8 iiljc Stmts, Nttu Bloomficlli, Ja. Miscellaneous News Items. REAL ESTATE NOTICES- Professional Cards. f rec IST'On tho 20th ult., a large bam belong. ing to Mr. Martin Moyor, near Annvlllo, was destroyed by Are. tW A man with ono eyo laid nnothor a wager that he (the one-eyed) saw mora than the other. Tho wager wa accepted. "You have lost," says the first; "I can see two eyes in your face, and you can only sco one in mine. tW On Sunday evening, 17th, Inst., Mrs. M. Wilson residing in Filbert street, liar- risburg gavo birth to twin daughters, the combined weight of which was eightcon pounds. The twins are said to have been as large as ordinary children of three weeks old. . C" At the last Plymouth church picnio Mr. Beechor was nsked why he did not dance. "There is but one reason," he replied " I don't know how. The only dancing I ever did was when my father furnished the music, and used me for tho fiddle. I took all the steps then." 13T A story comes from Now Albany of an orphan boy who was taken West by adopted parents, at an early age and some years ago returned to tho placo of his birth and married a beautiful girl, by whom he had two children. Borne old octogenarian meddler now remembers that the girl is her husbands sister. t3f" It is said that Chief Justice Chase, while at Waukesha, Wis., was weighed every Saturday morning at the express office. A crowd of spectators invariably gathered around to learn the result, and greeted the announcement of accumulated avordupoise with exclamations of delight. tW Quinine biscuit is the latest novelty in the medicinal pastry lino. Each biscuit contains one-fourth of a grain of quinine, and the taste is so concealed that a hearty individual can put them down until the hair on the back of his head begins to curl, without knowing what he is taking. tW The Lowell, Mass., board of health have caused the arrest of two young men for refusing to be vaccinated, in compliance with the ordinance. In the police court each was fined five dollars and the costs, Id all amounting to twenty-four dollars. It is tho intention of tbo board to prosecute all who refuse compliance with this impor tant ordinance. t5f" Wesley Dawson, living near Wabash, Ind., lost his pocket book containing $00. A few nights afterwards his wife dreamed that he lost it at the ford some miles away. Proceeding to the place he found tho pocket book and fifty dollars of the money, the remainder having been washed away by the water, which had dissolved the glue by which the book was fastened and set the currency afloat. tW A negro preachor at a Georgia camp meeting lectured his hearers on the evils of intemperance with such effect that a large portion of tho congregation brought their whiskey bottles up to the pulpit and hand ed them over to tho eloquent exhorter. It is unpleasant to add that when the hour for evening service arrived the preacher was found incapable of duty. tW The baggage-master on the night ex press train from New York to Poughkeep sio, Sunday evening, had a trunk in his oar, tied up with ropes, which emitted rather an offensive odor. His suspicions, and others on the train, become somewhat ex cited. , So, when the train reached that city, a detective was notified. lie cut the ropes, amid breathless anxiety, when, in stead of anothor ghostly corpse, the trunk was found to be full of limberger cheese. t3T A Mrs. Chris. Erb died about a week ago near Rochester, Indiana. At the time of her death, a suspicion was entertained that she had been murdered, and the feel ing growing stronger, the body was disin terred, when it was found that she had been stabbed several times In the back and head. The body also showed several other bruises. The husband of the murdered woman was suspected of having committed the deed, and was about to be arrested, but