ljc tmcfl, New Blaomftcl )a. t Bloomficld Academy ! An English and Vlanlcnl School LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Young Men Prepared for College. A Normal Si limit mill ii Si limil of Art. FALL, TERM COMMENCES On Monday, the 2Slh .of.Auiuxf, 1871 AB the ahove school has recently been re-organ-j.ed, students canenter any time. Prof. WM. II. DILL, a graduate ) Hutger's Col lect, N. J., Principal. Miss ANNA H. Al'tJSrrKDF.lt, a graduate of Esther Institute, Columbus, Ohio, teacher of Mu rIc, Painting, Drawing. Krent h and Herman. Kvery facility for tlip training of the youth of both sexes In all that constitute a liberal and I borough education. The Collegiate Department embraces all the higher branches. Including Iho Latin and (ireek Languages, Engineering, Practi cal Hurveylng, Literature, Natural Science and ad vanced Mathematics. Vacations: July and August, and one week at Christmas. Terms: for Boarding. Furnished Konm, Wash ing. Tuition In Latin, tlreek, iingllsh Brunches and Mathematics, for the scholastic year, tlttu. In vacations. jr.tm.OO. The ItoardliiK Department Is at the Institution, nnder the supervision of Willam (irler, Esq., by whom good and suhstunllal board will le fur nished: and the pupils will be under the strict care of the Principal. Address W. H, DILI A. M. Principal, or WILLIAM UK I Kit. 4lt New Bloomllcld, Terry county, Fa. THE AMERICAN WASHER! PRICE, $5.50! THE AMERICAN W A HIT Kit HAVKS MONEY, TIME, AND DUUDHKKY. The Fatigue f Washing Day no Umirer Dread ed, but Economy, Elliclency, and Clean Cloth ing, Sure. In calling public attention to this little machine, a few or the Invaluable (inalities, (not possessed by any other washing machine yet Invented,) are here enumerated. It Is the smallest, most compact, most portable, most simple In const ruction, most easily operated. A ehlhl ten years ohl, with a few hours' practice, can thoroughly comprehend mid effectually use It. There Is no adjusting, no screws to annoy, no de lay In adaptlne I It is always ready for use I It Is a perfect little wonder! It is a miniature giant, doing more work and of better quality, than the most elaborate and costly. One half of the labor is fully saved by Its use, and the clothes will last one-half longer than bv Die old plan of the rub board. It will wash tho lariiest blanket, or three shlrUat a time, washing thoroughly! In a word, the ablution of any fabric, from a Guilt to a Lace Curtain or Cambric Handkerchief, are equally in the capacity of this LITTLE ; EM t It call be fastened to any tub and taken oil at will. No matter how deep rooted a prejudice may exist against Washing Machines, the moment this little machine Is seen to perform Its wonders, all doubts of Itscleanlngelllcacy and utility are ban ished, and the doubter and detractor at unce be come the fast friends of the machine. We have testimonials without end. setting forth 'Its numerous advantages over all others, and from hundreds who have thrown aside Hie unwieldy, useless machines, which have signally failed to accomplish the object promised In prominent and loud sounding advertisements. It is as perfect for washing as a wringer Is for wringing. The price, another paramount Induce ment to purchasers, has been placed so low that It Is wllhln the reach of every housekeeper, and there is no article of domestic economy that will repay the small Investment so soon. o All that Is asked for this (iHEAT LABOR SAVKll, Is a fair trial. We guarantee each ma chine to do Its work perfectly. ., ,., , r Bole Auentb for tiib Uwtkd States, A. II. KHANCISCU8 & CO., M3 MARKET BT., PHILADKLPH1HA, PA. The largest and cheapest WOODEN WAUK JIOUriE in the United States. 