The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, September 05, 1871, Page 5, Image 5

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pbt , fbloomMb '. Sinus.
Titosday, September 0, 171.
a a' rtr 'Jdvanei.
Children'! Concert Next Sunday after
noon at, 6 o'clock, ; in the basement of the
Presbyterian church, by the children of the
Sabbath School. All are invited to come,
ad Wtw-eiflyirir, ,OTh';U 0 I
Improved. The Lewistown Tru Dtmo
erat comei to us thi week, enlarged to an
eight cdrtmn paper, and looks first rate.
Thia looks as though the new " Burna or
gan" just started at Lewistown," had pot
badly scared friend Frysingor.
A Sweet Tree.--A few- day ago-' Mr.
Geo. B Arnold found a troo which he, was
convinced contained a large quantity of
honey. On Friday last accompanied by 0.
T. Clegtf, and several others he again visi
ted the spot, when Mr. Clogg after climbing
over thirty feeC found a splendid deposit
of honey, which was taken out and lowered
by a rope. The ' quantity obtained was
very largo, weighing 49J pounds. ' y "
Painful -AeoldenU On last Wednesday
a week Mr. Hazzard Slusser met with a
most painful accident while at work in the
machine shop of Mr. J. II. Bhireman in
Penn street . His right hand was caught
in the knives of a rotary planing machine
and the inside portion of the flesh was
almost completely shaved off. ' It was mu
tilated in a horrible manner, and the suf
fering from his injuries was intense. . He
is under treatment with Tt. Wm.' Elsen
hart, and it is hoped that the band will
heal up so as tcfavoid amputation. York
Trut Democrat, .v.r.
A Severe Storm of Wind and rain visited
this vicinity on Tuesday, evening last, doing
much damage in some places. Many corn
fiolds looked, after the storm, aa though
they had been rolled, and quite a number
of trees were prostrated by the gale. At
the farm of IlnAl B. Coup a : short dis
tance from this borough, six large fruit
trees, and the wagon shed were blown
down. In the shed was a top buggy nearly
new which was almost ruined. In various
other places trees were torn up by the roots
or twisted off and the sudden rise in the
springs and streams caused many persons
the loss of the contents of thoir spring
bouses. .-.,..,
Value ef a Newspaper. The newspaper
can, or should be regarded as a benefit to
evory household. It imparts useful infor
mation ; It furnishes subjects for thought
and conversation ; it makes an agreeable
member of society. To be without a news
paper one might as well be out of the world ;
he becomes a perfect nobody 'when he
goes into society and hears others talk
about current events and discuss questions
of local or general interest, he can take no
part in these things because he is not post
ed up, not having read, the papers. And
In the family circle what an influence the
paper has the children read it and gain
knowledge ; it servos to occupy their leisure
hours, to keep them from frivolous amuse
ment, and gives an attraction to home.
Surely, then, no wise parent would consent
to go without one or more newspapers in his
family. . ; ,
Narrow Escape From Death. One day
last week Mr. W. Ash well, who was em
ployed on a grain separator, on the farm of
Mr. Orris in Frankford township (Cumber
land Co.,) saved his life under rather extra
ordinary circumstances. lie was engaged
at the part where 'the grain comes from
the machine, and his foot slipping was
thrown down among some of the gearing,
but as a last resort to escape instant death
he threw himself across the tumbling shaft,
which was revolving at the usual speed.
The shaft readily caught his clothes wind
ing thorn up and tearing them from his
body, binding him so tightly to the shaft
that the motion of the machine became
thoroughly checked. Mr. A. informs us
that he came out of the scrape thoroughly
unhurt, but those who saw what he under
went say his escape was extremely narrow.
