l)c GKme3, Ntto Bloomftcltr, $3a. Bloomfield Academy! An English anil Classical School FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Young Men Prepared For College. A Normal S hiil and a Srhool of Art. FALL TERM COMMENCES On, Monday, the 28A of August, 1871 AB the above school has recently been re-organized, students ean enter anv time. I'nif. WM. II. DILL, a graduate ol Kutger's Col lege, N. .1., Principal. Miss ANNA K. AUGSrUHGEIt, a frrnduntA of Esther Institute, Columbus, Ohio, teaeher ol Mu sic, Fainting. Drawing, French nml (JoriBan. Every facility for the training of the youth of both Rexes In all that constitutes a liberal and thorough education. Tit Collegiate Department embraces all the higher branches, Including the Latin and Greek Langtiagcs, Kiigiueerlng, l'racti cal Surveying, I literature, Natural Science and ad vanced Mathematics. Vacations; July and August, and one week at Christmas. Ternist For Hoarding, Furnished Hoom, Wash ing, Tuition in Latin, Greek, Kngllsh ltranchcsaud Mathematics, for t tie scholastic year, J18U. lu vacations. The Hoarding Department Is at the Institution, under the supervision of Wiliam Grier, Ksq., by whom good and substantial board will be fur nished; and the pupils will be under the strict care or tue rriucip.ii, Aouross W. II. DILI,, A. M. Principal, or WILLIAM GUI Kit. 4lt New Illoomlield, Torry county, Pa. Photographs I Photographs ! JACOB COBLE, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, PENN'A. TnE subscriber would respectfully call the at tention of the eltirnns (if this pnmirv tsi tli fact that he Is prepared to take l'HOTUQRA PHS in me oesi styie 01 tne art. ills long experience oimuiea iiiiu w rouuce PICTURES WHICH CANNOT BE EX- VJHL.1.EV. All persons are requested to call at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses ef deceased persons, and great care will be taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children. Framing material and a good assortment nf frames always on nana, ana tor sale at low prices. JACOB COBLE, ArUtt, Newport, Perry Co., Pa Hair Restorative I 3 JfWaa. n A Contains NO LAO 8UI,rHTJR-No BUGAB OF LEAD No LITHAHGK No NITKATK OF HILVKIt.and is entirely free from the Poisonous ana HeaHb-destroylng Drugs used in other Hair Preparations. Transparent and clear as crystal. It will not soil the nest fabric perfectly AFK, CLEAN, and KFK1C1KNT desideratum LONU bOUUliX OS AND.VOUNU AT LAST I It restores and prevents the Hair from Incom ing Gray, impart a sort, glossy appearance, re moves Dandruff, Is cool and refreshing to the bead, checks the Hair from falling off, auf restores It to a great extent when prematurely lost, pre vents Headaches, cures all Humors, Cutaneous eruptions, and unnatural Heat. AM A DKKHH 1NC1 FUK TUX HAUtll UTHU BEST ABT1CLK LNTHK HAMLET. Dr. O. Smith, Patentee. Groton Junction, Mass. Prepared only by Procter Brothers, Gloucester, Mass. The Genuine Is put up In a panel bottle, niade expressly for It, with the name of the article blown In the glass. Ask yo ur Druggist for Na ture's Hair Restorative, aud take no other. Bend a three cent stamp to Procter Bros, for a Treatise ou the Human Hair. The Information It Con talus la worth 6UU 00 to any person. NEW STORE! CHEAP GOODS! frill K subscriber having opened a new Wore, on X door East of Swegers Hotel, solicits a share of the public patronage. He has just received a tall supply of IV (5 W O O O 1 and will constantly keep on hand, a complete as sortment ol DRYOOODS, Q VEENB WARE BOOTS A SHOES. GROCERIES HARDWARE, HATS CAPS. And Everything else usually kept la Stores. CaU and tee my stock. BOB'T. N. WILLIS, 8 ' : New BloomReld, Pa. APLKX1)IT a HHOllTMKVrn OP DRY- GOOD CI ilY.GOODO Suited to the Season, Arc Now Offered for Bala by 7. H02TIMEB, & CO. A L-li KINDS OF JOB 1MUNTINQ am. neaiiyeuK fceara Job lime. Neatly tKuU)4 at the BlooBn14 Times A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEG-AR BITTERS i Hundred of Thousands y f. Bear testimony to their Wonder 5. 