5 as .,13, e. Photographs f , . .Photographs ! V'; v 'Tn J A CO It con LIC, Photographic Artisi . xEw'ro'RTr pexX'a! Tlllt HulBcrlW would re.sKv?t fully cull the at tention ttl tl)H citizens of tills county to tlie fact that he Ik prepared to Uke I'HO'WURAPHH In the bent style of tho art Alls long expel lonoe enablcB him to produc t PICTURES WIUVH CANNOT BR BX-.- VtiLLEli. 1 All persons are retitieHted to call at his rooms aikd examine siwolmens. ' particular otU'iitlou given to copying likenusses of deceased persons, and trreat care will be taken to furuUli ' Good Pictures of CUldren. - Kraminu material and a good assortment of frames always on hand, and for sale at low prices. i i , ; . JACOB C0BLE,ArtlU hewiwrt. Perry Co., Pa ' ( , Need be worn lit loncer, a the nulmerllwrtt re ihiw ireiHtre(l with a full Meek of Full C'HiHlinerN from which they nutke elolhlnu tu unler. If a gar ment niuUe by us ile not Ut it, Can be Exchanged for . (Mie which will give entire Bumiactlnii. . Full New fin Its Mmle at "hurt notice, and In a uperlnr manner. An we have the reKUlur monthly Fashion Itvportit, I hone who delre ean have their garinniil, j y ,t Cat til the Latest Style! 1 We aak all wanting Clothing to mil and exam Hie our asfvtrtment of HMin siiIUmI fur Mens' and and Hoys' wear, and see specimens of our work. K. MOKTIMKK & CO., . f .t ,'' B y - i . , Mew Mem field, Ta. ;.....' NOTU KTO INVAK1II PKNHIONKKH. ThouMiodMof Hold tern who are now drawing Invalid tensions are entitled to Increase. All len sloneis who telleve their I'eusions tuosniall, eait now lutve them increased by muhlng apphuation Ui ;.t . , ( LKWIH POTTKIt, ,.,;,. Claim Apeiit . A.17 4t Mew IHoomfleld, I'l. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEG-AU BITTERS u Handreda of Thousands 9 f Bear testimony to thrlr Wonder. tr ful Curative Effects. 8 8 2 THEY? ies THEY ABB NOT A VILE 2 f DRINK, Pg I Made of Poor Rum, WliUkoy. Trout Bplrim t.ud Iluftiu Uquwra doctorcii, eplccd nnd twect mcd to plcaaotho tactc, celled" Tonics,"" AppcC: cn," " ItcatorcrB," AC, that lead tho tippler on to urr.nkciiDCRt and rula, but tro a truo Mci'.lclnc, inula frcui tlto Native Hoots end Jlcrbsof California, t'"co Irmu nil Alcoholic HtliiiulnntB Tbcytro tho UK EAT BLOOD PtKIl'IESt anil A JAVll t,lVlN(J rUINClPI.Eapcrct l.'cuovatcr u.A liivigorator of ttio Ey bttm, currying oIT all poicer.oui inciter tu:d rt-EtorlnK t'.:c LtooU to a hcaltliy ccstlilx:;. So person ctn tcUo tliono BUtcra aocorUi; c to l. ruc tion n:id remain long unwell. tlCO will bo Elvcn Torsi! InrcrcMi C-.-..0. j - .vlcd tl:o boon ara not destroyed by i:::c:t ; . a or other mcot:flt and tho vital cruua v.T.ttU Lv..v. t .o point of repair. F;r InflnuifiNitnry mid Chroulo llhctiir.r. tlsui nul tont Dynuvpnlnt r IndlCKtlou UiliOllH, UciMlltt'llt mill llllL'MIllllCDt I cvcvn UlsciiBCuot' tbo lllootlt I-Ucr, KiditOf nttd Dlaihlci't theco lUtteva bava been mott cuccccl lul. HukU Dlnczwra era covced by Yltlniid Illooil. liich is (,'C3Lr!ly frocluccd by (U'ruuLct of tlu lHu' Milvr OipHiti. UYsriirsjiA c lxnioEtiTiox, i:ccd BChc, Pain la tho fchouk era, Coul.utTi(,l;t....B cf tl:o Chest Dlzzlncse, Sour Eructatior.a cf tho ttomccli, Had