i.lall. TotheUedlral
Profession we iruaranteo a Fluid F.x
tract superior t'i any they have ever
used til the trca'mrnt of diseased
Bloodi and to theattllrted wssay try
Rosadalis. sud vou will be restored
to health. ....
Rosadalis is sold by all Druccists.
prico per botthj. Address
( Manufacturing Chemiati,
Daltimoex, IId.
(I 30 f2
' Moody's Eureka Stamp
For perroriitlng
InloChecks. Drafts,
&c, the aiuount for
which they are
drawn, to prevent
alteration. The per
forations are Inked
the Ink. being
foreedlntothe 11 lire
of the paper, from
which It cannot be
removed. Thecheek
ta moved forward
by the upward action of the lever of the machine.
Price 120. J. ft. MOODY,
88 Trinity Bulldlug, P. O. Box r28, N. Y.
- Send for a Circular. Ageuts Wanted. Tallin
I. U. (I1HVIN. v ... , .
e i I I I i i . .
i. u. oihvin.
; CinininlMNlon Mer'lmiiM,
" No. i, HI'KAU'B WHARF, ! '
o ... . I . it i,r
i II a 1 1 i in o r c ,
, PT "tr,,'t attention fo the sale of all
klndsof country produce, and remit the amounts
promptly. , .i ; . i 6M ly
IATJTM)f.-rAll persons are oautloned against
purcliuslbg a note given by me. duUxl eVsp.
teinber ith. TsTl. and made payable to David
Warner, for My Dollurs, as he Hole was obtatu
ed by fiilse pretensci I shall not pav it unless com
pe led by Isw. MICHAEL MlLLKlt.
Center twp., Hcpt. 28, 1871 at
' '' . (At.L KINDIH of prlnt'lninelTly
PRINTING! executed st the " Huk.mkiuld
. ' f TiHK"HniM JOUTI B. ,
ft 1 rJj. J
Professional Cards
IIA1I.V, Attorney at I.HW.
tW niiM,iiill1l linvrvCn Pn
- 'nice In the Court House, with .1. it. Uliiiler,
Esq. Iteters to 11. Wclntlre, ICsq. June 27, 1H71.
r. McINTIliK Attiirncv nt -...I ni..
tl'lct AttOl'lieV lit IVrrvrmmlv 'Hll..a u01
J. T. Mclutire, New lllwimfleld.Tenu'a.
NeW lllllftlllllf.lil l.,-t. nn t
ltloonilleld, 3 381y. , . ' ,
-ITTM. M. HUTCH. Attorn.'y-at-Law, and Mill-
TV tary Claim Aaeut,
New lllootnlleld, Perry co Pa.
-Offlee Two doors' West of Mortimer's
Store a 7 ly
M. A.SrONHI.HR, Attortiev-nt l-tw.
f)lll.. ll.ll.,ltlll,.r l.ia .lu.w...
Main street. New Hlooiulleld, l'erry co., Pa. 3 2 iy
SJL OALllUArril, Attornev-at-Uw,
New Itlooiulleid, l'erry co., Ta.
f Pensions, Homilies, Buck I'ny. and all
Claims against the Government, promptly collect
ed. OlUcu with Wm. A. tipouslur, Ksq. 3 2 ly.
l.KK Ml'ltKAY. Attornevjit-t-nw. nml Ural
Kstutu Agunt.
V..1V lll.w.n.flnl.1 T...H..1. nn T
-Ollleewlth H n. It. K Juiikln, ikiutli Car
lisle street, New Dloinlleld, Ta. a 2 ly.
CHA.sTa. BAltNETT,ttorneyTat-Law" ' ,
New Itlooinlteld, l'erry co.. I'a.
VOnicc adjaining Morllnier' sMtore. 82 ly
CHAS. J. T, MrlVniUC, AttwneyLawi
New HIiHimlleld, l'erry co.. Pa.
y All professional business promptly andfalth
fully attended to. 3 2 lv. .' .......
2VV!7o nioomfielrl, J'vrrii Omnlv, J'enn'a.
a- Sieelal attention irlven to Collections of all
kinds, to the settlement of estates, &c.. Slid all
other legal business prosecuted with fidelity and
dispatch. Also, Depositions, - Affidavits and Ac
knowledgments taken. '
WOllice live doors West of Stitch's hotel. 321y.