9 ful Curative Effects. fii WHAT ARE S ' THET ARB NOT A VILE f ia FANCY DRINK, PI Mode or Poor Rom, Whlslioy, Proof Kplrltn and Refnaai lilquore doctored, spiced ar.d sweet ened to pleas ths tag to, celled" Tonics," "A ppct: ere," - ltestonrs," o., that lead the tippler on to drnsjr.ena.ee and rnln, bat sr a true Mnuelne, mado from UisK stive Kootiud liorbsof California, trro fraasjBlt Alcbllo Mlwalanta. Tbcy sro tho Utttil BL(MII PfltlklKU. and A LIFB GITIRU VKII'ICIPI.E a perfect Konovator aad Invlgorator of tbo System, carrying off all poteonov. m&Ker and restoring the blood to a hoalthycucc'iltiun. Ko porsoa can taka these Biltors according to direc tion and mnala long nnwclL SI wUibe given for aa lncnrabla oxm, pruvl Jtd the bones are not destroyed by mincrcl m-itu or other means, and tbs vital organi wasted bcy&Ld U.s point of repair. Few IaSasssamtary and Ghronle Kbtinn- tlssa Uoau Dyepepsla. or Indlaeatton. BIIIm. Meaillteal aad Intermlttenl Fovern DIsmum of the Blamt, Liver, Kidneys, and Bla4de( ttes Bt Iters hava seen most sneecn ml. ftatk IIIjmih ar caused by Tlilated Bloosl. whisk is goncnlly prodoeed by deransomoct or ta Dislv usss. DTOPBFHIA O lHniGKiTIU!f, Head echo, Pala la Us lbonk.srs, Conghs.Tlsntiieas of tlio Chest, IMaslnses, boor IraetaUons of the Blomaeli, Bad tasks ia tlie Month Bilious Attaoks, TalpltaUoa of tn Bsais, InOaauBaUon of the Langs, Pain it tho regions of the Klawys, and a hundred othar pmUnL symptoais, ars in onsprlngsof Drspepata. Thiy Uvigotaij tha Stomach and tlmniat tua tor pid llvsr and bovta. whlca render them ottuieqTiallcd eocsey la etsansiag w blood of all tmpartUo. and imparting nw 1U and vigor to th wools svstom. VOssttnVIS DlBASES,lUnj)UonE,Tettcr.6ttlt Iflieam, Blotches, Bpots, riniples, Pastales, BoUs. Csr fancies, King-Worms, boald-lload. Bora Eyea.Eryslp. olaa. Ilea, feearn), Blscoloratlons of tusBkln, Bamor ad Diseases of tli tlUn, of vhatovar namo or nature, ar literally dig np and onrrlod ont of tbo systom In a anon tuns t y ti as of those Bitters. One bottle In sack sasss lll cobvumo the most lacredalons of their earsBV saTsot. Cleans tbs VitlsSsd Blood whenever yon find Its Impurities banting through tho skin In Flmplea, Erup tions or Soros cleanse It when yon And It obstructed and stnfgtali la tua voles i clean It when it is foal, and yonr toellsa lll loll yoa wuan. Keep tha blood par and lb health of lit system will follow. Pig. YAPBandoUiu WOllMa, larking In th ystem of u ussy giwisssiH. at oSbotunlly destroy ed and removed. For full dlresUona, row carefulr tbs clrsalar toaad aoh bosslo, printed tn soar lan gasgos BngJlli,Utnto, Frunoh sod Bpanlsb. J. WALKBn, iToprlclor. B. H. MCDONALD ft CO PmgsisU and Oen. Agent. Ban Fraaclsco, Cal, and a? and 84 Commar street. Mow Tork. r3r SOLD BT ALL BKUUOIilTS AND DBALEBS. 1780 TAKE NOTICE. 1871 Are Yon Afflicted or Sick ? USE PAHRNE Y'S BLOOD CLEANSER 3 OB PANACEA t A N Alterative and Cathartic, or Tonic and XI. Purge, lor diseases arising from bad blood This Preparation was established In ISTO.and baa keen prepared In iifuid form for more than to years, in January or February. 