he took a dose of Btrychnine, from the effects of which he died in a few minutes. t?T The Panama Star tells the following story of canine sagacity : " When the dog wishes to cross a stream where alligators abound, he goes up tho steam a great way and barks with all his might ; the alliga tors go there and wait for him to get in and swim across. ' The dog knows what he is about ; when he sees from the number of snouts above the water that his enemies have all gathered to the feast, he runs down the bank as fast as he can and s-vims across before the alligators are aware of the trick that has been played upon thorn." tW An amusing anecdote is related of a man in the south of France,' who received a letter from his son in the army, begging him to send him a pair of shoes and some money. The old man willing to comply with the request, but having no readier means of forwarding the articles, than the telegraph, procured the shoes and hung them on the wire. A laborer, returning home from his work, seeing the shoes, cut them down and left his old ones instead. The old man, next day, came out to see how the wires bad performed, was delighted, id exclaimed : " My poor boy has not only received the slices, but has sent back the old ones." VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE! THK subscriber will (Tor t public sale on the premise. In Center township, one mile South Eust of the borough of New Bloomlleld, Terry county, Fa., ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER Hth, 1871, The following dcserlbed Real Estate, to wit i About 250 ACRES OF VALUABLE LAND, One hundred and fifty acres of which are cleared, and In a high slate of cultivation. The balance is well timbered. The Improvements are a good 8TONE DWELLING IIOUSE, A Large BANK HAUN, Kmoke-honse, and other out buildings. This property was for many years the residence of Samuel Comp. The whole will be sold together, or lots to suit purchasers. TV Bale to commence at 11 o'clock a. m.t of said day. Liberal terms will be Riven. If this proper ty Is not told on day of sale it will be for rent. ANDREW B. COMP. Centre township, Kept. 6, 1871. Valuable Ileal Estate At Private Sale. A IIOUSE AND LOT Situated In the village of Roseburg, one-and-a-half miles from lckesburg, ferry county, l'a. The house Is Two Stories high, also a Cellar and Cellar Kitchen, with a Well of water at the door. The lot comprises SIXTEEN ACHES of land In a good state of cultivation, on which Is erected A (?(X)I) LOO BARN, twenty feet in width, by fifty feet in length. VThls property will be sold low, as the owner has removed from the neighborhood. r For terms apply to DAVID M. HARKISON, or lckesburg, ROGER HARKISON, S 30 tf Duncamion Woolen Factory. VALUABLE Farm at Private Sale. THE undersigned offers at private sale, a farm lu Rye township, Perry county, l'a., containing s-y A. O 11 1(2 H . The land Is the best In the nlghborhood, with run ning water In every held, Is under good fence, and has thereon erected a new Frame Dwelling House. There Is also a thrifty Young ORCHARD on the place. This land lies along two public roads the Fishing Creek road and the Lamb's Gap road : the last named divides the land In two parts SOW on the one side and on the other : on the 2iiU acre piece Is a .New Frame Dwelling House, and on the other a FRAME 22 x 23, erected for a house, with a never falling Spring of water. This land will lie sold as a whole, or tn two Tracts, to suit purchasers. Persons deslrlns to nurchase a farm will An well to examine this one before Investing else- Where. A II. Una within fmir tnlloa nt Morvauliu and the Pennsylvania Railroad one of the besi markets In the county. r Further Information can be had by ad dressing Dr. JOHN UN AW, Jenner X Roads, 12 Somerset county, Pa. Merchant & Grist