A Barn Burnt. On Saturday afternoon
20th ult about half past two two o'clock,
- the barn on the farm of John Barefoot (the
old Langton place,) about two miles south
west of Lewistown, was discovered to be
on Ore, and there being but few persons
about, the whole structure with nearly all
its contents, Including the wheat from
about 43 acres, a large lot of oaU, some old
corn, all the hay, a wagon loaded with feed
and several bushols of seed wheat, thresh
' imr machine, bar rake and other agricul
tural instruments, were iiwitroyed. L k-
hw True Democrat.
A . Important , QuesUon.8ball . Perry
oounty hare the benefit of a railroad
through the whole length of Sherman's Val
ley, or not?, The question can be 'answer
ed affirmatively, if the people will only take
hold of the opportunity now offered them.
t ,We call attention to a notice on this sub
ject which will be found in anothor column,
and trust that the citizens will give it the
consideration that its importance demands.
Here is another opportunity for Bloom-
field to obtain a railroad outlet, , as the
oompany promise to construct a branch
road to this borough provided the citizens
Interested In the matter will subscribe for
enough stock to warrant them In so doing.
Subscriptions will soon be asked for, at a
meeting to be called for that purpose, in
this borough, due notion of, which 'Will be
In the meantime, those interested in the
making of the road, in other portions of
the) county,? will we hope be present at
the meetings to be held at IcKxsnuno, on
Wednesday, at Blain on Thursday, and
at New Germabtows on Friday, of this
week.' ' : -: " '' ' i:-i I
As Good As a Puzzle. A schoolmaster
is much needed in the neighborhood where
the following handbill was posted up. It
is an exact copy of the original. ,-, , i ;
"bup lack Sale for Land
Cun taininir , 1'40 Acres of .Land that
Land Lace in Cuber Land County in Dick
ensan township that Land Lace between
Wits town and hulley furnace near at tcattes
burger roat that Land China Jacob rich
Wins Land that Land Lace ner at Myers
Saw Mill good Wortur on that Land good
Alatto on that Land 25 acres or good JUatto
Crown on that Land good orget on that
Land good Simmer Apels and good Vinter
Apels on that Land good Chores and good
bitches on that Land 8 houses on that Land
one Cuchen Stove to Bale ozena to sale."
Escaped. On Tuesday evening last John
Ilouck, who had been tried the previous
week on a charge of assault and battery,
with attempt to commit rape, . and convic
ted, made his escape from the jail in Hun
tingdon by climbing up the walL - and lot
ting himself to the ground by means of a
rope, which it is supposed was placed
there by an accomplice. .
Killed by Lightning. On Tuesday, af
ternoon but, an omployoe named Sp&ngler,
at Smyser's ore bank, (York Co.,) . was
struck by lightning and killed. Another
laborer, at the same time and place, was
also struck and seriously injured. Wright-
tUU Star. . . .. v ,v ,
Singular Accident. Thomas Gilbert, a
lad eight years of ago, while engaged in
mowing weeds in his father s yard, In Hali
fax township, Dauphin county, on Wed
nesday of last week, tread on his scythe,
cutting his foot nearly off, from which he
bledtodeath. 1 ' . ' '
Lost. A short dark beaver sack coat
without lining, on the road from Grlers
Tavern to Bloomflold. A suitable reward
will be given, if loft at this office or taken
to J. D. MECK, at Carlisle. - . , T
Newport Items. Our correspondent at
that place sends us the following : ,
On last Tuesday evening Mrs. Bassett a
little daughter was unfortunate enough to
be hurt by a buggy, running over her head
and left foot cutting the former above the
right eye, her hat had been blown off by
the wind and the child went after it with
the above result, medical aid was called in
and she is doing well. . ,
John A. Bechtol fc Son fired up on
Wednesday last at the new tannery to the
satisfaction of all present. They have a
20 horse power engine manufactured by
Messrs. Raymond & Campbell of Middle-
town, Pa., which moves splendidly. Messrs.
Bechtel & Son are deserving of consider
able praise for their enterprise. May they
' Coal is down I Now is the time to lay in
the supply for winter.