1870. anoth er party commenced to prepare a similar article wnicn is interior to the genuine, and which should not be mistaken for ours. Ask for "Dn Fahbxit's Blood Cliahse ob PaicaCIa .' and accept no othera. The Trade Hark of the oldest and genuine. Is printed In grun on a yellow wrapper, hav ing siso me signature 01 r. ranrney, M..U., Chicago. " Ur. r, f ahrneu' Jluxtth Meiunotr" srlvci the history and uses of the Blood Clbanseh, testimonials, and other Information, sent free cnarge. Aaaress Db. P. Fahbvbt's Bbotbiri & Co., . Waynesboro, Franklin County, Pa. Ask for Dr. Fahrney's Blood Cleanser and CLEAN8K YOUH BLOOD. V-v flnld Averwhflra anil In Maw TltimmaAlil by F. Mobtihbb & Co., only. S 18 FOR EVERYBODY ! OMB of the most useful articles ever Invented, IS KKNNKDV8 lovelty Flexible HAND-PRINTING PRE88. With this little Press every man can do his own printing at a trilling expense, as the price of a machine Is no greater than the cost of printing a lot of Cards or Envelopes. Every one who sees It says it is aTuatt the Tlilnir, and should be owned by every business man. These Dresses are for sale br the subscriber who Is now canvaaalug this vicinity with specimens. soliciting orders. JOHN O. MOORE, New UloomOeld, Pa, 5-86. A Perfectly. Non - Explosive Lamp! PEKKINH ft HOUfiE'H PATENT I, A MPS are the only tamp that Uivaa PiaracT rUvrrt with all kinds or oil. They are made of brass, and will last a lifetime, making them the CHEAPIST LAMP IN THK WORLD. and will supply Merchants at the Manufacturers' price. Persons wanting a good article aie re quested to examine this lamp. hew Bloomfield, Pa. ML, A genu wanted to canvass the County. Why Keep That Cough P When a bottl of Rohrer's Lnng Balsam wll cure it. It la pleasant to take, and mora efloc live than any other eougb medicine. Try It cor aaie oy i. Mortimer ef uo.. Mew Bloom feld,and most other store la tha countj. If? THEY? 8 b s CONSUMPTION. ITS CURE AND ITS PREVENTIVE. By J. R. gCHAHUB, t XX Knny a hriman bplnr has psmmt away Ibr whom death ther wan no other rearm than tlm neirleotof ktiown and Indisputably proven muniis of cure. Those near and dear to family and friends are nleeplntf the dreamless slumber into which, had tbev calmly adopted IB. jombpii r. arvrnirri-aj mimpi TsttrsnT, and availed themwelves of hi wonderftilly emca clis merttclnes, tlieywonld not have rallen. lr. Hrhenrk. has In his own cane proved thai wherever mifflrlent vitality remains, that vitality, by his meriirltiM and his directions for their use, ia quickened Into healthntl viiror. In this statement there l nothlnr presnmptnons. To the faith of the invalid la marie norepreMeiitatlon that is not a thousand times aiihstantlaUHl by living and visible works. Th theory or the cure by Lr. Hchenrk's medicines Is as simple as it Is unfailing. Its philosophy requires no argument. It is self-aa surlng. self-convincing. The Hea-weetl 'i onic and Mandrake Pills are the first two weaiHins with which the cltnxlel of the malady la asKallvd. Two-third of the cases of con. sumption nrlitlnate In dyspepsia and a functionally disordered liver. With this condition the bronchial tubes "sympathlTe" with the stomach. They r spond to the morblllc s:tlon of the liver. Here then conies the culminating result, and the setting in, With all Its dlstres'lm; symptoms of 4 oiai MfTIO. Tn Mandrake Pills are composed of one nf Na ture's noblest Klfw-the i'oclophllluiu 1'eltatum. Tliey pmuess all the blnod-siurrhliiK, alterntlve properties of calomel, but. unllkocalomel. they "LIATC MO MTIN dtCSSl SI It." Thework of cure Is now bea-imiluv. The vitiated end mucous deposits lu lit bowels and In the ali mentary canal are ejected. The liver, like a clwk, is wound up. It arousiw from Its torpidity. Tho stomsrh arts responslvely. and the palieul beulns to feel that he Is ki-UInr-, at lust, A si rriit tr hd sionn. TheHea-weiii Tunic, In