JOHN ti. 8HATTO, Surgeon Dentist,
New Itloiiiiilleld, l'erry Co., Pa.
tistry All kinds of Mechanical and Hu'rglcal Uen
uriees.doneln the best manner, and at reasonable
3-Olllce over Mortimer's store. 3 2 lv
DENTISTRY. -!i'. R. H. whitmkk, of
Ncwpoi t, I'a., offers his services for the per
formance of ail kin. Is ol Dental operations. Sat
isfaction giiurautci'd.
-()llice on Main Street, opposite Lclhv's
Wore. 5 30tf
Perry County Bank!
NpoiiNli'r,' Jiiiikin & Co.
THE undersigned, havliiK formed a H.'inking As
sociation under Uie above name and style, are
now ready to do a Ueneral Banking business at
their new Hanking House, on Centre Square,
Wo receive money on deposit and pay back on
demand. We discount notes for a period of not
overCO days, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia and
New York.
On time Deposits, live per ceuL for any time over
four months; and for tour months four per cent.
We are well provided with all and every facility
for doing a Banking Business; and knowing, and
for some years, feeling the great Inconvenience un
der which the people of this County labored for the
want of a Bank of Discount and Deposit, we have
have determined to supply the want ;and this being
the first Bank ever established In Perry county, we
hoiie we will be sustained In our efforts, by all th
business men, farmers and mechanics.
This Banking Association Is composed of the fol
lowing named partners;
W. A. HPON8I.ER, Bloomtleld, Perry county, Ta.
K. V. JtlNklX, "
A. O. Miixbii, 8hlppensburg,Cumberlandco.,Fa.
John Wonderjjch, " " "
Hknht Ruby, " "
V M. H. Mhjjsb, Carlisle, "
' ' orFicBUS: ii
i W. A. 8PON8LKK, PrtHtent.
William, Oukier.
New Bloomtleld, 3 5 ly "
Ileal Estate, Insurance,
LEWIS POTTER" li CO., instate Broker, Inturance, 1 Claim Agent
IVo-w IJIoom Held, l?n.
WE INVJTK the attention of buyers and sell.
' ers to the advantages we offer them In pur
chasing or disposing ul real estate through our
We have a very large list of desirable property,
consisting of farms, town proiierty, mills, store
and tavern stands, and real estate of any descrip
tion which we are prepared to otter at great bar-
f rains. We advertise our proiierty very extensive
y, and use all our efforts, skill, and dllllgence to
effect a sale. We make no clutrces unless the
property Is sold while registered with tis. We also
draw up deeds, bonds, mortgages, andall legal pa
pers at model ate rates. ...
Home of the best, cheapest, and most reliable -fire,
life, and cuttle Insurance companies lu the
United Htutes are represented at this agency.
l'roierty insured either on the rash or mutual
plan, and perietiially atW and S!i per thousand.
Pensions, bounties, nml all kinds of war claims
collected. There are thousands of soldiers and
heirs of soldiers who are entitled to pensions and
bounty, who have never made application, bol
dlers, tr you wore wounded, ruptured, orcontract
ed a disease in the service from which you are dis
abled, you are entitled to a pension.
When widows of soldiers die or marry, the minor
children are entitled to the pension. .
Parties having any business to transact In out
line, are respectfully Invited to give us a call, as
w e are conndent we ran render satisfaction in any
brunch of our business.
r No charuu for Information. -4201y
f Formerly kept by Woodruff and Turbett,)
Xeto JJloomJIthl, Perry County, Pa.
, t . AMP RQBINSOX, Proprietor. v -
This well known and pleasantly located hot
has been leased for a number of years by the pre
ent proprietor, ulul he will spare no pains to aecom
mouate his guest. The room are comfortable,
the table well furnlshiid with the I test In the mar
ket, and tlie bur stocked with choice llipiois. A
careful ami ntteutivu hostler will be in attendance.
A good livery stable will be kept by the proprietor.
April 8. 171. tf ,
;, , i . , t i New Bloouiflcld. Pa N
rTlllE subscriber Fisvlng purchased the property
JL on I lie oorner of Maine and Carlisle streets,
opposite the Court House, Invites all Ills friends
and former oustomers to give him a call as he Is
determined t ) (ui'lilau url class accnumioduliuus.
THOMAS hVrviL ....
ltf. , , . . , Proprietor.
... j. . ,. 4 1.1 ,tJ III .
- The above himhiht will I fefonaded' td "all sol
diers who wers dialled while III the service,' and
who paid t-KKi commutation money! and also to all
persons who paid eouiniulatlon money who wero
not legally liable to draft. Claim must be tilled
before Ihe 1st of March, 1871 . Cull on. or address,
1.KW1H POTTKll. Attorney for Claimants.
Sew BloomUeld, Pa.