Mrs. Page of this place was trying to
make fire with Coal Oil with the following
results : Can blown to atoms. She fortu
nately escaped with a slight burn. When
will that practloe cease t
Dr. Slngor has cut the lower limbs off his
shade trees which gives a good view of his
house. . . .
The work on the Furnace is being rapid
ly pushed on.
Ball Bond Notice.
All persons interested in developing the
resources of the several counties through
which the South P. R. R. may pass are re
spectfully requested to attend the meetings
that may be called, and subscribe fur as
many shares aa after reflection they may
deem expedient, we aro sausnea tnat
a narrow guago is the cheapest and best.
The two tracks are laid on the same sill
bv which the two tracks are firmly bound
together.being more safe and easier kept in
repair. It is a through direct route from New
York to Cincinnati. We intend making a
single track to uioomneio, icicesburg and
Wain. -
Josiah Ear r, Agent for Co. '
Left Ills Borne. . ' '
My son Samuel Jacobs having recently
left uome wunout my anowieage or eon
sent, I hereby caution all persons against
harborinir or trusting him. Any nerson
knowing liis whereabouts will confer a fa
vor by sending me notioe.
8t . Ickesburg, Pa.
fr Why don't you me NATURE'S HAIR
RESTOBATIVEt It Is perfectly free from
poisons and will restore gray or faded hair to
its original solor. - -
. Jim Heffleflnrer la Despair. . ,
Dear Sir : Again do I take nn mr nen
under great depression of spirit. The cease
less Surge of time and tldo is bearing us
on to, lloaven knows ' what. Once more
must I perform the melancholy duty of an
nouncing the solemn fact that there has
been no cessation. of the growing obstinacy,
the criminal follV, and unparalled ingrati
tude of our people.
So thoroughly have they beoome imbued
with the idea that the Judge must come
from north of the Ulue Mountains that
even though one were to come from the
dead and preaoh the truth to them, he
would not be believed. As I stated in my
last letter, I sent Cliffentaffor to Juniata to
consult with MeOrannahan, but alas I there
was no good to come out of Nazareth. The
following is his report,' ' (
Rspobt or O. Q. CurrsjiTArrsB.
When I arrived at his boase.I was root by Mrs.
McCracken. the mother-in-law of McGranna-
baa, who Is now on a vlalt i to her, children.
(She comes twice a year and stays six months
each time.)
When I jisd briefly stated the object of my
visit, 'he exclaimed, "Obadlah, thou art a
man of sin, verily thou art still in the bonds of
iniquity. Why dost thou still cleave to the
flesh pots of Egypt 1" fine then adjusted her
glasses on the top of her nose and took a fresh
pinch of snnu. After asserting thst she was a
native of Juniata, she proceeded with a perfect
torrent of Invective, giving no heed to my In
quiry as to the whereabonu of MeOrannahan.
In a few mlnntes I was so utterly demoralized
that I rushed from the house. As I left the
door, I was met by a large dog, that, with a
fearful snap, relieved me of a very valuable
portion of my dry goods. I then Jumped the
fence, and ran in the direction of the orchard,
having been enabled by this accident to travel
nnder a flag of trace. I found MeOrannahan
sitting nnder the shade of an apple-tree, on the
the bare grass cost off feet bare, and not any
too clean ; unshaven, hatless, coatless,ln short,
almost in a state of nudity, very hoarse, slocpy,
and In deep distress. In fact, he seemed stapi
fled, and It was a long time bsfore he recog
nized me, and when he did, he looked so sor
rowful and wo-begone that I feared he had fal
len under some great affliction. Bat on Inquir
ing, I found his disease only mental in fact,
nothing more than his great sorrow at the ac
tion of the people of Ferry in disregarding the
rights of Carlisle to the Judgeship, and not
this alone, but be seemed hopeless of anything
being done la Juniata to correct the error. Af
ter rousing him up, (I don't think he had been
drinking) ne seemed to recover himself some
what, and gave ma the result of bis enquiries
In Juniata county. He stated that he found a
deep-seated conviction In the minds of a large
majority of the citizens of said county, that
Jimmy Heffleflnger was entirely wrong with
reference to the rights of Cumberland to the
Judgeship that title by prescription was not
recognised Wltn rererence to laai ouice at
least not In our form of Government that
the right of the people to choose is without
limitation, except that they must choose one
learned in the law. Mr- MeOrannahan said
that he had endeavored to make something ont
of the latter point, but without success, a large
majority holding that soli or climate was with
out influence on the growth of mind, and cited
the fact that some great men were born and
reared In very barren districts of country, that
limestone soil was not essential, nowever good
It mleht be for fruit trees and corn, that find
ing himself thus combatted and overthrown, he
had retired from the conflict, and felt sore,
bruised, and disheartened. It was evident that
MeOrannahan bad lest nope, and given up me
contest. his
.- Osadulb Q. X CurmTAvran.