conjunction with the Pills, permeates and assimilates with the rood. Chyllll cation la now progressing- without Its previous tor ture. Dlsastlon livcome painless, and thncurola seen to be at hand. There Cs no more flatulence, no exacerbation of the stomach. An appetite aets lu. Mow comas lha irreaLeaL HIivm! fiii-blar v.,t Iven by an Ihdulseui fmher to BurTorlna man. inhanck a fnlnioole Mvmt, ....ma. i ,n n...7..n. o. functions and to hasten and comoletn the eurn Tt ciiura at ones upon Its work. Nature can not ba cheated. It collect and ripens the Impaired and diseased portions of the lungs. 111 the form of ti.i,(iiiK, i, prepare mem tur expectoration, and o I In a verv SlllirL tlnta II, a .lo.lul. v. l.k-l the rotten throne that It occupied Is renovated and mad new, aud the patient, In all the dijrnlly of re gained viiror, steps forth to enjoy the mauhood or womanhood that waa r if I.OSJT. Th second thins; Is, lbs patianta must stay In'a wnrm room until they get well ; It la almost Impos sible to prevent taking cold when the lungs are dis eases, but it must tie prevented or cure can not ba enectee:. fresh air and rldlngntit.eapeclallylu this section of the country, In the rail and winter soa son, sr all wrong. Physicians who recommend that cuura loa t&elr patients, If their lungs ar badly diseased; and yet, because they are In th nous they must not nit down quiet; they must walk bout tb room as much anil aa fast as the strength wll bear, to gel up food circulation of blood. The. rur;ILn a aep in food spirits be determined . wii. j uia ii has a f real deal to do with the annrHta. and la tha uret iii, uai .?,1"1l'-lr "' r"r '5,'r "ch evidence of Its pos sibility lu the worst caaes, and moral certainty In all others, la slnrul. Dr. Hchenck s personal state ment to the faculty or his own cur was In then mod eat words; .n'Lf S"7 '"V".1 I" th last stsaes of con snmi tlon i confined to my lied, and at one time my physicians thnughtthat I could not Uvea week; then. Ilk drowning man catching at straws, I heard of and ohtalntd th prearatloii which I now offor to th public, and they made a perfect cure of me. It seemed to me that I could feel them penetrate my whol system. They soon rljiened the matter In my Itings.and I would spit up more thanaplntof otTan alv yellow matter every morning for a long time. "As soon aa that began to nubsld. my cough, fever, pains, and night-sweats all began to leave nie. mX !'.w.li.'w hccame so great that it was with dlfllculty that I could keep from eating too much. I soon gained my strength, and have grown In flesh ver since. ...'I1,?!" welghd shortly after my recovery," added the Doctor, then looking like a mereskeleion ; my wc,!..w" onl'r nlnety-soven pounds; my present weight Is two hundred and twenty-flve (gas) potiniU. atid for years I havenJoycd uninterrupted Health.'' .i ,. .Bcl'"cl5. bM discontinued hla professional Islls to New Vork and Boston. He or hla son, Dr rhitSS1 'JC-v""11 eontlnue to see patients at their onice, Is o. 15 Jorth Hlxth Hlreet, Philadelphia, LT Saturday from a.m. to I r.M. Those who Z!fZ. i,,,.'2,0H-h xamlnatlon with th Heaplro rneterwlll becharged V The Reaplrometer declare eft eondltlon of the lungs, and patienta can whether they are curalile or no 1 he directions for taking the medicines are adapt ed to the Intelligence even of a child. Follow than dlrectlons.andltind Nature will do the rast. excei.t Ing that In soma caaca th Mandrake Pills are to b taken In Increased doaes; th three medicine need no other acoompanlments than th ample Inatnic tlona that accompany them : First create appetite. Ofreturnlug health, hunger Is the moat welcom ymptom. When It comes, aa It