Mill, ALSO. SAW-MILL, AND LUMBER-YARD A T PRIVA TB BALK OR TO RENT. I WISH TO SELL MY MILLS. At 1WNCANNON, PERRY COUNTY, PA., Or, If not SOLD, to RENT them. Possession given at anv time on thirty tnv notice. ' The Mills are In thorough repair. The Merchant Mill makes forty barrels nf flour per day. The lolls of grists are one thousand dollars per year. The Saw Mill bus CUt Elffhfc Thmiuml taat In . dav. Excellent home market for Flour and Feed. Railroad facilities unsurpassed. A tlntt-class Tannery can lie erectori. There nra one thousand cords of Rock-Oak bark shlmicd "V " ... '".r "" uu inousanu can ue nau. i wiu seu my Dwelling and Lot, with or without the Mills. Also, a number of LOTS, 50 by 125 Feet, on Carver's mil - Title Indisputable. - Wrte or apply to GRIFFITH JONES. 8 30 tf Duneannon, Fa. J. M. OIKVIJI. J, a OIRVIH. J M. UIItVLX A BON, CommlMwlon Merolmntis, No. B, SPEAR'S WHARF, llaltltuorot9Id. . w will pay strict attention to the sale of all KIIIUS Of COUlltrV linuiun. wmlt tlia amnimt. promptly. ... tUly A "MIVJUTIIATOU'D NOTICE.-Nottee r -- "out Riven, iimi letters of adinlulstra ,ll Ar?iii h? ei,tJit? Jtl Kelt, deceased, late .....I., county, ra., nave neen fi.f. in 1 ni,der"M4. residing In said town- vi . " '"'iHi io sum estate are re 2?Sfn.i?i,n m"inie,"?lB. Iv'"t. and those ted ite'Si to """" """" ., HENRY KELL. 83 1 , , , Administrator. ti lithium t 5 kill f nJ S5i tfey THESE BUILDINOS, COVERINQ LOTS Nos. 534, 536, 538 Market St., Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 So. Sixth St. and Nos. 525, 527, 529 Minor St., Whose Salesrooms and Storerooms, spread out, would cover more than Three Acres of ground, making them the Largest and Completest Buildings of the kind in America, if not in the World, are now COMPLETELY FILLED with our MOST IGUIuEliT STOCK OF FALL CLOTHING. FULLY $750,000'$ WORTH OF THE HOST SUPERIOR READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN AND BOYS, EVER MADE. All perfectly New and Fresh in Designs ani Materials. WANAMAKER & BROWN. . Philadelphia. HEADIXG KAIL-ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, May 15th, 1871. GRKAT TKUNK LINE FROM THE NOKTH and Nortu-West for I'liilailulplila, New York, KeadiUK, I'ottuvllle.Tantaqua, AtlilaiiU.Hhamoklu, Lebanon, Allentown, Kaxton, Kuurala, Lltiz, Lan caster, Columbia, &c, tie. Trains leave HarriflburR for New York, as follows : At 2.40, s.io, a. M., ami 2.1m, p. it., connecting with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Katlroiui, and arriving at New York at 10:5 a. ni., 3.60, and 9:30 p. m., reseutlvly. Weeping cars accompany the 4.20 a. m., train Withoutunange. KeturnlnK: Ieav New York at 9 A. M 12.30 noon, and 6 p. in., l'liiladelpliia at 7.30, 8.30 a. in. 8.S0 p. m. Hlerplnit cars accoinuany the 6 p. M., train from New York, without cluinKa. iave MarrlsburKforKeadliitf, PottNville, Tama qua, Minersville, Aslilaml, Hhaiuokin. Allen town, and PlilludelphlH. atH.10,A. m., and 2.00, and 4.116, p. ., stoppliiK at lTliaimn and principal way stations: the 4.0A p. in. train connecting for Phila delphia, rottHvllle and Columbia only. For I'otts vllle, Hchuylkill Haven mid Auburn. via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Uallroad, leave llm rlsbuig at 3.40 p. M. East l'enna. Railroad trains leave Headfnir for Allentown, Kastou'and New York at '..12, 10.30 . in, nuu .un ii. in. neiiirning leave new loi K at 9.00 a. in., 12.30 noon and 6.1X1 p. in. and Allen town at 7.20 a. m. 12.25 nmin, and 8.35 p.m. Way passenger train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 1. M., connecting with similar train on Kasf, I'cun'a Kallrnad, rctui ulng from Heading at 6.20 p. u., stopping at all (Rations. Leave Pottsvllle at nine o'clock In the mornngl and 2. 