. , , . mark
Howover discouraeino; this report may
appear, still it must be received with some
grains of allowance, as Cliffentaffer was
pretty drunk wnen ne nanoed me tnis re
port, and it is possible that he has over es
timated the resistance of that county. At
all events, I am still of the opinion that the
people of Juniata oounty will reflect be
fore thoy act, and consider the arguments
hitherto laid before them, and give their
voice to a Carlisle man for this Important
office. I remain yours, despairingly,
Who (ears that the mlllenium is a great
way off. . i .
P. 8. 1 Just had a dispatch from Juniata
and she has gone unanimously for the
Perry Co. candidate for Judge. It is said
that the voice of the people is the voice of
God this is an old ' maxim but can it be
true. J. IL
Church Notice:
Presbytorian service during the Sum
mer, will be only a morning service in the
Court House, and at 10f o'clock instead of
11. Sunday school at a quarter of 9
o'clock, in the church basement.
In the Lutheran church,) preaching next
Sunday, at a o clock p. m. rrayer meet
ing Wednesday evening.
In the M. E. Church preaching on Sun
day next at lufr a. m. rrayer meeting on
Thursday evening.
In the Reformed Church preaching next
Sunday at 2 J o'clock p. m. Prayer meeW
mg on rnursday evening.
Rapid Sale will be found the coming
AAjvin. for thA ralnViMfctnrt Vnrlr Tlnnfa''
manufactured by M. B. Spahr at York Pa.
Merchants who sell them can guarantee
their quality to their customers.
Public Sales. We call attention to the
following sales, bills for whloh have been
printed at this office. , , " -Oa
Saturday Sept.. 23, the assignees of Hen
ry Gomp of Tnsearora twp., will sell at his
farm In said township, horses, bulls, cows,
farming Implements Jto. And also will offer
for sals a lot in Mlllerstown ra. having dwel
ling house ana other ouiiaings inereon.
On Saturday Oct. 14th, Mr. Andrew B.Comp.
of Centra township, will offer at public sals the
property on which he resides. Bee advertise
ment In another column.
Great Expectations of Fall trade at
Wanamakers Uak uail.
OP $750,000 1 Estimated value of Fall
Block at W. Hi uak Halt.
I1T Tory Low Fall prices at Wanamaker
A Brown s.
tW O, Call at Oak Hall for your Fall fluit.
tizT All the year round, ShtridmU Camlry
Condition J'oudtri should be given to horses
that are "kept up." The horses and cattle
that graze in summer they should only be given
in wiuter ana spring. . . i . , i, . , , , v
Offices and soldiers who served in the
army, physicians, surgeons, and eminent men
and women every where, Join In recommending
JoAiuon's Anodvtu Unlmtnt to be the best In
ternal and external family medicines ever
Invented. Tbat,s our experience.
Zxoal XJrleres.