taste In tho Mouth, Bilious Attacl;?, I'alpitatlcn cf thollcart, Inflammation cf the La:iE8, rjujitha rcfflonB of tho KitlncyB, and a h end red otlicr pH..iiul Byuptouia,aro tho vtisirczot ryi-pepic. Thry Invtgorato tho Stomach tad stinithito tao to pld liver and bowrle, which rendcrthem of uneqtiallcd efficacy In cleansing tho blood cf Ul Impurities, a-d Imparting new Ufa and T!;;or to tho atIioIo eyctcm. I OIIKKIN iJl.sriA&LS.LrtiptloRa, Totter, Fult V.hcam, jWotc htB, t:pot, l'lirpicc, 1 uaukf.BoilB, Ccr bunclcs, lULg-V.oiniB, CcUa-Kcad.Loru l-'yca, Hry&ip clas, Itch, facorfB, LlHcolortit'oi.a cf tho EUlu, Iluttiort and OIschcb cf tl.obUIn, of v. la.tcvcr namo or u&turc, aro Htcrtlly t' is up aud ci.r: out of thu eystcui la a dhoii time by tho uco of thcau letters. no bottle lu eucb caeca will convince tho cicrt Ucrcdulotu t their curatlva otTcct. CIcudbo tho itiiitcd Flood vhnncTcr 'yoa find Iti Impurities bnreii:i(r t!ron;;h i';o In rir.iplcs, i:rc; tlons tr tt tcr ; tljci;uti it v.hcn you Urid it obBtruct:d And BU'-K'Irh l i ilia vL'Uiu; cU n;:BJ It w!;cn It Ut foa', and ytcr fl.ut.s will tSA yj.-. v. uc i. llcwp tlulljpvd per anil ti ithtaUh of tiu i yttt -i.i vflll fwll.)r, ' PIN, fJIAl"14u:.UoLlor V:ir.; l!.;I.i:if! in Uio system of BO-.:;iiiy t'M)iuitt',tM:ri ut'jcinc'.tjr jflcotroy cdanflriuiovcd. I'or fH :Mnurf, pumI cawfully tho ctrculrj urotuul ciu;h hot ho. ptl;;t.d l.i i.r iu--guagciH-Llutlk,(.rii;i.A, ibcli opu4:. J.WALUKr,, rroprUtor, ::. JX. Xcl)t;N Mis & CO., DmgglsU and Gen. Agouti, lou rruoclw and W and W Conimoicj Ctr jet, New Toi tWBQLD BT AIL miUUGIsrS AITO h'S, -rrr 1780 TAKE NOTICE. 1371 Are You Afflicted or Sick ? UHK : F A HRNE Y ' S Vf BLOOD CtEANSKR'j i -(.H .... ,'.OB .... ,r PAN ACKA! AN Alterative and Catliaitle, or-Tonlo ctnd Turgo, fordiscuscsarlslug from bad blood. This preparation was established In 1870,nnd has been prepared In liquid form for morp than 18 years. In January or February, 1 870, anoth er party commenced to prepare n eluillur article which Is Inferior to the genuine, and which should not be mistaken for ours. Ask for "Dk. Faiiiikey's Blood Cleahdeb oh 1'i.NAdEA," and accept no others. - V " e . The Trade Mark of tho oldest and eobuIbc, It printed lu green on a yellow wruppcr, hav ing also me signature oi r. ruurney, Chicago. , 1 (" ' l)r. r. FahrntyU Health Mctumgtr" gives the history aud uses of the Blood Cleankek, testimonials, and other information, sent free charge. Address " l)K. V. Fahhnet's Bkothehs Si Co. j ' Waynesboro, Franklin County, Va. , Ask for Dr. Fahrney's Blood Clcaueet aud '. i CLEANbE VOUlt BL.OOU, j , t'if Bold everywhere and In New Blooiiiflold by F. Mobtimek & Co., ouly. 18 "' The I'eiiiisjlvanla Cattle . Insurance Company. Capital and Assets, $150,000. Imiirjmrnfitl hi) the ,Umirt nf Common J'leu of Schuylkill Co., Xvc. 27, '00. Incorporated by Legislature May 10,1871. IT has now full power to' Ins'nr Buildings, Merchandise and all kinds of Property against Fire, Storms or Tempests. Also, to Insure Horse and Cattle against Death Or Tuell. The rates on Loud or l'relurred Policies are a little higher than s.uy ther company doing business lu the county t but this class of polit y holders can borrow money any time the Company can spare It out of Its supius assets, and the money will be loaned In rotation, so that the first persons procuring loan policies can be the first to borrow money if they need It. Onlv ( . , , UIX l'JStt CENT. JNTK11KMT I will be charged. for money, utiil loam wl he made st ull places that good ugeneles cau be established, so that the Company will be a Home Company wherever It does business. The Compauy will lsa take .risks on the common cash and mutual plan as cheap as otlicr reliable eoinpaules. ,. , I The Directors meet regulurly on the second Monday ot every month. ' JOHN D. HADE8TT, resident , JAMES II. OKIKR, Secretary. , ,.', Office -308 Centre Stl, Pottsville, Pa.' TADIl i sple ADIE8 .AND CUH-DKEN will And a end Id assortment of shoe at tka. oe price store of F. Mortimer A Co. HI WHAT ARE mi I an 3 FANCY CONSUMPTION. ITS CURE AND ITS PREVENTIVE. By J. K. SOHENCK, It D. Wany A hnmnn hplnsr bnn pnmM awny fhr whoM dPKth therp whs noottior reason than thtnpRlertof Kmiwn and ndlnpiitaly tirovrn metinn of cun. TIkhb nonr and drur to Tnniily and frtpndn nre IfH'plnjf tho drpntnlens alumtwr Into Which, tia4 tliPv calmlr ndfptPrt OB, J ONE I'M ir. ft(HFK' AIMPLR TKKAT.tlKNT, and avallM thpmnclvci of htn wonderfully e(Hcar cloiia nipdlplnpii, they would not have fullon. Dr. Hrln'iirlc im In him own vtu iirnved that wherpvfir niitllHont vitality riMnulns, tlmt vitality, by Ills mprilohip and hfn dlrofiluini for their une, Is quick on (m) into hpalthflil viKr. In thin ntatpnifiit thcrp In nothlnK prpwimptuoufi. To the faith ot'thP Invalid In mailp norppnmf-ntallon that In not a thousand tlnufi niil)tfiiitlntod hy IIvIiik and vlnlhlo works. The thpiry of the ouri hy J)r. Krhpnrk'H mpdIHnpN h as nlmplA an It In mimillnff. Ita philosophy rpqulrs no argiuneuU It in Bulf-an-snrtnir, splr-ronvlnrlntr. The Hpa-wned 'I onic and Mamlrake Pills arAtb first two wpftponn with which the citadel of the innlady Is assailed. Two-thlrdn of the rases or con sumption orlRlnatP In dyvpcpivla bthI a fnncttonnlly (Unordered liver. With this condition the bronchial tuhee "ympathtr,p" with the utomnch. They r apoud totliPinortiltlCHctlon of tlie liver, lleretlien romen the ritlmlnalliw result, and the Netting hi, With nil Its dltreHltiK vmi(tiins of The Mandrake I'llls are conipoMei! of one of Na ture's noblest Klfls the Poilophlllnm l'eltutuin. They posens all the blood-HParchlnir, altenitive properties of enlonitl, Imt, unlike calomel, they "LKATR N SiTl RIHIK !. The work of cure In now heutnnhiff. The vitiated and mtirnim depoRltn In the boweW and in the ali mentary canal are ejcted. The liver, like a clock, H wound up. It aroii"tfi from Its torpidity. The utomnch art rcapoiiMively, and the putieut begins to feel that he Is Kfttlns, at last, A Mi rri.T of h)od it i, o on. The Heu-weed 'Ionic, In conjunction with the PUN. permeates and assimilates with tlie food. ChylKI eatlon In now pron,Hflii(( without Itn previous tor tiirpa. IilfreNt loii horotnes palulean, mid the cure Is nen to hr at hand. There is no nioro llalulence, no exacprfialion of the ntomach. An appetite nete In. Now coin the (treat est HI oof I purlllcr ever yet iriven by an Indulgent hither to milt'erlns man. Kchenck'i Pulmonic wymp comen in to perform Its function! and to hasten and complete the cure. It enter nl one upon its work. Nature ran not be cheated, it collects and ripens the Impaired and diseased portions of the lunip. In tlie form of f;nlheruiKH, It prepare them tor expectoration, and o I In a very short lime tlie malady in vanquished, the rotten throne that It occupied In renovated aud made new. and I the patient, hi