30 p. n.i Herudon at 10,00 o'clock A. M. Hhamokln at 6.40 and 11.16 A. u. Ashland, 7.06 A. M. and 12.43 uoon ; Mnliouy City at 7,61 A. M., and 1.20 p. M.; Tamaiia at 8.35 a.m. and 2.10P. M. for Phlladeliihia and New York, Reading, Harris burg, &c. Leave Pottsvllle via Schuylkill and flusnuehanna Railroud at8.15A.M.,forlUrrlsburg,audll:l&a. in. for Pine Grove and Tremout. heading accommodation train: leaves Pottsvllle at 6.40 a. M., passing lttading at 7.30 a. m., arriving at Philadelphia at 10.20 a. m., returning leaves Phlladelphlii at 6.16 p. it. passing Ueadiug at 7.56 P.M., arriving nt Pottsvllle at 9.40 p. u. Pottstown AccoiniiiiKlatlon train : Leaves Potts town at 8.30 a. ia.,returulug, leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 p.m. Columbia Railroad trains leave Reading at 7.20 a. m. and 6.15 p. in. for Kphrata, Lltiz, Lancaster. Columbia. 6x. Perkiomeii Railroad tralnslcavererkiomen Junc tion at 7.17, and 9.05 a. m.. 8.00 and 0.00 p. in. He. turning. leaven Hcliwenksvllle at 6.30 a. m., arid 8.10 a. m. and 12.50 noon, and 4:46 p. in., connecting Willi similar trains on Heading road. Colehrookilale Kitllroad train leaves Pottstown at 9.40a. in., and 1.15 and 6.45 p.m., returning leave Mt. Pleasant at 7, and 11 :25 a. in., and 3.00 p. in., conneellng with similar trains on Reading it. It. Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Jlridgcport at 8.30 a. m., 2.05 and 6.32 p. m. Returning, leave Uowiilngtowu at 6.40 a. m., 12.45. noon, and 5.25 p. m. .connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. Ou Huiidays: Iave New York at 6 p. in. i rhlla. at 8 a. m. and 3.16 n. in. jtheBa. m. train run ning only to Reading; Pottsvllle 8 a. m.t Harris. tiurg 2.40 a. m., and li.OO p. in. i leave Allentown at 4.25 and 8.: n.m. leave Keading at 7:15a, in., and 9.80 p. m., for Harrlsburg, at 4:32 a. in., for New York, at 7.20 a m. for Allentown and at 9:40 a. m., and 4.15 p. in., for Philadelphia. Co lulntlon. Mileage, Henson, School and Ex cursion Tickets to ami from all poluts at reduced rates. Hagi'nge checked through, 100 pounds allowed each passenger. J. E. WOOTTKN, ., Asst. Hupt. i Eng. Jlach'ry. Reading, Pa., May 15, 1871. renns lvunla R. R. Time Table. NEWPORT STATION. On and after May Hth, 1871, Passeuger trains will run as follows i ... . WEST. Cincinnati Express (flag) 12.46 A. M., dally. Wuy Passenger, 8.15 a. m., dally. Mail, 2.: p. m. dally except Huuday. A mixed train with passenger car attached, will leave Harrlsburg at 6 o'clock p. ui.t aud Newport al 6.40 p. m. r EAST Harrlsburi Aocom 11.66 a. m., dally " Sunday. Mail 7.43 p. m dally except Huuday J. J. BARCLAY. Agent. DUNCANNON STATION. ' On and after Sunday, May Hth, 1871, trains will leave Uuucauuon. as follows : , ' , WESTWARD. . . Cincinnati Express (Hag) 12.18 A. U. Dally. Way Passenger. 7.30 A. M., dally Mall, 1.66 p. m, daily except Sunday allxed, 6.60 p. m., dally except Sunday. it EASTWARD. Harls'burg Accom 12.29p.m., dally exeept Sunday. Mall (Ur. m., " " " WM- v- KIN0 Duneannon, May 24, 171. "J, ""Hi .. ; w v -4 n s The ingredients that COMPOSE ROSADALIS aro published on every package, there fore it is not a secret preparation, consequently pnisicms PRESCRIBE IT It is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms. Rheuma tism, Skin Disputes, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of the Ulood. 