A son of John Laudenslnger,' in Selins-'
grove, foil through the Railroad bridge at
Bellnsgrove on Monday morning last, and
broke both arms.
The Markelville military company win
meet to complete their organization on Sat
urday of this week. .'' :.' j : i
The camD meetina near Montabela was
brought to a close on Thursday morning.
Some trouble was caused on the previous
Sunday by young fellows who were in toxi
ca ted. - ' .'-1
On Saturday Mr. Wm. Garlin of this
borough received an ugly cut In his leg by
the slipping of his axe whilo ' cutting an
overhanging limb, requiring the service of
ut. oweney to sew up the wound.
A brag watermelon vine was i-alud Uili
year by Mr. Zach. Rioe. The total length
of the vine was five hundred and two feet,
and the melons raised on it weighed over
seventy pounds. That they , were extra
nice ones will be readily certified to by the
hands in our office, as they know all about
the quality of one of them. This will beat
the county for watermelons, we think.
Pennsylvania It. B. Time Table.
On and after Mar 14th. 1871. Paisanser tralni
will run as follows: . . ..
. - WK8T.- i . U
Cincinnati Express (flax) 1140 A. M., dally.
n.iiimuK, o.m a. M., aauj.-
MaiL i.!)f P. M. daily axennt Rundav.
A mixed train with passenger car attached, will
leave Harrlsburg at fi o'olock p m., and Newport
at 6. to p. m. , . i , ,
. JiAr. ., " ,
Harrlsburg Aeeom 11.56 a. St., daily " Sunday.
Mail, 7.43 r. m., dally except Hunday
j. j. iiawui, Agent.
On and after Bundav. Mav 14th. 1871. trains wilt
leave Uuncannon. as follows :
WK8TWABD. : ' - ,
Cincinnati Express (nag) Ills A. M. Dally.
Way l'anienger, 7.3 a. M., dally
Mail, l.SA v. u, daily except Sunday
Mixed, &.S0 p. m ., daily except Hunday.
TTarlVburi Acooin 12.29 p. M.. dally eunnt Rnndav
Mall S.15P. M... "
wm. v. ninu, Ageni. 1
Duncannon, May 24. 1871.
County Price Current.
BuozniiA September 4. 187L ,
Flax-seed, 12 00
Potatoes. 60 ' ' '
Butter ft pound. 30 -
EgKSltdozen. i u ,
Dried Apples V pound I alO "
Dried Peaches,... ., ISO a.
Pealed Peaches, 18 O 22 cts. " .
Cherries. ' 0O0 els. H
Pitted. ISO 18 cts."
Blackberries, ,. WOlOots."
Onions bushel ' ' 7S
Corrected Wttkly fry Koxwh, Snyder CO. ; '
" DSALxns ra "
- NswrOkT, September 4, 187 L
Flour, Extra,
tS 60
, 75
Bed Wheat
Oats V 32 pounds,. - 40
Clover Beed. v 4 50
Timothy Seed, . S SO
Flax Seed, ,. 1 73
Potatoes, ., 40 St
Ground Alumn Halt, ....t..... 1 00 7
Luneburner's Coal, ...... ..t J 50
Stove Coal,.,..... v M 4 SO 9 5 SO
res Coal,... 100
Smith Coal,..,'
Cross Tles,8H teet long, t 46 O 45 cents
Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the
. lowest Market jwies. t
Philadelphia Price Current.
Corrected Weekly by Janncy S Andrew,
No. 123 Market Strkit.
1'un.tnsi.ruta, September 1, 1871.
Wheat, 1 36 0 1 43
Kye,..,.. .t.w.... - . 7273
Corn, V 70O72
Oats, ' ; 43040
Clover Seed. ..10 OlOperlb.
Timothy Beed 3 25 O 3 73
Flaxseed,. .. I TOO I 00
Country Lard,... " - 9O10
Eggs, '210 22
Butter, dull sale M ' ' 10 9 15
Washed Wool, TOcents per lb.