will come, let th despairing at one be of good cheer. Good blood at once follows, th cough loosens, th night-sweat la abated. Ins short time both of these morbid symp toms are gone forever. ' r t. Kchenck' medicines ar constantly kept In Oris of thousands of families. As a laxative or pur. f,Tiih,?.M,nS.r11 Km' standard prepari ""2 w W Ul loonlc Brup, a a cur o cough and colds, may be regarded as a prophylactJrlo agaJnst conaumpUon In any of Its forms. Prle of th Pulmonic Byrup and Hea-wesd Tonlo. JO bottle, or 7JW a half doxen. Mandrake Tpilhl Ucentsabox. For sale by aU drugglau and deaienl Btreet, Philadelphia, Wholesale Agents. 6 23 ly , 1 1 -.v. , a i w vunncs, ouz Ann 3STEW YORK CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OF NEW YORK, STRICTLY MUTUAL t Aasistotal, f A.fSOO.OOO t TSSUESallthenew forms ol Policies, and pre: JL aents as favorable terms as any company in t 8 United States. 1 he Company will make temporary loans on It a uiiciva. ThlrtV dava' ffrace allowed on each nivnunt and the policy held good during that time. Policies issued by this Company are non-forfeiture. No extra charges are made for trawling permits. Policv.holdara ahara In the annual urnrlljiof tha Company, and have a voice lu the election aud management of the Company. fiu puuvj ur nieuicai ifccnargea. Justus Lawkknci. Pres't. M. B. Wymkuop, Vice Pres't J. F.Koubiu, Bec'y. v. r. X.A it'is. Ueueral Agent, NO. 8 North Third Street lyl College block, Harrlsburg, Pa. S300 COMMUTATION MONEY. The above amount will ha rafnunded to all sol diers who were dralted while In the service, and who paid 1300 commutation money ; and also to all persons who paid commutation money who were not legally liable to draft. Claims must ba filled before the 1st of March, 1871 . Call on, or address. l.UWIM WITTh-ll Atti.rn.vri,r.lm.i,l. ' yew blooiuflold. Pa, NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that all persons ar forbidden to enter the Vine, yard of the subscriber without his permission. All persons found therein without his llransa ara subject to a lino for treapasslng. No visitors ar snowra in tne vineyara upon me nanoatn day. All visitors are. heartily walconia uiwin anv ..tbae day of tha week. .. t DUIt lllt-'B, jr. BUottsburg, P U 3t o w English Hoofing Felt Is found to stand well In all climates, being; ex tensively used for Roeflng Houses, Out-Build-lngs and Blicdsj for Lnying Flat Roofs, Gutters, Lining; Grnnnrlcs, Storehouses, or WitHs, (cither outside or Inside), and for placing un der Slates or Tiles. It Is also a cheap and circctlvo Ceiling on the undernenth side of raf ters of a Slated or Tiled Roof, nnd ns a Celling to Iron Roofs, counteracting Heat, Frost, ana Condensation of Moisture. Tho English Felt Is put up in rolls of 25 yards In length, by 83 Inches In width, nnd containing a surfneo of 200 square feet. 3 THREE-PLY FELT FOR ROOFING. In Rolls, 26 Inches wide, by 50 feet in length; ench roll will cover a surlnco 10 feet squaro, or 100 square fect. It is to be laid across tho roof, shingle fash ion, with a lap of two Inches, and secured by nailing the edges with 3d nulls aud tin caps. Wheu laid, the Felt Is to bo painted with Mastic Roof Coating, nnd Sanded. Tho Mas tic Roof Coating Is mixed, reatly for use, and 1b applied with a brush. TARRED ROOFING FELT. Used extensively for Sheathing Houses, and for Tar nnd Gravel Roollttg, also for placing uutlcr Slnto, Tin nnd Shlns;lo Roofing. It is lined in packing Woolens and Furs to protect them from moths. Put up in rolls weighing 45 pounds each. 15 pound3 Felt will cover a surface of 100 squaro fect. TWO-PLY FELT, For Sheathing Houses, Roollng Temporary Buildings, making