all the dignity of re- gained vtKor, Htcpw forth to enjoy the manhood or WUUIKUUUUU Illfll WIM item ri am ro.sT. The second thins In, the patients must star In a warm room until they et well ; It Is almost Impos sible to prevent taklne, cold when the Ihiiks are din eased, imt It must he prevented or a cure can not he e fleeted. Fresh air and ridlnif out, especially In thin section of the country, In the fall and winter sea son, are all wronR. IMi vsietnns who recommend that cnursa lone their put I en ts, if thlr hinifn are hadly dhpftfted: and yet, because thev are In the house they must not sit down cpilet; they must walk niiout Die room as much and as fast as tlie strength will hear, to Mt up a (fond circulation ofhlood. The naileiits tmi.U keep In good nplrlis he determined to tfel well. This has a great deal to do With the appetite. an4 Is the ureal point to n'dti, To despair of cure alter such evidence of ttn pos sibility hi tlie worst eases, and moral certainly In all others. Is siuiul. Jr. Mehenck s personal state ment to th Faculty of his own cure won lu these modest words Many yearn nco I woe In tlie last stnaten of con sumption: con tined in my bed, and at onetime my physicians thought that 1 could not Uvea week; then, like a drowning man catching at straws, I heard of and obtained the preparation) which I now olTer to the puhllc, and they made a pi' r fect cure of me. U seemed to me that I could feel them penetrate mv whole system. They soon ripened the matter i my lungs, and I would spit tip more thauHpiulofoiren alve yellow matter every morning for a long time, "As soon as that hegan to suicide, my cough, fever, pains, and night-sweats nil began tu leave me, and my appetite hecame so great that It whs with diMleufty that I could keop from eating too much. I soon gained my strength, and have grown In tlesh ever since. ' 1 was weighed shortly after my recovery," added the Ihvtor, ' then looking like a mere skeleton ; my weight wan Only ninety-seven pounds; my present weight Is two hundred and twenty-llve(225) pounds, and fur yearn I have enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr, Kchenck has discontinued hie profefmloiml vlnlta tfl Nw Vorlt and Hoston. He or his son. Dr. ' J. 11. Kchenck, Jr., still continue to nee patients at their Ottlce, No. 15 North Mlxth Htreet, Philadelphia, evary HtUtrrday from a.u. to 8 r.w. Those who wish a thorough examination with the Renpiro meterwill lie charged. The Kenplrometer declares Htm eract co ml It ion of the lungs, and patient cat! i readily learn whether they are curable or not. The directions for Inking Die medicines are adapt ed to the Intelligence even of a child. Follow these directions, and kind Nature will do the rst, except ing that In nome cases the Mandrake Pills are to be taken In Increased doses; the three medicines need no other accompaniments than the ample Instruc tions uini, wruiiioKiiy mem: i-irai create appeilie. rwt or returning lietulh, hunger In the most welcome symptom. rmptnm. When It comes, m It will come, let the reftlittlrlnR- At once be of good cheer. Oood blood at fleftlittlrlnK At once be or ire once follows, the coijhIi loosens, th. nlfchtiweat Is slutted. In A short tlm.botliof theua morhld irmn.! toms are gon. forever. Dr. H-, nick's medicines Are consUntly kept lu tens of thouSHiitlsof families. As a laxatlv. or pur gative, the Mandrake l'lll are a stAndard prepara tion; while the Pulmonic Hvrup, as A cureor coughs And colds, may be regarded as A prophyUcterle Against consumption In any of Its forms. Vrlce of the Pulmonic Hymp and Hea-weed Tonlo, , ll.w a bottle, or I7.S0 a halt doiM'ii. Mandrake Pills, Scents a Iwx. Fur sale by All druggists And deuleri-.Iohn-ios, IIoi.lowat & (!owdm, 6U2 Arch Street, l'lilludelplilu, Wholcnale Agents. 