01IS 071X3 OF will do more good than ten bottles of tho Syrups of Sarsuparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Romdalisin thcirprnctice for the past three years and freely endorse it as a reliable Altcrativo and Blood l'uridcr. DR. T. C. PUon. ef D.ltlmore. DR. T. J. DOYKIX, " DR. 11. W.CA1IR. Dll. V. O. PAN N 1'LLY, " DR. J. S. SPARKS, of Nlcboluville, Ky. ' Dfl.J.L. McCAItTHA, Columbia, DR. A. li. NOBLES, Kilgoconib, N. C. USED AITD nD02GED BY J. B. FRENCH & SONS, Tall River. Niui, r. W. SMITH, Jackson, Mich. A. F. WlihkLUt, Lima, Ohio. B. HALL. 1.1ms. O' 10. CRAVKN A CO., fierrionsvlllr, Vs. SAM'L. O. McFADUK.V, Murfrees- uwru, vnu. Our race will not sllow of in, tended iti:i.i!bs lu retaiion to the virtueaof lloratlslij. Totho Uedicsl Profession we i:n.iunlee s Fluid Ex Iractsuperior It r-y thiy have ever uied iu I ho Iron rirnt of diseased ulood: and to llie.,lh.rted wsuvfrv Roudalia. SDd VOU will ba restored to health. Roisdalls is sold hv all Dniprlile. price tl.SU per buttle. Address S3. CLZ12UT3 tt CD. Manufacturing Chtmith, IlAtTIHOSC, Ud. ( 30 62 DNCAN BHERMAN & CO,, MAISItKlSH, .No. 11 NaRsau Street, NEW YORK, Issue circular Motes and circular Letters ot credit available In any part ot the world. - Current accounts received on such terms as may be agreed upon, . . IS 12U Daily Express and Freight Liue BETWEEN BLOOMFIELD & NEWPORTI THE subscriber wishes to notify the citizens of Hlooiutleld and Newport that he Is running a Dally Line between these two places, and will haul Freight ot any kind, or promptly deliver packages or messages entrusted to his cure. Orders may be left lor him at the stores ot F. Mortimer & Co., New Bloonineld, or MUllgau It Musser, Newport, l'a. . , J. 8. WHITMORE. BloomCeld, January 26, 1870. LOVE AND MATHIMOXT. TADIES AND GENTLEMEN, If yen wish i to marry, address the undersigned, who will send yon valuable Information, that will enable you to marry bapplly and speedily, Ir respective of age, wealth or beauty. This in. formation will cost you nothing, and if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you. The desired Information sent by return mail. Address, Bakau B. Lambkkt. Cireenpolut, Kings Couuty, N. Y.S 16.a ROSADALIS O JBAILY, Attorney at Law lm. . ... New BloomlieM. Perry Co., Pa. r umee In the Court House, with J. ft. Sliuler. Esq. Refers to Jj-JUanHrQisq. J ne 27, 187L BP. McINTlRK Attorney nt Law. and DIs , irl' Attorney of l'erry county. Oltioe with J. T. Mclutire, New Blooinlleld, Tenn'a. I7M. N. 8EIBERT, Attorney at Law, TV New Blooinlleld, Terry co.. T. Bloomfleld, 8 3S ly. ' ' WM. M. SUTCII, Attorney-at-Law, and Mill tary Claim Agent, New Bloomfleld, Perry eo.. Pa. from-Two doors West ol F. Mortimer's Store 3 7 ly VIXM. A. 81'ONHLEK, Attorney-at-Law, TT Ofllce adjoining his residence, on East Main street, New Blooinlleld, Perry co., l'a. 3 2 ly S1L OALBRAITH, Attorney-at-lAW, New Bloomlleld, l'erry co., Pa. -Tensions, Bounties, Back I'av, and all Claims against the (Jovernment, promptly collect ed. OlUce with Win. A. Sponsler, Esq. 8 2 ly. CLLK MURRAY, Attorney-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent, New Bloomfleld, Terry co., Pa. a-Ofllce with lit n. B. F. Junkln, South Car lisle street, New Blomileld, Ta. 3 2 ly. HAS. A. BARNETT. Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlleld. Perrv co.. Pa. -wince uujjiuiiig iuon..iier foiore. 32 ly CHAS.J. T, McINTlRK, Attorney-at-Iw, New Blooinlleld, Terry co., Pa. All professional business promptly and faith fully attended to. 3 2 lv. JOHN Q. 81IATTO, Burgeon Dentist, New Bloomlleld, Terry co Ta. tlstry All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Den orices.done in the best manner, and at reasonable B-Olllce over MorMmer's store. 3 2 lv "PmENTISTRY.-Dr. a H. WHITMER, of J Newport. Ta., oilers his services for the per formance of all kinds of Dental operations. Sat isfaction guaranteed. srOlllce on Main Street, opposite Lclby's Store. 