Watertight Floors, and for placing under Sluto and Shingles. In rolls, 20 inches wide by 50 fect In length. Each roll will cover a surface of 10 feet Bquaro or 100 Bqunro fuct. For Sheathing it can be nailed upon tho stud ding, making n perfectly air tight Bhcathlng, and suro protection from dnnipnesa. Rats, mice, or vermin will not go near it. MICA CANVAS ROOFING, In rolls containing 250 Bqunro fect. Is to bo laid across the roof, and lapped Bhlnglo fash ion with a lap of two inchoB, and secured by nulling tho edges with 20 oz. tacks. This ia t.hn nnlv flnmnnRltlnn Itnnflnrr thnf docs not require a finishing coat of paint or ceiuuut. UNTARRED SHEATHING FELT, For Carpot Lining, Deadening Floors, and for putting under Hlnto, Tin and Shinglo Roofing Put up In rolls weighing 100 pounds. 10 pounds Felt will cover a surface 10 fect square, or 100 square feet. MANUFACTURED BY THE PENN HOOPING CO., 105 South 2nd Street, 5S3 26t MIIIiAOELiPUIA, PA. 1IA11DWA11E! UAlinWAllEl TnE subscribers have on hand at all times, as complete an assortment of Hardware as can oe louna in tne county. NAILS, HINGES, LOCKS, GLASS, PAINTS & OILS, and a fine assortment of all styles of Builders Hardware, Also, CARPENTER TOOLS, TABLE CUTLERY, COFFEE MILLS, SPOONS, SHOVELS, HOES, and a full stock of Hardware of Every Description, AH of which will be sold at the lowest market prices. Person wanting any articls In this line are requested to call and examlue onr stock F. MORTIMER & CO., Naw Bloomtibld, Pa. Tfie Colby Wringer WITH Moulton'a Patent noils. The Most Perfect! The Cheapest! And Bett Wringer in the World Rolls are pure white Rubber. Frame can never rot, rust or wear out. It takea less room than any other, la lighter, fastens Itself to toe tuD, runs easier, and la THE FAMILY avuiu ii wherever used, It 1 WARRANTED In avarv raaa. Wa nnt good active LIVE ACENT8 to canvass In every Uwn, to whom good wage are Insured. Full Instructions and particular given upon application to Colbt Bso'a A Co., 608 Broadway, N. Y. 5 82 a 18. Pensions, Bounties, &o. firiDOWS, Minor Children, Mothers, Fathers. TV Ac., of Miilfliara who wars killed or died ol disease contracted In the (Service of the United Btates, can now make application (or Pension. Also noiuiera wno contracted disease or were wounded, ruutured. or In any way disabled in tha war ol lam. When widows die or re-marry, the ehtld or children under sixteen years ot age are entitled to Pension. Tha time for flllns: claims for additional count ba been extended six mouth. Particular attention liven toold susoended can la th dlOerent departments at Washington, D. 0 Government, call oa or address th undersigned, ho charm (or Information. LEWIS J'OTTKU, Attorney for Claimants, -IH KKW BLOOM FIELD, PA, HUMOROUS ITEMS. fiti?" A California hotel has a vase la bolcd " 2th pioks." A teacher of vocal musio asked on old lady if her grandson had an ear for music. " I really don't know, you can take the candle and see." JQy A Georgia man has been tho fa ther of fifty-six children. He also chews, smokes, nnd drinks quito freely, and is very well, thank you, at the age of 80. JCQT A begging tramp of mouldy ap pearance having applied to ono of our houses lor something to relieve his dis tressing needs, the benevolent lady there of hunded him a piece of soap. ASf An honest country parson, who in tho time of a great drouth, was desired to pray for rain, answered : " I'll willing ly do it to oblige you, but it is to no pur pose whilo the wind is in this quarter." t A man named Teppcr gave a par ty, and ono of his guests, on entoring tho room, exclaimed, " My dear Mr. Pep per, how glad you must bo to see your friends mustered !" flay" A stranger meeting a man in the streets of Boston a few days sinco, rough ly accosted him with, " Here I want to go to tho Treuiont House 1" Tho delib erate reply was, " Well, you can go, if you won't bo gone long." A littlo bit of a thing, who had just got back from a party, was asked by her mamma how she had enjoyed herself. " O mamma," I'm so full of happiness I couldn't be no happier, without I was bigger." 