5 23 ly NEW YORK CO NT IN B NT AL w:. v. Insurance Company, , OF NEW YORK, ' ST11ICTL Y M V TV AIi I Ahhc(4, t i,f500,000 t IShVE.Snllthenew forms of Policies, anil pre sent as fuvoruble terms as any company In the United HIiiU h. The Company will inuke temporary loans on Its Policies. . ' Thirty days' grace allowed on each payment, and the hi icy held good dttrlnit that time, Policies landed by this Company are non furfeit- No extra charges are made for traveling permits. Policy-holders share III the annual proms of the Coininny, and have u voice lu the eletitlons and management of the tympany. ' " Jso policy or medical feechttrEed. JHHTI S I.xWHKNl'K, I'tHH'S. M. B. Wvnkooj', Vice l'res't. . , J.P.ltooEKA.Heo-y. a EATON - Uenerul Agent, No. 6 NorUI Third Street, i 4.2yl) Collcue Block, narrlsuurg, Pa. ..A KHLEN1HTV ASKOItTMKKrn WSOUTMKN X OP D UV-OOODCI HY - coodO Suited to the Season. ' ; ,,, Aro Now Offered tor Sale by ',' SAI.l. Kl eiecutt i TlHBS" I I AM. KlNDrl of Prlntlnf neatly PRINTING I taut me m-omrum ' BnuM JOIiOridt -nig. Life English Hoofing Felt Is found to stand well In all cllmntcs. being ex tensively used for Rooting Houses, Out-Bulld-inps and Bheds; for LnyingKlnt Roofs, Gutters, Lining Granaries, Storehouses, or Walls, (cither outside or iuakle), and for placing un der Slates or Tiles. It is nlso a cheap and effective Ceiling on the underneath side of raf ters of a Shitcd or Tiled Hoof, nnd as a Celling to Iron Roofs, counteracting Heat, Froa, aud Condensation of Moisture. The English Felt Is put np In rofls of 25 yards in length, by 82 inches In width, and contululng a surface of 200 square feet. THREE-PLY FELT FOR ROOFING. In Rolls, 2ft inches wide, by 50 feet In length; each roll will cover a surface 10 fect Bquare, or 100 square feet. It is to be laid across the roof, shingle fash Ion, with a lap of two inches, and secured by nailing the edges with 3d units nnd tin caps. When laid, the Kelt is to be painted with Mastic Roof Coating, and Sanded. Tho Mas tic Roof Coating is mixed, ready for ubo, and is applied with a brush. . TARRED ROOFING FELT. , Used extensively for Sheathing Honses, and for Tar and Gravel Roofing, also for placing under Slate, Tin and Shingle Roofing. It Is used In packing Woolens and FurB to protect them from moths. Put up in roils weighing 45 pounds each. 15 pounds Felt will cover a surface of 100 square feet. TWO-l'LY FELT, For Bhcathlnir Houses. HooIIiic Temporary Buildings, mnkliiK Water,Tlglit Floors, aud for placing under elate and shingles. In rolls, 20 luetics wide by 50 fect In length Each roll will cover a surface of 10 fcotsiiuaro or 100 square fect. For Slienthlng It enn be nailed upon t lie stud ding, making a perfectly air tight sheathing, nnd Hiiro protection from dampness. Ituts, mice, or vermin will not go near It. MICA CANVAS ROOFING, In rolls containing 250 square feet. Is to bo laid across the roof, and lapped Bhinglo fuBh ion with a lap of two Inches, nnd secured by nulling the edges with 20 oz. tacks. This la the only Composition Kooflng that docs lint require a llnlnlilng coat of paint or cement. UNTARKED 8IIEATI1IXG FELT, For Carpet Lining, Deadening Floors, nnd for putting under Blnto, Tin and Hhlnglo Uoollng. rut up in roils wciguing luu pounus. 