6 30tf Perry County Bank! Sponsler, Junkln fe Co. THE undersigned, having formed a Banking As sociation under the above name and style, are now ready to do a General Banking business at their new Banking House, on Centre Square, OPPOSITE TUB COURT HOUSE, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. We receive money on deposit and pay back on demand. We discount notes for a period ot not over 60 days, and sell Drafts on l'liiladelpliia and Now York. On time Deposits, live ier cent, forany time over four months; and for four months four per cent. We are well provided with all aud every facility for doing a Banking Business; and knowing, and for some years, feeling the great inconvenience un der which the people of this County labored for the want of a Bank of Discount and Deposit, we have have determined to supply the want ; and this being the first Bank ever established In Perry county, we hope we will be sustained in our efforts, by all tn business men, fanners and mechanics. This Banking Association Is composed of the fol lowing named partners: W. a. Rponslkr, Bloomfleld, Perry county, Pa. B. F. JUNKIN, " A. O. Mii.t.Eit, Bhlppensburg, Cumberland co Pa. iiuiiN rvumieiiLluu, Henky Ruhv, " W11. 11. Miller, Carlisle, ti 1, tt tt 1 OFFICEltS: W. A. SPONSLER, PretldenU William Willis, Cashier. New Bloomfleld, 3 6 ly 1I2KKY COUNTY Ileal Estate, Insurance, AJiU CLAIM AGENCY. LEWIS POTTER & CO., Real Estate Brokers, .Insurance, A Claim Agent Now UlooinfIcll, l?a. WE INVITE the attention of buyers' and sell ers to the advantages we offer them in pur chasing or disposing of real estate through our of flee. We have a very large llstof desirable property, consisting of farms, town property, mills, store and tavern stands, and real estate of any descrip tion which we are prepared to oiler at great bar- f tains. We advertise our property very extensive y. and use all our elforts, skill, and dilllgence to effect a sale. We make no charges uutess the property is sold while registered with us. We also oraw up neeus, doikis, mortgages, andail legal pa pers at moderate rates. Home ot the best, cheapest, and most reliable fire, life, and cattle insurance companies In the United Htates are represented at tills agency. Triqierty Insured either on the cash or mutual plan, and poretuully at 4 and f per thousand. Tensions, bounties, and all kinds ot war claims collected. There are thousands of soldiers and heirs of soldiers who are entitled to pensions and bounty, who have never made application. Sol diers, It you were wounded, ruptured, orcontract ed a disease in the service from which you are dis abled, you are entitled to a pension. When widows of soldiers die or marry, the minor children are entitled to the pension. Parties having any business to transact In our line, are resieotfully invited to give us a eall, as we are conlldent we can render satisfaction in any branch of our business. -No charge for information. 2ly LliW IS TOTTER & CO. The E'ciiiisylvaiila Cattle Insurance Company. Capital and Assets, $150,000. Liciirpnrutri? hi th? Court of Common l'leat of Schuylkill Co., Nov. 27, '69. Incorporated by Legislature May 10,1871, IT has now full power to Insure Buildings, Merchandise and all kinds of Property ugntnst Fire, Storms or Tempests. Also, to Insure Horses and Cattle against Death or Theft. Tbe rates on Loan or Preferred Policies are a little higher than any other company doing business in the county ; but this class of policy holders can borrow money any time the Company can spare it out of Its suplus assets, and tbe money will be loaned In rotation, so that the first persons procuring loan policies can be the first to borrow money If they need' It. Only 1X PEIl CENT. INTEUEST will be charged for money, and loans will be made at all places that good agencies can be established, so that the Company will be a Home Company wherever It does business. The Company will also take risks on the common cash and mutual plans as cheap as other reliable companies, t The Directors meet regularly on the second Monday oi every month. JOHN D. IIADE8TT, President. JAMES n. OHIEK, Secretary. Offlce,-308 Centre St., Pottsville, Pa. . 6 89