4Sy A young lady who after kissing a two year old boy made tho remark, " I love to kiss little boys," was exceedingly surprised by a little five year old eirl in quiring if she didn't liko to kiss big boys too t flay A child who abominates dogs, when told that God made everything, earnestly asked, " Did he make dogs too ?" When told that he did, sho ea gerly inquired if he made them out of bark ? SS?A friend of ours was traveling while afflicted with a very bad cough. He annoyed his fellow travelers greatly till one of them remarked ia a tone of displeasure, " Sir, that is a very bad cough you have ?" " Truo sir," replied our friend, " but you will exouso me it is the best I have got." SOT A very smart boy, on his return from college, attempted to prove that two were equal to three. Pointing to a roast ed chicken on the table, he said, " Is not that one T" and then pointing to another, "Is not that two f and do not two and one make three ?" Whereupon his father said, " Wife, you take one and I'll take the other, and our smart boy can have the third for his dinner." Va8 An invalid once complained to his neighbor of a shanghai which the latter kept. Tho bird was a terrible nui sance, and gave him no peace day or night. " But," said tho skeptical owner, " my cock only crows four or five times a day. I don't see how that can annoy you so much." " Because," replied the sufferer. " vou don't take into nnnrmnt all the times when I am expecting him, to crow.-' " Katarina, I like to know who gief you de privilige dat you shall go and spent me fife cent for to puy that ploo ribbon vat you got died arount your vaterfalls? You want to preak up my pizziness, eh ? I pet you dem tings don't nafnr hnnnAn Benin in ilia fnmllw 1 J""' aajasw muiti ayvivtavuiw I scalp you down so flat as you can't stant, ain't it!" " Coom Shake," turn ing to a friend, " let s eo ; lent us a half a tollar, and go on a shpree out mit de ocneutzen. M&" A well-known gentleman of Bos ton having occasion to execute a piece of writing, entered a prominent drinking sa loon with a friend, and asking tha land lord to furnish him with pen and ink, was politely accommodated. Having comple ted his task and lacking the wherewithal to recompense Boniface, by patronising the house, he got off the following : Thanks, my friend, for jour ink and bottle, I have nothing in turn to bestow Though there's plenty of dust In my throttle, There is non In my pocket below. The cenial croorietor immediatalv saw the point, and laughing, invited the Soet to join him in a " smile," which he id and went on his way rejoicing. An ecoontrio friend of ours stoo ped into a store in the village, whioh shall be nameless, where some " colored bretherin" were doing a little trading. "Ah, Mr. n said our friend. " you have your cousins in, I see." The young merchant said nothing but looked mad. Our friend stepped out, but in a few minutes returned, after the sable customers bad departed. " I hope yoa won't take any offense at what I remarked here just now," said he. . " Oh, no," said the merchant, 11 1 n av er take offence at anything you say." "Glad of it," replied our ouiszer. " the niggers are as mad as the d I." And then he sloped, narrowly missinir a flying yardstick. neatmi