10 pounds Felt will cover a surface 10 fect squtire, or 100 square fect. MANUFACTURED BY T1IK PENN ROOFING CO., 105 South 2nd Street, 5 33 2t!t l'lJILADKL.l'IIIA, 1A. ILAlinWAliE! . HARDWARE! rpiIE subscribers have on hand at all times, X as complete an assortment of Hardware as cau bo found in the county. NAILS, HINGES, , , LOCKS, GLASS, rAINTS&OILS, ,,'and a flue nBsortmcut of all styles of Builders llardwa re, i . . . .'. '', Also, i CARrENTER TOOLS, " table cutlery, coffee mills, a spoons; , . "5 - .j..p:..-3 -SHOVELS, , ' hoes, and (i full stock of Hardware of Every Description, All of which will be sold at the lowest market prices. Persons wanting any article In this line are requested to oallaudexamluoour stock. v F. ' MORTIMER & CO.; Nbw Bloomkiki.d, Pa. The Colby Wr inner Moulton's Patent Rolls. The Most Perfect! ,.'.r t a " 1 ' ' The Cheapest! '. ! Aiul Jienl Wriiiyrr in the '-World- Rolls are pure i white Bubbor. Frame can never rot, rutt or weur out. It takes less room than any other, Is lighter, fastens Itself to the tub, runs easier, and Is THE FAMILY FA VOK1TB wherever used, , , It Is WAURANTED In every case. We want good active : - . - i , - LIVE AGENTS to canvass In every town, to whom good wages are Insured. Full Instructions and particulars given npon application to Colbt Bko's A Co., Sou Broadway, N. Y. 1 5 31) si 13. Pensions, Bounties, &c. , 1iriIHWrt. Minor Children, Mothers, Tillian jLn ni K..i,up. who were k leu ordletl of disease contracted lu the Service of the lulled Mates, can now make application for Pension. Also Nrfdlem who contracted disease or were woumled, ruptured, or in any way disabled in the war at UM. t , 1 - '. . i When widows die or re-mrry, the child or children under sixteen years of age are entitled to Thettli'e for filing claims for additional bounty bos beeu extended six months. . Partleular attention elven fa old suspended ease In the dllferent departments at Washington, I). (J If you have, or think you have a claim UKAlnst the (lorerBineut, cull on or address the undersigned. tia charge tor Inforinatlou. i i .i i .Attorney fur Clalmanta, k I ,31 -'-' MEW rLOOMFlEU), PA HTJMOEOUS A Potent Medicine. We hnd a lieutenant in our company by the name of P . He was a geni al, noisy follow, but ho was not much in the way of reliability. In luct it mignt have been said with gront truth, that he did no duty at all, if we except the draw ing of his pay with strict punctuality. Whenever a movement was to be niaue, Y moved himself upon tho " sick report." . , Uno any it was rumored tunt tho regi ment would march to the front the next morning. Y ns usual appeared at tho surgeon's tent. " Oh 1 doctor," said ho, " I feel very sick." " What's tho matter ?" asked the sur geon with a sly leer at those present. "Oh! great pains in my bowels," re plied P , " and a giddiness in my head." " All right," said the surgeon, " I'll put you ou the sick report, and send you some pills. Take them all at one dose." P went to his tent and commenced to smoke his pipe. Uy-and-by Borne ' brother-officers came in, and after awhile tho hospital steward camo over with n box containing three large pills, whicli the surgeon had manufactured out of gun powder. " Better put them in your pipo and smoko