Oreaoii Dsmiy On the 24th ult. bv Rev.
Swaru, Mr. Marry C. Olbsou, of Mansneld, Ohio,
io uiss aiary a. awiui, oi stecuaniosourg.
Obituary notice and Tribute of Seeped vrtll be
clxaryid or at the rate of ttn cent per line.
jjeain notice not ezcesaintrjw an urm msen-
ea wunout cnarys. .
Holmzs. In Centre twp. on the 28th ult. Chas.
Kdwara iioiines, agea years i nionuis a oays,
"Asleep In Jesus I blessed sleep.
From which none ever wake W weept '
A calm and undisturbed repose.
Unbroken by the las( of lues." '
Moors. In Ickesburg on the 3d, Inst, Henry
Moore, Ksq., In the 87th year ol his age.
Folk In Wheatfleld twp., on the xMh ult.. Miss
xutxauein row, agea v years, s mos., ana e aays.
rfWK subscriber will offer at publle sale on the
JL premiMM, lu Center township, ou mile Houth
East ol the borough of h'ew UlooinBolu, Perry
wuubjr, a.,
The following desoribed Seal Kstato, to wit i
On humlriKl a.l HftwoArA. nf which 1TR cleared.
and lii a hluli f Anitivatlnn. The balance
Is well liuiLwred. The uuproveiueuts are a good
A Largs .
Bmoke-honae,nd other out buildings.
This property was for many years the residence
of Haniuel L'imip. The whuki will he sold togother,
or loll w suib yurutuwvi. -
wv Rule to eommenee at 11 o'clock s. ra., o( said
aay. uuerai lenns win uo given. 11 mis proper
if is uoi boui uu ua; vt mm it wiu w mr rvut.
Centre township, Sept. 6, 1VL , . .
New Advertisement.
DMiktsTnATon's iTOTrcie.Wotiee '
V. Is hereby given, that letters ol admlnlstra.
ttonon tlieeitate of Ktther Koll, deceased, late
of Seville town hip, Perry eounty. Pa., have been -granted
to the nndersixned. reslillng in said town- if
ship. All persons Indebted to said etate are re-,
quested to make Immediate payment, and those
having claims will present them duly authentica
ted for settlement to
t Administrator.
OomnilMtston Iorolant,
': ' Ra 8, Bl'EAB'S WHABF; ' A
aWe will nav strict attention tn th ml. nf !!
kinds of oountry produce, and remit the amounts ,
promptly. . ( .534 ly 1
Moody's Eureka Stamp'
,J ' " Mm ' '' " v For nerforatlnif
' .f? ' lntoC'iecks.lrafU, i
which they are '
drawn, to prevent
alteration. The per
forations are Inked 1
the Ink .being
forced Into the Dbrs
of the paper, from
which ft cannot be
removed. Thecheck
Is moved forward
by the upward action of the lever of the machine.
I rice wm. w. m k ,
69 Trinity Building, P. O. Box 6028, N. Y .
W- Send lor a Circular. Agents Wanted. 34a3m
for Atthma, Hot Cold, nay Fever, tto.
"Nottiinsr so siiooeasful ." T. Mktcsli,
DrwoUt, Sotton. KecommendetlbyDr.O.W.
Holmes. UaiuayertHeve. IW. IU2VITISC0.
Boston, Mass. Bold by all druggists.
-: ' rMit
The 30th school vear begins Sentember 6th. lyv '
cation healthful, attractive and well adapted to
physical development. Free from loafing places
and saloons, the Influences are moral. Mors than
3,000 young men hare here been prepared for col
lege or business.