tlieni," 8uid Captain II ; "hang me if I'd take them." P hesitated for a moment and then said. " it would be a pood joke ; I believe I'll take your advice." I icking up the pills ho dropped them all into tho bowl of his pipo. Tho next iustant an explosion took placo that shat tered the pipe iuto a hundred fragments, nnd sent P 's friends flying out of his tent. The next day ho met tho surgeon and accented him thus : " I say, doctor, what effect did you in tend thone pills to have on me?" " To char you out" growled the Bur geon. " Faith," replied P , " they were very efficacious, for if they didn't exact ly clear me out, they did a half dozen of my victors." Undo Peter, who flourishes in the mountains of Vermont .is a horse-dealer, was culled upon the other day by an amateur of" equine" who was in search of something fast. The result is told as follows : " There," said Uncle Peter, pointing to an aoiuial in the meadow below the house; " there, sir, is a mare who would trot her milo in two minutes and seven teen seconds wore it not for one thing." " Indeed !" cried tho companion.' ' : " Yes," continued Uncle Peter, "she1 is four years old this spring ; in in cood condition ; looks well ; is a first-rate mare; and sho could go a uiilo in two seventeen were it not for ono thing." " Well, what is that " , , V That mare," resumed the jockey, " is in every way a good piece of property. She has a heavy mane, a switch tail, trots fair, and yet there is one thing only why she can't go a mile in two-seventecn." : What in the Old Harry is it then?" cried tho amateur, impatiently. ' " The distance is too great for tho time!" was the old wag's reply. ' Star " Uacsar," said a negro to a col ored friend of his, " what do you tink is de most useful ob do ' comets do sun or demoon?" ' ' 1 " 1 " Well, Clem, I don't know dat I should be able to answer dat' question, soein' aa how I neber had much book-larnin'."- " Well, Caesar, I speo' de moon orter take de first rank in dat partikilar." n. .: n . " Why so, nigger '(" t ' " Petause do moon shine in do night i when we need de light, and de sun shine j in daytime when do light am ob no oon- BL'IIUCUVe. t , i , . . ,' Well, Clem, you is de . most larned darkey I eber seed. I guosa you used to sweep out a school-house for a libiu'." j JteT A Yankee in Texas, who sat list i cuing to the stories of a Louisianiun, in regard to the marvelous growth of sugar- cuno on his plantation, near New Orleans, I finally said : ! " That ain't nothing. I've seen cane in old New England uiore'n a mile long I" " What kiud of cane was it?" was the gencrul inquiry, " A hurricane !" ! ' ' ' ' Ate?" Aunt Rosy was dividing a mince pie among tho boys, and whon Jim, who had wiokedly pulled the cat's tail, asked for his share, the damo replied " " No, Jim, you are a wicked boy,' and the Biblo says there is np peace for the wicked.". ' ., Weir When you want to get rid of the rheumatism persuade a wild steer to chase you. A Savaunah man who gave it a fair tjLil and had hot race of forty rods to a tree and up it, certifies that he has not had rheuiuatio twinge since. '-Stir A new. fov has been inventod for the comfort of travellers. . It is to be put under the feet with a mustard plaster on the ' head, which draws the heat through the whole system. : , . , , ., , i . . Hxf Id Japan a pnper eoat costs ten eenUr; ant) a complete suit only a' quarter of a dollar. What a paradise for an edi-