Terms moderate. Apply for circular to
-..i .ft A STONE, A.M. ; n
lOLLBOIATK and Commercial Institute,
V NewJIareu, Conn. Preparatory to College,'
Business, Bclenlifto Schools, U. S. Military and
Naval Academies. Fall session, thirty-sixth year,
begins Sept 13. For Catalogues, Ac, address the
FrTnelpal. r33 4t
IT IOHT8TOWN Clamleal Institute. A good
A. and safe Boarding School for young men and
ys. Terms moderate. Send for a circular..
Ber. 3. K. Alzxamubk, Prlnelpal, filghtstown,
N. J. 1 1 33 4t
TjlEMALE COLLEGE, Bordentown, N. J..
Jj furnishes the best educational advantages,
together with a plesant home. Board and Tuition,
io per year, ror catalogues, auuress wit. a. xi.
Ley, ph. n.
r83 4t
Schooley's Mountain . Seminary
For both sexes. A thorough and superior School
in all Its appointments, l.ith session opens Sept.
6th. Bev. L. I. HTOUTKNBLKUH, Principal
Schooley's Mountain Sprlugs, New Jersey, r 33 4t
-f KI1ANOX Vslley College, Annville, Pa. For
JU Catalogues, address L. U. UAmmond, A M.,
President r334t
TOIt HALEFlve fine Farms, with Mills and
JL? Foundry. Address owner. UICHABO IBBY,
No. 1,000 (Jury it., Hichmond, Virginia, r 33 4t
Family Liquor Onsos,'
Each Case containing One Bottle el .
Uuaranteed pure and ot the very best quality,
nics saves douahs.
Bent by express C. O. D., or post-office order.
r334wj H. HBNPEBBON, 16 Broad St, New York.
AesxTS wairrsD von tub
Cotinsels on the Nature and Hygiene of the mas
culine function. By Dr. Napheys. author ot "The
Physical Life of Woman." It relates to the male
sex t Is full ot new facta i delicate but outspoken i
firactlcal and popular; highly endorsed s sells rap
tit y. Sold by subscription only. Exclusive terri
tory. Terms liberal. Price ll Address for con
tents, etc., J. O. FKKGC8 CO., Publishers,
Ptiiladhlphla, Pa. S3r4w
! Bead This!
TV of S.'IO per week and exnses. or allow a
large commission, io sen our new ana wonaeriui
Inventions. Address oU. WAUNElt ('0.,lar
shall, Mich. &3r4w
Aram, tuo Mr waek to sell our sreat and valuable
discoveries. If you want permanent, honorable
and pleasant work, apply for particulars. Address
D i All it CO., Jackson. Miohlgan. r lid 41 ,
Shrewd but quiet men can make a fortune by
revealing the secret of the business to no one.
Address. K 1X1 Alt SIM 8.
33 r 4w 686 Broadway, New York.
Attohkhv-at-Law ft Notary Public,
Arete iUoonifltid, Iltrry Oounty, J'niin'a,
Special atleiillun given to Collections of all
kinds, to the settlement of estates, Ac, and all
other legal business prosecuted with fidelity and
dispatch. Also, Depositions, Affidavits aud A
kuowledtrnieuts taken.
M-OOieeltvedoorsWestof 8uteh'shoteL-4IIy.
Every family should have a bottle of
"Vitlkh's Cabmikativk" iuthe house..
For sick, fretful, and toothing- children,
there Is nothing equal to St. For sale by F.
Mortimer & Co.
Why Keep That Cough P ;
When a bottle or Rohrsr's Lung Balsam wll
cure It. It Is pleasant to take, and more effoe
live than any other cough medicine. Try It
For sale by V. Mortimer A Co., Mew Bloom,
fleld,and most other stores In the county.
' ty Don't Dva, but use a bottle or two ot
that Incomparable article known as Nature's
Hair Restorative. H makes the head feel so
good. Bold everywhere. Bee sdvertlssment.
rrli ill'-! i m j . li i i V. r LI ! r (.
a I'll wliiirJiiPi
.S E;i Jacia3 " 5S S r
eg' B Si a '''K' "'4S C
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